Testimonies Medical Doctors

MD in Los Angeles helps to heal patient's four (4) month Hospital Ordeal! Eric B. Robins, M.D. Board Certified Urinologist Los Angeles, California [email protected] Perhaps my most dramatic case was that of J.M. He wasn't my patient nor was he referred to me, but I had seen his name up on the roster of our surgical ward for so long that I decided to introduce myself. He had a surgery to remove his gall bladder months before this, and unfortunately had suffered some significant complications, including an injury to his common bile duct. After this injury, he required several more explorations. As frequently happens with complex cases, once things start going really wrong with the body, they seem to escalate. The patient developed multiple enterocutaneous fistulae (This means that intestinal fluid was leaking out through the skin of his abdominal wall); yeast sepsis (a very serious condition that is fatal nearly 70% of the time, in which yeast growns in the blood); and a pulmonary embolism (a blood clot in the lungs, fatal nearly 60% of the time). He also had daily fever spikes for the past six weeks, and months of constant nausea and vomiting. No one thought that he was going to live past Christmas. It seemed to me in simplistic terms that the patient's energy level was low, his batteries were depleted, and he could no longer heal himself. Most of what was going wrong was a symptom of this. I began to apply Pranic Healing daily. Within two days, his fever and nausea disappeared. Within one week, his pulse rate decreased from the 150 range to the 120 range. He eventually got strong enough to tolerate a final surgery to repair his fistulae, and went on to make a full recovery. Occasionally, he stops by after work to visit me and shoot the bull.


Energy healing testimonies. Amazing Results

Transcript of Testimonies Medical Doctors

  • MD in Los Angeles helps to heal patient's four (4) month Hospital Ordeal! Eric B. Robins, M.D. Board Certified Urinologist Los Angeles, California [email protected] Perhaps my most dramatic case was that of J.M. He wasn't my patient nor was he referred to me, but I had seen his name up on the roster of our surgical ward for so long that I decided to introduce myself. He had a surgery to remove his gall bladder months before this, and unfortunately had suffered some significant complications, including an injury to his common bile duct. After this injury, he required several more explorations. As frequently happens with complex cases, once things start going really wrong with the body, they seem to escalate. The patient developed multiple enterocutaneous fistulae (This means that intestinal fluid was leaking out through the skin of his abdominal wall); yeast sepsis (a very serious condition that is fatal nearly 70% of the time, in which yeast growns in the blood); and a pulmonary embolism (a blood clot in the lungs, fatal nearly 60% of the time). He also had daily fever spikes for the past six weeks, and months of constant nausea and vomiting. No one thought that he was going to live past Christmas. It seemed to me in simplistic terms that the patient's energy level was low, his batteries were depleted, and he could no longer heal himself. Most of what was going wrong was a symptom of this. I began to apply Pranic Healing daily. Within two days, his fever and nausea disappeared. Within one week, his pulse rate decreased from the 150 range to the 120 range. He eventually got strong enough to tolerate a final surgery to repair his fistulae, and went on to make a full recovery. Occasionally, he stops by after work to visit me and shoot the bull.

  • Amputation avoided through Distant Pranic Healing Santiago Avils Lee, MD Certified Senior Pranic Healer Bogota, Colombia [email protected]

    A few weeks after my first Basic Pranic Healing workshop, I was notified that a family friend was suffering from erysipelas (a severe leg infection), on her left lower limb.

    The affected part was around 12 cm long and 6 to 8 cm wide and so very deep that it even compromised the bone. The patient, a 68 year old lady, was very weak and had been in bed for almost a year due to the intense pain and the physical limitation she experienced from her condition. Her sleep was seriously affected by the severity of the pain she had at night. Due to this precarious situation her doctors wanted to perform an amputation.

    I was not even in my own country when I received this report. I decided to do a 'Distant Pranic Healing' treatment for her. It was amazing! The night right after the first distant healing session the patient was able to sleep deeply and calmly for the first time in months. The day after the treatment, she was able to walk after many months of being in bed. The affected part healed so well that just in two weeks the wound was totally closed. The scar was in perfect condition and no amputation was needed. This miraculous result occurred after only four healing sessions.

    No Comparison Before and After Knowing Pranic Healing Dr. R. S. Jnanesh Holistic Physician Hyderabad, India [email protected]

    I would like to confess here to begin with that whatever matter is presented here is the truth and nothing but the truth. It so happened that I was pretty fresh from my pranic healing and Reiki training. I was sitting in my clinic and it was just a couple of days after my training. A lady walked into my clinic. She was a Muslim. She could not breathe properly. She was a known asthmatic. She was pretty uncomfortable. She was breathless. In my terminology I would put it as a sub-acute asthma. I made her to sit down on a chair. Asked her to relax. Because she was a Muslim I asked her if she believed in Allah. She said yes. So I opened the image of (Mecca) Kaaba on my computer. I asked her to just keep seeing the image and pray to Allah. Being an allopathic I did not want to look different and so did not do any sweeping or such other techniques. But I had faith. So I just kept my hand on her right shoulder and meditated, imagining her airways own up. Air moving in beautifully and that was it. She was normal. Breathing normally. That was my first healing and I had tears rolling in my eyes. No sweeping. I have never tried them. Just a wish and it was wonderful. I treated a couple of patients of diabetes and blood pressure with simple medications, which

  • were not controlled at other places by higher doses before knowing pranic healing. But after learning this wonderful therapy, healing is much better. There is no comparison between the doctor I was before knowing this healing technique and after knowing it.