Term 3 Homework Pack - Skills for Life Trust · Year 7 Term 3 Homework Tasks History...

Year 7 Term 3 Homework Pack Greenacre Academy intends homework to be diverse in nature, focusing on more project-based work which will be on-going over a number of weeks. This booklet includes homework from each subject that your son / ward studies at school. Our Expectations Students must complete and submit homework pieces from each project as their teacher directs. Teachers will inform students when each piece of homework is due in and this will be recorded in their planners. Please also note that some tasks in the booklet are subject to change, and this will be done so at the discretion of the teacher. This would occur on occasions where a different task may be more beneficial to your son/ward’s learning. As well as the three Homework Tasks, there are some additional activities for each subject. Reading List Students should read for at least 30 minutes each night. Reading frequently will help students to develop their vocabulary and literacy skills. Please encourage you son / ward to read. Suggested reading material has been included within the projects for each subject. Stretch & Challenge Students are encouraged to push themselves, completing more tasks where they see fit. If they have a particular interest or gift in a given area, students should be encouraged to complete the stretch and challenge task. Skills for Life As part of the Academy’s implementation of ‘Skills for Life’, each subject-area has carefully thought about activities and tasks to integrate particular skills into their schemes of work. To help promote this, the completion of the homework tasks will help your son/ward develop these certain skills. The Skills for life focus is EMPLOY ME - Excellence, Manners, Perseverance, Listening, Organisation, You, Motivation and Employability Study Room If your son/ward needs help with homework or a quiet place to study we run a homework club every weekday from 2.50-3.50 in the Library. Queries? If you have any queries about the homework projects please get in touch with the relevant teacher using the email address provided for each subject. Thank you for your continued support of Homework.

Transcript of Term 3 Homework Pack - Skills for Life Trust · Year 7 Term 3 Homework Tasks History...

  • Year 7 Term 3 Homework Pack

    Greenacre Academy intends homework to be diverse in nature, focusing on more project-based work which will be on-going over a number of weeks. This booklet includes homework from each subject that your son / ward studies at school. Our Expectations Students must complete and submit homework pieces from each project as their teacher directs. Teachers will inform students when each piece of homework is due in and this will be recorded in their planners. Please also note that some tasks in the booklet are subject to change, and this will be done so at the discretion of the teacher. This would occur on occasions where a different task may be more beneficial to your son/ward’s learning. As well as the three Homework Tasks, there are some additional activities for each subject.

    Reading List Students should read for at least 30 minutes each night. Reading frequently will help students to develop their vocabulary and literacy skills. Please encourage you son / ward to read. Suggested reading material has been included within the projects for each subject.

    Stretch & Challenge Students are encouraged to push themselves, completing more tasks where they see fit. If they have a particular interest or gift in a given area, students should be encouraged to complete the stretch and challenge task.

    Skills for Life As part of the Academy’s implementation of ‘Skills for Life’, each subject-area has carefully thought about activities and tasks to integrate particular skills into their schemes of work. To help promote this, the completion of the homework tasks will help your son/ward develop these certain skills. The Skills for life focus is EMPLOY ME -

    Excellence, Manners, Perseverance, Listening, Organisation, You, Motivation and Employability Study Room If your son/ward needs help with homework or a quiet place to study we run a homework club every weekday from 2.50-3.50 in the Library. Queries? If you have any queries about the homework projects please get in touch with the relevant teacher using the email address provided for each subject. Thank you for your continued support of Homework.

  • Year 7 Term 3 Homework Schedule

    Your son/ward will be set homework on alternate weeks throughout the term on the week commencing dates outlined below. The ‘hand in dates’ will be set by teachers in class and recorded in student diaries.

