Test.oracle Acad( M IRSYAD)

8/18/2019 Test.oracle Acad( M IRSYAD) http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/testoracle-acad-m-irsyad 1/45  Test: Java Fundamentals Midterm Exam Review your answers, feedback, and question scores below. n asterisk !"# indicates a correct answer.  To$ of Form %ection & !nswer all questions in t'is section# (. )'ic' of t'e followin* does not describe met'ods+ sub$ro*ram t'at acts on data and often returns a value. set of code t'at is referred to by name.

Transcript of Test.oracle Acad( M IRSYAD)

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 Test: Java Fundamentals Midterm Exam

Review your answers, feedback, and question scores below. n asterisk !"# indicates a correct answer.

 To$ of Form

%ection &

!nswer all questions in t'is section#

(. )'ic' of t'e followin* does not describe met'ods+

sub$ro*ram t'at acts on data and often returns a value.

set of code t'at is referred to by name.

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an be called at any $oint in a $ro*ram sim$ly by utili-in* its name.

s associated wit' an instance variable. !"#

ncorrect. Refer to %ection & /esson (0.

&. )'at do lines 1 and (( do in t'e followin* code+

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cce$t user in$ut and store t'em in t'e variables num( and num&. !"#

%can t'e next $a*e in t'e scanner.

Examine a 2le and scan t'e next line.

3one of t'e above.

ncorrect. Refer to %ection & /esson (0.

4. From your lice lessons, w'ic' of t'e followin* are ty$es of storyboards+

!'oose all correct answers#


 Textual !"#

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5isual !"#


ncorrect. Refer to %ection & /esson 6.

0. n lice, w'ic' of t'e followin* is t'e most likely situation w'ere $rocedural abstraction could be used+

Five do*s all need to bark and run at t'e same time. !"#

7ne 2s' needs to swim forward ( meter.

 Two 2s' say somet'in* to eac' ot'er.

7ne $erson moves u$ (8 meters.

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 To$ of Form

%ection &

!nswer all questions in t'is section#

9. )'ic' of t'e followin* does not describe variables+ Mark for Review

!(# oints

$lace in memory w'ere data of a s$eci2c ty$e can be stored for

later retrieval and use.

;as a unique name.

;as a ty$e associated wit' it.

rran*ed in rows and columns. !"#

ncorrect. Refer to %ection & /esson (4.

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<. )'ic' of t'e followin* is not a relational o$erator+ Mark for Review

!(# oints


>> !"#



ncorrect. Refer to %ection & /esson (4.

A. n lice, t'e $roceduresB ar*uments allow t'e $ro*rammer to adCust t'e

obCect, motion, distance amount, and time duration. True or false+

Mark for Review

!(# oints

 True !"#

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1. n lice, t'e set5e'icle $rocedure will associate one obCect to anot'er.

 True or false+

Mark for Review

!(# oints

 True !"#


ncorrect. Refer to %ection & /esson 9.

(8. n lice, a com$uter $ro*ram requires functions to tell it 'ow to $erform

t'e $rocedure. True or false+

Mark for Review

!(# oints


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False !"#

ncorrect. Refer to %ection & /esson 9.

 Test: Java Fundamentals Midterm Exam

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%ection &

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((. ll obCects in lice 'ave t'ree dimensional coordinates on w'ic' axes+

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!'oose all correct answers#

x !"#

y !"#

- !"#


ll of t'e above

ncorrect. Refer to %ection & /esson &.

(&. )'at is t'e 2rst ste$ to $ro*rammin* an obCect to turn left in lice+

%elect t'e duration for t'e obCect to turn.

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%elect t'e distance to turn.

%elect t'e obCect to $ro*ram from t'e instance menu. !"#

Dra* t'e turn $rocedure into t'e ode editor.

ncorrect. Refer to %ection & /esson 4.

(4. Functions answer questions about an obCect, suc' as its 'ei*'t, widt', de$t' and even distance to anot'e

 True !"#



(0. com$lete lice instruction includes w'ic' of t'e followin* com$onents+

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!'oose all correct answers#



rocedure !"#

Direction !"#

mount !"#

ncorrect. Refer to %ection & /esson 0.

