TERM 2, WEEK 8 June 18 2020 NEWSLETTER€¦ · TERM 2, WEEK 8 Wilberforce Public School June 18...

TERM 2, WEEK 8 Wilberforce Public School June 18 2020 NEWSLETTER Macquarie Road, Wilberforce NSW 2756 Phone: 4575 1424 Fax: 4575 1096 Email: [email protected] Webpage: www.wilberforc-p.schools.nsw.edu.au PRINCIPAL’S REPORT School Operations Update Late last week, schools were provided with updated advice about various aspects of operation. Although some of the current restrictions in place within schools will soon be relaxed, at Wilberforce Public School we will maintain most of our current practices until the end of term. In Term 3, we will be able to slowly re-introduce some extracurricular activity such as Gymnastics and certain other incursions. We have been highly successful in our implementation of safety protocols. Students will still wash their hands regularly with soap and water and the Department of Education’s enhanced cleaning program is being maintained; we have a new cleaner Rose who is on site 4 hours during the day to clean. Thank you to our parents/carers and community members, who have adapted well to new drop off and pick up routines. We have been advised that the current drop off and pick up procedures will continue into Term 3 and that parents and visitors will still have restricted access to the site. Assemblies will be held online for the remainder of this term. We will be trialling a parent login this week for the assembly. Please check your child’s classroom Dojo account for the invitation of how to log in to ZOOM. We encourage only parents of those students receiving awards to log on. We intend to start handing out bronze, silver and gold awards at next week’s mid-morning assemblies. If you would prefer your child to receive their awards when normal whole school assemblies return, then please keep your child’s bronze, silver and gold awards at home. Activities that can recommence from this week School assemblies - as these are still limited to 15 minutes and no external visitors, we will continue with our ZOOM assemblies until the end of term and wait for further advice from the department. Choirs and recorder group practice will return this week, with safety protocols in place. Life Education will go ahead next week. Activities/site usage that can take place from beginning of Term 3 All school sport and activities (including those activities run by external organisations i.e Gymnastics). The Zone, Regional and State carnivals have been cancelled. However, we will be organising school based 22 June – 30 June – Life Education 3 July – Last day of Term 2 20 July – Staff Development Day – No Students 21 July – Students Return for Term 3 22 July – Gymnastics Begins IMPORTANT DATES

Transcript of TERM 2, WEEK 8 June 18 2020 NEWSLETTER€¦ · TERM 2, WEEK 8 Wilberforce Public School June 18...

Page 1: TERM 2, WEEK 8 June 18 2020 NEWSLETTER€¦ · TERM 2, WEEK 8 Wilberforce Public School June 18 2020 NEWSLETTER Macquarie Road, Wilberforce NSW 2756 Phone: 4575 1424 Fax: 4575 1096

TE RM 2, WEEK 8 Wilberforce Public School June 18 2020

NEWSLETTER Macquarie Road, Wilberforce NSW 2756 Phone: 4575 1424 Fax: 4575 1096

Email: [email protected] Webpage: www.wilberforc-p.schools.nsw.edu.au


School Operations Update

Late last week, schools were provided with updated advice about various aspects of operation. Although some of the current restrictions in place within schools will soon be relaxed, at Wilberforce Public School we will maintain most of our current practices until the end of term. In Term 3, we will be able to slowly re-introduce some extracurricular activity such as Gymnastics and certain other incursions. We have been highly successful in our implementation of safety protocols. Students will still wash their hands regularly with soap and water and the Department of Education’s enhanced cleaning program is being maintained; we have a new cleaner Rose who is on site 4 hours during the day to clean.

Thank you to our parents/carers and community members, who have adapted well to new drop off and pick up routines. We have been advised

that the current drop off and pick up procedures will continue into Term 3 and that parents and visitors will still have restricted access to the site.

Assemblies will be held online for the remainder of this term. We will be trialling a parent login this week for the assembly. Please check your child’s classroom Dojo account for the invitation of how to log in to ZOOM. We encourage only parents of those students receiving awards to log on. We intend to start handing out bronze, silver and gold awards at next week’s mid-morning assemblies. If you would prefer your child to receive their awards when normal whole school assemblies return, then please keep your child’s bronze, silver and gold awards at home.

