TERMS & CONDITIONS FOR EMPANELMENT OF ... · Web viewDocuments shall be attached in following...

¹ãÆ£ãã¶ã ãŠã¾ããÃÊã¾ã Headquarters Office ‡ãòŠ³ãè¾ã ÀñÊã ãäÌã²ãì¦ããè‡ãŠÀ¥ã ÔãâØ㟶ã Central Organisation for RAILWAY ELECTRIFICATION ƒÊããÖãºã㪠Allahabad - 211001 Notice No.6/PR/CORE/2019/Empanelment Dated: 31.05.2019 INVITING APPLICATION FORMS FOR EMPANELMENT OF ADVERTISING AGENCIES Job Description. To publish advertisement, tender notices in attractive and efficient manner in minimum size letters covering minimum space in Hindi, English and regional language newspapers prescribed with DAVP Rates. Date & Time of submission of application forms: 25.06.2019 up to 11.00 hrs. Date & Time of opening of application forms: On 25.06.2019 at 12.00 hrs. in the office of CPRO/CORE/Allahabad. Issued to: M/s------------------------------

Transcript of TERMS & CONDITIONS FOR EMPANELMENT OF ... · Web viewDocuments shall be attached in following...

Page 1: TERMS & CONDITIONS FOR EMPANELMENT OF ... · Web viewDocuments shall be attached in following sequence. 4.1 Duly filled application form including complete address. 4.2 Demand Draft

¹ãÆ£ãã¶ã ‡ãŠã¾ããÃÊã¾ã

Headquarters Office

‡ãòŠ³ãè¾ã ÀñÊã ãäÌã²ãì¦ããè‡ãŠÀ¥ã ÔãâØ㟶ã

Central Organisation for RAILWAY ELECTRIFICATION ƒÊããÖãºã㪠Allahabad - 211001

Notice No.6/PR/CORE/2019/Empanelment Dated: 31.05.2019


Job Description. To publish advertisement, tender notices in attractive and efficient manner in minimum size letters covering minimum space in Hindi, English and regional language newspapers prescribed with DAVP Rates.

Date & Time of submission of application forms: 25.06.2019 up to 11.00 hrs.

Date & Time of opening of application forms: On 25.06.2019 at 12.00 hrs. in the office of CPRO/CORE/Allahabad.

Issued to:






Cost of application form: 5000/- ( non refundable )

Page 2: TERMS & CONDITIONS FOR EMPANELMENT OF ... · Web viewDocuments shall be attached in following sequence. 4.1 Duly filled application form including complete address. 4.2 Demand Draft

CORE's Website : http://www.core.indianrailways.gov.in

Headquarters Office

Central Organisation For Railway Electrification Allahabad

Notice No.6/PR/CORE/2019/Empanelment Dated: 31.05.2019


Chief Public Relations Officer, Central Organisation For Railway Electrification, Allahabad on behalf of the President of India invites sealed applications for the empanelment of Advertising Agencies fully accredited with INS.Job Description. To publish advertisement, tender notices in attractive and efficient manner in minimum size letters covering minimum space in Hindi, English and regional language newspapers prescribed with DAVP Rates.1. Cost of application form: 5000/- ( non refundable )2. Eligibility Criteria: (i) The firm/company should have been registered and in existence for

a period of at least one year as on last date of receipt of applications. Advertising agency's office in Allahabad at present must be in an Area/Building authorized for running the commercial activity. Agencies having office at Lucknow in addition to Allahabad shall be given preference. (ii) The agency should have total turn over of minimum Rs.49.50 lakh during the last three financial years & current year from Print Media Advertising business.(iii) For detailed eligibility criteria & other requirements, kindly see the application form.

3. Earnest Money : 66,000/- (Rupees Sixty six thousand Only)4. Date of sale of application forms: From 04.06.2019 to 24.06.2019 (From 10.00 hrs to 17.30 hrs in any working days ) 5. Date & Time of submission of application forms: 25.06.2019 up to 11.00 hrs.6. Date & Time of opening of application forms: On 25.06.2019 at 12.00 hrs. in the office of CPRO/CORE/Allahabad.7. Period of Empanelment: 12 Months.

