Term 1, No 4 Friday, 23rd October 2015 The Parkland...

Term 1, No 4 Friday, 23rd October 2015 The Parkland Press! Parkland Junior School Newsletter Also available online at: www.parklandjunior.co.uk Dear Parents/Carers, Well it is hard to believe that Term 1 has already been and gone - and what a great term it has been! We have had: A fantastic Harvest production by Year 3; Trips out to Safety In Action (Y6), Newhaven Fort (Y6); A Workhouse Day (Y5) and a Viking Feast (Y4); Bikeability; Swimming Lessons (Y5) Parent Council Meeting; School Council Meeting and elections; Introducing ‘Life After Levels’; Planning for our incredible Firework evening is underway too – we look forward to seeing you there! I would particularly like to thank the Year 3 teams for an enjoyable Harvest Assembly. All the children should be incredibly proud of their achievements - I know I am! Well done each and every one of you! Thank you too, to friends and families for sending in food contributions that can be distributed throughout our community. Everyone at Parkland, staff, pupils and parents, have worked incredibly hard this term to make it a success and as enjoyable as it has been. I would like to thank you all for your on-going commitment to making Parkland the fantastic school that it is. However, without your children, their enthusiasm and dedication to learning, none of it would be worthwhile, so an extra special thank you and well done to them!

Transcript of Term 1, No 4 Friday, 23rd October 2015 The Parkland...

Term 1, No 4 Friday, 23rd October 2015

The Parkland

Press! Parkland Junior School Newsletter

Also available online at: www.parklandjunior.co.uk

Dear Parents/Carers, Well it is hard to believe that Term 1 has already been and gone - and what a great term it has been! We have had: A fantastic Harvest production by Year 3; Trips out to Safety In Action (Y6), Newhaven Fort (Y6); A Workhouse Day (Y5) and a Viking Feast (Y4); Bikeability; Swimming Lessons (Y5) Parent Council Meeting; School Council Meeting and elections; Introducing ‘Life After Levels’; Planning for our incredible Firework evening is underway too – we look forward to seeing you

there! I would particularly like to thank the Year 3 teams for an enjoyable Harvest Assembly. All the children should be incredibly proud of their achievements - I know I am! Well done each and every one of you! Thank you too, to friends and families for sending in food contributions that can be distributed throughout our community. Everyone at Parkland, staff, pupils and parents, have worked incredibly hard this term to make it a success and as enjoyable as it has been. I would like to thank you all for your on-going commitment to making Parkland the fantastic school that it is. However, without your children, their enthusiasm and dedication to learning, none of it would be worthwhile, so an extra special thank you and well done to them!

Next term will be just as action packed. Our fantastic FOPs are already planning for several events to help raise money for our school. More information to follow about these exciting activities. Teaching staff are working incredibly hard to ensure that the curriculum continues to be an exciting adventure for the children, whilst focusing closely on the key skills and ensuring all children are working at their true potential. I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a relaxing and enjoyable half term break and I look forward to seeing you all back here again on Monday, 2

nd November at 8:40am.

Vicki Wilson Head of School


The parent council has already met this term. We have a selection of parents from across both schools. However, we do not have a representative from Year 6. If you are interested, please let Miss Wilson know.

Remember, if you, as parents of children at The Parkland Federation, have any ideas or suggestions on how to improve aspects of either school, please let any Parent Council Representatives know. Thank you!


As requested by the Parent Council, a yearly calendar is now on the School’s Website for you to look at and be able to make arrangements for in advance. Please just be aware that it is open to change and updating at regular intervals.


Just to let you know that a letter was emailed out on Tuesday, 20

th October about this. Please ensure that you have read it and

contact the school if you have any questions. Thank you!


If you are tying your dog to the school railings, please can you do this away

from the school gate entrance. Thank you.

