Testing Javascript with Jasmine



Slides from my Lonestar Ruby Conf 2011 presentation. *** Video of presentation: http://confreaks.com/videos/2531-lsrc2011-testing-javascript-with-jasmine *** Agenda: - Briefly cover why you should unit test - Discuss what Jasmine is and isn't - Show syntax with comparisons to RSpec - Jasmine with: - Vanilla JavaScript - Jasmine with jQuery - Jasmine with Ruby (not Rails) - Jasmine with Rails - Evergreen - capybara-webkit - Where does CoffeeScript, node.js, etc. fit in? - Other helpful libraries/Wrap-up

Transcript of Testing Javascript with Jasmine

  • jasmine.getEnv().addReporter(new jasmine.TrivialReporter());
  • jasmine.getEnv().execute();