Temple Be th-El A tt, Only Anglo-Jewish The Jewish Herald

j' \ Tem ple Be th - El 688 Br·o ad St . Pr cv ij e~ce , R. I. A tt , Uiss Pin cus Only Anglo-Jewish Newspoper in Rhode lslond The Jewish Herald Serving 30,000 in This State VOL. XXXIV . NO. 37 FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 18. 1949 PROVIDENCE. R. I. SIXTEEN PAGES 7 CENTS THE COPY GJC . Plans Jewish Educational Survey C . . , I Noted Educator enter Considers Census of City s Jewry To Make Study Here Organize Jewish Cultural Society NE Refugee Conference This Sunday A co mpr ehensive. overall s un· ey of faci liti es for J ewish e ducation in the Pro,·iden ce co mm unity wa s launched l hi s week with the spon - Command er Jos hua L. Gold- sorsh ip of the General Je wish St eps of m ajo r sig nifi cance to the Pro vidence J ewis h co mmunity were taken by the _ board of di- r ecto rs of the Jewish Commun i ty Ce nt er at a m eet in g last Wedne s- T Ch . C I ' ber g. di s trict chaplain of th e Third Committee. 0 airman one ave Na, ·al Di st ri ct. u. S. Navy_ will ad- Beth Israel Speaker Th e SUrYey is bein g conducted day ni g ht. A committ ee is to be appointed. representative of the community. to lay plans for the co nduct of a census-study which is to be re- ported at the ne xt m eet in g of the Ce nter board. Questions which ne ed answe rin g. as brou g ht out by Raymond G. Frank s. Center board president. in clude: --How m any J ewis h fa mi- li es are th ere? Wh ere do th ey live? H ow man y Jewish c hildr en are th ere ·' What are their ages? What I kind of J ewish education are t hey getting ?" Other bus iness transacted in- cluded a decision to organize a J ewish Cultural Council with a ll Je wish or ga nization s in the com- munit y. A committee to work for mor e MEYER TE~ NENBA UM Co nf e ren ce Cha irman Felder Again Heads efficient financial Cen ter operation was form ed with Dudley Block as chairman. Saul F ein ber g. Center vice pre side nt. was a ppointed chairman of the ne wly-or ga ni zed Cent er pro g ram co mm ittee. Me m- ber sh ip on each of these co mmit- tee s is open to all se nior Center Home for the Aged me mbers a nd to organized J ew ish g roup s of the community with · a I s peci al irJt_erest in th e activ it y I Jacob I. Felder was re-e lected committee s work. Pr es id ent of the J ewish H ome for Th e g roup accept ed the pro- I the Aged at the H ome ·s l ,th a n- po sa l of Morris Kr itzman. dir ecto r nual m eeting. Sunday after noon of the Center. that bef ore agencies before a thron g of 200 person s servm;: the J ew is h co rnmumt y The e lection m arks Feld er·s fourth co uld re nd er m axi mum se rvic e. it I s uc cess ive term as h ea d of the would be ne cessa ry to h ave mor e H illside Ave nue institution. inform atio n , regardin g the co m- I Other officers re-elected unani- muni ty. _______ I mously on th e r eco mmendation of the nomin at in g co mmi ttee. headed C t S d S h I by I rvin g J . Fain. in c lud e the fol - en er un ay C 00 lowin g Sam uel M_ Ma gid. hon- ora ry pr es id e nt : Milton Sulzber g- Now Is In North End I er. _ honorary treas urer: Jud ge ' Philip C. Jo sl m. Mr s. Mitche ll Sh e rwin. Dr. Ilie Berger a nd Max Th e Jewish Community Cente r I Wino gra d. vice pre s idents: Leo Sunday School. whic h h as for H. Ro sen. finan c ial sec retary_ a nd ma ny yea rs operated in the Ben e- He rm an J. Ai se nber g, r ec ord in g fl t St r eet Buildin g_ will bC' mov ed secrC'tar y. Charle s Bri e r. form er ly to the North Encl. where no Sun- assistant treas ur er. was elec ted d ay Schoo l ex ists . This mov 1 treasurer and Samuel Mich aelson tak en upon the re qu est of the assista nt tr eas w ·e r . Th e e lect ion n ew l y- form ed North End Counc il was under th e superv ision of Max of Par e nt s· Ass oc iation. ha s r e- Wino g rad . Rabbi Carol Klein of dr ess a luncheon of the United by Dr. Uriah z. En ge lm an. noted · Sen-ice for New · American s New educational authority. und er the En g land Conf e rence here at the g uid an ce of the Am erica n Asso - Sheraton-Bilt m ore Ho tel this Sun - - c iation for Jewi sh Edu cation. 1 d ay. it wa s a nnounced by Meyer The AAJE is a national se rvice ' Te nn e nbaum. conference chai r- I m an. a nd pr es ident of the R. I. org anization who se purp ose is to Re fu g ee Service. Commander promote and coordinate the s tand - I I ards of J ew ish e ducation through - I Goldber g. returnin !'.( thi s week out the United States . It ha s s up- from a Europ ea n tour. will give ervised numerou s s ur veys of s imi- an up -t o- date report on di s pl aced Jar n atu re in various J ew ish com - per so ns in the occupied zones. muniti es durin g recent years. Sharin g the lun cheon program will be Albert Com anor. dir ector of Designed to prese nt-for th e National Services of U.S.N.A .. who first time-a co mpl ete pic ture of wi ll outl in e the role of th e com- both the re qui sites a nd re so ur ces munit y an d n atio nal agency in of J ew ish e du ca tion facilities in DP res e ttlement . Provid en ce . the n ee d for such an A special f eat ure of the a ll-day audit has been recog nize d by lo- Uni ted Serv ice con f erence will be ca l co mmunity l ea ders for seve ral two mornin g workshop session~. yea rs. beg innin g at 10 o·clock. in which The formal re qu es t of the AAJE co mmunit y leade rs and profession- to und er t ake th e s urv ey ste mm ed al worker s. representin g lar ge a nd fr om th e r epor t of a sp ecia l com- sm a ll commu niti es in t he New mitt ee named by th e GJC to s tud y En gl an d states. will excha nge ex - th e a ppli catio n for an allocat ion pe riences a nd set a p attern for GOVERNOR JOH:-- o. PAS- so ug ht by th e Providen ce Hebrew 19 50 resett leme nt pro g rams in th e TORE will !Je gu es t sp eaker at 'Day Sc hool ea rli er thi s year . re g ion. the annual Th a nk sgiv in g se rvice F ollowing the r eq u ested finan - 1 The af ternoon conference ses- of Te mpl e Bet h I srael n ex t Fri- cial appropriation from funds 's i-:ms. openin g at 3:30 P . M .. wi ll d ay ni g ht at 8 o'clock. Rabbi raised locally. the GJC- s B oar d of f ea ture m ethods of teachin g En g- Morris Sc hu ss he im a nd Ca ntor Dir ec tor s a ppointe d a study co m- I li s h to n ewco m ers and a discus - Isr ae l Breitbart will co n duct th e m ittee headed by J ose ph W . R ess I sion of port an d dock act iviti es. se rvi ces. The publi c is invit ed to -and i ncludin£ Max Ber m an Al- lC ontinued on Page 2) 1 a tt e nd. I te r B oyman. Benja min Bri er. P aul ------- - -- -- --- ------ ----------- - Ch er no v and 1\! ax Wino g rad . 1400 , Cards Outstanding; Total $825,000 · Th e co mmit tee·s report-sub- mitt ed Nov . 8-recommend e cl a thorou gh canvass of all local faci - liti es f or J ewis h education. As the 1949 fund-rai s in g cam - pai gn of the General J e wi sh Com- mi ttee in c hed up toward th e $825.- 000 Ie,·el thi s week. dri ve officials e xpre sse d ho pe that an additio nal $75.000 cou ld be r aised fr om among the 1400 p otentia l pl ed ges still o utsta ndin g. Approximat ely 8000 ca rd s ha,·e been covered to dat e . .. The a moun t of e ffort e xpended in contacting the remai nin g 1400 ca rd s wi ll d e - termin e to wh at de gr ee our 1949 drive can be termed a success ... declar ed Alvin A. Sopkin. ca m- pai gn cha ir m an. thi s week . All o utsta ndin g ca rd s are in the hand s of work ers. he added. with th e e xception of a limit ed numb er of no n-J ew ish contri but ors to who m a s pec ia l m a ilin g is bein g se nt. --Report m eeti ng .. acti\·ities we re ste pped up this wee k with th e holdin g of two noonday rep ort luncheons-one la st Monday ancl one yesterday. At both m eet in gs. GJC officials e mph asize d that -- co mplet e cov- era g·e"' would pro,·e to -b e t he k ey to th e campaign·s e ventua l t otal. Because of th e Thank sg idn g holid ay. only one report lun ch eo n h as been sc he dul ed for n ext wee k. The m ee tin g is sl ate d for We dn es- da y, Nov . 23. T o e xpedite definite action. the GJC r equeste d of the AAJE that the s un·ey be co mpl eted as rapid ly as possible . I t is the local aze n c ,·· s h ope that the co mpl ete a udit _..: as well as the draftin g of th e AAJE" s f or m a 1 co nc lu sio n s- mi g ht be co mpl ete d within th e ne xt two mo nth s. Th e AAJE was also asked to pr o- ject i ts findin gs a l! am st co nditi ons exi stin g in co mpa ra ble Jewi sh co mmuniti es- Ill orde r th at in- f or med clecis1011 s can be mad e locally. F oilowing th e holid ay. _ a large Dr. Eng l ema n. who a rriHd in delega tion of _ GJC officials and Providen ce over th e past Wl'l'k c nd . key work ers will heacl for Atlantic is th e au th or of a num bn of books City , scene of t_he a nnual co nf e r- I a nd pamphlet s pertainin i:- to Jew - ence of the nat1o n-\\1d c Un i ted !Continued on Page 2) Jewish Appea l on Nov . 25. 26 and ,- 27 . Th e loca l delegation will in- ,--------------- -, su it ed in a Community Sunday Con!c!regation Sons of J aco b in- School in LhC' North End. wit h s ta ll ecl the omcers. e lud e Mr. Sopkin . Ar ch ibald Sil- 1 ver m an. GJC president. : rnd Jos- News Deadline classes condu c ted in both So ns of Fiv e new me mb e r s we r e acldecl Jac ob Sy nagogu C' a ncl Bet h David to the board of tru st ees . They arc Synago i:: ue. Be rtram L. Be rnhardt . Sau l E. R. RC'prcsC'ntativcs from !'ac h of Fe inb erg and Ben ja min Gittlc- 1 the sy n agog u es will be on the Ccn- m an . al l of Provicle nc C'. a nd Max .• ter Jewi sh Education Co mmitt ee. Adelson o ne! Edwi n Jose phson of / which plans curricu lum and pro- New port. J gra m. A new se t o f by-law s. pr epa red R egist ration for the school will by the lega l co mmittee under the The Home News A pagt' devoted c ntircl :v to th e ac ti vities of th e Jewish e ph Galkm. exccu u,·c cl1rcctor. Act ion on a nu mb er of em er- gcn ~y probl ems- aris in " from the for Next Week c ntJ ca l finan cia l po s ition of Is- rae l. a a r esu lt of th e tre me nd ous c.L tak e pla cr at bot h synagog ues c lrnirmonship of Morris S. Wald- Sunda y at 10 o·clock . with mcm- man and approved by the board of ber s of the Nor th End Par e nt s trustees l ast Jun e. wa s adopted Ho rn e for th e Aged . will be found In thi s i ss ue on l'age 13. influx of refugee s- will be taken at the Atla nti c City gat h erin g. It is certain that appeals f or m ore pled ges a nd imm ed iat e cas h pay - me nts will be so und ed by leadin g UJA personaliti es. be cause of the pli ght of the new Jewish hom e- Becau se of the · holida, · on Thursday. 1'on m ber 24.· the d ea dlin e for news for n ex t wee k" s He rald h as been adva n c- ed to Monda y noon . ;,io,·e mber 2 1. 'We ca nn ot in ser t items re - ce ived afte r that tim e. Coun cil in char ge. !Co ntinu ed on Page 131 land .

Transcript of Temple Be th-El A tt, Only Anglo-Jewish The Jewish Herald



Temple Be th- El 688 Br·oad St .

Pr cv ij e ~ce , R. I. A tt , Uiss P i ncus

Only Anglo-Jewish


in Rhode lslond The Jewish Herald Serving 30,000

in This State


GJC . Plans Jewish Educational Survey C . . , I Noted Educator

enter Considers Census of City s Jewry To Make Study Here Organize Jewish Cultural Society

NE Refugee Conference This Sunday A comprehens ive. overall sun·ey

of faci lities for J ewish education in the Pro,·idence community was launched lhis week with the spon -

Commander Joshua L . Gold- sorship of the General J ewish Steps of m ajor significance to

the Providence J ewish community were taken by the _ board of di­r ectors of the J ewish Community Center at a meeting last Wednes ­

T Ch . C I ' ber g. di s trict chaplain of the Third Committee. 0 airman one ave Na,·al District. u. S. Navy_ will ad- Beth Israel Speaker The SUrYey is being conducted

day ni ght. A committee is to be appointed.

representative of t he community. to lay plans for the conduct of a census-study which is to be re­ported at the next m eeting of the Cente r board.

Questions which need answering. as brought out by Raymond G. Franks . Center board president. include: --How m any J ewish fa mi­lies a re t h ere? Where do t h ey live? H ow many Jewish children are there ·' What are th ei r ages? What I kind of J ewish education are t hey getting ?"

Other bus iness transacted in­cluded a decision to organize a J ewish Cultural Council with a ll Jewish organizations in the com-munity.

A committee to work for more MEYER TE~NENBAUM

Co nferen ce Ch a irman

Felder Again Heads

efficient financial Cen ter operation was formed with Dudley Block as chairman. Saul F einber g. Center vice pres id ent. was a ppointed chairman of the newly-organized Center program comm ittee. Mem­bersh ip on each of these commit-tees is open to all senior Center Home for the Aged m ember s a nd to organized J ew ish groups of the community with · a I speci a l irJt_erest in the activ ity I Jacob I. Felder was re-elected committees work. Presid ent of the J ewish Home for

The group accepted the pro- I the Aged at the Home·s l ,th a n­posa l of Morris Kr itzman. director nual m eeting. Sunday afternoon of the Center. that be fore a gencies before a thron g of 200 persons servm;: the J ew ish cornmumty The election m arks F elder·s fourth could rend er m aximum service. it I success ive term as head of the would be necessa ry to h ave more H illside Ave nue institution. information ,regarding the com- I Other officers re -e lected unani-muni ty. _______ I m ously on the recommendation of

the nomin at ing commi ttee. headed

C t S d S h I by I rving J . Fain. include the fol ­en er un ay C 00 lowing Sam uel M _ Magid. hon-ora ry pres id ent : Milton Sulzberg -

Now Is In North End I e r. _ honorary treasu rer : Jud ge ' Philip C. Jos lm. Mrs. Mitchell Sherwin. Dr. Ilie Ber ge r a nd Max

The J ewis h Community Cente r I Winogra d. vice pres idents: Leo Sunday School. whic h h as for H . Rose n . finan cial sec re tary_ a nd m a ny yea rs operated in the Bene - He rm a n J . Aisenberg , record in g fl t Str eet Buildin g_ will bC' moved secrC'ta r y. Charles Brie r. form erly to the North Encl. where no Sun- assistant treasure r . was e lec ted d ay School ex ists . This mov e· 1 treasurer and Samuel Mi chaelson taken upon the reques t of the ass istant t reasw·er . The e lection newly- form ed North End Counc il was under the superv is ion of Max of Parents · Association. has re- Winograd . Rabbi Carol Kl ei n of

dress a luncheon of the United by Dr. Uriah z. Engelm a n . noted · Sen-ice for Ne w ·Americans New educational authority. under the

England Conference here at the guid a n ce of the Am erican Asso -Sheraton-Biltm ore Hotel this Sun - - ciation for Jewis h Education.

1 d ay. it was a nnounced by Meyer The AAJE is a national service ' T enne nbaum. conference chair-I m an. a nd president of the R . I. or ganization whose purpose is to

R e fu g ee Se r vice. Commander promote and coordinate the s tand -I I ards of J ew ish education through -I G oldberg. returnin !'.( this week out the United States. It has sup-

from a Europea n tour. will give ervised numerous surveys of s imi-an up -to -date report on displaced Jar n atur e in various J ewish com -pe rsons in the occupied zones. munities during recent years. Sharing the luncheon program will be Alber t Com anor. director of Designed to present-for the National Services of U.S.N.A .. who first time-a comple te pic ture of will outl ine the role of the com- both the requisites a nd resources munity and n ation a l agency in of Jewish educa tion facilities in DP rese ttlement. Providen ce . the n eed for s uch an

A special feature of the a ll-day audit has been recognize d by lo-Uni ted Service conference will be ca l co mmunity leaders for several two morning workshop session~. years. beginnin g at 10 o·clock. in which The formal r equest of the AAJE community leader s and profession- to undertake the s urvey stemmed a l workers. representing large a nd fr om the r eport of a specia l com-sm a ll communities in t he New mittee n a m ed by the GJC to stud y England states. will exchan ge ex - the a ppli cation for a n allocat ion periences a nd set a pattern for GOVERNOR JOH:-- o. PAS- sought by the Providen ce Hebrew 1950 resettlem ent programs in the TORE will !Je gues t speaker at ' Day School earli er this year. region. the annual Tha nksgiving service F ollowing the r equested finan -

1 The a f ternoon conference ses- of T emple Beth Israel n ex t Fri- cial appropriation from funds ' si-:ms. opening at 3:30 P . M .. wi ll d ay night a t 8 o'clock. Rabbi raised locally. the GJC-s Board of

fea ture methods of teaching Eng - Morris Sc hussh eim a nd Ca ntor Directors a ppointed a study com­I li sh to newcom ers and a discus- Isr ae l Breitbart will con duct the m ittee headed by J oseph W . R ess I sion of port and dock act ivities. services. The public is invited to -and includin£ Max Berm an Al-

lContinued on Page 2) 1 a ttend. I ter Boyman. Benja min Brier. P aul -------- ------------------------- Chernov and 1\!ax Winograd .

