Template 2

Based on Katie's grades, attendance and class participation, I'd rate Katie's academic performance in my class as superior In conclusion, I would highly recommend Katie Kingston for this academic program. If her performance in my class is any indication of how she will succeed, Katie will be a positive addition to the program. If you should need any additional information you can feel free to contact me has proven to be exceptional in several respects. Furthermore, his questions are always thoughtful and penetrating. . I was a little surprised by his high degree of enthusiasm I discovered that he has well defined career goals is exceptionally diligent and hard working. X invariably finished projects well in advance of our projected target date. X was always cheerful during this intense period is very good at working with other people. He is exceptionally nice and considerate and sensitive. X is not only good humored and friendly, but also is good at gauging other people's ineterests All in all, I think X has a very bright future, and I am sure that he would benefit from . . . . Given his great intelligence and sensitivity, I am sure that he could put . . . to good use.In short, I give X my highest recommendation, and very much hope that the committee judges his application favorably."

Transcript of Template 2

Based on Katie's grades, attendance and class participation, I'd rate Katie's academic performance in my class as superior

In conclusion, I would highly recommend Katie Kingston for this academic program. If her performance in my class is any indication of how she will succeed, Katie will be a positive addition to the program. If you should need any additional information you can feel free to contact me

has proven to be exceptional in several respects.

Furthermore, his questions are always thoughtful and penetrating.

. I was a little surprised by his high degree of enthusiasm

I discovered that he has well defined career goals

is exceptionally diligent and hard working.

X invariably finished projects well in advance of our projected target date. X was always cheerful during this intense period

is very good at working with other people. He is exceptionally nice and considerate and sensitive. X is not only good humored and friendly, but also is good at gauging other people's ineterests

All in all, I think X has a very bright future, and I am sure that he would benefit from . . . . Given his great intelligence and sensitivity, I am sure that he could put . . . to good use.In short, I give X my highest recommendation, and very much hope that the committee judges his application favorably."

As her professor, I have had an opportunity to observe the student's participation and interaction in class and to evaluate the student's knowledge of the subject matter. I would rate the student's overall performance in these subjects as superior.

As part of her grade in [name of course], the student was required to prepare a paper. The paper was designed to measure the student's ability to research, to analyze the results of the research, and to write. [Discuss how the paper submitted by the student indicated to you the student's skills in these areas.] Based upon this, I rate the student's skills as excellent.

{Name} has academically excelled and has drawn others to {his / her} pace through enthusiasm, confidence and determination.

Personally and socially, {NAME} is nothing short of a total {gentleman / lady}. {His / Her} demeanor is professional yet unobtrusive; {his / her} character full of integrity; {his / her} determination focused and forceful.

{NAME} is dynamic, responsible, and intelligent. {His / Her} acceptance into {Program and Department} will not only lead to greater contributions to our industry, but prove to be an asset to your program.

If I can offer any additional insights on {NAME}, please do not hesitate calling me at {Your Phone Number}.

. I am pleased to rank his performance in class superior because of his good attendance, grades and active participation in extra curricular activities.

We grade the students as per their performance in the final year Project. This project requires the students to research on the given topic, to analyze the research results and showcase their model through presentations and a detailed report. Anshuman showed great competency ………………….Not only was he one of the scholars, but his contributions in organizing events such as ICDCIT , Kritansh , Kaizen was immeasurable. I hope he will add great contribution to your program by his multifaceted personality.

I have worked closely with Varsha varadarajan during the past two years while she has served as a software engineer at Wipro Technologies. Ms. Varsha is an exceptionally motivated and talented young woman. I firmly believe that she will be successful in whatever she pursues.

Ms. Varadarajan has a very sharp mind and is very perceptive in her ability to read people and situations. Julie is strongly committed to the organizations for which she works. She assertively addresses problems and exhibits a maturity beyond her years in her approach to situations.

In conclusion, I am certain that varsha will become a very accomplished business person and graduate student in Business. She possesses the right combination of drive, intelligence and interpersonal skills to excel. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about this extraordinary young woman.

John brings to all of his activities energy, enthusiasm, and commitment. This is to be expected in any successful member of any organization.

