1. Cu ce te ocupi? I am an independent professional social worker. 2. De obicei mergem la ski la Sinaia. We usually go to ski in Sinaia. 3. Scuzati-ma! La ce ora pleaca trenul pentru Brighton? The train to Brighton leaves in ten minutes. 4. Totul e bine cand se termina cu bine. All is weel when finishes well. 5. Mergeti drept inainte si apoi pe a doua strada la stanga. You go straight ahead and then turn left the second street. 6. Imi pare rau, dar nu-mi aduc aminte unde lucreaza ea. Nu conteaza. I am sorry, but I do not remember where she works. Nevermind. 7. Anunta-ma daca observi ceva suspect. You let me know if you see something/anything suspicious. 8. Daca el continua sa te enerveze, spune-I profesorului. If he continues to bother you , tell the teacher. 9. Nu ma intereseaza ce a spus ea despre hainele mele. I am not interested in what she says about my clothes. 10. Nu te grabi, avem timp destul. Take your time, we have plenty of time.



Transcript of TEN ITEMS


1. Cu ce te ocupi?I am an independent professional social worker.

2. De obicei mergem la ski la Sinaia.We usually go to ski in Sinaia.

3. Scuzati-ma! La ce ora pleaca trenul pentru Brighton?The train to Brighton leaves in ten minutes.

4. Totul e bine cand se termina cu bine.All is weel when finishes well.

5. Mergeti drept inainte si apoi pe a doua strada la stanga.You go straight ahead and then turn left the second street.

6. Imi pare rau, dar nu-mi aduc aminte unde lucreaza ea. Nu conteaza.

I am sorry, but I do not remember where she works. Nevermind.

7. Anunta-ma daca observi ceva suspect.You let me know if you see something/anything suspicious.

8. Daca el continua sa te enerveze, spune-I profesorului.If he continues to bother you , tell the teacher.

9. Nu ma intereseaza ce a spus ea despre hainele mele.I am not interested in what she says about my clothes.

10. Nu te grabi, avem timp destul.Take your time, we have plenty of time.