Note: (i) Application form may be purchased from the office of the Chief Public Relations Officer, Central Organisation Railway Electrification, 1, Nawab Yusuf Road, Allahabad-211001 by payment of cost of application form through cash or Demand Draft in favour of FA & CAO/CORE/ALD. (ii) The application form may also be downloaded from CORE website: http://www.core.indianrailways.gov.in, but at the time of submission of offers cost of application must accompany without fail otherwise the offer shall be rejected summarily. ((iii)) Application form is not transferable. (iv) If holiday is declared on 25.06.2019 then the application forms shall be submitted and opened at the same time & place on next working day.(v) The offer should be serially numbered at each page. A summary sheet of offers details should be placed on top of the offer.

Chief Public Relations Officer CORE/AllahabadCORE's Website : http://www.core.indianrailways.gov.in

Page 3: TERMS & CONDITIONS FOR EMPANELMENT OF ... · Web viewDocuments shall be attached in following sequence. 4.1 Duly filled application form including complete address. 4.2 Demand Draft

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Page 4: TERMS & CONDITIONS FOR EMPANELMENT OF ... · Web viewDocuments shall be attached in following sequence. 4.1 Duly filled application form including complete address. 4.2 Demand Draft

3. ºã¾ãã¶ãñ ‡ãŠãè ÀããäÍã : 66,000/- (ã䜂ããÔ㟠֕ããÀ Á¹ã† ½ãã¨ã )4. ‚ããÌãñª¶ã-¹ã¨ããò ‡ãŠãè ãäºã‰ãŠãè ‡ãŠãè ãä¦ããä©ã:

04.06.2019 Ôãñ 24.06.2019 (10.00 ºã•ãñ Ôãñ 17.30 ºã•ãñ ¦ã‡ãŠ ãä‡ãŠÔããè ¼ããè ‡ãŠã¾ãà ãäªÌãÔããò ¹ãÀ )5. ‚ããÌãñª¶ã-¹ã¨ããò ‡ãñŠ •ã½ãã ‡ãŠÀ¶ãñ ‡ãŠãè ãä¦ããä©ã ‚ããõÀ Ôã½ã¾ã: 25.06.2019 ‡ãŠãñ 11.00 ºã•ãñ ¦ã‡ãŠ6. ‚ããÌãñª¶ã-¹ã¨ããò ‡ãñŠ ŒãìÊã¶ãñ ‡ãŠãè ãä¦ããä©ã ‚ããõÀ Ôã½ã¾ã : 25.06.2019 ‡ãŠãñ 12.00 ºã•ãñ, (½ã쌾㠕ã¶ã Ôãâ¹ã‡ãÊ ‚ããä£ã‡ãŠãÀãè/‡ãŠãñÀ/ƒÊããÖãºã㪠‡ãñŠ ‡ãŠã¾ããÃÊã¾ã ½ãò ) 7. ¶ãããä½ã‡ãŠã ‡ãŠãè Ìãõ£ã¦ãã ‚ãÌããä£ã: 12 ½ããÖ

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Page 5: TERMS & CONDITIONS FOR EMPANELMENT OF ... · Web viewDocuments shall be attached in following sequence. 4.1 Duly filled application form including complete address. 4.2 Demand Draft



Chief Public Relations Officer

Central Organization for Railway Electrification,


Sub: Application for empanelment of Advertising Agencies for release of

advertisement on behalf of CORE, Allahabad.

1. Name of the Agency -------------------------------------------

2. Full Address, Phone & Fax Nos. -------------------------------------------

3. For application downloaded from CORE web site DD No……………………..dated

…………………worth Rs. 5000/- is enclosed towards cost of application.

4. Details of Earnest Money deposit of Rs.:- 66,000/-

DD/ cash receipt No………………………………. .. Date ………………………..…..

5. Details of modern techniques/facilities available in the office

a) Fax Yes No

b) Computer with colour printer Yes No

c) Scanner Yes No

d) Agency website. Yes No

e) Broad Band facility available Yes No

f) Whether all the copies of Documents attested ? Yes No

g) Certificate that Ad Agency is situated in a Commercial

complex attached. Yes No

h) Income Tax Return for last 3 years attached Yes No

i) Service Tax Registration certificate attached. Yes No

6. Details of other infrastructure and manpower available.

Page 6: TERMS & CONDITIONS FOR EMPANELMENT OF ... · Web viewDocuments shall be attached in following sequence. 4.1 Duly filled application form including complete address. 4.2 Demand Draft