John consistently delivers high-quality software for our organization. This speaks to his overall intellect and ability to learn, attributes that will serve him well in graduate study.

While John is a relatively junior member of our organization as measured by tenure, he quickly established himself as a go-to person in the product domains in which he has worked. He has been ever-willing to work with members of our organization to share his knowledge and expertise, most notably as a presenter for presentations on product functions. He has a deep-rooted spirit of helpfulness that coupled with his quick grasp of subject matter speaks well to his potential.

What I find most engaging in Anshuman's character are his wide-ranging interests outside of software. One of his abiding interests is Graphic Designing.

Anshuman's broad range of interests speaks well to his potential as a Marketing or Advertising professional.

Anshuman patra is a valued member of our organization whom we have learned we can rely on, regardless of the difficulty of the task to hand or the novelty of the challenge. His combination of intelligence, commitment, perseverance, creativity, and compassionate character will certainly make him a valuable member of any academic program. I encourage you to look favorably upon his application.

I am very glad to write a recommendation for Anshuman Patra, whom you are considering for a place in your program.

Jane is an intelligent, resourceful, and energetic student, who favorably impressed all of her teachers at Troy High School and who earned great respect, admiration, and popularity among her student peers. While maintaining a high grade point average throughout her high school career, she also became constructively involved in numerous extracurricular activities, including Anthesis (the literary magazine), The Trojan Tempo (the school newspaper, of which she was editor her senior year), and ASTRA (a girls service club). I especially remember her work on her junior term paper on Radical Environmentalism that earned her an excellent grade and a strong career interest. I am confident that her outstanding skills as a writer, speaker, worker, and leader will prove to be of great value to your university.

Please feel free to contact me if you need further information.


In the classroom Sarah was a joy to work with. She constantly strove to produce the very best effort she possibly could. When working in small groups she was the natural leader and organizer. She demonstrated responsibility toward the group effort and helped others to understand difficult material

I feel Sarah has the abilities and drive to accomplish almost anything she sets her mind to. She has developed the skill s and attitudes necessary to handle college level work. Please consider her for admission to your institution.

. Her ability to quickly grasp complex concepts, while simultaneously picking up on political and social nuances, is invaluable in a newspaper

It is my pleasure to recommend ____________ for __________ University's Master of Arts/ Master of Science In Writing program. This course of study would be a natural progression for __________, a skilled and energetic writer with a natural gift for nonfiction.

___________________ is a wonderful student to have in class. He is eager to participate in class discussions, takes his schoolwork seriously, and always has a creative way of looking at things.

Anshuman is a true joy to work with, and I strongly recommend her for any job.

I am writing to wholeheartedly endorse _______________ for the position of __________. He would make an outstanding _____________.

______________ is also very flexible and eager to take on new challenges

I'm convinced __________ will be as great an asset to your company as he has been to ours. Please feel free to contact me if you'd like any additional information.

Recommendation for Michele Moody

I have worked very closely with Ms. Moody during the several years while she has served as an assistant in my office. Michele has excelled in this role and maintained one of the highest levels of productivity for an assistant during my 20 year tenure with the company. Michele produces a high volume of work while maintaining high standards for quality and accuracy.

Moody possesses the ultimate "can do" attitude while taking on all tasks with a positive energy and a smile.

Her upbeat personality and engaging personal style enables her to interact effectively with clients and staff. Michele is very well organized and keeps track of the details necessary to produces a high volume of work while maintaining high standards for quality and accuracy.

Ms Moody takes initiative to go beyond the expected parameters of her job. All the intangibles that lead to success in the workplace are in order with Michele. There will be no unpleasant surprises and I am confident she will fit in and add to office morale.

I volunteered to write this recommendation for Michele because I am very grateful for her contributions to our office and very confident that she has the intelligence, work ethic

and communications skills to add value wherever she works. Please fell free to contact me if you have any questions about this outstanding young woman.

To Whom It May Concern:

It is with great privilege that I write to you in recommendation of Marty McFly. Until recently, I have been Marty's direct supervisor. I have found him to be a pleasant, generous person who is never afraid to take on a challenging task. He has been one of our most dedicated employees.

