Term 4, Week 6 Newsletter [PDF, 808 KB]

10 NOVEMBER | VOLUME 39 | NO 34 Mr Peter Fullagar Principal NEWSLETTER OF ST JOSEPH’S NUDGEE COLLEGE 2199 Sandgate Road Boondall Qld 4034 Tel: +61 7 3865 0555 Fax: +61 7 3865 0500 Email: [email protected] Website: www.nudgee.com NUDGEE COLLEGE NEWS DATE CLAIMERS | NOVEMBER 10 November Year 12 Exam Block Commences 16 November Year 12 Boarders’ Farewell Dinner 17 November Year 12 Valedictory 18 November End of Year 12 22 November Year 5 Family Mass and Music Concert 23 November Year 6 Family Mass and Choral Concert 25 November Term 4 Ends at 12.00pm Tuesday night’s Awards Ceremony was an inspiring occasion. There were special moments followed by special moments throughout the night. Fittingly, the night culminated with Lewis Begg being presented as 2016 College Dux, and with the crowd rising to sing a rousing version of the College hymn. Congratulations to the many students who received awards, and well done to those students who performed, presented, or who worked backstage on the night. I share with you some excerpts from my address: Tonight we gather to celebrate the extraordinary successes and achievements of 2016. In doing so, I am also conscious that the past year has also been an extraordinary time for the Catholic Church - the Year of Mercy. Pope Francis called on us all to use this Jubilee year to open wide the doors of our hearts, to forgive others, and to work against social exclusion. In 2016 at Nudgee College we have done many things. We have blessed and opened refurbished buildings; we have celebrated the centenary of our magnificent Chapel; we have prayed, we have advocated, raised money, walked, helped out in the community, and cooked countless barbecues. We have had long lunches and some late dinners. We have had more than our share of early morning starts as well. We have taught thousands of lessons and completed hundreds and hundreds of assignments. We have had our successes and disappointments in competition on a Friday night or a Saturday afternoon. We have written reports, conducted reviews, planned, innovated, analysed and strategised. We have googled everything imaginable and we have even flipped classrooms. We have had nearly 1550 boys call Nudgee College their school, and over 250 boarders call Nudgee College their home. The list is almost endless because we (the students, the staff, the parents, and the wider Nudgee College community) have done all of this and much more. Tonight’s Awards Ceremony is a culmination and celebration of this diverse and dynamic College life. It is also a night of presentation and acknowledgement of individual success, particularly in academic achievement and studies. Importantly, it is an opportunity to consider what is at the core of school life here at Nudgee College. This vision and mission is why we exist as a College; it is why we as teachers choose to work in this school; and it is why you, as parents, choose to send your son to St Joseph’s Nudgee College. My hope as Principal is that our young men will be inspired by their education at Nudgee College to be what Pope Francis calls ‘true champions at the service of others’. Gold, silve,r and bronze awards; high scores and good results; all of this should be about more than getting into the right course, the right university ,and getting the right job. All of that is important, but it is what they do with their opportunity, talent, and success that should distinguish our students from others. Nudgee College exists to educate both the heart and the mind of every student. This is fundamental to how we are different and why we exist as a school. If the hearts of Nudgee College men have not been touched in some way over this past year, then we have only partly completed our role as educators.

Transcript of Term 4, Week 6 Newsletter [PDF, 808 KB]

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Mr Peter FullagarPrincipal


2199 Sandgate Road Boondall Qld 4034

Tel: +61 7 3865 0555 Fax: +61 7 3865 0500

Email: [email protected] Website: www.nudgee.com



10 November Year 12 Exam Block Commences

16 November Year 12 Boarders’ Farewell Dinner

17 November Year 12 Valedictory

18 November End of Year 12

22 November Year 5 Family Mass and Music Concert

23 November Year 6 Family Mass and Choral Concert

25 November Term 4 Ends at 12.00pm

Tuesday night’s Awards Ceremony was an inspiring occasion. There were special moments followed by special moments throughout the night. Fittingly, the night culminated with Lewis Begg being presented as 2016 College Dux, and with the crowd rising to sing a rousing version of the College hymn. Congratulations to the many students who received awards, and well done to those students who performed, presented, or who worked backstage on the night.

I share with you some excerpts from my address:

Tonight we gather to celebrate the extraordinary successes and achievements of 2016. In doing so, I am also conscious that the past year has also been an extraordinary time for the Catholic Church - the Year of Mercy. Pope Francis called on us all to use this Jubilee year to open wide the doors of our hearts, to forgive others, and to work against social exclusion.

