Template Q-Offer v1 2

Supplier Selection Process – Component xy. Quality Offer Product Line (Lx) / Vehicle Project (Fxx) Supplier Other supplier data Date Signature Supplier


This template is to be used for the submission of your Quality Offer, it’s structure relating directly to chapter 5.1 of the LSV (QMT) and allowing detailed responses / description of the requested information. The use of this template for the submission of your Quality Offer is compulsory. Please note, that the information provided in this document will serve as a basis for the evaluation of your suitability for the project. Do not delete questions or pages which are not applicable, instead please comment accordingly. Your signature on the cover sheet confirms the validity of the information provided. Please ensure this Quality Offer is referenced in your Main Offer.

Transcript of Template Q-Offer v1 2

  • Supplier Selection Process Component xy. Quality Offer Product Line (Lx) / Vehicle Project (Fxx)SupplierOther supplier data DateSignature Supplier

  • Explanatory Information Purpose of the document:This template is to be used for the submission of your Quality Offer, its structure relating directly to chapter 5.1 of the LSV (QMT) and allowing detailed responses / description of the requested information. The use of this template for the submission of your Quality Offer is compulsory. Please note, that the information provided in this document will serve as a basis for the evaluation of your suitability for the project. Do not delete questions or pages which are not applicable, instead please comment accordingly. Your signature on the cover sheet confirms the validity of the information provided. Please ensure this Quality Offer is referenced in your Main Offer.

    Information for the completion of the form:Every topic / page of this template directly mirrors the respective paragraph in the LSV. Please insert additional slides as appropriate in order to provide full, in-depth answers to each of the topics. The Red Text is explanatory information, please delete prior to submission / presentation. The Blue Text is generic and needs to be replaced with text specific to the offer.

    Supplier Action Plan:In the course of the Supplier Selection Process (usually after the presentation of the Suppliers Quality Offer) weaknesses in the Quality Offer may be identified which require a Supplier Action Plan. This Supplier Action Plan is derived jointly between the Supplier and the responsible QMT. The Quality Offer, including the Supplier Action Plan, is contractually binding.

    Questions / Queries If there are any questions or queries relating to this content please contact your responsible QMT engineer.

  • Current Quality Performance. LSV 5.1-01: Quality performance site and productsCurrent quality performance for comparable/predecessor products produced in the production locations foreseen in this bid. PPM performance internal / customer, % right-first-time (E/E: first pass yield), % rework, number of process changes since launch, list of top 5 problems, % repeat failures, problem resolution time, 8D-evaluations, field problems, warranty figures, regress costs.Expected answer:

    Tabular overview (sorted by site and product (if comparable) with the above mentioned criteria and (if applicable) additional information. Please complete template or replace by your own overview ensuring the same content.

    This text is for information purposes only and should be deleted before submission.

    Siteppm (internal / customer)% right-first-time% rework% repeat failuresNumber of process changesProblem resolution timeSite 1Site 2Site 3

    Site8D-EvaluationsWarranty figuresRegress costsTop 5 ProblemsField ProblemsSite 1Site 2Site 3

  • Current Quality Performance. LSV 5.1-02: Assessment-Result (Software)For software: Current assessment result of the planned development location (e.g. Automotive SPICE, CMMI, etc.).Expected answer:

    Latest SPICE-assessment of the relevant development location (overview of maturity levels of process fields and if applicable strengths / weaknesses from management feedback or comparable information.Assessment-Data (date, location, procject, OEM or executing party).

    This text is for information purposes only and should be deleted before submission.

  • Production. LSV 5.1-03: Listing of production locationsListing of potential production locations with exact address and BMW supplier number (as applicable). Attention! Belated naming of potential production locations can lead to serious delays in the selection process and are likely to be at the suppliers' detriment!Expected answer:

    Tabular overview.

    This text is for information purposes only and should be deleted before submission.

