Term Paper on Poster Making

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  • 8/7/2019 Term Paper on Poster Making





    Topic:- promo poster of any movie.

  • 8/7/2019 Term Paper on Poster Making


    About the topic

    We have been given the topic of making a promo poster of any film .

    The film poster created for the popularization and marketing of the moving image has enjoyed aunique history ever since the birth of the cinema. Like the cinema, the poster has also gonethrough radical transformations linked to new technology and the proliferation of visual culturein the 20th century. In India, like in most parts of the world, film posters have historically formed

    an integral part of the distribution and circulation of films. These posters are supposed to providethe viewer with a basic sense of the narrative through a frozen image whose form is derived fromdifferent traditions of popular, traditional and modernist art cultures. 1

    To explore the status of the film poster in contemporary India, I will try to adopt a biographicalmethod, however sketchy. Biographical details like where and how and for whom is the poster produced, its relationship to technology, how it travels, who designs them, its life span, its typicalcultural markers, how its value changes over time and who owns the object. All these questionswill inevitably take us into a complex maze of cultural, aesthetic and social values that shape theway the poster functions as an object of art, an icon, a semiotic moment and a commodity. 2

    Commodities, as many have pointed out, are forms located within complex patterns of desire,need and cultural transactions. 3 The film object and its spinoffs like posters and fan magazinestravel a complex journey as a commodity form whose material culture is so embroiled in thedynamics of everyday life and culture that it requires a method of study free of disciplinaryboundaries. As an emblematic instance of popular culture, the posters entanglement withinforms of experience, performance, fashion codes, urban spectacle and desire are clearly evident.But these are difficult to pin down unless we trace the posters life as a journey that movesthrough the complicated routes of film production, distribution and circulation.

  • 8/7/2019 Term Paper on Poster Making


  • 8/7/2019 Term Paper on Poster Making


    Move Tool (V): Is used to select and move images (objects) on any activelayer.Rectangular Marquee Tool (M): It is used for making selection on the image(objects) on any active layer.Magic Wand Tool (W): Used for making selection (similar colors at once for example)Polygonal Lasso Tool (L): Used for making free selection as you goSlice Select Tool (K): Used for selecting slicesCrop Tool (C): Used for cropping imagesPatch Tool (J): Used for correcting imagesBrush Tool (B): Used for drawing freehandHistory Brush Tool (Y): Used for restoring specified history state

    Clone Stamp Tool (S): Used for selecting a source and copying (drawing) it inanother placeGradient Tool (G): Used for making gradient effect on imagesEraser Tool (E): You are right, this tool is used for erasing ;)Dodge Tool (O): Used for making images lighter (And Burn tool makes theopposite - darker)Horizontal Type Tool (T): Yes used for inserting text to imagePath Selection Tool (A): Used for selecting the active pathCustom Shape Tool (U): Used to insert pre-specified (ready) shapes to imagePen Tool (P): Used for creating vector shapes

    Eyedropper Tool (I): Used for selecting color Notes Tool (N): Used for inserting notes on the imageZoom Tool (Z): Yes used for zooming in or outHand Tool (H): Used for dragging image when you are in the zoom in state

    2. Options Panel

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    As we can see the screenshot, Options Panel is highlighted with light-red. Whenever we switch

    from one tool to another, Options Panel will change accordingly. Currently as we can see Brush

    Tool is selected in from the Tools box, and in the Options Panel we can see the properties of the

    Brush Tool, namely : Brush Size (Type), Mode, Opacity and Flow.

    3. Working on Images

    In this we will learn about the various method available in photoshop for working on image. We

    will discuss how cropping is done, copying and pasting is done and image adjustmentis done.

    Cropping - Open any image in your Photoshop. Select the Crop Tool (Press 'C' to

    Select or Select it with your Mouse) and draw a selection on your image as shown below.

    Make a selection After you made your selection pressEnter


    If you are satisfied with your selection just press on the Crop button and your image will be


    Copying & Pasting - open any image in your Photoshop. Select the Rectangular Marquee

    Tool (M) and make a selection on the image.

    Make a selection and press Ctrl + Presss Ctrl + N to open a new And now press Ctrl + V to

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  • 8/7/2019 Term Paper on Poster Making


    4. Working with Texts -Select the Text tool from tool box, the Horizontal Type Tool (T)

    and click on that option and type something.

    If you want to make changes to your text, highlight it and change the properties from Options


    If we have to change the properties of the Text, in addition to the Options Panel we have to useCharacter Panel . If you don't see the Character Panel go to Windows > Character .Below is the

    Character Panel screenshot.

