Texas navigator planning guide5 10

WORLDCAT NAVIGATOR PLANNING GUIDE Document Purpose: This document is a resource to help guide your group through its WorldCat Navigator implementation process. Its content and the information you begin to define with it serve as a bridge to move you through early planning, configuration, and rollout. We encourage you to keep a printed or electronic version of it as a ready reference throughout the implementation process. Version: Texas Last Updated: December 2009

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Document Purpose:

This document is a resource to help guide your group through its WorldCat Navigator implementation process. Its content and the information you begin to define with it serve as a bridge to move you through early planning, configuration, and rollout. We encourage you to keep a printed or electronic version of it as a ready reference throughout the implementation process.

Version: TexasLast Updated: December 2009

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WorldCat Navigator

What is WorldCat Navigator?WorldCat Navigator is: Group availability based on WorldCat The Navigator Request Engine (NRE) (Optional) Circulation Gateway (Optional) ILLiad Integration.

Linked together with authentication, these four components interoperate to provide seamless resource sharing within your library consortium and beyond. WorldCat Navigator manages returnable and non-returnable items, and can integrate with internal circulation systems and the wider OCLC resource sharing network to create a superior discovery-to-delivery tool that saves time for library users and increases efficiency for library staff working in library groups.

What is group availability based on WorldCat?

Using OCLC symbols, your Implementation Manager builds a group from thousands of records already cataloged in WorldCat by the members of your consortium. The resulting structure enables your library users to limit search results to, and view item availability from, only those institutions within your group.

OCLC puts the group structure in place before any other configuration activities are completed. This is typically a very quick step in the process because every library that uses WorldCat on FirstSearch already has the necessary infrastructure in place.

Note: If you have a library in your consortium that is not currently cataloging with OCLC, your Implementation Team Lead will help coordinate convenient batch loading of records into the group. Also, see the WorldCat Holdings section of this document for more information about how to update or set holdings in WorldCat.

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What is the Navigator Request Engine (NRE)?The Navigator Request Engine (NRE) is one of the central and most visible

components comprising the WorldCat Navigator service. It is the staff interface for

managing interlibrary/consortial request loan and copy requests made via WorldCat

Navigator. NRE tracks a request through its complete lifecycle, providing

information for both the item Borrower and the item Lender. Additionally, NRE

allows your staff to:

Manage incoming requests from other libraries

Add and manage end-user accounts

Place requests for items

Collect copyright fees for authors and publishers

Run reports

What is the Circulation Gateway? Using standard protocols, such as SIP, NCIP, and ECIP, the Circulation Gateway

translates messages and instructions between an institution’s circulation system

(ILS) and NRE to enable WorldCat Navigator to automatically perform actions in the

library’s catalog, such as checking items in and out and creating temporary bib


For the Texas implementation, circulation interoperability will be configured upon

request only for a library that uses a SIRSI ILS (Horizon, Unicorn, or Symphony) and

has an NCIP server.

What is optional ILLiad integration?If a library uses ILLiad and has installed or plans to install Version 7.3 or higher

during its Navigator implementation, its users may place and manage both their

NRE and ILLiad requests from a single patron interface. With the Navigator-ILLiad

integration, it is unnecessary for a library’s users to log out of Navigator and into

ILLiad to place or view requests in ILLiad.

In addition to installing V. 7.3 or higher, ILLiad integration requires the installation

and configuration of a local instance of EZproxy and the installation of an ILLiad

Web service. Both pieces of software are provided by OCLC at no additional charge

to a Navigator library. Your OCLC Implementation Manager will work with each

library to install and configure both of these components.

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Service Requirements

To fully implement WorldCat Navigator, libraries should meet the following standard requirements:

Group Availability Holdings must be current in WorldCat. (See WorldCat Holdings below.)

OCLC numbers must be consistently indexed in the OPAC, including prefixing

and padding. (See Special Considerations below.)

Each library must use one of the five supported ILS systems: Aleph, Horizon,

Innovative Interfaces, Unicorn, or Voyager.

The group should provide a complete list of institutions, with OCLC symbols,

to the OCLC Implementation Manager. (Please use the WorldCat Navigator

Implementation Profile form below.)

Libraries that do not run Aleph, Horizon, III, Unicorn, or Voyager and wish to

be lenders must have a Z39.50 server to establish availability with the

Navigator service.