7. Experience

a) List of Clients (period to be specified)

b) Experience with Central Government Organisation Yes No

If yes, the name of the organization (s) ____________

(period to be specified)

c) Experience with Railways

If yes, the name of the Railways ____________

(period to be specified)

8. Details of INS Accredition ( attach the certificate)

9. Certified Turnover of Print Media for the last three financial year excluding current year.

10. Whether service will be provided on holidays and beyond office hours also (in case of utmost urgency)?

Yes No

11. Any other information which the applicant feels necessary to bring into the notice of Central

Organisation for Railway Electrification Administration.--------------------------------------------------------


I/we have perused the attached Terms & Conditions for empanelment of Ad. Agency and

hereby agree to all the Terms and conditions.


Name of Signing authority------------------------

Date:------------ ( In Block letters)

Stamp of the Agency

Place: ----------

Encls: 1. Terms and conditions signed on each page. 2. Documents as per clause 4.0

Page 7: TERMS & CONDITIONS FOR EMPANELMENT OF ... · Web viewDocuments shall be attached in following sequence. 4.1 Duly filled application form including complete address. 4.2 Demand Draft



1.1 Central Organisation for Railway Electrification (hereinafter referred to as CORE) propose to empanel experienced, reputed and INS accredited advertising agencies having their offices and infrastructure at Allahabad to meet requirements of producing creative artwork, release of display advertisement and release of tender notices in appropriate manner and economy of space, to various newspapers/publications having current DAVP rates & published from any city of India.

1.2 Central Organisation for Railway Electrification is having its HQ office at Allahabad & project offices at Ambala, Ahemadabad, Bhubaneswar, Chennai, Danapur, Jaipur, Jodhpur, Lucknow, New Jalpaiguri & Secunderabad,. The advertisement Panel formed shall cater to the needs of HQ office at Allahabad.

1.3 The duration of the empanelment will be for a period of one year, from the date of issue of the letter of empanelment, extendable by one more year, subject to satisfactory performance (certified by Public Relations department of CORE).

1.4 CORE reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal and to annul the proposal process or to reject all proposals at any time prior to award of contract, without assigning any reason or without incurring any liability to the affected Applicant(s) or any obligation to inform the affected Applicant(s) of the grounds for such decision. CORE's Public Relations Office reserves right to seek performance report from other clients of the advertising agency.


Application on the prescribed form, in a sealed envelope (obtained from CPRO office or downloaded from our website(www.core.indianrailways.gov.in) addressed to Chief Public Relations Officer, CORE, 1, Nawab Yusuf Road, Allahabad should be dropped in a sealed box kept in the CPRO office, up to 11.00 hrs on 25.06.2019. In case the date fixed is declared as holiday, then the application forms should be submitted and opened at the same time on next working day, without any further notice by Railway Administration. Application received after the stipulated date and time will not be considered. CORE will not be responsible for postal delay Applicants directly downloading application form from the website of the CORE must also submit, along with the application form, a demand draft of Rs. 5000/- in favour of FA&CAO/CORE payable at Allahabad, towards the cost of application form.


Page 8: TERMS & CONDITIONS FOR EMPANELMENT OF ... · Web viewDocuments shall be attached in following sequence. 4.1 Duly filled application form including complete address. 4.2 Demand Draft


3.1 The firm/company should have been registered and in existence for a period of at least one year as on last date of receipt of application. Advertising agency's office in Allahabad at present must be in an Area/Building authorized for running the commercial activity. Agencies having office at Lucknow in addition to Allahabad shall be given preference.

3.2 The agency should have total turn over of Rs.49.50 lakh during the last three financial years & current year from Print Media Advertising business.

3.3 Advertising agency should be accredited with Indian Newspaper Society. Agency must have full accreditation by the Indian Newspaper Society. Accreditation must be in full, provisional or conditional accreditation shall not be accepted. (Franchise is not permitted and application submitted by franchise will not be entertained.).

3.4 The Agency shall employ and provide professionally qualified and experienced personnel as may be required to perform the services under the specific work assigned by CORE,Allahabad and it is desirable from the Agency to deploy the personnel, who have adequate experience in the domain related with the work.


Documents shall be attached in following sequence.

4.1 Duly filled application form including complete address.

4.2 Demand Draft or original Cash Receipts towards EMD as per Clause 5.1. Applications received without proper EMD shall not be considered.