  • 8/7/2019 Term Paper on Poster Making


    5.Working with Layers -Photoshop uses "Layers" for managing multiple objects in the same

    file, to open your Layers Panel go to Window > Layers . If we have to used other image editing

    programs that use the same "Layers" concept.

    Layer that is on top

    As we can see the image above, the blue circle is located on the Top Layer, we have named the

    Layer as "Circle", and red rectangle is on second layer, we have named this layer as "Rectangle".

    Thus we see the Circle covering Rectangle. And our background is a white color which is visible

    from the sides of the circle and rectangle.

    Changing layer positions- In this we have moved Red Rectangle to Top, as you can see

    now Red Rectangle is on top and it covers the Circle. To move the particular layer just

    click on it with your mouse and while still holding your mouse move it up or down.

  • 8/7/2019 Term Paper on Poster Making


    What is Active Layer -Active layer is the layer which you are working on, for example

    from the image below we can see that the Active Layer is the Rectangle Layer - active

    layer will always be highlighted (selected).

    The "Eye" icon on the left of the layers means that the layers are currently visible, if we toggle

    them off then the object will also disappear from our window.

    As we can see from the screenshot above, I have deselected/removed the eye icon from the layer

    Rectangle. We still can see the rectangle in the Layers Panel but it is not visible on our image -

    we can only see the blue circle.

  • 8/7/2019 Term Paper on Poster Making


    6.Saving for Web (as JPG or GIF) When we have completed our work, we would like to

    save it as .jpg or .gif (or any other format that Photoshop supports).To save your image for web

    go to File > Save for We b or press Alt+Shift+Ctrl+S and you will see an identical window like

    this one below.

    From here we can change the image type to JPG, GIF, PNG and WBMP. We can also change the

    quality of the image as well, the higher the quality the bigger the size will be.

  • 8/7/2019 Term Paper on Poster Making


    Hardware used

    The work was done on laptop

    Window edition:-

    Window Vista home premium

    Copyright 2007 Microsoft Coporation. All rights reserved.

    Servise pack 1


    Manufacture: Hewelett-Packard

    Model: HP Pavilion dv3 Notebook PC

    Rating: 3.8 Window Experience Index

    Processor: Intel(R) Core (TM)2 Duo CPU T6500 @ 2.10GHz @.10 GHz

    Memory(RAM): 4.00 GB

    System type: 64-bit Operating System

    Computer name, domain and workgroup settings :-

    Computer name: richa-PC

    Full computer name: richa-PC

    Workgroup: WORKGROUP

    Windows activation:-

    Window is activated

    Product ID: 89583-OEM-7332157-00061

  • 8/7/2019 Term Paper on Poster Making


    Steps used for making promo poster

    As we have already told you that we are going to make promo poster in Adobe Photoshop. For

    making it first of all download the Adobe Photoshop from internet if you do not have, then openit and then click on File menu from menu bar. A list of options appears on the screen. Now click on New option from it. A new dialog box will appears on the screen and then click on OK button. A new blank file opens up on the screen. After opening blank file now we will use toolsfrom tool box which is on the left side of the screen and the tool used by us for making horror promo poster are:-

    Step1- First of all we have used Brush tool for giving a background color to the screen. Thesize of the brush used is 36 which was selected from option bar

    Step2- After brush tool we have used Lasso tool . This type of tool is used freehand selection,it contain three type of lasso tool ie lasso tool, polygonal lasso tool and magnetic lasso tool. Butwe have used only magnetic lasso tool for selection.

    Step3- After magnetic lasso tool we have used Clone stamp tool which is the perfect tool for retouching or repainting the image. This tool is also called the rubber stamp tool. It is used for cloning or duplicating selected area of the image. By this tool we can easily remove blemishes or scratches from the image.

    Step4- After clone tool we have used Text tool which is used for writing the text.

    Step5- After text tool we have used transform tool in which we can freely transform object,groups or text block .

    Step6- After transform tool we have used Layer, it act as sheet of pixels that can be editedindependently, without affecting the other parts of the image. Layer are useful in adding a higher degree of flexibility to Photoshop document. By using this we were able to give effect veryeasily, we have created a layers and done the work on it.

    Step7-After creating a layer we have used Flatten layer option, this is used to merge all the layer in an image into one layer. This is known as Flattening. When the layer in an image is flattened,all of them will be treated as one layer. Flattening an image reduce the file size since this result ina single background layer only.

    Step8- Last step used for making promo poster is we use Filters which is used to add a variety of special effects to our image. This concept was introduced as substitute for traditionalphotographic technique of filtering .

  • 8/7/2019 Term Paper on Poster Making


    By this we were able to make promo poster .

    Our promo poster give below:-

  • 8/7/2019 Term Paper on Poster Making