    As the MFL department offer several language options throughout KS3 and KS4, these are not

    incorporated into this booklet and additional learning homework and written tasks will be provided by

    the department for use in Years 7-9. If you have any questions relating to homework in the MFL

    department please don't hesitate to contact Mr Atkinson on [email protected]

    Week Commencing

    9th Jan 16th Jan 23rd Jan 30 Jan 6 Feb

    Yr 7

    Art and Design

    ICT English

    Food Tech Geography



    History Maths

    PA RE

    Science MFL

    Music PSHE

    Art and Design

    ICT English

    Food Tech Geography



    History Maths

    PA RE

    Science MFL



    Art and Design

    ICT English

    Food Tech Geography



    mailto:[email protected]

  • Year 7 Term 3 Homework Tasks

    Art and Design [email protected]

    Students should complete the three tasks listed below in order. The Stretch and Challenge and Numeracy Tasks, as well as books from the Reading List and Spellings are to be completed at the discretion of the class teacher and/or the student.


    1 Task 1 Please note: you will be issued with a booklet in class.

    Complete task one from the booklet remember to keep your mark-making accurate and maintain proportion when drawing. Need some help? Use the grid method to help you with scale and proportion.


    2 Task 2

    Complete task two from the booklet. Try to add tone or extra detail to show off your skills! Need some help? Draw a tonal key at the top of your page to remind you of the five tones you need.


    3 Task 3

    Complete task three from the booklet. Could you add a background to draw upon to add a different effect. Need some help? Why not use tea or coffee to stain the page to give your work an aged appearance?

    Stretch & Challenge

    Reading List Numeracy

    Task Spellings

    Create a large A2 drawing from one of the booklet drawings. You should create this using the grid method for accuracy and choose to use charcoal, paint or oil pastels to create a piece of artwork fit for a gallery.

    The 20th Century Art Book Susannah Lawson Drawing for the Absolute & Utter Beginner, Claire Watson Garcia How to draw what you see R. De Reyna

    If 1 litre of paint costs £3.50, and it takes 17 litres of paint to make a mural on the School Art room wall, then how much money would you spend on paint?

    mark making tones

    blending cross hatching

    dark light

  • Year 7 Term 3 Homework Tasks

    Computer Science [email protected]

    Students should complete the three tasks listed below in order. The Stretch and Challenge and Numeracy Tasks, as well as books from the Reading List and Spellings are to be completed at the discretion of the class teacher and/or the student.



    Create an A4 poster that includes a breakdown of what we learnt last term, including: internal and external parts of a computer, peripherals and their function. This should include pictures, consistent design and text with full sentences.



    Create a game to play next lesson based on different software applications and system software. It should last for no longer than 5minutes. E.g. Logo game, crossword, wordsearch, word cards for hangman, etc.



    In a Poster you are to break down the uses for the software application that your teacher gives you. Consider the basic use: letters, spreadsheets, posters, etc. aswell as the advanced uses.

    Stretch & Challenge

    Reading List Numeracy

    Task Spellings

    In a Word document explain the purpose of RAM, Cache, ROM and secondary storage.

    http://www.bbc.co.uk/education/topics/zmpsgk7 http://www.teach-ict.com/gcse_new/gcse_ict_quizzes.htm Input Devices, Output Devices and Types of Software. https://www.whsmith.co.uk/products/new-gcse-computer-science-ocr-revision-guide-for-the-grade-9-1-course/9781782946021

    My memory stick is 500mb, my computer is 250gb and my external harddrive is 1tb. 1) How many times can I copy the memory stick onto the computer 2) How many times can I copy the computer onto the external haddrive.

    Peripheral Capacities Portable Function System


  • Year 7 Term 3 Homework Tasks

    Design and Technology [email protected]

    Students should complete the three tasks listed below in order. The Stretch and Challenge and Numeracy Tasks, as well as books from the Reading List and Spellings are to be completed at the discretion of the class teacher and/or the student.



    Create a poster about the different types of wood we use in DT. Remember to classify them into groups such as softwood, hardwood and manufactured boards.



    Draw a diagram of all the PPE we use in detail. Label them and explain what we use them for.



    Create a poster about the different types of metal we use in DT. Remember to classify them into groups such as ferrous and non ferrous.

    Stretch & Challenge

    Reading List Numeracy

    Task Spellings

    Create a poster about the different types of plastic we use in DT. Remember to classify them into groups such as thermosoftening and thermosetting.

