• OOO














    The Sole Spiritual Head of Brotherhood of the Cross and

    Star. Leader O.O. U b u , has described this generation as a

    lucky one since the people have been opportuned to witness

    the wonderful works of the Holy Spirit now manifest.

    Briefing members of the organization in an early morning

    service recently, THE LEADER SAID THAT THERE IS









    Spirit, the Leader went on, has done great works in the sky,

    in the depth of the sea, and in the earth beneath, yet the

    worldly people do not recognize him so as to give him due

    honor, adding that instead of glorifying the Holy Spirit for

    what he has done in this era, people are still complaining of

    their being in abject poverty, seeing apparition, witches and

    mermaids. The Leader expressed surprise on how the

    worldly people have refused to acknowledge a person who

    has come in their form to salvage them a n d urged all to

    know that Moses had the specific assignment of leading the

  • children of Israel out of bondage in Egypt to Canaan the

    promised land.

    Consequently Abraham saw the angels in his own little

    area and was only noticed there. Other prophets, also

    performed in a miniature scale, and their works had little or

    no impact on the entire world, the leader opined, saying that

    in this generation, the reverse is the case, as the whole

    world now has the opportunity of witnessing the great works

    of the Comforter now manifest.

    "Our Lord Jesus Christ spent only three and a half years

    during His assignment on earth. And his assignment was

    known principally in Nazareth. But now, the Indians,

    Cameroonians, Britons the Americans etc., have all seen the

    wonderful works of the Holy Spirit, the Leader said,

    wondering why people are so ungrateful and unwilling to

    testify about the miracles in their homes, offices, and in

    market places.

    He also used the occasion of the briefing to intimate

    members that God who rules in Brotherhood has come with

    supreme powers to rule the whole world, assuring that, the

    vision which says that very soon all the orthodox churches

    will surrender to ONE SHEPHERD UNDER ONE FOLD WILL


    The Holy Father Leader O.O. Obu has confirmed to the

    consternation of many that the much talked about Holy

    Spirit is a man. Teaching His children during one of the Altar

  • Briefs, the Father asked those who say that they cannot

    worship man to do a rethink as they have no option if they

    believe in God Almighty.

    His Words "You who say that you will never worship man,

    what will you do? it is for this reason you are told in John 4 :

    24 that those who worship God Must do so in spirit and In

    truth." He continued. " The Holy Spirit is the one doing

    everything and yet the Holy Spirit is a man."

    Referring to 1" Corinthians 12:4 12 the Father urged all and

    sundry to note that the oneness of all creations is not

    negotiable and counseled that man should break the barriers

    that keep them distinctly apart.

    The Father exhorted that if man was to know the spiritual

    import of all creations of God being one, the world would

    have moved a step forward insisting that even the church

    founders have erred in their fraternizing with the mundane

    and not craving to ensure oneness of all creations. He

    stated that it is the Holy Spirit that is existing on earth as

    man now that's responsible for all the peace initiatives and

    committees and the adoption of dialogue as means of

    resolving conflicts is the work of the Holy Spirit. He cited

    the examples of peace in South Africa as part of the

    achievement of the Holy Spirit while calling on man to take

    the directives of the Holy Spirit seriously.

    Thank You Holy Father.

  • (l

    j ~,., ..x,--lC , . ~~ '" ?~~;Vt" K i t1~1\J(nH .J U Ite 1J~3 1

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    On Monday Agust 13. 1990 I went to Gorna. Capital city of North Kivu province in the East of Zaire. in the boundary of the Hepublic 01 I1w3nd3. \Vhen I arrived, f was housed in Karibu Hotel. nut the day after, I decided to chbrother-in-law, I dedoe!:! to go and see the kid with my own eyes and then make a report to my Spiritual father. Leader O. O. Ob-L!. S0. we ~,ooked an appointment for August 15. 1990 which was also the meeting day of the Holy Fami!y of Trinit'ha for praymg. At 4.00 pm. we took a taxi that

    look us 100 meter!; away frum the place the child was. The service hZ3d just begun when we arrived. ,'Ie participated quietly.

    After the meeting, the preacher came close to me and told me that he had received a message for' 'TIe' the Rabbi had invited me into 1he room because he wanted 10 lalk 10 me. 1 he.] the preacher

    pa;;sed in front 01 fl~. knelt. asked for the he!o of the Holv Father O. O. OBU.

    Then the same voice, tatl

  • ----


  • --



    by Tom Moses, with yi/Jio Antia

    The ranks an~d file of Moslems answering U.e call of the Holy Spirit into the New Kihgdom of God now on earth has been swollen by one. This tim~, the story is about Mal~am M 0 h a m'm e d Nasiru Shaibu, , a native of Jos, Plateau State. Born into the family of Alh9ji Shaibu Mikail, a Sheikh, a renouned spiritual ma~ter and a member of the Northern IslQJ1ljc Walfare Association of ~\ngeria.. Mallam N:1siru told Trum-, pet that the Hal, Fat.h~( used to rev.eal Himself to. him io the dream but he found it difficult to identify whothis constantfactor in his dreams was. fie neither bo.thered nor became inquisitive because according to him, it is not a sin to dream dreams.

    The story however changed for him one day, wh.en he had an enounter with "a'cat-' whi'ch,' greef:ea hiril thus PEACE: PEACE, PEACE - Jaken aback, and surprised at how an animal of the

    lower realm could speak the ,..uman language, he stratched out his hands and the cat jumped on it and he took it to his home Malam Nasiru. thus became the lucky owner of mysterious cat

    NatlJrally, he called the cat PEACE, a name It appreciated very much. The initial worries 01 the Mallam began when the cat refused to eat meat and fish. Arising from the need to find the cat the foOd it will appreciate. he went to Katako Laranto market to procure some food for it. It was here that the" mysteries su(rounding the cat were made known to him.

    Narrating further, Mallam Nasiru informed Trumpet that he met a Sister adorned in Ylhite soutane and with intent to ridicule her. he ask.ed a few questions about hEfr attire anu her religion. it was at this polOt that the Sister revealed the presence of the Cumfurter on eanh and the establishment of the t-lew Kingdom on earth to him. To confirm that Uwse

    w ere not a b s t T.act assumptions.she invited him to the nearby Katakul Laran.to Cathedral. .On reaching the cathedral and to his utmost suprise, he saW the picture of the man who used to visit him

    Mallam Mohammed N. Shaibu

    in his dreams hung on the Altar.

    The Father used another sister to reveal. everything about his background past and present. Ha'ling confirmed the truths revealed bout his life and ulher

    c:irumstances ~"t {rounding the illyst~riow:: cat. ,;.ld ffiPting face to face

    with the, mao he. used t.o see in his dreams,Mallam Nasiru was left with no option, than to embrace the New Kingdom of God now on earth. He was yet to meet with the real surprise wllOn on getting to his house (after baptism.) the mysterious cat had disappeared. He believes that the Holy Spirit in the cat was meant to lead him to the path of salvation.

