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Transcript of tenses.rtf

  • 8/2/2019 tenses.rtf


    I. Put the verbs into the correct tense (Present Perfect Simple or Present Perfect Progressive)

    1. I (play) football for five years.2. My team (win / only) two matches so far.3. The others (be / always) better.4. Are we not there yet? We (walk) for hours.5. But we (cover / only) an area of five miles so far.6. I (finish/just) my homework.7. I (work) on this essay since two o'clock.8. Jane (go out) with Bob for seven years.9. Martin (date) three girls this week.10. How long (wait / you) for us?

    II. Put the verbs into the correct tense (Present Perfect Simple or Present Perfect Progressive)1. I'm very hungry. I______________________ all day.

    a) didn't eatb) haven't atec) havent eatend) have been eating

    2. Their new kitchen looks fantastic. They ________ completely ________ it.

    a) have been redecoratingb) have redecoratedc) already redecoratedd) didn't redecorated

    3. Our kitchens a mess. We____________________ any cleaning for weeks.a) didn't dob) haven't been doingc) have doned) haven't done

    4. We've discovered this great caf and we__________________ there a lot.a) have been goingb) have gonec) are going

    d) have went5. How's your Mum? I ______________________ her for ages.

    a) had seenb) haven't seenc) haven't been seeingd) didn't see

    6. You're covered in paint! What __________ you __________?a) have doneb) were doingc) did dod) have been doing

    7. Shes gone to the doctor's. She ______________________ too well lately.a) hasn't felt

    b) hasn't been feelingc) has feltd) doesn't feel

    8. Where have you been? I______________________ for ages.a) have waitedb) waitedc) was waitingd) have been waiting

    11. I have to write an essay. I___________________ about half of it so far.a) have written

  • 8/2/2019 tenses.rtf


    b) have been writingc) wroted) have to write

    III. Put the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple or Present Perfect.A: I (meet) . my old friend Jully yesterday.B: Oh, really. You ever (visit) her?

    A: Yes, I (visit) . her last year in her home town.B: She ever (be) to your house?

    A: Yes, she (be) . here last summer. I (take) . her to see our places ofinterest. But she (not have) . much time.B: And where she (stay)?

    A: She (stay) . at a hotel near the city.B: She ever (see) your husband? .

    A: She (not meet) . him yet but they (already speak) .. on the phone.

    IV. Put the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple or Past Continuous.We (go) . to Sues party last Friday. When we (get) . her house we (hear). loud music. We (enter) . and we (see) . that there (be). a lot of people in Sues hall. Some of them (dance) . and some (watch)

    . video clips on Sues huge TV. We (not like) . the music so we (find). a place to sit. Sue (want) . to make the party in their garden but it (rain). so we (stay) . inside. While everybody (drink and sing) we (give) . Sue a present. She (be) . verysurprised to see the new CD of her favourite band.

    V. Present Continuous / Present Perfect ContinuousUsing the words in parentheses, complete the text below with the appropriate tenses, then click the"Check" button to check your answers.1. It (rain) all week. I hope it stops by Saturday because I want to go to the beach.

    2. Sid: Where is Gary?Sarah: He (study, at the library) for his German test on Wednesday. In fact, he (review) for the test

    every day for the last week.

    3. You look really great! (You, exercise) at the fitness center ?

    4. Frank, where have you been? We (wait) for you since 1 PM.

    5. Tim: What is that sound?Nancy: A car alarm (ring) somewhere down the street. It (drive) me crazy - I wish it would stop! It(ring) for more than twenty minutes.

    6. Joseph's English (improve, really) , isn't it? He (watch) American television programs and (study)his grammar every day since he first arrived in San Diego. Soon he will be totally fluent.

    7. Dan: You look a little tired. (You, get) enough sleep lately?Michelle: Yes, I (sleep) relatively well. I just look tired because I (feel) a little sick for the last week.Dan: I hope you feel better soon.Michelle: Thanks. I (take, currently) some medicine, so I should feel better in a couple of days.