1400 , Cards Outstanding; Total $825,000 · The commit tee·s report-sub­

mitted Nov . 8-recommendecl a thorough canvass of all local faci ­lities for J ewish education.

As the 1949 fund-rai sing cam ­pai gn of the General J e wish Com­mi ttee in ched up toward the $825.-000 Ie,·e l this week. dri ve officials expressed hope that an addition a l $75.000 cou ld be raised fr om a m ong the 1400 potentia l pled ges s till outsta ndin g.

Approximately 8000 ca rds ha,·e been covered to date . .. The a moun t of effort expended in contacting the rem a ining 1400 cards wi ll d e ­termine to what degree our 1949 drive can be t er m ed a success ... d ec la red Alvin A. Sopkin. ca m­paign ch a irm an. this week .

All outstanding ca rds are in the hands of workers . he added. with the e xception of a limited number of non-Jewis h contributors to whom a s pec ia l m a iling is being sen t .

--Report m eeti n g .. acti\·ities were stepped up this week with the holdin g of two noonday report luncheons-one las t Monday ancl one yesterday.

At both m eet ings. GJC officials emphasized that -- complete cov­era g·e"' would pro,·e to -be t he key to the campaign·s e ventua l total.

Because of the Thanksgidn g holiday. only one report lun cheon h as been sch eduled for next week. The meeting is slated for Wednes­day, Nov . 23.

T o expedite definite action. the GJC requested of the AAJE that the sun·ey be completed as rapid ly as possible . I t is the loca l azenc ,·· s h ope that the complete a udit_..:a s we ll as the drafting of the AAJE" s f or m a 1 conclusions-might be completed within the n e xt two m onths.

The AAJE was a lso a s ked to pro­ject its findin gs a l! am st conditi ons e xistin g in co mpa ra ble Jewish communities-Ill order th a t in­form ed clecis1011 s ca n be mad e locally.

F oilowing the h olid ay. _ a la r ge Dr. Englema n . who arriHd in d elega tion of _ GJC officials and Providen ce o ver the pa st Wl'l'kcnd . key workers will heacl for Atlantic is the au thor of a numbn of books City , scene of t_he a nnual confer- I a nd pamphlets pertainin i:- to Jew -ence of t he nat1on-\\1dc Un ited !Continued on Page 2) J e wis h Appea l on Nov . 25. 26 and ,-27 . The loca l d elegation will in- ,---------------

-, su ited in a Community Sunday Con!c!regation Sons of J acob in­School in LhC' North End. with s ta ll ecl the omcers.

elude Mr. Sopkin . Arch ibald Sil- 1 • verm an. GJC president. :rnd J os - News Deadline classes condu cted in both Sons of Five new m embers we re acldecl

J a cob Sy n a gogu C' a ncl Beth David to the board of trus tees. They arc Synagoi:: ue . Be rtram L. Bernhardt. Sau l E. R.

RC'prcsC'ntativcs from !'ach o f Fe inberg and Be n jamin Gittlc-1the sy n agog ues will be on the Ccn- m an . al l of Proviclenc C'. a nd Max

.• ter Jewis h Education Committee. Ad elson one! Edwi n Josephson of / which pla ns curricu lum and pro- New port.

J gram . A new se t o f by-laws. prepa red R egistration for the sc h ool will by th e lega l committee under the

The Home News A pagt' devoted cntirc l:v to

th e acti vities of th e Jewish

eph Galkm. exccu u,·c cl1rcctor . Act ion on a nu mber of e mer-

gcn ~y problems- a ri s in " from the for Next Week cntJ ca l finan cia l position of Is -rae l. a a resu lt of th e trem e ndous

c.L take placr at both synagog ues clrnirmonship of Morris S . Wa ld ­Sunday at 10 o·clock . with mcm- man and approved by the board of bers of the Nor th End Parents trustees last June. was adopted

H o rn e for the Aged . will be

found In thi s issue on l'age 13.

influx of refugees- will be taken at the Atl a ntic City gat hering. It is certain that appeals for m ore p led ges a nd immed iate cash pay ­m e nts will be sounded by leadin g UJA personaliti es. because of the pligh t of the new J e wis h h om e-

Because of the · holida,· on Thursday. 1'onm ber 24. · t h e dea dlin e for news for n ex t week"s Herald h as been advan c­ed to Monday noon . ;,io,·ember 21. 'We ca nn ot in sert items re ­ceived afte r that time. Coun cil in charge . !Continued on Page 131 land .


N Recent Bar Mitzvah GJC to Make

Educational Survey <Continued f rom Page 1)

ish education facili ties and prob­lems.

Among them are " Educating the Jewish Child," "Trends and De­velopments in American Jewish Education, 194 7 -1948" and " .-\II­Day Sch ools in the l:nited States, 1948-1949."

He is director of the Departm en t of Research. Informat ion a nd Publicity of the AAJE.

Declin ing to m a ke any form al . statement until a f ter completion I of the audit . Dr . Engelm an em-

/ I phasized. however. that his survey I would represen t .. an all - inclusive

st udy of the local J ewish educa -

1 tion p rogram-and its attendan t needs--as it fits the modern Am­erican scene : ·

He s t ressed that · ·care f u 1 ' thought will be given to every

Parents' Association Chanukah Workshop

HAROLD MARK, son of Mr. ~a~e ~f th~ Pr~viden ce situa_tion . . " The Center P arents' Association All Jewish parents are invited 1---------------.., and Mrs. Haskel Ma r k of W es- 1 n. m os . 0 t e s~v:y v. IB be J get together Monday even ings to to the Center on Monday evenin gs ri !eyan Avenue, became Ba r Mitz- m a ae availabl~ followm 0 subm ittal prepare their own homes f or from 8 to 10:30 o·clock for t his Newport Vet Post .., 1 cf the A.'\JE s detailed report . I Cha nukah Shov. n abo\·e. with Worksh op. I . :: va h October 23 at Tifereth ls- some of the Chanukah decorations Information is available regard - Elects Barnett f 1sher ;;.. rael Synagogue. A dinner-recep- gee recept10n centers. Mrs Ange- that all Jewish parents can make m g this p roJect to oth er orgam za - 1 0 tion in his h onor was given that Ilea W Cass. New York consul- I by paru c1patmg m the Worksh op , t 10ns of the J ewish com munity Barnett Fisher was installed as ~ evening in the Crown Hotel. tant m adult ed ucation . will give are. left to nght. Mrs. Leo G lek- \\ h ich might wa nt to enga ge m commander of Jewish War Vet­"'"= P hoto by Fred K elman an illustrated talk on public school !en. Bernard Marks . Mrs. BenJa- this type of program. T h ose m - 1 erans. Newport P ost 24, at a m eet-

m ethods of teaching English, a n d I mm Mendelowitz. Mrs. Bernard terested m a y con tact the Jewish I m g of the Jewish War Veterans ~ :\1rs. George W . Ma nn of Boston Segal. Mrs. ·Leo Borenstein . Mrs . Community\Center P rogram Dept. I State Depar tment of Rhode Is-

Refugee Service ' will discuss m ethods to be used I J ohn Fishma n and Mrs. David and ask for Mr. K ritzm an or Mr. land. Monday evening a t the New-by laymen in a volunteer educa- , Cohen. ::V!ark:. port Post headquarters.

C I S d tional program for newcomers. --------------------------- Others installed were R obert one ave un ay .. It is of paramount im port- A k Siegel. senior vice commander :

ance.' ' Mr. Tennenbaum said this s Delay on Released T"1me Dec·1s·1on J cr dan Feinstein. junior vice com-(Continued from Page 1) week ... that we be prepared to m a nder: Al Greenberg, judge ad-

Boston is one of the major U. S . implem ent a flexible national pro- vacate: Dr. Samuel Adelson. sur-ports of entry for DP's and Mrs. gram in the local communities. A representative of Roger Wil - will advance the cause of religious geon : Sa m Estrier. chaplain : Joe Hyman B . Fried.man of Boston will The job of gh·ing a new s tart in Iiams Lodge B'nai B"rith and the education amon g the children of Josephson. adjutant: M aurice describe local activities. w hi 1 e life to t he homeless DP"s of Eu- anti -defamation committee of that this s ta te. and at the same t im e Ginsberg . quarterm aster : Wallace R a lph Astrofsky, director of U .S .- r c pe can be finished this vear if lodge. Sidney L. R abin owitz. this a dequately protect those ,·er y Trus t. officer of the day : Meyer N .A. port reception. will discuss . we a ll get together now to pool week appeared before the special principles of complete freedom of Snyder . patriotic instructor. and the national coordination of r efu- our resources a nd en ergies:· state commission studying the religion upon which our state and \Villiam Hon ·itz. senice officer.

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possibility of a r eleased time pro- nat icn were founded."' Twenty-five new m embers of gram in R hode Island to ask that By the same. token. he said . t hey the post were also inducted at the commission delay its recom - would oppose a n y released time I th is time. . .

1 mendations until a pending case program .. whether it be manda- Joseph Dickens . senior vice has been decided by the Uni ted tory. or whether it be sugar -coat - comma_nder of the State Depart­States Suprem e Ccurt . ed with the sweet -sounding p refix ment. i~ ch airm a n of the Depart-

R abinowitz. a former law revi - of ·permissive·." m ent New Years Party. sion commissioner . said the pro- He said the released time p ro- R ose : a sis ter . Mrs. Harry T anger.

I gram is divis l\·e. has harmed ex- 1 gram h a d failed in Stoughton. both of Pro\·idence. and two 1s tmg . programs of rehg10us m- Mass .. because it resulted in dis- grandchildren .

· struct1ons elsewhere and was open r espect for religious teachin g and to excesses and a buses. a startling a m ount of ··playing

,. SA)ll:EL S l:GARM:AN

R eferring to the case before the I hookey .. f rom religious classes. Supreme _Court he said. ··The last Dr. J a mes L . Hanley. superin - The funeral of Sa muel Sugar -:lf . prehmmary skir m ishes a r e now tendent of Providence Pub 1 i c m a n of 162 Prospec t S treet. who bemg fo~ght. and a tnal on the schools. and Dr. Michael F . Walsh. died suddenly Sa turday. were ments snould be forthcommg m state director of education. also held Sunday at the M a x Su gar-the nea r future . I . for one. m all spoke at the hearing. m a n Funeral H ome with Rabbi smcenty. bel!e,·e that this com - Morris G . Silk and Cantor David mission ought not to make anv ,--------- - - ----, Einstein officiating. Burial was in

leased t im e until that case has ' AtJ.~J11,,,. 11 I A Providence real estate man ' affirmative recommendation for re-- I I Lincoln Park Cemeter y.

been de term ined.' ' v~"?' for m ore than 50 year s. he was a , TEmple 1-9310 He said the group he repre - , member of Con gregation Ahavath I sen ted would heartily lend sup- I Sholom . the Hebrew Free Loan


23 Burrill Street

l!:.,.;;:;:;:;~;~;;:;:;:;~;~:;: ; ~;~;~;;:;:;~;~;~;;:;:;~;~;~;;:;~~~~p~o~rt~:to~::· ·~a:n~y~p~r~o~p~e:_i:r__:p~r~o~g~ria~m~\\~' h~i~· c~h Associa tion. Zion ist Organization _ )IRS. LEAH GOLD STED I I of America. a nd Bichor Cholom

: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ~ • • • • • • • • • Funeral services for Mrs. Leah Lodge. !OBA. Surviving are his + • ' , Le ven I Goldstem of 36 Whetten wife. Nettie c Ordow l Sugarm an. . I RV I N G ~ S MAR KET, + \ Road. Wes t Hartford. Ct . were a daughter. Mrs. Morris Acker-

• + I h eld last week in Hartford . m an of Providence and three

• + 1 Survivors are h er husba nd. W il- grandchildren.

+ +, liam G . G oldstein : a son. Dr. Ma x - -----+ R. G olds te in of West H artford : Cord of Thanks + + a daughter. Mrs . Na than Ancell of

•+ 597 N . MAIN STREET t I New York City: four brothers. + FREE DELIVERY + George J . Leven and Ha rry Leven.

"' MAnning 1-47 55 + I both of Providence. Phillip T . + + 1 Leven of Norwich and J oseph Lev-

+ TUNA FISH LI GHT )lEAT 29c • en of Salt Lake City. Utah : two • can • I sisters. Mrs. Alfred Goldenberg I

ii ORANGE JUICE H OR SEY 46 oz. can 37 c i: ~~i,~"~;::::":,:~;:ii ,;;~' ,_ 1



+ Funeral sen-ices for Ha rrv R

+ f RANKf ORTS N. Y. ' KOSH ER + R ose of 600 Angell Street. a m ~ste~ + lb 59c + watchmaker who died Saturdav j + • + a fter a brie f illness. were h eld

• TOMATO JUICE GLORIET!A 2 No. 2 cans 25c : ' ~;e~~~- -~~mtehe R~1:b~ t~~~:~mtn . : + 1 Silk officiated and buria l was in I

+ Lincoln Park Cer.1ete ry .

+ BAKE RITTER _ + Born in Poland . he h ad been a : D BEANS 2 cans 25c • P rovide nce res ident for 36 years.

• -------------- ----------------------- + Survivors are his wife. T i 11 i e + ! Press) R ose: three daugh ters. + O Al O . . + Mrs . Russell A. P li tnof of Boston . • pen I ay Sunday For Your Shopping Convenience • Mrs. Herbert H . Wotitz of New I + + Have n . and Miss Shirley R ose of

.• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • 4 Providen ce: a brothe r . George

The family of the l a t e SAMUE L WINOGRAD extend t h eir sinc ere tha n ks and deep appreciatio n t o a ll t heir rela t ives and friends for t h e kind expressions of sympathy offered them d u ring the ir rec ent bereave· ment.


Max Sugarman Funeral Home


MEMORIALS Excellent Equipment

"The Jewish F uneral Director" R efined Se rvice

459 HOPE STREET DE 1-8094 DE 1-8636

, I



The Jewish Herald The Jewish Home Newspaper of Rhode Island. Published Every

Week in the Year by the Jewish Press Publishing Company, 76 Dorrance S t .. Tel. GAspee 1-4312, Case-Mead Building.

~~one Man's Opinion" Community ~: Calendar ;

Subscription Rates: Seven Cents t h e Copy; By ·Mail, $3.00 per Annum.

After the Hearings, What::> "O

~~ ~ · o

Bulk subscription rates on request. By BERNARD SEGAL ::::::~~~::: The Jewish Hera,d is co-operat- ;$

ing with the R. I. League of Jew- 0 ish Women's Organizations and ~ the General Jewish Committee in ('.') the publication of the Community i:'l Calendar. ._

Walter Rutman. Managing Editor; Syd Cohen, News Editor. Entered as Second-Class Matter at the Post Office, Providence,

R. I., Under the Act of March 3, 1879. The Jewish Hera ld invites correspondence on subjects of interest

to the J ewish people but disclaims responsibilit.\;' for an in­dorsement of the views expressed by the writers.

A Victorious Choice The Je fferson Mi I itary College, which rejected an­

ti-semite millionaire George Armstrong's offer of $50,-000, 000 if it would teach racial superiority and white supremacy is the recipient of many donations from all over the country in appreciation of its f ine gesture .

A Jewish businessman from Houston, Texas, Nathan Klein, started the campaign by send ing in a check fo r $5,000 to cover the sc hoo l's debts and to prevent it from closing. Othe r contributions are al so pouring into a fund supervised by Vice-Admiral Aaron Me rill Stanton , includ­ing one of $ l 00 from the Washington, D. C. Argo Lodge of the B'noi B' rith . $ l 00 was also sent in by the Chicago Negro Chamber of Commerce "as a token of our in­te rest in your refusal to sell yourself and you r school fo r $50,000, 000."

The school rejected Armstrong's offer declaring that " Jefferson College hos never taught the superiority of one race ove r another. No such course · is contemplated, nor is one necessary or even desirable." Stanton·, who was commander of the famous Pacific Task Force 39 during the war will become the school's next superintendent.

This goes to prove thaf people are well aware of the dangers of prejudice and are joining together to form a real team to make democracy work.

School Children Two Hundred Attend

Mizrachi Conclave

Now the h earings on the advis­ability of Released Time for reli­gious education, through the P ub­lic Schools of Rhode Island. are over. Now all \Vho had something to say for or against the proposed legislation, have done so. The Gov-ernor's spcial commission to study the matter is now ready to delib­erate and to recommend on e way or another.

But out of the hearings, and the conduct of them. some pertinent facts emerged.

All the Catholic witnesses spoke in favor of Released Time.

All the Jewish witnesses op­posed the plan.

The Protestants alone differed in their views as to the merits or the dangers of such a program. They a lone_showed greater inde­pendence of thinking than the other religious groups.

Frankly. I am puzzled by t he solid fron t of opposition presen ted b:9 the J ewish speakers before the commission. One would gather that this is t he general Jewish a t­titude towa rd R eleased Time. that J ews everywhere would have none of the program .

Well. this is not the case. There is no such thing as a unanimous J ewish opposition toward the whole idea.

