TESTED LASER PLASMA SHIELD to REPEL deadly space threats - 65 languages-UPDATE 45

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  • 8/19/2019 TESTED LASER PLASMA SHIELD to REPEL deadly space threats - 65 languages-UPDATE 45



  • 8/19/2019 TESTED LASER PLASMA SHIELD to REPEL deadly space threats - 65 languages-UPDATE 45


    45th PLANETARY DEFENSE Nobel nominated! 65 LANGUAGES LIST p. english,azərbaycanca, bosanski (bosnian), català, čeština (czech), corsu (corsica), cymraeg (welsch), dansk, deutsch, eesti keel (estonian), ελλη!"# $

    greek%hellenic, es&a'ol, es&erando, euskara (basue), ran*ais, gaeilge (irish), gàidhlig (gaelic scottish), galego (galikian), +awsa (hausa), hratski(croatian), igbo, indonesia, -slenska (iceland), italiano, kurd., latiešu aloda (latian $ λε/0!"#), l1tzebuergesch (lu2embourgish), lietui3 kalba

    (lithuanian), magyar (hungarian), malti (maltese), m4ori (maori), melayu (malaysian), nederlands (dutch), norsk (norwegian), &ili&ino, &olski, &ortugu5s,rom6n (romanian), shi& (albanian), sloenčina (sloak), sloenščina (sloenian), senska, suomi (innish), ti7ng 8i9t (ietnamese), t:rk*e (turkish),

    yoruba, ;?@AB>C DEF> (belarusian), GH=I>?ABJ (bulgarian), KELIE= (mongolian), ?@AABJM (russian), NBEOP< (sko&ian), NQRNST (serbian),UB?>VLAWB> (ukranian), Հայաստան (armenian), ြမန်မာြပည်  (burma), (georgian) $ि हनदी   भारतीय  (hindi), ગજુરાતી (guXarati),  े पाली  (ne&ali),

    ਪਜੰਾਬੀ  (&unXabi),  ไทย (thai), 中國傳統 (traditional chinese% "!εY!"# Z[\[]0^!["#), 한국어 (korean), 日本語 (Xa&anese), _` (arabic),

    f (urdu), j (&ersian%arsi) o"e #oto$ and  t%e &ENTENARIAN %abit$ at t%e end.

    Nobel nominated plan adopted b' ESA(NASA()a"*a"d(+Gill , - in$tittion$ t%at $ta"ted SIULATI/NS!La$e" Pla$ma Ea"t% S)IELDS to "epel t%e $pa+e Damo+le$ $0o"d$ o*e" $1t%e ele+t"i+ a$te"oid$ , t%e e2+e$$i*e $pa+e ele+t"i+it' +a$in3 3eoma3neti+ $pe"($to"m$   , b' $timlatin3 atmo$p%e"e (ma3ma ele+t"o(*ol+ani+  i+e(a3e$ ma3neti+ pole$7   "e*e"$al  ( and to A8ERT an E9TIN&TI/N e*ent b' all n:e$7 e2plo$ion!

    htt&%%La$e"Ea"t%S%ield.in#o;?@ BCH J KJ M= O7 Q@QQV? = W=JV=

  • 8/19/2019 TESTED LASER PLASMA SHIELD to REPEL deadly space threats - 65 languages-UPDATE 45


    The CENTENARIAN habits at the endpq , english , azərbaycanca v, bosanski (bosnian) vx, català v, čeština (czech) , corsu (corsica) , cymraeg

    (welsch) {, dansk , deutsch v, eesti keel (estonian) , ελλη!"# | greek%hellenic v{%Z[\[Z0}Z~• v, es&a'ol , es&erando€, euskara (basue) €, ran*ais , gaeilge (irish) x, gàidhlig (gaelic scottish) , galego (galikian) , +awsa (hausa) {, hratski(croatian) , igbo v, indonesia , -slenska (iceland) , italiano , kiswahili €, kurd. , latiešu aloda (latian $ λε/0!"#) x,

    l1tzebuergesch (lu2embourgish) , lietui3 kalba (lithuanian) €, magyar (hungarian) €{, malti (maltese) €{, melayu (malaysian) €,m4ori (maori) €v, nederlands (dutch) €, norsk (norwegian) €, &ili&ino €€, &olski €, &ortugu5s €x, rom6n (romanian) €x, shi&

    (albanian) €, sloenčina (sloak) , sloenščina (sloenian) {, senska , suomi (innish) v, ti7ng 8i9t (ietnamese) , t:rk*e(turkish) , yorb‚ (yoruba) , ;?@AB>C DEF> (belarusian) €, GH=I>?ABJ (bulgarian) , KELIE= (mongolian) x, ?@AABJM

    (russian) , NBEOP< (sko&ian) x, NQRNST (serbian) x{, UB?>VLAWB> (ukranian) x, Հայաստան (armenian) xv, ြမန်မာြပည် (burma) xv,(georgian) x,

    ગજુરાતી (guXarati) x, ि हनदी   भारतीय  (hindi) x,  े पाली  (ne&ali) x, ਪਜੰਾਬੀ   (&unXabi) x€,  ไทย (thai) x€, 中國傳統

    (traditional chinese% "!εY!"# Z[\[]0^!["#) x, 한국어 (korean) x, 日本語  (Xa&anese) xx, _` (arabic) xx, f (urdu) x, j(&ersian%arsi)

    IAGE Žaƒ„he „unguska${x and qhelyabinsk${v meteorites e2&losions were …q„†q and a …aser ‡lasma hield must be„„ˆ or ˆp‰Š! ε"\‹Œε!• }ε/ε\!/Ž ^ε 0‘"0’^"[${x "[! qhelyabinsk${v ‹/[ “”–—˜–™ "[! }![

    ”~!Yε\ [^Z][ Zλ#^}[/0• Z\~Zε! [ ]0"!}[^/ε ‘![ #}[‰…os „unguska${x y qhelyabinsk${v meteoritos e2&losiones ueron el›ctrico y unescudo l‚ser de &lasma debe ser &robado &ara la deensa‰œ@LI@AABJM${x J

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  • 8/19/2019 TESTED LASER PLASMA SHIELD to REPEL deadly space threats - 65 languages-UPDATE 45


    made also certain &eo&le &anicked and atalist, who ke&t on making other &eo&le atalist too, the origin o wars ƒ °elly ¥¦~"[[ }ε\!"0’• Z[!"©±λη/0• }0!\0λ#/\ε• [ [‘!0’ [ "#0 "[!#λλ0• }0!\0λ#/\ε•, [ Œε"!‹^0 /0• Z0λ~}0• ƒ¦²icieron tambi›n ciertas &ersonas entraron en &‚nico y atalista, ue no cesaban de hacer 

    ue otras &ersonas atalist tambi›n, el origen de las guerras ƒ$ ¥ °elly¦³LJ A¢=J S?ED< žEIE, LO>LJBEF>=J J ´>ž>=JAž, BEžE?ŸMO?E¢E=£>= ¢žW ¢?@IJµ =¯¢ž>=JAž, O?EJAµE£¢

  • 8/19/2019 TESTED LASER PLASMA SHIELD to REPEL deadly space threats - 65 languages-UPDATE 45


    ¹ut now, to ensure a sae, centenarian lie ƒ¦, §λλ# /Ž\[, ‘![ }![ [^ª[λ‹, [!0±!"‹ Y‹ ƒ¦,‡ero ahora, &ara garantizar una ida segura centenaria ƒ¦,ºE ž

  • 8/19/2019 TESTED LASER PLASMA SHIELD to REPEL deadly space threats - 65 languages-UPDATE 45


    IAGE ‘ ¤ter the geomagnetic su&er$storms ƒ¦ (the ollowing triggered by the un) o {x (qarringtonglobal eent), {x (»uebec black$out), {%v%{ (weden black$out), %€%{€ (¼‡ailures) , {€$†, {$½¤

     ¾^/ε\[ [Z© /!• /ελε/[ε• !^¨\~• ‘ε}[‘η/!"~•Zε\$"[/[!‘]ε• ƒ¦ (Z0 Z\0"닶η"[ [Z© ηλ!["~•ε"\‹Œε!•) /0 {x (Z[‘"©^}!0 ‘ε‘0©• –#\!"/0),{x (}Zλ["#0/ –ε}Z~"), {%v%{(}Zλ["#0/ ™0η][•), %€%{€ (}Zλ["#0/ ¼‡),{€$†, {$“¿§

    ˆes&u›s de las tormentas geomagn›ticas su&er$ƒ¦(l siguiente &roocada &or el ol ) de {x (eentoglobal qarrington), {x (negro$uera de »uebec),

    {%v%{ (negro$uera de uecia), %€%{€(allos de ¼‡) , {€$†, {$½¤

    REA=< žEIE, B>B IILJžLŸµ G@?W A@O

  • 8/19/2019 TESTED LASER PLASMA SHIELD to REPEL deadly space threats - 65 languages-UPDATE 45


    and the Âuly { p¤$Æ Ä„†pq„†Åp eent by all nukesÆ e2&losionrom a ery strong solar su&er$storm ƒx¦ (missed or a ew hours‰ ƒ¦), (ƒ{¦), a&ro&osal or …aser ‡lasma hield has been made &ublic¥

    "[! /0 Z[\Æ 0λ‘0 Z[‘"©^}!0 [ª[!^}© /0 ˜0’λ!0 /0 {, [Z© ηλ!0$ηλε"/\!"‹ Zε\$"[/[!‘][ Z0 Z\0^Z~\[^ε /η Çη ƒx${¦, "[! ¶[ Z\0"[λ0’^ε~"\ηŒη$/©}!0 Z\η!"Ž ε\‘0^/[^, }![ Z\©/[^η ‘![ ”~!Yε\ È\#"!^η

    /η• Çη• ‘ε/[! ‘^/‹¥

    y el nÉmero de Xulio { cerca$miss eento de e2tinci·n de e2&losi·n &or todas las armas nucleares, a &artir de una muy uerte solar sÉ&er tormenta ƒx¦ (&erdidas duranteunas horas‰ ƒ¦), (ƒ{¦), una &ro&uesta de escudo de l‚ser de &lasma se ha hecho &Éblico¥

    J J¯=W { OE¸žJ O?ED>µ> FŸDJ?>LJ< Ež F?ŸF> O?J FA

  • 8/19/2019 TESTED LASER PLASMA SHIELD to REPEL deadly space threats - 65 languages-UPDATE 45


    $ Z\0"[λε /0• "ε\[0’• ("[! ÌÍ—˜™ ^’εª[, ]ηλ[]‹ ε [!¶\[‰) ({{$ ¼ureich §¥), Z0ε"/\~Z0/[! [Z© /[ [λεŒ!"~\[[¥n &rimer lugar, amos a er c·mo la electricidad es&acio (&lasma como el ol, los rel‚m&agos, lasllamas, las l‚m&aras de ne·n) trabaXa en la „ierra, m‚s all‚ de las auroras$ ²ace ue los rel‚m&agos, incluso desde el cielo claro ƒ{{$ ¼ureich ¤¥¦, ue se des.a a niel local&or los &ararrayosËÎE$OLAžFE ¬=GEž> ®

  • 8/19/2019 TESTED LASER PLASMA SHIELD to REPEL deadly space threats - 65 languages-UPDATE 45


    $ …a misma electricidad es&acio, ya sea &or el centro gal‚ctico el›ctrica ƒ{¦ o &or el ol ƒ{v$im&son Â¥¦ o &or cualuier otra estrella, estimula el magma, y causa terremotos uertes ƒ{$ Âain,¦Ë$ œE £< O?EAž?>LAžFE ¬=

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    $ the ¤Ã s&ace electricity when it hits laa in the craters, causes olcanic eru&tions ƒ{$ bisuzaki„¥ et al¦,$ Š ]!0• ‘[λ[Œ!["©• ηλε"/\!^}©•, ©/[ ¨/Z# /η λ#±[ ^ε "\[/‹\ε•, Z\0"[λε /!• ηª[!^/ε!["~•ε"\‹Œε!• ƒ{$ bisuzaki ¥ et al¦,$ …a misma electricidad es&acio cuando gol&ea la laa en los cr‚teres, &rooca eru&cionesolc‚nicas ƒ{$ bisuzaki „¥ et al¦,$ œE £< O?EAž?>LAžFE ¬= EL> OEO>¢>F@ B?>ž

  • 8/19/2019 TESTED LASER PLASMA SHIELD to REPEL deadly space threats - 65 languages-UPDATE 45


    IAGE Žb

    IAGE Ž+

    IAGE Žd

  • 8/19/2019 TESTED LASER PLASMA SHIELD to REPEL deadly space threats - 65 languages-UPDATE 45


    IAGE Že

    $ ¤lso a highly charged electric asteroid or comet ƒ{¦ &assing by the arth$ Z^η• ~[• Z0λ’ ª0\/!^}~0• [^/ε\0ε!]‹• ‹ "0}‹/η• ƒ{¦,$ „ambi›n un asteroide el›ctrica altamente cargado o un cometa ƒ{¦,$ œ>B£< FŸAEBE >?C£

  • 8/19/2019 TESTED LASER PLASMA SHIELD to REPEL deadly space threats - 65 languages-UPDATE 45


    may reerse the magnetic &oles, causing a deastating su&er$charge by deadly cosmic radiation¥¥¥Zε\Ž/[• "0/# [Z© /ηÇη, }Z0\ε [[/!^/\~Òε! /0•ηλε"/\0}[‘η/!"0’• /η•Z©λ0•, Z\0"[λŽ/[•Z[‘"©^}!ε•

    "[/[^/\0ª~• [Z© /η¶[#^!}η "0^}!"‹["/!0±0λ[,ue &asa &or la „ierra,&uede reertir los &olosmagn›ticos, y &roocaun su&er$cargadeastadora &or laradiaci·n c·smicamortal, &uede ser e2tremadamente r‚&ido,BEžE?>C O?EµE¢Jž DJDE®?@Jž

  • 8/19/2019 TESTED LASER PLASMA SHIELD to REPEL deadly space threats - 65 languages-UPDATE 45


     qosmic inluence on the un$arth enironment ƒ$ ÃukherXee ¥¦ works like this qp q…Žˆe2&eriment ƒ{¦ showed that the galactic cosmic raysÆ electricity (stimulate the atmos&heric aerosols,mainly olcanic (already &roduced by s&ace stimulation o magma), together with the water a&or,&roducing the clouds ƒ¦, §/©• 0 ]![^/η}!"©• ηλε"/\!^}©• εZη\ε#Yε! ƒ $ ÃukherXee ¥¦ /0 "λ}[ /η• Çη• • εŒ‹•„0 Zε\[}[ q…Žˆ ^/0 qp ƒ{¦ ~]ε!Œε ©/! 0 ηλε"/\!^}©• / ‘[λ[Œ!["Ž "0^}!"Ž ["/]!ε‘ε\ε! /[ [/}0^ª[!\!"# [ε\0λ’}[/[, "\• ηª[!^/ε!["‹ ^"©η, }[Y }ε /0• ]\[/}0’•,