Activities that can recommence from this week

• School assemblies - as these are still limited to 15 minutes and no external visitors, we will continue with our ZOOM assemblies until the end of term and wait for further advice from the department.

• Choirs and recorder group practice will return this week, with safety protocols in place. • Life Education will go ahead next week.

Activities/site usage that can take place from beginning of Term 3

• All school sport and activities (including those activities run by external organisations i.e Gymnastics). The Zone, Regional and State carnivals have been cancelled. However, we will be organising school based

• 22 June – 30 June – Life Education

• 3 July – Last day of Term 2

• 20 July – Staff Development Day – No Students

• 21 July – Students Return for Term 3

• 22 July – Gymnastics Begins


Page 2: TERM 2, WEEK 8 June 18 2020 NEWSLETTER€¦ · TERM 2, WEEK 8 Wilberforce Public School June 18 2020 NEWSLETTER Macquarie Road, Wilberforce NSW 2756 Phone: 4575 1424 Fax: 4575 1096

Cross Country and Athletics Carnivals for Term 3. More information will follow in the week 10 newsletter regarding these events.

• BandCrafted will return from next term. All students who are in the program have credit for the first 4 weeks. Invoices will be sent out early next term if you wish to continue the program after Week 4.

• Inter-school student events and competitions (choirs, sport, debating, public speaking, performing arts). • SRE/SEE lessons. • Parent/Teacher meetings, which will be over the phone. Further information will be provided in the next

newsletter. • Community use activities involving general adult attendance.

More information can be found here: https://education.nsw.gov.au/covid-19/advice-for-families

Kindy and Stage 1 Readers

Last year we changed our Kindy and Stage 1 readers to increase the number of books students have access to at home. Mya and Blake from 2C are our first 2 students to read 100 home readers this year. Congratulations to these two students and hopefully there will be many more to come.

Reports & Interviews

Student reports will be issued on the final day of term, Friday 3 July. Reports will contain brief commentary about areas of achievement in Literacy and Numeracy and areas for growth, with comments outlining learning in the other Key Learning Areas. Semester 2 reports will revert to the usual style where grades are allocated for students. More information will be distributed next week about parent/teacher/student interviews.

Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD)

Every year, all schools in Australia participate in the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD). The NCCD process requires schools to identify information already available in the school about supports provided to students with disability. These relate to legislative requirements under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 and the Disability Standards for Education 2005, in line with the NCCD guidelines (2019).

Information provided about students to the Australian Government for the NCCD includes:

• year of schooling. • category of disability: physical, cognitive, sensory or social/emotional. • level of adjustment provided: support provided within quality differentiated teaching practice,

supplementary, substantial or extensive.

This information assists schools to:

• formally recognise the supports and adjustments provided to students with disability in schools. • consider how they can strengthen the support of students with disability in schools. • develop shared practices so that they can review their learning programs in order to improve educational

outcomes for students with disability.

The NCCD provides state and federal governments with the information they need to plan more broadly for the support of students with disability.

The NCCD will have no direct impact on your child and your child will not be involved in any testing process. The school will provide data to the Australian Government in such a way that no individual student will be able to be identified – the privacy and confidentiality of all students is ensured. All information is protected by privacy laws that regulate the collection, storage and disclosure of personal information.

Further information about the NCCD can be found on the NCCD Portal. If you have any questions about the NCCD, please contact Mrs Ruzgas or Mr Wilkins.

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Parents Please Keep a Distance

Parents and carers are reminded to keep a safe distance from one another at drop off and pick up times. We also kindly request that as soon as parents or carers have picked up students, that they leave immediately and do not linger having conversations.

Important Health Alert

If your child develops any of the following illnesses: measles, chickenpox, whooping cough or influenza we ask that you please:

• Do not send them to school. • Notify the School Principal as soon as possible. • Take them to your GP or medical centre to confirm the diagnosis.

