Temple themes in Isaiah 24-27

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    Chapters 24-27 are often called the

    Apocalypse of Isaiah. Like much of Isaiah,

    it alternates between prophecies of tribulation

    and promises of salvation.The section begins with chapter

    twenty-five describing the devastation of the

    whole earth, both elites and commoners. In

    this, a contrast is made between the elite

    priests and the ordinary people (24:2), priests

    being viewed as an elite social class. The

    theme for Isaiahs entire book is found in the

    explanation for Yahwehs anger (24:5, ESV):The earth lies defiled under its inhabitants;

    for they have transgressed the laws,

    violated the statutes,

    broken the everlasting covenant.

    The everlasting covenant (MDlwo tyrV;b = bert

    lm) is an important concept. It is most

    generally associated with Israel, but an

    everlasting covenant was also established

    with all Mankind through Noah (Gen 9:16).

    The essential element of Noahs everlasting

    covenant is that Whoever sheds the blood of

    man, by man shall his blood be shed, for God

    made man in his own image (Gen 9:6).

    Temple Themes in Isaiah 24-27 1 Oct 5, 2010

    Hamblin of Jerusalem http://hamblinofjerusalem.blogspot.com/


    The Apocalypse of Isaiah

    ISAIAH 24Devastation on the whole

    earth (24:1-13); Rejoicing

    in Yahweh (24:14-16);

    Condemnation to the Pit

    (24:17-20); Gathering to Mt

    Zion (24:21-23)

    ISAIAH 25

    The Great Banquet ofYahweh (25:1-12)

    ISAIAH 26

    The apocalyptic final

    victory of Yahweh


    ISAIAH 27

    Vineyard and restoration(27:2-6); condemnation of

    idolatry (27:7-13)

    Temple Themes in Isaiah 24-27

    William J. Hamblin

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    Thus, war and murder among the nations

    violates this universal everlasting covenant,

    resulting in the Yahwehs curse on all

    Mankind, devouring the whole earth (24:6).

    The link to Israels own, more detailed

    everlasting covenant to the temple is reflected

    in Jer 50:5 and Ezek 16:60, where after the

    destruction of the temple of Jerusalem, a new

    everlasting covenant needs to be

    established, since obeying the sacrificial laws

    and statues of the covenant requires a temple.

    Thus, for the new everlasting covenant to be

    established, a new temple will be established

    so God can

    make a covenant of peace with them. It shall

    be an everlasting covenantwith them. And I

    will set them in their land and multiply them,

    and willset my sanctuary in their midst

    forevermore. (24:5)

    Likewise, in Isaiah the violation of

    this everlasting covenant of peace results in

    devastating wars, while the renewal of the

    everlasting covenant will occur at the temple.

    for Yahweh of the armies will reign on

    Mount Zion and in Jerusalem, and before his

    elders he will manifest his glory [at the

    temple] (Isa 24:23), a probable allusion to

    the elders who accompanied Moses up Mount

    Sinai and saw the glory of Yahweh (Ex 24);

    Temple Themes in Isaiah 24-27 2 Oct 5, 2010

    Hamblin of Jerusalem http://hamblinofjerusalem.blogspot.com/

  • 8/8/2019 Temple themes in Isaiah 24-27


    with the new everlasting covenant, the elders

    see the glory of Yahweh on his new holy

    mountain (27:13), the Temple Mount. These

    elders who see the glory of God are probably

    to be equated with the 24 elders of


    Chapter 25 begins with a psalm in

    praise of Yahweh, culminating in the

    prophecy of the great pilgrimage and temple

    banquet of Yahweh on the temple mount.

    Isaiah describes a great feast that Yahweh will

    make for all peoples (25:6), not just Israel.