In 2016 at Nudgee College we have done many things. We have blessed and opened refurbished buildings; we have celebrated the centenary of our magnificent Chapel; we have prayed, we have advocated, raised money, walked, helped out in the community, and cooked countless barbecues. We have had long lunches and some late dinners. We have had more than our share of early morning starts as well. We have taught thousands of lessons and completed hundreds and hundreds of assignments. We have had our successes and disappointments in competition on a Friday night or a Saturday afternoon. We have written reports, conducted reviews, planned, innovated, analysed and strategised. We have googled everything imaginable and we have even flipped classrooms. We have had nearly 1550 boys call Nudgee College their school, and over 250 boarders call Nudgee College their home. The list is almost endless because we (the students, the staff, the parents, and the wider Nudgee College community) have done all of this and much more.

Tonight’s Awards Ceremony is a culmination and celebration of this diverse and dynamic College life. It is also a night of presentation and acknowledgement of individual success, particularly in academic achievement and studies. Importantly, it is an opportunity to consider what is at the core of school life here at Nudgee College.

This vision and mission is why we exist as a College; it is why we as teachers choose to work in this school; and it is why you, as parents, choose to send your son to St Joseph’s Nudgee College.

My hope as Principal is that our young men will be inspired by their education at Nudgee College to be what Pope Francis calls ‘true champions at the service of others’. Gold, silve,r and bronze awards; high scores and good results; all of this should be about more than getting into the right course, the right university ,and getting the right job. All of that is important, but it is what they do with their opportunity, talent, and success that should distinguish our students from others.

Nudgee College exists to educate both the heart and the mind of every student. This is fundamental to how we are different and why we exist as a school. If the hearts of Nudgee College men have not been touched in some way over this past year, then we have only partly completed our role as educators.

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A Catholic school in the Edmund Rice Tradition

As a College we are on a journey of continuous academic improvement. Certainly this academic success and improvement can be tracked, measured, and quantified. This data tells an important story, and in the year ahead we will increasingly use data to improve academic outcomes. But data alone is not the complete picture of a Nudgee College education.

The Nudgee College picture includes the quality of our boys’ hearts, and the depth of their character. In truth, such things cannot be measured or quantified. They can only be experienced in the day to day relationships of a caring, compassionate community. They can only be developed by shaping and forming Nudgee College men who make a difference, by being people of justice, faith, and hope as well as being a positive influence in their world today and in the future. When their hearts are open to others, the poor in particular, and when their minds are open to learning and improvement, then as a community we are truly fulfilling our vision and mission to be Signum Fidei - Signs of Faith.

Young men, I want to congratulate you on what has been an excellent year in so many respects. To the prize winners assembled here tonight - congratulations. I am sure that we all share a sense of pride on an occasion such as this. Well done to our prize winners and, in particular, those of you who have had to work hard for your success, or those of you who have set goals and followed through plans to achieve this success. I hope that your award encourages you even further to be the best that you can be, and to strive to improve upon your achievement.

I am always mindful on an occasion such as tonight that, for every student who we have acknowledged, there are many other boys who will not receive an award, but who have also done their best throughout the year. They have sat beside you in your classes. They have worked hard in their studies; cooperated with teachers; looked after their mates; worn their uniform proudly; been involved and passionate about their school. It is these boys, the quiet achievers, who may not be academic prize winners, but who nevertheless are of good heart, character, and substance, who we should also remember and celebrate. Great schools are built on their effort and attitude as much as they are built upon you, the prize winners for 2016.

We have much for which we can be grateful – the good Lord has blessed all of us here at St Joseph’s Nudgee College in countless ways. There is great energy within our staff, there is wonderful support amongst our parents, and there continues to be that special Nudgee spirit that unites and drives our students. Undoubtedly, our hearts and minds are open to learning and to each other.

Finally, please keep our Year 12s in your thoughts and prayers as they complete their final exams and Valedictory next week. Pray also for many individuals (students, staff and members of Nudgee College families) who are dealing with some serious health issues at this time.

With every best wish for the week ahead.

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Mr David JohnstonDeputy PrincipalLadies’ Auxiliary Annual General Meeting

The Ladies’ Auxiliary is an active group of mothers within the College, who together with House parents, are largely responsible for social and fundraising activities. The main areas of revenue for the Ladies’ Auxiliary are from the Tuckshop, home games, and other fundraising events such as the Long Lunch held throughout each year. All profits are used for the benefit of the students and the College. The Ladies’ Auxiliary have committed a significant amount of money to the upgrade of the Duhig Building dressing rooms, which will take place over the summer break.