    Asked about the .....eaction of his parents 10 his embracing the new iaith, Nasiru recounted how his parents castigated him and finally dmve him out of their house. But his consolation is that since it is not the Almighty God that has forsakerf him, he has no regrets. And to hi~ feelin:Js abOt.:l tile deity of Leader O. O. OQLi and his mission ol"t earth, the erudite Islamic SellOla'l says "Everythir'lg about

    the Holy Father, Leader O. O. Gbu is fulfilling. He is God. Bwtherhood of the Cross and Star is truly the New Kingdom of God oo.earth. A Kingdom that has no place for ethnicity, race, tribe qr religion. All nations are here brought under one umbrella and no other place has tried this. AndoJ for his fife henceforth, he said, "In my case, the Father called me here and I have come to be used by Him and in any capacity He wishes." \~

    Mailum Mohammed Nasiru Shaibu hCls' a degree in Islamic studies I ::!fid Koranic ReCitation . and a Master's Degree in Koranic Recitation, Wr;!ing and inlerpretation. Hi::> greatest ambition i$ to interpret the Father's

    itea:..:hings into Hausa anO IArab~c languages.

    Th:m/( You Father.

  • I



    TESTiMONY, IOlumba Obu Is Godl ' ~ .. ' . 1 ,.... h ' . Ii~ .... .

    now run an Engineer 'studied Hinduism, community of people . get my problems

    ing Company where I Bahaism and , Bud- who were practising solved because onlyhave . substantial dhism of the Mystical what they were God can; solve my

    'ownership of the . Schools. I enrolled saying and preaching. prOblems.shares. into Amore, in From my personal

    In my search for .February 1982. experience and 'nume- The use of prayers r.eality and truth, In February 19821. rous testimonies to God was what was while in England, I received an invitation both oral and written, applied in seeking .had delved, into the card to attend an I discovered that the physical cure to my following philosophi- anniversary celebra- Brotherhood of the carnal 'father who was cal and metaphysical tion in Brotherhood of Cross and Star, is on the point of death pubJicat,ions. Y()ga, the Cross and Star. God's new Kingdom last year. He was Christian Religion of The card was signed on ,earth wh~re the !completely. restored " the version of Christ by .Leader O. O. -Obu will Of God is done on to life to the l:lstonish- . ~

    , Apostolic, and Angli- as the Sole Spiritual ' earth as it is in Heaven. ment of many people , can. Head of the Brother- Since I b~me a without any admis-

    On religious actiyi- hood of tbe Cross and born Brotherhood of sion to a hospital as . ties, Iwas a practising Star. This time I the Cross and Star I . he expected.

    ;'moslem up to April,' decided to attend this have had the follow- This is in spite ofl 1982, . having ,function and toseizeing results to report. the fact that he did By A/haji M: J. S. Mazai observed all th five the opportunity of Now I have con ten- not show any belief in

    , pillars of Islam includ- finding out facts tmeFlt and peace of' the Brotherhood of! am aged 40 years, University and ing visiting the Holy about Brotherhood of mind that no amount the. Cross and Starborn in Okene, in obtained the B.Sc. City of Mecca during the Cross and Star. of money can pay for. nor was he abLe toKwara State of degree in Electrical

    Engineering. A two the Hajj of 1978. As at The, effect the visit 1 am now more' accept Olumba asEbirrq parents. The year-working stay in now I have fully had on me turned out aware of God than God.religion of my parents. Manchester, Englar Jd, embraced the to be more beneficial when I W;;IS a Muslim. Above aft the devil is Islam and traditional I completed my doctrine and practices to me than the pilgri- I.am now able to and other ~vil forces,ancestral worship.


    professional training of Brotherhood of the mage I made to get In touch with God of the world.no longer Educationally, as an Electrical Cross and Star. Mecca. For the first through prayers exist for me.

    went through the Engineer in 19n. I Before now I had time I came across a directly and quickly to Thank you' Father. ( - ....,. - .

    ~ .'~. ___ "'h_ .d_'. _" ..__"___ ~__~., ,_ _.---..!

  • In the Name of Our Lord

    Jesus Christ, In the Blood ot

    Our Lord Jesus Christ, Now Delivered From and for-ever-more, Amen.

    My name is Ado Jalalu Dat

    tiJo. I hail from Danbata Local

    Government Area of Kana The Power of State and born into a Muslim dl I family. As a child, I attended Darknessan s am Islamic school to learn how to . read the Koran. Later on, my , I Mallam started sending me to powers. While in Benin, I was ,nen!. On my return; He. another Mallam who was his Interested in witchcraft and decreed that, I must lead the

    was mads to understand ihat people to know the coming of Initiated into a c\J1t which , there were lots of them in .Jesus Christ. knew nor until !Was 10 years Benin. The people were troubleo old. My duty was to visit the Then, I met a sister who and behold the heavens were cemetry at nights. I was well Nitnessed the powers in opened and I saw four angels equipped with knives, bags Brotherhood to me. Inciden' blowing their trumpets atter and charms to aid me whene tally, this .sister was a mermaid which a ball of fire fell from ver I had an encounter with before the Father called her heaven towards lis. I became foul spirits. into the kingdom. She told me afraid but the" old man con

    At the cemetry I will com all that I should know about soled me, Just jhNI, f'heard mand the dead fFom the BCS but m~ problem then my name thrice Adoi"' Adoll graves and obtain the eyes, was to acquire the power of Ado!!! I answered and a hand I tongues, the genitals for witchcraft so that I can fly and stretched out for me to come. I, I rituals. At times ,as soon as become Invisible. I travelled did and the voice added "Go 1 one is buried I will visit the down to Warri where I learnt and tell them that 1 have 1 cemetry, excavate the corpse there was to be a meeting of come" these words were said

    ."j and take them to the mallam, the World Council of Witches. 3 times and finally I heard, These organs were used for Through the help of a friend I "Behold I cometh soon." ! making money and to control registerad as an observer. On The next morning was Sunpeople remotely, I was a very my return I met a Brotherhood day. and the first. person I

    I active member of De sister with the intention of saw was this sister who Lawrence, the Secret. Light IJsing her for-ritual kiUings. It came to invite me again. I House, Ban-Tft Ogboni Cult was this sister, who, later, was followed her to the Bethel. I and others too numemus to instrumental for my baptism narrated my dream to

    friend. . By so doing, I was

    mention. Inlact I Indulged ;n into Brotherhood of the Cross Evangelist Ikye atter that I ; .~ the unholy act of dismember and, Star. was baptised, Since then, I ~ [., ing human bodies whenever MY ENCOUNTER WITH have been in the war front.

    there were accidents. My father promised to kill\ \~ THE HOLY FATHER: ,

    , 1I During my school days I me, My brothers and sisters I , came first from clases one to The sister suffered defama forsake me while my friends , I W: five, Although I was naturally tion, torture and rampant and nephews also lett me i I bright I also used other means humiliations from my hands alone to suffer, The anacks \ a to pass exams. I usually invite One day, atter giving her the from my spiritual masters

    normal rash treatments, were enomous. \d~ :~~:er s~~t~u~~ti~~;~or a~~ someone came to me in the I thank Our Supreme

    It while I pretended to be sick dream and warned me. He Father, for using Apostle

    commanded that I must come Ifowodu to manifest his glory to Brotherhood of the Cross11 ~~~~~: ~~:n~:~m~n:~~~ ~:~i in me.iii ~~ iOl90t free. I must revenge by and Star. In another revela