New York's System I have before me a report on

the work of the "Committee for the Furthera nce of Jewish Educa­tion", a n agency working in New York City. The Committee was organized in 1941, when Released Time was legalized by the State Contribute to GJC

J ewish Sunday Schoor children throughout the city this week were filling special en velopes w it h money from th eir a llowances and savings as their contribution to the community- wide GJC cam­paign.

Harry Kraft. president of the of New York. It is the function New England regional Mizrachi. of this agency to provide religious addressed more than 200 people at education for the Jewish children Ahavath Sholom Synagogue last who are released for this purpose weekend at the first semi-annua l at the r equest of their parents.

A letter. accompanying the en­velopes distributed by the GJC's Young Adult Division. pointed out that. among th e refugees in DP camps in Europe and Israel. "are thousands of young boys and girls your own age."

"Do you ever s top to think that by giving up one ice cream cone a week tha t you would be able to save $2 .50 during the year ? That amount could feed a hungr y J ew­ish child overseas for m ore than a week 1" th e message stressed.

It was s igned by T heodore Low , education a l committee chairma n . and Bruce Sundlun. Y AD general chairman . Dis tributed last week, the envelopes will be collected at the various sch ools this Sun day.

A E Pi Bowling

conferen ce of the group ever held At the annual convention of the in Providence. "Committee for the Furtherance

Disputing the current theory of J ewish Education" held last that because Israel has been es- April. it was reported that 10,000 tablished there is no longer any Jewish children of the Greater need for religious Zionism. Kraft New York public schools are said. "It is all a question of spiri- taught in 60 schools by a staff of tual union with Israel no m atter several hundred teachers. The tea­where in the world it may be lo- chers are r ecruited from among cated." the college students. especially

I from the Yeshiva-University. The Rabbi Morris G. Silk. presiding convention discussed problems of

a t Sunday night's sess ion. empha- m ethods . program , a nd m ean s of sized tha t "A state of Israel with- expansion. ou t a Jerusalem is an impossi- Nobody spoke of conflicts with bility _- a nd a n impractability - other faiths , of attempts at prose­both m the maternal and spiritual I y tin g . of divis ive influences sense." among the pupils of the school of

Other speakers at the sessions pressure on the part of teachers were Archie Smith. president of on the children who do not parti­the h ost "- congregation : Rabbi cipate. If a nything, there was a Harry Wohl berg of New York . report of_ interdenominational un­R abbi K adish Wa ldma n . execu~ ders tandmg, and of some 3,000 tive director: R abbi carol Klein ; ~h1Jdren out of the _ranks of the Rabbi Abraham Chill: Rabbi Hy- 11 eleased time classes Jo1mng week­m an Bick of Lynn, Mass .: Mr. day Hebrew schools. Bin- Nun of Israel. a nd David Rub- As for the legal aspect of the insky of Portland, Me. program, these teachers are ap-

Burt Himelfa rb's club maintain- _______ pa rently content to let the U. S. ed Its h old on first place by split- Supreme Court pass judgment on tin g with Don Cohen's outfit 2-2 Sermon Topic of that, which is only proper . while Beans Feins tein 's c r e w . Nor are they a ppa rently dis-breaking the high tea m three m ark Ahavath Sholom turbed by the fear that a r eleased wi th a 1504. closed the gap on the I time program m the sch ool tends league- leaders to three points by to la bel children by the fa iths of bla nking J erry Frleberg's team 4 - 0 . R ~bbi Morris_ G . Silk will s~~ak I t he ir pa rents As 1f ,the children

I rv Kelma n established a new on T h e Centui Y of the Child at do not know who 1s J ewish . Ca ­individua l h igh three score of 354, the new Aha va th Sholom Syna- I tholic, or Protesta nt amon g their bettering Art Flink·s record by gogue late Friday night services I classmates ! And who wants to eight pins. Art came within one th is ev_eni_n g dedicated to parents hide religious identities. a nyway? pin of equalling h is high s ingle of pupi ls m the Hebrew a nd Sun - 1 Aren't we asking the Pub Ii c m ark of 144 as h e bowled the day Schools_. Cantor Nathan Zo- Schools to r elease our children for night's best st ring. londek. assisted by the school the J ewish holidays? Aren 't t he

Ot h e r lead ing performan ces choir. will chant th e Sabbath ser - 1 other sects doing the same ? How werr threes o f 342 by Cohen . 328 vice. would a r eleased time program by Flink . 326 by Bob Krovltz < vet- Saturday morning services s tart accentuate these religious differ­eran Bob. t hat is> a nd 303 by at 9 o'clock a nd daily worships ences? F reibe rg. Good s ingles were rolled arc he ld 7 o'clock mornings and Not Enough Time by the fol lowing : 136 a nd 117 by evenings. K elma n . 11 7 a nd 11 5 by Cohen . Hebrew School sessions arc he ld 117 a nd 114 by Kravitz a nd 11 4 I daily from 3 : 15 o'clock a nd Sun -by Freiberg. clny School brgins at 10 o'clock.

Now. I do not for a minute In­s is t that a r eleased or dismissed time sys tem wou ld solve t he pro­blem of J ewish Education . We

have too many things to teach our children. We can hardly do it adequately in one hour. J ewish education is m ore t h an the reci t ­ing of a prayer . the telling of a Bible story, or t h e performa n ce of a ritual.

i:'l Dates and clearances for wo- ::;;

men's organization me e tin gs • should be cleared through Mrs. := Alfred D. Steiner, HOpkins 1-9510. F o r Me n ' s organizations, call ;; GAspee 1-4111. ~


So, if we a re to be dissatis fied with Released Time, it is not be­cause of the evil potentialities in i t , but because it is not sufficient for the planning of a program of J · h Ed t · h f h Sunday, November '20 ewis uca !On wort Y O t e -.._Evening- Temple Beth Israel Dinner "l name. Dance a t the Na rragansett Hotel. ~

It certainly can do no harm. Monday, November 21 • What if our neigh bors , the Ca- E,·ening - Ladies Au x. , B'nai B'rith ~ R C'gular i\•t ecting. .,...

tholics and the P rotestants. wh o E,·ening--Ladies Aid and Sisterhood .'< spoke in favor of the plan, were 21~~~\~g Sholom. Pawtucket, Regula; z to turn to us. who spoke In oppo- Afte, noon- Ladies Aux , Prov Hebrew 0 sition. saying: Sheltering Society~ Regular Meet ing. <

"V Tuesday, Novembe r 22 t'!'.1 _ ery well. you do not have Afternoon- Ladies Aux., Rabbinical ::S:

much use for this Released Time College of Telshe. Regular Meeting. i:,:, idea. \Vhat do you suggest in its Afternoon- Sisterhood Sons of Zion i:'l

? Regu lar Meclinia ' ~ pl~ce. How do you. Jews, solve I E ven.ing- \Vo men•5 Assn. J ewish Com-this problem of religious educa- nn 1111_ty Center, Board Meeting. ,... tion for '-' OUT children ?" E ven m g - S i5l e rhood. Sons o f Abra- .. oo

.r , h am. Regula r Meeting. .-What if they did ask this of us ? Saturday, November 26 c,:,

What could we of Providence I Evening- Temple Emanuel Di nner ~ tell our neighbors? · Dance.

Where are the Talmud Torahs · MEN'S ORGANIZATIONS in South Providence and on the North End teeming with children in the after-school hours?

How many pupils a re in our Congregational schools on week­days ? And are we comple tely happy with results achieved in our Sunday classes?

Where is our community council on Jewish Education that would plan and advise and guide parents and teachers? We, of Providence. who are one of the very communi­ties without such an agency, what are we to council our neighbors?

So I say, we who opposed Re­leased Time. and did it with so much fervor, Jet us a lso under­take with an equa l degree of ve­hemen ce a positive progr am for J ewish Education in our city.

Then . a nd only then, can we feel right about opposing a R e­leased Time program.

Comettes Annual Membership Tea

The second annual membership tea of the Comettes Club will be held Sunday from 2 to 5 o'clock in Sapinsley Hall. J ewish Com ­munity Center. Members of the club will be hostesses to girls 17 years of age or over who are in­terested in joining the group.

Miss Gertrude Bloomber g and Miss Henrietta Chentkow. m em ­bership co-ch a irmen . are being as­sisted by the executive board a nd a large general commit tee. Execu ­tive m embers a re Miss Bea t rice Genser , president : Miss Eunice Cohen. vice president: Miss Sylvia Schwartz, secl'etary: Mrs. Max Aison. treaurer. and Miss Jo a n Erenkrantz. publicit y.

Hostesses for t he afternoon will be the Misses Molly K adsivitz. Sylvia K adsivitz. Esth er Mclamut, Sally Topal. Harriet Gold . Avis G insber g , Elsie Gorm a n . Shir ley Bign ey and Arlene Goodwin .

Henry Burt Chapter To Meet Sunday

Edward Feldm a n is program ch a irman of the next m eeting of the Henry Burt Ch apter . Labor Zionis ts of America. 8 o·ciock S un ­day evening at the S heraton -Bil t ­more , featuring talks by Mr. and Mrs. Harry Chaet who recen t ly re turned from Is rael. Mr. a nd Mrs . Chae t will a lso sh ow m ovies taken In Israel.

Stanley Sn yder will pres ide at t he m eeting which is open to the public .

Saturday, November 19 6:30 !'· m.- N . . E. Regional Conference - U nited S e rvice for New Americans She raton-Biltmore Hotel. '

Sunday, November 20 10:00 a. m.-N. E. Regional Conference U nited Service fo r New Americans Sheraton-Biltmor e Hotel. , • 10:00 a. m.- Cong. 5ons of Jacob Board Meeting, Cong. Sons of Jacob. 10:00 a . m.- Workme n 's Circle Branch No. 14, Crown Hotel. lg~h~· ~()~;0~ng. Ansh e Kovno, Con g.

~Ji/~;":i-;c~i~g. Sons of Jacob, Cong. 7:30 P: m.,-So. Prov. Hebrew Con-

Mg~~!~~10~\;v~~b:~a~i Hebrew Con g.

W1~0 s~"n::'~Jxr;~!t~_kers Union No. 6:00 p. m.- Prov. Hebrew Day School Board Meeting, 151 Waterman St. 8:00 t:' m.- Cranston Jewish Commun­~{ove 11;eJ'ahanksgiving Dance, Hllls-8:00 p. m.- Jewish Family and Child­~;;~ ~i.rvice Board Meeting, 100 No.

~~Ore Piio'r~t Poale-Zlon, Sheraton-Bllt­ft:I5 p. m.- Temple Beth-Israel Board Meeting, Temple Beth-Israel. 8:30 p. m.- Flneman-Trlnkle Post No 439, Temple Emanuel. ·

Tuesday, November 22 6:,30 p. , m.- Roger Williams Lodge, fe~i3ien~o~~h c Puob~rd Meeting- Dinner, 7:30 p. m.- So. Prov. Hebrew Free Loan, 154 Pra irie Ave. 8:00•p. m.- Y.P.B.A. Executive Com­m ittee, Touro Hall.

Wednesday, November 23 7:30 p . m .- H e brcw Free Loan Ass' n Board Meeting. 128 No. Main St. · 8:00 p. m.- Cong. Sons of Abraham Cong. Sons of Abraham. ' 8 :00 p . m .-Wor kme n 's Circle Sa ul Shocket Branch No. 254-E. ' 8 :30 p . m.-Touro Mee ting, Ben Frie­denn Night, T ouro Hal1.

Saturday, November 26 7:00 p. m .- T e mple E m anuel Dinner­Da nce, Narragansett Hote l.

Beth-Israel Bowling By SAUL HODOSH

Does bowling a ggravate ulcers ? An inter view with Lenny Cort in­dicates that the an swer is yes. P erhaps his a nswer was prompted by Barney Coken . who uses the red line as a foul li:1e and pitch es the ba l1 . Next week we'll h ave spiked sh oes to h elp Barney's slide. ·

1\1:eanwhile Myr ow's Army team was Jivin g up to its n am e as Moe Press·-s Princetonites absorbed n 4 -0 blasting. When th e sm oke of battle cleared . Army had th e lea­gue lead by on e game as Columbia <Myer Epstein ) nnd Connecticut <Bea nie Feldma n ) fa ltered .

T h e scores con tinued t.o mount t his week wi th Jnck Epstein get ­ting a new hi trh three of 384. Good sheets were turned in by Sussm an 346. Nelson 342 and Myrow 339.

A new high s ingle also went in­to t he records as Lefkowitz hit 149. t h en Dave R ober ts (n o one believes itl m ade a 138 nnd J ack Epstein carved ou t 134 .

¢ DON'T F ORGET ! The H erald "" h as an early deadline for news fo r

n ext week (Tha n ksgiving).

Lindsey ·Tavern, 609 Smithfield Avenue

Lincoln, R. I.

Make Your Thanksgiving Day

Dinner Reservations Now!



Special Children 's Menu

For Reser vations Call

PA 2-4449

Center Socialites

Elect Officers Arlene Bloom was installed a s

presiden t of t h e S ocialites of t h e Jewish Community Center at t h e first meeting t h is season held r e ­cently at T em p le Beth El.

Oth ers in stalled were E velyn Kosofsky_ vice president a n d p ub­I i c i t y : Carol Min es. secretar y: J oyce Schrette r. treasurer and sunshine. and Seena Soklow. socia l and program chairman.

Arrangements are bein g m a d e by the teen age group to have a m em bership tea. Mrs. Albert Soko ­low is advisor.


A m eeting of men of Congrega ­tion Aha va th Sholom will be h eld W ednesday even ing a t 8 o"clock at the n ew synagogue to p la n the organization of a Men·s Club .

ANN and JEANIE Alteration and Dres#3makinq ShoTJ


93 EDDY ST. ROOM 301

formerly Ann's· Alteration

Weybosset St.

JE A NIE· formerl y fitter at

F.ishion H.ouse


WISHING WON'TMAKEITS0 Tbe fu ture independence and leiaure you a re hopin& for wi ll be y oun only if you pr~re for iL I t II ne ver t oo early t o m.ake p r o v i11o n for a happy ret ire=t. Don"t let it become too late. How about today?

ELLIOT F. SLACK i'o l 9 Indus tria l Trust Buildin g

DExter 1-2422


Re-elected Congregati_on Beth-David Officers Mrs. Phyllis Laufer




Is Radio Winner Mrs. P hyllis Laufer of 103 P em­

brok e Avenu e was the win ner of a rad io given at the Beth David Mothers' Association Donor Lun­cheon held recently , it was an­nounced at a m eetin g of t h e group held. November 9. Mrs. Ida Kap­lan was chairman of t he affair.

A Chanukah dance for teen agers to be held D ecember· 17 was d iscussed by Mrs . Guy. chairman. and it was decided to h old a Chan ukah party for y o u n g er children on D ecember 18.

It's t h e Herald for fine printin g.


! To Begin Construction

: of Talmud Torah Soon

Bishoff. Aaron Gilstein and Mr. Shein fie ld.

I n stallation cerem onies will t a ke p lace at the synagogue December 18 with Jacob J . Alprin . chairman. assisted by Max R esn ick . Joseph G la dstone. Cy Chorney and M or-




STuart 1-1957 H enry Brill. r e - e lected presi- ris Wilner. in charge. 1

dent of Beth David Congregation. at the annua l meeting a nd elec- 1 ,:,""', ~~~,~,.,,.,,. .... ,..,., ... ,",""',""',-t,.,,~, ... , ... ,...-, ",.,., ... ,,,,,,, ... , .... , .,.,.,.,~,..,,-f, ' , ;-',,;.!,"',-t,~"!'.,~~~G~{

tion of officers h e ld November 7 . :, Just What You've Been Waiting -For! ~ announced that construction of i ,: ,~ t h e Talmud Torah will begin the \ CHASE'S HOME-MADE '! first of the year. 1 :, p· kl d W O ~

Other officers unanimously re - ~ IC e atermelon lb. 2 C ,: e lected were Willia m Greenfield. :, Tom a toes I 7 Sc ', \"ice president: Max P arness. re - ,: go • :, cording secr e tary : Isadore Fried- :, CHASE'S KOSHER DELICATESSEN ::

1 m an. fina ncia l secreta ry. and Jack , ' ,, R esnick . treas urer. Named for ,: ,:

I three-year ter.ns to t h e board of :, 4 16 North Main Street We Deliver MAnning 1- 9818 :, directors were Louis Goldber g. ,: We Are Open 7 Days a Week ,,

1 William Bishoff and S a m u e I :, 9 A. M. to Midnight Every Day ~! I She mfield. ,: On Friday Only fro m 9 A. M. to 2 P. M. ,,

A special plaque was presented :, · . ,: to Nlr . Greenfie ld in a ppreciation · ·;-,,,,, .... ,,,,,,, .... , .... ,.,, .... , .... , .... ,,,,,,,.,, .... ,"', ' , "',"',"',"',"',"', "', ","',.,., .... ,.,,,,, , .... , .... , "', ~.,., .,.,.,,~, .,., ~f;.~~:, for his 'work for the cong regation . The presen tation was m ade by a committee consis ting of Max R es-

I nick. chairm a n . Mr. Goldber[( . Mr . Better Cleaning and Faster Service Is Ava ilable at !