4.3 Demand Draft towards cost of Application form in case Application form is down loaded from website.

4.4 Details of offices located in cities other than Allahabad with address, phones - both fixed and mobile, fax no's and e-mail ID etc.

4.5 INS accreditation certificate regarding full accreditation status of agency with INS dully attested by Gazetted Officer.

4.6 Print Media Advertising annual turnover for the last three financial years excluding current year, duly certified by the chartered accountant of the advertising agency with proper seal and signatures. It must be certified that this turnover is exclusively for jobs executed through print media, and does not include electronic media and outdoor advertisement through hoarding/panels etc.

4.7 Copy of Service Tax Registration Certificate dully attested by Gazetted Officer..

Page 9: TERMS & CONDITIONS FOR EMPANELMENT OF ... · Web viewDocuments shall be attached in following sequence. 4.1 Duly filled application form including complete address. 4.2 Demand Draft

4.8 Financial details - Certified copies of Audited Balance Sheets of last three financial years excluding current year.(Certification by Chartered Accountant /Auditor is mandatory).


4.9 A clearance certificate or proof from concerned State Govt. authorities that office buildings at Allahabad & Lucknow are authorized for running the commercial activity. In absence of this, the self declaration by applicant to the effect, that Allahabad & Lucknow offices are located in an area/building authorized for running Advtg. Agency may be submitted.

4.10 Details of computers, printers, photocopier and other electronic/sophisticated gadgets/software along with the documentary evidence in support thereof.

4.11. The list of technically qualified and competent professionals on rolls with Advertising Agency's Allahabad office clearly mentioning their name, designation, academic and professional qualifications, length of service with the agency, achievements etc.

4.12 List of important clients along with performance report from Railways/other Government ministry/department/PSUs.

4.13 Details of ownership and organization structure of the agency. Copy of the Memorandum of Articles of Association/Partnership Deed/Proprietorship Deed/Certificate of Incorporation (in case of company) etc. (Franchise is not permitted and application submitted by franchise will not be entertained.).

4.14 Documentary evidence like attested photocopies of the Telephone Bills/Electric Bills/rental receipts about functioning of Advertising agency's office in Allahabad since last one year as on the last date of receipt of application.

4.15 Any two advertisements, published in last two years of Campaigns handled in past by the agency.

Authorised person on behalf of Applicant Advertising Agency must affix seal and sign on each and every page of the application, terms and conditions, and all documents submitted (this is in addition to required verification/attestation). All documents, data and other statements in the application, if felt necessary, is subjected to strict proof and verification by Public Relations Office. If information in any of the document submitted is found incorrect then application would be summarily rejected. Empanelment of the advertising agencies can be cancelled later also if it is found that the information furnished was incorrect.


5.1 Earnest money of Rs. Sixty six thousand shall be deposited with FA&CAO/CORE either through Demand Draft, Deposit Receipt, Pay Order drawn on any Nationalised Bank or in cash with cashier/RE and original money receipt should be attached with application. The earnest money amount will be adjusted in the security deposit amount of Rs. One lakhs Sixty five thousand to be deposited by

Page 10: TERMS & CONDITIONS FOR EMPANELMENT OF ... · Web viewDocuments shall be attached in following sequence. 4.1 Duly filled application form including complete address. 4.2 Demand Draft

the empanelled advertising agencies. EMD of the unsuccessful agencies will be returned latest on or before the 30th day after the formation of panel.


5.2 The Security deposit amount for each empanelled agency shall be Rs.One lakhs Sixty five thousand. The EMD of Rs. Sixty six thousand shall be adjusted in the Security Deposit for agencies selected for the panel. The balance amount of Rs. Ninety nine thousand towards security deposit should be submitted within one week after the issue of the letter of empanelment for the due and satisfactory fulfillment of the terms and conditions. The security deposit should be submitted in one of the following form:

(i) A deposit of cash;(ii) Irrevocable Bank Guarantee;(iii) Government Securities including State Loan Bonds at 5 percent below the

market value;(iv) Deposit Receipts, Pay Orders, Demand Drafts and Guarantee Bonds; These

forms of Performance Guarantee could be either of the State Bank of India or of any of the Nationalized Banks;

(v) Guarantee Bonds executed or executed or Deposits Receipts tendered by all Schedule Banks;

(vi) A Deposit in the Post Office Saving Bank;(vii) A Deposit in the National Savings Certificates;(viii) Twelve years National Defence Certificates;(ix) Ten years Defence Deposits;(x) National Defence Bonds; and(xi) Unit Trust Certifications at 5 percent below market value or at the face

value, whichever is less.

