Test shots

Two shot Here I have taken two images of a two shot. A two shot is a shot which includes 2 people. These images both show good framing because there is not too much blank space around the models and also the models are placed slightly away from the wall so the lighting is effective. Having them place right on top of the wall would make the image look flat and not very professional. These images are both very successful shots so the way I have constructed these images will be

Transcript of Test shots

Two shot

Here I have taken two images of a two shot. A two shot is a shot which includes 2 people. These images both show good framing because there is not too much blank space around the models and also the models are placed slightly away from the wall so the lighting is effective. Having them place right on top of the wall would make the image look flat and not very professional. These images are both very successful shots so the way I have constructed these images will be taken into consideration when taking my actual images for my magazine.

Long Shot

This image here is a long shot. A long shot is when the object or model is taking up most of the frame, therefore their full body is in the shot. This is successful as his full body is shown and he is centred so the space around him is equal and not distracting. Also, he is not directly placed on the wall so the lighting is more effective and it creates a shadow effect.

Medium close up

This is a bad example of a medium close up shot. This is unsuccessful because he is not centred correctly as he is placed slightly more to the left which makes the shot a bad frame.

This is a good example of a medium close up shot. This is successful because he is centred so the space around him is equal, therefore the framing is correct. This would be a possible framing type to use for my front cover.

Close Up

This shot shows a close up. This is a good example of a close up framing because it is following the rules of a close up and also the model is centred which makes the space around her equal. The lighting isn’t great but if this was done for my final picture I would make sure the lighting was correct and able to use.

Posed shot

Each of these 3 images show a good example of a posed shot. It is clear that these are posed shots because of the way their body is presented and facial expressions. Also, they have used props to make the shots look interesting. These are successful because the framings are all the same and their body fits within the framing height. Also, the models have been placed away from the wall to create a better lighting effect.

Group shot

This image shows a good example of a group shot. The image is framed well as the models are all in the shot and the space around them is equal. Also, the shot is a medium close up which is mostly used in music magazines, which I can take into consideration and use this kind of shot in my magazine. As they are placed away from the wall the lighting has created a better effect behind them which lights up the background more as well as the foreground. Not only is this a group shot, it also shows a pose as well in which the pose fits in with my magazine genre. The props in this image make it more interesting.

Close ups (Bad Framing)

These images show examples of bad framing. The first image has bad framing because there is a distraction in the background with a different colour on the wall and also the sides are not in proportion for the correct framing. Also, the lighting isn’t really that good for a decent image to use in a magazine because there are multiple shadows. The second image is a bad example because half of his face is cut off which doesn’t show the full face of the model and also the framing is out of proportion.

Bad framing All these shots are examples of bad framing. All of them either have bad lighting or bad framing which isn’t ideal for using as an image for my magazine. As the first image shows, the lighting is way too bright which ruins the image as you can’t see the models properly or clearly. The second image shows extremely bad framing as you can see objects in the background and foreground and the green screen on the side. Also, being a long shot, half of the models feet are cut out. The third image shows bad framing too as again you can see part of the green screen and an object at the top of the image. These would not be good to use in my magazine.

Doing these test shots has helped me develop my ideas of taking the perfect image for my front cover. All the shots I took included; 2 two shots, long shot, medium close up good and bad framing, close up, 3 posed shots, a group shot and 5 photos showing examples of bad framing. Experimenting with all these different shots has shown me what would look right on a magazine front cover and what would look wrong. Also, it has helped me think about what kind of images I could use on my contents page and what can be used in my double page spread. After taking these images and previous research, I have learnt about how different lighting can change an image and why the framing and lighting is important in producing the perfect image.