Olympic Bowling

J/t. 1·3522 B ~- HOWARD CO HEN JA 1-3522 I :.;_ ______ __, That _ ··or Debi! .. H a ndicap TI 1089 Broad Street

DIAMOND CLEANSERS We have the very lat e st e quipment for C.A TERING an yw h e r e i n New Eng land

STRicny KOSHER I reared Its ug ly h ead last w eek a nd ID FREE PICK-UP AND • cos t two tPam s three -point losses. n

WIiiiams 1-8673 DELIVERY

under supervision B ernie Coh en·s m en took a 3- ;:,~.r~~,.,_..,_..,.,......,,_,,.~ ,i:~=:;i:::u=:!;::l;,=,~~~::,:,:::.,::;;:~:;i::::;i:::n:=:!i=l~ of Vaad Harabonim poin t loss from the I. Le \"ines and ' - - - -- - --

. dropped into a tic for second place . and Asso c iated I Steady bowling plus the h a ndicap

Synagogues. did the trick. ·Meesh· · S a tloff with

P.Hll MEL MAN a 12 1 sing le and 330 triple led

, Ir\"·s boys t o the win . Brother DAVE FEINSTEIN,: ; ·· R ee,·e·· Z a tloff was high m an for

9 Don't Forget: If It's Turkey for Thanksgiving, Make It the Finest You Can Buy-a

"ROSEMARSHI TURKEY" Known oil ove r t he U.S.A. fo r their butter smooth ond succulent flavor, t hei r big broad brea sts, loaded wit h that extra so delicious, t en~ r, juicy wh it e meat.

There is a d ifference in t urkeys, just a s there is a d ifference in qvolity in mec,h. That's why you should t ry ane of our turkeys ond find out for yo urse lf .

Prices: Up to 20 lbs. - 65c per lb. Ove r 20 lbs. - 58c pe r lb.

(Pl us 3 0 c fo r Kosher Kill ing per T urke y)

W e ship our t u rkeys a nyw he re in the U.S.A. F.O .B. ready for the Oven. T here are no pinfea t hers and no more cleaning for you to do. Our tu rkeys a re kos he r ki lled by Schochet Selsky of Brockton, under the supervision of Robbi Spiro of Brockton . Visit Massochusetts' la rgest tu rkey farm a nd pick your holiday turkey yourself- it's lots of f un and don ' t fo rget to br ing the children.

Tc ke ~ oute 28 from Mottopon to Brockton, turn le ft on Route 2 7 to Whitman, follow obout 4 mile,, th en t urn left on High Street .


329 Hig h Street, Whitman

FARM Tel. Whitman 676

In coming to the f arm, tal<e Rou t e 4" out o f Prov i dence- turn lef t on Rout e 10 cont i nue on Route 18 to Whitman- turn left on Rou t e 17 and turn r i g ht on H igh Str eet .

, his s ide with 123 and 326. Bernie"s i fi\"e had been hotter than fire the 1

, firs t four weeks . but they· re coolin" I d own . I

The other h a ndica p ,·ictim . Ji m I Hochman . los t 3 to T r dd,· Leo-

, n ard·s boys. A three-pm handicap I sounds small. but it g:n r th r Leo ­n a rds two s t nn gs a nd p111fa ll. Hy Mancie l! wit11 114 ,1·a s the pace sett e r . a ncl Ha s k,· W allick ·s 137 s ing lc- a fter a rocky 79 sa ,·ed on e

1 p oint for J 1m·s m e n . i'vle rlc R ocly n with 11 0 . 122 a nd

135 paced h is ga n g to a four - pomt win o ,·er the las t pla ce Malatts. a ncl Abe Lobe l with a 306 tnple h e lped . too. Al Zawats ky ·s 11 2 was best for the J\ l a latts. wh o have on ly ga ined t hree pomts o f a pos­s ibl C' 20 th us far tlus sea son .

The Howie Cohe n s took sole re ntal on fi r s t placC' by winn in !! 3- 1 o ver the J (JC Schwartzcs. Howie and J oe waged a m e rry 1ncl1\"idua l ba ttle e ndin g wi t h 35 1 nncl 350 . res pec tivC'IY. but bc ttn support gave the Coh e n s the win Lit w111 . Tcite lma n a nd Wolo fT were t he s teady lrnnds .

Hi gh a ve ragC's a rP: R oc!,·n I 11 . H . Coh en 106 and Grec nbC' r g 104 .

The Hrn1ld in\"itc · nrws itrm s. fo r which there is 11 ('\"C'r a n y ch arge- .

Rh otlr / ."l rrnrl ' s L"r9cst ~tore . . . G ABpf•e 1-1000

FEET HURT? Get Re lief From All

Common Foot Troubles! If you suffe r from corns, callouses, bunions , tired aching feet , rheumat ic­like foot or leg pains due to weak or fallen arches ... or have d iffic ulty get­ting shoes that fit your feet comfort-2bly .. . then by all means take a dva n­t age of our Foot Relief Faci lities; Trained Attend a nts, Dr. Scholl' s Foot Comfort* Shoes, Remed ies, Arch Sup­ports, Surgical H osiery.

Dr. Scholl 's Arch Supports The re are ove r 50 d if!eren! lind, . .. ch de,igne d for a pa rlicu la r !ype o f arch w ec, kn es,, .

•· Dr. Scho ll ', Shoes for Men and W 0 1-ne n in Providenc~, Here .Ex­c lusive ly.

V •• Your C halfl" A ccount Th,, u UTt. Ji:T UR SC!IOLL"S•F'QOT

l'U M FOHT Al DS. St • (',•t F'l nnr



~ Foot - l:Aa~r

11hu.trate4, 6.00 pair.

11111 --== =========== I

Spend you r advertising dollar wisely. Use the Herald, which is seen and r ead by more people every week.

Wedding Invitations (-Hour Prtntfnr Service

Prin ted-Em bo11ed-E11,.ra •ed

• Shower Invitation•, Favor• • B irth Announcements • Thanl,, You'.-lnlorma~ • Personali-z.ed Stationery • Ticket:,-Program•

Bar Mitzvah Invitations

T h • t 8 lsmp lro S t.

ec noprm Wey~::~,t St .

Baby Portraits

Taken In Your


16 proofs submitted

MR. AND MR S. GERALD MILLER cut their wedding cake at the dinner-reception after their m a rriage :-Jovember 8 a t Uie Narragansett Hote l. Mrs. Miller is the form er Miss Eunice Gom­be r g. daughter or" Mr. a nd Mrs. Maurice Gomberg of Fall Rive r . The groom is the son of Mr. a nd Mrs. Leo Miller of Sixth Stree t.

Photo by Fred K elm a n

COUNCILETTE MEETING Specialists in Children's Portraits

The Coun cile ttes ,i·ill meet Sun­ Pawt. Hadassah to "Male Animal"

169 Weybosset Street DE 1-5946 - WI 1-5250-

da y at 2:30 o'c lock at the Shera ­ton-Biltmor e Hote l. Enter tainment See

I for the day will feature a n ac - I cordionis t . _ I ,

,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. The Center Pl aye rs 11· i II present '

~ ¢'-·-= ~ -~ •~ COMPLETE

<=·ii~ I


--Thl' Male Ani m a l ... direc ted by : Gera ld A. Os t.er. a t the thrift s up­per to bene fit. Child We lfare given


b y the Pa11·tucket-Central F a lls , Chapter of cladassa h tomorrow f

e 1·enin g at West High S c hoo I. lP, ~'t Baby Carriage. (•J ~~,,.-.·. ... . . Nursery Furniture -~~--~ , {, ·/t o>' -~ Toys - Dolls /

~~ods~S · ...4.;.J . " '. ,_, WESTMINSTER ST. y

Pawtucket. Mrs . Abraham Hor­vitz is chairm a n of the a ff a ir.

At an executive boa rd m eeting h eld November 9 at the home of Mrs. Julius Robinson. 17 Floren ce Street. Riverside. arrangem ents were m a de for a children' s shower to be held November 28 to collect

tP GA. 0092 Mail and Phone orders promptly ~Ued



PERSONAL ANALYSIS 93 EddyStreet UNion 1-1 923

New York Office-26 Platt S tree t . N. Y. Whitehall 3-5770

ftn. 'Real Clz~..e t<XJ<i ~1 PROVIDENCE . . . . ,

• Sam Chen Recommends

These Different, Delicious Dishes

Chinese Steak K ew < A Favorite in Bos ton l

Chinese Spaghetti coo ked wi th Shrimp

THE HOUSE OF Abalone Soup

ftJ MAMCKU Open 11 A. M . to 12 Miclni gll t Every Day


c lo t hing for n eedy children. Mrs. Conra d Kra m er. program ch ai r­m a n. announced t h at Mrs . Daniel B . Miller. president of Providen ce H adassah. will speak on the Na­tiona l Convention bein g h eld in San Francisco.

-Reports were m ade by Mrs. I Louis Finkel. Mrs . Ha rry G ersh-

1 man. Mrs. Philip H ak and Mrs. Robinson. The literary group will

1 m ee t Monday a fternoon at th e home of Mrs. Jack Crovitz. Edge ­

! wood.

I "ME ET OUR FAC ULTY" 1 A --M ee t Our Faculty .. nwe tin g. 1

l to acquaint t he public with the I I educa tional program of the Provi- 1

dence Hebrew Day School. will be h eld Novembe r 28 at t he school buildin g. 1"51 Waterman Stree t .

Rabbi James I. Gordon. prin ci­pal. will present each m embe r of the fncu lty.

BROWNIE TROO P 6 New office rs of Brownie T roop

G. Pawtucket. are Jane t Wolfson . 1 pres ident : Wendy Mi ll N . v i ce pres ident : Jenn Wiener. trea sure r

I a nd D~ 111: 1p:i:::·~:R': ~i~e.

Fa hr i ,. s. ta111•strics . jac­quards . dohh_,. doth, awning m ah-r ial s. kath,•rrtt1· for all 1111ri1os,·s. NI'\,, J>la s ti,· fahri c for kit<-h,•n .- hairs. b r i cl g r ta h I,. s. h ea dboard s. outdoor furnitun•, man y rolors. lon g v-earin~ . \ \!il l not .-ra,·k or JH·r l. < 'om11l..t,· s u1111li rs for ~-o ur u11h ols frr y re,1uin•nH'nts.

\\' holesa lr - Retail

KRAMER'S 27 Frank lin S l . PL I - 5676

You Don't Need a Gun To Get

Your Turkey If You Shop at

Fred Spigel's TURKEYS CAPONS ·

around lb 55c lb 57c


(Large birds may be cheaper)

GEESE lb 49c

/ n e t weight


n e t weight

Freddie's Prices Are Much Lower Than They Were Last Year . . . An'd He is Passing On the Savings to His Customers.



Lamb Chops '"Rib Steak

Steer Tongue 4 Legs of Chicken Breasts of Chicken Veal Chops lb

(}~ Sp~,l0 MEAT fl POULTRY

190 WILLARD AVE. GA 1-8555


... ""

""l :c l:'l


" 0 < .... 0 l:'l Z -... (") l:'l ... l:'l ~ .. == :c l:'l

" ;.. t"" ~ .., ,,, .... 0 ;i.

~ z ·I 0 < l:'l ~ t::1' l:'l

" ... !:"' ... <D ~ <D

"' ... "' 00

SYD I that I am reason ably sure .

COHEN: • That baseba ll league for kids i 8 to 12 years old. still in the talk- j ing stage. sh ould be the first step. i As· the boys outgrow that one. ther e will h ave to be advanced leagues for · them to step in to. But

~ Here We Go Again I that takes 'care only pf those who 1ai a re in the 8-12 categor y now. Must , ll:l ,,2===::'.:=:'==::::'::::z::::':::::::z::::'::::=:::=:':::::'::::=:::=:':::::':::'::::::::::'::':::::':::::=::: the present teen-agers go withou t ~ ·- • I baseba ll leagues that would h elp > It was at a club m eeting a few is a deeper r eason. and it a ffects develop them O -

~ weeks ago that Ha rold Teitelman all t h e kids who show some a bility Again I think the young mt>n rush ed over to show m e a clipping and who MIGHT u-e t som ewhere of the community should offr r a

;.;- of which h e was very proud-and if they could exploit th eir op- h elping h a nd . I see no r eason why ~ decided me on this week's column. portunities to the full. My brother we ca nnot ha\'C s trong leagues for ... It h ad to do with his brother is only a n example of wh at m a y alr age groups within a few· yea rs ~ Mark, an 18-year-old southpaw in have happened in the past a nd at the latest. And the first • step

. New Haven, Conn .. who recently what may be h appening at present should be the forma t ion. of a O si1med a Class C contract with the a nd what m a y happen in the fu- J ewish At hleti c Association. or :; St. Louis Cardinals. Young Teitel- ture to other kicls \\'ho can play , some thing like that. to pla n a ncl ~ m an's first contract in profession a l I ba ll. 1 orga nize t h ese lea gues .

Final Thanksgiving Reminder ... LOUIS' SENSATIONAL 15c OFFER .


For 15c Turkeys, Cook it, On Your

p·er pound above the market price Of Live LOUIS will Provide Your Turkey, Kosher it Roost It Prepare It For Yo·u to Serve Holiday Tobie.


NO C HARGE FOR KILLI:'1/G AND PLUCKING T his Offer for 16 lb. Turkeys and Up

K nishes. Kishka . Cra'nberry Molds. Soup, Made to O rder



MA. 1-2374 PL. 1-3125

~ ball inc ludes a sma ll bonus pro- The Jewish boys of this a rea l \lhe n that day com es. maybe "" vision, and h e reports next March someh ow do not play baseball-as we'll ha ve more s uccess s tories ;;j to the Pocate llo, Idaho club. a whole, I m ean. A few of them . , about fellows like Harold Te itel ­... Harold is understandably proud with exceptional ability. m ay gef : m an's kid brother. ins tead of ::= of his kid brother's achievem ent. into the various a m ateur leagues "what -might - have - been" stories

~ I know how he mus t feel. My own during the s umme r, but most of abou~t-br_o"'t"'h"'e""r_s_l.,.ik_e_m_in~e-·~---,~~~:::::::::I::JJ:::::::::::::::Jl!;~~!I;~!!};!;;;};;;;~=======~ lil kid brother .sh owed great promise them, if they play regularly at - ---- -·- _ ·-- _ _ u not so long a go. a nd I thought- a ll. do it in pick-up games .and . ~ as die! some impartial obser vers- for informa l teams. just for the >:::_, .... 0 that he might ·make the grade. fun of it. with no real chance of 1 -:··· · ··~· ' \ ;:;: He 's a r ight h and pit ch er who had de veloping their talents and get- .. • .d :llillMi• . · .··. ·- .,, ··.·,·· · ... ··.;·.·:···,·.·.·:.· .• : •. o a baffl ing curve a nd knuckler. and ting a n ywhere. --., . C::: good control- a nd h e was a n out- There are no J ewis h lea gues of .,. ;\\ ·~ ~- : ~ fielder of be tter t ha n a verage a bil- the type t h at could and would in- , ,, .. lil ity, with a throwing arm t hat was duce the boys to_play ball . ins truc t ·\ ,( . ~ a delight to watch. Wi th a ll this. t h em in the fundamen ta ls .. advise , · i ... w•D••·.-':· . \ \ ,

h e was a lso a fine hitter. I them how to go about findm g- out I _ .\ · Wounded In Action whether they h a\·e t he s tuff or '::::: \

inj~~io~~;.f~~e~~~ :a/::tiimb~;~~ no~.ure. the a m ateur leagues are 1 ~ considerably and took the edge off I availa ble. and a boy can try out I :::':: , his a mbi tion to m a ke a career in I with som e of those teams: but a 1

baseball. He did m a ke a few half- I kid who need s first to play ba ll I h ear ted attempts. a nd even a t- regula rly and gain confidence in I tended a t r yout camp conduc ted , his a bility. who can not learn by by t he Ca rds: but it r a ined that sitting on a bench and watching day and h e never did get a chance . oth ers play. is h andicapped. I to s how his stuff . And that was I And that is where the J ewish t h e end of what might have been leagues should come in~g-et them a successful ca r eer. I p layin g baseba ll so that they may

My brother's case is not pre- , take advantage of whatever t a­sent ed as a fa mily history or as lents they posses~. so .that t h ey a big brother 's possibly inflated can m ove in to faster company if opinion of- his kin's ability. Ther e and when they have proven them-

-- ------ selves. The a m ateur · leagues op­erate on Saturdays, when many of t he J ewis h boys work and cannot.

= __ p lace fu ture careers ahea d o f pre ­

- - sent incom e. The J ewish leagues , Get Greater Results·

from Your Advertising

- a lso could take care of t hat. - But there a ren't a n y leagues of

this kind , and there is no a gita ­tion for them. Not h aving base­ball, the boys of the younger gen-eration are conten t to play soft-ball and le t it go a t that.

That last sta tem ent is a cons­t a nt source of wonderment to the

= Many small and large busi- = fellows of m y a ge group- the la te ' = 1 twenties and early thirties. Whe n 1

neaa firms use the services of ~ we were kids we ne ver dreamed

= * = = = this advertising agency to get ·= of playing softba ll . It was base-= greater returns from their ad· ~ ~f~~r e;;;yw~~-a~~~e/f a~f1\~s ~'l~~


vertising investment. We can ~ bus inesses cam e into being . when

help you too.

* = we couldn' t practice weekdays . d id ~ we s witch to softba ll on Sunday

mornings. What to Do?

JOSEPH MAXFIELD CO. W h at to do abou t it" Let the

younger fellows go their own way. and the devil with them·> No. I ca n ' t agree wi th that point of

B7 Weybosset St .. Providence, R. I.