Also FDR in favour of FA&CAO/RE/Allahabad, (free from any encumbrance) may be accepted.

5.3 The security deposit will be refunded on satisfactory working/completion of the empanelment period as certified by CPRO. The certificate inter alia, should mention that the work has been completed in all respects and that all the contractual obligations have been fulfilled by the agency and that there is no due from the agency to Railways against the contract concerned. Before releasing the SD, an unconditional and unequivocal no claim certificate from the agency concerned should be obtained.



No interest will be payable upon the Earnest Money, Security Deposit or any other amount payable to the Advertising Agency under the contract.

The successful agencies shall be required to submit Performance Guarantee of Rs. One lakh sixty five thousand within fifteen days from date of issue of LOA in any of the following forms:

(i) A deposit of cash;(ii) Irrevocable Bank Guarantee;

Page 11: TERMS & CONDITIONS FOR EMPANELMENT OF ... · Web viewDocuments shall be attached in following sequence. 4.1 Duly filled application form including complete address. 4.2 Demand Draft

(iii) Government Securities including State Loan Bonds at 5 percent below the market value; (iv) Deposit Receipts, Pay Orders, Demand Drafts and Guarantee Bonds; These forms of Performance Guarantee could be either of the State Bank of India or of any of the Nationalized Banks;

4. (v) Guarantee Bonds executed or executed or Deposits Receipts tendered by all Schedule Banks;(vi) A Deposit in the Post Office Saving Bank;(vii) A Deposit in the National Savings Certificates;(viii) Twelve years National Defence Certificates;(ix) Ten years Defence Deposits;(x) National Defence Bonds; and(xi) Unit Trust Certifications at 5 percent below market value or at the face value, whichever is less.

Also FDR in favour of FA&CAO/RE/Allahabad, (free from any encumbrance) may be accepted.

Note:- The performance guarantee (PG) shall be released after successful completion of work.


6.1 The selection of agencies shall be done strictly on the basis of eligibility criteria, correctness of documents submitted, field verification, past experience, performance of on the spot art-pull (tender) & display work as mentioned in clause 6.2 & 6.3 below and any other basis as deemed fit by the administration/Railways.

6.2 The applicants may be asked to submit on the spot art-pull (tender) for the given material within six hours on any date as fixed by the administration to be notified (on phone/fax) later during the empanelment process, one each in Hindi & English language. Material in English language must be typesetted in 6 point font size whereas Hindi language material must be typesetted in 8 point font size. This should demonstrate ability to bring in space economy without compromising legibility and clarity.

6.3 The applicants may be asked to submit on the spot display works in Hindi and English on the given subject within 3 hours of time limit on any date as fixed by the administration to be notified (on phone/fax) later during the empanelment process. Advertisement shall be adjudged on the basis of Impact, artistic appeal and punch line.

6.4 Minimum two & maximum six advertising agencies shall be selected for the panel.


7.1 Canvassing or recommendations or putting pressure from any source to influence the process of empanelment of Advertising Agencies by CORE will lead to automatic disqualification and applications will be summarily rejected i.e. will not

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be considered.

7.2 Central Organisation for Railway Electrification may at its sole discretion and at any time during the evaluation of proposal, disqualify any applicant, if the applicant has submitted the proposal documents after the due deadline; made


misleading or false representations in the forms, statements and attachments submitted in proof of the eligibility requirements; exhibited a record of poor performance such as abandoning works, not properly completing the contractual obligations, inordinately delaying completion or financial failures etc. in any work in the preceding three years; submitted a proposal that is not accompanied by required documentation or is non responsive; failed to provide clarifications related thereto, when sought; declared ineligible by the Government of India for corrupt and fraudulent practices or blacklisted.


8.1 The successful applicant will have to execute an agreement {specimen copy (format) of which attached} on a non-judicial stamp paper worth Rs. 100/-, and attested by Notary Public/Oath Commissioner/First Class Magistrate. The cost of the stamp duties for the execution of the agreement will be born by the agency.


9.1. The Chief Public Relations Officer reserves all right to terminate the panel/empanelment of agency at any time before expiry of the empanelment period without assigning any reason by giving one month's notice.

