Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Click Once to Begin Module 7 Sleep and Dreams review.

Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Click Once to Begin Module 7 Sleep and Dreams review

Transcript of Template by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Click Once to Begin Module 7 Sleep and Dreams review.

Template byBill Arcuri, WCSD

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Module 7 Sleep and Dreams review

Template byBill Arcuri, WCSD


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al Responses

Stressful experienc


Personality & social factors

Coping, Panic disorders,

monks, stress management

Template byBill Arcuri, WCSD

What is the continuum of


Template byBill Arcuri, WCSD

Give an example of an automatic


Template byBill Arcuri, WCSD

Give an example of a controlled process

Template byBill Arcuri, WCSD

What are 2 biological clocks that we learned


Template byBill Arcuri, WCSD

What is the circadian rhythm?

Template byBill Arcuri, WCSD

What length of time is our sleep-wake

circadian clock set to?

Template byBill Arcuri, WCSD

List 2 circadian problems

Template byBill Arcuri, WCSD

What is the first stage in going to sleep?

Template byBill Arcuri, WCSD

How many stages do you go through in non-REM sleep?

Template byBill Arcuri, WCSD

What stage of non-REM sleep is considered to be where you

have the deepest sleep?

Template byBill Arcuri, WCSD

List the order of the sleep stages you go


Template byBill Arcuri, WCSD

In what stage of sleep does dreaming occur mainly?

Template byBill Arcuri, WCSD

What is SAD?

Template byBill Arcuri, WCSD

What is sleep apnea?

Template byBill Arcuri, WCSD

What is the difference between a “morning person”

and an “evening person”

What is the different in body temperature in the morning between these 2 types of


Template byBill Arcuri, WCSD

Who is Stefania Follini (hint – cave)?

What was the purpose of the


Template byBill Arcuri, WCSD

What happens when you are severely sleep deprived? (Randy Gardner)

Template byBill Arcuri, WCSD

What is the difference between dreams occuring during REM and non-REM


Template byBill Arcuri, WCSD

What is Freud’s theory of dream interpretation?

Template byBill Arcuri, WCSD

What does the “extensions of waking life” dream theory


Template byBill Arcuri, WCSD

What is the “activation-

synthesis” theory of dreams?

Template byBill Arcuri, WCSD

List 3 characteristics of typical dreams

Template byBill Arcuri, WCSD

What is insomnia?

Template byBill Arcuri, WCSD

What is narcolepsy?

Template byBill Arcuri, WCSD

What is the difference between

nightmares and night terrors?

Template byBill Arcuri, WCSD

Answer 6-100

Template byBill Arcuri, WCSD

Answer 6-200

Template byBill Arcuri, WCSD

Answer 6-300

Template byBill Arcuri, WCSD

Answer 6-400

Template byBill Arcuri, WCSD

Answer 6-500