Ten Places

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  • 7/23/2019 Ten Places



    1 -Bangkok

    The Thaicapitalbecamethe first

    Asiancity totop the

    MasterCard Global Destination Cities Index edging o!t "ondon the pre#io!s $o%1 &ith 1'%() international #isitors &ho generated an estimated *+,1% billion%International #isitor n!mbers rose a #igoro!s (%) percent in ./1.% Bangkok0s topfi#e feeder cities are +ingapore Tokyo ong 2ong 2!ala "!mp!r and +eo!l%

    3ict!red4 5oyal +tate Barge cr!ises past the Grand 3alace%

  • 7/23/2019 Ten Places


    2 - LondonLondon was last year's No. 1 and still remains the top destination inEurope with 15.96 international visitors. Its revenue from thesevisitors !"#16.$ %illion& was ahead of an()o)'s %y nearly #2 %illion.*he top five feeder +ities to London are ,u%lin New or) "to+)holm/msterdam and 0ran)furt. i+tured 3ouses of arliament and London Eye.

  • 7/23/2019 Ten Places


    $ - arisaris was the only +ity in the top 14 to lose international visitorssin+e the last inde was pu%lished. Its top five feeder +ities areLondon New or) *o)yo ome and 0ran)furt. i+tured 7hamps-Elysees atni(ht

    8 - "in(apore

  • 7/23/2019 Ten Places


    8 - "in(apore*he "outheast /sian +ity-state sits at the +rossroads of the /sia-a+ifi+ re(ion and has an a+tive +ommer+ial se+tor fantasti+ food s+eneand a world-leadin( airline. i+tured a '%um%oat' +ruisin( past theerlion statue on the har%or.

  • 7/23/2019 Ten Places


    5 - New or)*he only +ity in the /meri+as in the top 14 for international travelersNew or) also topped the :lo%al ,estination 7ities Inde in terms ofrevenue (enerated from them !"#1;.6 %illion&. *op sour+es ofinternational travelers were London *oronto "ao aolo aris anduenos /ires. i+tured the anhattan s)yline and Empire "tate uildin(.

  • 7/23/2019 Ten Places


    6 - Istan%ul*he :lo%al ,estination 7ities Inde +ites the lo+ation of *ur)ey'slar(est +ity at the +rossroads of Europe and /sia as a %i( reason forits popularity as a destination. If its (rowth in air travel+onne+tivity +ontinues at +urrent rates the report predi+ts it willenter the top five destinations %y 2416. i+tured /ya "ophia os

  • 7/23/2019 Ten Places


    = - ,u%ai*he only iddle East destination in the top 14 ,u%ai had 9.;9 millioninternational visitors nearly twi+e as many as the net most populardestination in the iddle East and /fri+a iyadh and nearly four timesas many as the third >ohannes%ur(. /lon( with an()o) it had these+ond lar(est year-on-year (rowth in the inde 14.9 per+ent. i+turedur? @halifa the world's tallest %uildin( at 2=2$ feet ;29.;8meters&.

  • 7/23/2019 Ten Places


    ; - @uala Lumpur*he inde's authors say that alaysian +apital is an important lin)%etween /sia and the iddle East. Its top five international feeder+ities were "in(apore >a)arta an()o) el%ourne and anila. i+turedetronas *owers dominate the s)yline.

  • 7/23/2019 Ten Places


    9. - 3on( @on(*he inde's authors +ite 3on( @on( amon( 7hina's important Aori(in+itiesA and it +ontinues to %e a destination as well. i+tured "tar0erry +rossin( 3on( @on( 3ar%our.

  • 7/23/2019 Ten Places