9.2. The Chief Public Relations Officer can also terminate the empanelment of any agency at any time for not fulfilling any of the terms and conditions including special conditions. The agency shall not be entitled for any damage or compensation by reason of such termination. In such cases where penalty as decided by Railway Administration is levied this penalty will be deducted from security deposited in case of non-payment.

9.3. All disputes related to empanelment or operation of the panel will be subject to the jurisdiction of Court at Allahabad only.

9.4. Any change of address/telephone No. etc. should immediately be informed in writing to the Public Relations Office, Railway Electrification by the Advtg. Agency and also to all the newspapers to which Railway Advertisements are released for publication therein.

9.5. Agency shall release the advertisement only to the publications as indicated in the Release Orders issued by Public Relations Office, Railway Electrification.

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9.6 Agency shall ensure that the Railway Electrification advertisements appears in the specified newspapers in a conspicuous and impressive manner while occupying minimum space.

9.7 Agency shall undertake designing, type setting, art work preparation of block and

matrix as well as art pulls required for release of classified advertisement free of cost (without any charge payable by Railway Electrification). In case agency is asked to

6.release display advertisements, the design/art work, bromides/arts pulls will have to be provided by the agency free of charges irrespective of size and number of newspapers to which display 'advertisement' is to be released.

9.8. The agency will be bound to obtain acknowledgement from the Newspapers of the timely delivery of advertisement material and release order. Photocopy of the acknowledgement should be kept in record as proof so that it could be ascertained that the agency has efficiently arranged to deliver the advertisement material/R.O. to all the newspapers in time.

9.9. In case, any portion of the advertisement's matters as contained in this office's release is not clear, the agency shall immediately obtain the clarification; ensuring that this does not delay the publication of the advertisements.

9.10. Agency shall also ensure that Advertisements released by Railway Electrification's PR Office are published in all the newspapers as per respective release order within the specified time limit. The agencies will utilize fax/E Mail/DTP software for this purpose. Dispatch of advertisement through mail/courier service should not be resorted.

9.11. In case there is an error in publication of the advertisements as compared to advertisement's text approved by this office, agency shall arrange to publish the corrigendum immediately, under advice to this office, at its own cost. No bills should be raised to Railway Electrification and Railway Electrification will not pay any charges for publication of published corrigendum, what-so-ever the amount may be. Penalty may also be imposed by Railways such cases.

9.12. The agency will ensure that the language of advertisements published in the newspapers should be the same as the language of the newspapers until & unless specially instructed by the Public Relations Office on the Release Order.

9.13. All the display advertisement's layouts and classified advertisements as designed by the Advtg. Agency will be subject to approval by this office, prior to release to the newspapers. Size of advertisements should be got approved by PR office. Advgt. Bill should be claimed accordingly.

9.14. All the layouts must be approved by Chief Public Relations Officer or his authorized representative prior to release including design and art work of the display advertisements. Translation in newspapers, language and proof reading will be the responsibility of the agency.

9.15. Agency shall charge current DAVP approved rates until & unless it is specially / otherwise stated by this office in the Release order.

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9.16. The agency will prefer computerized bills along with tear sheets of newspapers containing published advertisements and will be responsible for raising correct advtg. bills in all respect on all the bills. If any mistake or irregularity is found in the bill at any stage the agency will be held responsible and will be liable to be terminated. The bill must be raised for the complete release order, and no supplementary bill will be accepted. Bills not accompanied with tear sheets of the newspapers containing published advertisement will not be honored.


a. All the bills received from the newspapers have thoroughly been checked and found correct in all respect even if later any discrepancy is detected the agency undertakes/employ corrective measures including reimbursement of excess charged amount immediately.

b. The amount charged by the newspapers has been checked in respect of rates approved by the DAVP in vogue, and found correct.

c. The advertisements published by the newspapers has been checked and found correct.

d. The advertisement against respective Release Order has been published in that very insertion/edition of the newspapers as specified in the Release Order and media plan issued by the Public Relations Office.

9.17. Railway will not be liable to pay any other charges other than the advertisement charges as mentioned above.

9.18. The Railway reserves right to disallow a part or full payment against any bill if any of the conditions of contract is violated.