Marty is an independent, self directed person who is able to communicate effectively and meet even the most demanding challenges. During his three year tenure here, he set an unprecedented record in portfolio growth. Marty's stock picks averaged returns 500% higher than the S&P, much to our competitors dismay.

While his on the job performance has been nothing less than stellar, Marty has also become a close friend to many of us. We pride ourselves on our corporate values and close knit community, and in this area he truly shines. Marty, along with his father George, have organized many family picnics complete with story telling and live music. Marty is not only gifted in his uncanny ability to foresee growth opportunities, he is also a very talented musician!

Though we are all deeply disappointed to lose Marty, I highly recommend him for employment with your organization. He is a team player, a great person and an absolute financial genius.

Best Regards,

I have known Gilbert Lowell for 20 years. He has been a friend, a confidant and a business endorser.

Anshuman is incredibly intelligent and is an amazing leader. I first met anshuman during our first week at KIIT University, during which we had to present a paper on “Emerging technologies in Information Technology”. His breadth of knowledge was not only vast but concise as well.

After graduation, Anshuman helped out start my business where he started a small calculator accessory manufacturer.

It is with great pleasure that I write to you in recommendation of Gilbert Lowell. He is a honest, caring individual who will make an extremely valuable asset to your establishment.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.


I have also served as Anshuman's academic Project adviser

Alvin has routinely ranked in the top 10% of his class, and is consistently one of the top students in each of his individual courses. He is hardworking, energetic and curious. I have no doubt that he will succeed in his future academic endeavors.

Last semester, Anshuman and three of his colleagues presented their Academic project on “Web 2.0 “.This project was carried out during the course of one semester, demonstrating Anshuman's strong work ethic but also helped him earn top honors.

I have no doubt that Alvin will make a tremendous impact on the world at large. I am positive he will make outstanding contributions to your program.


I have no doubt that Alvin will make a tremendous impact on the world at large. I am positive he will make outstanding contributions to your program.


A Sample Recommendation Letter for Postgraduate Certificate in Laws Program


It is my pleasure and honor to be an advocate to Lam Samson’s desire to enter

into your institution and probably receive a good Postgraduate Certificate in Laws

Program, the reason why I support the endeavors that Samson is involved in

because I do believe that he possesses the needed potential qualities of being a

model student in your University and be a part in fulfilling and realizing your

priorities and aspirations today and in the futures to come. Samson, as a Legal

Assistant at Individual Voluntary Arrangements is of a high note and that I can

see and feel that he has this promising personality and attitude that never fails to

provide the needed help that our clients’ require in order to reach their goals and

actualize their objectives in every situation. Samson is hard working and one

good reason why I am proud of this man is that he never loses focus and

concentration during peak hours of the job and that he is an effective problem

solver that can make better and wise decisions for meeting the needs of our

clients which is for me, is an important aspect of him why he is deserving to be

the Customer Service Manager at IVA. Henceforth, Samson is not just a skilled

worker but he is also a good leader and that he has this strong ability to make

some of the worst scenarios at work calm down because he has this colossal

heart and an empathic aura that touches every individual for, when he speaks,

he is never bias and after all, he maintains an equal treatment to all the people


Thus, he knows how to carry such situation when he is dealing with our clients

and can give golden financial advices and explain to them the legal procedure

involved in an IVA application and that Samson enhances a strong power skills in

terms of promoting the debt restructuring service through media and organize

seminars and that as a Customer Service Manager, I can feel in Samson that he

is always in total coordination with his mental cognition that drives him in helping

people solve their problems through giving out his best in everything that he does

in life. I guarantee to you that Samson has really what it takes to be an absolute

addition to your prominent law school. Lastly, I amicably manifest that Lam

Samson is a complete individual that your institution needs why? Because I

believe that he has great dreams not just for himself but for other people and that

I think in order for a person to become a good lawyer, he must know how to

prioritize the needs of other people and dream the dream that could make this

world a better place to live in.