As mothers of Nudgee College boys, the mission of the Ladies’ Auxiliary is to provide assistance and support to the school and the wider Nudgee College community. They work together within the ethos of Edmund Rice to support our community, and to enhance and enrich the transition of Nudgee College boys into confident and caring young gentlemen.

There will be an AGM on 15 November at 7.00pm in the College Board Room. This is an open meeting designed to elect officers for 2017. Our current executive team consists of:

President: Angela Hueppauff

Vice President: Alysia Bridger

Treasurer: Tanya Fogl

Secretary: Simone Watson

Communications Officer: Rebecca Blinco

These ladies and the Ladies’ Auxiliary have done a tremendous job this year, and I have previously highlighted in newsletter articles their outstanding accomplishments. The good news for anyone attending the meeting is that the majority of the executive are happy to continue in their roles, so turning up will not result in you somehow being ‘roped’ into a position. However, more attendance and more active members, means an easier job for all.

Road Works

In the coming weeks I will place details of stage two of the College roadworks in the newsletter, and we will also have these details available online. There will be some major changes to access and the way we get in and out of the College while the road is completed in Term 1. When the changes are known and then published, we will be asking for patience from everyone. The key point to remember is, at the end of the upgrade, we will have created a virtually car free zone in the centre of the College, and therefore made the College a far safer place for everyone.

Farewell Year 12s

On Tuesday evening we celebrated the College Awards Ceremony, and Wednesday was the final Assembly for our Seniors of 2016. They have one last task, exam block, to see off before we gather one last time for the Valedictory Mass and Dinner. This is where the College needs the Year 12 boys to finish with dignity, and be the ‘Signs of Faith’ we want them to be. They are to come to school for their final exams in their correct uniform. There is a section of the Library set aside for them if they wish to complete some quiet study. While I hear of some behaviour that has really marred the final weeks of Year 12s at other schools, a Nudgee College tradition over the past few years that we can all be proud of has seen our Seniors leave with dignity and humility - a tradition we all would like to see continue.

The remainder of the students will also be completing some exams in the coming weeks. Please keep in mind that there will be exams for most boys up until Thursday 24 November. Friday will then be the last day of school, finishing for the boys at 12.00pm.

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A Catholic school in the Edmund Rice Tradition

On Tuesday of this week, the Nudgee College community gathered for our College Awards Ceremony to celebrate the academic, sporting, and cultural achievements of our students. It is an exciting event in the College calendar, which affirms the talent and diligence of many young men in our community. Throughout 2016, our students have achieved some outstanding outcomes across a range of subject areas, including Religious Education. I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate all students who were persistent in their efforts to achieve their goals this year.

In particular, I would like to congratulate our Year 12 Dux of Study of Religion, Nikul Sharma, and our Year 12 Dux of Religion and Ethics, Samuel Gardner. I took the opportunity to speak with both of these young men about what they each credit their academic success to.

Nikul told me that in his opinion, “the skills which are imperative to success in the subject [of SOR] require the incorporation of all aspects of both critical and creative thinking”.

Sam concluded that “religion gives us the basis of our social and moral conscious. The Bible stories are thousands of years old, but their meanings are still valid today. Having sound knowledge of these concepts has been the basis for Religion and Ethics, and also being committed to class work and activities”.

I would like to thank both Nikul and Sam for their sound advice to other students. Having being fortunate enough to teach both of these young men during their time at Nudgee College, I know them to be dedicated students who have consistently displayed determination in their efforts to improve.

Good luck to the Seniors who began exam block today and best wishes for the journey ahead. Good luck also to all students in Years 5 to 11 for the final weeks of Term 4.

Ms Natalie WebberHead of Religion

Mr Andrew NewcombeDean of Learning and TeachingStudent Achievement

Recently at Assembly the College acknowledged a number of students and their achievements. Six students were recognised for receiving High Distinctions in the Australian Mathematics Competition earlier in the year. Those students were Jonas Newcombe, Jack Barry, Ian Pantaleon, Yuka Takeuchi, James Hong, and Samuel Strevens. Jonas, Yuta, and Samuel also received gift vouchers for being the highest achieving students in the College for their division, as well as Jeffrey He for the Senior division.

Matthew Holmes was recognised for being Highly Commended in the Non-Fiction Prose Category of the 2016 Literary Competition hosted by the QIEU and the English Teachers’ Association of Queensland. This section of the competition attracted a large number of students, and it was a fantastic result for Matthew.

Jack Read and Tom Lambert have been cast into MacBeth roles with the Shake and Stir company next year. They were cast after displaying their talents at the State Finals of the Shake Fest. These boys also presented a scene from MacBeth at the Awards Ceremony this week.