REMINDERS Please remember to check your child’s bag for letters as we are aware that many letters do not reach their intended destination, thank you! As a result, we are going to start sending home as many letters, including our fortnightly newsletter, by email. Please contact the school office if this causes a problem for you so we can make alternative arrangements. Please remember to ring the School Office every day that your child is absent from school. We have already started to accumulate a collection of sweatshirts, fleeces and other items of school uniform. PLEASE ensure that all items of clothing are clearly named so that we can return them to their rightful owner as soon as possible. Thank you! Please check the lost property bin, in the school hall, if your child is missing anything.

SCHOOL PHOTOGRAPHS We have booked the school photographer for Monday, 2nd November to come

and take photos of the children, including photos with their siblings at Parkland Junior School. Please ensure your children are in the correct school uniform, with sweatshirts/fleeces, hair brushed and their brightest smile practised to perfection! Family groups will start from 8.15am, so please arrive early for this. The Infants will have their photos taken on 3rd November.


I am pleased to let you know that following the book sale this week, we raised £72.66. A big thank you to everyone who supported this event.


We will soon have poppies on sale at the school and ask for a minimum donation of 20p. The money raised will go to the Poppy Appeal set up by the Royal British Legion to raise money for people whose lives have been affected by war. We welcome your support.


I started Parkland Junior School in 1998. I was a very timid child but I was soon made to feel welcome. The school was a very happy place to be and there was always lots going on. I remember going on school trips to various places, such as Newhaven Fort and Blackland Farm. Whilst at Blackland Farm I went swimming, rock climbing and played the marshmallow game called 'Chubby Bunnies', a game I shall never forget!!! Parkland school really helped me to prepare for Secondary School. I have gone on to do the job of my choice – thanks to the confidence that Parkland gave me! I still have a connection with Parkland School and hear many good tales. I will be marrying Mrs Smith's son in December this year!! Kristie Warren. (I am in the second row with the hairband!) I spotted you too

Mrs Dunn!


There are also exciting opportunities for parents and carers in East Sussex. There are meetings in November for you to find out about School Centred Initial Teacher Training (SCITT) options in primary schools in the forthcoming months. It will be an opportunity to meet tutors and staff to discuss applying to the programme, find out all about the programme content and structure and if it is for you. There is support for trainees and schools during the year, with funding and placement options. To find out more, please call in to the School Office to pick up a leaflet and additional information.


Just to remind you that Parent Consultation Evenings are on the 11th and the 18th November this year. This will be an opportunity for you to come and look through your child’s work and speak to their class teacher. Access will be via the playground doors. Your children’s work will be in the school hall and then you can go and meet their teacher, in their classrooms at

the allotted time. You should receive confirmation of your appointment time on Friday 6th November. If you were not able to come in and sign up for an appointment this week, a time will be offered to you. Also available during the evenings: · There will also be members of the FOPs team available to talk to you about

you supporting their valuable work, in whatever way you are able to offer; · Members of the Governing Body will also be available to talk to you about any

issues you may want to discuss about the school; · Finally, members of the office team will also be available to help you sign up

for Parent Pay.


Please can we ask that if you arrive early at the Parkfield Avenue entrance, between 8.30am and 8.35am, that you use the driveway to walk up to the Junior School Playground. Breakfast Club have a football match underway until 8.35am, and we wish to avoid young children/toddlers and adults being hit by the football. Please can you relay this information to your children if they attend school unaccompanied. This is also relevant for parents/carers collecting from After School Club, as children attending also use the playground for football activities. Many thanks

School Gates Lock Down Times

The school gates are now locked for your children’s safety between the

following times:

8:30 - 9:10am 12:00 - 1:15pm 2:50 - 3:30pm

Parking Outside the School Gates

Any drivers who continue to park irresponsibly will have their number

plates handed over to the police so that further action can be taken.