    Z[\#‘0/[• /[ ^’εª[ ƒ¦,…a inluencia c·smica en el medio ambiente de ol$„ierra ƒ$ ¥ ÃukherXee¦ unciona as. ele2&erimento en el qp p½¹ ƒ{¦ mostr· ue la electricidad de los rayos c·smicos gal‚cticos (aestimular los aerosoles atmos›ricos, &rinci&almente olc‚nica, &roducido ya &or el es&acioestimulaci·n de magma), Xunto con el a&or de agua, y &roduce las nubes ƒ¦,SEADJ¸ EB?@£>¯¡@¯ A?ED ¬BAO

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     and, de&ending on the degree o stimulation, they result in light rains o warm seasons or down&ours(&lus heat$waes by ÅÚp Âet$stream blocking heat ƒv¦,"[!, [#λ0‘[ }ε /0 ±[¶}© /η• ]!~‘ε\^η•, Z\0"’Z/0 ελ[ª\!~• ±\0¨~• /!• ¶ε\}~• εZ0¨~• ‹"[/[!‘]ε• ("[! "[’^ε• [Z© Y~^/η Z0 /η }Zλ0"#\ε! ¿§ÇÍÛÜŠ Z0λ!"© \ε’}[ ƒv¦,y, en unci·n del grado de estimulaci·n, ue resultan en lluias ligeras de estaciones c‚lidas oaguaceros en las estaciones r.as (adem‚s de las olas de calor &or Âet$ congelado luXo ue bloueael calor ƒv¦,J, F >FJAJDEAžJ Ež Až£

  • 8/19/2019 TESTED LASER PLASMA SHIELD to REPEL deadly space threats - 65 languages-UPDATE 45


    "[! Z\©^"[!\η ¶~\}[^η ¶[λ#^^! Zε\!0¨Ž [Z©Z0¶[λ#^ !̂[ ηª[!^/ε!["‹ ]\#^η ƒ¦),y el pi'o &or el ulcanismo subacu‚ticas ƒ¦),J Ï=W$ºJLWE OE subwater F@=B>LJD> ƒ¦),i及TUVWgX^ "#*% S山rð[24],

    IAGE Ž’

    alternating with droughts o cold seasons, as in therecent, electro$olcanic …ittle †ce$age ({${), that destroyed Ãayas, ¤ztecs, †ncas, likesome &recedents deastated &haraohs, Ãycenaeans, omans and many othersÝZ0 ε[λλ#^^0/[! }ε Œη\[^ε• /!• Ò¨\~• εZ0¨~• (©Z• η Z\©^ª[/η, ηλε"/\0$ηª[!^/ε!["‹ Û!"\‹

    ¿[‘ε/Ž]η•, {${), o! 0Z0ε• ]!~λ^[ ]![]0¨!"# /0• [Z0][^/~• ª[\[Ž, —}[0• "[! /0•"[±[λ0• Û#‘![•, §Y/~"0•, Þ"[•¥¥¥ue alternan con las seu.as de las estaciones r.as, como en el reciente, ‡eue'a edad de hieloelectro$olc‚nica ({${), ue destruy· Ãayas, los ¤ztecas, los †ncas , al igual ue algunos&recedentes inierno olc‚nico deastadas araones, inasores Ãic›nicos, omanos y muchosotros¥¥¥ ̧ Až> ({${), BEžE?Ÿ< @LJ¸žE£J=J Ãayas, >ÀžB Lž¸JBEF,

    ?JD=CL< J DLEIJ< ¢?@IJ

  • 8/19/2019 TESTED LASER PLASMA SHIELD to REPEL deadly space threats - 65 languages-UPDATE 45


    „he currently decreasing unÆs electro$magnetic ield strength, weakens also the arthÆs electro$magnetic ield, raising the deadly dangers rom the incoming s&ace radiation ƒ$ ½ pational ¤cademy o ciences, ‡almer ˆ¥¦¥$ ß/[ }ε!Žε/[! η ~/[^η /0 ηλε"/\0$}[‘η/!"0’ Zε]0 /0’ ‹λ!0 (©Z• ^}±[ε! /Ž\[),}ε!Žε/[! "[! [/© /‹• Çη• "[! [Œ#ε! /0• ¶[#^!}0• "!]’0• [Z© /η ε!^ε\¨©}εη 0\#![["/!0±0λ[ ƒ $ ²olme —¥, ‡almer ˆ¥¦¥ ¤ctualmente la uerza decreciente del cam&o electromagn›tico del ol, tambi›n debilita el cam&o

    electro$magn›tico de la „ierra, y elea los &eligros mortales de la radiaci·n entrante desde eles&acio ƒ$ ¤cademia pacional de qiencias de ¥½¥, ˆ¥ ‡almer¦¥Î L>AžEC¡, EA=>G=CB£<¬=ILJžLE< OE=< ®

  • 8/19/2019 TESTED LASER PLASMA SHIELD to REPEL deadly space threats - 65 languages-UPDATE 45


    …os &rinci&ales astro.sicos ƒ€$ teinhilber ¥ % qereza Â¥ °¥ chatten % „obiska ¥, °irkby,…iingston % ‡enn, …ockwood, ensmark, ¤bdussamato, qorbyn) &ronostican un &roundo m.nimosolar, similar a la de la ‡eue'a electro$olc‚nica dad de hielo, cuando ála actiidad olc‚nica esmayor en &eriodos de m.nimos &rolongado de la actiidad solará ($ trestik Â¥, Ã¥ qasati¦¥ × áituo una gran eru&ci·n olc‚nica de este ti&o ƒa niel mundial deastadora¦, digamos en medio de lauro&a de hoy, los eectos ser.an enormes y unos meses &odr.a no ser suiciente &ara obtener suactuar Xuntos áƒx$ ˆruitt „¥ et al¦¥


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    ¿\0/ε0}ε /η Z\©±λεÒη$§¿Š–—ŠÕ™“ /0’ Zε\±#λλ0/0• "λ#^}[/0• /0 ηλ!0$‘[λ[Œ!["0’ηλε"/\!^}0’ Z0 ]!ε‘ε\ε! /η Çη, }~^ ”~!Yε\ §^Z] ¿λ#^}[/0• Z# [Z© εε\‘0’• "\[/‹\ε•,"[! Òηλ# Z# [Z© /0 !^η}ε\!© ƒ¦, }~^ /0 0Z00 0 Zε\!^^©/ε\0• ‘[λ[Œ!["©• ηλε"/\!^}©•Zλ‹//ε! /0 Zλ[‹/η }[•, Z\0"[λŽ/[• ‘ε}[‘η/!"~• Zε\$"[/[!‘]ε•, ηª[!^/ε!["0’• ̈ ε!}Žε•(Œε"!Ž/[•, ©Z• ^/o• Z\©^ª[/0•, ηλε"/\0$ηª[!^/ε!["0’• $ {oq%$x{0q ^/!• “¿§ ƒv¦), "[! /!•[/!^/\0ª~• / ‘‹! }[‘η/!"Ž Z©λ)¥ „[ Zε\$λ~!Yε\ Z0 ¨\ε!#Y0/[! ‘!å [/‹ /η ¶\#"!^η~¨0 Z![ "[/[^"ε[^/ε ƒv{¦¥

    ‡ro&onemos el &ron·stico y el ahuyentador de la electricidad es&acio e2cesio ue estimula la„ierra, a tra›s de los escudos de &lasma de l‚ser, &oner sobre cr‚teres actios, y un escudo l‚sermediante una red de sat›lite, &or encima ecuador (tal ez en $ &untos de …agrange), donde lamayor &arte de la electricidad es&acio gol&ea nuestro &laneta, &roocando iniernos olc‚nicos (uecomenz· como el reciente, electro$olc‚nicamente inducida, ${oq y $x{oq en los ¥½¥) ƒv¦,geomagn›ticas su&er$tormentas y reersiones de &olos magn›ticos, a tra›s del cambio de su‚ngulo ¥ …‚seres &etawatt son ahora actible ƒv{¦¥KŸ O?I>=BJF>¯¡žLAžFE ¬= L>@ O=>LCF@=B>LJ¸¸>=AC B>B LFLJM, ¬=LJ¸LLEFE?EžEF, >A¸

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    IAGE 4

    )man:ind m$t a+t nited and #a$t 0it% t%e &ENTENARIAN UTUAL(AID &LARITY!

    Η ανθρωπότητα πρέπει να δράσει ενωμένη και γρήγορα με την ΑΙΩΝΟΒΙΚΗ ΔΙΑΥ!ΙΑ"

    La %manidad debe a+ta" nida ' "pida +on la a'da mta ' la +la"idad de lo$ +entena"io$!™ry~x€v~y •yr‹y •€v~y~jv{ •us u z€vy € ~kjusyqysy{ u ƒ€y€v{ •yr„y‹uvr!&£必須團結.j採取Õ¢,快速與百歲6&的互助?!N"

    IAGE 5IAGE 6

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    La$e" Pla$ma Ea"t% S%ield$ to "epel t%e Damo+le$ $0o"d$ #"om t%e $pa+e o*e" $t%at a"e t%e ele+t"i+ meteo"ite$—a$te"oid$—+omet tail$ , t%e e2+e$$i*e $pa+e ele+t"i+it' t%at +a$e$ 3eoma3neti+

    $pe"($to"m$ , b' $timlatin3 atmo$p%e"e ( ma3ma ele+t"o(*ol+ani+ i+e(a3e$ and "e*e"$al o# ma3neti+ pole$.

    And to A8ERT an E9TIN&TI/N e*ent b' e2plo$ion o# all t%e n:e$! T%e P"opo$al i$ $ppo"ted b' NASA(ESA ()a"*a"d(+Gill! Na$a %a$ #onded a Planeta"' De#en$e /##i+e!

     ¤ncient, recorded electromagnetic su&er$storms rom s&ace deastated arth¥ ƒ{ ‡eratt ¤¥, …a8iolette ‡¥¦¥ „hey madealso certain &eo&le &anicked and atalist, who ke&t on making other &eo&le atalist too, the origin o wars ƒ °elly ¥¦ and

    deorestating, slaery &anicked$kingdoms, that colla&se successiely ƒby abru&t climate change induced by those su&er$storms v¦¥¥¥ ¹ut now, to ensure a sae, centenarian lie ƒ¦, a &ro&osal or rescuing (&artly &atented by ¹oeing or other reasons | ƒ¦), has been asked ƒ€¦ and discussed in world congresses¥

     ¤ter the geomagnetic su&er$storms ƒ¦ (the ollowing triggered by the un) o {x (qarrington global eent), {x(»uebec black$out), {%v%{ (weden black$out), %€%{€ (¼‡ ailures), {€$†, {$½¤ and the Âuly {near$miss e2tinction eent rom e2&losion by all nukes, rom a ery strong solar su&er$storm ƒx¦ (missed or a ew hours‰ƒ¦), (ƒ{¦), a &ro&osal or a …aser ‡lasma hield has been made &ublic¥

    irst, letÆs see how the s&ace electricity (&lasma like the un, the lightnings, the lames, the neon bulbs) works on arth,beyond auroras

    $ it causes the lightning bolts, een rom clear sky ƒ{{$ ¼ureich ¤¥¦, which are locally dierted by the lightning$rodsË

    $ the same s&ace electricity, either by the electric galactic center ƒ{¦ or by the un ƒ{v$ im&son Â¥¦ or by any other star,stimulates the magma, and causes strong earthuakes ƒ{$ Âain, ¦Ë

    $ the same s&ace electricity when it hits laa in the craters, causes olcanic eru&tions ƒ{$ bisuzaki „¥ et al¦ and therising olcanic clouding$cooling, increases &olar glaciation, &ollution and ears or a new olcanic ice$age ƒ{€¦¥¥¥

    $ ¤lso a highly charged electric asteroid or comet ƒ{¦, that &asses by the arth, may reerse the magnetic &oles, andcauses a deastating su&er$charge by deadly cosmic radiation, may be e2tremely ast, in only a ew years%decades‰ $ƒ{x¦$ powaczyk p¥¥ Ó ¤ ear that itÆs imminent $ƒ{¦)¥

    „he cosmic inluence on the enironment o un$arth ƒ$ ÃukherXee ¥¦ works like this the e2&eriment q…Žˆ atqp ƒ{¦ showed that the electricity o galactic cosmic rays (stimulate the atmos&heric aerosols, mainly olcanic,already &roduced by s&ace stimulation o magma), together with the water a&or, and &roduces the clouds ƒ¦, and,de&ending on the degree o stimulation, they result in light rains o warm seasons or down&ours in cold seasons (&lusheat$waes by rozen Âet$stream that blocks heat ƒv¦, and l pinos by subwater olcanism ƒ¦) alternating withdroughts o cold seasons, as in the recent, electro$olcanic …ittle †ce$age ({${), that destroyed Ãayas, ¤ztecs,†ncas, like some &recedent olcanic winters deastated &haraohs, Ãycenaeans inaders, omans and many othersÝ

    „he currently decreasing strength o the electro$magnetic ield o the un, weakens also the arthÆs electro$magneticield, and raises the deadly dangers rom the incoming radiation rom s&ace ƒ$ ½ pational ¤cademy o ciences,‡almer ˆ¥¦¥

    „he to& astro&hysicists ƒ€$ teinhilber ¥ % ¹eer Â¥ chatten °¥ % „obiska ¥, °irkby, …iingston%‡enn, …ockwood,ensmark, ¤bdussamato, qorbyn) orecast a dee& solar minimum, similar to that o the electro$olcanic …ittle †ce$¤ge,when áolcanic actiity is higher in &eriods o &rolonged minima o solar actiityá ($ trestik Â¥, qasati Ã¥¦¥ ¤nd ᆠyouhad a big olcanic eru&tion o this sort ƒglobally deastating¦, letÆs say in the middle o uro&e today, the eects would beenormous and a ew months might not be enough to get your act togetherá ƒx$ ˆruitt „¥ et al¦¥

    e &ro&ose the orecast and the re&elling o the e2cessie s&ace electricity that stimulates the arth, through laser &lasma shields, &ut oer actie craters, and a laser shield by a satellite net, high oer uator (maybe in …agrangian&oints $), where most s&ace electricity hits our &lanet, causing olcanic winters (which begun like the recent, electro$olcanically induced, ${oq Ó $x{oq in the ½¤) ƒv¦, geomagnetic su&er$storms and magnetic &ole reersals, throughthe change o its angle¥ ‡etawatt lasers are now easible ƒv{¦¥

    e also &ro&ose global aorestation, in case o the worst case scenario¥

    ²umankind must act united and ast with the mutual$aid and clarity o the centenarians‰