(6. )'at s'ould you refer to for t'e animationBs desi*n s$eci2cations as you $ro*ram your lice animation+

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%cene editor

%toryboard !"#



 Test: Java Fundamentals Midterm Exam

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 To$ of Form

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%ection &

!nswer all questions in t'is section#

(9. From your lice lessons, w'en testin* your animation, you s'ould test t'at comments were added below


False !"#

ncorrect. Refer to %ection & /esson (&.

(<. )'ic' of t'e followin* F control structures command t'e blue tan* 2s' to roll and simultaneously move

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ncorrect. Refer to %ection & /esson A.

(A. )'ic' of t'e followin* is not an lice variable value ty$e+

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Decimal 3umber

)'ole 3umber

Function !"#

ncorrect. Refer to %ection & /esson (8.

(1. )'ic' of t'e followin* $ro*rammin* instructions commands t'e 2s' to continuously move forward a rand

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&8. lice uses builtin mat' o$erators t'ey are:

dd and subtract

Multi$ly and divide

ll of t'e above !"#

3one of t'e above


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 Test: Java Fundamentals Midterm Exam

Review your answers, feedback, and question scores below. n asterisk !"# indicates a correct answer.

 To$ of Form

%ection &

!nswer all questions in t'is section#

&(. n lice, w'ic' of t'e followin* $ro*rammin* statements moves t'e cat backward, 'alf t'e distance to t'

t'is.at move backward Gt'is.Hird *etDistanceTo t'is.at > &I

t'is.at move forward Gt'is.Hird *etDistanceTo t'is.at > &I

t'is.Hird move forward Gt'is.Hird *etDistanceTo t'is.at > &I

t'is.at move backward Gt'is.at *etDistanceTo t'is.Hird > &I !"#

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ncorrect. Refer to %ection & /esson 1.

&&. n lice event is considered w'at+

$arty wit' at least &8 $eo$le.

n obCectBs orientation.

Error 'andlin*.

keystroke or mouse click. !"#

ncorrect. Refer to %ection & /esson ((.

%ection 4

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!nswer all questions in t'is section#

&4. sin* t'e Kreenfoot DE, w'en is a constructor automatically executed+

)'en source code is written.

)'en a new ima*e is added to t'e class.

)'en a new instance of t'e class is created. !"#

)'en t'e act met'od is executed.

ncorrect. Refer to %ection 4 /esson A.

&0. sin* Kreenfoot, 'ow do we c'an*e t'e si-e and resolution of t'e )orld instance+

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Edit t'e met'ods in t'e class.

Edit t'e values in t'e constructor. !"#

Delete t'e instance.

Edit t'e values in t'e classBs act met'od.


&6. n Kreenfoot, an ifstatement is used to alternate between dis$layin* two ima*es in an instance. True or f 


False !"#

ncorrect. Refer to %ection 4 /esson A.

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Review your answers, feedback, and question scores below. n asterisk !"# indicates a correct answer.

 To$ of Form

%ection 4

!nswer all questions in t'is section#

&9. n t'e Kreenfoot DE, w'ic' of t'e followin* are com$onents of a $arameter+

!'oose all correct answers#

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arameter ty$e !"#

arameter return

arameter name !"#

arameter met'od

arameter void

ncorrect. Refer to %ection 4 /esson &.

&<. From your Kreenfoot lessons, to view t'e met'ods t'at a class in'erits, o$en t'e code editor and select d

 True !"#


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ncorrect. Refer to %ection 4 /esson &.

&A. From your Kreenfoot lessons, instances do not 'ave any memory. True or false+


False !"#

ncorrect. Refer to %ection 4 /esson &.

&1. )'at ty$e of Kreenfoot met'od would be used to turn an obCect+

orientTo! #

turnround! #

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move ! #

turn! # !"#

ncorrect. Refer to %ection 4 /esson &.

48. From your Kreenfoot lessons, a $roblem statement de2nes t'e $ur$ose for your *ame. True or false+

 True !"#



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 Test: Java Fundamentals Midterm Exam

Review your answers, feedback, and question scores below. n asterisk !"# indicates a correct answer.