Joseph Finkle Archie Finkle

== 1 view. I think the job is o n e of _-_ education . The older f e 11 o w s

should see to it that baseball is m ade available to the youngsters. Le t us organize it for them a nd they will do the rest . a nd a bou t

~ ~ e co'='=!eoe~~

Non-Cancellable ij'


Ji 11 H Frank Lazarus __ ;J J\ I.IH: l:'II SI IRA NC E- ANNlilTIES !l ( Your I nquiries Solic ited fl ll: j', 1 FRANK LAZARUS {i INS URANC E ADV ISOR .JI 11 f. 35 Indus tri a l Trust BIil i:. . GAspee 1-3812 Providence. R. I. iT · 1~ : ....:,-=,~::::;::::;-;....:;r_:,,·....::_ -_-, .=:..~::::,-;;:..·.::;=,:;:::.;::.~>=,~~~~:.:.~~wl! I

The dorndest th ing in l i fe is getti ng a prescr iption filled when you need it . With East Side Pharmacy you con forget you r W o r r ies 1 Free Pj_ck-up and De livery Service is as Near as your phone.

Call GAspee 1-8618


Headquarters" _




* As litt le as 50c weekly will prpvide a very welcome Christmas Fund for next year's

gift -giving. As little as 50c will open YOUR


Your check will be sent.N ovember 15, 1950.






I •


Four Added to Center's Staff

Four persons h ave been added to the J ewish Community Center's staff. it was announced this week.

Miss Fredlyn Kovitch, a senior at Pembroke College, is a clup· worker and dramatic specialist in the South P roviden ce extension program . She is a member of the n ation a l board of the National Jewish Youth Conference .

A recent addition to the South Providence after-school and pre­school staffs is Miss Seena Kovitch, junior at Pembroke.

Classes in arts and crafts and in art are conducted by Miss Shi1-ley Goldberg in both the Nor~h End and South Providence. Mips Goldberg, a graduate of Rho~e Island State College, r eceived Ji'er a r t training at Rhode I s I a 4 d School of Pesign , and teachesi:rt at the P r·ovidence Hebrew ay Sch ool.

Mrs. Edward Charon is in ch '.31 ge of t h e gym program for girls 6 to 12 and boys 6 to 10 in the Broad Street School on Thursday af tern oons from 3: 30 to 5 o'clock. She is a graduate of Sargen t School for Physical Education of Boston University and a former AAU basketball and swimming officia l. She is at present a teacher in Cranston and conducts a pri­vate swimming class.

SUMTER Delicatessen F ormerly K nown as Malin 's

Selling Tickets for Cranston Affair

Harold Tregar of the Cranston Jewish Community Club is shown selling Miss Elaine Ritch the first ticket for a new Buick sedan to be given away by the group Morulay night at the Hills­grove Country Club. Photo by Fred K elman

New Miriam Plans To Be Ready Feb. 1

Emanuel Bowling By JOE PRIMACK

" Who's going to sto p the Browns 0 " is the cry around the lea gue now. It will take more than talk to accomplish this as Mal

In order to avoid any flaws in Paynor·s tea m won four again and

I t h e designing of the new Miriam now have a record of 22 won a nd Hospital. the plans and specifi- 2 lost. The Browns ~potted the

1 ca tions for t h e building will n ot be R eds 16 pins each_gam e and yet

I submitted un til F ebruary 1. Henry won the total pinfa ll . 1629 to 1509. Turoff. representing Ba rker an d E veryone is waiting ·for Pa y­Turoff Architects. a nnounced at nor 's tea m to crack and instead a m eeting of the executive build- they a re getting better each week. in g committee November 3. Next week Hy Weinberg's Tig-

WEEK END SPECIALS: " Both th e architect and the ers. with a record of 17 a nd 7. a nd committee are try in g to develop a in second place. m eet the Browns hospital which will be seconq a nd this should make a n interest-

2 for 15c to none in t he country," h e r e- ing m atch . as the Tigers wi ll be ported. "and a great deal of spotted a bout 20 pins.

Novem ber 17, 18, 19 JEX Steel Wool STREIT' S


Wax Poper Shoe String or Diced

pkg. 19c though t is being given to the ar- F or the third time this season rangements of various rooms. de- Ma l Paynor , m y gosh. doesn·t

roll 20c partments a nd utili ties.'' a n yo ne else bowl in the league 1

Beets · lg. con 1 0c Mr. Turofl 's report went on to jacked up th e high three to 382.

state that the comm ittee m em- H e a lso h olds the' high average bers have visited numerous hospi- with 11 7 . Oth er h igh threes were ta ls throughout the country in J erry T essler 362. Miles Goldbe.._:g order to fa miliarize theipselves 35 9. Eddie La n g 355. Fra nk Golq­

Crisco lb. con 32c COLUMBIA KIST

Red Salmon con 35c with the latest design in hospi ta ls . stein 349. Mike Miller 348. Jules


Bowling Banter B y BETTY COHEN

by Mimi Rodyn who continued h er "' fine b owling, having a first string

· It took Lou Boren and h er crew to do it, but Dot Leon ard's bowl­ing quin tet was finally toppled from first place, th e p o s i t i o n they've held for the past three weeks. The Borens took all four points and now hold the league lea<1"by two points.

of 95 , and Elaine Aiken, surprising everyone with her bowling, finish- ~ ed her evening with a 104 to raise r,, her triple score to 265. Helped by a -.:, string of 109. Dot -·strashnick ~ chalked up a triple of 277. Rita 0 Levin and Estelle Cohen tried har d ::i for the losers and ended up shar- ~

h elped ing honors for high single of 110. z --------------- Rita 's triple for the night was 282. ~

The winning team was

tion November 11 , 12 arid 13 in On the other alleys, Miller's and .., Worcester. The sch edule included: Winn's gals fought hard for the t!l Sen ior E xecutive m eeting, Friday cellar spot a nd th e Millers won ::!; afternoon. fo llowed by a basket- ou t. Shirley Levin perked up th e ril ball game between P rovidence and Winns by taking high three for :C Worcester. with the latter winning the night with 289 , aided by Betty :c 33 - 26; Friday evening ser vices: Cohen's 259. Esther Miller , as t!l Saturday ser.vices and an Oneg usual. led her pack with a three ~ Sha bbat; a dance. a district m eet- of 281. closely foll owed oy F ay t"' ing and banque t . 1 Malatt with 278. _i:,




We Mean Your Christmas Party

Let the Star Deli ca tessen Plan and Cater It for You. Orders T a ken for Salads. S a ndw iches. Hors d'Oeuvres. Molds or Whatever You Wish . to m a ke the affai r a Big Success.


21 DOUGLAS AVENUE opposite the Synagogue

or telephone GA 1-4794 and osk ,.for JULIE or DAVE

• STAR · ., c, ~

Delicatessen and Restaurant Co. 21 Dougla~ Avenue GA 1-4794

,_. _oo

HERSHEY a nd during these visits they h ave Zucker 33 7. Buddy 'Wild Ball I Chocolate Syrup 2 for 25c found that not one. regardless of G erber 337. Sam Ch ase 334 . Sonny I

the cost of building, was without Baker 335. Al , Shorty) Chase 324. I

SUMTER for the Best in

Delicatessen HARRY FAIN. Mgr . 993 Brood Street

Free Delivery HO 1-3220

flaws. and Leo , ltadio l Mi ller 323. Tes-On the committee a re Samuel sler a lso had the h igh s in gle for

Shore. Mi lton Sapinsley. Jacob th e night with 148. missing the Temkin. Joseph Pulver. J oseph season hi gh by one pin. R ess. Harry Schwartz. Henry Le- 1

vaur . Mrs. G enevieve Nesby. a d- [ C C Pl minis trator of Miriam Hospital , enter amps an a nd Miss Giblin. I

We carry a complete line SMOKED FISH

Open Sunday Morning 8:30 to 12:30

R epresentatives of the a rchi - I Reunion Parties tects present at the m eeting were

of Lloyd Tu roff. Charles McTam- I R eunion pa rties for Camp Cen-m any and William C. Dyer. 1 t er land a nd Camptown will be

Dr Willinsky. adminis t rato r of I held in the Eas t Side. North End 1 Beth Israel Hospita l. Boston. was and in South. Providen ce next Fri -' a lso present. day, at I o'clock.

Camp movies and entertainm ent ">::ft::=:t::!'b......-:--'H't::=:t::f~c·:t:::1bbb~Mt::ft:"1Hl:"'1H~ by children of the after -school



lb 59c a nd up

Place Your Orders Now For Thanksgiving


NECKS and BACKS 2 lbs . 25c


BREASTS lb . 87c

WINGS 35c lb.


groups in the different commu­nities will high light t h e pa rties. to which every child is invited. Pa rents wi ll be informed of t he exact pla ce by m ail.

This wi ll be the firs t o f the Cente r' s programs for children during school vaca lions in the ir own com mu nities.

Zionist Activities l'ro vldcncc Leaders Counril

A m ee tin g of the Providen ce ' Lea de rs· Counc il was he ld No,·em­ber 14 at 272 Warrington Street with William Melze r . advisor . in ch a rge. P la ns for the next. meet-

1 in (( we re made. and it. was a n ­I nounccd t hat a ll leaders wllo do I n ot aLtencl it wi ll be a u tomatica lly 'I dropped from the Council.

Convention ll e ld I Max A ·sa ,n1s l( Ucst speake r at

I 'd T I ST 1 9675 I t he Southeas tern Massac husetts 607 E mwood Avenue, Prov, ence e · · a nd Rhode Is land Dis trict of Scni -~www~ or J udn ea Ann uni Fa 11 Conven-

" T he Newporl" one-button long ro ll


in thi s season· s li ght er a nd bri ghl cr shad es wit h ha nd -s t it ched d e­laik Abo avai la b le in "The Squire" a one-button single-breast­ed nH~del I


See Erwin Summer

> Open Mondays

Charge Accounts


. I


Rabbi Carol Klein will speak on "' the coming Community House ! campaign at a meeting of the

00 Menorah Women's League, Mon­... day evening at 3· o'clock at the ci= Narragansett Hotel. Refreshments ~ will be served.

Miller-Gomberg Miss Eunice Ruth Gomberg,

daughter of Mr. and Mrs . Mau­rice Gomberg of 868 Madison Street, Fall.. River, was m arried to Gerald Howard Miller. son of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Miller of 37 Sixth Street November 8 in the ba ll­room of the Narragansett Hotel. The 6: 30 o'clock Cl,<!temony was

_performed by candlelight with Rabbi Samuel Ruderman of F a ll River and Rabbi Morris Schus­sheim officiatin g.

~ -----'-I It's the Herald for fine printing. ;,. 0 z ;,,,· < Q ; '"' Q :;j ci= '-I

= = rn [; '-I .., '-I u z w Q .. ;,. 0 ~ il,,

w = E--

Individualize Your Home

With Our New Wall


For the Holiday Season


94 Empire St. GA 1-3378

The bride . given in marriage by h er parents, was attired in a white satin gown styled with a portrait neckline and full skirt. en train. A ruffle of ch an tilly lace s tudded with rhinestones trimmed the n eckline and anoth_er made a pep­lum. A veil of illusion fell fror:1 a helmut cap of lace and pearls .

Miss Arlen e Dondis of Fa 11 River . as m a id of h onor. chose a gown of rose satin with a hooped skirt and off- the-shoulder n eck­line. A m atching bonnef and cas­cade bouquet completed her en­semble. The bridesm a ids. who were s imilarly attired in pale green satin, were the Misses Janet Gare­lick of Franklin. Mass .. Janet Mil­ler and Eunice Cohen of Provi­den ce. and Pat Settlow. Joyce Ep­stein and Mrs. Mich ael Stern of Fall River.

Betsy Jane Tregar. the flower girl , was gowned in rose satin a nd lace with a matching bonnet and Henry Pollock was ring bearer.

~"THE BLUE FRONT STORES" Open Wednesday and Saturday Night 'Til 8 P. M.

3-Pc. Custom-Made SLIP COVERS Complete with zippers and welting ... $59 00 Choice of Floral, Stripe & Solids. •

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Richard Platkin was b.est man. The usher corps included Sid Bander, Allan Press. -Edmund K orb, Abbot Lieberman. Morton Pomerantz and Robert F rank.

Mrs. Gomberg's gown was of pale blue chiffon with silver bead­ing. while Mrs. Miller selected a gown of beige lace over bronze satin.

The bride graduated Durfee High School and attended Boston Univers ity. The groom was gradu­ated from Providence College.

After a dinner at the hotel. the couple left for a wedding trip to Florida.

Daughter Born Mr. and Mrs. Philip Cantor of

162 West 75th Street, New York City. announce the , birth of a daughter , Ann Meryl on November 1. Mrs. Cantor is the f o r m e r Miss Roberta Rosenberg , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Rosen­berg, formerly of Providen ce. now of New Bedford. Mass. P aternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs . John Cantor of Rockville Center. Long Island.

Birth Announcement The birth of a son. Steven Geof­

frey. on November 3 h as been an­nounced by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kramer of Holyoke, Mass. The moth er was formerly Miss Trudy Elma n. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Elman of this city. Pater­nal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. I srael Kramer.

Shermans · Announce Birth Mr. and Mrs. Israel Sherman

of 175 Baker Street announce the birth of a daughter , Rober ta Iris on November 8.

Announce Birth Mr. and M!·s. Leonard S . F eld­

berg announce the birth of a son. Ronald Lee. on November 7. 1949. The maternal , grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. George -Ganz of Woodpine Street. this city.

Smith-Stallman Mr. and Mrs. Jack K opel Stall­

man announce the marriage of their daughter, Miss Beverly Stall­man. to Sidney Joseph Smith of Boston, on October 30. Ra bbi Eli A. Bohnen performed the cere­~ony in the chapel of T emple Ema nuel.

The bride is a graduate of Pem­broke College. Mr. Smith was graduated from Yale Univers ity a nd Ha rvard Univers ity School of Business Administration.

S urprise Party Miss Sheila Seigal was h ostess

at her home at a surprise party for Miss Beverly Pavlow who cele­brated her 14th birthday on No­vember 6.

Miller-Cohen The m a rriage of Miss Barbara

Hilda Cohen . daughter of Mr. and I Mrs. William Cohen . to Dr. Mur­ray Edward Mille r . son of Mr. and Mrs . Ha rry Miller . took p lace November 13 at the Sheraton­Biltmore Hotel. Rabbi Eli A. Boh­nen ofliciatcd at the 5 :30 o'clock candlelight ceremony.

The bride. attired in a prin cess s tyle µ;o wn of candle ligh t satin . en train. with -a s tand-up collar and buttons to the waist . and a fingertip veil of illusion fallin g from a wreath of orange blos ­som s. ca rried a cascade bouquet I of gardenias and white orchids. ;

Mrs. Stanley H . Cath. sis ter of 1

the bride ai1d matron of llonor .1 wore a ye llow brocade tatfcta gown

with a sweetheart. necklinl' a nd I hoopskirt. and carried a colonial bouquet of bronze p o m po m s m a t c h i n g h er headdres~. The bridesmaids, in green brocade taf­fe ta and cnrrying yellow pompom s to match their flowered corone ts. were Mis.· Hilda Barad. Miss Linda Blackman r111d Mrs . Ira Schreiber . cousins of the bride.

Dr. Joseph Miller . brother of t he groom , was best ma n and ushers were Saul Miller. Ka rl Foss.

Chairman of Dance

MRS. BURTON FINBERG Mrs. Finberg is chairman of

the Temple Emanuel Silver An­niversary Formal Difiner-Dance to be held at the Narragansett Hotel November 26 at 7 o'clock . Reservation chairman is Mrs. Louis Temkin of 348 Doyle Ave.

Gerald Simon, Dr. Albert Good­man, Stanley Kaplan and Dr. Bernard Issokson.

The bride's mother chose a gown of sapphire blue lace and Mrs. Miller 's gown was of aqua crepe trimmed with silver beads and



And Her


Phone GE 6-7949 - TA 5-4501



I sequins. Each had an orchid cor­: sage.

After a reception at the hotel . the couple left on a trip to Flor­ida. They will reside at 105 Chace Avenue upon their return.

Birthday Party A birthday· party in honor of

Linda Carol Steingold, five years old , was given by her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Steingold of 29 Knight Street, Central Falls. Cartoon films were shown by Ben Lazar.

(Continued on Page 5 )



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News cop y submitted to t h e , H erald sh ould be legibly written . a nd double spaced. if ~ypewritten .

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29 ABORN ST. GA 1-7172

Old Established Company Offers Attractive Rotes To Israel by Plane or

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TURKEYS Top Quality





Route 2 South County Trail GReenwich 1-0512-M East Greenwich, R. I.

On Ma in H rghway, Right-hand Side, Look for Yel low Sign


MR. AND MRS. WILLIAM H . PA YTOS were m a rried :-lo­, ·ember 6 at the home of the bride's parents. ;\Ir. a nd Mrs. Albert Kumins of Winthrop. Mass. The newlyweds will reside at 27 Harva rd Avenue upon thrir re turn from a wedding trip.


Cranston Bowling By DR. HA Y\'I S WOOLF

.For a new leagu e. two s trike­, on-s trike plays makes h o t n ews. In fac t. it wa s en ough to give our

r sec. Ed La n g . hig l1 s ingle for t he night with 126 and h e tied Mo rris Fille r for hig h three with 329 .

M a x Whit e says h e does n ·t want bm\'ling sh oes for· a Cha nuka h

1 presen t: i t m ay put t h e Ya nkees out of commission . The Ya nks h a d high pinfa ll this tim e with 1411.

1 New m embers o f the o,·er- 100 Club are Al LeYy , 108: Ben Mel­lio n. 122 : l\lorris Filler. I 16. a n d In Rubin . 111 . But the best thing Len Sla vitt a nd Doc Burt Litch­man find a t the Bowlad rom e a re t h e h otdogs.