Navigator Request Engine IE V. 7.0

Firefox V. 3.X

Safari V. 2.0

Circulation Gateway (If implemented) NCIP for SIRSI systems

ILLiad Integration (Optional) Installation or upgrade to V. 7.3 or higher

Installation of ILLiad Web Service

If a library is unable to meet one or more of these service requirements, it may still

implement Navigator, but some features or options may not be available to users.

The Implementation Process

How long will it take to implement Navigator?In general, the implementation process for the first group of Texas libraries will take

90 days. How closely we adhere to this time scale, however, is directly dependent

on the responsiveness of the libraries in the consortium. Navigator

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implementations require collecting critical pieces of information from each

participating institution about lending policies, ILS, user authentication, current

workflows, and locations (such as those used for pick-up, for managing requests,

and for shelving). Questionnaires and spreadsheets are used to gather most of the

information needed from libraries. How quickly questionnaires and other

documents are completed and returned to the OCLC Implementation Manager

impacts the project’s overall timeline.

Additionally, some libraries will need to install and configure EZproxy and some

institutions may need to install or upgrade ILLiad as part of their Navigator

implementation. Like the questionnaires, how quickly libraries are able to complete

these activities affects the overall timeline.

What is the overall process?

A Navigator implementation begins with you reading and completing sections of this Guide and concludes with a successful launch of the service to your library users. In between, the OCLC WorldCat Navigator Implementation Team works with you and your team to reach several key milestones, which include analyzing and evaluating workflows, configuring and testing service components, defining a request form, and marketing and promoting the service.

To illustrate the overall process for the first group of libraries in the Texas pilot project, the graphic below highlights the overall timeline and the major milestones to be accomplished during the project:

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Preparation and Planning

During this phase of the project: Pilot libraries are identified or confirmed Library Implementation Lead collects an inventory of each library’s

authentication method, Z39.50 server information (if applicable),and estimated numbers of holdings in its OPAC

Library Implementation Lead completes the WorldCat Navigator Planning Guide

Library Implementation Lead assembles the Library Implementation Team Libraries choose staff trainers Libraries with no OCLC symbols are profiled Libraries without holdings in WorldCat initiate projects to load their records

(using OCLC Batch Services or CatExpress) Libraries are ISOILL profiled to allow borrowing and lending through WorldCat

Resource Sharing Libraries attend the following webinars or training:

o Navigator Demo (Proof of Concept)o Navigator Overview Webinaro Navigator Workflowso Questionnaire o OCLC Batch Serviceso CatExpress

Libraries and OCLC officially kick off the project

Load Holdings into WorldCat

This is a backround activity that can take place while the rest of the implementation contiues. As a library loads its holdings into WorldCat, they will appear in search results for the Texas Group. Consequently, group results are anticipated to grow over the pilot period without interrupting the configuration and testing of service components.

Of course, the more holdings available in search results, the better the user experience. So it should be incentive for libaries to get their records into WorldCat as quickly as possible over the course of the project. The OCLC Implementation Manager and the OCLC Batch Services Lead will work closely with libraries to ensure that loading their holdings into WorldCat is a smooth and efficient process.


Typically, this is the most labor intensive and time consuming effort shared by libaries and OCLC during a Navigator implemenation. EZ Proxy must be installed, configured, and tested, which necessitates firewall changes and other modifications

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to local systems and files. Close and frequent communication occurs between OCCL’s Identity Manager and libaries to ensure that Navigator and the authentication methods and databases at the various institutions consistently interoperate with one another.

Questionnaire and Spreadsheets

There are two questionnaires, the Consortial Questionnaire completed by the Library Implementation Lead on behalf of the entire group and the Individual Library Questionnaire completed by each institution in the Texas pilot. These documents provide essential information about the libraries’ integrated library systems, circulation policies, and interoperability protocols.

Additionally, spreadsheets are distributed to each library to collect detailed location information in regards to shelving, pick-up, and request management. This information is critical to successfully configuring lending rules in Navigator.

Testing, Reporting Issues, and Retesting

After OCLC has configured and tested Navigator discovery and fulfillment, the request form and process, authentication, (optional) circulation interoperability, and (optional) ILLiad integration, libaries will be asked to test these same components. OCLC provides test cases with expected results, a form for recording actual results, and a process for reporting and resolving issues/problems. Once an issue or problem is resolved or if a library requests a change to its configurations, it would be necessary for libraries to retest and report findings.