Please be aware that if you are visiting the school during the school day, please

use the front entrance in Brassey Avenue to gain access to the school rather than

the back entrance in Parkfield Avenue. This will support the safeguarding of your


Parking outside of the school gates, both before and after school, continues to be an issue. Please ensure that you park in the appropriate places and that you show consideration for one another and other members of the community. Do NOT block residents’ driveways, Firwood House car park or park on double yellow lines. They are there for a reason. I am sure that no-one would want to be responsible for stopping an ambulance getting to its destination or a child being knocked over as the road is too over-crowded. Let’s make sure that we respond to these totally acceptable requests, rather than responding to a child being badly hurt or worse - it could be your child!


Elections for our School Council Representatives have taken place and the following children have been nominated, by their peers:

Bethany, Ruby (Chair), Jessica, Lewis, Alex, Kieran (Vice Chair), Lucy (Secretary),

Daniel, Rhys, Lauren, Charlie, Bethany, Liam, Lacey, Cara and Ewan.

Congratulations to our Star Attenders:

Week Commencing: 05.10.15

98.3% - Almond Class

Week Commencing: 12.10.15

99.7% - Dahl Class

Well done everyone - keep up the attendance for Term 2


- 5th November 2015

We look forward to seeing you all at the FOPS Firework Night on Thursday 5th November! Make sure you buy your tickets soon as the event is proving to be extremely popular! Please call into the school reception to collect a form from the carousel.

Please note that no sparklers will be allowed at the firework display, so

please leave them at home for everyone’s safety. Drinks, sweets and

glowsticks will be on sale, with doors opening at 5pm. There will be no

outside caterers at the event.

CHILDREN IN NEED This year, Children In Need is on Friday 13

th November.

We will once again be raising funds for this very worthwhile charity. Children can wear mufti and bring in their lose change to throw in Pudsey’s nappy. A letter will go out in the first week of Term 2 confirming all details. If you have any other exciting ideas, please let us know!


These children were invited to ‘Afternoon Tea’ with Miss Wilson! Congratulations to you all!

3 Dahl – Zak

3 Ahlberg – Kieran 4 Rosen – Curtis 4 Norton – Chloe

5KS – Leo 5L – Keeley

6A – Bethany 6P - Kaicea


Please note that as from Term 2, baguettes will no longer be on the school menu. Please inform your child accordingly.

SHINEWATER SCHOOL FIRE FUND Shinewater school are running a roller disco on Friday 30th October to raise funds for the school following the tragic fire. All proceeds to the fund go to Shinewater School Fire Fund. This will be held at Shinewater Sports Hall on Friday 30th October, from 6pm—10pm. Suggested donation is £4. Skate hire is available.

Please support this very worthwhile cause. Thank you!





Calendar for October and November 2015

October 2015

November 2015

Other Significant Dates for 2015:

Half Term Break: 26th October - 30th October 2015

Start of Term 2: 2nd November 2015

Santa’s Grotto: 17th December 2015

Easter Fair: 19th March 2016

Year 6 Taster Day 5th July 2016

Summer Fun Day: 21st July 2016

If you need to know school term dates further in advance then please visit the East Sussex County Council website,










28th 29th 30th







START OF TERM 2 School Photographer

(Juniors) @ 8:15 - family photos Swimming 5 King-Smith

13:15 - 14:15


School Photographer (Infants)

Session 4 - Parent Gym @ 9:00 - Cuckoo Cottage

4th 5th


Doors open @ 17:00 Display @ 18:00


9th Swimming 5 King-Smith

13:15 - 14:15

Governors’ Policy Review Group meeting @ 15:15 - Juniors

Governors’ FGB @ 16:15 - Juniors

10th Session 5 - Parent Gym @

9:00 - Cuckoo Cottage


Parents’ evenings @ 15:30—18:30


Blackland Farm meeting for parents/carers @ 18:00



Swimming 5 Lewis 13:15 - 14:15


Session 6 - Parent Gym @ 9:00 - Cuckoo Cottage


Parents’ evenings @ 15:30—18:30

19th 20th


Swimming 5 Lewis 13:15 - 14:15

24th 25th

Parent Council Meeting: 13:45 - 15:00 - Family Room

26th 27th


Swimming 5 Lewis 13:15 - 14:15