    GCSE Bitesize



    To work out the dimensions of their products. Then to work out the area of the product.

    Ferrous Non-Ferrous Hardwood Softwood

    Manufactured Board

  • Year 7 Term 3 Homework Tasks

    English [email protected]

    Students should complete the three tasks listed below in order. The Stretch and Challenge and Numeracy Tasks, as well as books from the Reading List and Spellings are to be completed at the discretion of the class teacher and/or the student.



    Research and find 10 facts about Robert Louis Stevenson. Present these on a fact sheet. Include information about his background, life and times, and the period in which he wrote the novel ‘Treasure Island’.



    Design a new front cover for “Treasure Island”. Label your front cover explaining why you have selected certain images/words/phrases/fonts/colours.



    Create a mind map for a character of your choice, include important quotations, events, information and images to help you remember.

    Stretch & Challenge

    Reading List Numeracy

    Task Spellings

    Write your own review for the novel. Include information about what you enjoyed most and what you would improve about the novella.

    Moonfleet, by J. Meade Faulkner

    War Horse by Michael Morpurgo

    Northern Lights by Phillip Pullman

    If there are 300 pages in a book and a student has read 75%, how many pages have they read?

    Context Theme

    Character Infer

    Deduce Suggest

  • Year 7 Term 3 Homework Tasks

    Food Technology [email protected]

    Students should complete the three tasks listed below in order. The Stretch and Challenge and Numeracy Tasks, as well as books from the Reading List and Spellings are to be completed at the discretion of the class teacher and/or the student.



    TASK 1—Health and Safety Design a poster of safety and hygiene points to remember in the kitchen.


    2 TASK 2—Research

    A—Produce a display of raw and processed foods from drawings or pictures. Label neatly. B—Make a mood board of pictures of desserts. Label neatly. C—Visit a supermarket or online shop and compare prices of desserts on offer.


    3 TASK 3—Design Ideas & Making

    Design two dessert ideas. Try to be original. Change some ingredients from the original recipes to make it your own. Include the list of ingredients and the method in your design ideas. Cook one of your ideas or make one of your favourites. If possible, take a picture and include this in your homework assignment.

    Stretch & Challenge

    Reading List Numeracy

    Task Spellings

    Design a poster to advise young people to eat five portions of fruits and vegetables each day.

    D&T Food Foundations ISBN 978-1-4085-0814-5



    Weighing of ingredients needed in recipe chosen. Portion control.

    Savoury Ingredients

    Energy Healthy

    Unhealthy Contamination

  • Year 7 Term 3 Homework Tasks

    Geography [email protected]

    Students should complete the three tasks listed below in order. The Stretch and Challenge and Numeracy Tasks, as well as books from the Reading List and Spellings are to be completed at the discretion of the class teacher and/or the student.



    Complete a fact sheet about China. Please include the following: Population, Capital City, Top tourist destinations within China, History



    Find out interesting facts about Chinese new year. In addition to this find out what zodiac sign you are and the animal year you were born in



    Create a model of the Great Wall of China. This model must be in 3d and have key features of the wall itself.

    Stretch & Challenge

    Reading List Numeracy

    Task Spellings

    Write a short report about the One Child Policy.

    China's economy: What everyone needs to know

    Lonely Planet Travel Guide China

    China: A History

    Research China's population from 2010 to present day. Then find the average population over the 6 year period.

    China Zodiac Policy

    Population Average Increase

  • Year 7 Term 3 Homework Tasks

    History [email protected]

    Students should complete the three tasks listed below in order. The Stretch and Challenge and Numeracy Tasks, as well as books from the Reading List and Spellings are to be completed at the discretion of the class teacher and/or the student.



    Explain why people went on "pilgimages" in the Middle Ages.



    Imagine you were on a pilgrimage and it is your turn to tell a story. Tell a short story about life in medieval times.



    Draw and colour a "doom painting" for a medieval church.