Thank you

Graham Wilkins


CLASS FOCUS 2C We are glad to be back at school and working together. One of our busiest and most important lessons is reading groups which we do at the beginning of the school day. In our photos you can see us involved in action packed work:

• Read to self.

• Read to someone, knee to knee, elbow to elbow.

• Listen to reading using Sunshine Classics.

• Word work using Sound Waves.

• Work on writing.

• Guided reading with the teacher.

We are practising at home with our home readers and in the classroom. We know that the best way to improve in reading is to read!

• For the outstanding efforts of all the staff and students to readjust to face to face teaching and learning. • To all the parents who have assisted in the canteen already this term. • To Ms Tierney for organising Life Education and Gymnastics at very short notice.

Page 4: TERM 2, WEEK 8 June 18 2020 NEWSLETTER€¦ · TERM 2, WEEK 8 Wilberforce Public School June 18 2020 NEWSLETTER Macquarie Road, Wilberforce NSW 2756 Phone: 4575 1424 Fax: 4575 1096


Payments/Excursions Cancelled

Families that paid for either the Rouse Hill House & Farm excursion or the Royal Easter Show excursion have had their funds credited back to their family account. A credit slip has been sent home today with the youngest child showing your available credit amount. If you paid for the Basketball Gala Day, at this stage this has not been refunded, with the hope something will go ahead later in the year.

Chess Club

A weekly Chess Club is held at lunchtime every Friday and all students in Years 2-6 are able to participate. So far students have only learnt basic moves, but we will be looking to start some competitions up later in the year.

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New Playground Equipment

We have purchased new playzone equipment for students to use during lunchtime. We have also purchased a large chess set and a table tennis table which is proving to be very popular with students.

Lost Property – Has Moved

We have found a new home for the hundreds of dollars’ worth of lost property. It will be located behind the bubblers outside the hall.

Did you know that:

• Items which are NAMED have a 90%+ chance of being returned to the rightful owner.

• Items which are NOT NAMED have a 0% chance of being returned to their rightful owner.

New Recycling

We have introduced new colour coded recycling bins to assist students in recycling. By turning bottles, packaging and other plastic refuse into new goods, recycling helps the environment and creates new economic opportunities. Plastics recycling keeps still-useful materials out of landfills and encourages businesses to develop new and innovative products made from them. Recycling aluminium cans saves a considerable amount of energy, it also reduces carbon dioxide emissions and the amount of waste headed into landfills. Collecting your cans for recycling is an important step you can take to help the environment. The school uses the collection money to improve the gardens. – Lachlan S

Containers and Shed

We are currently looking to build a shed to store school maintenance equipment and the larger items of sporting equipment. As a result, the three 20ft containers on the back field will need to be removed. If you are interested in purchasing a container, please email the school at [email protected] with an offer per container by Friday 26th of June. One of the containers will stay on site until the shed is complete. It will need to be moved to the carpark before being picked up. If you have the capacity to do this, please include it in the email as it will be considered as part of your offer. There are 3 containers (a), (b) and (c). (a), the one closest to the carpark, is of better quality and pretty close to watertight, than (b) closest to the netball court and (c) nearest the fence. If you are interested in purchasing a container you will also need to organise, and cover the cost, for its removal at a time which suits the school. Please feel free to examine the external aspects of the container.

Mobile Phone Reminder

Students are reminded to follow the school policy and procedures in regards to bringing mobile phones to school. Students who bring a mobile phone to school need to hand the phone to the office as soon as they arrive at school. The phone is to be collected as the student leaves the school in the afternoon. The school will accept no responsibility for lost, stolen or damaged mobile phones or for costs incurred while the phone is on school premises. Thank you to those students who have been following the procedures in place.