This activity spans the most time because configurations of service components are completed in stages. Each component depends on the succesful implementation of the one before it and only then is the next piece configured and tested.

Staff Training

OCLC conducts an onsite train-the-trainer program to prepare designated staff from the ranks of the Texas libraries to train their fellow librarians on the operation of the Navigator service within the context of daily workflows. The time alotted in the diagram above represents OCLC’s delivery of the onsite train-the-trainer program and the sessions that staff trainers must conduct for the Texas libraries.

The OCLC Training Lead will work with the Library Implementation Lead and the staff trainers to set up a specific date and time to conduct the train-the-trainer program. Generally, this happens approximately three weeks before rollout.

Because the program is based on a training and demo system or environment configured to match the Texas Navigator implementation, it is not necessary to wait until a fully operating service is in place for the Texas libraries.


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During this phase of the process, the Library Implementation Lead and Library Implementation Team works with OCLC to accomplish the following:

Meet with OCLC Customer Service Division to transition to ongoing techical support

Meet with OCLC Marketing to devise the best programs to internally and externally promote the service

Create and deploy the HTML search box Initiate statistical reports


This two-month phase of the program is partially a continuation of testing and reporting issues as libraries more vigirously use of the Navigator service. It also involves:

Analyzing baseline stats collected before or at the beginning of the project against current Navigator reports as measures of success

Coordinate and participate in patron and staff satisfaction surveys Evaluate and report against project goals and objectives

How will we run our implementation project?

Planning and Preparation: A month is devoted to this effort in order to establish

success measures (goals, objectives, and expectations) to inform us, along the way

and at the conclusion of the project, when we have been successful. Additionally

during this phase, we identify the organizational structures for managing the project

at the library and OCLC levels. To do these things, the OCLC and Library

Implementation Teams will conduct a series of planning meetings.

Kick-Off: Typically, this is an onsite event with representatives from all libraries in

attendance. While the agenda is negotiable, this event will at least include:

Demo of the service (proof of concept)

Overview of the implementation process (what to expect, how much time it

will take, library resources required to do it)

Known issues or concerns

The purpose is to get buy-in from the libraries participating in the pilot by

addressing any of their concerns or questions up front.

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Regular Meetings: As part of the project, we will schedule weekly or bi-weekly

meetings between the OCLC Implementation Team and Library Implementation

Team. While status is a common agenda item for these meetings, they may be

dedicated to authentication, availability, and interoperability. So, some of our

meetings may have specific themes, while others are simply to update everyone on

how the project is going. During the planning meetings, we agree on the frequency,

best days of the week, and times for these meetings. Library and OCLC project

teams may also convene or schedule other meetings as necessary to address

critical issues.

At least once a month, a meeting is held among the library Implementation Team

Lead, executive library staff (such as directors), and key OCLC staff from OCLC

Sales and Product Management to discuss how we are tracking against success

measures and to address any issues related to resources and timeline.

Online Project Management Environment: Forms and information, including status

documents, are managed online using SharePoint. The link to the Texas project can

be found in the links table at the end of this document. Key members of the Texas

Library Implementation Team may have full access to the SharePoint site by

requesting it from the OCLC Implementation Manager.

Reporting Issues and Problems: If a librarian encounters an issue or problem,

whether during testing or operating the service otherwise during the

implementation, he/she should use the Navigator Problem Report Form, which is a

simple Word document that guides the reporter through what is needed for the

OCLC team to replicate, diagnose, and resolve an issue. For its part, the OCLC team

will keep a spreadsheet of outstanding issues up to date and make it available for

review from the SharePoint project site. Also, the spreadsheet will be reviewed

during regular status meetings to ensure that critical or major problems are being

handled to the satisfaction of the affected library or libraries.

What if some libraries in the group have WorldCat Local?If a library’s Full WorldCat Local is either currently live or will go live during a

Navigator implementation, the OCLC Implementation Manager will work with the

library to create and manage a secondary Service Configuration profile in order to

enable the institution to provide WorldCat Local to its users while simultaneously

implementing Navigator. The library can deploy/update its Local implementation

and test its Navigator without one service disrupting the other.

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Who participates in the implementation project?

OCLC’s experience in implementing services has indicated that the most successful

projects are those with strong leadership and dedicated teams provided with well-

defined roles and responsibilities at both the library and OCLC levels. Agreeing on

an organizational structure from the beginning ensures that projects will be

completed on time, with appropriate resources, and to the satisfaction of the

libraries. Consequently, one of the first steps in launching your implementation will

be for you to form your Library Implementation Team.