    Stretch & Challenge

    Reading List Numeracy

    Task Spellings

    Write a paragraph explaining how Doom Paintings were used by the Priest.

    Medieval Realms SHP

    BBC Bite Size, Medieval

    Any of the Canterbury Tales by Chaucer

    Work out how long it would take for a group of pilgrims to travel from London to Canterbury on a pilgrimage. You should reckon on them covering an average distance of 9 miles each day.

    Pilgrim Canterbury Reliquary Pardoner Heaven Demon

  • Year 7 Term 3 Homework Tasks

    Maths [email protected]

    Students should complete the three tasks listed below in order. The Stretch and Challenge and Numeracy Tasks, as well as books from the Reading List and Spellings are to be completed at the discretion of the class teacher and/or the student.



    Imagine you are going to buy a present for each member of your immediate family (mum, dad, brother/sister). Research what you would buy them and compare the prices from 2-3 different shops.



    Design a scale drawing of your bedroom at home. This should be done using just 2D shapes. Use different shapes to represent different objects in your room.



    Use the television listings from a newspaper or magazine to create a table of the programmes and time on BBC1. This table will need to be from 9.30am to 6.00pm of a day of your choice.

    Stretch & Challenge

    Reading List Numeracy

    Task Spellings

    Explain what skills have been used whilst completing each task. Focus on EMPLOYME!

    Find out what Pythagoras introduced to the world. Who was Pythagoras? What was his job?

    Complete an hour a week on the Pixl maths app. Concentrate on arithmetic!

    Reflecting, recognise,

    symmetry, parallel, equivalent, coordinates

  • Year 7 Term 3 Homework Tasks

    Music [email protected]

    Students should complete the three tasks listed below in order. The Stretch and Challenge and Numeracy Tasks, as well as books from the Reading List and Spellings are to be completed at the discretion of the class teacher and/or the student.



    Create a poster featuring at least 3 traditional musical instruments from China. Include a picture and a brief description of each instrument



    Rehearse your part in preparation for your final performance. You can rehearse in the Music department on Monday, Tuesday and Friday break times, lunchtimes and after school.



    Complete the written evaluation sheet you have been given and complete it using full sentences and include key words that you have been learning in music this term.

    Stretch & Challenge

    Reading List Numeracy

    Task Spellings

    Attend 'Band Night' on a Monday 3-4pm in order to improve your basic skills on a chosen instrument.



    Read an article about your favourite band or artist

    Add together: 1 crotchet + 1 minim + 1 semi-quaver + 1 quaver =

    Ostinato Rhythm Melody

    Accompaniment Texture Drone

  • Year 7 Term 3 Homework Tasks

    PE [email protected]

    Students should complete the three tasks listed below in order. The Stretch and Challenge and Numeracy Tasks, as well as books from the Reading List and Spellings are to be completed at the discretion of the class teacher and/or the student.



    Attend a Basketball Training session



    Attend a Rugby or Football Training session



    Attend a Parkour Training session

    Stretch & Challenge

    Reading List Numeracy

    Task Spellings

    Want to take your skills further? Go to training sessions regularly and represent the Academy by competing against another school!

    http://www.seeker.com/parkour-for-beginners-5-moves-you-can-master-quickly-1765401410.html http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/rugby_union/skills/4198382.stm http://www.experttabletennis.com/basic-table-tennis-strokes/

    Add together the number of points for a try in rugby union to the number of points needed to win a game in badminton and divide by the number of periods in a basketball game.

    Player Position

    Teamwork League Healthy Lifestyle

  • Year 7 Term 3 Homework Tasks

    Performing Arts (Dance) [email protected]

    Students should complete the three tasks listed below in order. The Stretch and Challenge and Numeracy Tasks, as well as books from the Reading List and Spellings are to be completed at the discretion of the class teacher and/or the student.



    Rehearse your baseball dance at home or in the dance studio during lunch, so that you know what you are doing in your group. Ask parents/carers or teacher to sign your planner next to where you have written your homework to confirm you have completed this task.