  • 8/19/2019 TESTED LASER PLASMA SHIELD to REPEL deadly space threats - 65 languages-UPDATE 45


    REFEREN&ES1{¥ „he Årigin o ‡etrogly&hsæRe+o"din3$ o# a &ata$t"op%i+ A"o"a in)man P"e%i$to"'爥¤¥ cott{ and ¤¥ …¥ ‡eratt¥ …os ¤lamos pational …aboratory, …os ¤lamos, pew Ãe2ico x ½¤†nternational qonerence on ‡lasma

    cience, Âune $, v ÂeXu, °orea

    htt&%%ieee2&lore¥ieee¥org%2&l%articleˆetails¥Xs&çarnumberè{x{E*iden+e #o" an inten$e $ola" otb"$t in p"e%i$to"'  ¤ … ‡eratt and ×ao, x htt&%%&lasmaunierse¥ino%downloads$&etros%‡erattÓ×ao¤urora$‡rehistory‡hys$cr$„{v{,xc¥&d htt&%%io&science¥io&¥org%{$x€%x%„{v{%{x

  • 8/19/2019 TESTED LASER PLASMA SHIELD to REPEL deadly space threats - 65 languages-UPDATE 45


      ¤ &ast intense solar outburst andits eect on arth was &ro&osed by¼old ({€ ‡ontiiciae ¤cad¥ ci¥cr¥ 8aria {)$ E8IDEN&E F/R A S/LARFLARE &AUSE /F T)EPLEIST/&ENE ASSE9TIN&TI/N¥ ‡aul ¤ …a8iolette

    htt&s%%Xournals¥uair¥arizona¥edu%inde2¥&h&%radiocarbon%article%iew%v€%&d$ Yon3e" D"'a$ ELE&TRI& impa+t panodiamond$ich …ayer across „hree qontinents qonsistent with ÃaXor qosmic†m&act at {,x qal ¹‡ {x$${ qharles ¥ °inzie et al Xstor¥org%stable%{¥{x€%€€¥ aymond q¥ °elly ”a"le$$ So+ietie$ and t%e /"i3in o# ”a"  $ htt&%%www¥&ress¥umich¥edu%titleˆetailˆesc¥doçidè{{xv¥ htt&%%www¥dailymail¥co¥uk%sciencetech%article$vvxv%š"on›e(A3e(+i*ili$ation(de$t"o'ed(pe"#e+t($to"m(An+ient(E3'pt($o+ietie$(+ollap$ed(+limate(+%an3e(0a"(ea"t%ga:e$.%tml$ 8ol+ani+ e2plo$ion la"3e" t%an œ"a:atoa t"i33e"$ +ollap$e o# š"on›e a3e.  illiam yan o the …amont$ˆohertyarth Åbseratory o qolumbia ½niersity htt&%%geologymuseum¥rutgers¥edu%downloads%newsletteré$éés&ring¥&d$  htt&%%www¥humanitiesv€¥com%inde2¥&h&%could$  +limate(+%an3e(%a*e(de$t"o'ed(t%e(m'+enaean  $greek$ciilization$%êsources¤ndqitations Ãycenaeans inaders though were not ¼reeks¥

    $ere the Da": A3e$ T"i33e"ed b' 8ol+ano(Related &limate &%an3e$ in t%e 6t% &ent"'  by °en ohletz …os ¤lamos pational …aboratory htt&%%www¥ees¥lanl¥go%geodynamics%ohletz%°rakatau¥htm $ˆull, ¥ et al¥ áˆid the „¹Â†lo&ango, alador eru&tion cause the ¤ˆ v€ eentçᥤ¼½ all Ãeeting ¤bstracts {v v¥htt&%%adsabs¥harard¥edu%abs%{¤¼½Ã¥8{vqvˆ

    $ Ab"pt on$et o# t%e Little I+e A3e t"i33e"ed b' *ol+ani$m  and sustained by sea$ice%ocean eedbacks ¼iord ²¥Ãiller et al, ¼Å‡²×†q¤… ¤q² …„„, 8Å…¥ v, …x, {htt&%%www¥agu¥org%&ubs%crossre%{%{{¼…{€x¥shtml$ ource o the great ¤¥ˆ¥ { mystery eru&tion uneiled, amalas olcano, inXani 8olcanic qom&le2, †ndonesia,e&tember , {v ¥ ranck …aignea et al htt&%%www¥&nas¥org%content%early%{v%%€%{v{{¥short$ áqlimate change on the ×ucatan ‡eninsula during the …ittle †ce ¤geᥠ»uaternary esearch €v () {¥ ²odell ˆ¥ t al¥ †¥ Ãetchniko T%e p"olon3ation o# li#eË o&timistic studies htt&%%www¥archie¥org%details%&rolongationolimetciala

    ¥ La$e" Pla$ma S%ield patented htt&%%www¥sciencealert¥com%boeing$has$&atented$a$&lasma$orce$ield$to$&rotect$against$shock$waes€¥ ë+"eate a S)IELD  that &owers u& or &owers down anytime p¤¤ìs early$warning system detects unusual actiityí¥www¥washington&ost¥com%blogs%innoations%w&%{%%v{%e2t"eme($ola"($to"m$($pa":(a(need(#o"(inno*ation


  • 8/19/2019 TESTED LASER PLASMA SHIELD to REPEL deadly space threats - 65 languages-UPDATE 45


    ¥ olar lares list, since {x¥  htt&%%www¥solarstorms¥org%etorms¥html$„he irst o the last v ¹…¤q°$Ž„ caused by ¤8„¤¹… pÅ geomagnetic su&erstorm ({x$»uebec, v$weden, $¼‡) „he ˆay the un ¹rought ˆarkness htt&%%www¥nasa¥go%to&ics%earth%eatures%sunédarkness¥htmlhtt&%%ds¥ssl¥berkeley¥edu%solarweek%ˆpˆ¤×%†mages%black{¥X&g$ {€ ¼‡ chaos htt&%%www¥theinuirer¥net%inuirer%news%{x%g&s$malunction$caused${$hours$o$chaos$on$earth¥html

    x¥ E9TIN&TI/N E8ENT i# a 3eoma3neti+ $pe"($to"m blo0$ p all n:e$1  htt&%%www¥sw&c¥noaa¥go%sites%deault%iles%images%uvv%inaléshibataéé{¥&d $ ”%at i# a 3eoma3neti+ $pe"($to"m %it tomo""o0 an UNS)IELDED Ea"t%  htt&s%%www¥youtube¥com%watchçèzixéog…ke htt&s%%www¥youtube¥com%watchçèi¤Xthe×wÄ»k$ htt&%%www¥ibtimes¥com%ma$$i*e($ola"($to"m(+old(+a$e(+ata$t"op%i+(n+lea"(t%"eat $us$xê¥ Nea" i$$1 T%e Sola" Spe"$to"m o# žl' “Ž  htt&%%science¥nasa¥go%science$news%science$at$nasa%{%vXulésu&erstorm%¥ cienceqasts qarrington$class qà parrowly Ãisses arth p¤¤ 8†ˆÅhtt&s%%www¥youtube¥com%watchçèuk»hyc°Åw¥$ htt&%%www¥dailymail¥co¥uk%sciencetech%article$vv{v%Ãunich$&roblem$&ace$radiation$deleted$data$†$s$board$com&uter$triggered$alarm¥html{¥ ½° goÆt arth will only hae {$hour warning to deal with massie un e2&losionîT%e main +%allen3e 0e #a+e i$t%at a0a"ene$$ o# t%e "i$: i$ lo0.  „o &re&are or this kind o storm, countries need to set &lans in &lace to res&onduickly, design saeguards in &ower and communications inrastructure, and send out clear alerts and warnings to the&ublic, the re&ort suggests¥ htt&%%www¥o2news¥com%science%{%%%uk$got$earth$will$only$hae${$hour$warning$to$deal$with$ne2t$massie$sun%

    htt&s%%www¥go¥uk%goernment%u&loads%system%u&loads%attachmentédata%ile%v%¹†${$$s&ace$weather$&re&aredness$strategy¥&d$ Sola" Spe"$to"m Film E2plain$ )o0 T%e Sn &old S%tdo0n Te+%nolo3'  htt&%%www¥huington&ost¥co¥uk%{%%%su&er$solar$storm$benedict$cumberbatchéné{x€¥htmlçutméh&éreèuk$techÓirè½°ï„ech htt&%%www¥ncsa¥illinois¥edu%enabling%is%cadens%documentary%solarésu&erstorms$ Fm". &IA Di". žim ”ool$e' 0a"n$ o# e2i$tential EP t%"eat htt&s%%www¥youtube¥com%watchçèi¹¤…exÄqx$ pew olar torm „ool qould ¼ie ²oursÆ potice o &ace tormshtt&%%www¥s&ace¥com%€$solar$storm$eru&tions$early$warning$tool¥html$ Ne0 US la0 a$:$ #o" GL/šAL &//PERATI/N to e$+ape e2tin+tion e*ent b' a 3eoma3neti+ $pe"($to"m—n+lea" %olo+a$t1htt&%%www¥sw&c¥noaa¥go%news%national$s&ace$weather$strategy$released$&ublic$comment

    http://www.space.com/32649-space-weather-bill-introduced-senate.html$ ¤†¹½ &ro&osed URGENT $atellite monito"in3 #o" 5 da' $ola" $pe"($to"m #o"e+a$t  htt&%%www¥theengineer¥co¥uk%aeros&ace%news%&ro&osed$uk$satellite$mission$&romises$$day$solar$orecast%{€¥article$ ˆee& &ace qlimate Åbseratory satellite, or ˆqÅ8 ä° †„ „Å „² …{ …¤¼¤p¼ ‡Å†p„‰htt&%%www¥sw&c¥noaa¥go%news%dscor$makes$it$l{$lagrange$&oint{{¥ „he obsered electric ields in thunderclouds are generally too weak to initiate the atmos&hereÆs electrical breakdown¥¹ut &/SI& RAYS +an pla' a $"p"i$in3 "ole in t%e d"ama o# LIG)TNING ¤¥ 8¥ ¼ureich and °¥ ‡¥ Úybin, unaway¹reakdown and the Ãysteries o …ightning¥ htt&%%www¥&hy¥olemiss¥edu%ðXgladden%&hys{%s&ring€%¼ureich¥&d¥{¥ pew Åbserations qonirm the ¼alactic u&erwae „heory $ „he &hin2 targate 


    $ A $t"on3 ma3neti+ #ield at t%e +ent"e o# t%e Gala2'¥ ¥ ‡¥ atough et alhtt&%%www¥nature¥com%nature%Xournal%{%n€%ull%nature{¥htmlç„¥ecéidèp¤„½${v{( A ma3neta" at t%e %ea"t o# o" il:' ”a'  $ Â¥ ¤¥ °ennea et al¥ wit ˆiscoery o a new sot gamma re&eater, ¼Â{$, near agittarius ¤ñ, ¤stro&hysical Âournal …etters , …, {v (htt&%%ar2i¥org%abs%{v¥{x)$ °¥ Ãori et al¥ pu„¤ discoery o a v¥€$second transient magnetar near agittarius ¤ñ ¤stro&hysical Âournal…etters , …v, {v (htt&%%ar2i¥org%abs%{v¥{)$ ¥ Ã¥ hannon, ¥ Âohnston adio &ro&erties o the magnetar near agittarius ¤ñÃonthly pot¥ oy¥ ¤stron¥ oc¥ (Ãp¤) …etters, ¤ugust {, {v (htt&%%de¥ar2i¥org%abs%{v¥vv€)$ /n t%e Gala+ti+ &ente" šein3 t%e ain So"+e o# Gala+ti+ &o$mi+ Ra'$  as idenced by ecent qosmic ay and¼amma ay Åbserations $ ×iing ¼uo, Úhaoyang eng, »iang ×uan, qheng …iu, ²ongbo ²uhtt&%%ar2i¥org%abs%{{{¥{

    {v¥ Sola" a+ti*it' a$ a t"i33e"in3 me+%ani$m #o" ea"t%ga:e$  $ im&son Â¥, htt&%%adsabs¥harard¥edu%abs%{€ò€‡…¥¥¥v¥¥{{¥ Sola" #la"e$ t"i33e" ea"t%ga:e$  $ Âain, ¥, ‡hysical esearch …aboratory¥¤q² o the €x ó¥ ¤„²»½¤° under study was &receded by a Å…¤ …¤ o ¹ to Ä class by {${ hrs¥htt&%%adsabs¥harard¥edu%abs%¤¼½Ã†pvv¤¥¥vÂ


  • 8/19/2019 TESTED LASER PLASMA SHIELD to REPEL deadly space threats - 65 languages-UPDATE 45


    $ Âust beore the Âa&an megauake {{ Ãarch th ended with a &owerul Å…¤ …¤¥ †n addition, on Ãarch {,{{ around €v ½„, a qÅÅp¤… ä Âq„†Åp did strike a glaceing blow to arthÆs magnetic ield¥www¥nasa¥go%missioné&ages%sunearth%news%pewsv{{{$2class¥html{¥ E2plo$i*e *ol+ani+ e"ption$ t"i33e"ed b' +o$mi+ "a'$ 8olcano as a bubble chamber „oshikazu bisuzaki, ²iroko Ãiyahara, yuho °ataoka, „atsuhiko ato, ×asuhiro †shiminehtt&%%www¥sciencedirect¥com%science%article%&ii%{vvÄ{{€€$ qontrastie research o ionos&heric &recursor anomalies between qalbuco olcanic eru&tion on ¤&ril v and pe&alearthuake on ¤&ril , { ang …i et al www¥sciencedirect¥com%science%article%&ii%v{{{€{{vçn&èy$†onos&heric characteristics &rior to the greatest earthuake in recorded history $ qhile {€, ¥Ã