While OCLC has internal structures for managing projects, we realize that libraries

may need help identifying and organizing their resources to implement a service

such as Navigator. And so, we offer the following suggestion on how you might

organize your library-based team:

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The time estimates for team members are based on the recommended activities

performed by the various roles. Unless otherwise noted on the library

organizational chart above, the hours are stated per month.

How many members you choose to include on your team can depend on a number

of factors, such as number and type of integrated library systems used across the

group as well as the variety of methods used to authenticate users. You may also

wish to appoint team leads to represent implementation members from across the

group. For example, you may have an authentication person from each library, but

only the Authentication Team Lead may regularly attend status meetings, report

issues, and manage communications among the other authentication team


To further define potential roles and responsibilities, the following descriptions

provide more detail about the specific activities that might be associated with each

position on your team:

Library Implementation Team

Implementation Team Lead: Responsible for coordinating all library activities related to the implementation of WorldCat Navigator.

Read the WorldCat Navigator Planning Guide Participate in the implementation kick-off meeting Set and maintain shared vision among libraries in the consortium Define and communicate project goals and objectives Appoint and assemble Library Implementation Team to represent

participating libraries Complete and submit the Consortium Questionnaire Manage distribution, completion, collection, and reporting of institution

questionnaires through the Library Implementation Team Gain consensus among libraries on decisions that affect them as a

group Identify acceptance testing resources Develop acceptance testing schedule in conjunction with OCLC

Implementation Manager and Library Implementation Team Resolve conflicts regarding project direction, consortial policies, and

project goals and objectives Conduct regular meetings with Library Implementation Team, maintain

documents, record minutes, update schedules, perform other administrative activities as needed

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Convene or attend regular meetings with OCLC Implementation Manager

Implementation Team: Read the completed WorldCat Navigator Planning Guide Assist Implementation Lead in defining and communicating a shared

vision among libraries in the consortium Assist Implementation Lead in defining and communicating project

goals and objectives Participate in the implementation kick-off meeting Coordinate individual library implementation activities Collect and submit Questionnaire information as requested Conduct acceptance testing and report issues to WorldCat Navigator

Implementation Team Coordinate local upgrades and configurations of ILLiad Coordinate installations/upgrades and configurations of EZproxy Coordinate local authentication activities Coordinate local circulation system configuration activities Formally accept the service Work with OCLC Marketing to promote and deploy the service Convene a representative group of experts from the following areas:

Cataloging: Complete section(s) of the Questionnaire related to

cataloging practices Identify/initiate batchload projects Attend Batchload webinar, if needed Assist in identifying Batch Services projects to update

holdings in WorldCat Identify and recommend changes to OCLC number

indexing practices Identify cataloging practices for links, public notes, call

numbers, summary holdings, etc. Work with the OCLC Implementation Manager to configure

record display in Navigator Test holdings and availability in UI

ILL/Resource Sharing: Complete section(s) of the Questionnaire related to

current resource sharing practices Provide inventory of borrowing and lending policies Collect and provide authentication credentials to ILL

accounts for OCLC and institution testing purposes Test ILL workflows in Navigator

ILS and circulation Interoperability:

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Attend Batchload webinar, if needed Complete section(s) of the Questionnaire related to the

institution’s ILS and (if applicable) Z39.50 server Assist the OCLC Implementation Manager with the

construction of search templates based on the OCLC number scheme

Modify local indexing of the OCLC number (if necessary) to enable availability queries into the OPAC

Assist OCLC with the configuration and testing of NCIP server

Negotiate changes/updates to NCIP server with ILS vendor Open firewalls Identify circulation policies Supply log-in credentials to ILS system for testing NRE

integration with circulation system Test circulation integration

Authentication: Complete section(s) of the Questionnaire related to library

authentication Install and configure EZproxy Test authentication for circulation interoperability and

ILLiad integration (if applicable) Synchronize ILLiad and ILS authentication data (if needed)


While virtual training is scheduled at points during the implementation process to cover workflows, and other topics, core WorldCat navigator staff interface training is delivered as an onsite train-the-trainer program. This is best accomplished when the group to be trained selects its own trainers from among their ranks early in the process so that trainers are able to participate in all aspects of the project, including status meetings, all virtual training events, and group decisions that determine policies and practices. Experience with these sorts of implementations have taught OCLC that identifying training resources early and steeping them in the service prepares them to provide instruction to their fellow librarians that is context-sensitive and tailored to how the group intends to use the Navigator service. We can teach you the functions and features, but your colleagues are best equipped to teach you how to apply the functions and features within your consortial environment.

