Tests of Engineering Aptitude, Mathematics, and Science Experience

Experience TEAMS 2014! Your participation in TEAMS 2014 will bring STEM credibility to your school or organization and give your students the opportunity to: Work in problem-solving teams with peers Apply math and science concepts to meet practical engineering challenges Experience exciting, theme-based competitions Compete for division, state, and national recognition 2014 TEAMS at-a Glance The theme for TEAMS 2014 is “Engineering Tomorrow’s Cities.” Online registration begins September 1, 2013 at teams.tsaweb.org State-wide competitions take place between February 10 and March 22, 2014. The average per-student cost for TEAMS is about $15-$20. Additional information can be found at teams.tsaweb.org or contact TEAMS at [email protected] or toll-free: 888-860-9010 Challenge Your Students EXPERIENCE TEAMS 2014 TEAMS ® is a program of the Technology Student Association (TSA) teams.tsaweb.org TEAMS and TSA TEAMS is administered by the Technology Student Association (TSA), a national, non-profit organization devoted to the needs of students engaged in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). Membership in TSA includes over 190,000 middle and high school students in 2,000 schools spanning 49 states. TEAMS is one of several STEM programs offered by TSA. To learn more about TSA and its other STEM competitions and programs, visit: www.tsaweb.org. Contact information for TEAMS: Address: TEAMS 1914 Association Drive, Reston, VA 20191 Phone: 703/860-9000, Toll-free 888/860-9010 E-mail: [email protected] Web: teams.tsaweb.org; www.tsaweb.org TEAMS has partnerships with the following educational organizations: InternationalTechnology and Engineering Educators Association/Engineering by Design (ITEEA/EbD) National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) Project Lead the Way (PLTW) A One-Day Annual STEM Competition for Middle and High School Students Tests of Engineering Aptitude, Mathematics, and Science “Our students have participated in TEAMS for over twenty years. During that time the TEAMS competition has grown to be one of the biggest single draws for student interest. Our students look forward to it every year.” — Ken Owens, TEAMS coach (Texas)

Transcript of Tests of Engineering Aptitude, Mathematics, and Science Experience

Page 1: Tests of Engineering Aptitude, Mathematics, and Science Experience

Experience TEAMS 2014!Your participation in TEAMS 2014 will bring STEM credibility to your school or organization and give your students the opportunity to:

➤ Work in problem-solving teams with peers

➤ Apply math and science concepts to meet practical engineering challenges

➤ Experience exciting, theme-based competitions

➤ Compete for division, state, and national recognition

2014 TEAMS at-a Glance

➤ The theme for TEAMS 2014 is “Engineering Tomorrow’s Cities.”

➤ Online registration begins September 1, 2013 at teams.tsaweb.org

➤ State-wide competitions take place between February 10 and March 22, 2014.

➤ The average per-student cost for TEAMS is about $15-$20.

➤ Additional information can be found at teams.tsaweb.org or contact TEAMS at [email protected] or toll-free: 888-860-9010

Challenge Your Students EXPERIENCE TEAMS 2014

TEAMS® is a program of theTechnology Student Association (TSA)


TEAMS and TSATEAMS is administered by the Technology Student Association (TSA), a national, non-profit organization devoted to the needs of students engaged in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). Membership in TSA includes over 190,000 middle and high school students in 2,000 schools spanning 49 states.

TEAMS is one of several STEM programs offered by TSA. To learn more about TSA and its other STEM competitions and programs, visit: www.tsaweb.org.