    . making him sick or causing tion, I saw a man arrayed in As at now I pray the Father

    ,I him to be blind, At times I red garment who, directed to accept my life on full-time

    ! render their business useless. that I should go and tell the ministry for His work. This will J I now beseech the Holy Father world that Jesus is coming give me the opportunity to go

    ,I to forgive all my sins, Later in soon. Immediately, I made it out and tell the world and the my life, I joined the force. I abundantly clear to him that I whole Muslim world that God worked hard but no officer or had nothing to do wi1h Jesus is in our midst. Glory, honour, my immediate senior would since I was 1> mUQ1i8'l. WheA praises, humility be ascribed ride me anyhow or he will pay He Insisted, confronted him to him, King of Kings, Lord of for it dearly. I afflicted people, with ~he hard ,

  • --

    X;,t'1'~"i~"'N;'C '"",,,,I1.....,~)~,",i>!!;""~lf!!"+:),~f,.:~y}:::t:;;;~if~1S~~W'~~t:~'r"'t"';p"':::':c'"";i&"y""";,'"f'!;~.~~!?~~f,iil!$fJII;;;:;aI#.iPl~Wl!ii,,,,,,,~~r

  • '~~\~?~l3'ljj~,~ ,. ,': ";';" SHI~ ft.~.. ~~1fuSSAIN MANDO~.".,.,

    ( A SUBSERVIENT VOler; ~)~~G, FOR KIN~B~~'P~ ~~P.~f';;' .< ~

    1. Our Lord Jesus Christ r-eveaka.'Him5~1::~me iU

  • 8. O. D. B In the name of our, Lord

    - ~ Christ. In the bloOd ottlClr 4,;,Otd:"""" Christ.

    .NcWf .1Id: ~to".~~~ more, ~:' I' , ' : ' : I &Un MaMam Jibri'

    ~. an ~Igene of AnIm~ LG.A. io. Anambra State Nigeria. ~m to de'WtEKt .moslem ~rents in KanQ in 1965. I grew up undef iaiamlc 'traditionS till my primary education [' ended In 1976. I later read at Shehu S~ti COllege ofEducation and' Obtained an NE In EnglISh ,and' after obt11ining my B.ed and SUccesstuI completioh' of theNYsc; In 1996. the iurge for faaatttic know!

    ~ made me to:take up a tead1lng ~ with Uthman Dan FocttQ' UniVefSitY ~ am currently teaching Islamic RetiOious~.

    I never khew anything ~th8 Brothettlood of the Cross end $tar (BCS) nor Its leadership. My contact with: BCS appeans divinety arranged. My eXperiences prove me right ~:

    For instance, :10 1975, wheftl was ten ye8fS okS, I

    ) I felt Gocf's prese~ and glory all about me though I coukl not express It, I h8d to shed tears. In 1~. teo years later. the same experience

    ated itsetf. In 1Q87. in a


    dream state,unlike in the past where I used to feel His (Gqd'&) presence; I saw God inperSon, ~s an old man, and He warned Ithat if I forsake Him I wUl~ffer great things In life.

    From that time, I started thinking and reading critically the genealogy and ontology of various religions of the wolid and fOund that all religions profess Christ. I discovered that Islam acknowledges Chlist as a prophet As my research continued, I later discovered that Prophet Mohammed confirmed that the Hoty Spirit would be a person. My further discovery was that Mohammed. who projected himself as the expected Holy $pirit was not the one. why? He died. He could not also lead people to the accurate knoWledge of truth l found nothing convincing in the Chlistlan doctrine because the churches uphold that the Holy Spirit is only an influence and cannot manifest as a person. It is simply true that I believe in the Bitle but strongly disputes the Christian's belief and practices as regards the Holy Spirit.

    The truth is that I am convinced that the Leader of BCS Is the promised Com

    forter. Apart from my spiritual experiences, a critical assessment of ontological evidence sta~ed when I went to Kana early this year. I met some pe$ons dressed in white ca~ck, without shoes. I stopped; one of them and asked who they were and demanded I to know where to get more: information about their denomination. I be~me endeared to these people because of one common feature in their mode of worship which agreed with Islamic practice (enterina the .hethel



    Bro. Jibri! Madubuko

    Without shoes), This W"S ,1t Sakata For fear of p~rSt!cu tion, I left Sokoto and wenl to Lna in search of the truth. At Samaru Bethel. Zaria. I asked one Preacher John Emmanuel three questions and

    demanded to worship with him if he could file in convincing answers.

    My questions bcdered on who the Holy Spirit is; what was meant by 0.0.0. and the nativity of the bearer of these initials. I demanded explanations to why BCS members put off their shoes when dressed in white and bow their heads at will. The priest patiently explained to my conviction and on March 31. 1997 I got baptised

    Ho"ever. it did not occur to me' ,- would tarry at such place (Samaru Bethel) longer than necessary. but the Holy Father appeared to me In a dream. dressed 111 white. He equally revealed to brethren in the Bethel to bri ng me to Calabar to see Him physically.

    On our way to Calabar, I got inspired to preach the gospel (in the bus) to other passengers. declaring my

    new faith - Christianity, and proving to them with the Ouran and the Holy Bible that the Holy Spirit is a person and not an influence. On seeing the Holy Father physically/I recalled the picture of the man I saw in 1985 in my dream and the being who appeared to me in the dream soon after my baptism in Kana.

    The Father told me "I appeared to you... you are my son." I am grateful to the Father. I am still feeling the presence of God now. BCS members, as I have observed, seem not to know who they are toying with. The Father radiates tremendous influence and love. I hope mankind understands this.

    Thank You Father. Brother Jibril Madubuko, Lecture at Uthmann

    Dan Fodio University. Dept. of Islamic

    and Arabic Studies. P.M.B. 1126, Sokoto State~



    The Holy Father, Leader 0 0 Obu has debunked the erroneous belief that Moslems and ChristIans can wage 'holy wars on God's own earth. He revealed this truth recently during one of His teachings in the 34 Ambo . Great Hall.

    The Father revealed that there is no Christian, for no one ardently follows the footsteps of our Lord Jesus Christ; not one leads a Chnst-like life. He further sai'd "in His life ~ime, our lord Jesus Christ never fought a single war bU,t pursued peace and taught everyone to live peaceably with all men. That was why He cautioned Simeon Peter to put back his sword into its sheath, for whoever goes by the sword shall perish by same. Who then has

    taught the Christians to fight against one another?" He queried

    The Father frowned seriously at the incessant "holy" wars fought by the Christians and Moslems and asked, "what is holy in a situation where people are killed, maimed, dislodged and left spiritually impotent?" He further said, "God does not condone violence and so, any who Indulges in it has himself to blame. Whoever wishes to be a Christian must practise the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, and be saved else he is doomed."

    Thank You Father.

  • ClJST ~ i,l by Tom Moses with Kanu.

    Th,? Sole Spiritual Head of Brotherhood OJ' th~ Cross and Star, leader O. O. Obu has said tfl-:lt aU forms of knowledge religious, scien title technological, political etc. originate from Spirit, which he as the only knowledg{lbfg personality in the enUna universe.