And so, the following is a profile to help you select your trainers:

The ideal WorldCat Navigator trainer for your staff will have the ability to learn the Navigator service as well as the ability to effectively instill that knowledge in others. In order for a trainer to lead your staff to success with Navigator, that trainer

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should, possess an understanding of your library’s access services and resource sharing policies and procedures, and understand how Navigator will fit into the library’s current practices. The trainer should also be aware of the goals, objectives, time lines and other relevant policy decisions of library and consortial management regarding Navigator implementation. Effective trainers are often line managers or lead staff. However, more important than the trainer’s formal position is his or her enthusiasm for learning, ability to lead change, and support for organizational goals.

OCLC will provide your trainer with the in-depth knowledge of Navigator to deliver learning to other staff. Therefore, the trainer should have excellent communication skills and, if possible, teaching or training experience. Experience developing training is useful, but not necessary. If your institution cannot identify an individual with all of these skills, a team approach might be the best option. For example, a subject matter expert might receive training from OCLC and work with other members of your staff more experienced with training to deliver your library’s internal training.

Prerequisite knowledge for a Navigator trainer: Access services policies and procedures Resource sharing policies and procedures Institutional goals, objectives and timelines Consortial goals, objectives and timelines Implementation and configuration decisions already taken by library and

consortium management

Training and communications skills and experience: Excellent communications skills Experience developing and delivering training

Training from OCLC will provide: Navigator workflows Configuration options Detailed procedures for handling a variety of ILL requests Detailed procedures for handling exceptions Navigator documentation and troubleshooting assistance Access to OCLC help and support

How do we measure our success?

As with any successful project, we set clear success measures. The table below

is pre-populated with common project goals and objectives associated with a

Navigator implementation. And following the table, you’ll see a few additional

success measures that we track to ensure that the implementation is

progressing as expected. During the initial planning meeting, the library

Implementation Team Lead reviews the table with the OCLC Implementation

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Manager. As an action item from that meeting, the library Implementation Team

Lead is asked to customize the table with the specific goals, objectives, and

expectations from the group. We post the completed table to a SharePoint site

dedicated to your implementation and regularly open and view it to measure our

progress and ultimately success of the project.

Common Success Measures Table

Objective Description

What to measure How to measure Timeframe for measurement

Implementation ObjectivesService implemented for 31 libraries by 5/3/2010

31 libraries are able to provide Navigator to their patrons on 5/3/2010

Conduct implementation audits during weekly/bi-weekly meetings to determine percentage of libraries completed versus those yet to be implemented based on holdings, availability, and received requests.

At the bi-weekly meetings every other Tuesday from January through early June.

Profile institutions not currently working with OCLC(18 of 32 do not have symbols)

18 of 32 institutions are profiled with OCLC (they have symbols and Registry IDs)

Use tracking spreadsheet to communicate institutions without symbols and progress toward getting them

By 1/4/2010

Load or update WorldCat holdings for 31 libraries using OCLC Batch Services by 4/19/2010

32 institutions with and without holdings have current records in WorldCat

Use Batch Services tracking sheet to identify projects underway/complete and search WorldCat against symbol to verify holdings

At the bi-weekly meetings every other Tuesday from January through early June.

One library is able to use CatExpress to maintain holdings in WorldCat

One insitution without holdings maintains records in WorldCat using CatExpress

Use Batch Services tracking sheet to identify projects underway/complete and search WorldCat against symbol to verify holdings

At the bi-weekly meetings every other Tuesday from January through early June.

Train 1 library on the use of CatExpress

One library now uses CatExpress to load holdings

Use tracking spreadsheet to determine who has/has not received training

During pre-planning and preparation

Establish and Library staff confident Poll or survey staff on Mid-term and near

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Objective Description

What to measure How to measure Timeframe for measurement

maintain library staff commitment to implementation goals and objectives

that the service will meet their consortial borrowing needs


Poll or survey staff on 4/12/2009

term of the project

Lending requests take no more than eight days to fill

Requested item is delivered to the patron within eight days

Track request submission dates against delivery dates

Compare the two dates to compute average number of processing days

Post-implementation phase, during Evaluation phase

Returned items take no more than 18 days to process

Upon return of item, it takes no more than 18 days for borrowing institution to process back to lending institution.

