Terrorism Its Type,Nature and Prevention Avinash Rajput Criminology 1 st Semester Lok Nayak Jayprakesh Narayana National Institute of Criminology and Forensic Science Ministry of Home Affairs


Terrorism Its Type,Nature and Prevention

Avinash RajputCriminology 1st Semester

Lok Nayak Jayprakesh Narayana National Institute of Criminology and Forensic Science

Ministry of Home Affairs

Definitions of Terrorism

“Terrorism is the unlawful use of force or violence against person or Property to intimidate or coerce o government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives.”

- F.B.I Definition

"calculated use of unlawful violence or threat of unlawful violence to inculcate fear. It is intended to coerce or intimidate governments or societies ... [to attain] political, religious, or ideological goals."

- U.S. Army Manual

“Terrorism is the use or threatened use of force designed to bring about political change.”

- Brian Jenkins

“Terrorism constitutes the illegitimate use of force to achieve a political objective when innocent people are targeted.”

- Walter Laqueur

Types of Terrorism

National Terrorism

International Terrorism

National Terrorism

National Terrorism involves groups whose terrorist activities are directed at elements of our government without foreign involvement. Oklahoma City is a primary example.

International Terrorism

International terrorism involves groups whose terrorist activities are foreign-based and/or directed by countries or groups outside the United States. Sept. 11 is an example of International Terrorism.

Other Types of Terrorism

• State Terrorism• Bio Terrorism• Cyber Terrorism• Eco Terrorism• NuclearTerrorism• Narco Terrorism

State Terrorism

State terrorism may refer to acts of terrorism conducted by a state against a foreign state or people.

State terrorism refer to acts of violence by a state against its own people.

State terrorism is a system of political domination based on the spreading of terror in society.

Bio Terrorism

Bioterrorism is terrorism involving the intentional release or dissemination of biological agents. These agents are bacteria, viruses, or toxins.

Bioterrorism is the term used for terrorist activities in which biological substances are used to cause harm to other people.

Example: They can be contaminated water, food, air and packages to create infection.

Cyber Terrorism

In this Terrorist use Information Technology to attack civilians.

In this Terrorist use Computer System and Telecommunications as a tool to attack.

Example: The internet worms and viruses that are designed to take down some of the systems that the government uses.

Eco Terrorism

Eco terrorism is a recently coined term describing violence in the interests of environmentalism.

Nuclear Terrorism

"Nuclear terrorism" refers to a number of different ways nuclear materials might be exploited as a terrorist tactic.

Nuclear terrorism is any different way that nuclear weapons might be used for terrorism.

Example: Use of Radioactive materials through explosion. Use of nuclear reactor method.

Narco Terrorism

In Narco terrorism, terrorists making, transporting, and selling illegal drugs to fund terrorists activities.

Narco terrorism has denoted violence used by drug traffickers to influence governments or prevent government efforts to stop the drug trade.

Example: Making, transporting, and selling illegal drugs to fund terrorists activities.

Characteristics of Terrorism

It is exercised by organized groupsIt is inspired by Political MotiveUse of Violence is intended to arouse

fright or alarmThere is systematic and indiscriminate use

of violence and breach of Law

Influencing Factor

Psychological Impact of Terrorism

Strong motivation to terminate terrorEvokes classic ego defense mechanisms

and displacementOften produces

frustration-aggression reactiongeneral increase in mental illnessAcute Stress Disorder (ASD)Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Causes Of Terrorism

InjusticePoliticiansPoverty and IlliteracyMedia ( Controlled By Politicians)Religious causes

Methods of Terrorism

FirearmsExplosive and Incendiary DevicesChemical AgentsBiological AgentsNuclear Weapon



Purpose of Terrorism

FearPanicDisruptionDemoralizationIntimidationEmbarrass GovernmentMedia Attention

Similarities Between Terrorist and Organized Crime Groups

Hierarchy structureOperate secretlyUnderground networkControl over the individual is strongfront organizations (Businesses or

Charities)Similar tactics

Differences Between Terrorist and Organized Crime Groups

Terrorist ideologically or politically

motivated seek media attention

Victimization is generally less discriminate

wish to compete with governments for legitimacy

Organized Crime profit-oriented

Do not seek media attention

Victimization is generally less discriminate

Do not do this



Different Acts for Terrorism

Terrorism Act 2000Anti-Terrorism Act of 2001Intelligence Reform and Terrorism


Prevention of Terrorism

Primary Prevention

Secondary Prevention

Tertiary Prevention

Primary Prevention

Education!!!Understand the differences in cultures,

religions, beliefs and human behaviorsThink of the peace, freedom and

equality of all human beings, not just “my group of people”

Eliminate the root of terrorism

Secondary Prevention

Establish surveillance and monitoring system on terrorism attack

Improve protective system for citizens

Tertiary Prevention

Early detection of the sourcesPrevent the extension of impairmentsRescue the survivorsConsole the rest of the population

Solutions for Terrorism

Remove PovertyJustice Dealing with mediaImproving international behaviour