Test for macular pigment

METROVISION - 4 rue des Platanes 59840 PERENCHIES FRANCE Tel: +33 3 20 17 19 50 Fax: +33 3 20 17 19 51 [email protected] http://www.metrovision.com Version 05/01/2015 © 2015 Metrovision USER’S MANUAL


description of test of macular pigment density

Transcript of Test for macular pigment

  • METROVISION - 4 rue des Platanes 59840 PERENCHIES FRANCE

    Tel: +33 3 20 17 19 50 Fax: +33 3 20 17 19 51

    [email protected] http://www.metrovision.com

    Version 05/01/2015 2015 Metrovision


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    INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................................... 5

    EXAMINATION BASICS................................................................................................................................................. 7

    MACULAR PIGMENT AND AGE RELATED MACULAR DEGENERATION ............................................................................ 8

    MACULAR PIGMENTS AND NUTRITION .......................................................................................................................... 8

    MACULAR PIGMENTS AND NUTRITION .................................................................................. ERREUR ! SIGNET NON DEFINI.

    REALIZATION OF EXAMS ........................................................................................................................................... 11

    PATIENT'S INSTALLATION ............................................................................................................................................. 12

    QUALITY CONTROL ....................................................................................................................................................... 14

    EXPLOITATION OF RESULTS ....................................................................................................................................... 15

    ACCESS TO RESULTS ...................................................................................................................................................... 16

    MACULAR PIGMENTS ANALYSIS ................................................................................................................................... 16

    OTHER ANALYSIS ........................................................................................................................................................... 16

    PATIENT'S INFORMATION ............................................................................................................................................. 19

    STORING THE RESULTS ................................................................................................................................................. 19

    PRINTING THE RESULTS ................................................................................................................................................ 19

    TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS ...................................................................................................................................... 21

    CLINICAL EXAMPLES .................................................................................................................................................. 23

    NORMAL VALUES ...................................................................................................................................................... 25

    INFLUENCE OF DIET ....................................................................................................................................................... 26

    INFLUENCE OF AGE ....................................................................................................................................................... 26

    EDITION OF PROCEDURES ......................................................................................................................................... 27

    BIBLIOGRAPHY .......................................................................................................................................................... 29

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    Macular pigments

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    This document describes the use of the Test for macular pigment density application available on the Vision Monitor


    Before reading this document, you should be familiarized with the general information related to the

    hardware and software of the Vision Monitor.

    These information are available in the following documents:


    The Vision Monitor Introduction and general operation

    General functions of the Vision Monitor software

    Recommendations for the installation of Vision Monitor Systems

    Recommendations for the installation of equipment

    Installation of MonPack3 system Installation of MonCv3 system

    Installation and safety of the equipment

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    Macular pigments

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    Examination basics


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    Macular pigments


    The fovea region of the retina has a yellow color due

    to the high concentration of a non-bleachable pigment

    called the macular pigment.

    This pigment has a filtration effect of blue light. On

    average it absorbs 60 percent of the blue light, but

    inter-individual variations are very large.

    (WALD, 1945)

    It has been shown that the pigment density is

    maximum at the fovea and that it decreases sharply

    with eccentricity to reach a rather constant value at

    about 4 degrees.

    (SNODDERLY & al, 1984)

    Photographs of a cross section of the central retina in

    primate retina under green (top) and blue (bottom)

    illumination. Dark areas correspond to absorption of

    light by pigment.

    (SNODDERLY & al, 1984)

    The macular pigment is believed to reduce the effect

    of glare and to minimize chromatic aberration, so

    improving visual acuity and contrast sensitivity.

    (WHITEHEAD & al, 2006)

    In relation with age related macular degeneration, the

    blue light filtering effect may play a protective role

    against oxidative retinal damage.

    (WHITEHEAD & al, 2006)

    It has been shown that dietary modification can

    change the macular pigment density.

    (HAMMOND & al, 1997)


    It has been shown that a change in alimentary diet or

    the use of nutritional supplements may change the

    density of macular pigments.




    Several psychophysical techniques have been

    proposed to estimate the spatial distribution of

    macular pigment optical density.

    They have a common basic principle which is to

    compare the sensitivity of the patient to blue light to

    his/her sensitivity to another wavelength such as red

    light which is not absorbed by the pigment.

    One technique is the hetero chromatic flicker

    technique (STABELL & STABELL, 1980) which is

    frequently used in recent research studies.