 To$ of Form

%ection 4

!nswer all questions in t'is section#

4(. )'ic' of t'e followin* ty$e of audience s'ould you ask to $lay your Kreenfoot *ame durin* t'e testin* $


 Tar*et !"#



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4&. se you Kreenfoot knowled*e: )'at ran*e of numbers does t'e followin* met'od return+


random number between ( and 48.

random number between 8 and 48.

random number between 8 and &1. !"#

random number between ( and &1.

ncorrect. Refer to %ection 4 /esson 6.

44. From your Kreenfoot lessons, w'ic' of t'e followin* is not a c'aracteristic of a static met'od+

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ncorrect. Refer to %ection 4 /esson 6.

46. From your Kreenfoot lessons, a com$arison o$erator returns w'at value w'en a number meets its require



( !"#


ncorrect. Refer to %ection 4 /esson 6.

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Review your answers, feedback, and question scores below. n asterisk !"# indicates a correct answer.

 To$ of Form

%ection 4

!nswer all questions in t'is section#

49. From your Kreenfoot lessons, t'e keyDown met'od is located in w'ic' class+


Kreenfoot !"#



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4<. n Kreenfoot, only (8 met'ods can be written for eac' class in t'e ode editor. True or false+


False !"#

ncorrect. Refer to %ection 4 /esson 4.

4A. From your Kreenfoot lessons, in an ifstatement, t'e $ro*rammin* statements written in curly brackets ar


False !"#

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41. n Kreenfoot, de2ned met'ods must be used immediately. True or false+


False !"#

ncorrect. Refer to %ection 4 /esson 9.

08. From your Kreenfoot lessons, 'ow do you call a de2ned met'od+

all t'e met'od from t'e act met'od. !"#

all t'e met'od from t'e de2ned met'od.

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)rite t'e met'od in t'e )orld su$erclass.

)rite t'e met'od in t'e instance.

)rite t'e met'od in t'e source code.

ncorrect. Refer to %ection 4 /esson 9.

 Test: Java Fundamentals Midterm Exam

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%ection 4

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0(. n Kreenfoot, in w'ic' $ro*rammin* task are t'e obCects identi2ed+

De2ne t'e $roblem.

Desi*n t'e solution.

ro*ram t'e solution. !"#

 Test t'e solution.


0&. From your Kreenfoot lessons, w'ic' of t'e followin* are exam$les of L> test variations+

'an*e t'e environment.

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'an*e t'e execution.

'an*e t'e data.

ll of t'e above. !"#

ncorrect. Refer to %ection 4 /esson (&.

04. n Kreenfoot, t'e ima*e below is an exam$le of w'at construct+


onditional !"#

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5ariable ssi*nment


ncorrect. Refer to %ection 4 /esson (&.

00. From your Kreenfoot lessons, t'e reset button resets t'e scenario back to its initial $osition. True or false+

 True !"#



06. )'ic' of t'e followin* Java syntax is used to correctly create a Duke subclass+

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$rivate Do* extends )orld

$ublic class Do* extends )orld

$ublic class Duke extends nimal !"#

$rivate class extends ctor

$rivate class extends Duke

ncorrect. Refer to %ection 4 /esson (.

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 To$ of Form

%ection 4

!nswer all questions in t'is section#

09. se your Kreenfoot knowlde*e: bstraction occurs in many dierent ways in $ro*rammin*. True or false+

 True !"#


ncorrect. Refer to %ection 4 /esson 1.

0<. From your Kreenfoot lessons, w'ic' of t'e followin* lo*ic o$erators re$resents NandN+

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OO !"#



ncorrect. Refer to %ection 4 /esson (8.

0A. n Kreenfoot, w'at 'a$$ens if t'e end to a w'ile loo$ isnBt establis'ed+

 T'e code will kee$ executin* and will never sto$. !"#

 T'e code will execute once and t'en sto$, due to controls in Kreenfoot.

 T'e code will $rom$t you to enter a loo$ counter.

 T'e code will not execute.

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@ (88 S i


i @ i

i @ i S ( !"#

ncorrect. Refer to %ection 4 /esson (8.

a*e (8 of (8

Hottom of Form

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