Ten Trends 2013 presentation



CORE Eduation's Ten Trends in education for 2013

Transcript of Ten Trends 2013 presentation

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Follow the link to access the info-graphic of CORE’s ten trends over the past 7 years:http://infogr.am/CORETENTRENDS-415

Monitoring our trends over time

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How the trends are organised…Explanation A brief statement describing what the trend is


Drivers Examples of the key innovations that are creating change and driving this trend:• Social• Technological• Educational.

Impact Examples of the current experience of teachers and learners that illustrate the impact of this trend on teaching and learning.

Implications Suggestions of where this trend may be taking us, and the future possibilities for our work as educators.

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There is a growing awareness that one-size-fits-all approaches to school knowledge and organisation are ill-adapted both to individuals’ needs and to the knowledge society at large.

Personalisation: Explanation

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Personalisation: Drivers

Social•Rise of the free-agent learnerTechnological•Adaptive and assistive technologiesEducational•Adaptive learning•Individualised education plans (IEPs)•Student initiated learning and pathways

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Personalisation: Impact

•ePortfolios•BYOD (device)•BYOD (data)•Personalisation and adaptive learning at a large scale•Personalised ways of interacting with devices: text2speech, gestures etc.

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Personalisation: Examples

Flipped Classroom and MOOCs•http://www.hackeducation.com/2012/11/28/top-ed-tech-trends-of-2012-flipped-classroom/•http://mfeldstein.com/moocs-the-new-higher-education/

New Theories about Learning•http://connectivismresearchprojectb.pbworks.com/w/page/16361630/FrontPage•http://www.educatorstechnology.com/2013/01/a-must-have-free-handbook-for-learning.html?m=1•http://newsroom.opencolleges.edu.au/features/30-surprising-research-findings-about-how-students-learn/

Adaptive learning•http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adaptive_learning•http://learnsmartadvantagedemo.com/smartbook.html Changes in teaching force•http://www.eschoolnews.com/2012/12/07/7-trends-that-have-shaped-the-teac


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Personalisation: Implications

•When students use eLearning in your school how often does every student do something different?•What use are we making of learning analytics to predict and advise on learning through the applications we use?•How might an adaptive web environment be beneficial to schools, e.g. for personalising learner spaces, interactions with parents and community etc?

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User + Control

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User + control: Explanation

Users of technology are increasingly seeking to find ways to programme what they're using, and exercise control over what it does and how it performs.

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User + control: DriversSocial•Demand for programming experience from business world.•A desire to shape our tools rather than let them shape us.Technology•‘hacking’ and ‘modifying’ of existing programs and devices using user-friendly interfaces.•Tech’s increasing potential for personalisation and customisation.Educational•Career options for students•Motivation, engagement

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User + control: Impact

•Online instruction (Codeinayear, Codecademy, Khan)•Computer studies/digital technologies programmes in schools•CSUplugged.org•Maker movement/Makerspaces•Arduino, Robotics

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User + control: implications

•What opportunities do students have to create new knowledge (and things) as well as use existing?•What is happening in your school to cater for and encourage those students who have an interest in computer programming?

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Virtual Learning

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VL: Explanation

Opportunities are expanding internationally, with the development of virtual schools in many countries. It is an effective way of providing access for those who may not otherwise be able to participate - not only for students, but for teacher professional development also.

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VL: Drivers

Social• Demand for life-long learning, informal learningTechnology•Affordability of and accessibility to technologies and broadband technologiesEducational•Desire for access to wider range of curriculum options•Specialist teacher shortages•Constraints on time and budget for PD

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VL: Impact

Virtual Learning Network (NZ)•http://www.vln.school.nz •Growth of virtual schooling (international)•Online PD options•Expansion of formal and informal learning opportunities online•Blended learning? - where virtual learning supplements face to face settings

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VL: Implications

•How do your programmes of learning enable students to continue learning outside of the classroom or school hours?•What sorts of projects could you involve your students in right now that would provide them with the rich experiences of collaborating on authentic tasks, and connecting virtually with experts?•How might you embrace the opportunities of professional learning for staff in the online environment?

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Smart web: Explanation

The number of devices and services connected to the web is building a deeper understanding of our activities, along with the growing collective of pooled intelligence and creativity, the network itself is forming an intelligence of its own.

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Smart web: Drivers

Social•Inernet-capable consumer appliances•Geo-location devicesTechnologIcal•RFID technologies•‘Internet of things’Educational•Drive for evidence-based practice

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Smart Web: Implications

•How might an ‘internet of things’ apply in an education setting, e.g tracking students, smart buildings, etc.?•What are some of the social and ethical considerations that will need to be resolved?•Consider specifically how school resources, including library resources, could be managed differently? What are the implications for libraries themselves?

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Data Engagement

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Data engagement: Explanation

What has historically been confined to print and/or oral/aural communications, is now accessible in a range of new and exciting ways. In addition, where engagement tended to be passive, it is now an active experience.