    It consists in alternating rapidly two lights of different

    colors (blue and red for example). This alternation is

    perceived as a flicker. The luminance

    of one of the two sources is then

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    Examination basics

    adjusted to obtain a minimum perception of flicker,

    which corresponds to an equal luminance of the two


    Another technique is using differential thresholds

    (WILLIAMS & al, 1981) which consists in comparing

    differential thresholds obtained with blue and red light.

    It is similar to the classic visual field test except for

    the use of chromatic stimuli.

    The hetero chromatic flicker technique allows faster

    measurements but appears to be very difficult for

    patients with little experience.

    The differential threshold technique is found to be

    more reliable for clinical applications and for this

    reason has been selected on the Vision Monitor.

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    Realization of exams


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    Macular pigments


    First step:

    Click on to access to the identification of the patient and examined eye.

    Enter the birth date to allow the program to determine the age of the patient. This data is very important because it is used to adjust the starting value of the tests and to compute the normal values of thresholds.

    If the birth date is not entered, the program will assume that the patient is 20 years old.

    Second step:

    Click on the icon which corresponds to the selected examination protocol.

    Adjust the height of the seat and of the electric table (if available) to achieve the best possible comfort for the patient.

    Place an occluder over the non-tested eye.

    Place the optical correction for near vision (1 ft). The optimal refractive correction takes into account the correction for distance vision (sphere and cylinder) with an addition depending on the age of the patient:

    Age (years) Addition to the far vision


    < 30 0

    30-39 +0.50

    40-44 +1.00

    45-49 +1.50

    50-55 +2.25

    > 55 +3.00

    The correction used for the exam can be computed

    automatically by clicking on button during the

    identification of the patient.

    Enter the sphere and cylinder for distance vision and

    the program automatically fills the Correction with

    the value to be used during the exam.


    (1) The correction for astigmatism is taken into

    account by adding half the value of the cylinder

    correction to the spherical correction.

    (2) When the pupils are dilated with a mydriatic agent

    that paralyses the accommodation, refractive

    correction does no longer depend on age. In that case,

    select the option dilated pupils.

    (3) The correction value given by the program

    corresponds to the nearest correction available in the

    set of large field lenses provided by Metrovision.

    However, it is possible to obtain the exact spherical

    correction putting in the configuration file the

    following lines:



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    Realization of exams

    Adjust the vertical position of the chin rest with

    command button 1 so that the examined eye is at the

    level of the eye marks 2.

    On the video control, the tested eye should be within

    the rectangular control area.

    First step: measurement of the foveolar threshold for

    red and blue

    The visual stimulator displays a circle, in the middle of

    which blue and red stimulus will be presented.

    Explain the patient that he/she will have to press the

    button every time a stimulus will be presented.

    Click on the button to start the

    presentation of stimuli..

    Second step: measurement of peripheral thresholds

    for red and blue

    The visual stimulator displays a central fixation dot.

    The patient must fixate the central dot and use the

    press button every time a point appears in the


    If the fixation dot is not clearly visible, press on button

    to increase its size.

    Click on the button to start the

    presentation of stimuli.

    Automatic fixation control

    If the device is equipped with the option automatic

    fixation control, initialize it by clicking on button


    If its not equipped with this option, the fixation

    control is made by presentation of tests inside the

    blind spot.

    The program measures the direction of the glance that

    will be used as reference to detect the patients

    fixation errors. A message superposed on the eye

    image will appear to indicate the initialization results.

    If the initialization is successful the

    patients responses will be invalidated

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    Macular pigments

    in case of fixation errors. If it fails, repeat the

    command or click on button that will

    detect eye movements in the process of the exam.

    You can also measure the pupil by clicking on button

    on the right side of the video control window.

    Duration between the presentation of


    This duration is displayed on button .

    It can be modified in the process of the exam by

    clicking on this button if the rhythm of the test

    presentation is too quick for the patient.


    The information bar down the exam window enables a

    quick evaluation of the exam in process. The items are

    green when the results are of good quality and red in

    case of problem.

    The number of validated measures regard to the

    number of measures programmed enables to

    evaluate the progress of the exam.

    The quality of the patients fixation is indicated by

    the number of fixation losses (here 1) compared to

    the number of control tests (here /19).

    The patients attention is periodically controlled

    with the presentation of fake tests which are not


    The responses to these fake tests are counted as

    attention losses (here 2) compared to the number

    of control tests (here /22).

    If the patients response times are abnormally fast,

    it will also be posted as attention losses.

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    Exploitation of results


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    Macular pigments


    Results are accessible directly at the end of each examination or can be accessed from the hard disk when they have

    been recorded.


