Testing with Python, Pytest and Vim

TDD with python, pytest and vim Setting up

Transcript of Testing with Python, Pytest and Vim

TDD with python, pytest and vim

Setting up

Getting Started• pip install pytest• pip install pytest-xdist

• If you are using Anaconda, pytest should already be installed

Directory/Folder structure

Create a tests folder in your project directory

Test data for testing dataframes

Name corresponding test files with a test_ infront

Using VIM• Open vim <filename> in the root directory• Enter :vsplit <tests/filename> in vim’s console• You will get a split window.• Ctrl-wx to swap columns in the order of preference. I.e. code on left,

test on right or vice versa• Ctrl-ww to switch editing columns

Using VIM - vsplit


Using VIM – vsplitCursorHere shows where you are editing

code testsCtrl-ww

Pytest• Run pytest -f -v in

the root of your project directory• Pytest will be

watching for any changes in the code or tests.• Once you save either

file, it will re-run all tests automatically