All of the students mentioned this week are to be commended on their achievements. It is pleasing to note that these are across a range of disciplines, which highlights the diversity and opportunity that exists at the College.


Rank orders used for the calculation of SAIs will be published by Wednesday 23 November outside the Learning and Teaching Office. Year 12 students or their parents should visit the College and check the placements displayed. Questions or concerns can be directed to me.

OP ineligible students and tertiary courses

Students completing Year 12 without qualifying for an OP may gain entry to tertiary courses through QTAC. To be considered for a course, all applicants with or without an OP must satisfy the minimum entry requirements (such as subject prerequisites).

From late December, OP ineligible ranks will be available via QTAC’s current applicant online service for those who have lodged a QTAC application. If not a QTAC applicant, current Year 12 students can call QTAC on 1300 467 822.

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Ms Lara MorganDirector of PathwaysGriffithENG 2016 Course: A Student Perspective

By Michael Deeran

Griffith University offered the opportunity for any Year 11 students from around Queensland to participate in a two day course of engineering at either their Brisbane or Gold Coast campus. It was an opportunity for students to get a real taste of what engineering is like, and experience the life of a uni student.

Although this occasion was open for many Year 11s to take part in, only eight took up the chance at the Nathan Campus. The first day comprised of two groups of four putting our heads together in designing, building, testing, and using a small electric-powered buggy, assembled from limited sets of meccano pieces to be able to play soccer against the opposing group’s robot. The final outcome was a three wheeled vehicle with a claw like frame - ensuring maximum possession of the ball - which took on a tough battle against the other group’s robot.

The second day saw us split into pairs, and working individually on building a computer chip that could be programmed to control a robot without a remote control. Unfortunately the chips had difficulties working, and by the time they started working there was not enough time for them to be programmed to control the robots, but we still learnt the basics of how it all works.

If the program is completed to a satisfactory standard I will be eligible to proceed to stage two of the Griffith Engineering Program in Semester 1 of Year 12. This would mean that I would attend weekly classes of common first year engineering courses, and complete the end of program examination. If this is all successfully completed, I would be awarded with a formal certificate of completion, be eligible for a guaranteed offer into specified Griffith University Engineering Programs, and receive one bonus rank when applying for entry into Griffith undergraduate degree programs.

I would highly recommend this opportunity to future Year 11s who are interested in a course in engineering, are looking to get a deeper understanding of what engineering is all about, and are looking to experience a day in the life of a university student.

Apprenticeship Opportunities for Year 12 Leavers

TAFE Queensland have a number of full time apprenticeship opportunities available for Year 12 leavers, These include:

• Certificate III in Parks and Gardens - Apprenticeship• Certificate III in Printing and Graphic Arts (Graphic Prepress) - Apprenticeship • Certificate III in Jewellery Manufacture - Apprenticeship • Certificate III in Landscape Construction - Apprenticeship • Certificate III in Meat Processing (Retail Butcher) - Apprenticeship • Certificate III in Printing and Graphic Arts (Print Finishing) - Apprenticeship • Certificate III in Printing and Graphic Arts (Printing) - Apprenticeship • Certificate III in Printing and Graphic Arts (Screen Printing) - Apprenticeship • Certificate III in Retail Baking (Combined) – Apprenticeship• Certificate III in Signage - Apprenticeship • Certificate III in Sports Turf Management - Apprenticeship • Certificate III in Hairdressing - Apprenticeship • Certificate III in Retail Baking (Cake and Pastry) - Apprenticeship • Certificate III in Hospitality - Apprenticeship • Certificate III in Commercial Cookery - Apprenticeship • Certificate III in Retail Baking (Bread) – Apprenticeship

Interested students should email Peta Wlodarczyk at [email protected] along with their: • Name• Name of apprenticeship• Suburb they live in • Email• Phone number• Driver’s licence Yes/No

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A Catholic school in the Edmund Rice Tradition

Use QILT to compare institutions and their courses

Finding it difficult to made final decisions about the institution you want to attend? The QILT (Quality Indicators for Learning and Teaching) website can help you compare study experience and employment outcomes data from Australian higher education institutions, to select the institution with all the qualities you want.


Q Will I get an offer for all the courses I applied for through QTAC?

A No. You will only receive one offer for your highest eligible course. Therefore, it is essential to order your courses according to your preference, putting the course you most want first.

Q Will I get a letter in the mail from QTAC with my offer on it?

A No. QTAC will notify you by email if you have received an offer. You need to log on to your application on the QTAC website for details of your offer and to respond to your offer. Because there are many offer round dates (see course offer dates), you must monitor your emails regularly.

Q What do I have to do when I receive an offer?