  • Production. LSV 5.1-04: Overview Production sites / presentationPlant presentation (overview) of the planned production locations including photos of the manufacturing and production facilities. Please include: location, size, number of employees, shift model, production capacity, available production technologies, current product portfolio, distinctive features.Expected answer:

    Tabular overview including the above mentioned aspects as well as some (not too many) pictures of the different production sites (several pictures on one page).

    This text is for information purposes only and should be deleted before submission.

  • Production. LSV 5.1-05: Capacity utilisationStatement with respect to the planned capacity utilisation at SOP for the respective planned production locations (Expansion / Up-scaling required?).Expected answer:

    Overview (preferrably tabular) regarding the above mentioned aspects.Scope: Site and production line.Percentage of BMW project of the maximum capacity.

    This text is for information purposes only and should be deleted before submission.

  • Production. LSV 5.1-06: Production Concept StrategiesStatement with respect to the production strategy at the planned production locations inc. any specific features (Level of automation, facility concept, planned layout, process flowchart).Expected answer:

    Tabular listing of the information requested above. Specific Features of the Production locations.

    This text is for information purposes only and should be deleted before submission.

  • Production. LSV 5.1-07: New technologies and validationStatement with respect to new technologies (Product/process) and their validation for this project.Expected answer:

    Tabular overview of planned new techologies (product/process) for the BMW project, risks and their validation strategy.

    This text is for information purposes only and should be deleted before submission.

  • Production. LSV 5.1-08: Production Control concept & philosophyStatement with respect to the production control concept & philosophy (e.g. Design for testability, inline-tests, Q-Gates, rework concept, Poke-Yoke, etc.) and it's implementation for this project.Expected answer:

    Explanation of the production control concept and philosophy which will be used for this particular BMW project and the explicit consequences thereof.

    This text is for information purposes only and should be deleted before submission.

  • Sub-Supplier Management. LSV 5.1-09: Process DescriptionDescription of the planned approach to sub-supplier management for this project (supplier selection, supplier development, working model, metrics & rating, monitoring, escalation process, organisational structure etc.).Expected answer:

    Detailed Presentation of the points mentioned above with direkt reference to the specific project (max. 5 pages).

    This text is for information purposes only and should be deleted before submission.

  • Sub-Supplier Management. LSV 5.1-10: Supply ChainDescription of the intended supply chain structure for this project as a "Parts-tree" including part, intended sub-supplier(s) (development or "Build-To-Print"), intended production location(s), criticality including specific areas of risk and planned risk reduction measures.Expected answer:

    Use of parts-tree.Overview of topics mentioned above. Focus on critial and high-value sub-components.

    This text is for information purposes only and should be deleted before submission.

  • QM-System / Quality Concept. LSV 5.1-11: QM-System with deviation reportProof of a modern, state of the art Quality Management System (e.g. according to ISO/TS 16949) with deviation report. BMW Group reserves the right to conduct audits as required.Expected answer:


    This text is for information purposes only and should be deleted before submission.

  • QM-System / Quality Concept. LSV 5.1-12: Quality ConceptDescription of the planned "Quality Concept"/"Quality philosophy" for this project with concrete measures throughout the project phases including responsibility and timing: - reliability concept / philosophy (e.g. HALT, HASA, engineering measures, "Bathtub curve", DOE, etc.); - launch risk reduction concept (e.g. RUN-IN, specific measures, etc.); - quality concept at the production locations including description of the planned Quality-Gates (e.g. Inline checks, temperature checks, X-ray checks, AOI, ..) - quality approach during developmentExpected answer:

    Description of the above mentioned issues with direct reference to the project (max. 6 pages).

    This text is for information purposes only and should be deleted before submission.

  • QM-System / Quality Concept. LSV 5.1-13: Problem Resolution Process 0km / fieldDescription of the planned problem resolution process (for 0km and field) for this project (Principle, responsibilities, analysis locations, Process).Expected answer:

    Description of the above mentioned issues with direct reference to the project (max. 5 pages).