Contact information for TEAMS: Address: TEAMS 1914 Association Drive, Reston, VA 20191 Phone: 703/860-9000, Toll-free 888/860-9010 E-mail: [email protected] Web: teams.tsaweb.org; www.tsaweb.org

TEAMS has partnerships with the following educational organizations:

• InternationalTechnologyandEngineeringEducatorsAssociation/EngineeringbyDesign(ITEEA/EbD)

• NationalCouncilofTeachersofMathematics(NCTM)• ProjectLeadtheWay(PLTW)

A One-Day Annual STEM Competition for Middle and High School Students

Tests of Engineering Aptitude, Mathematics, and Science

“Our students have participated in TEAMS for over twenty years. During that time the TEAMS competition has grown to be one of the biggest single draws for student interest. Our students look forward to it every year.” — Ken Owens, TEAMS coach (Texas)

Page 2: Tests of Engineering Aptitude, Mathematics, and Science Experience

TEAMS: A “Turnkey” Approach to Reinforcing CriticalSTEMLearningTEAMS supports STEM learning in the classroom by providing complete, ready-to-use resources and competition materials for teachers/coaches and students.

Students who participate in TEAMS are involved in much more than an “outside-the-classroom” STEM activity. They experience the excitement and prestige of a nationwide competition with the ease and flexibility of a co-curricular activity.

Key Features of TEAMS

➤ Noneedforextramaterials,equipment,computers, or supplies.

➤ ParticipationinaTEAMScompetitionis cost-effective – about $15-$20 per student.

➤ TEAMS provides resources and competition materials designed and tested by experienced, credentialed engineering professors.

➤ The TEAMS competition is creative, exciting, and theme-based, with problems designed to be solved in teams – the way engineers work.

➤ TEAMS provide recognition for schools and students in STEM academic areas.

➤ Technology Student Association (TSA) staff areavailabletoanswerquestionsandprovideadditional information.

TEAMS: The Essentials The “When and Where” of TEAMS • OnlineregistrationbeginsonSeptember1steachyear.• State-widecompetitionstakeplacebetweenFebruary

and March each year.• Studentscompeteeitheratanearbyuniversityhostsite,

or at their own school.• Top-rankingteamsareinvitedtocompetefor“Bestin


The “What” of TEAMS Competitions: Components, Levels, and Rankings• Student teams are composed of 4 to 8 students. • Studentscompeteinoneofthreeparticipationlevels:

middle school; 9th/10th grade, or 11th/12th grade.• Highschoolcompetitions(9/10and11/12)consistof

two 90-minute sections: -Part1:80multiple-choicequestions -Part2:Fiveshort-answeressayquestions• Middleschoolcompetitionsconsistoftwo

60-minute sections: -Part1:40multiple-choicequestions -Part2:Fourshort-answeressayquestions• Studentteamsarerankedwithintheirgradelevel,state,

and division. Divisions are assigned based on student body population and school admissions criteria. Division rankings equalizecompetitionamongschools(orgroups)ofsimilarsizes and with similar resources.

The “Who” of TEAMS: Students, Coaches and Support • Students from a wide variety of groups can compete in

TEAMS competitions, including students in public and private schools; home-schooled students; and students in communityorganizations(Girl/BoyScouts,etc.).

• MostTEAMScoachesareteachers;however,parents,otherfaculty, or other adults can serve as TEAMS coaches.

• TSAstaffareavailabletoanswerquestionsandprovideadditional information.

Enhance STEM Education andInspireStudentsCompetition is a powerful catalyst for deepening student engagement in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. The TEAMS competition connects STEM academic areas and provides an exciting opportunity for student recognition at the local, state, and national level.

Byparticipatinginone-dayTEAMScompetitions,studentsapply their STEM knowledge in practical, creative ways to solve real-world engineering challenges. Each year a new theme provides the focus for the TEAMS competition. For 2014 the theme is “Engineering Tomorrow’s Cities.”

TEAMS sparks excitement by

➤ ProvidinganintegratedSTEMlearningexperience

➤ Exposing students to math outside the classroom

➤ Allowingstudentsauniqueinsidelookatproblemsolving from an engineer’s viewpoint

➤ Helpingstudentsunderstandtheroleof engineering in solving social, environmental, and community problems

➤ Providingrecognitionforstudentsengagedin rigorous STEM activities

➤ Increasingstudents’self-confidenceinsolving complex problems while working on a team

➤ Inspiringstudentstoconsiderengineeringmajorsand careers