Compare dates items are returned against dates items received by lending libraries

Calculate averages and note variances and trends

Post-implementation phase, during Evaluation phase

Service ExpectationsService response time for patron requests does not go beyond 45 seconds

Time that it takes to return search results, availability, and request confirmation

Monitor and record the response intervals between hitting submit button and response for results, availability, and borrowing requests

After each major component integration (Group Availability, NRE, Circulation Integration, Authentication, and ILLiad integration)

Continuous monitoring of the service

Service is available 95 percent of the time

Access to service allows searching, getting item availability, and submitting requests

Access service during peak usage periods and at random intervals

Automated monitoring by OCLC

Compare total hours of service time available with hours unavailable, including planned/scheduled service outages

Post-implementation phase, during Evaluation phase

Prompt notification of planned/unplanned service outages

Notification sent to libraries to announce service outages or report them when detected

Maintain listserv and monitor service for alarms


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Objective Description

What to measure How to measure Timeframe for measurement

Prompt notification of upcoming major releases, fixes, and changes to the UI

Notification sent to libraries to inform about upcoming releases, fixes, and UI changes

Create process/protocol for keeping user base informed about changes/updates to service


Problem ReportingResponses to critical or major support requests or problem reports do not exceed 2 hours

Critical/major issues reported by Texas to OCLC Implementation Manager receive responses or acknowledgements within 2 hours

Track the report and response times for issues

Report response times to libraries


Responses to non-critical support requests or problem report do not exceed 1 day

Non-critical requests submitted by Texas to Implementation Manager receive response or acknowledgement within 1 day

Track the report and response times for non-critical issues

Report response times to libraries


Follow-up to enhancement requests does not exceed 2 days

Follow-up to libraries does not exceed 2 days

OCLC has a process and protocol for reporting and tracking enhancement requests during implementation and post-implementation

Track the follow-up times between submission of enhancement request and development response to it

As needed during implementation and post-implementation

Measure patron satisfaction with service

Patrons express satisfaction with the Navigator service

Generate usage reports to track use of the service and survey patrons for feedback

Post-implementation at approximately three to four weeks after roll-out, during Evaluation Phase

Additional Success Measures:

Libraries actively participating and engaged in the project

OCLC responsiveness to critical issues

Documentation and Training

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What are the special considerations for our library’s Integrated Library System (ILS)?For the five ILSes it currently supports, WorldCat Navigator uses OCLC control numbers to search a library’s local catalog. These OCLC control numbers must be present in the catalog, and need to be consistently indexed and prefixed for searching in order to link the catalog and WorldCat Navigator. The current OCLC standards are:

Numbers less than 8 are zero-padded to 8 digits and prefixed with ocm 8-digit numbers are not padded, and are prefixed with ocm 9-digit and higher numbers are not padded, and are prefixed with ocn

Some ILS vendors have variations on the current OCLC standards. There are ILS vendor-specific steps to take in order to ensure that search results are returned as expected. Please use the table below to find the steps you will need to complete, prior to activating WorldCat Navigator.

If you use this vendor… You will need to…

Aleph For Aleph libraries using Z39.50 to interoperate with WorldCat Navigator, you may need to adjust parameters on your Z server to optimize performance for serials.

The WorldCat Navigator Implementation team can help you determine if this is necessary for your library.

ExLibris Voyager Because Voyager treats OCLC control numbers as keywords, they may not be distinguished from numbers occurring in other fields in a record, such as local control numbers, etc. (see examples below). To compensate for this, OCLC recommends that you:

1. Strip all current prefixing and padding from the OCLC numbers in your records.

2. Re-index your library catalog to add a unique prefix to each OCLC control number, e.g., (OCoLC).

3. Index the OCLC control number in the MARC 035 field, subfield a only.

4. Contact the WorldCat Navigator Implementation team to request the installation of an OCLC-developed script to de-duplicate hits.

If you have questions or need further assistance, contact the WorldCat Navigator Implementation team at [email protected].

Innovative Millennium No known issues.

SirsiDynix Horizon No known issues.

SirsiDynix Unicorn No known issues.

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ExLibris Voyager duplicate results errors

When ExLibris Voyager is your ILS system, make sure your OCLC control numbers are properly formatted (i.e., re-indexed with prefixes that distinguish them from other control numbers), in order to avoid duplicate results errors.

