Test Paper -Acute Care Division -Pain & Inflammation -A

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  • 8/13/2019 Test Paper -Acute Care Division -Pain & Inflammation -A


    Acute Care DivisionTEST PAPER

    Pain and Musculoskeletal Disorders Marks 50

    Time 30 mins.


    Q.1. Fill in the Blanks (Each blank carry one mark)

    1. Human boy has more than 650muscles ! 206bones.

    ". #n $steoarthritis % Breako&n o' cartilageresults in oint ain* it becomesitte an

    &eak.3. Musculoskeletalisorers ha+e hi,h imact on the atient % society anthe rimary

    care -hysician.

    . #n #nia /.35 o' the total oulation is su''erin, 'rom steoart!ritis.

    5. Musclesan Tendons o&er the oint.

    .Three 2on -harmacolo,ical treatment methos in $ are "eig!t loss*P!#siot!era$#an ccu$ationaltheray.

    /.R!eu%atoid rthritis is t&o to three times more 're4uent amon, &omen !increases &ith a,e.

    .6heumatoi rthritis is a chronic *in'lammatory isorer &herein boy7si%%une

    system attacks its o&n tissues.

    8.aluronic aci % an imortant comonent o' syno+ial 'lui* ro+ieslubricatin,roerties.

    10. 2utraceuticalsuse in $ are %

    'lucosa%ine sul'ate

    (!ondroitin sul'ate

  • 8/13/2019 Test Paper -Acute Care Division -Pain & Inflammation -A


    11. rachionic aci is con+erte into rosta,lanins by (#cloo)#genaseen9yme an into leukotrienes by *i$oo)#genaseen9yme.

    Q.2 "rite +True, in ront o t!e True state%ent and +alse, or t!ealse


    1. :iral 'e+er is characteri9e by lo& ,rae 'e+er an mil boy ache*malaise. ( alse )

    ". ;hronic ain is e#?7s are =# sie e''ects* renal imairment or'ailure* latelet

    inhibition* an increases the incience o' cario+ascular sie e''ects (True)

    5. #ntraarticular inection o' sterois are only ,i+en in se+ere casesunresonsi+e to

    2>#?s ( True)

    . ;ario+ascular morbiity ! mortality has back li'te co

  • 8/13/2019 Test Paper -Acute Care Division -Pain & Inflammation -A


    Q./ Matc! t!e olloing

    A 1. $steoarthritis a. ;onstiation* s&eatin,* nausea*

    +omitin,.". nkylosin, >onylitis 3. #buro'en* 2aro#?s ! 2utraceuticals

    Ansers +1 - ! ,4 +2 - g ,4+/ - ,4+ - e ,4+5 - d ,4+6 - c ,4+ - 3 ,4+7 - a ,

    Q.. (!oose t!e correct anser8s + Please tick t!e rig!t anser8s,

    1. -rosta,lanins intensi'y e''ect o' %

  • 8/13/2019 Test Paper -Acute Care Division -Pain & Inflammation -A


    a. cetylcholine ! =astrinb. rad#kinin 9 &ista%ine

    c. Thrombo

  • 8/13/2019 Test Paper -Acute Care Division -Pain & Inflammation -A


    a. =outy rthritisb. $steoathritisc.Ank#losing S$ond#litis. 6heumatoi rthritis

    Q.5 .Matc! t!e olloing

    A 1. ;alor a) $eema". -ain b) 6ubor3. >&ellin, c) ?olor. 6eness ) Heat5. >yno+itis e) #nury to the li,ament by o+erstretchin,. >train ') Mile to lo&er back ain/. >rain ,) #n'lammation o' syno+ial membrane linin, the

    oint. umba,o h) #nury to tenon

    ns 1%( d )* "%( c )*3%( a )*%( 3 )*5%( g )*%( ! )*/%( e )*%( )