9.19. The advtg. Agency shall not submit any supplementary bill in respect of advertisement charges against one release order. If the rates are enhanced by DAVP after payment of original bill, no supplementary bill will be accepted. The original bill should contain minimum claims of all the newspaper, which has published Advt. against respective Release Order by P.R. Office.

9.20. The Advertising Agency will also maintain all the records of timely receipt of the advertisement bills from the newspapers and payments received from Railway Electrification, so that in case of any complaint received from newspapers it may be examined thoroughly by PR office, Railway Electrification.

9.21. The Advertising Agencies will have to submit final Advt. Bill, with full tear sheets of newspapers positively within the last working days of next month from the date of publication of the advertisement. Failure on this account will be taken seriously. No part bill of a month will be accepted. Railway Electrification will make payment as per this bill, submitted along with proof of published advertisement. The Advtg. Agencies will deal in all matters with the newspapers at their level in respect of payments, and Railway Electrification will have no liability and/or responsibility in this regard.

9.22. After publication of the advertisement the agency will have to arrange the payment of Advt. Bills of the newspapers pertaining to publication of Railway Electrification's

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advertisements regularly as per INS rules, failing which empanelment of Advtg. Agency may be cancelled.

9.23. The payment against advt. bill of newspapers is required to be made through, Bank Draft only, to the newspapers, which are not INS members. Bank Draft in favour of Newspapers should be issued through the Banks located at their Headquarters or as specially desired by the newspaper in writing. All the payments being released to respective newspapers must be sent positively within 15 days of payment receipt from Railway Electrification, non-cooperation will be viewed seriously.


9.24. Railway reserves the right to design as well as release any advertisement directly to the newspapers or through any advertising agency outside the panel any time.

9.25. Railway reserves the right for release of any advertisement from any agency on the


9.26. Railway also reserves the right to use the logo, design, layout etc. prepared by any advtg. Agency, for releasing advertisements directly by Railways or through any other advertising agency or any other source as deemed fit by this organisation without agency's consent, which designed the advertisement.

9.27. Whenever required, the Advtg. Agency shall have to accept and get advertisement published at a very short margin of time in specified newspapers on a specified date as indicated by the Public Relations Office.

9.28. The Chief Public Relations Officer or his authorized representatives have full rights to inspect agency's premises during office hours and any record connected with the working related with Railways.

9.29. News papers other than Hindi & English languages shall be permitted to print the Ad/Tender Notices in the size prescribed for Hindi version.

9.30. In routine the representative of the Advtg. Agency must once visit Public Relation Office, Railway Electrification, between 15.00 Hrs. to 16.00 Hrs. daily except Sunday for taking the advertisement material. If the agency's representative fails to visit PR office for collecting advertisement material, the advertisements will be given to other agencies for type setting designing & releasing the same.

9.31. Advertisement material taken, after type setting/designing should be submitted to PR office on the same day or next day for approval.

9.32. Release Orders will be issued after approval of the typesetted matter.

9.33. Advertisements should be published in time, as per the date mentioned on the release order and it should also be ensured to the extent possible that all the tender advertisement are published by newspaper on the same page, under one logo.

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9.34. It is the responsibility of the agency to ensure that correct and readable advertisement is published in the newspaper. If Advt. Published incorrect or is not legible, Advtg. Agency must not accept newspapers Advtg. Bill.

9.35. Chief Public Relations Officer, Railway Electrification reserves the right for deduction of Railway's dues from empanelled agency's running bills/security deposit on the following grounds :

1. A minimum fine of Rs. 5000/- and maximum fine to the extent of losses, caused to the Railway shall be imposed on the agencies by CPRO in default of any work. The penalty amount will be in addition to the amount with held from the bill related with the work.


2. Any amount which Railway becomes liable to pay to the Govt./third party on behalf of any default of the empanelled agencies or its servant/agent.

3. Any payment/fine made under the order/judgment of any court, consumer forum or any Law enforcing agency on account of any omission/commission by agency.

9.36. If agency fails to release and publish the advertisement within the specified time limit as stipulated by the Public Relations office (Railway Administration) the advertisement should be released at the earliest possible without assigning or waiting for any instruction from PR Office. This late publication shall be treated as poor performance of the agency. Public Relations Office will have every right to impose penalty on the agency for such lapse and the amount as decided will be deducted from the bills of the agency.

9.37. The empanelled agencies shall collect press release from PR office as and when required on short notice and distribute the same to local news paper/press for publication and ensure publication in reputed papers.