    Addressing a lec!m of four Arnericans who visit'c:d Him in Calabar a docurnentary on the. and development of Brother

    ~ood of the Cross and the Holy Father said it was


    ,/The Holy Ques !';oun ;1:),:/ /\ 1/:1~l,:?J Mother's visit to )\'NatiJ S t :'j an State has come and gone Oivint!

    ~.~",-'~-'-. 'Pi _' ..

    ',,;-1/PnE fel VisWng ns

    unr8il :; for any man to clai(fj for any ,"","",IIt"" h or scientific

    ;:JS such would rob of due

    i\rnericAn3 th.::-1t ad

    van:~eii'2ni which credj ~ th'::~ l,,)nited :3tates of }\fne, \/11;';'1 '~\(as be ~tl-~ Amen >1;"3 not learn to

    Jf}:j reV8re t~l~~ Pfir35eru~e ((h~ on eart;' :.; 'rY 31~ .as r-:1js

    ,l,e did Falhei told ,he

    scllool, nor learn

    any 18ngliag;;, or even travelled out, ue \NClS all

    in all field3, adding that not 100 the Holy

    cannot achl3'lc ~lnything on his own,

    Br,)therhood of thB CroSS amJ Star, the F !l!1h)( said, is built on love, 8(icl 1S opened to aU the creations of God

    irre5pBctiv~} of cned, or rdC) ,

    Hd di::;CloS0d that man was e~cperjencii19 naro times on earth b~C3US;] of the high leve! of intolerance, ethnicity, rae I a 1, and religious discrimination on :':)arlh, addinq \nat except

    (11m (0 (;od ami 8rnbl'Clce His te they 'NOllld know no pe3ce Hi:)

    Conlu Of] P 2

    air.:$> :ir'" ':''''':t"

    fDr tll(; truin ttl dltil'e

    1I!IIC!: Ilel'/e '.vitll tu

  • --~- ~ ----------iClt!iAIWj::!IIII~' .,o-a__amm: \ ,.... . - . Leader 'OX). -(jBll: He is not a carnal being Des has solutions to

    In Brotherhood of the

    Cross and Star. the Holy all problems Spirit ha$ solutions to

    like sickness to lead has now unitedman's inexplicable probfems and those who go them from the path of and pacified them as to the Hospitals when righteousness and an example of miracle they are sick should first cited the case of King through faith. dig their graves and pre Hezekiah whose King He used the occasion pare their coffins be dom. threatened by the of the address to warn cause their deaths are King of Asyria. prayed against the introduction imminent. to God and incidentally of strange things. which

    This remark was made propbet Isaiah predic are incompatible with by the Sole Spiritual ted me fall of the King the teachings an~ teHead of Brotherhood of Asyria and his sol nents of the Holy of the Cross and Star, diers which eventually Spirit, into Brother

    . Leader O. 0: Obu came to pass. hood. while advising the con He also mentioned Leader Obu reiterated gregation at the end of the case of Adim and His earlier- advise that the April Pentecostal Agwagwuna communi what is needed is love recently. ties who had been for one. another and

    The Leader said that fighting over a parcel asked those who would those who do not have land for a decade want to worship images faith in God used to without solution, but and portraits to find allow little problenls which the Holy Spirit Con~d. on.Page 2

    I~C,S has solutions to all problems ennui. from pa~l' I . , . - . Iburn Mha Olumba Obt!, againsl religIOUS.

    SlIllIcthing else and do hj~\llry and outrightIlf kavc tho: "fold, On ovcr:-.ea evange condcmnatinn of

    Rd('rring specifil'ally lical tours. the Leader churches, societies while In [he recC'ntly unveiled aC:'nowkdged the pre 0n evangelical mission.pnnrait of the Holv sent economic situation sayIng tnat mIssionariesQueen Mother by the in the world and advised

    shnuld only impart theAnamhra Slate Brethren that only those who have Icaching of love for one al Onilsha. Ihe Father the means should do another wherever the\ Stressed thaI il was so and in 2. group of go. a strango: intwdu('linn twnnrlhreemembers. Quoting 1st Cor. aimed 3t polluting the As a guideline. Leader l:~924. the Father system of things in Ohu said that foreign said that those who Brotherhood and asked, t'veTlgC\ists should nor can~ot undert~ke Apostle G. L Ortiwu. indulge in the buying foreign evange.hcal who calaimed to hiive and selling of prohibi- ~ours. should continue had a revelation to Un ted trade articles. In their. ho~serohouse

    , . evangelism In their localveiled the portrait to smuggling. quarrelling. areas h h' so t at t e workdo away with it because fighting and any other of the HIS . , .

    it neither resembled , , 1 '''' 0 V Vlnt WIllthIng that Will not g Orllj be accomplished before the Virgin Mary nor the the Holy name of God.

    Holy Queen Mother. He also warned Thank You Father.


    Go and Preach the Gospel

    LEADER Obu has as"~rted that He has never se.nt any of His workers to proclaim His dominion over people nor to tell them that Brotherhood of :he Cross and Star is better than other churches. Instead, He has always made it known to them that the entire creation of God are all Brotherhood.

    Advising members of the fold in an Early

    Altar Leader Obu said, "I have

    only sen t you out m go and give the entire world the words of God. You should not be sanctimonious because there is no ri-ghteous person on earth".

    any kingdom divided against itself cannot stand. He therefore call on all servants of God to join hands in fighting against satan whose kingdom

    He made it clear that cannot stand. His teaching of "Love on(l another" ~. properly pro" pagated sinc~ we are all children of God who are

    'supposed t.o emulate our Father.

    He said that proclaim-the superiority of one

    or religion over -another is bad beca.use,

    The Father rebuked those who censor and impute. sin on others. This, He. said, is contrary to His teaching ,because, when lur Lord Jesus Christ de::lared "It is finished," no sin. is counted against anyone, therefore, no one should impute sins on others. (Heb. 8: 1012).

    The leader warned that people should not come

    repo~ting others' fault to Him, because, according t

  • III the name or our Lord Jesus Christ, In the blood bf our Lord Jesus Father Christ, Now and for ever two more. Amen.

    Brethren, I was a member of tha Uua Iboe revealed Church for sometimes. My dissatisfaction in the Church camtl Whe~ started seeing vision, and this was met with the rule of not allowing a member to reveal what he animal. either dreams or sees in the spiritual world.