A You must respond to QTAC by the due date. You usually have four days to respond. If you don’t respond by the due date, your offer will lapse and your application will become inactive. When you respond to your offer, you have two main options:

• Make an outright acceptance, deferment or rejection

• Conditionally accept, defer or reject your offer so you can be considered for higher preferences in future offer rounds

See more information about responding on p. 16 of the QTAC Guide and on the Offers page on the QTAC website.

Q Is there anything I can do if I don’t respond to an offer by the due date?

A Yes. Contact QTAC immediately. QTAC may be able to reinstate your offer.

Q What happens after I have accepted an offer of a course place?

A You enrol at your institution by the due date. Most institutions will have an ‘enrol here’ link on the QTAC website. If there’s no enrolment link, your university will contact you directly.

Q I have applied for courses that start in Semester 1 and 2 on my QTAC application. Is this OK?

A Yes, if the Semester 1 courses are listed before the Semester 2 courses. However, a better strategy is to put only Semester 1 courses on your application in the first instance. After the major offer round for Semester 2 courses on 16 January 2017, you can put Semester 2 courses on your application.

Q What should I do if I don’t get an offer?

A First check your application on the QTAC website. You may be ineligible for the courses you applied for. This will be indicated on the preferences page of your application beside each course preference. Reasons for not receiving an offer may include:

• Quota restrictions (that is, your OP/rank did not meet the cut off)

• Failure to satisfy minimum entry requirements (e.g. prerequisite subjects, audition)

• Failure to pay QTAC processing charges

• Preferencing your courses incorrectly (e.g. putting Semester 2 courses before Semester 1 courses; not including a ‘good’ pathways option for your fifth and sixth preferences)

• Applying after the due date for the offer round

• Not responding to an earlier offer

If you were ineligible for the courses you applied for, you can change your course preferences for consideration in any subsequent offer-round if further offers are made. QTAC usually publishes remaining course vacancies on its website after a major offer round. You can also contact QTAC by phone, email, or Facebook for advice.

Ms Lara Morgan continued ...

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Mr Peter ToddDean of StudentsFinal Days for Year 12

It was great to watch our Senior class walk through the a guard of honour made up of Nudgee College students, staff, and parents on Wednesday this week. The group had finished their final classes and were heading for exams. The day concluded with our final Assembly with them present, which was the highlight of the day.

After a beautiful Chapel service and prayer, Lachlan Bowman updated us on the $4000 of funds raised by inaugural BBQ Committee. Lachlan Green placed the final piece in this year’s Senior Symbol - the ‘culture’ support. We watched highlights videos and re-presented our College Duxes, focusing particularly on the Year 12 College Dux, Lewis Begg. Mr Peter Fullagar farewelled staff, most notably Ms Rebecca Knezevic, Ms Michelle Guerrero, Ms Samantha Oliver, and Mr Brian and Mrs Margaret O’Reilly (whose association to the College started in 1983). We congratulated Riley House, the winner of this year’s Br Vic Larkin Shield, awarded for the combined results on Inter-house Swimming, Cross Country, Chess, Debating, Track and Field, Showcase, and the tally of academic medals received by each House.

We look forward sharing our final farewells at Valedictory on Thursday 17 November, commencing with the Liturgy of the Eucharist in the McKennariey Centre at 6.00pm, followed by the dinner in the Christian Brothers’ Conference Centre.

Barrett 112 3Shaw 122 2Riley 128 1

Nudgee College ‘little brother’, Year 6 Gus Rossl, thanked the Seniors for their mentoring role beautifully. Ms Robyn Mann farewelled the boys on behalf of the staff (having been chosen by the Senior cohort to do so). Mrs Carmel Nugent, mother of Clancy, spoke on behalf of parents, and left very few dry eyes in the house. Our College Captain and Vices, Angus McHugh, Lewis Begg, Josh Bunney, Chris Duke, and Joseph Herbert responded on behalf of the Seniors, again illustrating the collaboration and unity of this year level. There were cheers, tears, handshakes, and hugs. The boys walked from the hall singing Neil Diamond’s Sweet Caroline. A wonderful Senior cohort finished with absolute dignity, and in a great sense of joy. Well done Seniors of 2016, and all the best with exams.

Well Done Gus Babao and Meecham Hollister

Over the course of this year, Year 10 students Gus Babao and Meecham Hollister were selected to take part in a program aimed at promoting environmental practices. The Student Environment Leadership Network (SELN) is a program run by the Brisbane City Council, and required Gus and Meecham to attend meetings, as well as conduct a project within the Nudgee College context.