Example of a properly-formatted OCLC Control Number with prefix:

Example of duplicate results where the same number is found in another field (without the prefix):

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WorldCat Holdings

Does our library need to subscribe to WorldCat?Your library does need to subscribe to the WorldCat database through OCLC’s FirstSearch® service in order to set up access to WorldCat services, including WorldCat Resource Sharing™, ILLiad™, NetLibrary®, and WorldCat Link Manager™.

How can I make sure all our library’s holdings are in WorldCat?One of the first and most important steps you can take in preparation for WorldCat Navigator is to have as much of your library’s holdings as possible represented in WorldCat. Providing access to all formats of materials in your library collections will allow users to find the information they need when searching via your library’s WorldCat Navigator.

There are many ways to enter or update your collections into the WorldCat database even before WorldCat Navigator is fully activated for your library. Options include onsite cataloging by your library staff or a custom cataloging project. Another option is to batchload records into WorldCat. You may want to arrange with OCLC for a retrospective batchload of your entire library collection. Even if you add your holdings to WorldCat on a regular basis, a retrospective batchload will fill in any gaps in your current WorldCat holdings. For more information on OCLC’s batchloading services, visit http://www.oclc.org/batchprocessing/.

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Keeping your library’s holdings up to date in WorldCat is important to ensure that your library users receive the most current information about your collections. It is highly recommended that you schedule daily batchloads of new or changed records in order to provide your users with the most up-to-date holdings from your library’s OPAC.

You can contribute your library’s holdings to WorldCat on an ongoing basis by using any of OCLC’s catalog services. We can also help you add non-book formats through these services:

eSerials Holdings™ —Automates the process of setting and maintaining holdings for ISSN-based electronic serials, to assist library users and staff in finding and using electronic serials in your library collection.

OCLC continues to enhance the WorldCat database with article-level records from multiple sources. OCLC currently partners with EBSCO, Serials Solutions and TDNet to automate the process of setting and maintaining your holdings for electronic serials in WorldCat. In addition, libraries that subscribe to WorldCat Link Manager™ may choose to set holdings automatically. Whether you work with one of the providers listed or submit holdings directly into WorldCat, the service exposes your electronic serials collection more fully through online search tools and interlibrary loan applications.

The eSerials Holdings™ service is provided at no charge to all OCLC member libraries. Order through the OCLC Online Service Center or your regional service provider.

eContent records for NetLibrary® eBooks and Electronic Collections Online™ eJournals—OCLC provides full-level OCLC-MARC cataloging records to libraries that subscribe to Electronic Collections Online™ eJournals, or order eBooks from NetLibrary®. This simplifies the integration of eContent into your library’s workflow, and increases the visibility of these resources to Web searchers.

Digital content records—OCLC’s CONTENTdm® service supports the delivery of access to digital content available in library collections.

Automatic record enhancement—The OCLC Bibliographic Record Notification ™ service compares all upgraded OCLC-MARC records to the records your library has holdings attached to on a daily basis, and then sends you upgraded records based on your library’s profile. You can submit an order through the OCLC Online Service Center or download an order form at: http://www.oclc.org/support/forms/pdf/bibnot.pdf.

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WorldCat Navigator Planning Checklist

Plan and organize for the project: Review the WorldCat Navigator Planning Guide. Complete and return the WorldCat Navigator Implementation Profile to your

OCLC Implementation Manager. (See below.) Analyze and outline your current place-hold and resource sharing workflows Assemble the Library Implementation Team. (See the Roles and

Responsibilities section.) Set up a regular implementation status meeting schedule with the Library

Implementation Team.

Ensure that each library’s WorldCat holdings are up-to-date: Ask each institution to review its current cataloging practices. Encourage each institution to load records into WorldCat for materials in its

collections that are not already represented. Ask each library to start/update its batchload schedule frequency. Ask each library to prepare its serial records, including eSerials (see eSerials

Holdings ® for more information on how OCLC can help you add and maintain holdings information for electronic resources).

Ask each library to add digital collections metadata to WorldCat.For more information, see the section on WorldCat Holdings.