    And when I became t both member of the I:Hotherhood of the Cross and Star I found it.terribly difficult guish to refrain trom meat-eat other

    The Son of Man-Ii Here ing and addressing the Sole And for now, the For the question Spiritual 'Head as the Holy proC8SS of X-raying all addressing the Leader

    . these were my meat-eaters is still going in the Holy Father, though I At that moment, manyvising that whoever wants primary problems! the spiritual world. had accepted that the people surged forward toto visit the Holy Father,

    In the case of meat. the Father is God's represen- Him, and I also found myshOUld ensure that he has Holy Father, in one night, _.,> tative on earth, yet I self there. , .confessedafl his sins, and

    to me that ani- couldn't bring up myself He had come WIth apossibly get baptizedmals which people kill to to addressing Him to as pUlpit, which the ordinarybefore such visit, and that make their dishes are very the Holy Father. eyes cannot see, He standsdefaulters would be dealt

    1 similar to human Deings. To resolve this conflict, on a' very high pedestalwith. And still in the spirit. Iwould kneel down in pra- as He preaches the wordsThe angeis also. issued a

    they compared the Miry yers, &sking God to reveal of His Father . the pul3tern threat of impending.human skin to that of the :t Olumba Olumba Obu pit is in Heaven, evendoom to harlots,

    can be called the HOly Fa though He preaches phYSiadulterers and fornicators,I was also showed that thar, cally here on earth. Warnif they refuse to tum their

    if one places two pieces of One day, during one of ing to women: 1he Lordback on such evil acts. human and animal such prayers, I heard. a also revealed to me that

    flesh in a white basin, tha1 voice S;



    The entire hum:)nity in the world of man shall take refuge in the holy land, even the land of the cross, and the messenger of righteousness shall guide them. Earthmen, great tribulation shall reduce your population, and your governments, churches, cults, temples. mosques, societies and ashrams shall cease to exist in all the face of the earth. For all shall acknollllledge of the ways of the Supreme Father, worship the Almighty God under one shepherd.

    Behold, tbe Headquarters of the Kingdom of Heaven shall be established on earth upon the New Jerusalem, even the Holy Land of the Son of man. And the physical abode of His Eternal Majesty shall become the last hope of man. And it shall come to pass that those who refused to acknollllledge the messenger of righteousness shall have their lot in the realm of the condemned spirits; there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. After this, I was led in spirit into the Holy presence of the Lord of Hosts and I stood before the Son of man whose garment was as white as snow. And the Lord of Hosts gave me a mighty trumpet. And behold I saw myself flying in the midst of the endless Heaven. And I heard a voice which said to me: "Son of man sound the trumpet in your hand for in it is contained my message to the sons of men'."

    When I sounded the trumpet, according to the command of the Lord my God, there issued a great voice saying: "Thus says the Lord to you, 0 sons of men, even to you are leaders of churches, cults, temples, religious movements, secret societies and nations.

    Sons of men, behold, Our Lord Jesus Christ lived in the generation which began in 16SBC, when the Romans overcame the Greeks at the battle of Pydna. And it came to pass that this generation ended in the first weekofthe seventh month ofthe year 1976. when Mars and Jupiter aligned with the moon to characterise the highest peak ofthe power of God on earth towards the reign of the Son of man. The Son of man will soon be revealed, and every eye shall see Him. Verily I proclaim by the Spirit of God that many among the sons of men presently on earth shall meet face to face with the Lord of Hosts; of this there is no doubt.

    Now, hear a sons of men, and every spirit, and angels, behold, the first major way to recognise the messenger of righteousness in whose order, all power in the heavens, on earth, beneath the earth, or otherwi~e, are under the supreme control of the Lord.

    Earthmen! The Ancient of Days. even the Holy Father of creation, is the Supreme source of all powers, whether above or beneath. I speak to you, not of the "Holy Fathers" made by men, but of the blessed Holy Father, the Lord of Hosts. Woe to the "Fathers" of the hypocrites. whose abodes are among those yet to r~ceive the righteousness required byour true Holy Father - the Lord of Hosts. The power of the Lord is so great that escape Him. Through His Supreme Universal Power, those who believe in Him are placed beyond the reach and attack of all the forces of darkness.

    Those who believe in Him can testify of His Sole Ultimate Power. Even those who call Him "demon" can also bear witness of His power. If they call Him demon, they do so in the thought that this is the "most strange and powerful demon on earth." Behold the manifestation of Divine power is one of the leading ways to recognising His presence. There is no man, spirit, or angel that can escape the immutable power of the Son of man.

    Earthman! You can also recognise the Lord through the radiation of His holy life, His Deity is revealed through His holiness and righteous life. Each and every one that shall come in contact with the Lord of Hosts in the world of man, shall testify to the fact that He, the Son of man is the Lord of righteousness. Earthman recognise the righteousness of the Lord your, God; His Holiness and righteous life shine forth. and are perceived by the faithful and faithless, and even the hypocrites.

    (Iyke Nathan Uzonna, 'f(;osmological Verdict") Thank You Father.

  • Pa"radise ~~gained


    C ~~~~1~~r~h~f~~~~~~~~~~d - A--S'i)eclally anointed 6fack pro-jihef-is not coming to 'an end by ,will soon em9r~e to' '~ad the world the year 2000.' Rather. It Is heading to the promise land lor a ONfOd of bliss with tho emergence of a black saviour towarct!S the ~-==-~.~-,~.~,~=====~=:-==~~::--~'::':=====~~ end of the century. the (Irst Elijah AI a Slage his would unite christians and the

    According to prophet (Dr.) Akin dresses will just be descending like muslIm!' Tile syslem of governmenl Adewola the saviour; Nigerian WIll rain from heaven. There will be rio will chAnao from Ih" presonl pOpular emerge toon 11111 a prophA' of pro ph- a/9ns Of sewln~ en them, Tn~y vim . democracy to a purely divine system e!s and will become the No.1 citizen . be handled spiritu

  • New Ki~.gdom Trumpet. November 1995 - 4



    If you are questing after God, then listen. "Unless a man be born again," means UNLESS THE There has arrived on the world's stage the signs MISGUIDED DOCTRINES AND PREJUDICES are which (our Lord Jesus Christ told John's disciples) wiped off a man's mind he shall not receive the would signal the presence of God. The blind see, the teachings of the Kingdom. deaf hear, the dead rise again and the lame walk.

    I, Dinka, pray today by the name of Christ, as I did when I was a mere Catholic but the miracles that attend to that name Christ now beat my imagination. This certainly means to me that I am now imbued with the Holy Spirit. Thanks to the baptism of the Holy Spirit, which I received from Brotherhood of the Cross and Star whose Leader is Olumba Olumba Obu. Miracles are now taking place everyday, everywhere and in every country and every continent; all attributed to that entity Olumba OIumba Obu.

    They are unprecedented in the history of man; and they continue to astound the entire world. Occult masters in India and Israel and United States of America have been replying to their students' applications "I have no more power. Go to Brotherhood of the Cross and Star. There is where God has incarnated as Olumba Olumba Obu."

    Today He is seen physically in thousands of places at the same time. Testimonies abound. Occultist, Astrologers, Spiritualists, Astral Projectionists, have carried out detailed investigations and have each come up with the same answer: GOD HAS INCARNATED, AND LIVES ON EARTH PHYSICALLY.