    This text is for information purposes only and should be deleted before submission.

  • QM-System / Quality Concept. LSV 5.1-14: Supply ConceptDescription of the planned supply concept for this project (Intermediate storage facility, size of pipeline, throughput duration) taking into consideration: - "10 Day Flash Concept" (as applicable); - emergency supply strategy (restoring continuity of supply of good parts within 24hrs); - availability of technical support on location ensuring quick problem resolution (customer liasion engineer, resident, etc.).Expected answer:

    Description of the above mentioned issues with direct reference to the project (max. 5 pages).

    This text is for information purposes only and should be deleted before submission.

  • Project Management / PlanningLSV 5.1-15: Timing PlanProvision of a project timing plan for this project including: - development, testing, sub-supplier, tooling, production, industrialisation and quality milestones; - their interdependencies; - identification of the relevant sample phases.(Please include your "Sample type" defintions.)Expected answer:

    Explanation of the above mentioned issues taking into consideration the BMW requirements and the BMW timing plan.

    This text is for information purposes only and should be deleted before submission.

  • Project Management / Planning. LSV 5.1-16: Ressource PlanProvision of a personel ressource plan for this project specifically taking into accout project management, engineering, testing, production, quality and sub-supplier management functions, as well as personel know-how and experience. Note: The project organisation (in particular project management and engineering support capacity) must remain available to the project until 6 months after SOP. An earlier pullout from the project is only allowable on achievement of all project targets.Expected answer:

    Overview over timeline and sum of planned resources in the obove mentioned areas.Short profile regarding qualification and experience of the key roles in the project.

    This text is for information purposes only and should be deleted before submission.

  • Project Management / Planning. LSV 5.1-17: Multi-Project-ManagementDescription of the approach with respect to the management of multiple simultaneous projects and the specific impact on this project. (Which roles/ressources are 100% available for this project, which are only partly available? Outline of capacity over all project phases).Expected answer:

    Tabular overview over 100% roles / resources and shared roles / resources (also in respect of timing).

    This text is for information purposes only and should be deleted before submission.

  • General. LSV 5.1-18: Interaction Production / DevelopmentDescription of the working model between supplier production and develoopment locations (in PEP, launch and series until EOP) for this project.Expected answer:

    Description of the points mentioned above focusing on responsibilities as well as the securing of a mutual involvement and support during the different project phases.

    This text is for information purposes only and should be deleted before submission.

  • General. LSV 5.1-19: Development Locations.Listing of the potential software and hardware development locations (internal/external) including toolmakers, measurement, laboratory and analysis facilities for this project with exact address and BMW supplier number (as applicable).Expected answer:

    Overview (tabular) of the points mentioned above.

    This text is for information purposes only and should be deleted before submission.

  • General. LSV 5.1-20: References / Customer Portfolio.Listing of current references / customer portfolio for comparable products including SOPs, volumes, products and customers (incl. BMW products and customer plants if relevant).Expected answer:

    Overview (tabular) of the points mentioned above.

    This text is for information purposes only and should be deleted before submission.

  • General. LSV 5.1-21: Other Supplier Product SOPs with similar timing.Listing of supplier products with SOPs within +/-6 months from the SOP of this Project.Expected answer:

    Overview (tabular) of the points mentioned above.

    This text is for information purposes only and should be deleted before submission.

  • General. LSV 5.1-22: Strength & Weakness AnalysisExplanation of the strengths & weakness analysis including the specific improvement measures derived for this product/project from comparable predecessor products.Expected answer:

    List of results from the SWA and derived actions.

    This text is for information purposes only and should be deleted before submission.

  • Supplier Action Plan. Date Signature BMW QMTSignature Supplier

    No. Area of ConcernSupplier ActivitiesTimingResponsible Person SupplierReviewDateRemarks

    ComponentSupplierProduction Location

    Vehicle ProjectResponsible BMWResponsible Supplier