According to Francis Wellman in his book entitled ‘Day in Court’ (1940) that ‘’life

is a narrow vale between the cold and barren peaks of two eternities, we strive in

vain to look beyond the heights. We cry aloud and the only answer is the echo of

our wailing cry’’. (Wellman, 1940, p. 257) and that in my desire to become a full

pledged lawyer in your institution and be able to receive the certificate in law

program, I agree to Wellman that ‘’the general public should be interested in the

correct methods of sifting out the truth of any controversy’’ (Wellman, p. 6) but I

think it is impossible to overstate the importance in any society to perform upon

the legality it requires. Well, I always wanted to become a lawyer because I want

to help victims of oppression, discrimination, inequalities and other forms of

injustices and probably inspire them to continue to fight for real justice and

inculcate in them self confidence and firmness regarding their actions. Thus, in

order to reach my dreams I need to have the ability of concentration within my

whole mind as well as the power of clearness and the simplicity of expression. I

think I have a better common sense and a good professional reputation and I

transact business well because I believe that I can finish this law program with

pride to myself and to my associates and maybe urge those men who aspire to

become a lawyer like myself, to read – read everything what it takes to read. I am

positive and hoping that your high standard law school will provide and give me

opportunity to reveal to the world my ample right to be recognized as an effective

and able lawyer in the future.


Moreover, I graduated from the University of Hong Kong with a Bachelors of

Science in Computer Science and Information Systems in 2002. Upon

graduation, I joined a local law firm as a system administrator. The firm grew and

expanded very quickly, to the extent that even a non-legal staff like me had to

handle legal documents and had to interview clients. As time goes by, I got use

to be familiar with various legal services, especially insolvency cases like

bankruptcy and individual voluntary arrangements (IVA). Most of the clients I met

are those in financial troubles and some of them even think of dying in order to

“solve” the problem. Through providing legal knowledge and service to them, I

saved many people’s life by legal means. I discovered that this job is much more

meaningful than only writing computer programs and working with machines. My

desire to earn an LLB rooted in the recognition that individuals with personal or

family problems require advocacy to realize their solutions. After a serious

discussion with my boss, I have changed my career as a legal executive in the

firm and continue to interview clients and solve their problems. On the other

hand, I joined the part-time LLB program offered by the University of London in

order to achieve this meaningful career goal. Although my boss supported my

legal study in financial means, the job nature requires me to stay up late in the

office since most of the clients are only available after office hours. This make me

missed some of the classes and rendered my study more difficult, but I have

never thought of giving up in these three years, I even found myself more

interested in law as I continue my legal studies.


I was a basketball team captain in both secondary and university school life. As a

captain, I have to be a solution minded player, think accurately and quickly

because I have to work things out within a very limited time. In daily interaction

with lawyers, I realized that these qualities are the same as what a lawyer should

possess. Some of my clients become friends of mine and the meaningfulness

behind this friendship has inspired me to cope with any obstacles and has

strengthened my faith to help more others in a greater extent to realize their

human rights and help them find better solutions to their problems. Lastly, my

experiences in life had transformed me to become a better person as I am

motivated and inspired by the power of love for the service of the people and be

able to share my skills to others and give them a service that can never be paid

under the table because I believe that money is not everything for if it is then, it

can buy dignity and principles of the affected people like the oppressed as they

are hungry and craving for justice. I want people to value life and share to them

that for every good action they do for others deserves a just reward and not

injustice, for the truth prevails no matter how long the time is.

To Whom It May Concern:

I would like to take an opportunity to offer a formal recommendation for Jane Glass. As the Senior Coordinator for Heartland Commerce I have known Jane for approximately two years and feel that she is a deserving candidate for your business school program.

Jane joined our organization as an entry-level customer service representative. Demonstrating an incredible initiative and a strong dedication, she moved up the ranks quickly. After only six months, she was promoted to team leader. The board could not help but notice how successful she was in her new position and quickly offered her another promotion, making her part of the executive management team.

Jane leads by example and many people here find her enthusiasm and dedication both inspiring and motivating. As part of the executive management team, Jane has worked hard to build authentic relationships with the employees. Her efforts have created a happier and more productive team.

I believe Jane exhibits many of the qualities that are essential to business managers and business students. An education at your esteemed business school will help her hone these qualities, while enhancing her career opportunities. I highly recommend Jane Glass for your program and hope that you will carefully consider admission application.