    There are, as I see it, three men of God:

    (a) The Child: He is a child not by the reason of his age but by the fact that his mind is as enquiring and as inquisitive as that of a child. --Verily, verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children ye shan not enter into the Kingdom of heaven. (MaH18:3). For him neither the doctrines he has learnt nor the bigotry to which his spiritual up bringing has been subjected would ever totally fetter his mind. He is ever in search for his God. This person is one of the begotten of God, for His quest for God will never go unrewarded. It is of such children that the Kingdom of God is built. For

    (b) The Bigot: He has found his God; and he is committed to His worship. He is bigoted and totally intolerant of any other suggestion to the contrary. Of such was Saul of Tarsus. And like Saul, who became Paul, if and when it pleases God to pull the scales off this man's eyes he would pursue his new cause with even greater zeal than the old one. We advise this type of man to realize that in life, only one thing is certain, and that is uncertainty. That God has given man the talent of enquiry, it is his duty to make full use of it. Only an abnormal person will exhibit indifference when there is so much around to provoke a normal human into enquiry. (c) The Culpable Ignorant: He just does not want to inquire, lest enquiry may lead him to facts which he prefers not to know. He prefers to live in culpable ignorance. His present position has earned him a status and livelihood among men. He fears losing this status and the prerequisite thereof. Of these type of people, Prophet Isaiah did prophesy: "He had blinded their eyes and hardened their hearts that they should not see with their eyes nor understand with their hearts and be converted and I should heal them. If Isaiah 6:9-10. Some would even come to believe in Olumba Olumba Obu but will never confess him lest they lose their positions among men. For as John 12:42 says. "Among the chief rulers also many believed in Him (Jesus) but because of the Pharisees, they did not confess Him lest they should be put out of the synagogue. For they love the praise ofmen more that the praise of God." In this class, we find the lords temporal, kings, queens, all heads of states, ministers of states, the lords spiritual, the popes, bishops, moderators, pastors, priests and leaders of religious and occult societies. They will never investigate these strange happenii:lgs associated with Olumba. They fear confronting the facts, and to be placed in the difficult position of having either to abandon their cherished religions or to live in self-confessed falsehood.

  • How can the pope or the bishops, kings or the queens accept that God would reincarnate in the form of a black man, a slave race? How can He bypass the edifice, Christendom, which has been so well-rebuilt with stiff doctrines, for and on His behal after His disciples had all perished by persecution? But history repeats itself.

    When God incarnated as Jesus ofNazareth, He by-passed the Judaism, which "He, God" had scrupulously set up, and the very High Priests whom He appointed over the church. He has by-passed the KEEPERS OF GOD AGAIN this time. Too bad! By-pass? Why not!

    The powers ofdarkness had started injecting heresy among even the disciples of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Peter, the very rock upon which Christ founded His Church, had already started preaching heresy, compelling Christians to undergo the rituals of Judaism. It was Paul who stopped him, and reversed the heresy. Peter himself says "But there were false prophets among the people even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies ... " 2 Peter 2: 1

    So, if the early Christians were already battling with errors and heresies, and these were the teachers who had been imbued with power from on high by the baptism of the Holy Spirit, how then can we expect Christendom. which is an edifice reconstructed by unbaptized zealots, to be anything else but errors and heresies? Of course God has bypassed them through no fault of theirs. These zealots could not resist that irrepressible urge in man to quest for God. The book of the life and teachings of Christ left behind by the disciples of Christ made the urge to look for God even more consuming. But Satan was waiting in the wings. He immediately took control of every effort for the reconstruction of Christianity. The very initiation into Christianity was falsified. Rather than immerse the candidate in water, after confession of sins (Matthew 3:6,16), Satan substituted the wetting of the forehead alone.

    Suffice it to say, no zeal, no honest personal commitment can be a substitute for the Holy Spirit. For, as long as man is not baptized of the Holy Spirit, he cannot as much as even testify of Our Lord Jesus Christ, let alone teach the Word of God, and build the Kingdom of God here on earth.

    Christendom is, of course, counterfeit;

    Christianity being born of human effort. It is the counterfeit lover - Babylon, foretold in the Book of Revelation. A harlot employs the same language for seduction as is used for true love. Yes, that is the Babylon; Christendom or her doctrines. I appeal to you the begotten of God come out of the harlot. For in the fullness of time it will "become the habitation of devils and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird". Revelation 18: 2. PRA YER FOR CHRISTENDOM

    Let thanks and praises and honor and dominion be given to You, Father, in the Name ofOur Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. Let thanks and praises and honor and doniinion be given to You, Father, in the Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. Let thanks and praises and honor and dominion be given to Our Heavenly Father, now and forever more. Amen.

    Holy, Holy, Holy and everlasting Father, Lord

    God ofHost, Who created man in Thine own image

    and likeness, Who intends man to be god, and be as

    holy as Thou art, and to participate in Your deity,

    remember the blood of the Lamb. It has paid a

    ransom for all; Holy Father, excepting none. There

    is no spirit in man which does not proceed from

    Thee. And there is no spirit that cannot be expelled

    by Thee. Drive the demon of self-righteousness,

    complacency, and misplaced arrogance from our

    brethren of Christendom. So that not one sheep

    may be lost, save the children ofperdition. For if it be Thy will that some remain the children ofperdition we pray not for those. But for the rest. Lord Olumba Olumba Obu, God of reconstruction, have mercy upon the erring brethren. Take the scales off their eyes, as Thou did to Saul. Drown the recalcitrants into the whale's belly as thou did with the recalcitrant Jonas the prophet. And bring all home, Holy Father, so that the blood of the Lamb may not have been shed in vain.

    This we pray in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ And in the blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ Let thanks and praises and honor and dominion be given to You, Father, in the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Let thanks and praises and honor and dominion be given to You, Father, in the blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Let thanks and praises and honor and dominion be given to Our Heavenly F ather, now and forever more. Amen. By: Bishop F. Gorji Dinka, Brotherhood of the Cross and Star.


  • got themselves particular much

    \'''Q. t-''' 1"'''''~' 1

    along with others. . On seeing me, the Holy.

    On May 20, J985, promptness rea , but on


    shown to me he_t.........J""a.,nl'ille?l!lt..in the SPiri ......___......_Pro_;;..p... ess Mi'lII.I!!EiII"to_p~___...... tual world. I was asked in the spiritual world to say to the first group to d' appear in the Name of Jesus Christ. I actually said this severa! times and they nENer did.

    Then I was fu rther asked to command again in the Name of Leader O. O. Obu, and immediately I pronounced the Name Olumba.Olumba Obu and before I' ~ould finish call ing the second name of the Fath sr, th e fi rst and se second groups had disa eared and stationed at a place. I was SO rrified because the

    about midnight of that day, the Sale Spiritual Head Leader U.O. Obu ;ENealed Himself to me as our Lord Jesus Christ. He tied a white towel as a girdle round His mist and came and stood beside me and my brother in front of our bed and pro' claimed that we should look at Jesus Christ in our midst. My brother did not see Him, but I saw the Fa

    wry clearly. As for the child we are looking for, He pronounced that we should go, that He ha~ given us whatever we nee ded.

    This is another rENela, tion of the Father aDout the new name of God, Leader Olumba Olumba Dou. There were two groups of people who dre ssed in white garments a~

    which this order ms car ried on mere mention of the Name of the' Holy Fa ther was fantastic. 8re thren, this is a name that is so much revered in

    earth it IS the mosr aouseo . and maligned of all names. But at this end of age whe ther the world likes it or not, the name is the new and reign/ng name of God.

    Thank.YntI FRthAr


  • " APleafot Pardon and Starin Decem,.In the Name to ,be published in ber 26, . 1979.

    and Blooel of our any mass informa Everything . w.ent.Lord Jesus ,Christ. ' ,tion medium the well with us until.n~w,and' .,fore'vei name of the Bro. after some .time,

    ..... n ..a:._ Ameti~;".:. . th~~ood of. the . ... . ,abd .temptations' started ~Christii" to come ilfPartictl~f,;ea~iD' .,.~.