    This is consistent with numerous statements

    in Isaiah that all the nations will one day

    come on the Great Pilgrimage to the temple

    with Israel, where all nations will be Gods

    people.2 There, God will swallow up death

    forever ... [and] wipe away tears from all

    faces (25:8), a sentiment reflected in Rev

    7:17, 21:4, and seen by Christians as fulfilled

    by the coming of the glory of Yahweh in the

    form of Christ, who won victory over death.3

    This passage in Isaiah becomes a major theme

    for Christians in the great wedding supper of

    the Lamb.4

    Chapter 26 is a series of hymns

    associated with Mount Zion. The context is

    probably an ascent to the Temple Mount

    (26:2), where the people would go in

    Temple Themes in Isaiah 24-27 3 Oct 5, 2010

    Hamblin of Jerusalem http://hamblinofjerusalem.blogspot.com/

    1 Rev 4:4, 10, 5:8, 11:16, 19:4.

    2 Isa 2:2-4, 4:2-6, 6:13, 11:2-12, 12:6, 19:18-25, 23:18.

    3 Another temple metaphor is the hand of Yahweh will rest on this mountain (25:10), referring

    to the presence of the awesome power of God at the temple.

    4 Mt 22:1-14 = Lk 14:15-24; Lk 13:26-29 = Mt 8:11-12; Lk 22:18, 28-30; Rev 19:6-10; DC


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    procession through the gates of the temple

    singing hymns to Yahweh.5

    In preparation for the ascent to the

    temple, Yahweh prepares a road:

    The path of the Righteous One is level

    The way of righteousness is clear (26:7).

    This Way of Yahweh is the way the pilgrim

    follows to the temple, and the Way John the

    Baptist prepared for the coming of Jesus as

    king to the temple.6 This Way of Yahweh

    to the temple is the background for

    Christianitys original name, the Way.7 An

    essential element of this metaphor is that the

    Way of Yahweh leads to the temple. In the

    end, Yahweh comes out of his place (mwqV;m

    maqm) (26:21)--that is the temple--to

    punish iniquity and restore righteousness.

    The last chapter, twenty-eight, again

    uses the counter-point of desolation and

    salvation. This passage describes

    paradoxically how Israel will receive its

    atonement (27:9):

    Therefore by this the guilt of Jacob will be

    atoned for:

    and this will be the full fruit of the removal

    of his sin:

    when he makes all the stones of the altars

    like chalk stones crushed to pieces,

    no Asherim8 or incense altars will remain


    Notice here that apostate Israel sought

    salvation by worshipping at the altars of the

    false gods, but real atonement can only come

    when they cease worship at altars of the gods

    of the nations, and return to the authentic

    worship of Yahweh alone at the temple.

    When this occurs, scattered Israel will

    be gathered from Egypt and Assyria (27:12),

    on the great pilgrimage to the feast of Yahweh

    mentioned in 25:6-10.

    And in that day a great trumpet will be blown,

    and those who were lost in the land of Assyria

    and those who were driven out to the land of

    Egypt will come and worship Yahweh on the

    holy mountain at Jerusalem (27:13).

    The metaphor here is clearly an Israelite

    pilgrimage festival to the temple ofJerusalem, perhaps the Feast of the Trumpets

    (Lev 23:24; Num 29:1). The Second Temple

    has a platform on the southwest corner where

    a priest stood to blow the sacral trump,

    indicating its importance in worship. Part of

    Temple Themes in Isaiah 24-27 4 Oct 5, 2010

    Hamblin of Jerusalem http://hamblinofjerusalem.blogspot.com/

    5 Ps 24:7-10, 100:4, 118:19-20.

    6 Isa 40:3, Mal 3:1, Mt 3:3, Mk 1:3, Lk 3:4.

    7 Acts 9.2, Way of the Lord 18.25, Way of God 18.26, 19.9,23, 22.4, 24.14, 22; Christ as

    the Way, Jn 14.6.

    8 Asherim at the wooden images, poles, or trees venerated by devotees of Asherah, the fertility

    goddess of the Canaanites. W. Dever,Did God Have a Wife?, (2008).

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    this platform survives (see photo). Note also,

    the Temple Mount is the holy

    mountain (vdO;qAh rAh = har ha-qode); thus

    not just the temple itself but the entire Temple

    Mount is made holy by the presence of


    This sounding of the great trump in

    preparation for the millennial return of the

    glorified Christ to his temple is an important

    New Testament theme as well.9

    Temple Themes in Isaiah 24-27 5 Oct 5, 2010

    Hamblin of Jerusalem http://hamblinofjerusalem.blogspot.com/

    9 Rev 9:14; 1 Cor 15:52; Mt 24:31.