    8illalobos q¥½¥ et al htt&%%www¥sciencedirect¥com%science%article%&ii%v{{{€{€¥ $ ¹ritain pational isk egister o qiil mergencies $ 8olcanic hazards isk ƒè8Å…q¤p†q †p„¦htt&s%%u&date¥cabinetoice¥go¥uk%sites%deault%iles%resources%qÅépationaliskegisteré{éacc¥&d¥$ unday „imes E"ope a' be Fa+in3 Ret"n /# 7Little I+e A3e71  átate Ãeteorological (Ãet) Åice &ublishes inpature its &rediction that uro&e could be acing a return o the …ittle ice age that gri&&ed ¹ritain v years ago,causing decades o bitter winters htt&%%www¥thesundaytimes¥co¥uk%sto%news%ukénews%pational%article{€¥ece¥$ orld conomic orum ears 8Å…q¤p†q †p„ htt&%%wwwv¥weorum¥org%docs%$ „Å or ¤8„¤¹…ñ 8Å…q¤p†q¤……× †pˆ½qˆ Ä„†pq„†Åp o ¤‡¤p‰‰‰ htt&%%www¥kobe$u¥ac¥X&%p%ino%{é{éé{¥html htt&s%%au¥news¥yahoo¥com%thewest%world%a%vv%+olo$$al(*ol+ani+(e"ption(+old(de$t"o'(Ÿapan($td' %{¥ pew p¤¤ Ãodel ¼ies ¼lim&se into the †nisible orld o Ele+t"i+ A$te"oid$  

    htt&%%www¥nasa¥go%content%goddard%new$nasa$model$gies$glim&se$into$the$inisible$world$o$electric$asteroids%$ ¹ig electric bodies cause magnetic &ole reersals‰ htt&%%www¥X&l¥nasa¥go%news%news¥&h&çeatureè{x¥ p¥¥ powaczyk, ²¥¥ ¤rz, ½¥ rank, Â¥ °ind, ¹¥ ‡lessen¥ ˆynamics o the …ascham& geomagnetic e2cursion rom¹lack ea sediments¥ arth and ‡lanetary cience …etters, {Ë v{$v htt&%%www¥sciencedirect¥com%science%article%&ii%{x{Ä{v{ $ htt&%%youtu¥be%kma…wˆ»{¥ Ea"t%7$ a3neti+ Field I$ ”ea:enin3 Ž“ Time$ Fa$te" No01  ë„he scientists who conducted the study are stillunsure why the magnetic ield is weakening, but one likely reason is that arthìs magnetic &oles are getting ready to li&,said une loberghagen, the ¤ìs warm mission manager¥í htt&%%www¥liescience¥com%€€$magnetic$ield$weakens¥html¥ &o$mi+ In#len+e on t%e Sn(Ea"t% En*i"onment $ aumitra ÃukherXee ¼eology and emote ensing, chool onironmental ciences, Âawaharlal pehru ½niersity, htt&%%www¥md&i¥com%{$x%x%{%v€

    {¥ „he q…Žˆ &roXect study the inluence o galactic cosmic rays on the arthÆs climate through the media o aerosols Óclouds¥ htt&%%cloud¥web¥cern¥ch%cloud¥ $ Âas&er °irkby %qp, qosmic rays and climate, qp qollouium, Âune¥ htt&%%indico¥cern¥ch%eent%€%material%slides%¥ es&onse o cloud condensation nuclei (ó nm) to changes in ion$nucleation ‡hysics …etters ¤, 8olume v, †ssuev, x poember {v, ‡ages vv|v¥ ²enrik ensmark, Ãartin ¹¥ ngho, Âens Åla ‡e&ke ‡edersen¥htt&%%www¥sciencedirect¥com%science%article%&ii%v€{{v€v¥ htt&%%www¥metcheck¥com%½°%Xetstreaméarchie¥as&¥ l p†pÅ ëˆuring &ast i+e a3e$ the tro&ical ‡aciic Åcean behaed rather as it does to day in an l pi'o eent,bringing do0npo"$ to $ome pla+e$ and d"o3%t to ot%e"$¥í „hus began a article pature magazine ({ Âul )†tìs not global warming, itìs ocean warming, and itìs leading into the ¤8„¤¹… pÅ ne2t ice age¥ee ëI+e a3e$ loo:ed li:e El Nio,í pature, { Âul

    $ tott, …¥ , ‡oulsen, q¥ , …und, ¥ Ó „hunell, ¥ u&er pÅ and global climate oscillations at millennial timescales¥ cience , $ € ()¥$ °outaas, ¤¥ , …ynch$tieglitz, Â¥ , Ãarchitto, „¥ Ã¥ Âr Ó achs, Â¥ ‡¥ El Nino(li:e patte"n in i+e a3e  tro&ical ‡aciic seasurace tem&erature¥ cience , € $ v ()¥htt&%%www¥nature¥com%nsu%x%x${¥html¥ Dan3e" o# Sola" and &o$mi+ Radiation in Spa+e, ‡almerˆ¥, htt&%%imagine¥gsc¥nasa¥go%docs%askéastro%answers%x{{b¥html$ ichard ²olme, ‡roessor o arth, Åcean and cological ciences at …ier&ool½niersity htt&%%www¥dailymail¥co¥uk%sciencetech%article$€%Fo"3et(3lobal(0a"min3(0o""'(AGNET/SP)ERE(Ea"t%$(ma3neti+(#ield(+ollap$in3(a##e+t(+limate(0ipe(po0e"(3"id$ ¥html¥$ A 3eoma3neti+ "e*e"$al ma' %appen $oone" t%an e2pe+ted  htt&%%www¥scientiicamerican¥com%article%earth$s$im&ending$magnetic$li&%€¥ Sola" A+ti*it' )eadin3 #o" a ande" inimmç ¹ulletin o the ¤merican ¤stronomical ociety, 8ol¥ v, &¥x{htt&%%adsabs¥harard¥edu%abs%v‡ˆ¥¥¥¥v¥€v chatten, °¥ ²¥Ë „obiska, ¥ °¥$ teinhilber, ¥ and ¹eer, Â¥, {v, ë‡rediction o solar actiity or the ne2t yearsí Âournal o ¼eo&hysical esearch&ace ‡hysics, ol¥ {{x, {$ htt&%%www¥eawag¥ch%orschung%sur%&ublikationen%{v%{vésteinhilber¥&d $ˆr ²¥ ¤bdussamato &redicts qÅÅ…†p¼ htt&%%www¥gao¥s&b¥ru%english%astrometr%inde2{éeng¥html


  • 8/19/2019 TESTED LASER PLASMA SHIELD to REPEL deadly space threats - 65 languages-UPDATE 45


    $ ˆr °irkby Â¥ qosmic rays and climate, qp qollouium, Âune ¥ htt&%%indico¥cern¥ch%getile¥&y%accessçres†dèÓmaterial†dèslidesÓcon†d耥$ ‡ro¥ ensmark ²¥ ²ead o ˆenmark &ace qenter ëglobal warming sto&&ed and a cooling is beginningíwattsu&withthat¥com%%%{%sensmark$global$warming$sto&&ed$and$a$cooling$is$beginning$enXoy$global$warming$while$it$lasts$ ‡ro¥ …ockwood et al, „he &ersistence o solar actiity indicators and the descent o the un into Ãaunder Ãinimumƒè…ittle †ce ¤ge 8Å…q¤p†q qÅÅ…†p¼¦ conditions htt&%%www¥agu¥org%&ubs%current%si%links%{{¼…x{{¥&d $ ˆrs Ãatt ‡enn and illiam …iingston$ ¤rizona pational olar Åbseratoryhtt&%%wattsu&withthat¥com%x%€%%liingston$and$&enn$&a&er$suns&ots$may$anish$by${%$ eal risk o a Ãaunder minimum …ittle †ce$¤ge says leading scientist

    htt&%%www¥bbc¥co¥uk%blogs%&aulhudson%&osts%eal$risk$o$a$Ãaunder$minimum$…ittle$†ce$¤ge$says$leading$scientist¥ Âarosla trestik v ‡ossible anti(+o""elation bet0een $ola" and *ol+ani+ a+ti*it'  in a long$term scale ƒcoolingclouding¦ 8olcanic actiity is usually higher in &eriods o &rolonged minima o solar actiity and iceersa¥ htt&%%adsabs¥harard¥edu%abs%v¤‡¥v¥¥vv$ ˆrs †¥ qharatoa, Â¥ trestik ¼eo&hysical †nstitute o the qzech ¤cademy o ciences álo0e" $ola" a+ti*it'o++""en+e o# %3e *ol+ani+ e*ent$ and lo0e" $"#a+e ai" tempe"at"e +old be e2pe+ted in t%e ne2t de+ade$ á¥htt&%%rebel¥ig¥cas¥cz%actiities%ocenkav$%char¥htm¥$ igniicant statistically relationshi& between the great olcanic eru&tions and the count o suns&ots rom {€{ to the&resent¥ qasati, Ãichele ¼½ ¼eneral ¤ssembly {htt&%%michelecasati¥alterista¥org%signiicant$statistically$relationshi&$between$the$great$olcanic$eru&tions$and$the$count$o$suns&ots$rom${€{$to$the$&¥html

    x¥ pature x, x ˆecadal to monthly timescales o magma transer and reseroir growth at a caldera olcano¥ „¥ ²¥ˆruitt et al, htt&%%www¥nature¥com%nature%Xournal%x%nvxv%ull%nature{€¥html¥ íe conclude that recent olcanic eents are res&onsible or more &ost$ cooling than is im&lied by satellitedatabases that neglect olcanic aerosol eects below {õkmí „otal olcanic stratos&heric aerosol o&tical de&ths andim&lications or global climate change, idley ˆ¥¤ et al$htt&%%onlinelibrary¥wiley¥com%doi%{¥{%{¼…€{{%abstractçcam&aignèwlytk${x¥x€{x 8olcaniccooling underestimated by satellites htt&%%www¥re&ortingclimatescience¥com%news$stories%article%olcanic$cooling$underestimated$by$satellites$says$&a&er¥html$x{oqè${{o www¥nydailynews¥com%news%national%u&state$ny$mountain$hits${{$degrees$wind$chill$summit$article${¥v{xv¥ www¥s&acesaetymagazine¥com%s&ace$hazards%s&ace$weather%p"ote+tin3(ea"t%$and$a$better$way$to$mars$ arth hield ‡Å8p…× ¤†¹…‰‰‰ htt&%%www¥minimagnetos&here¥rl¥ac¥uk%labée2&eriment¥htmlhtt&%%¥b&¥blogs&ot¥com%é8y„qyizr²s%„„²e†€Å8vĆ%¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤°¹×%érgnkXÃXk%s{€%minimag¥&ngv{¥ Peta0att $pe"la$e"  Âa&anese design a laser that is more &owerul than any laser made beorehtt&%%wonderulengineering¥com%Xa&anese$design$a$death$star$laser$that$is$more$&owerul$than$any$laser$made$beore%v¥ q¥ agan teleconerence that ¤8„ˆ nuclear war Ån the xth ˆay htt&%%www¥youtube¥com%watchçèq„°cd°oxvv¥ Planeta"' De#en$e  $ p¤¤  htt&s%%www¥ na$a¥go%planeta"'de#en$ev¥ Planeta"' De#en$e  $ &ace eiew www¥the $pa+e"e*ie0¥com%article%€%{v¥ Lo$ Alamo$ Labo"ato"ie$ {€ S)IELDS orksho& S%ieldin3 So+iet' #"om Spa+e ”eat%e" ¥htt&%%www¥lanl¥go%calendar%{€%¤&ril%¥v$shields$worksho&¥&h&


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    v¥ q¥ agan teleconerence that ¤8„ˆ nuclear war Ån the xth ˆay htt&%%www¥youtube¥com%watchçèq„°cd°ox

  • 8/19/2019 TESTED LASER PLASMA SHIELD to REPEL deadly space threats - 65 languages-UPDATE 45


    ;?@ BCH J KJ M= O7 Q@QQV? = W=JV=

  • 8/19/2019 TESTED LASER PLASMA SHIELD to REPEL deadly space threats - 65 languages-UPDATE 45


    C¤¦¡Ž. T%e /"i3in o# Pet"o3l'p%$§Re+o"din3$ o# a &ata$t"op%i+ A"o"a in )man P"e%i$to"'

  • 8/19/2019 TESTED LASER PLASMA SHIELD to REPEL deadly space threats - 65 languages-UPDATE 45


    ˆ¥¤¥ cott{ and ¤¥ …¥ ‡eratt¥ …os ¤lamos pational …aboratory, …os ¤lamos, pew Ãe2ico x ½¤†nternational qonerence on ‡lasma cience, Âune $, v ÂeXu, °oreahtt&%%ieee2&lore¥ieee¥org%2&l%articleˆetails¥Xs&çarnumberè{x{idence or an intense solar outburst in &rehistory ¤ … ‡eratt and ×ao, xhtt&%%&lasmaunierse¥ino%downloads$&etros%‡erattÓ×ao¤urora$‡rehistory‡hys$cr$„{v{,xc¥&d htt&%%io&science¥io&¥org%{$x€%x%„{v{%{x ¤ &ast intense solar outburst and its eect on arth was &ro&osed by ¼old ({€ ‡ontiiciae ¤cad¥ ci¥ cr¥8aria {)

    $ 8†ˆpq Å ¤ Å…¤ …¤ q¤½ Å „² ‡…†„Åqp ä Ä„†pq„†Åp¥ ‡aul ¤ …a8iolettehtt&s%%Xournals¥uair¥arizona¥edu%inde2¥&h&%radiocarbon%article%iew%v€%&d$×ounger ̂ ryas …q„†q im&act panodiamond$ich …ayer across „hree qontinents qonsistent with ÃaXorqosmic †m&act at {,x qal ¹‡ {x$${ qharles ¥ °inzie et al Xstor¥org%stable%{¥{x€%€€¥ aymond q¥ °elly arless ocieties and the Årigin o ar $htt&%%www¥&ress¥umich¥edu%titleˆetailˆesc¥doçidè{{xv¥ htt&%%www¥dailymail¥co¥uk%sciencetech%article$vvxv%¹ronze$¤ge$ciilisation$destroyed$&erect$storm$ ¤ncient$gy&t$societies$colla&sed$climate$change$war$earthuakes¥html$ 8olcanic e2&losion larger than °rakatoa triggers colla&se o ¹ronze age¥ illiam yan o the …amont$ˆohertyarth Åbseratory o qolumbia ½niersity htt&%%geologymuseum¥rutgers¥edu%downloads%newsletteré$