Debra Max Senior Coordinator Heartland Commerce

=Sample Letter of Recommendation===

To Whom It May Concern:

It is with great pleasure and enthusiasm that I am writing to endorse Alice's application to your program. For the last 25 years at Blackmore University, I have been an ethics professor, as well as mentor to many interns and business students. I hope my perspective will be helpful to you as you evaluate this exceptional candidate.

My first contact with Alice was during the summer of 1997,when she organized a summer conference outside of Los Angeles for teenagers interested in communication skills. During the course of the week, Alice presented material with such ease and humor that she set the tone for the entire workshop. Her creative ideas for presentations and activities were inventive and entertaining; they were also astonishingly effective.

With participants from a variety of backgrounds, there was often conflict, and occasionally confrontation. While setting limits, Alice managed to respond consistently with respect and compassion. The experience had a profound effect on the participants and, because of Alice's exceptional skill and professionalism, she has been invited by many schools to offer similar management workshops

During the time I have known Alice, she has distinguished herself as a conscientious and energetic pioneer in the fields of leadership and management. I have enormous respect for her teaching and leadership skills, and have been pleased to work with her on many occasions.

I know of Alice's continued interest in programs related to leadership and management development. She has instituted many impressive programs for her peers, and it has been an honor to consult with her on some of these projects. I have the greatest admiration for her work.

Your program of study sounds ideally suited to Alice's needs and talents. She will be coming to you with the qualities of a natural leader: genuineness, intelligence, and integrity. She will also bring her interest in scholarly research and program development. Just as importantly, she would come with an enthusiasm for both learning and networking, as well as a resolute desire to understand new theories and ideas. It is exciting to think of the ways in which she might contribute to your program.

I urge you to carefully consider Alice who is, quite simply, the most remarkable young leader I have ever met.


Professor Aries St. James Blackmore University

Dear Sir or Madam:

Miss Furnival Han has left me a very deep impression for her zeal and earnest in English literature studies. I am very glad to write this letter of recommendation for her because as her teacher and also as director of her foreign studies college, I know very well her change from dislike and unfamiliarity to ardent love for English literature.

I remember she was interested in economics when she first entered university because she was highly gifted in mathematics, ranking first in college entrance examination. She was first repulsive to English literature due to lack of understanding. But after just a semester, she soon became greatly interested in the specialty. Though a first-year student, she soon acquired a penetrating comprehension and stood out as one of my best undergraduates in all my years of teaching experience.

As a second-year student, guided and encouraged by teachers returning from abroad in our department, she made up her mind to further her studies in the United States and exerted herself for this sake. She attended many professional literature forums and even observed postgraduate curricula. Apart from reading reference books with all earnest, she was well read in relevant Western professional books, immensely substantiating her knowledge. This was clearly visible from her theses and distinctively perceivable from our routine communication.

Miss Han was also a good announcer and journalist with the college broadcasting station. The program she hosted was much to the liking of student audiences. I am proud of her performance and amazed at her literary quality. I backed her up fully when she opted for the pedagogy specialty according to her specialty advantage and personal features and the future trend of development in China. I cherish great hope that such a good student would receive better education because this would expedite the advancement of China's relevant faculty.

As a professor I greatly appreciate such an energetic and inquisitive, diligent and clever student. When she told me her desire to study abroad, I expressed full support and encouraged her to work hard for her goal. As college director, I hereby recommend her to you with self-pride and pledge that she will bring your university a new refreshing atmosphere of researches. I hope you will lend her a helping hand with her application.

Source: proftrans.com Inc. ==========================

Letter of Recommendation for Jane DoeOffice of Graduate Admissions, Institute of Design

I'm honored to recommend Jane Doe for admission to graduate studies at the Institute of Design. Since Jane will be visiting you soon, the following information should help introduce her as well as convey my wholehearted recommendation that she be admitted to your program.

My association with Jane--I've known Jane closely for three years, during which we've collaborated on many projects. Her role has been that of a consultant to our architectural firm. Jane and I have also conversed privately on theoretical and practical matters of style, aesthetics, and philosophies of design. I've always been impressed by her know-how--from how to design an arboretum to good principles of document design.

Jane's integrity--The hallmark of Jane's character is her honesty. This extends from those areas where we easily see it (in relationships and business transactions) to integrity of thought. Scientific, thorough, and meticulous, she approaches any analytical task with an exacting eye. This is the kind of care and concern I mean by integrity of thought.