This is a long term project, revolving around a recycling program in the Junior School, with the long term hope of developing a College wide program. The final meeting was last week and I would like to thank Ms Jaimee Trembearth for joining Gus at the final gathering.

We will be certainly looking for expressions of interest from some of our Year 9 and 10 students (for 2017) to be involved in this leadership opportunity.

Lord Mayor’s Youth Advisory Council

In continuing the tradition of nurturing leadership within our younger members of the College, Year 10 student Tevita Kaituu was nominated to be a member of the Lord Mayor’s Youth Advisory Council. All delegates act as representatives of their school and community, and are a voice for raising issues or sharing ideas that affect young people.

LMYAC aims to develop young people as leaders, and is specifically designed to provide an opportunity for young people in Brisbane to participate in decision making at the local and city-wide level. The students identify issues and engage with each other in a public forum, where they are encouraged to provide feedback and give their opinion about Brisbane City Council policies, local laws, services, and programs that affect young people.

I take this opportunity to thank Tevita for his presence on this committee throughout 2016.

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A Catholic school in the Edmund Rice Tradition

Lost Property

Just a reminder to check the lost property webpage.

If your son has received an email regarding a found item, they should present to the Student Office ASAP to collect.

For unnamed items, click on the following links to search through photos;

Old lost property page (need to be logged onto nudgee portal) Lost Property Page

New lost property page (student needs to be logged into google docs) Lost Property Directory

There are still a number of unnamed blazers at at the Student Office. If your son has not come home with a blazer since last Term, or has a blazer with someone else’s name on it, can you please contact the Student Office and we can see if we can find the correct owners.

Unclaimed, unnamed items at the end of the year will be donated to charity.

Valedictory Dinner

Memorabilia will be available for purchase on the evening from the Locker Room stall. Parents are encouraged to pre-purchase items from the Locker Room for delivery to tables on the evening.

An email has been sent with a link to the order form and website to view items. See page 12 for more information.

Mr Peter Todd continued ...

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Mr Chris CawleyDirector of Junior SchoolEnd of Year Excursion to Wet ’N’ Wild

This week information regarding this excursion was emailed to all Junior School parents. Please be advised that sun safety attire (i.e. rash shirt) will be compulsory. Please ensure if your son is attending that payment is made by Wednesday 16 November.


This week at the College Awards Ceremony we celebrated excellence across the many facets of the College. Congratulations to all boys who were recognised for excellence both in the classroom and in the co-curricular sphere. I would like to especially congratulate our inaugural Duxes in Years 5 and 6, Aidan Easton (Year 5) and Lachlan Cullum (Year 6).

Congratulations also to Gus Rossl who farewelled our Big Brothers of 2016 at the Year 12 farewell Assembly. Below is an excerpt from his speech.

When we first started at this school in Year 5, we had no idea of what it means to be a Nudgee College man.

But now, under the direction and care of our Big Brothers, we have started our journey, and they have helped us find our way. We have learnt that to be a Nudgee College man, it takes more than just being kind. It means we look out for each other as friends and brothers. It means we take responsibility for our words and actions, even when we make a mistake. It means going the extra mile to help others, and understanding how important respecting each other is.

My fellow peers in the Junior School and I now have a firm understanding of what it truly takes to be a Nudgee College man, and we have our Big Brothers to thank in helping shape our daily school life. For some of us, you are the big brother that we don’t actually have, but for all of us, you are one of those special 10,000 brothers we will remember.

So now, as your Nudgee College journey comes to an end, the boys in the Junior School sincerely thank you for being our leaders, and guiding us as we started our Nudgee College experience.

I would like to finish with some words from Dr Seuss:“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You are on your way. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who’ll decide now, where to go.”

Book Hire Information

Novel and ICE-EM Maths Textbook Returns 2016

All textbooks/novels are to be returned to Book Hire or the Library by the end of Term 4 (Friday 25 November). If books are not returned replacement charges will be need to be applied to end of year statements.

Textbook Pack Issue for 2017

Student textbook packs will be issued during the first week of school in 2017. This will be built into the routine for the first few days back and issued in class groups.

Important Dates

Please see below the key dates for the Junior School activities in our final weeks:

22 November Year 5 Mass, College Chapel at 12.00pm, refreshments at 1.00pm

Year 5 Musical Presentation in Tierney Auditorium at 1.30pm

23 November Year 6 Mass, College Chapel at 12.30pm, refreshments at 1.30pm

Year 6 Choral Presentation in Tierney Auditorium at 2.00pm

24 November Year 5 and 6 end of year excursion to Wet ’N’ Wild

25 November End of Term 4 at 12.00pm, buses will depart after Assembly

From Ms Michelle Grieve

I would like to thank the Junior School community for their kindness and support following the passing of my father-in-law. A number of students, parents, and of course staff, expressed their sincere sympathies, which was greatly appreciated.