     éés&ring¥&d$ htt&%%www¥humanitiesv€¥com%inde2¥&h&%could$climate$change$hae$destroyed$the$mycenaean$greek$ciilization$%êsources¤ndqitations Ãycenaeans inaders though were not ¼reeks¥$ere the ˆark ¤ges „riggered by 8olcano$elated qlimate qhanges in the €th qenturyç by °en ohletz…os ¤lamos pational …aboratory htt&%%www¥ees¥lanl¥go%geodynamics%ohletz%°rakatau¥htm $ˆull, ¥ et al¥áˆid the „¹Â †lo&ango, alador eru&tion cause the ¤ˆ v€ eentçᥤ¼½ all Ãeeting ¤bstracts {v v¥htt&%%adsabs¥harard¥edu%abs%{¤¼½Ã¥8{vqvˆ$ H QVJ @– ¦=@ M?WQ

  • 8/19/2019 TESTED LASER PLASMA SHIELD to REPEL deadly space threats - 65 languages-UPDATE 45


    ¥ @¨QZ^MQ MV= @Q` JZ= ?@(=M^W pear Ãiss „he olar u&erstorm oÂuly { htt&%%science¥nasa¥go%science$news%science$at$nasa%{%vXulésu&erstorm%¥ cienceqastsqarrington$class qà parrowly Ãisses arth p¤¤ 8†ˆÅ htt&s%%www¥youtube¥com%watchçèuk»hyc°Åw¥$ htt&%%www¥dailymail¥co¥uk%sciencetech%article$vv{v%Ãunich$&roblem$Spa+e("adiation(deleted(data(ISS$s$board$com&uter$triggered$alarm¥html{¥ ½° goÆt arth will only hae {$hour warning to deal with massie un e2&losionî„he main challenge we ace is that awareness o the risk is low¥ „o &re&are or this kind o storm, countriesneed to set &lans in &lace to res&ond uickly, design saeguards in &ower and communications inrastructure,

    and send out clear alerts and warnings to the &ublic, the re&ort suggests¥htt&%%www¥o2news¥com%science%{%%%uk$got$earth$will$only$hae${$hour$warning$to$deal$with$ne2t$massie$sun%htt&s%%www¥go¥uk%goernment%u&loads%system%u&loads%attachmentédata%ile%v%¹†${$$s&ace$weather$&re&aredness$strategy¥&d$ olar u&erstorm ilm 2&lains ²ow „he un qould hutdown „echnologyhtt&%%www¥huington&ost¥co¥uk%{%%%su&er$solar$storm$benedict$cumberbatchéné{x€¥htmlçutméh&éreèuk$techÓirè½°ï„echhtt&%%www¥ncsa¥illinois¥edu%enabling%is%cadens%documentary%solarésu&erstorms$ mr¥ q†¤ ̂ ir¥ Âim oolsey warns o e2istential Ç threat htt&s%%www¥youtube¥com%watchçèi¹¤…exÄqx

    $ pew olar torm „ool qould ¼ie ²oursÆ potice o &ace tormshtt&%%www¥s&ace¥com%€$solar$storm$eru&tions$early$warning$tool¥html$ pew ½ law asks or ¼…Ź¤… qÅҤ„†Åp to esca&e e2tinction eent by a geomagnetic su&er$storm%nuclear holocausthtt&%%www¥sw&c¥noaa¥go%news%national$s&ace$weather$strategy$released$&ublic$commenthttp://www.space.com/32649-space-weather-bill-introduced-senate.html

    $ ¤†¹½ &ro&osed ½¼p„ satellite monitoring or day solar su&er$storm orecasthtt&%%www¥theengineer¥co¥uk%aeros&ace%news%&ro&osed$uk$satellite$mission$&romises$$day$solar$orecast%{€¥article$ ˆee& &ace qlimate Åbseratory satellite, or ˆqÅ8 ä° †„ „Å „² …{ …¤¼¤p¼ ‡Å†p„‰

    htt&%%www¥sw&c¥noaa¥go%news%dscor$makes$it$l{$lagrange$&oint{{¥ ¤= JZ?@=

  • 8/19/2019 TESTED LASER PLASMA SHIELD to REPEL deadly space threats - 65 languages-UPDATE 45


    –§Èܧ™ [Z© /0• €x ó¥ ^ε!^}0’• Z0 }ελε/‹^[}ε ~‘!ε {${ Ž\ε• }ε/# [Z© ηλ!["‹ ~"λ[}Òη ¹ • Ä/#Œη•¥ ¤q² o the €x ó¥ ¤„²»½¤° under study was &receded by a Å…¤ …¤ o ¹ to Ä classby {${ hrs¥ htt&%%adsabs¥harard¥edu%abs%¤¼½Ã†pvv¤¥¥vÂ$ Âust beore the Âa&an megauake {{ Ãarch th ended with a &owerul Å…¤ …¤¥ †n addition, onÃarch {, {{ around €v ½„, a qÅÅp¤… ä Âq„†Åp did strike a glaceing blow to arthÆsmagnetic ield¥ www¥nasa¥go%missioné&ages%sunearth%news%pewsv{{{$2class¥html{¥ ¤= J`=?=

  • 8/19/2019 TESTED LASER PLASMA SHIELD to REPEL deadly space threats - 65 languages-UPDATE 45


    $ tott, …¥ , ‡oulsen, q¥ , …und, ¥ Ó „hunell, ¥ u&er pÅ and global climate oscillations at millennial timescales¥ cience , $ € ()¥$ °outaas, ¤¥ , …ynch$tieglitz, Â¥ , Ãarchitto, „¥ Ã¥ Âr Ó achs, Â¥ ‡¥ l pino$like &attern in ice age tro&ical‡aciic sea surace tem&erature¥ cience , € $ v ()¥htt&%%www¥nature¥com%nsu%x%x${¥html¥ ˆanger o olar and qosmic adiation in &ace, ‡almerˆ¥,htt&%%imagine¥gsc¥nasa¥go%docs%askéastro%answers%x{{b¥html$ C¤¤¬H JO ccC¤«H ]O VMOJ=O Z]O! ichard ²olme, ‡roessor o arth, Åcean and

    cological ciences at …ier&ool ½niersity htt&%%www¥dailymail¥co¥uk%sciencetech%article$€%orget$global$warming$worry$ä¼p„Ň²$arths$magnetic$ield$colla&sing$aect$climate$wi&e$&ower$grids¥html¥$ ¤ geomagnetic reersal may ha&&en sooner than e2&ected htt&%%www¥scientiicamerican¥com%article%earth$s$im&ending$magnetic$li&%€¥ olar ¤ctiity ²eading or a Ãaunder Ãinimumç ¹ulletin o the ¤merican ¤stronomical ociety, 8ol¥ v,&¥x{ htt&%%adsabs¥harard¥edu%abs%v‡ˆ¥¥¥¥v¥€v chatten, °¥ ²¥Ë „obiska, ¥ °¥$ teinhilber, ¥ and ¹eer, Â¥, {v, ë‡rediction o solar actiity or the ne2t yearsí Âournal o ¼eo&hysicalesearch &ace ‡hysics, ol¥ {{x, {$htt&%%www¥eawag¥ch%orschung%sur%&ublikationen%{v%{vésteinhilber¥&d 

    $ˆr ²¥ ¤bdussamato &redicts qÅÅ…†p¼ htt&%%www¥gao¥s&b¥ru%english%astrometr%inde2{éeng¥html$ ˆr °irkby Â¥ qosmic rays and climate, qp qollouium, Âune¥ htt&%%indico¥cern¥ch%getile¥&y%accessçres†dèÓmaterial†dèslidesÓcon†d耥$ ‡ro¥ ensmark ²¥ ²ead o ˆenmark &ace qenter ëglobal warming sto&&ed and a cooling is beginningíwattsu&withthat¥com%%%{%sensmark$global$warming$sto&&ed$and$a$cooling$is$beginning$enXoy$global$warming$while$it$lasts

    $ ‡ro¥ …ockwood et al, „he &ersistence o solar actiity indicators and the descent o the un into ÃaunderÃinimum ƒè…ittle †ce ¤ge 8Å…q¤p†q qÅÅ…†p¼¦ conditions htt&%%www¥agu¥org%&ubs%current%si%links%{{¼…x{{¥&d $ ˆrs Ãatt ‡enn and illiam …iingston$ ¤rizona pational olar Åbseratoryhtt&%%wattsu&withthat¥com%x%€%%liingston$and$&enn$&a&er$suns&ots$may$anish$by${%$ ¹¹q H ¡@J ^] V^O?= ? O

  • 8/19/2019 TESTED LASER PLASMA SHIELD to REPEL deadly space threats - 65 languages-UPDATE 45


    v¥ www¥s&acesaetymagazine¥com%s&ace$hazards%s&ace$weather%&rotecting$earth$and$a$better$way$to$mars$ “ ¶\#"!^η /η• Çη• [Z0]娶η"ε ö˜–“‰‰‰‰ htt&%%www¥minimagnetos&here¥rl¥ac¥uk%labée2&eriment¥htmlhtt&%%¥b&¥blogs&ot¥com%é8y„qyizr²s%„„²e†€Å8vĆ%¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤°¹×%érgnkXÃXk%s{€%minima3¥&ngv{¥ ¢?@Z?@ Âa&anese design a laser that is more &owerul than any laser made beorehtt&%%wonderulengineering¥com%Xa&anese$design$a$death$star$laser$that$is$more$&owerul$than$any$laser$made$beore%η Z\©/[^η ^/η\Yε! 0 /¥ Z\’/[η• /0 Ö!ε¶0’• ¿[εZ!^/η}0 Ö![^/η}!"‹• /η• Ü§™§$¤ ˆr ‡elton‰‡ro&osal su&&orted by p¤¤$¤Æs †nternational &ace ½niersity ¥ ˆean ̂ r ‡elton‰

    v¥ H JZ?W=[?ªJ Q . [MO Q

  • 8/19/2019 TESTED LASER PLASMA SHIELD to REPEL deadly space threats - 65 languages-UPDATE 45


    geomanit su&er$ FrtFna sonra ƒ¦ ({x ¼:nəGinin ) (lobal hadisə qarrington) {x$cu »uebec (ara$out), Jse*{%v%{ (ara$out) ə %€%{€ (uIursuzlular səbəb aGaIFdakF ¼‡), {€$† ə …aser &lazma bir hield iyul{$ci il *o2 g:cl: g:nəG su&er$  FrtFna ƒx, , {¦ b:t:n nukes ilə &artlayFG ya2 Fn miss e2tinction hadisə), təkli a*FlanFb¥¹irincisi, kosmik elektrik (¼:nəG, lightnings, aloa, neon am&:ller kimi &lazma) auroras kənarda, yer :z:ndə necə g Hrək$ ²ətta aydFn gHydən ildFr Fm boltlar səbəb ƒ{{ ¼ureich ¤¥¦ Ånlar yerli ildFr Fm$*ubular ilə yHnləndirilibË$ yni məkan elektrik, ya elektrik alaktik mərkəzi ƒ{¦ ə ya un ƒ{v im&son Â¥¦ ə ya hər hans F digər ulduz tərəindəng:cl: zəlzələ ƒ{$ Âain, ¦ magma stimulla GdFr Fr, ə səbəb olurË$ ¹u kraterlərdən ildə laa 2it zaman eyni kosmik elektrik, ulkan &:sk:rmələri ƒ{ bisuzaki „¥ et al¦ ə səbəb y:ksələnulkanik clouding$soyutmaË ¹u :tb ar yaIdFrma, *irklənməsi ə yeni ulkanik buz yaG ƒ{€¦ :*:n or2u art Fr Fr ¥¥¥$ ²əm*inin arth ilə ke*ir y:ksək ittiham elektrik asteroid ə ya kometa ƒ{¦, yalnFz bir ne*ə il % onilliklər ərzində, *o2s:rətli ola bilər, manit dirəkləri geri, ə Hl:mc:l kosmik radiasiya daIFdFcF su&er$ittiham səbəb olur bilər‰ $ ƒ{x¦ $powaczyk p¥¥ Ó ¤ ¹u a*Flmaz ar ki, or2uram $ ƒ{¦)¥¼:nəG$×er ƒ ÃukherXee ¥¦ ətra m:hitə kosmik təsiri bu kimi *alFGFr qp təcr:bə q…Žˆ ƒ{¦ alaktik kosmikG:alar Fn elektrik artF kosmik stimullaGdFr FlmasF tərəindən istehsal atmoser aerozollar  Fn, əsasən ulkanik stimullaGdFr FrgHstərdi ki, magma¥ ¹irlikdə su bu2ar ilə bulud ƒ¦ istehsal edir¥ stimulla GdFr FlmasF  dərəcəsindən as FlF olara, onlaruralF ilə alternati (subwater ulkanizminin ilə bloklar F  istilik ƒv¦ ə l pinos ƒ¦ ki, dondurulmu G Âet$a2 Fn &lus istilikdalIalar F) isti mHs:m ə ya yaIFG  soyu əsillərdə y:ng:l ya IFG nəticəsində soyu m Hs:m¥ son, elektro$ulkanik …ittle†ce yaG ({${) kimi, bəzi ironlar iran &resedent ulkanik FG, Ãycenaeans iGIal*Flardan, omalFlar ə bir *o2baGalar F kimi, Ãayas, ¤ztecs, †ncas məh ¥¥¥¼:nəG elektro$manit sahəsinin haz Frda g:c: azalFr¥ ¹u ×er elektro$manit sahəsində zəilədir¥ ¹u kosmik ƒlmlər ¤¹K

    Ãilli lmlər ¤kademiyasF, ‡almer ˆ¥¦ gələn radiasiya Hl:mc:l təhl:kə doIurur¥o& astroiziklər ƒ€$ teinhilber ¥ % ¹eer Â¥ chatten °¥ % „obiska ¥, °irkby, …iingston % ‡enn, …ockwood, ensmark, ¤bdussamato, qorbyn) elektro$ulkanik …ittle ki, o2Gar bir dərin g:nəG minimum &ronozu ¹uz d Hr:¥ ¹u c:r ƒlobaldaIFdFcF¦ bHy:k ulkanik &:sk:rmə olsaydF onra á( trestik Â¥, qasati Ã¥¦á ulkanik əaliyyət g:nə G əaliyyəti uzunminimumlar FnFn dHrlərdə y:ksəkdir ᥠ8ə nin ortada deyək ¤ro&a bu g:n áƒx ˆruitt „¥ et al¦ təsiri bHy:k olaca ə birne*ə ay birlikdə hərəkət alma :*:n kiayət ədər ola bilər¥¹iz &ronoz ə əal kraterlərdən :zərində lazer &lazma al2an asitəsilə arth stimullaGdFr Fr həddindən artF kosmikelektrik də təkli¥8ə &eyk 2alis bir lazer al2an, kator :zərində y:ksək (bəlkə …aranX nHtələri $) ən kosmik elektrik bizim &lanet edibə səbəb ulkanik FG (olan son kimi ba GlayFb elektro$olcanically, ${oq Ó induksiya $ ¤¹ K$da x{oq) ƒv¦, onun bucaIF dəyiGiklik asitəsilə geomanit su&er$ FrtFna ə manit :tb: ləI¥ ‡etawatt lazer indi m:mk:n olan ƒv{¦¥