Jane's scholarship and balanced education--As a student of the humanities, Jane pursued a course of study that could serve as a model for any general education curriculum. She knows not only Shakespeare but mathematics. She's as comfortable in a wood shop as at the opera.

Her professional manner--Jane Doe is one of the most pleasant persons you'll ever meet or work with. She's forthright, but neither intimidates nor intrudes. She's open, friendly, and authentic--the Jane you'll soon meet is the Jane you'll get, without any surprises.

Jane has my unqualified professional endorsement and my deep personal respect. Please feel free to call at any time if I can be of further assistance.

I am happy to write a letter of recommendation for Mary Smith in support of her application to the Department of Maternal and Child Health MPH program. Ms. Smith took the classroom version of Principles of Epidemiology for Public Health (EPID 160) this past fall. Based on her performance in the course, I feel she would be a good candidate for the MPH program.

Grading in EPID 160 is based on a combination of “objective” and “subjective” evaluations. The objective components are two open-book, take-home examinations (35% of the overall grade) and a paper (25%), each based on an article. Each teaching assistant grades several exam questions across the entire class (this year we combined the 101 classroom and 64 Internet students). Thus, exam scores provide a good basis for comparison. The papers are also graded anonymously, but in spite of attempts to standardize the grading there are undoubtedly differences across graders.

The more subjective components are TA (20% of the overall grade) and peer (20%) evaluations of participation in small group discussions about case studies based mostly on

articles. Although I try to adjust the results for differences in grading styles across TAs and across small groups, these scores are less comparable across the class as a whole.

Ms. Smith's overall grade of 85 fell right in the center of the distribution. Her score of 79 on each exam was just below the median on the first exam (quartiles were 75, 80, and 85) and just above the median on the second exam (quartiles 70, 78, 88; the median for students in the classroom edition was 80). Her grade on the paper was somewhat disappointing (78, just below the first quartile for the class as a whole and for all papers graded by the same grader).

On the more subjective evaluation components, Ms. Smith's ratings were very good. Scores on these evaluations tend to run high, but Ms. Smith was one of 14 students supervised by Amy Green to receive the maximum score. The average of the peer ratings that Ms. Smith received from the other students in her small group fell right at the median of her group. Amy Green, an advanced Epidemiology doctoral student who met with and observed 33 students in the weekly labs, writes of Ms. Smith:

“Mary was one of the most dedicated of my students. She always came prepared to lab, asked good questions, and frequently volunteered to present her work. Many epidemiologic concepts are not straightforward, and it was evident that Mary put a great deal of effort and time into learning the material. She was one of the hardest working students and would often email me with questions. Her lab group benefited immensely from her inquisitive style. She also made a concerted effort to synthesize information outside of class. On a number of occasions she brought additional material to the attention of the instructor and students, and shared relevant and interesting ways to incorporate epidemiologic thinking into public health. She would make an intelligent, energetic and hard-working addition to any public health program”

Ms. Smith's performance on the EPID 160 exams demonstrates that she is competitive with graduate students in public health degree programs in her ability to learn epidemiology, and her successful lab participation demonstrates that she works well with her peers and contributes at least her share. Although her score on the article critique was lower than those for most of the class, the grading for these is less precise than for the examinations.

Please feel free to call (966-7436) or write ([email protected]) if I can be helpful.


Yours sincerely,

Victor J. Schoenbach, PhDAssociate [email protected]


I am happy to recommend Abhishek Easwar for admission to Graduate study in your Institution. I have known him for over two years in my capacity as Vice-Principal of Pune institute of Computer Technology from where he has just graduated.

I have taught him Systems and Computation related courses:

1. Artificial Intelligence: (SEM 8)

2. System Software

: (SEM 6) 3. Theory of Computation : (SEM 5)

A clear thinking and level headed individual is how I would like to describe Abhishek. During the two years that I have interacted with him, he has displayed a strong orientation towards seeking conceptual clarity. He therefore has a good research potential and strong applications capability.

A student with excellent logical and intuitive skills, he has proved himself by winning many awards for his project and technical paper presentation in several Tech-Fests in renowned institutions in India.