1 G uest spar es for the p1·ening I we re by J erry Fish. D a n ' Suger -

1 man. Willia m De itsch a nd Aaron Riccles. W <'' r e s till lookin g for n ew m em bers for th e league. a nd D oc

r D a n K auffm a n and Ed La n g say that 11·e p robably could m a ke up

i s ix-man teams with a f('w m ore 1 bowle rs. GP! in touch with us. if

you h a 1·e a ny ideas.

Beth-El Bowling

A . Libbey Photo

LOUI S KORl'- STEIN HONORED Louis M . K orns tei n . presiden t

o f th e Rhode I sland Jewis h Fra ­ternal Association. wa s h onored 1

at a testimonial d inner g iYen No­w mber 10 a t the r e~ular m eeting , of the ad1·isory board o f t he group. An en gnned s i!l·er tray was pre­sent ed t o Mr. Korns tein . who is to be married to Miss Bea t rice T e ,·er ow No n , mber 27 .

BROTHERHOOD MEETl:--G The n e·xt m eeti ng of the T emple

Be th-El Bro therhood has been ca lled for W ednesd a y. Dec . 2 1. The committee a r ra n ging the e l'en ­ing·s program has disclosed the ent erta inment for the occa:;ion . It will fea ture Emil Cohen. known as tli e "com edia n who brings J ew ­ish humor wit h a Grossinger twist."

197.50 Plus Three Yens GUARANTEED

© To Pay


Three MINNEAPOLIS HONEYWELL CONTROLS with The rmostat I Pressuretrnl Master Rela i· 27:'i Ga llon Tank Ta nk Gaug• Finest Combus tion Chamber Yentalarm

Oil F'iller Automatk Damper l'iromalic Vah·e All Ta nk Piping­Tank Valv• All Electrical Work Jloi ler CIPan•d &. Painted




- ------- -................................................... • • : THINGS ARE POPPING IN CRANSTON! : • • + A REAL OLD-TIME + • • : : i Thanksgiving Week Dance i


t~ a ~~-T~~E:!A~1~m p le : with dancing1 from 8 to 12 . . . :

Beth -El Bro tlw rhood Bowl in !! Lea - + + gue re tllrned to ac tion last n igh t ' • •

after tak m g las t week ofT to a t - 1 + PL US THE GRAND DRAWING + tend the organ izat ion 's form a l + +

I d inner-dance. + ------- + There arc som e> t: ood m arks for +

the kcglers to sh oo·t a t durin!,! t he + IN THE GIANT' BUICK JACKPOT+ commg wppks. nn d re port s r ea ch- + + in t: Nat Al ter m a n . lPa gue seere - + t a;. ,- . ha1·e i t tha l the p resen t !Pad - + + ers wi ll },a1·e tO keep Oil the1r tOCS. •• --------- •

F inklcstPi n 's F ca r l ess F n· P. i h ead ed bl' Archie himse lf. . s till . AT THE HILLSGROVE COUNTRY CLUB lea d t h e !~ague. according to ia test + ava ilable ~t a tis tics Right behind + MONDAY EVENING -- NOVEMBER 21 + t h a t tea m a re tlw a gg reg atio ns of + + Joe Alte rma n . Leo Kopit a nd + e D T" k t $1 20 e + LPnny T ricstma n . a ll tied for sec- t Once IC e S • per person • a nd . T ricstma n ·s T errific T e a m + +

~?\1~1e hli; h team -sing le m a rk I: Come for the DANCING and FUN • • • and : O tlw rs with Lenny a re H a rry + +

Gordo n . W illi a m W ex ler. Edd i e + SEE MAYOR HOYT W LARK of CRANSTON + Fcinbprg a nd " Doc" Pnt zkPr. T h e + • + h 11, 11 tC'n m - thrpe score of l 6'.!6 is • PICK THE WINNER OF THE NEW BUICK rl' t a 111!'d bv Don Z ion's tl'a m . And +· + I rwin S ilil'rs te1n o f the sa m e I ---------------------------- ------------- + qu 1n tP t !ms the h ig h in c11,·1cl u nl +• PROCEEDS BENEFIT CRANSTON COMMUNITY CLUB BUILDING FU ND + thrC'l' -s t rinµ score o f 389 . D , c k V ------·-- ------------------------------- -- + B arbpr·, hig h s 111gle o f 16 1 h ns : + not been bl' tt l'rcd . S Raffle Tickets HAROLD TREGAR t

ThC'rc will no t bp Hl1Y l<',w llc + MR · ALBERT COHEN • ovoiloble at the • + bowling next Thurscl"Y night. be- t Dance Chairman Dance Raff le Choirmon + C'1 \IS(' o f lhl' Tlwnks~ 11·111µ Duy 6 +

h olicl ny I++•••••++•••••••• ... •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• \

Membership Drive

The firs t mee ting of the membership committee of the Roger Willia ms Chapter, B'nai B 'rith Women was h eld at the home of Mrs. Thomas H . Goldberg, chairman, to discuss pla ns for the membership campa ign which officially opens on November 21 at the Churchill House. From left to right are: Mrs. Robert Block . finan cial secretary; Mrs. Louis Blattle, treasurer ; Mrs. Samuel Salmanson, secretary; Miss Gertrude B. Tarnapol, president, and Mrs. Thomas H. Goldberg, chairman.

The program for the membership affair includes Mrs. David Chernack, who will present a book review, and Mrs. Albert Coken, who will sing. Mrs. Abraham L. Singer is hospitality chair­man of the social hour to follow the meeting.

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open daily 'ti! 5: 30 p.m.

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satw-days ' ti! 8:30 p. m .

The .better and cleaner your coal- the more heat value - the less waste. Right ? Try our reel trademarked Famous Reading Hard Coal-that better Pennsylvania anthracite- laboratory tested for purity and cleanness.

DAVID KORN & SONS DExter 1-7730 - 1-7731



Photo by Fred K elman

Mrs. Darman Tells of Trip to Israel

Mrs. Arthur I. Darman ad­dressed approximately 300 mem­bers of the Woonsocket Chapter of Hadassah and their escorts at the annual donor's supper-dance held recently.

The guest speaker, who last month returned from an extended tour through Europe with her hus­band. centered her talk on child w~fare and rehabilitation work of Hadassah in Israel. She told of a central kitchen in Jaffa that supplies 3,500 well-balanced meals in one sitting for children and 20,000 a day; and of the pre-natal care for mothers. She described condi t ions ih a crowded but clean 125-bed tuberculosis hospital, and she described the unavailability to the J ew of the modern, spacious buildings on Mount Scopus in old J erusalem when the space and facilities are needed so badly.

Mrs. Darma n called Israel "a life-long dream becoming a real­ity" and pointed out that as it becomes stronger. the position of J ews elsewhere becomes more secure.

The Darmans' tour was diverted through Marseilles and Rome transit camps and thence to Is­rael by Mrs. Archibald Silverman of Providence. who also attended that donors affair . , ,

Fineman-Trinket Bowling

By JERRY FREIBERG Hal Cohen's powerful keglers

continued thei r phenomenal rise· to a tie for firs t place. They ac­complished th is by taking four points from Lenny Summers Slug­gers. In other contests Les Fried­m an's Flyers topped Doc Gold­berg's Givers 3 and 1. Stu Stein ­RO ld's Stalwarts defea ted Sam Feldma n 's Ferocious Five 3 and 1.

No new individual or team re­cords were set but good scores were turned in by Silverman with 329. Rosen 321, F r iedman 318, Gold­bcrµ 314. Lrvin 320. nnd Stu Stein­!(O lcl 3l!J . Hiµh sin gle st rings " 'e re

1 bow led by Levin 121. Dubinsky i ll G. Sl lvcnn a n llG , R osen 116.

---------------------------- Frieclnrnn 11 5. And Runsteh, 11 5.

Getting Married? See the Distinctive NEW



188 MAIN STREET PAWTUCKET Over Michaels-Bauer PA 5-1778

Dan Salt:r:man, Proprietor

NARRAGANSETT HOTEL Operates A Separate Kosher Kitchen


~upervision of the Woad Hacashruth.

Kosher Catering


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Th e Narragansett is the Only Hotel in Rhode Island -Approved by the Official Kashruth Organization.


Planning a Bar Mitzvah? Call Us Now for Your Reservation. Guests May Check With the Management to Learri

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time and through the holiday season ... for

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cooking problems. She is always ready .

and happy ..• to help you.

7 - . ou still better 1 In order to g,ve y nd after Sun·

telephone servlc;Ot~n o:r number will day, November TEMPLE 1-8800, be changed to make a note of

We suggest that you this new number, 1

PROVIDENCE GAS COMPANY Copyr igh t 1949, Providence Go, Company

1 I

r ----- - - - - - - --- ---------- - - -----

j Endowment Fu~d-Established, Progress 1 Noted, At Home's 17th Annual Meeting

... ..,


(Continued from Page 1) at the annual meeting. The main feature of the new by-laws is the establishment of an endowment fund. to be administered by a committee of seven .

-------- - ---- --- ----------- - - ----- ---VOL_ 4 NO. 2 DANIEL JACOBS. Editor MAX ALEXAND~R. Executive Director

Board of Trustees Re-elected F ollowing are the members of

the Board of Trustees who were re-elected at the annual meeting:

B e r n a rd Abedon. Saul Ab­rams. Dr. A1 obie Albert. Jacob Berkelhammer. Max B e rman. Harry Blacher. Leo Bojar, Morton Borod, Max Botvin. Alter Bayma n . Benjamin Brier. Benjamin Brom­berg, Dr. Leo Cohen. Nat C. Cohen. Maurice S. Cooper . Mrs. S. N_ Deu­tch, Benjamin Elma n , Irving I. Fain, Morris F einberg, Mrs. Sarah T. Felder, Abe C. Fine. Joseph M_ Finkle, Ira Galkin , Mrs. Samuel Ganzer, Louis Garfinkel, Max Genser, George Gerber, J a m es Goldma n , Bernard Goodman, Max L . Grant, Henry Hasenfield , Da niel J acobs, Harry Loeb Jacobs, Mi's_ David K ahanovsky, Benjamin N . Kane, Sydney A. K ane. Arthur

K a plan. Samuel Kaplan. Ma x Kot­ler, Samuel p _ Lazarus. H arry Leach. Max Leach, F rank Licht, J acob Licht. Leo Logan. Mrs. I. S. Low. David Meyers, Mrs. S. )\'Iichaelson. Harry M. Mye1:s. Isa­dore Paisner. Abraha m Percelay, Albert Pilavin. Mrs. Fred Pinkney, George Pullman. Ben jamin R a ka­tansky, Joseph Ress. Max J. R ich­ter. Samuel Rosen . Nathan Sam­ors, Milton C. Sapinsley, Bernard Segal, Harry A. Schwartz. Dr. Ezra A. Sharp, Mrs. Harry Shat­kin. J acob Shore. Samuel Shore, Max Siegal, Archibald Silverman. Charles Silverm an. John Silver­m an, Alvin A. Sopkin. Max Sugar­m an. Wa lter I. Sundlun. Herm an Swartz. Jacob S. T emkin, Ben ja­min H. Trinkel. Morris S . Wald­m an. Arthur Winkelman. Peter J . Woolf . Samuel Young.

Gifts to Commemoration Fund FROM SEPTEMBER 15 TO NOVEMBER 10

B etwee n September 15 and November 10. t he following do­nations were received :

In Memory of Etta Sharp K auf-' man from J . K a ufman .

In Memory of beloved Mother. Dora Bernstein, from Mrs. Louis Bernstein.

In Memory of beloved husba nd, Jacob D. Newman, from Mrs. Re­becca Newman.

In Memory of beloved father, Arthur Dreyer from ' Mrs. Sophia Berman.

In Memory of beloved father, David Kahanovsky, from Dr. Nor­man M. Kahn.

In Memory of Dora and Reuben Fain from Mrs. Maxwell Lopatin.

In Memory of Sholom and Vera Lopatin from Mrs . Maxwell Lopa­tin.

In Memory of J ennie Polofsky from Mrs. Dorothy Peskin.

In Memory of Hyman B. Lasker from Mrs. R. Sohn .

In Memory of beloved pa rents, Arthur and Fannie Dreyer, from Mrs: Alex Kahn.

In Memory of beloved grand­parents. Max and Ma ry Israel, Alice and Hyman Silverstein from Carl Bergman.

In Memory of A. Zalkind from Mrs. S. N. Deutch and Mrs. J _ Schlossberg.

In Memory of Mr. a nd Mrs. Na­than Holshensky from Howard Hollies.

In Memory of Max Temkin from J oseph Schlossberg.

In Memory of Mr. Rubin F a in from Mrs. Myer Etcoff.

In Memory of beloved Mother from Aaron Weiner .

In Memory of beloved parents. from Mrs_ Clara Goldberg Brodsky.

In Memory of beloved husband I and father from Mrs. Bert Max and children .

In Memory of beloved Mother from Ela ine and Marshall R itch

What's New At the Home

On November 2 the B 'na i B 'rith Young Women entertained our folks with games and singing under the chairma nship of Mrs. Ela ine Buckler.

The following served as nostes­ses: Mrs. Joy Field. Mrs . Sylvia Krasner . Mrs. Frances Hecker . Mrs. Helene Sondler, Miss Marion Ma lenbaum. Miss Ann Geller. Mrs. Helen Newm a n. Mrs. Elaine Buck­ler. Mrs. Arline Weinberg. Miss Hilda Barad.

On Tuesday, November 8, our folks enjoyed. for the first t ime. a television set, which was do­nated by Dr. Ilie Berger, in honor of his birthday. It is a portable set which can be used in a ny part of the Home and will be particu­larly helpful in our infirmary.



II .

OCTOBER 1, 1948 - SEPTEMBER 30, 1949

INDIVIDUALS UNDER CARE I. Continued from previous year 2. Admissions



Total under rare

Discharges. Withdrawals. and A . Disch arged to Children B. 'Ii·a nsferred to Hospita ls C Deaths

Deaths 2 3


5 . Total as of September 30, 1949

Days' Care. Year ending September 30, 1949

Dnys' Cnre. Yea r ending September 30, 1948

Increase in Dnys' Care

77 21







Yahrzeit services at the Home commence at sunset on the day previous.

Sunday, November 20, 1949 Solomon David Davidson

Ha rry Freidenreich Tuesday, November 22, 1949

Louis Smira Friday, November 25, 1949

Jack Abrams Max Silverm an

Wednesday, November 30, 1949 Philip Korb

Saturday, December 3, 1949 Harris Goldberg Nettie Chorney

S unday , • December 4, 1949 Rebecca K ahnovsky

Friday, December 9, 1949 Philip Weinstein

Thursday, December 15, 1949 Rose Sutton Fred Swar tz

S unday, December 18. 1949 Sarah Trinkel

Isaac Waldma n Isr ael David Blacher

Monday, December 19, 1949 David Kahnovsky

The names of the departed a nd da tes of death are inscribed on the Memoria l Tablet in our Synagogue. May their souls rest in peace.

Elected to the endowment com­mittee were Morris R. Waldma n , cha irma n: Alex Rumpler . Alvin A. Sopkin. Mrs. Mitchell Sh erwin, president of the Ladies Associa­tion, Sa muel R apaporte Jr., Mr. Felder and Mr. Brier.

Announcement that $34,590 al­ready has been earmarked for the endowment fund was m ade by Brier in his treasurer's report_ The treasurer reported also t hat of this sum. $28,500 was given by the Ladies Association . represent­ing their life membersh ip fund.

The Home·s budget for the cur­rent fiscal year (Oct. I. 1949 to Sept. 30. 1950) was estima ted at Z $82,965. consisting of the follow'- ~ ing major expenditures: ~ K itchen a nd Dining Room JACOB I . FELDER is:

Expenses $32,710 --------- - ----- ~

Infirmary and Gener al infirm, chronically ill or incurable. ~ care of Guests 21.660 Six of them came directly from ,_.

Building Maintenance 13.545 h ospitals. !?" Administration and Economically speaking, A!exan- ;.;

Office Expenses 15,050 der reported, the newly admitted ~ Director's Report residents fall into the followm g

Max Alexander. executive direct- ._categories : ten are recipients of or. who completed his fifth year old age assistance, th ree paid as Administrator. reported that small admissions fees, two are the Home's population rose from paying for par tial maintenance, 77 to 85. the average m onthly two were admitted free of charge, population being 79_ There were and four are paying for full main-21 new admissions. 11 deaths, and tenance. five withdrawals or disch arges. J acob I . Felder. in h is presi­The numbers of days' care in- dent ia l report. stressed the need creased to 28.708 as compared to for building up a reserve fund for 26.917 the previous year. expansion of the Home's facilities.

I He a lso reported that the per- Excerpts from Mr. Felder's report I centage of ch ronically ill a nd are quoted elsewhere on this page. handicapped has been increasing. Mrs. Mitchell Sherwin. presi-


Of the 21 admitted last year only dent of the Ladies Association. 5 were in normal health for their reported on the work done by t hat age, while the other 16 were either body dunn g the year.

--------------- Max Sugarma n. chairman of

Felder Sees Need for Further Building Expansion Program

they have followed the humane and only course that could be taken by accepting the chroni­cally ill and the handicapped be­ca use they knew how great their need for protective care was and what burdens they represented to their families."

Another policy that he "favored newly re -elected president stated: and stressed four years ago".

"We find that a lready we are · Felder added. was "that our Home crowded and there a re six appli- should be a resource fo r the en­cations pending for whom imme- tire community: for a ll classes diate ~pace is not available. What I s till maintain. as I did then, we thought would suffice for the that we should not deny an a ged next decade has proven inade- person the privileges and services quate within five months a fter the of the Home.

Inadequacy of the present Home faci lities, in spite of the four year building program that was com­p l et ·e d only last spring, was brought out by Jacob I. Felder in his report at Sunday's annual meeting_ R eminding his listeners that the bed capacity h ad been doubled from 45 to 90 beds. -the

completion of our building pro­gram.''