    ¹iz də ən &is halda ssenari halda, lobal aIa*landFrma təkli¥¹əGəriyyət centenarians ar GFlFlF$yardFm ə dəiliyi ilə birləGmiG ə s:rətli hərəkət laz FmdFr‰

    bo$an$:i bo$nianLa$e"$:i pla›ma ´tit µemlŸe. /dbiti Damo:lo* ma¶e*i i› p"o$to"a nad nama1 Ž ele:t"i¶ni a$te"oida i p"e:omŸe"no3 p"o$to" ele:t"i¶ne ene"3iŸe. To ›"o:Ÿe da 3eoma3net$:e $pe"(olŸa. To $timli"a atmo$#e" ima3ma. To ›"o:Ÿe da $e ele:t"o(*l:an$:e leda doba i :idanŸe ma3netni% polo*a.I i›bŸe·i i›mi"anŸe e:$plo›iŸom $*i% n:lea":i! P"iŸedlo3 Ÿe pod"¸an od $t"ane bi*´i de:an e¹na"odne$*emi"$:e Uni*e"›iteta NASA(ESA d" Pelton! NASA o$no*ala "ed ›a Planeta"ni ob"ane.ˆreni, snimlXene elektromagnetskog su&er$oluXa iz semira deastirana ÚemlXe¥ ƒ{ ‡eratt ¤¥, …a8iolette ‡¥¦¥ Åni su i nekilXudi u &anici i atalist¥ talno su na izradi drugih lXudi atalist &reiše, &oreklo ratoa ƒ °elly ¥¦ i ro&sto u &anici$

    kralXesta da krčenXe šuma oni kola&s sukcesino (od nagle klimatske &romXene izazane tim su&er$oluXa) ƒv¦ ¥¥¥ sad,kako bi se osigurala siguran, stogodišnXak Liot ƒ¦, &riXedlog za s&ašaanXe (dXelomično &atentirao ¹oeing iz drugihrazloga $ ƒ¦), Xe zatraLio ƒ€¦ i ras&ralXa u siXetu kongresima¥pakon geomagnetske su&er$oluXe ƒ¦ (sledeMe izazan unca ) od {x (globalni dogaNaX qarrington), {x (crno$out o»uebec), {%v%{ (crno$out Oedske), %€%{€ (neus&ehe ¼‡), {€$† i Xula {¥ kod$miss izumiranXe odeks&loziXe si nuklearke, od rlo Xake solarne su&er$oluXa ƒx, , {¦, &riXedlog za štita …aser ‡lazma Xe Xano¥‡ro, da idimo kako &rostor električne energiXe (&lazma kao unce, munXe, &lamen, neon siXalice) radi na ÚemlXi, osimaurore$ ½zrokuXe munXe, čak i iz edrog neba ƒ{{$ ¼ureich ¤¥¦ oni su lokalno &reusmXeren od strane munXe$ši&keË$ †sti &rostor električne energiXe, bilo električne galaktičkom centru ƒ{¦ ili unca ƒ{v$ im&son Â¥¦ ili na bilo koXi drugiziXezda, stimuliše magma, i uzrokuXe Xake zemlXotrese ƒ{$ Âain, ¦Ë$ †sti &rostor električne energiXe, kada se &ogodi laa u kraterima, izazia ulkanske eru&ciXe ƒ{$ bisuzaki „¥ et al¦ i

    rastuMe ulkanske zamaglXianXa za hlaNenXeË &oeMaa ‡olar glaciXaciXe, zagaNenXe i strahoe za noi ulkanske ledenogdoba ƒ{€¦ ¥¥¥$ †sto tako isoko na&laMuXe električni asteroida ili kometa ƒ{¦, koXi &rolazi &ored ÚemlXe, moLe &reokrenuti magnetnih&oloa, i uzrokuXe razorne su&er$zaduLen smrtonosnim kosmičkog zračenXa, moLe biti eoma brzo, u samo nekolikogodina % deceniXa‰ $ ƒ{x¦ $ powaczyk p¥¥ † ¤ strahuXu da Xe to neminona $ ƒ{¦)¥

  • 8/19/2019 TESTED LASER PLASMA SHIELD to REPEL deadly space threats - 65 languages-UPDATE 45


    °osmičke uticaX na Liotnu sredinu un$ÚemlXe ƒ$ ÃukherXee ¥¦ radi oako eks&eriment q…Žˆ u qp$u ƒ{¦&okazali su da Xe električna energiXa galaktičkih kosmičkih zraka stimulira atmoserskih aerosola, uglanom ulkanski, e Mu &rodukciXi &rostor stimulaciXa magme¥ ÚaXedno s odenom &arom, &roizodi oblaci ƒ¦¥ ½ zaisnosti od ste&enastimulaciXe, oni doesti u sXetlu kiše to&lih godišnXih doba ili &lXuskoa u hladnim godišnXim dobima (&lus to&linski talasasmrznute Âet$stream koXi blokira to&line ƒv¦, a l pinos &o subwater ulkanizam ƒ¦) naizmenično sa suše hladnesezone¥ °ao što Xe u nedanom, elektro$ulkanske …ittle ledenog doba ({${), koXi Xe uništio ÃaXa, ¤steka, †nka, kaoneki &resedan ulkanske zime deastirana araona, ÃikenXani osaXača, imlXana i mnogi drugi ¥¥¥„renutno snagu elektro$magnetsko &olXe unca smanXuXe¥ „o slabi na ÚemlXi elektro$magnetno &olXe¥ Åna &odi Lesmrtonosnim o&asnostima od dolaznih zračenXa iz semira ƒ$ ½ pational ¤cademy o ciences, ‡almer ˆ¥¦¥

    pa rhu astroizičari ƒ€$ teinhilber ¥ % ‡io Â¥ chatten °¥ % „obiška ¥, °irkby, …iingston % ‡enn, …ockwood,ensmark, ¤bdussamato, qorbyn) &rognoza duboko solarni minimum, slična onoX na elektro$ulkanske …ittle …edenodoba¥ „ada Xe áulkanske aktinosti Xe e Mi u &eriodima &roduLenog minimuma solarne aktinostiá ($ trestik Â¥, qasatiÃ¥¦¥ ¤ á¤ko ste imali eliki ulkanske eru&ciXe oe rste ƒglobalno razornog¦, recimo u sredini ro&e danas, eekti Me bitiogromna i nekoliko mXeseci moLda neMe biti doolXno da se saberemo áƒx$ ˆruitt „¥ et al¦¥‡redlaLemo &rognoza i odbiXa od &rekomXernog &rostora električne energiXe koXa stimulira ÚemlXi, kroz štitoe lasera&lazme, iše aktinih kratera¥† laserski štit od satelita neto, isoko iznad ekatora (moLda u …agranLoe boda $), gdXe naXiše &rostora električneenergiXe &ogaNa naše &lanete, i izazia ulkanske zime (koXa &očeli kao nedano, elektro$ulkanski izazane, ${oq i $x{oq u ¤ˆ$u) ƒv¦, geomagnetskih su&er$oluXe i magnetni &ol &reokrete, kroz &romXenu sog ugla¥ ‡etawatt laseri susada izodlXio ƒv{¦¥

    „akoNe ‡redlaLemo globalne &ošumlXaanXe, u slučaXu naXgoreg scenariXa¥Poečansto mora dXeloati uXedinXeni i brzo uz uzaXamnu &omoM i Xasno Ma stogodišnXaka‰

    +atalº ZO=[E$+t lº$e" pla$ma de la Te""a. Pe" "epel»li" le$ e$pa$e$ de Dºmo+le$ de l7e$pai $ob"e no$alt"e$1 Ž el$ a$te"oide$el¼+t"i+$ i l7ele+t"i+itat e$pai e2+e$$i. Fa ge el$ 3eoma3n¼tige$ $pe"(tempe$te$. E$timla l7atmo$#e"a i elma3ma. Fa ge le$ edat$ de 3el ele+t"o(*ol+ºni+a i la in*e"$ih del$ pol$ ma3n¼ti+$.I pe" e*ita" n e$de*eniment d7e2tin+ih pe" l7e2plo$ih de tote$ le$ a"me$ n+lea"$! La p"opo$ta f$ "e+ol›ada pe"l7e2 de3º de la Uni*e"$itat Inte"na+ional de l7E$pai de la NASA(ESA el D". Pelton! NASA *a #nda" na o#i+ina pe" a la de#en$a planetº"ia. ¤ntigues, graats electromagn÷tiues su&er$tem&estes des de lÆes&ai deastat la „erra¥ ƒ{ ‡eratt ¤¥, ‡¥ …aiolette¦¥ 8an

    er tamb› certes &ersones an entrar en &ànic i atalista¥ 8an seguir ent altres &ersones atalist tamb›, lÆorigen de lesguerres ƒ¦ ¥ °elly i lÆesclaitud &ànic$regnes ue la desorestaci· es col Qla&sen successiament (&el cani climàticbrusc indu!t &els su&er$tem&estes) ƒv¦ ¥¥¥ ¤ra, &er assegurar una ida segura centenària ƒ¦, una &ro&osta de rescat (en&art &atentat &er ¹oeing &er altres raons $ ƒ¦), se li ha demanat ƒ€¦ i discutit en congressos mundials¥ˆes&r›s de les tem&estes geomagn÷tiues su&er$ ƒ¦ (l seg:ent &roocada &el ol ) de {x (esdeeniment globalqarrington), {x (negre$ora de »uebec), {%v%{ (negre$ora de u÷cia), %€%{€ (allades de ¼‡), {€$†i el nÉmero de Xuliol del { esdeeniment e2tinci· tir errat dÆe2&losi· &er totes les armes nuclears, a &artir dÆuna ortatem&esta solar a ƒx, , {¦, una &ro&osta dÆun scut de làser de &lasma sÆhan et &Ébliues¥n &rimer lloc, eurem com lÆelectricitat es&ai (&lasma com el ol, els llam&s, les lames, els llums de ne·) treballa a la„erra, m›s enllà de les aurores$ a ue els llam&s, ins i tot des del cel clar ƒ{{$ ¤¥ ¼ureich¦ es desien a niell local &els &arallam&sË

    $ …a matei2a electricitat es&ai, Xa sigui &el centre galàctic el÷ctrica ƒ{¦ o &el ol ƒ{v$ im&son Â¥¦ o &er ualseol altraestrella, estimula el magma, i causa terratr÷mols orts ƒ{$ Âain, ¦Ë$ …a matei2a electricitat es&ai, uan col&eXa la laa en els cràters, &rooca eru&cions olcàniues ƒ{$ bisuzaki „¥ et al¦ ilÆaugment del enterboliment olcànica de rerigeraci·Ë augmenta glaciaci· &olar, la contaminaci· i els temors dÆuna noaedat de gel olcànica ƒ{€¦ ¥¥¥$ „amb› un asteroide el÷ctrica altament carregat o un cometa ƒ{¦, ue &assa &er la „erra, &ot reertir els &olsmagn÷tics, i &rooca un su&er$càrrega deastadora &er la radiaci· cRsmica mortal, &ot ser e2tremadament rà&id, ennom›s uns &ocs anys % d÷cades‰ $ ƒ{x¦ $ powaczyk p¥ ¥ † ¤»½„¤ temen ue ›s imminent $ ƒ{¦)¥…a inlu÷ncia cRsmica en el medi ambient de ol$„erra ƒ$ ¥ ÃukherXee¦ unciona ai2. lÆe2&eriment al qp pS8Å…ƒ{¦ a mostrar ue lÆelectricitat dels llam&s cRsmics galàctics estimula els aerosols atmos÷rics, &rinci&alment olcànica, Xa &rodu!ts &er lÆestimulaci· es&ai del magma¥ Âuntament amb el a&or dÆaigua, &roduei2 els nÉols ƒ¦¥ ˆe&enent delgrau dÆestimulaci·, ue donen lloc a &luges lleugeres dÆestacions càlides o aiguats a les estacions redes (m›s onades decalor &er gelada corrent en raig ue bloueXa la calor ƒv¦, i l pi'o &el ulcanisme subauàtiues ƒ¦) ue alternen ambles seueres tem&orades de red¥ †gual ue en la recent, ‡etita edat de gel electro$olcànica ({${), ue a destruir maies, asteues, inues, igual ue alguns hierns &recedents olcàniues araons deastades, inasors mic÷nics,romans i molts altres ¥¥¥

  • 8/19/2019 TESTED LASER PLASMA SHIELD to REPEL deadly space threats - 65 languages-UPDATE 45


    …a ¤ctualment or*a del cam& electro$magn÷tic de la un disminuei2¥ ¤i2 R debilita cam& electro$magn÷tic de la „erra¥‡lanteXa els &erills mortals de la radiaci· entrant des de lÆes&ai ƒ$ ¤cad÷mia pacional de qi÷ncies dels ½¤, r¥‡almer¦¥ls &rinci&als astro.sics ƒ€$ teinhilber ¥ % qeresa ° chatten % „obiska ¥, °irkby, …iingston % ‡enn, …ockwood,ensmark, ¤bdussamato, qorbyn) &ronostiuen un &round m.nim solar, similar a la de la ‡etita electro$olcànica…Æedat de gel¥ ¤ continuaci·, la áactiitat olcànica ›s m›s gran en &er.odes de m.nims &rolongat de lÆactiitat solará ($trestik Â¥, Ã¥ qasati¦¥ † ái a tenir una gran eru&ci· olcànica dÆauest ti&us ƒa niell mundial deastadora¦, diguem ueen el medi de lÆuro&a dÆaui, els eectes serien enormes i uns mesos &odria no ser suicient &er obtenir el seu actuar Xunts áƒx$ ˆruitt „¥ et al¦¥