    Result from a subject with a normal optical density of

    macular pigments

    For each result, the graph above shows the absolute

    threshold values versus the eccentricity measured

    with red tests (red curve) and blue tests (blue curve).

    Each curve is obtained from the foveolar threshold,

    the average of measured thresholds at 2 degrees of

    eccentricity and the average of measured thresholds

    at 10 degrees of eccentricity.

    The graph on the right shows the relative thresholds,

    that is to say the threshold difference between fovea

    and periphery (at 10 degrees of eccentricity).

    It enables to eliminate the eventual influence of

    absorption of the blue by the crystalline lens which is

    supposed to be identical for central and peripheral


    This graph shows up the attenuation of blue

    thresholds by the macular pigment.

    The estimated value for the optical density of macular

    pigments is displayed under the graph.

    The deficit corresponds to the difference between the

    result obtained on the patient and the average of a

    reference group of subjects with a recommended diet

    (refer to chapter on normal values).

    A positive deficit shows that the pigments optical

    density is lower than this average. The value of the

    deficit is followed by the statistical value of the result

    when compared to a group a subjects with a

    recommended diet.

    Result from a subject with an abnormally low macular

    pigment optical density


    Several analyses can be performed:

    the visual field analysis

    the follow-up analysis

    the comparison with the image of the eye fundus

    Easy way: the different analysis can also be selected

    directly from the results' menu.

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    Exploitation of results

    Visual field analysis

    This analysis allows visualizing the threshold of the

    tested points.

    The results are displayed in blue for blue tests and in

    red for red tests.

    Follow-up analysis

    This analysis allows the evaluation of the evolution of

    the patient over several consecutive exams.

    The program automatically searches on the hard disk

    all the exams performed with the same patient's name,

    with the same tested eye and the same birth date.

    The program displays the list of exams in chronological


    Evolution of indices

    This graph represents the evolution in time of each of

    the indices:

    sensitivity at the fovea for blue and red stimuli

    sensitivity in the periphery for blue and red stimuli

    macular score

    Superposition of the visual field and eye


    This analysis allows the superposition of visual field

    map on the image of the patient's eye fundus.

    The superposition method is that proposed by Pr BEK

    (BEK T. Accurate superimposition of visual field data

    onto fundus photographs, Acta Ophthalmol.


    When the analysis is started, a new window entitled


    with a map of the values of measured points.

    Note: this map is reversed "upside down" with

    respect to the visual field map so that it can be

    superimposed over the image of the eye fundus.

    The next step is to acquire the digital image of the

    eye fundus.

    One click on button opens a menu

    allowing you to select the image file from the results


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    Macular pigments

    Note: use the button in the control bar of the

    Vision Monitor program to import a photograph in

    the results database.

    The photograph can be imported either through a

    computer network or from a storage media such as a

    USB key, a CDROM, etc

    The program is compatible with the major image file

    formats: JPEG, BMP, etc.

    The image of the eye fundus should then appear in the

    superposition window.

    The next step is to define the position of the fovea and

    the papilla that are used as references for a precise

    superposition of the visual field map.

    In order to better identify these features, the red

    component of the image can be eliminated by clicking

    on button .

    Click on button and then click on

    the corresponding point of the image.

    Perform the same operation with button

    and the corresponding point of the


    The program automatically adjusts the image and

    displays the result of the superposition:

    An additional click on button allows

    the restoration of the red component of the image.


    - The position of the eye fundus image can be finely adjusted with the arrow keys of the keyboard "up", "down", "right" and "left".

    - The magnification of the eye fundus image can be finely adjusted by pressing simultaneously the "SHIFT" key and the arrow keys of the keyboard "up", "down", "right" and "left".

    - The image can also be rotated by pressing the keys "page up" and "page down".


    Axis and parallels (every 5 degrees of eccentricity) can

    be added with a simple click on button


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    Exploitation of results

    Printing the results, exporting the results to other


    To print the final result, click on .

    To save the result image click on button

    , or on to make a copy in the



    This command gives access to the patient's

    information. It can be useful for adding comments

    before recording or printing the result


    Click on button to store the results

    on the hard disk.

    The reference number of the record appears on top of

    the screen.

    The crossed sign on the button indicates that the

    result has been stored.


    The print command allows printing the visual field

    result and the different analysis.

    The crossed sign on the button indicates that the

    result has been printed.

    Easy way: you can also print the results and the

    different analysis directly from the results' menu.