"If I may be pei·mitted to pro­phesy," Felder went on, " I pre­dict that we shall h ave to think of enla rging our present facilities within the not too distant f uture. I feel that our present facilities a re already overtaxed and for this reason I a m happy that we shall be able to set aside each year certain parts of our 'income to­wa rd a reserve fund which can be used. if needed, for a future building expansion program."

F elder a lso pointed out that the home had " underestimated the need for facilities for the clu·oni­cally ill and handicapped in our state." "While we provided for 21 infirmary beds," he sa id, "we have been caring for un average of 32 chronica lly ll! patien ts "

Home (\ssumes Burden Discussi ng the problem of whe­

ther or not t,o accept as res idents those applicants who m·e chroni ­ca lly sick . Felder asserted :

"To (the Admissions Commit­tee's > credit. it must be said that

"I feel that it would be cruel and heartless if we denied such deserving people admission to the Home simply because they, or their children . have money.

"Again . I a m also happy to say that in line with the national trends which stress that social agencies should be resources for the entire community, we not only have followed th at trend : in fact. we were in the forefront by mak­ing our Home available to a ll a ged. regardless of social or eco-nomic s tnnding." ~

Ladies Donate $11,500 In her report for the Ladies As­

sociation. Mrs. Mitchell Sherwin, president. s tated that $11.500 h ad been turned over to the Home dur­ing the year for runnin1I expen ­ses. In addition. she said. drapes hnd been purchased for the en­tire building. furniture was sup­plied for the new pavilion a nd linens and other equipment were purchased.

Mrs. Sherwin pointed to other contributions made by the Ladies

the memorial committee, _-reported the addition of 21 new memoria l plates wi{ich perpetuate th e mem ­ory of "their loved ones" a nd a lso present a source of revenue, to the Home.

Rabbi Eli A_ Bohnen of Temple Ema nuel gave the ben ediction ., -

A moment of silence was ob­served in mem ory of two m embers of the Board. Mrs. Rachael Rosen and Charles c_ Brown. who passed away during the year. The names of the _ eleven residents who died during the year were also read a nd included in a s ilen t prayer.

Association, including the estab­lishment of a motor corps, to pro­vide transportation for residents to and from parties at summer homes, and a new occupational therapy program. "We h ope to ex­pand the occupational th erapy classes to include the infirm and the handicapped," she added.

Rabbi Bohnen's Prayer a( Meeting • "Our God and G od of our

fathers. It is in keeping ·with our desire to do T h y will that we gI1 ther to review the work done on behalf of the a ged of our people. Keep ever before us the desire to make their lives free from con ­cern and wony in their declining y e a rs . Help us to look upon them always, not as objects of our beneficence. but as men and wo­men created in Thine imag-e whose care T h ou h ast entrusted to us as Thy agent. Do Thou give us wisdom so that we may plan for the f11ture of this Home in ways which will m ake it possible for us to do Thy will in e,·en better fa Ilion than we irnve in t he pa t . This we ask in T h y na me. Oh Lord . who nrt the protector of the Aged. Amen ."

r- - -

..,. The Herald is seen by more \ It's the ideal advertising -4 people and r ead by more people. di um. · -

~h Please Make Reservations DON'T

Now For Our Order Your Wedding THANKSGIVING DINNER Flowers Until You See


633 Westminster Street Route lA Wrentham, Mass. GA 1-8088

Strict Dietary Laws Let Kcoll Estimat, and Dos,,n! Excellent Accommodations Your Wedding for Weddings and Parties NO OBLIGATION

Phone Wrentham 325

On Bea u t iful La ke M assapoag, Sharon. Mass.

Cuisine at its Best



Relaxation at its Finest

Breath Taking Beauty - Hidden Forest Trails Luxurious Sun Deck - Solarium - Toboganning - Sledding

Color Festooned Skating Rink - Television FOR RESERVATIONS CALL SHARON 616-2570








Office-77 Washington St.­GA 1- 0872

The Mayflower Antique Shop

h a s a wide selection of ap­propriate s ugges tions f o r Weddings, Showers, Anni­versaries and Birthdays , as well a s little casual gifts for special occasions.

Choose from lovely , soft o 1 d silver in S t erli n g or in Shef­fie ld, or from sm art Amer ican

ROBERTA HELEN WEINER, one year old, daughter of Mr. Sh effie ld r eproductions. in tea and Mrs. Howard Weiner of Elmgrove Avenue. sets . trays , fru it-bowls a nd

, Photo by M ich el Losh a koff serving pieces . -----.-------t;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::=:; 1 Workmen's Circle Reliable Window Elects, Makes Plans Cleaning Company

9 Meni Court HO 1-2889 1

Established in 1921 1

Awnings and Storm Windows Installed and Removed



GAspee 1-9078

Newly-elected officers of the Providence District Committee of the Workmen 's Circle a r e J acob B. Rothe nber g. <; h a inna n : Mrs. Is rael Fine , vice chairman : J a ke Pavlow. secret a r y-treasurer: Mrs. La wrence I. Ca rner , r ecording sec ­r et a r y, nd Miss Anne Kortick . Is ­

~~i~@@@@@ji\lm!@@@nl~ 1·ael Fine '3. nd Isaac Rotte nber g .

You Benefit In Every Way When You Buy at H. BERLINSKY'S

~t"lt"lt"lt::lr" e xecutive committee.



Donors Luncheon of the

Ladies Association Providence Hebrew Day School

Pla n s were discussed a t the firs t meeting of the dis trict las t week concerning the joining with the Bos ton District in the esta blish­ment of a Workmen's Circle Old Age Home.

Fina l ac tion for the arran ge ­m ent of a concer t to be h eld soon will be h a ndled by the e xecutive committee.

i J. Harold Williams 1 To Address Scouts I

J . Ha rold Willia m s . scout execu- 11

I ti ve of Na rra ga nse tt Council. Boy 1 Scouts of America. wi ll be guest , of honor a t the m ee ting of Cub '

Scou t P ack 20. T emple Ema nue l.

One of Providence 's most up-to-date meat markets

Place Your Holiday Orders Now For Capons, Turkeys and Chickens

Flanken 1 b 59c Rib Steak Chuck lb 59c Veal Chops

Brisket trimmed lb. 80c Call DE 1-9595

lb 69c lb 69c


THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1949 Enterta inmen_t _ for the_ evening , );:=~~~~;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;~~~~;~~~~;~~~~;~~~~;~~~~;~~~ inc ludes a m a g1c1a n. musical acts

a nd s tunts a nd yo -yo contest . Den


AT 12:30 O'CLOCK

at the Narragansett Hotel,

-•-The Following Names ore only a Partial Listing.

More Names Will be Published Next Week.

Mrs. Be rna rd Sy mond s Mrs. Arthur Abrich Mrs. Max Sie ,:- a l Mrs. Morris Kirshenba um Mrs. Da vid Linde r Mrs. Isadore Kirshe nbaum Mrs. Leo Ma rk s Mrs. Anna Kirsh enbaum Mrs. Lo uis F is hbe in Mrs. Jacob Baron Mrs. Th omas Goldbe rg Mrs. Oharles Temkin Mrs. Gcori:c Luher Mrs. Charles Kofll cr Mrs. Mauril'c Cooper Mrs. Charles Lappif1 Mrs . B av id Litchman Mrs. Lewis Korn Mrs. Bradford Portno y Mrs. ll cnry Oc lba um

Miss l'l' arl Smith Mrs. lla vid Le vine


m other s will ser ve r efreshmen ts. Abra h a m' Adler . cubmas te r . is a s ­s isted by Ma urice Hendel.

1 S IS TERHOOD HOSTES SES j M rs. Arthur Mushnick a nd Mrs . , Edwa rd Port will ac t as hos tesses

I a t t h e Alrnvath S holom Sis te r ­h ood m eetin g honori ng t he m ot h ­

I er s of Su nd ay a n d Hebrew Sch ool I ch ildren. November 30 in t he ves ­, t ry of t he new syn a gogue . I Na m ed as m em bers hip ch a ir ­I m a n is Mrs. Herma n Weins te in .

I. ass is ted by Mrs. Ma r t in Ross . co ­

ch a irm a n .


E. S. CRANDALL DAIRY Mrs. Joseph Duhin Mrs. Isa iah Se,:-al ~

Miss Molli e S mith Mrs. Josc11h K. l ,c v~· 1

Ir MM rr ss .. F. dw a rd Aron Mrs, Na th a n Eu gene !1 l'ro11crly Pas teurized

Mo rn s ICirkli11 Mrs. L(•o l{ ofm a 11 ~

f :~: ~,: ~,u~~c;,~ ld man : ~:: ~~::::~mOs~r~;:;m a n I l Mrs Sa ul Fri l' clm a n Mrs. Sa mue l Mic ha d so n

Milk and Cream A Frie nd to t h e

J e wis h Peop le

12 Lowell Ave. El. 1- 0700

[ Mr< Ll' 11 a (;o l1le 11 hn ~ Mrs Arthu r Ei11 s lt•111 ~

l Mrs Mo rris F !' i11h c r 1: Mrs. Lo ui s l'ort i r.~~ _________ .....__ __ .

TRY /Tl Try our Famous Reading Anthracite ••• trade­marked with the tiny red spots to show it's

the genuine article. See' why Famous Reading Hard Coal users are Famous Reading fans l

DAVID KORN & SONS DExter 1-7730 - 1-7731



l !


----- ----- -------------------- - ------- ---- -- -- -- - ----

Committee Planning Hadassah Theatre Party

It's the Herald for fine printing .


Meetin g recently at t h e home M rs. F rank. of Mrs. Haskell Ftank. 271 Free - First row. left to right. a re Mes ­m an P a rkway. were t h e m embers. da mes Berna rd Bell. S a ul Berman . shown a bove. of the child welfa re H . F ran k. ch a irm a n : Alfred F a in. committee of P rov iden ce Hadas - co -chairm an . a nd Irvin g G er tsa ­sa h . Pla ns were m ade fo r a theatre cov. Second row. Mesdames Adrian party for the premie r performance Goldstein. Leonard Ri ch ter. G eo ­of "Sword in t he Desert" . pro- rge Berger. a nd Abrah am Perce-

Sterlinll' Si/vu an<! SiJv,:r Plat,. du ced by Universa l- Inte rnationa l lay. Third row. Mesda :-nes Arthur


a nd sta rrin g Dana Andrews a nd Spea r. H a rry Li cht. Wilila m Boj a_r See our NEW LINE Marta T oren. on December I at and Syd ney Feldstein . a n d fourth of THRIFT GIFTS 8 :30 o'clock a t the Ma jes tic Thea- row. Bertram Finberg. Max Bend-

for that Bridal, Anniversary, tre. Ca rds of admission must er. J ack Quele r and Na th a n Samd-. G'f be obta ined in adva n ce fro m peril.

or Hohday 1 t · · · Mrs. G ertsacov is co - t reasurer You MUST get NOW ! 1---------------t I.=:=========== GRENEDIER DANCE with Mrs. Eli A. Bohnen.

• Every Gift a Trea•ur• • Phot0 by Fred K elm a n Prepara tions for the Grenedier·+----------------~

Choice Gifts Club Tha nksgiving Da n ce. Thurs-AQtique day night at the Cen ter. in clude

and origina l decorations. J ack Jessel's Modem band and door prizes.

Silver China In charge of decorations a re Al


W a I k e r . Don Hym en . William Jewelry R osenberg. Len ard Mendell. Ber-

GA 1--4554 nard Green a nd Seymour Glantz. Hg;[;:n. 2i• Woolworth Bld'll - Philip La bush is in ch arge of

door prizes.



OVEN DRESSED ..... _ 75c lb. I Ready fo r Ov,•n I


Shipped Postpaid Anywhere in U.S. A.

Rehoboth 131


I Continued from P age 4) Son Born

The birth of a son . Howard Steven . on November 8 h as been announced by Mr. and Mrs. Sam­uel F eingold of Friendly Road . Cranston. G ra ndpa rents are Mr . and Mrs. Maurice Glaubinger of H a rtford. Ct .. and Mr. and Mrs. J ack Feingold of Sincla ir Avenue.

Lunrheo n Given Miss Carol R eitzas of F a ll River

was honored at a lunch eon h eld October 8 at th e Ledgem ont·Coun­try Club. Seekonk . H ostesses were Mrs. Milton Feldm an. Mrs. Sidney Reitzas a nd Mrs. Louis Fe ldma n of Fa ll River .

Miss Reitzas will be m arried Sunday a t th e Narraga nsett Hote l to Harold Wiesel of this c ity .

J\ vrutsky Bar Mitzvah The Ba r Mitzva h of Donald Joel

Avrutsky, so n of Mr . a nd Mrs. Ir ving A vrutsky. will take p lace at Aha vath Sholom Synagogue to­m or row m orning_

Da ughter Born Mr. a nd Mrs. Ear l Flcis ii; of

385 Ives Stree t. an nounce the birth of a da ughte r . Merri ll Beth . on November 8 . The m othe r is the form er Miss Beverly Shwa r lz.

Sf'hocnhcrg - l'cdlikin Mr . a nd Mrs. M. Pedlikin a n ­

noun ce t he marri age of Mr . Ped­likin's s is ter. Miss Sy lvia Pedlik in. to Leonard M . Sc hoenbcr ~. so n of Mr . a nd Mrs. Hym a n SchoenbC' rg of Mode na Ave nue. The bride is the dnu1rh lc r o f t he late Mr . and Mrs. L. Ped likin . The s in gle ring ce remon y wns perform rd at. T em ­p le Em a nue l by Rabb i Eli A. Boh ­nen and Rabbi Carol Kle in .

Th e bride. µiv,•n in m arria!(c by Mr . a nd Mrs . Pnul Dubon lck. wns attired In a dn cla dress of sn tln 1rnd la ce a nd ca rried a Bible a nd orchid .

Miss Anne Pedlikln . sister of the

bride . was m aid of honor a nd David Rosenberg of New Bedfor d was best m a n .

---------------..,, Mr. a nd Mrs. Schoenberg, who

are on their wedding trip at Mia­mi Beach. will be at home after December 15 at 250 Ohio Avenue.

At Home Mr. a nd Mrs. Stanley I. B ogda n

are now residing on Magie Ave ­nue. Eliza beth. N. J . Mrs. Bogdan is the form er Miss Ethel M. Levin .

1Cos tinued on Page 6)

Shoe Salesman Wanted




8 People o:ine thinL. . • •

that thi s is the kind of furn iture the MODERN carries . . . that they hove to mo rtgage

the o ld homestead to buy here . So me people ore wrong' And we ' re getting tired of that old bromide -"Oh, but Modern is So expensive' " They've never seen the wealth of furniture we feature togged with more than modest prices . . and they d9n't know about the real kick we get out o f helping folks with limited budgets who wont to live well.

ff by any chance you' re one of them why don ' t you come in and see for yourse lf::> Toke a stroll

through our spac ious sto re one o f these fin e doys­you ' I I di scover thot good quality furnitur e doesn ' t hove to command sky high prices.

If it is in convenient to visit us during regular store hours any member of our owner-managed staff will be happy to arrange an_ evening appointment. Drop us a card or ca ll Fall Rive r 6-8291.

By Invitation .. .

Dealer-member of the

Grond Rapids Furniture

Guild ...


Open Friday Euenings Until 9 Parking Rear of Store


. -

"' ·--------------. a,

""' a,

; !Continued from Page 5) I ~ d a ugh ter of Mr a nd Mrs B en Ja- , 11:l min Levin of t his c ity. ~ Honored a t Sh ower . ~ M iss Sand ra E . Perelma n . dau-~ gh ter of Mr. a n d Mrs. Bernard A.

Perelina n of 58 Garfield Ave nue. ,..; was hon ored at a miscella n eous ~ s hower November 13- at the hom e ... of Miss Serna Pollack. 366 North ­~ up Stree t . Edgewood. M iss Pollack

. and Miss Joan Ch a rifson were Q hostesses. a ssisted , by Mrs. S h a­::;j piro. Mrs. Ch arles Pollack. Mrs. c:,:: Le n a Ch a rifson a nd Mrs. P e re !­~ m an. Thirty -five gues ts attended

the affai r. :i:: Miss Pe re lman wil t mar ry I rv ­~ ing Magic r o f New B ed ford on ::=: December 11. '-l .., Hanzel Da ughter Born '-l Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hanze l of fi R u ggles Stree t announce the b irth '-l of a da u ghte r , R oberta S ue. 8 Fe ldman Son B orn ;5 The birth of a son, J e ffrey Marc. c:,:: on Novem ber 8 has been annou nc -0. ed by M r . and M rs. Sam uel F eld­'-l m a n of 17 Taft Aven ue . ~ Luncheon Given

M iss Myrna Ma r cus was gues t of honor at a lun cheon h e ld at the Narragansett H otel November 9. Mrs. Joseph Mar cus. her m oth er. was hos tess t o t h e 50 guests.

M iss Marcus will wed Leon ard Altm an J a nuary 1.

Lipe t -Jurrnann At a can d leligh t cerem ony in I

the I n dia n Room of the Narra ­gansett H otel Sunday, M iss Pia Ju rm a nn of Providen ce . da ughter of the late Mr . and Mrs . I ra Jur ­m a nn. was marr ied to H yman Lipe t. son of Mr. a n d Mrs. Louis Lipet of Pawtucket. Rabbi Morr is G. S ilk ass isted by Ca ntor Joseph Schlossberg pe r form ed the do u ble ring ce rem on y.

