Termite's Life Cycle

Termite's Life Cycle


It is helpful to understand the life cycle of the termite if you ever need to combat an infestation. This is because you will not get rid of your problem if you only kill the adults.

Transcript of Termite's Life Cycle

Page 1: Termite's Life Cycle

Termite's Life Cycle

Page 2: Termite's Life Cycle

It is helpful to understand the life cycle of the termite if you ever need to combat an infestation. This is because you will not get rid of your problem if you only kill the adults. Within a few weeks, your problem might come back even worse.

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Page 3: Termite's Life Cycle

They start out with a mating flight. A swarm of male and female termites depart form their colonies to procreate. After the females are fertilized, they land, shed their wings, and begin their own new colonies. There will be a queen and king of these new colonies, and they are the center of the colony and responsible for reproduction.

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Page 4: Termite's Life Cycle

The queen's eggs will hatch into larvae. These are pale and white. Once the larvae have molted a few times, they grow into adult termites. They may have one of the following castes:  workerssoldiersreproductive termites

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Page 5: Termite's Life Cycle

The workers build tunnels and chambers, and they feed and groom other types of termites.

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Page 6: Termite's Life Cycle

Soldiers are brownish in color, and they have much bigger heads and big mandibles. This makes them ready for combat, but they might not even be able to feed themselves. This is why the workers have to feed them.

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Page 7: Termite's Life Cycle

The reproductive termites are darker, and they have two sets of wings.

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Page 8: Termite's Life Cycle

Even scientists are not sure exactly how different termites become members of the different castes. It is also interesting to learn that termites mightchange into another caste if their colony requires it. In other words, a soldier can become a worker or a reproductive termite.

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Page 9: Termite's Life Cycle

Workers and soldiers live for a year or two. The queens can live for over 10 years sometimes. If you suspect you have termites, you can find professional exterminators who will come to your home to suggest remedies.

More info on:http://www.tpcbuildingandpestinspectiongoldcoast.com.au/pest-inspections/timber-inspection/