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WorldCat Navigator Implementation Profile

To help us get started launching your Navigator implementation, please complete and return the following profile to your OCLC Implementation Manager as soon as possible. As a pilot, we suggest that you select participating libraries based on the following criteria:

Mix of small, medium, and large institutions Some libraries with holdings and some without holdings in WorldCat Mix of integrated library systems (including but not limited to Aleph, Horizon, III, Unicorn, and

Voyager) Several libraries with ILLiad Some libraries with WorldCat Resource Sharing

Note: Any institution that does not use Aleph, Horizon, III, Unicorn, or Voyager and wants to be both a lender and a borrower in Navigator needs to have a Z39.50 server to establish availability with Navigator.

Consortia InformationConsortia NameTexas Library Group

OCLC Symbol for ConsortiaTX@

OCLC Library Services PersonRon Glass

Institution InformationInstitution Name OCLC Symbol

Alexander Memorial Library  

Reagan County Library  

Tom Green County Library System QT5

Austin Public Library TXG

Gatesville Public Library G4Z

Pflugerville Community Library  

Round Rock Public Library System QT4

Salado Public Library District  

Beaumont Public Library System TJX

Marion & Ed Hughes Public Library  

Murphy Memorial Library  

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Port Arthur Public Library QS9

Frisco Public Library  

Texarkana Public Library RKA

Alvarado Public Library ALVDP

Aubrey Area Library  

Betty Foster Public Library  

Boyce Ditto Public Library  

Bridgeport Public Library  

Crowley Public Library T3G

Decatur Public Library  

John Ed Keeter Public Library  

Kennedale Public Library  

Krum Public Library  

Lake Cities Library LAKCL

Roanoke Public Library ROPUB

Sanger Public Library TXSPL

Goliad County Library  

Laredo Public Library DB$

William R Bill Ellis Memorial Library  

Amarillo Public Library TAP

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POINTS OF CONTACT OCLC Implementation Manager Tom Miller

E-mail [email protected]

Phone800.848.5878, ext. 6130


Library Implementation LeadSue Bennett


E-mail Address Phone FAX

Library Implementation Team*

Name/Cataloging E-Mail Phone

Name/Cataloging E-Mail Phone

Name/Cataloging E-Mail Phone

Name/Cataloging E-Mail Phone

Name/Cataloging E-Mail Phone

Name/Cataloging E-Mail Phone

Name/ILL Resource Sharing E-Mail Phone

Name/ILL Resource Sharing E-Mail Phone

Name/ILL Resource Sharing E-Mail Phone

Name/ILL Resource Sharing E-Mail Phone

Name/ILL Resource Sharing E-Mail Phone

Name/ILL Resource Sharing E-Mail Phone

Name/Circulation and OPAC E-Mail Phone

Name/Circulation and OPAC E-Mail Phone

Name/Circulation and OPAC E-Mail Phone

Name/Circulation and OPAC E-Mail Phone

Name/Circulation and OPAC E-Mail Phone

Name/Circulation and OPAC E-Mail Phone

Name/Authentication E-Mail Phone

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Name/Authentication E-Mail Phone

Name/Authentication E-Mail Phone

Name/Authentication E-Mail Phone

Name/Authentication E-Mail Phone

Name/Authentication E-Mail Phone

Name/Trainer E-Mail Phone

Name/Trainer E-Mail Phone

Name/Trainer E-Mail Phone

Name/Trainer E-Mail Phone

Name/Trainer E-Mail Phone

Name/Trainer E-Mail Phone

DESIRED START DATE OF WORLDCAT NAVIGATOR SUBSCRIPTION (Note: Subscriptions begin on the first day of the month/year specified with invoicing occurring at the end of that month.)


*This is a Word document. You may insert more rows as needed.

IMPLEMENTATIONNumber of libraries to be implemented: 32

Library type(s) , i.e., public, academic, special (please specify number of each if there is more than one type: Publics

Size and description of the population(s) served:

Description of any current consortial borrowing services or practices:

Do any of the libraries in the group plan to integrate ILLiad?

□ Yes □ No

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How many librarians need to be trained? What type(s) of training do you prefer (check all that apply)?

□ On-site □ Virtual (Instructor led) web-based □ Self-paced web-based modules

Do any of the institutions also have WorldCat Local? □ Yes □ No

If yes, which ones:

Institution Name

COMPLETIONGuide Completed By Date Phone

Please return completed Planning Guide to: Implementation Manager

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Resource LinkGet a symbol [email protected] Batchload Webinar Schedule http://www.oclc.org/worldcatlocal/support/registration.htm SharePoint Site (online project hub)


Batchload Order Form https://www3.oclc.org/app/batchload

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