Given in maniage by h e r aunt and unc le. Mr. a nd Mrs. B . H oro­witz of Montrea l. Ca nada . the bride wore a cha nti lly lace gown trimmed with n ylon tu lle a n d a fin ge r tip ve il o f tulle and lace caught by a coron e t o f orange blossoms . S h e canied a Bible and wh ite orch id wit h s trea m ers of stephanotis.

Miss Ruth Gordon . as m aid of honor. chose a gown of powder b lue m oi re taffeta, a t iarra of pink rosebuds and a bouq ue t of pink roses and blue porn porns.

R a lph Buchbinder was bes t m a n. B oth Mrs. Li pe t. in a rus t -co lor­

ed dinne r gow n with a t u nic of bron2e bead ing, and Mrs. H oro­witz. in a black c repe a nd lace gown. had o rch id corsages.

In t h e rece iving lin e were Mr . and Mrs. Lipet. Mr. a nd Mrs. H orow it2 a nd Mr. a nd Mrs. F red Jurm a nn. brotrhe r and s is te r-i n ­law o f t h e bride.

O ut o f town 1-;u ests inc luded Mr . and Mrs. Ca r l Goffman a nd son and Miss Rut11 Kahn of Mont real: Miss Sara h K a h n of Quebec C ity: Mr . a nd Mrs. Irv in >\ H eie r a nd so ns a nd Mr . a nd Mrs. Leon a rd Stave of Phi lade lphia . a nd M r . and Mrs . Munrn Kolbuswwe r of New York .

Aftf' r a wecld in >\ t r ip to Was h­in 14to n . Philade lphia a nd N ew York . the co upl, · will live at 75 Ce n tra l Av!' nll e. Pawtllck e t .

Enlrrta in G uests Mr . and Mrs. I rwin Rubin en ­

tf' rtainerl in h on o r o f Mr . a n d Mrs. Freel Jurm a nn and t h eir out of tow n guf'sts at a buffet s upµ e r Saturrt ay ni ght . Mr . a nd Mrs . Bur ­ton Rubi n ass is tf'cl as hos ts .


:I-Tuv 111g pi c turf's will be s h ow n 111 tt ,,. npwly renovatPd T a lmud · 1 P l a ll . 1:19 Clws t1·r AvPl1 Uf'. every I olli!'r i-; uncla y . beg inn in 1< this Su n ­da y l' ruc l'l'ds arc to be used to brndil S out h Provicl t•n cr c h ildre n .

Fresh Fruits anc Vegetables Fancy McIntosh or Cortland

Apples Florida . Pineapple Variety - Good Size

Oranges Fancy Red Emperor

Grapes Fancy Bose or Aniou

Pecirs New Crop Cape

Cranberries NATIVE Blue Hubbard

Squash Firm Red Ripe

Tomatoes Crisp Pascal

Celery I

' Fancy Firm Yellow


Stuffed Olives l'inut

4 Lbs 25(

Doz 29c

2 Lbs 29(

2 Lbs 25(

Lb Cello 15c

3 Lbs 10(

Cello 19c Pkg

Lge 23c Bunch

5 Lb 45c Bag

3 0 1 29c BOT

Stuffed Olives Jumble Pa ck

Ripe Olives Sy 'mar . Jumbo Si,.

Cashew Nuts Dixie Brand

6 o , BU CKET

8½ 0 1


6 o, TU"BLER

39c 35c 29c

Peanuts Peanuts

1',nasl Salted ~ pan 11h

Plante rs - Va cuum Pa ck

Cocktail Cherries W,th S te m,

Maraschino Cherries

8 0, 17 BAG C

6 o , CAN

~ o, BO T

8 o, uo T

31c 17c 25c



Pork Loins !ENDER NATI VE -


Shoulders SMOKED

COLONIAL MASIER - fxtra Well l ri mmed

Shoulders FRESH . LtAN, ME6-T Y










LB 49(


LB 39(

LB 49(

LB 39( .

LB 89c

LB 43(

LB 69( LB 59(

Fancy Sk ,n~eu . ~ ure to Be 1 ender Sl ,ced, Rind le ss. Suga , Cu red

Frankfurts LB 55c Bacon LB 55c =--=---- OCEAN FRESH SEA FOODS

Fancy Meaty Wh ite S l,c es O cHn Fre,h Fillets - C ·ear M .. t

Swordfish LB 59c Flounder O cean F1esh Dress ed as D• sired Fruh Plump Sto wing

LB 45C

PT 65C Haddock LB 19C Oysters

-'-~ 'fruits a0d Nuts . Q ~ ~-·~~ ~"- ,';,'>,~ :.~\f~~~~

Walnuts Brazils Filberts Pecans

l'a ncy l a rgo S ia Nu ts

L arg• Sire Barcelon1

l=ancy Mix tur~

S hel iod , Ready lor U se






6 o, CELLO

45c 39c 35c 39c 43c 29c

Mixed Nuts Almond Meats Seedless Raisins Seeded Raisins

F1n a1t J~G 15c i>~0G 2 lc




Classified Advertising Rates : 7c per word: $1.25 minimum. Call GAspee 1-4312. Deadline Tuesday night at 5 P. M .

TABLE PADS custom made, highest quality, reasonable prices, prompt service. Call HO 1-96S8 for repre­sentative. No ?bl!ga!ion. ufn

WARM, PLEASANT ROOM to rent in Edgewood. Separate entrance, all con­veniences, near transpOrtation. HO 1-6109.

e'ooKKEEPER-TYPIST WANTED. High School graduate. Good working con­ditions. Call JA 1-8833 Monday be­tween 10-12 A. M .

APARTMENT OR FLAT wanted, 4-S rooms, unfurnished, by young busi­ness couple. No children. Maximum r ent $SO mont~IY; s.T 1-1381.


to live in with elderly woman. Ideal, modern 5-room home. All privileges granted. Rent reasonable. Phone PL 1-2481,

APARTMENT FOR RENT, South Provi­dence, unfurnished; 3 modern rooms; heat, electricity, hot water year round, shower,. g~s .range. ST 1-0524.

ROOM FOR RENT, Potters Avenue, off Broad, with use of house and tele­phone. Business woman preferred. WI 1-1632.

Reback Winsten Post To Make Visitation

Members of the Re back Winsten J Post 406. Pawtucket Jewish War Vete rans . a nd auxiliar y, h eaded by James J enkin, commander, and Mrs. Barbara Boren. president. will visit the Fineman-Trinkel Post 439. JWV. at T emple Emanuel Monday e ,·ening . ,

At a regular m eeting of the Pawtucket Post on November 8

, t hree new m embers were inducted. Commander J enkin led a dele­

gation to attend t he State Depart­m ent m eet ing in Ne wport Monday

Dance Chairman

MRS. LEO BOJAR Mrs, Bojar is chairman of

the Temple Beth Israel Dinner­Dance sponsored by the Sister­hood to be held November 20 at the Narragansett Hotel.

Hadassah Group

To Hear Mrs. Gouse

Irving Rosen Heads

Family Circle


Irving Rosen was installed as president of the Rosen Family Circle at t he first meeting this season held at the home of Dr. and Mrs . Charles Be rnstein Octo­ber 23.

Installed a lso were H e r b e r t Rosen , vice president: Mrs. Anna Kay. treasurer. and Mrs. Bern­

I s te in, secretar y. 1 The next meeting will be h eld

November 29 at the home of Mr. a nd Mrs. Benja m in Silverman, Eas t Greenwich.


Hand Picked Group Cut Rate

Open Till 9


OVERCOATS " Cold W eaiher Forecast Don't lol a sudden fall in temper1tu~• catch you by surprise. To usure yow own uninterrupted satisfaction Aftd comfort, have your GGG Topeo1t or Overcoa t fiited by Browning King-now! ,

Over 1'500 Patterns From Which To Select


Masada Convention Mrs. Nathaniel Gouse will s peak I

at a report-tea for member s of the Jewish National Fund Com- I

At Sunset Lodge m1ttee of the Providence Chapter -·­HEADQUARTERS FOR NU-ENAMEL - DUPONT


I of Hadassah this afte1 noon a t

Miss Ethel Golhs announced 1 30 o'clock at t h e home of Mrs , this ,, eek that apphca t10ns to th e S idn ey Sch a ffer. chairma n. 404 , Na llona l Masada Conven t10n to Cole Avenue Arrangem ents' fo1

I be h eld next ,, eekend sh ould be the tea a r e m ch a r ge of Mrs Louis sen t to Sunset Lodge . Sha ron Fur- Dress. hosp1ta h ty ch a irma n I thei mfoima uon may be obtained The meetmg •.his afternoon will from Miss G oll1s a t PLanta u ons conclude the semi-annua l drive by ' I 1-?855. Hadassah for collec tion of money '

A m eeting of the loca l chapter will be held Monday a t 2:30 o'clock from the Blue Boxes.

I a t which time business pertinen t In addition to captains a nd : to the con vention will be dis - workers previous ly announced . the cussed . Is rae l Marks will preside. fo llowing women are on the com- '

_ _ ____ m i t t e e : Mesdames B . _ Be ll. L. I

'' CLUB 65 ,, Cohen. B . Gra tt. H . Licht. M. 1

Golden . . I. Kopit. L. S la vit. L. Sweet . A. Golds tein, D . Dressler. F. Goldstein. C. Lindenbaum. I. Chase. H. Kanter. H . B aruch. S. Pritsker. B . Zier. L . Efros. H . Sher­man, G. Sholowitz, C. Wiesel. B . Kaplan. D . Field. L. Haft. I. Berg-


AMATEUR NIGHT I man, S . Deutch , I. Ackerman, M. Saturday, November 22 Schwartz. H . Eisenber g. H. Bel-

If you can sing, dance or play a musical instrument , , Jin. W. R eu ter. S . Chernov, L. come up a nd win Sl0. 'I Mis towsky. S . Erns toff. D . Morse.

DANCING AND FUN FOR ALL R. Vecker . B . Shallen . M . Soren. I JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER ' S . Schmelz. E . Waldman, I. Siegal. I

6S BENEFIT STREET, PROVIDENCE L. Horvitz, M. Pritsker, P . H ey- I Members 35c Non-members 60c m ann. F . Licht. D. Kaufman, D.

(~~§~~~~~===:::::::='=::===:::::::==::===:::::::==::=::::='=::::::::::=::='=::===:::::::='=::=::::::::::::::::::::::~I , Koppe I man, H . Fishbe in. H. Sta n- 1 --- --- - -- - -----1 zler. E. Blackma n. L . Berns te in. •••••••••••••••••++•••••+++• • • • • • J . Plotkin a nd I. Robinson . . . ., • IT'S HOLIDAY TIME AT •+ IC 'tt R t + + omm1 ees epor

i DAVE MILLER'S KOSHER i: O~rs DI:a7a:rAL~e~a~.hP:::ent

+ DELICATESSEN & GROCERY + o f the P ro,·ide nce Hebrew Day : : I ~c~;e0~ia~~~~:\i:gs5i~csi;~~:~·sd~~:~1t~ + 204 w ·11 d A MAnn,·ng 1 _0245 + I discuss plans for the Donors· Lun -+ 1 or venue +, cheon to be he lcl December 8 at

+ I ' the Narraga nse tt Hote l. • Shop at Dave's for Thanksgiving-- Reportin i-: were Mrs. J oshua + I Be ll. clrn irman of decora tions . who + There is a Complete Stock of Holiday Delicacies, s howed e x:unples of d ecoratio ns i Reasonably Priced! , made by the childre n of the school 1 under the direc tion of Miss Shirley

A FEW REMINDER ITEMS ARE I Goldber is: Mrs. Robert Berllns ky,

• ' chairma n of Ways a nd m eans O(.F. \N S," l' f' 1\ \ ' + · ·1 ' committee, a n cl Mrs. Archie Smi t h. + CR'ANBERRY SAUCE 2 cans 27c i gC'n eral chairma n o f the affair. i / Mrs . Leo Knufmnn enterta inecl BESSIE'S Cl DER gal. 55c 1 :11~~m ·committ ce n t a te a in h er ., DIAMOND BRAND WALNUTS lb. 37c : · T~ snow F ILM i S I i T lie fllm "Oca1 Ma" ,,111 be Shop and ave at Dave S I s hOl\ll a f te1 the m ecLlllg of t he

FREE DELIVERY TO ALL PARTS OF THE CITY I Flneman -Trtnke l Pos t 439. J ewis h

................................. : ~:~l;~ge t: ~a~~!;n~~cxi~~;: ;1Ier esd ay


fl( CUTIVl Ctu,,..8(11



'£!!A l\1<.SGIV1UG DA Y

By J ohn O. Pastor~

Gover.io r

Once a5s.i•1 we s tand at the co.Jpletion 01· a cycl e of' g rowth . Another year is d rawi nc to a c lose ; a year which has embodied the awakening , the promise , the growth , the maturing , and fina lly the harvest . This i s the t ime when we may see what our sowinc; has b r ou.!)lt us ; a· sowing , not only of c ropi of the fie l d , but also of' the crops of the spi rit. Just as whea t planted produc e~ wheat 1n the rear-in& , so the s eed s of spir1 tual growth p roduce a harvest of soiritual blessings .

i,iore than tl_1i·ec hum.ired years have passed sin~e our Pilgrim f o refa ther s n r s t c .:ive coll cc ti.ve thanks to God fo t· !!is bonevv­lencc . In thoGe three ccntui-1 ..:: s , r:1crny chanc..::s have taken place ; i n..ieeU , !)!'Ot:)i-ess ha.s been Lhe keynote o f t hose year s, and our country has e x pf'rienc ed an ex;-,ansion f\nd development unoaralleled in ~he hist0r,r o f :he wo t·ld . 1'hout:,h our way 0 1 lift? today li ttlc r esembles thut o f OU ?' .fore.l'n Ll:e r s. i:1 our Ile-a r ts we fe<?l the same ~ra t itude to our Lord , · l'he same emotion moves us to come to-1 ethe r in d e vout thanksgiv i.n~ for our niany blessin£:~ .

.Pn r ti.culorly in these ti.mes , when so many peot' l e s or the worlJ un1 su.ffcrin~ in nr.rest a1:d t. r i lrnlat1on , should we reali z e how much reason we have to Lh .. rnk ot:r ,:;od. . As c 1 ti zen3 01· the U11.i.te d States , we nre privileged i ndeed . Ours is a l an~l of plenty and a land of opporttu~ity . Our ilsrvest 0 1 securi ty and prosperi t y has bcon bountiful f:.i 1· alw ve t.hut. 01 aa.)· otht•t· n.:1t1o n on earth . l t i ~ only fj ttint; t hut w,1 st10ul I pe rpe tuate the custom be('Ull by ou.r f o refathe r s , th~\t,. o r sett..1nu usi.de one day i n wh i c h to g ivt--. tl1anks to God f or ~iis In.finite goodness ; AND l,01~, rHElIBl-'Oilli , .. ..'O l , ,!UFN o . P.,S roH~: . (:l)VEHi:o:~ 0 1 ;·ur:: STA ,~i.:: o .. H.iWUl-:: 1..-iL.Ail :J A11D PHOVJ l)t:i:t:i:: J' LA. i: r ATJ.o:1s PHOCt.An.;

TiiAtiKSU.l v rm; DAY,

nskinc Lho.L t he .Loni ,.;ontinuc His lovinc;-kindness t oward u s , a nd bosooc l: t nt; Hi s ru1dance t hrouf:h tnaJ\,,V more seasons o f ho1-vest and rmny more- yu:.i.rs of happiric s~ a11tl p r0spe rit:y fo r ou 1·s , the 5 t·ent­,•11t nut.1 0 11 on t.••.,rtl: .

I N rr:srt.MON\' W!i:m·~OF , I IH.\1/ \' h !.! r )llfl t o S\l t ir.y ha :id and C'\ llSO\l the S •1l\l Ol the ,Ha LC t.o be a.ffl XPl\ t ill ~ 1s t day 0f N0ve111h~ r, .1 n tho .}'t' •\ r or Our Lord, one tliouso nd nine tmnJ red on l forty - n111e , a n,J o f In lt>­pendon,·~ , th~ 0 11o1 l,un l r P-d ond sevonty-:·ourth . , ~,

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122 ORMS STREET ·-· • • MAnning 1-5888

Has Now Been REMODELED! and Has· A NEW POLICY!







STRAWBERRIES ctn 39c U. S. NO. 1


Pineapple Juice 46 oz lge con 35c LAND-O' -LAKES



TUNA FISH can 29c 650 S HEET S

TOILET TISSUES 4 rolls 25c 80 CO UNT

NAPKINS 2 pkgs 19c DEL MO:\'TE


ALL $OAP POWDERS lg pkg 28c HUNT'S KETCHUP bot 19c JELLO all flavors 2 pkgs 15c FL'LL ASST ., STRAINED and CHOPPE D

Gerber BABY FOODS 4 jars 39c PRINCE



pkg _27c

2 cans 29c Fresh Fruits ond Vegetables Doily

• Enlarged Frozen Food Deportment

Fruit, Vegetables, Meats, Fish all filet



We Also Deliver to Cranston ond Pawtucket

Tuesday and Friday

• For Free Delivery Coll MAnning 1-5888


Fruits and Vegetables Doily from

Radio Fruit and Produce Co.

_Beverages from

Liberty Club Beverage Co.

Creameries from

Mayflower Creamery Co.

Beverages from

Red Fox Ginger Ale Co. Rokeoch Products from

Bond Wholesale Co. Kosher Meats from Candies and Cigarettes from

L. Diwinsky . Cy's Wholesale -Co.

Eggs always fresh from Arnold's Farm Fresh Eggs

Sour Krout and Pickles from The Commissioner--Morris Swerdloff

Creameries from

New Vermont Creamery Co . (M aple Leaf Forms)