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    Technical specifications


    The tests are presented over a white background with a luminance of 10 cd/m2.

    The size of the chromatic tests is equivalent to Goldmann size III.

    The reference luminance (0 dB) corresponds to 65 cd/m2 for the red tests and 27 cd/m2 for the blue tests.

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    Clinical examples


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    Macular pigments

    Subject with a normal optical density of macular pigments.

    Patient with an abnormally low macular pigments density and a diet poor in lutein and zeaxanthin

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    Normal values


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    Macular pigments


    Source: CROCHET & al. Evaluation of macular pigment

    optical density with a color perimetry technique.

    Normal values and influence of diet. ARVO 2009.


    Exams were performed on 54 subjects with normal

    visual acuity, normal eye fundus and no ophthalmic


    Subjects were interviewed about their dietary habits

    by a questionnaire written for this study according to a

    list of foods established by Pasteur Institute in Lille (Pr

    Lecerf) and classified into two groups:

    One with a recommended diet consisting of

    more than 5 fruits and vegetables rich in

    Lutein and Zeaxanthin and fat fish, omega 3

    and no smoking habit.

    Another group with the subjects who did not

    match these criteria.

    Results: The average value of the macular pigment

    optical density (MPOD) in the tested population was

    3.49 db (0.349 log units) with a standard deviation of

    2.0 dB.

    The figure hereby shows the distribution of the results

    from the two groups. The group with a

    recommended diet has a significantly higher MPOD

    (average value = 5.06 dB, standard deviation = 1.9 dB)

    than the group with a poor diet (average value =

    2.30 dB, standard deviation = 1.5 dB).

    The difference between the 2 populations is highly

    significant (p < 0.0001).

    MPOD (dB)

    Recommended Non recommended

    diet diet


    Foveolar thresholds for blue and red chromatic tests

    as a function of age

    Between 20 and 60 years of age, the sensitivity

    thresholds decrease with age by 5 dB for the red

    stimuli and by 7 dB for the blue stimuli. The dispersion

    of the results also increases with age.

    Blue and red test thresholds in the peri foveolar area

    Between 20 and 60 years of age, the sensitivity

    thresholds decrease with age by 4.5 dB for the red

    stimuli and by 6 dB for the blue stimuli. The dispersion

    of the results also increases with age.

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    Edition of procedures


    Not available at the moment.

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    Macular pigments

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    Macular pigments

    CROCHET M., ZANLONGHI X., CHARLIER J. Evaluation of macular pigment optical density with a color perimetry technique. Normal values and influence of diet. Poster, ARVO 2009.

    DESMETTRE T., LECERF J.M., SOUIED E.H. Nutrition et dgnrescence maculaire lie lge J. Fr. Ophtalmol., 2004, 27, 9: 3S38-3S56.

    HADDAD W.M., SOUIED E., COSCAS G., SOUBRANE G. Pigment maculaire et dgnrescence maculaire lies lge. Implications cliniques. Bull. Soc Belge Ophtalmol. 2006, 301, 15-22.

    HAMMOND B.R., JOHNSON E.J., RUSSEL R.M. & al Dietary Modification of Human Macular Pigment Density Invest Ophthalmol. Vis Sc. 1997, 38:1795-1801.

    ROUGIER M.B., DELYFER M.N., KOROBELNIK J.F. Le pigment maculaire et sa mesure in vivo. J Fr. Ophtalmol., 2008; 31, 4, 445-453.

    SNODDERLY D.M., AURAN J.D., DELORI F.C. The Macular Pigment. II. Spatial Distribution in Primate Retinas. Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis Sc. 1984, 25, 674-685.

    STABELL U, STABELL B: Variation in density of macular pigmentation and in short-wave cone sensitivity with eccentricity. J Opt Soc Am 70:706, 1980.

    WALD G. Human vision and the spectrum. Science. 1945,101, 653-658.

    WHITEHEAD A.J., MARES J.A., DANIS R.P. Macular Pigment A Review of Current Knowledge. Archives Ophthalmology. 2006, 124, 1038-1045.

    WILLIAMS DR, MACLEOD DIA, and HAYHOE MM: Punctate sensitivity of the blue-sensitive mechanism. Vision Res. 21:1357, 1981.


    REALIZATION OF EXAMSPATIENT'S INSTALLATIONn Automatic fixation controln Duration between the presentation of tests


    EXPLOITATION OF RESULTSACCESS TO RESULTSMacular pigments analysisOTHER ANALYSISn Visual field analysisn Follow-up analysisn Superposition of the visual field and eye fundus