NOTES Home NOTES Due Life Education TOMORROW Friday 19 June Gymnastics Friday 3 July ICAS UNSW Competitions (Year 2-6) Friday 3 July - Due online

Page 6: TERM 2, WEEK 8 June 18 2020 NEWSLETTER€¦ · TERM 2, WEEK 8 Wilberforce Public School June 18 2020 NEWSLETTER Macquarie Road, Wilberforce NSW 2756 Phone: 4575 1424 Fax: 4575 1096

7C @ Hawkesbury High School 7C is an extension class based on the 6Cs, which are the future - focused skills of:

• Communication (listening and sharing ideas clearly and concisely)

• Collaboration (working with others)

• Creativity (expressing, thinking and doing things in new ways)

• Critical thinking (problem solving)

• Citizenship (becoming more globally aware and proactive in the community)

• Character (being a responsible and caring individual)

Future -focused learning prepares students across all curriculum areas and learning stages with the skills and capabilities to thrive in a rapidly changing and interconnected world.

Students will collaborate and use creative and critical thinking to solve complex problems and become mindful global citizens.

Students will be offered a differentiated and integrated curriculum that incorporates Inquiry Based Learning and enrichment options to best meet the needs of motivated students and independent learners.

Our aim is to:

• Provide learning activities that facilitate the development of the 6Cs within our students.

• Develop transferable skills in addition to content knowledge.

• Integrate Inquiry Based (Project Based) activities and authentic assessment which has real world application.

• Increase engagement with the learning process.

Future - focused learning environments inspire students to be leaders of their own learning. Student led conferences, a 7C class review at the end of Semester One and ongoing feedback and evaluation between teachers and students will be utilised to monitor student participation and performance in the class.

The application process for the 7C class will consist of the following:

Submission of the 7C Class Application Form - which includes a supporting statement written by the student.

Portfolio of work samples that demonstrate the student’s willingness and ability to be an independent learner and use of the 6C skills.

Application forms will be issued to Year 6 students in September and applications will close mid November 2020. Successful candidates will be notified of placement in the 7C class at Orientation Day 2020 (exact dates will be on the application form).

Please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Shortland on 4579 6800 should you have any questions or require further information about the 7C Class.

Page 7: TERM 2, WEEK 8 June 18 2020 NEWSLETTER€¦ · TERM 2, WEEK 8 Wilberforce Public School June 18 2020 NEWSLETTER Macquarie Road, Wilberforce NSW 2756 Phone: 4575 1424 Fax: 4575 1096

Sound Waves

Week 9

Term 2

Graphemes: Graphemes: Extra Focus Concepts:

oa o_e o ow o

Patterns: old, one, ope, ose, oke , oat,oad low

toe, although


goes though

Focus Concepts: Adding ed, Adding ing, Adding s or es, Adding s or es to words ending in o

Week 10

Term 2

Graphemes: Graphemes: Extra Focus Concepts:

p pp & r rr wr

Blends: pl, pr, sp, pt Patterns: ept spl, spr; thr, spl, spr, scr, str, shr

separately; rhapsody

Adding ed, Adding ing Suffixes: ary, ery, ory Correct word usage/ Vocabulary, Homophones: practice/ practise, principal/principle,

LIBRARY Premier’s Reading Challenge 2020

IMPORTANT: Changes to the Premier’s Reading Challenge for 2020

All students participating in the Challenge for 2020 are able to read 10 choice books (an increase from 5). To add those extra choice books, add PRC item numbers 685957, 685958, 685959, 685960, 685961.

In an approved series on the PRC booklist, students can read 3 books as PRC books. You can read up to another 10 books from the same series as Personal Choice books. 5 of those Personal Choice books will be standard, normal choice books (the same as you have added in past years) and the other 5 will be added as bonus choice books for 2020 (using the ID numbers as listed above). Please visit the link below for more information.

Click here to view more about the "How do I add bonus choice books for 2020”

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PLEASE NOTE: The Canteen may be CLOSED on Friday 26th June if there are no volunteers that can help out on this day.

Monday Wednesday Friday 15 June 17 June 19 June

Rebecca Stephen Emily Read

Lorelle Turner Lisa Turner

Melissa Williams Stephanie Welsh

Monday Wednesday 22 June 24 June 26 June

Rebecca Stephen Emily Read

Alana Hills Bree Mills