9.38. The Advtg. agency is bound to supply the press Tear sheets in which the Tender Notice is published to P. R. Office within 3 days of nearby publications and within 10 days of all publications from the date of issue of release order.

9.39 `Execution of work including payment of bills as per terms and conditions stated above shall be got done by the officer looking after the PR work of Lucknow RE Project directly from the empanelled agencies. However powers under para 9.1, 9.2 & 9.35 shall be exercised only by CPRO/CORE.

10.0 Provisions regarding GST

(i) Before submitting a tender, the tenderer will be deemed to have satisfied himself by actual inspection of the site and locality of the works, that all conditions liable to be encountered during the execution of the works are taken into account and that the rates he enters in the tenders forms are adequate and all inclusive to accord with the

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provisions in clause-37 of the Standard General Conditions of Contract for the completions of works of the entire satisfaction of the Engineer.

(ii) Tenderers will examine the various provisions of the Central Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017(CGST)/ Integrated Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017(IGST)/Union Territory Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017(UTGST)/ respective states State Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017(SGST) also, as notified by Central/State Govt. & as amended from time to time and applicable taxes before bidding.Tnderers will ensure that full benefit of Input Tax Credit (ITC) likely to be availed by them is duly considered while quoting rates.

(iii) The successful tenderers who is liable to be registered under CGST/IGST/UGST/SGST Act shall submit GSTIN along with other details required

10.under CGST/IGST/UGST/SGST Act to Railway immediately after the award of

contract, without which no payment shall be released to the contractor. The contractor shall be responsible for deposition of applicable GST to the concerned authority.

(iv) In case the successful tenderer is not liable to be registered under CGST/IGST/UGST/SGST Act, the railway shall deduct the applicable GST from his/their bills under reverse charge mechanism (RCM) and deposit the same to the concerned authority.

11.0. Arbitration Clause

11.1 In the event of any dispute or difference arising out of agreement (for where provision does not exist in this agreement) matter shall be referred to sole arbitrator to be appointed by General Manager, CORE, Allahabad or his nominee, who shall be a Gazetted Officer of Railway Electrification, to act on his behalf and the decision of General Manager/CORE/Allahabad or the person so appointed shall subject to the provision of the "Indian Arbitration and conciliation Act-96" and amendments made therein, be final, conclusive and binding upon the parties to this agreement. The sole Arbitrator so appointed shall publish the award on all matters referred to arbitrator indicating therein, the break-up of the sums awarded separately on even individual terms of dispute.

11.2 The cost of arbitration shall be borne equally by both parties.

Chief Public Relations Officer Railway Electrification


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Release of advertisement in Newspaperson behalf on Railway Electrification


1. Agreement No. ---------------------------------dated ---------------------- articles of agreement made this -------------------- day president of India acting through the C.P.R.O. , Railway Electrification, Allahabad (here in after called the Railway which expression shall, unless the context does not so admit to include his successors and assignees in office ) of the one part and M/s ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (here in after called the Agency which expression shall unless excluded by the context includes his heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assignees) of the other part.

2. Whereas the Agency has agreed with the Railway for the release of advertisement in newspapers etc. on behalf of Railway Electrification as per the terms & conditions including special conditions mentioned in the application.

3. Now, this indentures witness that the Agency will duly performed the said works in the said schedules set forth and shall execute the same with great promptness, care and accuracy in a workman like manner to the satisfaction of the Railway for the period of empanelment from the date mentioned above and will fulfill and keep all the conditions including special conditions, mentioned in the application (which shall be deemed and taken to be part of this contract as if the same had been fully set forth herein) except the contract terminated earlier, as per clause No. 9.1 & 9.2 of the terms & conditions of the application.

4. The agreement shall be valid for a period of one year i.e. from --------------- to ----------------------- subject to satisfactory services rendered by Ad agency during the prescribed period.

5. During the currency period of the agreement if the work is found to be unsatisfactory the agreement will be terminated and agency shall have no claim over this issue.

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6. In witness where of, the parties hereon to have put their hands and signatures on the day and year first above written.

7. The Advertising agency has agreed to execute the publication work of Gorakhpur and Lucknow Railway Electrification project by their respective local offices.

For and on behalf of the President of India

Signature of Agency

Witness to the signature and address Witness

1. 1.

2. 2.