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A Catholic school in the Edmund Rice Tradition

Year 12 Farewell

Tuesday was the Year 12’s last full day of classes, with Wednesday a day of farewell celebrations in the day school. It was a very emotional day for some of the boys, especially walking through the guard of honour formed by the rest of the school leading to what would be the Year 12’s final Assembly. Our Year 12 group are now preparing well for their last exams, with exam block finishing next week. The boarders’ farewell dinner and Mass is on next Wednesday evening, with this being the last night in Boarding for the Year 12s, followed by Valedictory dinner on Thursday evening.

Awards Ceremony

Many of our Boarding students have been successful in their efforts this year, and were recognised on Tuesday evening at the College’s Awards Ceremony. It was good to see a number of our boarders receive prizes in academic, cultural, and sporting categories. It was also great to see boys from all Houses participate in singing and dancing, NC Drumline, NC Voices, NC Big Band, and the AV Crew to make the night a really enjoyable one.

Assignments and Exams

Please discuss with your sons how they are travelling with assignments and their exam preparation, so there are no issues with deadlines and getting tasks in on time. It is better to deal with any potential issues now rather than later. They know they have all the help in the world from their Boarding staff and the wonderful teachers who come in every night to the Boarding Houses to help them. Please encourage them to seek help if they feel like they are starting to struggle.

End of Year Travel

With just over two weeks to go of the Term, can you please have conversations with your son regarding their end of year travel details. Once travel details have been finalised, please ensure your son enters this into REACH, and also informs their respective Head of House so any extra planning that needs to occur around this can be organised.

Boarders’ Recreation Activities: 11 to 13 November

Friday Evening

McKennariey Centre 6.30pm to 8.00pm


AM & PM Beach Trip 9.00am to 2.00pm

EVE Pool 7.00pm to 8.00pm


AM & PM Stuartholme (Swimming and Games) 10.30am to 2.00pm

Touch on Wilkes 11.00am to 12.00pm

Pool Open 1.00pm to 3.00pm


Mr Ben Ralston Head of O’Brien Boarding House

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ActivitiesSport and CultureSWIMMING

Nudgee College Swimming Club took 43 swimmers to the Rackley Open Meet at Gregory Terrace on the weekend.

The swimmers did an incredible job, coming away with 10 gold, 15 silver, and 10 bronze medals from the meet.

Ethan Irvine won gold in the boys 1500m freestyle

Finlay Schuster won gold in the boys 12 Years 100m breaststroke

Oliver Schuster won gold in the boys 10 Years 50m breaststroke

In total the swimmers swam 103 best times on the day, which is a most pleasing stat as it means as a club we are making big improvements.

Special mention to Riley Granger, Dylan Andrea, Tyler O’Keefe, and Ethan Irvine who qualified for the Queensland State Championships for the first time, and congratulations to Lachlan Gilbert for qualifying for Queensland States in the 400m individual medley on his first attempt at the event. 

The club have Brisbane Relays on the weekend at Chandler, so we are looking forward to some more racing then!

Mr David Proud Swimming Director


The final meeting of the Athlete’s Parent Support Group will be held on Monday 14 November at 6.30pm in the McKennariey Centre classroom. Enter via the doors near the Activities Office, first on the right. All welcome.

Mango News

Thanks to all those who supported the mango drive. Over 250 cases will be delivered on Wednesday 23 November to MOA (McKennariey Centre classroom). We ask that you arrange to pick yours up by 5.00pm that day, or by arrangement with Mrs Maureen Toohey.

Cross Country Tour 2017

Boys that have been invited to the North Queensland Cross Country Tour in April 2017 are asked to make their initial payment by Friday 25 November, so that airfares can be booked before the holiday break. Enquiries to Mrs Maureen Toohey or Mr Nicholas Toohey.

National Track And Field in Canberra

We wish our athletes good luck as they head to Canberra to contest the National Track and Field Championships from 2 to 6 December.

Mason Sorby (13 Years 400m), Jacob Wallace (15 Years javelin), and Hayden Shoobridge (17 Years 400m) will all be a part of the Queensland Heat team, whilst our Intermediate Boys Knockout team of Isaiah Naawi, Ryan Shepherd, Mitch Wood, Will Harris, Oliver Diggles, Connor Corlet, and Jacob Wallace will take on the best 15 schools in the country in their National Final.