    Create a dance poster based on the High School Musical Baseball Dance incorporating at least three of the following key terminology: Canon, Group Formation, Fragmentation, Levels, Choreography, Unison



    Complete the written evaluation sheet you have been given and complete it using full sentences and include key words that you have been learning in dance this term.

    Stretch & Challenge

    Reading List Numeracy

    Task Spellings

    Attend a dance , drama or music club, through

    school or at an out of school club.

    Look up any of your favourite celebrities that have been in 'Strictly Come Dancing' and read about their experience. Watch the new 'Dance, Dance, Dance' TV programme and discuss with your friends/family the difficulty of the technical moves based on your own experience in dance. Any newspaperor magazine article relating to dance.

    When purchasing costumes for your group, a T-shirt costs £3.50 and trousers cost £2.99. How much money will you need to buy the whole group a costume?

    Canon Unison Fragmentation Choreography Levels Performance

  • Year 7 Term 3 Homework Tasks

    PSHE [email protected]

    Students should complete the three tasks listed below in order. The Stretch and Challenge and Numeracy Tasks, as well as books from the Reading List and Spellings are to be completed at the discretion of the class teacher and/or the student.



    You will probably know how much the latest trainers or console game costs, but do you know the price of every day items? Complete the worksheet.



    Take the money quiz provided on the worksheet by your class teacher. You need to read each question carefully and give an honest answer - circle a, b, c or d. We will analyse your answers in class!



    Literacy homework: complete the wordsearch on target setting and careers. There will be a spelling tests on this in your next lesson.

    Stretch & Challenge

    Reading List Numeracy

    Task Spellings

    Want a real insight into a career? Why not speak to a family member, friend of the family or teacher about doing some voluntary work with them to find out what the 'real world' is really like?!




    In the first year of your job you earn £900 per month. In the next year you get a pay rise of £150 per month. How much do you earn in total over the 2 years?

    Career Finance Budget Employment Money Savings

  • Year 7 Term 3 Homework Tasks

    RE [email protected]

    Students should complete the three tasks listed below in order. The Stretch and Challenge and Numeracy Tasks, as well as books from the Reading List and Spellings are to be completed at the discretion of the class teacher and/or the student.



    Think of a special moment that you would like to happen in your life. Explain why it would be special? Is it realistic? What would you need to achieve this special moment?



    Using a map of the world find out where people come from to do their Hajj.



    Create a leaflet/poster about the different stages of Hajj

    Stretch & Challenge

    Reading List Numeracy

    Task Spellings

    Research the History of Hajj and why each stage in Hajj is carried out. What does it signify? Is there a story behind each stage?

    Tell Me About Hajj: Islamic Children's Books on the Quran, the Hadith and the Prophet Muhammad

    The Hajj: The Muslim Pilgrimage to Mecca and the Holy Places

    Hajj and Ummrah guide

    Using the map from task 2 find out how many people go to Hajj from each country

    Hajj Pilgrimage Muslims Ummah Makkah Sacrifice

  • Year 7 Term 3 Homework Tasks

    Science [email protected]

    Students should complete the three tasks listed below in order. The Stretch and Challenge and Numeracy Tasks, as well as books from the Reading List and Spellings are to be completed at the discretion of the class teacher and/or the student.



    Create 3 Facebook profile pages. One for atoms, one for elements and one for compounds Include: Name, examples, properties and experience.



    Take a photograph or find an image that relates to the muscular & skeletal systems. Annotate ( add labels) to the image using scientific knowledge.



    Produce a piece of artwork, or a 3D model, to demonstrate your understanding of our topic Space

    Stretch & Challenge

    Reading List Numeracy

    Task Spellings

    Make a crossword using only key terms linked to Atoms, elements and compounds. Don’t forget to write 12 detailed clues!

    Space A Children's Encyclopedia by DK

    Mighty Muscular-Skeletal System by John Burstein

    Molecules The Elements and the Architecture of Everything by Theodore Gray

    Choose a Maths topic and show how it can be used in science

    Compound Galaxy

    Atmosphere Muscles Skeleton