    "lady, in cOnIlection ,with my sister

    (wife). As a tnatter of

    fact', it was the co.nductorinch8l"ge of oiJr Bet1:rel who misled us very badly into confusionandfrusttation~ and in 'view of thls"situation,we bac.ltslided. ;It we, hadellded

    out self-imposed . frustrations ' ther;e, all could .bave beenallrigiJ.t. but

    . we went fur;tber to lyfot wbateverr.ea;. . 'worsen ourprobsons. lemsby discrediti~ , I and my sister the name of,

    . (wife) wer~baptized Brotherb()odand its 'into 'the .Brother~ Leader~b:ip., .' hood of _ the (J.ross I happened to ~et

    in ,contact with a Sect called the ''Hible Standard Ministry'" and I made use,of their monthly, ,Magazine, called wttat the Bible says' to'tarly' out .8 vile ~

    ca~pru.gn otcalurnnyagainst the, Brotherhood. In my 'falsepublicatiollui1.'

    d~it~ec61umncaptio~d . "Testimo- '

    nies~~. .Iialleged tbat Brotherhood was nota true Church and tlmtshe was ali

    ,evil ' organisation beset .Withallsorts' of evjl practices. I went further to say that it was Brotherhood that caUsed' my wife to desert me.

    Brethren, ' I thought ,that I was being wise by tryingtobh)ekth~ way against, the sheep of God wbocould have

    , flocked into, the faldof Brotherhood. the

    modern boat of Noah..But little .did I know that I was putti{lg' my' hand into fire which burned disastrously. I have now cQme to the. ~ealizatiOll . that .blackmailillg

    .'or false~oodagainst tl:te :~ame 'of God is not onlyunhealttiy, , but self~dfeating and suicidal.

    Breiliren,theBi'hIe says. anyb6dy who blasphemes

    against tile Son of

    Man or the 'Father~

    , shall be .forgiven,

    but anybody who

    blasphemes against

    the H;9~ySpiritsh_all

    nevetbe forgiven '. in this generatiopan!1 in generatiops to come. I aJ11 noW pleadingp~iona. tely with th:e' Holy Father to', forgive. me because ever since that $eandalous publicat~ I

    , , have been' ';:."eset " with gravePt~~msand all kind$ ()f.afflictions. .


    Rrother D.l~.Il~ot


    Use Ikot .A.rttan;1a:

    Ibiono - Iti,awcal

    Governrnej)~:Area Cross Rive,t: SUite


    "If you are 'not what you are; then; The Church-goers thought 'that such Assembly and Church of thefirst;.borri,

    . you are what you are. not." TIie whole I vicious campai~s would offer them' ,which are written in heaven; ,and thetruth is that OlumbaOlumba Obu, the

    , . opportunity to destroy Brotherhood Spirit of just men made perfect and with , I Sole Spiritual Head of the Brotherhood

    " of .the Cross And Star, but the contrary Jesus Christ our Lord who is the media.of the C,oss And Star is the Only Appea

    was ,the result. However, God at whom tor of the New Covenant.'ranee of God who has not soiled his tbe blO~, was direCtfd ,!as :not dis- . This country now r~quires spiritual .. '.1bands with blood of man. fIe has never turbed. fIe warlled HIS chIldren'to for surgery and no physician 'on "earth can taken his offenders to law. He has never give LinusUmoh. afford a theatre for this specialist Job.

    stood to defend Himself even whe,n He Besides, OIumba Olumba Obu is. reo Nigeria today" is worse than Sodori1~nd ,is libelled or attacked. vealed by His Countless Acts of com Qomorrah. Moral bankruptcy, oppres.

    'Our Lord Jesus Christ had no s1,lCh passion, . and his' teachings aooutGod's, " sion, cheating inhigh places, exchange ofrecords. Olumba Obueven. forbids

    acceptallcff onhe sinnel,' as well as' His! , truth for falsehood and lawlessness. . .,_beating of children or wife or servant. gTlnnnnnnnnnnnrtftnnnnnnnMNMHMtP, The specialist Surgeon is... here. only) ,'He forbids going to court, consulting c: "IN SPITE OF ,MURDEROUS AND ~ acknowledge ,the Sovereign,ty of the Al ,'Jwitch doctors or any form of so'rcery ~ MOST SA V AGES ACCUSATIONS:::::I mighty God and His Christ. OIUlnba

    'magical ~ use of candles OJ: incenses r:::::: FROM THE SO,CALLED CHURCH.,5 Olumba ,Obu, is the 'Sovereign of aUetc, However, the Spiritual barrenness ~ GOERBOF THIS COUNTRY; PEOPLE'~ things. This Country must allow God toof this nation is making many to drift c: WHO HAVE NO REGARD FOR CIYI =I take the Lead.,. Our Lord Jesus ChristJs to materialism and this has chased away ~ LIZEDBEHAVIOURS; THE HOOD ~ working now asHe worked in Jelusalem merits' and enthroned mediocrity and .C: LUMS IDENTIFIED WITH CHRISTIAN :::J ,in those days. " incompetence along the line. ' ~EMBLEMS ON THEIR DRESSES; THE::::J People say tha.tBrotherhood members Inspite of murderous and most sa cMANYUNFOUNDED AND MOST ~ worship man not God and Jesus. That, vagejit accusaliions from the socalled ANIMALISTIC ALLEGATIONS AG' 5 its songs are compoSed' withOlumba'schurch.goe1s of t~is country; people r;;::: AINST BROTHERHOOD OF THE:::Ji name and that is not wor~h the trouble.who have no regard for civilized be ~ CROSS~AND STAR, THE ALMIGHTY 5 But 'is God not man and vice ,versa? Did haviours; the hoodlums identified with E::::: GOD HAS, OPENED THE GATE, FOR:::l God not come as man called J~us?chriStian' emblems on their dresses; ~ MORE OF THE CHILDREN OF GOD ~ . Now I say, Refrain from these people the many unfounded and most anima C TO DRIFT IN. HERE IN IMO AND:::l of Brotherhood and let them alolle

    . listie. allegations against Brotherhood ~ ANAMBRA, STATES, IT HAS BEEN::I For if this Council or this work be of ' ~f the Cro&s -"And Stat, the Almighty C ESTABLISHED THAT OUR PEO ~ men, it will coine to nought, (Acts 5:God Has opened' the gate, for 1110re of .~ PLK'S DISBELIEF HAD BEENFOUN ~ 38.39), Butifit be of God, you,:cannot, th~ children of God to drift in. ' ' c: DED ON THE UNGRAMMATICAL::I overthrow it;. lest happily ye be found Here' in' brio and Anambra States, it

    . ~, AND MOST ANIMALISTIC PUULICA- even to fight agairist God. has been established that our' people's , disbelief had been founded on the un J:::::: . TlON By LINUS UMOH iN 1978'," =l . . ' . . ,~. 0."1 .' UUUuum No pohticlI! partx ean restore lawand'grammatical and most animalistic pub, uuUlJU[JUUUUUUUU _yUUUUUUU _ order in the world' no tmracle performed licatiort by Linus Umoh in 1978, which