    ‡ro&osem el &ronRstic i el re&elent de lÆelectricitat es&ai e2cessiu ue estimula la „erra, a tra›s dels escuts de &lasmalàser, sobre cràters actius¥† un escut làser mitXan*ant una 2ar2a de sat÷lQlit, &er sobre euador (&otser en $ &unts de …agrange), on la maXor &artde lÆelectricitat es&ai im&acta nostre &laneta, i a ue lÆhiern olcànic (ue a comen*ar com el recent, electro$olcànicament indu!da, i ${oq $ x{oq al ½¤) ƒv¦, els geomagn÷tiues su&er$tem&estes i les reersions de &olsmagn÷tics, a tra›s del cani de la sea angle¥ làsers ‡etawatt s·n ara actible ƒv{¦¥„amb› &ro&osem la re&oblaci· orestal mundial, en el cas del &itXor dels casos¥…a humanitat ha dÆactuar unida i rà&ida amb lÆaXuda mÉtua i la claredat dels centenaris‰¶e´tina +›e+%La$e" pla›ma ´t½t µem¾. /d"a›it me¶e Damo+le$ › p"o$to" nad nmi1 Ž ele:t"i+:f a$te"oid' a nadm¾"n¿p"o$to" ele:tÀin'. To ›pÁ$ob½ ¸e 3eoma3neti+:f *¿bo"n¿(boÀe. StimlŸe atmo$#f" , ma3ma. To ›pÁ$obŸe ¸e

    ele:t"o($ope¶n¿ ledo*f $tÀ½ a ob"+en½ ma3neti+:¿+% phlÁ.A od*"tit dlo$t ›ni: e2plo›½ *´e+% bomb! Tento n*"% Ÿe podpo"o*n b¿*al¿ d¾:an e›in"odn½ :o$mi+:fni*e"›it¾ * NASA ESA D". Pelton! NASA ›alo¸il ÂÀad p"o planet"n½ ob"an'.taroTkUch, nahran› elektromagnetick› su&er bouãe z esm.ru zdeastoan› Úemi¥ ƒ{ ‡eratt ¤¥, ‡¥ …a8iolette¦¥ ½d Tlalitak› určit. lid› z&anikaãili a atalista¥ ‡oã‚d na tom, aby ostatn. lid› atalista tak› &Vod ‚lek ƒ °elly ¥¦ a otroct.z&anikaãil$kr‚lost.mi, Le odlesWo‚n. oni se zhrout. &ostu&nT (o n‚hl› zm TnT  klimatu yolan› t Tmito su&er$bouãe)ƒv¦ ¥¥¥ ¤ teX, aby zaXistily trezor, stoletU  Liot ƒ¦, n‚rh na z‚chranu (č‚stečnT &atentoan U irmou ¹oeing z Xin Uch dVodV $ ƒ¦), byl ƒ€¦ &oL‚dal a diskuto‚ny na sTtoUch kongresech¥‡o geomagnetickUch bouã. su&er$ƒ¦ (n‚sleduX.c. yolanU lunce ) {x (glob‚ln. ud‚lost qarrington), {x (black$out o »uebec), {%v%{ (black$out O›dska), %€%{€ (neÉs&TchV ¼‡), {€$† a čerenci { t Tsn› minut.ud‚lost z‚niku &ãed Ubuchem šech XadernUch bomb, od elmi silnUm slunečn.m su&er$bouãe ƒx, , {¦, n‚rh št.t

    lasero›ho &lazmatu byl zeãeXnTn¥Úa &r›, &oXXme se &od.at, Xak &rostor s elektãinou (&lasma Xako slunce, blesky, &lameny, neonoUch L‚roek) &racuXena Úemi, za &ol‚rn. z‚ãe$ „o z&VsobuXe blesky, a to iz Xasn› obloze ƒ{{$ ¼ureič ¤¥¦ Xsou lok‚lnT &ãesm Tro‚ny &omoc. blesku tyč.Ë$ teXnU &rostor s elektãinou, a to bu X &omoc. elektrick›ho galaktick›ho centra ƒ{¦ nebo &odle un ƒ{v$ im&son Â¥¦ nebo Xakoukoli Xinou hTzdou, stimuluXe magma, a z&VsobuXe siln› zemTtãesen. ƒ{$ Âain, ¦Ë$ teXnU &rostor elektãinu, kdy L to udeã. l‚u kr‚terech, z& Vsob., Le so&ečn› Ubuchy ƒ{$ bisuzaki „¥ a kol¦ astou&aX.c. so&ečnU z‚kal chlazen.Ë zyšuXe &ol‚rn.ho zaledn Tn., znečištTn. a obay o no›m so&ečn›ho doby ledo› ƒ{€¦¥¥¥$ „ak› elmi nabitU elektrick U asteroid nebo kometa ƒ{¦, kter  U &roch‚z. Úem., m VLe zr‚tit magnetick› &·ly, a z&Vsob.zničuX.c. su&er$n‚boX smrt.c. kosmick›ho z‚ãen., mVLe bUt e2tr›mnT  rychl U, &ouze nTkolika m‚lo letech % desetilet.ch‰ $

    ƒ{x¦ $ powaczyk p¥¥ ¤ ¤ se ob‚aX., Le Xe to na s&adnut. $ ƒ{¦)¥°osmickU li na Liotn. &rostãed. un$arth ƒ$ ÃukherXee ¥¦ unguXe takto e2&eriment q…Žˆ qp ƒ{¦ uk‚zal,Le elektãina galaktickUch kosmickUch &a&rskV stimuluXe atmos›rick Uch aerosolV, &ãedeš.m so&ečnU, XiL ytoãen›&rostor stimulac. magmatu¥ &olu s odn. &‚rou, &rodukuXe mraky ƒ¦¥ 8 z‚islosti na stu&ni stimulace, maX. za n‚sledeklehk› dešt.ch te&lUch obdob.ch nebo liX‚ky chladn›m obdob. (&lus lny eder zmrzlou Âet$stream, kter U blokuXe te&loƒv¦, a l pinos &odle subwater ulkanismus ƒ¦), stã.daX.c. se s sucha z chladnUch ročn.ch obdob.ch¥ teXnT Xako ned‚n›m, elektro$so&ečnU mal› ledo› &roduktin.m Tku ({${), kter U zničil Ãayo›, ¤zt›ko› †nky, steXn T XakonTkter› &recedentn. so&ečn‚ zima zdeastoanUch araoni, Ãycenaeans Étočn.ky, Y.manV  a mnoho dalš.ch ¥¥¥ ¤ktu‚lnT .la elektromagnetick›ho &ole lunce kles‚¥ „o oslabuXe elektromagnetick› &ole Úem T¥ „o yol‚‚ smrt.c.nebez&eč. z do&adaX.c.ho z‚ãen. z esm.ru ƒ$ ½ pational ¤cademy o ciences, ‡almer ˆ¥¦¥²orn. astroyzikV ƒ€$ teinhilber ¥ % ¹eer Â¥ chatten °¥ % „obiška ¥, °irkby, …iingston % ‡enn, …ockwood, ensmark, ¤bdussamato, qorbyn) &ãed&oTdi hlubok› slunečn. minimum, &odobnU tomu z elektro$so&ečn U °rtečkem ˆoba ledo‚¥‡otom áso&ečn‚ aktiita Xe yšš. obdob. &rodlouLen› minima slunečn. aktiityá ($ tãešt.k Â¥, qasati Ã¥¦¥ ¤ á‡okudbyste mTli elk› ulkanick› eru&ce tohoto druhu ƒ celosTto›m mTã.tku niči›ho¦, ãeknTme e stãedu ro&a dnesÉčinky by byl obroskU a n Tkolik mTs.cV nemus. stačit, aby si s› Xednat s&olečn T  áƒx$ ˆruitt „¥ et al¦¥parhuXeme &očas. a od&uzuX.c. nadmTrn›ho kosmick›ho elektãiny, kter‚ stimuluXe Úemi, skrze št.ty lasero›ho&lazmatu, &ães aktin. kr‚tery¥

  • 8/19/2019 TESTED LASER PLASMA SHIELD to REPEL deadly space threats - 65 languages-UPDATE 45


     ¤ laser št.t &omoc. satelitn. s.tT ysoko nad ron.kem (mo Ln‚ …agrangeoUch bodech $), kde Xe Ttšina &rostorelektãina naraz. naši &lanetu, a z&Vsob., Le so&ečn‚ zima (kter‚ začala Xako ned‚n›, electro$olcanically indukoan›,${oq Ó $ x{oq ½¤) ƒv¦, geomagnetick› lash$bouãe a magnetickU &·l zraty, a to &rostãednict.m zm Tny XeX.ho Éhlu¥‡etawatt lasery Xsou nyn. moLn› ƒv{¦¥parhuXeme tak› glob‚ln. zalesnTn., &ã.&adT neXhorš.ho sc›n‚ãe¥…idsto mus. Xednat XednotnT a rychle se z‚Xemn› &omoci a Xasnosti stolet Uch‰

    +o"$ +o"$i+aS+d La$e" pla$ma di a Te""a. To "epel la $+iabbla li pi$+i $pata da $pa›i $op"a º noi1 Ž l bea #in 8e"3ona, $pa›i e++e$$i* ene"3ia elett"i+a. )¼ na$+en i 3eoma3neti+ Sga"›a#i+i(timpe$ti. )¼ a3ali l 7atmo$#e"a el at$+%. Si ti l 3%ia++i(imp"emen libe"e(*l+ani+a ¼ +ambiament di i poli ma3neti+%i. à º a*iat"i+e ne*eniment mo"a pa" $+Äppi di ttti i n:e$! A p"po$ta %¼ di#e$a da l 7e"pa""aminta"i Dean di Spa+eUni*e"$it' Inte"national di NASA(ESA D" Pelton! NASA t"o*f$ n ##i+i di planeta"i di#e$a. ¤ncient, incisu erani stati sani$tim&esti, da u s&aziu deastated a „erra¥ ƒ{ ‡eratt ¤¥, …aiolette ‡¥¦¥ ecini dinR  certi &o&uliritiràrisi e atalist¥ si ridda successiamente (da rancese abru&t qhangement addurmisciutu &ar uiddi uarzaici$tim&esti) ƒv¦ ¥¥¥ ¤à, à ricunnoscia si cuntinuarru a teniri lu acûa altri &o&uli atalist tro&&u, l Æurûggini di sti guerri ƒ °elly¥¦ ÷ a scrittura rumanzesca chû deorestation regni ritiràrisi$ un &ostu sicuru, a ita cintunarii ƒ¦, una &ru&osta di sceltu(mudiicà &atented &ar ¹oeing &er altri mutii $ ƒ¦), h÷ statu dumandatu ƒ€¦ e discutitu in i cungressi mondu¥ˆo&u à u geomagnetic uarzaici$tim&esti ƒ¦ (li siguenti de ruits &ar u sole ) di u {x (eenimentu mundialeqarrington), {x (black$ora di »uebec ÷ Åntario), {%v%{ (black$ora di weden), %€%{€ (iaschi di ¼‡),

    {€$† e lu lugliu di u { icinu à$ilu di ballR mora da sc R&&iu &ar tutti nukes, da un orti uarzaici$tim&esta sulariƒx, , {), una &ru&osta di un hield di …aser ‡lasma h÷ statu attu &ublicu¥‡rima, idemu comu lu energia elettrica u s&aziu (teleisiR, comu lu suli, lu Ãanessia, li ciammi, u bulbi, neon) traaglianantu à a „erra, caallieri auroras$ i ti a lu saitti, ancu da celu chXaru ƒ{{$ ¼ureich ¤¥¦ iddi sunnu lucalmente diià da i ulmini$ergheË$ ½ listessu s&aziu energia elettrica, maniisteghXa sighi c u centru ¼alattûca ilettricu ƒ{¦ o da u sole ƒ{v$ li Â¥¦ o &ar ognialtre stelle, aguali li Ãatsch, ÷ nascenu tirrimoti orti ƒ{$ Xainisti, ¦Ë$ ½ listessu s&aziu energia elettrica, uannu lu a&arta en &etra làica, a lu ‡iena, nascenu rammenti ulcanica ƒ{$bisuzaki „¥ et al¦ ÷ u s&untà ulcanica clouding$ca&elliË si aumenta &ulari glaciation, risidui e &aure di una noa¼hiaccio$età ulcanica ƒ{€¦ ¥¥¥$ ‡uru un astiroidi 8ergona à &ienu ncarricati o traniera ƒ{¦, ca &assa di l Æ„erra, &R &one à i &oli magnetichi, e ti aÆ na

    diastatori uarzaici$cumandante di cecena chû tomba, orse &er assai iloci, in sulu Æna &ocu dÆ anni % dicennii‰ $ ƒ{x¦ $powaczyk p¥¥ Ó ¤ &aura chû h÷ &russimu $ ƒ{¦)¥…a nruenza ½nierse nantu à l Æambienti di un$„erra ƒ$ ÃukherXee ¥¦ Z&iri like this lu s&irimentu di lu qp q…Žˆa ƒ{¦, dimmustr R  ca lÆ energia elettrica di cecena ¼alattûca aguali li aerosols limits, so&rattuttu ulcanica, già &ruduttu dastimulation u s&aziu di Ãatsch¥ †nc u a&ore acua, si &roduci li nuuli ƒ¦¥ econdu u gradu di stimulation, iddi unbilanciu mai lume di e stagioni callu, o down&ours in saisons riddu (&lus calori$onde &ar ghXalata Âet$bracciu chû &ara ucaldu ƒv¦, e l qarmine &ar subwater olcanism ƒ¦) multilinguism cu droughts staghXoni di lu riddu¥ qomu a lu ricenti,libere$ulcanica …ittle †ce$età ({${), ca u distrutta Ãayas, attuali, incas, cumÆ÷ certi ¤nterior inguerni ulcanica&haraohs deastated, iat atu inasori, umani, ÷ tanti altri ¥¥¥…u sÆarricorda a orza di u cam&u di libere$magnetichi di lu uli decreases¥ tu tutti cam&u libere$magnetichi di a „erra¥ istenni lu rinunziR di sangu da li raghXi riceuti da u s&aziu ƒ$ ½ ¤ccademia paziunale di scienze, ‡almer ˆ¥¦¥

     ¤ cima mienzu ƒ€$ teinhilber ¥ % ¹irra Â¥ chatten °¥ % „obiska ¥, °irkby, …iingston % ‡enn, ratti, ensmark, ¤bdussamato, qorbyn) Ãeteo à u minimu sulari &ruonda, sûmili a chiddu di li …ittle libere$ulcanica †ce$¤ge¥ ¤llura luáattiitati urcànica ÷ su&iriuri a staghXoni di minima &rulungati di l Æattiitati sulariá ($ trestik Â¥, qasati Ã¥¦¥ [ áÆ÷ oaûa un granni eruzzioni ulcanichi di sta sorta ƒdeastannu globally¦, chÆelli lÆdû in u milieu di l Æuro&a oggi, lÆ eetti ussitamantu ÷ uni &ochi di mesi &udia micca esse abbastanza &÷ ottene u ostru attu inseme áƒx$ ˆruitt „¥ et al¦¥‡ru&unimu u Ãeteo ÷ i certu di li eccessiu energia elettrica s&aziu chû aguali a „erra, à traersu hields &Æaddumari lulaser &lasma, so&ra ‡iena attia¥[ nu scudu laser ai na riti satellitare, altu su&ra uatore (orsi a &unti …agrangian $), unni &i elettricità s&aziu a&artaa nostra &ianeta, ÷ nascenu i inguerni ulcanica (chi addirittura, comu lu ricenti, libere$olcanically addurmisciutu, ${oqÓ $ x{oq in i ½¤) ƒv¦, u geomagnetic uarzaici$tim&esti e lu reersals &olu magnetichi, à traersu u cambiamentu di uso angolo¥ …i laser ‡etawatt sR aà easible rancese ƒv{¦¥ ¤emu din di &ru&one dur÷ule ÷ glubali, in casu di la situazione casu cchi grai¥

    ²umankind dee cuntu d Ɔtalia unita e &olli c u mutuale$aiutu ÷ a tralucenza di u centenarians‰

    +'m"ae3 0el$+%La$e" pla$ma ta"ian ' Ddaea". I 0"t%$e#'ll ' +ledd'#a Damo+le$ o7" 3o#od a"nom ni1 Ž ' a$te"oida t"'dan a 't"'dan 3o#od o"modol. ae7n a+%o$i i7" 3eoma3neti+ $pe"($to"m'dd. ae7n '$3o3i7" '" atmo$##e" a7" ma3ma.