Mr Peter Kropp Mrs Maureen Toohey Director of Track and Field Director of Cross Country Head of Junior Track and Field

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A Catholic school in the Edmund Rice Tradition


Locker Room

Valedictory Night

The Locker Room has memorabilia items for sale which you may be interested in buying as a gift for yourself or your son.

Listed below are some items you may be interested in. If you would like anything, you can email [email protected] or phone 07 3865 0498. Emailing is the preferred way of contact. You will need to provide us with your credit card details and we can have these items ready for you on the night. Items can be gift wrapped at the cost of $1. We will deliver these items to your table during the night, so you do not have to collect from us. When you email your order, we will notify you confirming your order.

Locker Room staff will be at the front of the Christian Brothers’ Conference Centre selling memorabilia on Valedictory Night. We can take Visa : Mastercard : Cash : Cheque. We will not be able to gift wrap on the night.

More photos on the website under: www.nudgee.com : in the SEARCH on main screen type : LOCKERROOM: CLICK on Welcome to the Lockerroom: on the Right hand side click on NUDGEE COLLEGE MEMORABILIA : There is GENERAL Memorabilia, Pennants.

Items and pricing:

Nudgee College tiebar $30 : Nudgee College coaster (set of 4) $25 : Nudgee College keyrings $15 : Nudgee College towel $45 :

Nudgee College wine glasses (set of two) $30 : Nudgee College shot glasses $10 : House pennant $25 :

Nudgee College pen in box $25 : Nudgee College drinking glass $9 : Nudgee College apron $25 :

Nudgee College coffee mug $12.50 : Nudgee College celebrating 125 years tea towel $15


The College is calling for applications for the following 2017 position: 

Part Time Term Time Health Centre Assistant (Thursday and Friday, 12 hours per week)


• Administrative, general computer, and office tasks e.g. filing, typing, maintaining booking schedules, making external medical/specialist appointments 

• Ward housekeeping e.g. serving meals to patients, changing beds 

• Driving students to external medical appointments in College car 

Flexibility is required to cover late medical appointments. This position is allocated under the Services Staff Award Level 1 ($23.41 per hour part time). Applicants must have a valid driver licence and current first aid qualifications. Please visit www.nudgee.com/employment to submit an application. Applications close Monday 14 November.

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STUDENTS NAME: __________________________________

Photos are on the website : http://cms02.nudgee.com/lockerroom/pages/nudgee-college-memorabilia


Nudgee Towel $45

Nudgee Key Ring $15

Nudgee Apron $25

Nudgee 125 year Tea Towel $12

Nudgee Tie Bar $30

Nudgee Pen (in gift box) $25

Nudgee Scarf $25

Nudgee Coffee Mug $12.50

Nudgee Thermal Mug $10.50

Nudgee Drink Coaster (set of 4) $25

Nudgee Shot Glass $10

Nudgee Water Glass $9

Nudgee Wine Glass (set of 2) $30

Nudgee Golf Umbrella (Blue & White) $38

Nudgee Chair $38

Nudgee Water Bottle $6.60

House Badge $6 House >

House Pennant $25 House >

Nudgee Badge $6

Gift wrapping $1 per parcel



Items to be delivered to your table at Valedictory (Please order by 15 November)

Payment details

(Please circle) Amount $ ________________ Visa / Mastercard only Cash

Card number: __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ Expiry date _ __ / __ __

Card holder name _____________________________Card holder signature ____________________________

Please return form by email to [email protected] if paying by card.

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A Catholic school in the Edmund Rice Tradition

The Locker Room

Helpers Needed For Back To School

If any parents are available for the back to school period (11 to 28 January) to assist in the Locker Room, can you please contact the Locker Room by telephone on 3865 0498 or email [email protected]. Even if it is only for a few hours, the time would be greatly appreciated.

Second Hand Clothing

As it is nearing the end of the year, anyone who has any second hand clothing to sell, can you please take to the Locker Room as soon as possible. All clothing needs to be washed and ironed. Blazers must be dry cleaned. We can get it dry cleaned through the locker room for $9 per blazer. No marks on clothing and seams are not to be split. A consignment form is required to be filled out for these items, which you can download from the College website.

The Locker Room will be open until Friday 9 December 2016 and reopen on Wednesday 11 January 2017.

We would like to take this opportunity to wish all the families a happy and safe Christmas and all the best for the new year.

Textbook Return 2016

All textbooks/novels are to be returned to Book Hire or the Library by the end of Term 4 - Friday 25 November. If books are not returned replacement charges will be need to be applied to end of year statements.

Textbook Pack Issue 2017

Student textbook packs will be issued during the first week of school in 2017. This will be built into the routine for the first few days back and issued in PC groups.