    , grief . stricken 'atti~ude ~? huruap. dis . by man without God can save theNawas circulated nation-wide; alleging

    .obedlence, and belOg HImself, a fnend dons from total ruin. The~only answer that BCS was' a blood-thirsty society. of out~asts, Th~ saving activity: is de- to these istoiacknowledge the sovereig-This article, poisoned the minds of the clared .10 the scnptures to bea demon nty of His Majesty God and His Christ. people and'biaSed them' against the Bro- ' stratJon of the love of God; impaI;ing , ., therhooo 'of the Cross And Star,throu, , a~ ~terhal re~lity ~f, life :to men: H: is . Byghout, !he. natjo.n. His "sympathi~rs ~IYI.ne Lpve 10 A~tl0n. HIS teachmglS a Apostle Nich~las Fogustill fail to believe that he, Linus Umoh, r1Og1Og,eall to ActIOn.. .' (Aba', Imo State.) theirm~.informant h4d for long,. wri And Brotherhood of the Cross And " tten' again to refute his wild allegatio,ns > Star is.the City of the lilring God. 'The


    ., e"en on the pages of, News Journals , heavenly ;Jerusalem with an innumera

    'and in Radio Net W()rk. ble company q" Angels . .,. The general \

  • '"" ~~,.: ~


    HERALD OF TH.E NEW KINGDOM SATURDAY JAN. 6:, 1985~FRIDAY JAN. 19, 1985 Page Twenty Five '" ,. .


    In the name of , our Lord 'Jesus Christ; In th~ Ulood THE THREE THOR'NS of our Lord Jesus . \ Christ; Now and for evermore Amen.

    Brethren, In this Revela

    tion, there are three Spirits that impede the ,progress of the Father's work QOw' op Earth. They are Fotllication, Wealth and Food.

    So to start with Fornication. It went before the Holy Spirit for judgement. Before the throne of Judgement, the Fa

    ,ii, ther asked it, Vvhere :;~;>:do you come

    ;,~rom? He asked se.':J'~ral times hUI it

    COUld not give any answer. So the Fathef rebuked it and said, ~'As for you, I had overco~e you, first in the time of

    Adanl andsecQrJdly on t.he Cross. Then cefoitli anyone yqho ?ommits fornication

    'IS of Adam and that for hiS punishment, He haf; klilt a place for !-iuch'71 r>erson-

    This place, is so dark, with no water .to drink, '10 food to eat, no clothe to'

    '" wear and no peace. They were empty. f,J Just. for this reaSon the Father is day in day oul in the Tem-pie .nol: to give . it a chance. In the Name and Blood of Our Lord' JeSUS Christ.

    . Next carne Wealtli.

    "J\e~ertheless,' I ha~ overC~l1l~ yOU

    in the. time of the Temptation in . the.I Wilderness", said the Father. There


    is never a time He had corrie for' the Earthly wealth but to rule and re1ign over heaven and earth and to fulfil all righteousness. In the.' Name and blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

    LaStly came Food.

    And h.e said "I have created the garden f~r you to pluck and feed your fullest to device the' power and Spirit of God. Decause of ignorance

    CHRISr SERVANT you pluck amlcook~ Samuel Willie Udo thereby; ,boilinfland

    killing the authority in th~m." . .

    He then adviced "Yoti . came frOm' the Father? froni the garden of Eden, where. there were no cooking nor boiling. Now that you are going back to . the Father there should be no cook- . ing rior boiling of ' any sort of thesefoods. You should only ,go on eating' fruits. " . 'In the. Name of Our Lord Jesus Christ. In the 'Blood of our Lotd Jesus .. Christ, NQ\\" and for ever niQte Amen.

    Thank You' Fa ther. .


    Samuel W. Udoh

    . Kano Bethel.'


    The Holy Father Quenched The Fire

    given to me by the Police boss who lived next to my house, there was no driver to drive me.

    When I realised that there was no help from-human beings, 1 came back

    the compound and briskly walked around the building calling the Holy Father. lnunediately. the fire seized and the people who crowded round to watch were amazed. They wondered how the fire quenched without the fire Brigade.

    AIl Government offi cials who heard abC!.ut it and who also saw it wondered what prevented the' fire from raging down the with the govemllll'lll fumiture in it, In the final

    arialysis, they said "it was the work of the Father."

    FUlihermore, I have to the world know that I

    was a dead man but the Father, changed me returning my body to its original status. Concerning work, there was, no place of ..york that 'I lasted up to 'one year without being sacked, but now, the ther has made me work UP. ,to five years in my present department as a cook, tlu: ' nps and downs of life not withstanding,

    Let thanks, be to our Father in the narne of Our Lord Jesus Guis!. Amen,

    Thank you Father.

    Almada G!Jest 110 lise,

    In the Name of Our Lord Jesus Christ, In the Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Now and' forever more Amen.

    The Holy Father is capable of performing, his spiritual works without limitations. He is an all in all Father, the father who is nearer to His people in the whole universe particularly when you believe and know him as the only Saviour.

    I have every cause to rejoice and thank the Holy Father and testify about the work He has been doing for me. I am serving in the Ahoada Central Be thel, Pott Harcourt in Ri vers State of Nigeria

    It happened on 21 st August, 1985 .at about 4.45 p.m. I left the kitchen at about 4.40 p.m. afte,r I had finished my cooking tq have rest in my bedroom. At this time, there was a slight rain fall accompanied 'by a very clumsy thunder storm. 'Ihe whole house sparked into flame and seeing this, I rushed to NEPA office to off the light from the meter but unfortunately the office was closed and there was nobody to con suit there.

    The next thing I did was to look for a car to convey me to the company yard to seek for help. Though a cm was

    Ltd" Brother Effiong E:kanem

  • I" ' Saturday January.> I Friday 13 February 1987 Herald of the New Kingdom Page 3

    .Olumba really never,lails

    de-,,- ~'~,." .. ,

    money then which 1 thought ,was en~ugh to fetch m,e.a .frUit of wom~ 'fr()m.. native doctol:), T.he bitteras~ pectof It were the. shipping mhls Town.. .... " scars ~f, bl~de-cut shipBethel, Benin, My, . Peace In the Name. marksl'I1f1lcte,d al1 brother was ~,~ppyand Bloo~ ~f our bDrd around m~, waist and that I had reJomed chest which n~arlv hi'm. He assured me of m~rred my.,~od-given Father's forgiveness beauty.. .... . form'e, .

    The orthodox ~~dl- Not only did ,he cal doctors which I fast and prayed With

    than ten n.ativ~ doctors like the native,d~t8rs . ministry ,work to La-who demande~' go~tS,'a~o;f~iled ,n'le~Oefu/., gos,af,ld Ibadan Healing

    \dog;, cocks, cownes, ly;Untverslty of Benrn Hom'es where horrible white c.l8th; aU 'No~th ' ,T~a,ching Hq;pital, &:~ charms were physicany

    th~usan~, of .... naIra. nln and tw,o otherJ~- removed from my bowhich I,pald. I qua~el-no\Vned .Pnva~ Me~I' ;dy and .. Ibecainepreled and fought With cal