  • 8/19/2019 TESTED LASER PLASMA SHIELD to REPEL deadly space threats - 65 languages-UPDATE 45


    ae7n a+%o$i ' ele+t"o(#ol+ani3 iÅ oed"an a 30"t%d"oad ' polion ma3neti3. A+ i o$3oi di30'ddiad di#odiant t"0'##"0'd"ad o7" %oll n:e$! ae7" +'nni3 'n +ael ei 3e#no3i 3an ' +'n Ddeon R'n30ladol P"i#'$3ol Spa+e NASA(ESA D" Pelton! Se#'dl0'd NASA $0'dd#a a" 3'#e" Planeda De#en$e.²ynaol, conodwyd electromagnetig su&er$stormydd oÆr good ddinistriwyd ˆdaear¥ ƒ{ ‡eratt ¤¥, …a8iolette ‡¥¦¥¼wnaethant heyd rhai &obl yn mynd i banig ac atalist¥ Ãaent yn cadw ar wneud &obl eraill yn atalist heyd, tarddiadrhyeloedd ƒ °elly ¥¦ a chaethwasiaeth banig$deyrnasoedd y datgoedwigo maent yn cwym&o yn olynol (gan newid ynsydyn yn yr hinsawdd a achosir gan y rhai su&er$stormydd) ƒv¦ ¥¥¥ pawr, er mwyn sicrhau diogel, bywyd centenarian ƒ¦,cynnig ar gyer achub (&atent yn rhannol gan ¹oeing am resymau eraill $ ƒ¦), wedi cael ei goyn i ƒ€¦ a draodwyd yncongresses byd¥

     ¤r \l y geomagnetic su&er$stormydd ƒ¦ (y canlynol sbarduno gan yr ²aul ) {x (ddigwyddiad byd$eang qarrington),{x (du$allan o »uebec), {%v%{ (du$allan o weden), %€%{€ (methiannau ¼‡), {€$† a ¼orenna{ digwyddiad diodiant ger$miss o rwydrad gan bob nukes, o solar su&er$storm cry iawn ƒx, , {), gynnig am ˆariano …aser ‡lasma wedi cael ei wneud yn gyhoeddus¥×n gynta, gadewch i ni weld sut maeÆr trydan good (&lasma el yr ²aul, y mellt, y lamau, bylbiau neon) yn gweithio ar yˆdaear, y tu hwnt auroras$ ÃaeÆn achosi iÆr bolltau mellt, hyd yn oed o awyr glir ƒ{{$ ¼ureich ¤¥¦ maent yn cael eu dargyeirio yn lleol gan y mellt$gwiailË$ ×r un trydan good, naill ai gan y ganolan galaethol trydan ƒ{¦ neu gan y un ƒ{v$ im&son Â¥¦ neu gan unrhyw serenarall, yn ysgogiÆr magma, ac yn achosi daeargryneydd cry ƒ{ Âain, ¦Ë$ ×r un trydan good, &an ydd yn taro laa yn y craterau, yn achosi rwydradau olcanig ƒ{$ bisuzaki „¥ et al¦ a codi

    olcanig cymylu$oeriË maeÆn cynyddu rhewliiant &egynol, llygredd a &hryderon am i6 oedran olcanig newydd ƒ{€¦ ¥¥¥$ ²eyd yn asteroid drydan a godir iawn neu gomed ƒ{¦, syÆn &asio trwy y ˆdaear, gall wrthdroiÆr &olion magnetig, ac ynachosi dinistriol su&er$ddim gan belydriad cosmig marwol, od yn hynod o gylym, mewn dim ond ychydig o lynyddoedd %degawdau‰ $ ƒ{x¦ $ powaczyk p¥¥ Ó ¤ yn oni ei od yn ar in digwydd $ ƒ{¦)¥Ãae dylanwad cosmig ar amgylchedd ul$y ˆdaear ƒ$ ÃukherXee ¥¦ yn gweithio el hyn yr arbraw q…Žˆ yn qpƒ{¦ yn dangos bod y trydan o belydrau cosmig galactic ysgogi erosolau atmoserig, olcanig yn benna, a gynhyrchwydeisoes gan symbyliad good o magma¥ ×nghyd 6Ær anwedd d]r, yn cynhyrchu y cymylau ƒ¦¥ ×n dibynnu ar y radd osymbyliad, maent yn arwain at bwrw glaw ngoleuni tymhorau cynnes neu glaw mewn tymhorau oer (yn ogystal gwres$tonnau gan rhewi Âet$nant syÆn lociau gwres ƒv¦, a l p†pÅ gan olcanigrwydd subwater ƒ¦) yn ail 6 sychderthymhorauÆr oer¥ el yn y diweddar, …ittle †6$oed electro$olcanig ({${), a ddinistriodd Ãayas, ¤steciaid, †ncas, elrhyw gaeaau cynsail olcanig &haraohs deastated, goresgynwyr Ãycenaeans, hueiniaid a llawer mwy ¥¥¥

    Ãae hyn o bryd, cryder y maes electromagnetig yr ²aul yn lleihau¥ Ãae hyn yn gwanhau maes electro$magnetig yˆdaear¥ ÃaeÆn codi &eryglon marwol oÆr ymbelydredd syÆn dod i mewn oÆr good ƒ$ ½nol ˆaleithiau ¤cademi¼enedlaethol y ¼wyddorau, ‡almer ˆ¥¦¥ÃaeÆr astroisegwyr to& ƒ€$ teinhilber ¥ % ¹eer Â¥ chatten °¥ % „obiska ¥, °irkby, …iingston % ‡enn, …ockwood,ensmark, ¤bdussamato, qorbyn) yn rhagweld dwn lleiaswm solar, yn debyg i un y …ittle electro$olcanig †ce$¤ge¥×na y áweithgaredd olcanig yn uwch mewn cynodau o minima hir o weithgaredd solará ($ trestik Â¥, qasati Ã¥¦¥ ¤cáÅs oedd gennych rwydrad olcanig mawr oÆr math hwn ƒddinistriol yn yd$eang¦, gadewch i ni ddweud yn y canol wro&heddiw, byddaiÆr eeithiau od yn enawr ac eallai na ychydig isoedd yn ddigon i gael eich weithredu gydaÆi gilydd áƒx$ˆruitt „¥ et al¦¥ydym yn cynnig y rhagolygon aÆr re&elling y trydan good gormodol syÆn ysgogi y ˆdaear, drwy darianau &lasma laser,dros craterau gweithredol¥

     ¤ tharian &lasma gan rwyd lloeren, uchel dros qyhydedd (eallai mewn &wyntiau …agrangian $), lle maeÆr rhan wya odrydan good hits ein &laned, ac yn achosi iÆr gaeaau olcanig (syÆn dechrau el yr ddiweddar, electro$olcanicallyysgogwyd, ${oq Ó $ x{oq yn ½ˆ¤) ƒv¦, maeÆr geomagnetic su&er$stormydd aÆr gwrthdroadau &olyn magnetig, trwynewid ei ongl¥ laserau ‡etawatt bellach yn ddichonadwy ƒv{¦¥ydym heyd yn cynnig coedwigo byd$eang, yn achos y seylla waetha¥ÃaeÆn rhaid i ddynoliaeth weithredu unedig ac yn gylym gydaÆr cyd$gymorth a eglurder y centenarians‰

    dan$: WO=La$e" pla$ma $:Ÿold a# žo"den. At a#*i$e de Damo+le$ $*Æ"d #"a "mmet o*e" o$1 Ž de ele:t"i$:e a$te"oide" , den o*e"d"e*ne plad$ el. Det #o"Ç"$a3e" de 3eoma3neti$:e $pe"($to"me. Det $timle"e" atmo$#Æ"en , ma3ma.Det #o"Ç"$a3e" de ele:t"o(*l:an$: i$tide" o3 tilba3e#È"$el a# de ma3neti$:e pole". /3 #o" at a#*Æ"3e enma$$eddÈen *ed e:$plo$ion a# alle atom*Çben! Fo"$la3et $tÈtte$ a# den tidli3e"e de:an #o" Inte"national Spa+eUni*e"$it' o# NASA(ESA D". Pelton! NASA 3"ndla3de et :onto" #o" Planeta"' De#en$e.î¼amle, inds&illede elektromagnetiske su&er$storm ra rummet h^rget Âorden¥ ƒ{ ‡eratt ¤¥, …aiolette ‡¥¦¥ ˆe gXorde ogs_ isse mennesker gik i &anik og atalist¥ ˆe holdt & _ at g रre andre mennesker atalist ogs_ o&rindelsen a krige ƒ °elly ¥¦og slaeri &anik$riger, at skorydning ˆe kolla&se successit (ed &ludselige klima ^ndringer remkaldt a disse su&er$storme) ƒv¦ ¥¥¥ pu, or at sikre en sikker, centenarian li ƒ¦, et orslag til redning (delis &atenteret a ¹oeing a andre

  • 8/19/2019 TESTED LASER PLASMA SHIELD to REPEL deadly space threats - 65 languages-UPDATE 45


    grunde $ ƒ¦), er bleet bedt om ƒ€¦ og diskuteret i erdens kongresser¥îter de geomagnetiske su&er$storme ƒ¦ ( रlgende udlरst a un ) a {x (global begienhed qarrington), {x (black$out a »uebec), {%v%{ (black$out a erige), %€%{€ (sigt i ¼‡), {€$† og i Xuli { n ^redmasseuddरen ra eks&losion a alle atom_ben, ra en meget st^rk sol su&er$storm ƒx, , {), et orslag til en hield o…aser ‡lasma er bleet oentliggXort¥îरrst, lad os se, hordan rummet elektricitet (&lasma som olen, lynene, lammerne, neon & ^rer) arbeXder &_ Âorden, udoer nordlysî$ ˆet or _rsager lyn bolte, sel ra klar himmel ƒ{{$ ¼ureich ¤¥¦ de er lokalt aledt a lyn$st^ngerËî$ ˆen samme &lads elektricitet, enten a elektriske galaktiske center ƒ{¦ eller a olen ƒ{v$ im&son Â¥¦ eller ed enher

    anden stXerne, stimulerer magma, og or _rsager st^rke Xordsk^l ƒ{$ Âain, ¦Ëî$ ˆen samme &lads elektricitet, n_r den rammer laa i kraterne, or _rsager ulkanudbrud ƒ{$ bisuzaki „¥ et al¦ og denstigende ulkanske uklarhed$kरlingË det रger &olar istid, orurening og rygter or en ny ulkansk istid ƒ{€¦ ¥¥¥î$ Ågs_  en st ^rkt ladede elektriske asteroide eller komet ƒ{¦, der g_r orbi Âorden, kan ende de magnetiske &oler, ogor _rsager en रdel^ggende su&er$charge a dरdelig kosmisk str _ling, kan ^re ekstremt hurtig, &_  kun et &ar _r % _rtier‰ $ƒ{x¦ $ powaczyk p¥¥ Ó ¤ rygter, at det er n^rt orest_ende $ ƒ{¦)¥îˆen kosmiske indlydelse &_  milX रet a un$arth ƒ$ ÃukherXee ¥¦ ungerer s_dan her eks&erimentet q…Žˆ edqp ƒ{¦ iste, at elektricitet a galaktiske kosmiske str _ler stimulerer de atmos ^riske aerosoler, &rim^rt ulkansk, derallerede &roduceres a rummet stimulation a magma¥ ammen med anddam&en, &roducerer skyerne ƒ¦¥ ¤h ^ngigt a graden a stimulering, de resulterer i lette regnskyl a arme _rstider eller regnskyl i kolde _rstider (&lus hedebरlger medrosne Âet$stream, der blokerer arme ƒv¦, og l pinos ed subwater ulkanisme ƒ¦) skiteis med t रrke a kolde

    _rstider¥ om i den nylige, elektro$ulkanske …ille †ce$alder ({${), der रdelagde Ãayas, aztekerne, inkaerne,ligesom nogle &r ̂ cedens ulkanske intre रdelagte araoer, Ãycenaeans angribere, romerne og mange andre ¥¥¥îˆen aktuelt styrke det elektromagnetiske elt a olen alder¥ ˆette s^kker Xordens elektromagnetiske elt¥ ˆet reXser dendरdelige arer ra den indkommende str _ling ra rummet ƒ$ ½ pational ¤cademy o ciences, ‡almer ˆ¥¦¥îˆe रerste astroysikere ƒ€$ teinhilber ¥ % ¹eer Â¥ chatten °¥ % „obiska ¥, °irkby, …iingston % ‡enn, …ockwood,ensmark