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Data engagement : Drivers

Social•Greater emphasis on visualizationTechnology•New forms of human interface technologies•Graphical data representation and manipulationEducational•Catering for learning styles

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Data engagement: Impact

•Augmented reality/Google glass•Adaptive learning: Memrize, Knewton, etc.•‘Touch’ technologies•Haptics•Future of search•Semantic web

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Data engagement: Links

•big data/analytics ("Data is the currency of the social web):http://www.nzherald.co.nz/technology/news/article.cfm?c_id=5&objectid=10858495•http://theantimap.com•http://m.guardian.co.uk/technology/2013/jan/19/google-se


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Data engagement: implications

•What advantages and opportunities do the new forms of data manipulation provide for teachers and students?•What use are you making of the open data sources that are now available?•What provision are you making for the new forms of interaction design that are emerging in your thinking for the future?

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Thinking 3D

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3D thinking: Explanation

We live in a 3D world, and increasingly the technologies at our disposal are providing opportunities to create, visualise and represent our ideas in 3D.

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3D thinking: Drivers

Social•Increase in need for 3D thinking in employment•Common use of 3D representations (movies, printers, games)Technologyical•Growth of consumer level 3D tools and applicationsEducational•3D is a more authentic way to learn about the world because the world is 3D!•3D gives the chance to work in the abstract. Virtual & imaginary worlds.

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3D thinking: Impact

•3D printers•3D projectors•3D TVs and movies•3D online environments•Augmented reality

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3D thinking: implications

•How is ‘thinking in 3D’ understood by staff and students? •How is it promoted and encouraged among students in your school?•What opportunities do students have to create 3D objects as evidence of learning?

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Citizenship: Explanation

Citizenship involves understanding the ‘rules’ and boundaries that exist in our expanding world which includes the ‘virtual’, relearning the rights and responsibilities of being a good citizen in this new landscape.

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Citizenship: Drivers

Social•Global futures, globalisation, global impacts•Increasing online participation of citizensTechnology•Global connectivity and global reach•Issues of control, ownership, access, responsibilityEducational•Concerns about online safety•Emerging mores around online participation•Globalised reach of education

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Citizenship: Impact

•Cybersafety programmes•Cyber security/filtering•Digital literacy•Policy and practice in schools (modeling)•Global citizenship •Tension between ‘white list’ & ‘black list’. Providing safety but also some risk for students.

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Citizenship: Links

•Social Media Guidelines for Teachers•Social Media resources for teachers•My Learn-Guide-Protect (MyLGP) resource

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Citizenship: Implications

•How well is the concept of global citizenship embedded within your school curriculum? Do you have a vision for the global future that your students will inhabit?•What is your personal/school vision for being digitally literate?•How are the practices of cyber-citizens being modelled in your school? What would be the response of staff to a breakdown in this area?

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Social Learning

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Social learning: Explanation

Some educational institutions are already making their content available through social channels, but it’s also about considering Issues around navigating and managing privacy, awareness of the growing e-commerce industry and its impact on global economies etc.

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Social learning: DriversSocial•Personal online identities•Explosion of participation in social networking sites•Changing behaviours around online servicesTechnology•Explosion in availability of number and range of social networking sites.•The web can filter and shape (personalise) massive simultaneous contributions. Make signal from noise.Educational•Need/desire to link with and leverage lived world of learners.•Understanding of the brain shows increasing importance of the social aspect of learning.

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Social learning: Impact

•Personal learning networks, incl. Twitter, Facebook•Informal learning•OERu•Self-organisation online, (Google Circles, “friends”, groups etc.)•Facebook - CHCH earthquake

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Social learning: implications

•What use do you make of social media?•What use is made of social media by students for learning in your school?•How does your staff understand the concept of networked knowledge building, and knowledge building communities? •How are these understandings manifest in your school?

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Ubiquity: Explanation

Ubiquity is about learning anywhere, at anytime using any device. It is being driven by the convergence in development of cloud computing, online services and mobile devices.

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Ubiquity: Drivers

Social•Widespread use of social media•Expectation of being “always on, always connected”Technological•mobile technologies, cloud computing•online services, UFB access, wirelessEducational•Evidence/research revealing learning works best in the right context and the right time.

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Ubiquity: Impact

•School wireless networks and BYOD•Move to portable devices from desktops•Adoption of cloud-based applications (LMS, SMS, accounting)Examples:•http://www.teachthought.com/technology/reason


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Ubiquity: Implications

•Is your school network prepared to accommodate the influx of student-owned mobile devices being connected?•Are your students’ home and school learning experiences as rich and as deep as each-other?•How could your school make effective use of ‘cloud-based’ applications and services for students and staff?

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Open: Explanation

Open approaches in education is a response to many of the aspects of our current system that may be described as closed, creating new ways of thinking about access to educational opportunities and resources, minimising barriers and opening up opportunities for participation.

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Open: Drivers

Social•Creative commons licensing•Increased online access and availabilityTechnological•Open source•Open accessEducational•Global competition among institutions•Reaction against the walled garden approaches of the 80s and 90s•Openness in school design - open spaces

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Open: Implication

•How much of your learning programme/content is developed with teachers from other schools?•How could augment your learning programmes with open education options to benefit your students? your staff?•What processes would you need to put in place to ensure the appropriate licenses are adhered to?•How might you/your staff gain the experience of open teaching? How might you ensure your students gain the skills/experience of learning this way?

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For more information, videos and resources visit:www.core-ed.org/ten-trends