His project ‘Mobulous’ won acclaim from the Academia, Industry Professionals and students alike for its unique application features. It was highly recommended that the application be patented, which is now being seriously explored.

Abhishek is endowed with a good personality and is very committed and sincere towards his work. He has excellent communication skills and is very adept in the English language.He is a good team player and often leads the group with his sound knowledge and persuasive skills.

I am confident that as a student with great zeal for higher academic pursuits and aptitude for research, Abhishek will do very well. I strongly recommend his candidature to your Graduate

Program with full financial assistance.

Prof. G. P. Potdar

Vice-Principal & H.O.D. (IT)


To whom this may concern,This letter is to serve as my formal recommendation for Han Kim. Han has been my direct report for almost 5 years now. He has shown an interest in obtaining an MBA degree program and I feel that he will be an excellent candidate for your esteemed program.During his time with managing the global account technical team, he has clearly demonstrated a focused dedication and strong work ethics towards the account’s technical and business success. Despite the unfavorable politics played out by the competitor and customer, not only has he persevered and excelled in leading his team to win every benchmark against the well established competition but also was instrumental in driving and assisting the sales team members for winning strategies and tight communication with the corporate business unit. His contribution is clearly dictated by the fact that the account business size has grown to the unprecedented second largest and important account for the entire company now. His names were also called out by the top executives during the annual conference meeting more than twice for the job well done. In addition to his successful job contribution, his devotion towards the global-level teamwork and care for his individual team members can be seen through his working style. Constantly looking out to help his team members in trouble, he unhesitatingly travels to the customer site, even at late hours, to work side by side with the his peers to help resolve challenging issues together. In addition, his effort in cross functional teamwork can be clearly witnessed through his consistent and close interaction with his peers throughout Asia, Europe, and the USA. Consulting through conference calls and delivering the benchmark presentation slides with appreciation emails for the peers being involved, many of his team members’ results were re-used for technical meetings and company-wide presentations.With his seasoned field experience, he would now want to further strengthen his career through taking on a bigger challenge such as

creating a corporate level business proposals and participating in integration of different technologies associated to ASIC and EDA industries. I am very hopeful that his plan along with skill set from your MBA program, would bring a positive impact towards our industry. For these reasons, I would highly recommend Han Kim as a candidate for your MBA program. If you have question regarding Han Kim or this recommendation, please feel free to contact me.Sincerely,

YT JungVice President, Synopsys Asia Pacific

To Whom It May Concern:

Han Kim has worked under my guidance as a global account technical manager from 2004 to 2008. His responsibilities included managing the global account field engineers and collaborating with the sales team to drive the account to become successful.

Demonstrating an incredible initiatives and strong determination, Han had led his team to win over the tough competitions and brought the account to become one of the fastest growing accounts world-wide. He was a clearly an exemplified hard worker since, unlike other managers, his hands-on and on-site management dedication had transformed into such outstanding performance and significant corporate business success.

I am confident that your MBA program will be ideal for Han’s academic goals. He will be coming to you with the industry proven groundwork necessary for success in pursing an MBA. If you need further elaboration, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Jon Saari Vice President – North America Global Technical Services

To whom this may concern,

I am more than delighted to recommend Han Kim as a strong addition to the MBA program at your institution. Throughout the work at Synopsys, Han has clearly demonstrated the leadership, teamwork, management ability, technical expertise, and oral and written communication skills necessary to achieve success in his career.

As I have been working closely with him as a senior director, I have observed his substantial skills to overcome tough field technical and political situations, especially in delivering and winning the challenging demands from customers. His strong will have led to overwhelming contribution towards the team and the company ever since he took on this mission.

As a global account technical manager, he has clearly shown the leadership through managing the multiple field engagements concurrently, strengthening customer and cross-functional relationship, managing the team members with clear direction and purpose, and constantly volunteering to assist the local Sales in pre-sales and post-sales activities.

Above all, it was always a pleasure of talking to him about the matters in personal and career level. He is indeed a down to earth and honest person. Also, I enjoyed his sense of humor, positive personality, and self confidence.

I have only touched upon the few most important abilities of this highly qualified and motivated individual. With this letter, I can highly recommend Han Kim for admission to your MBA program. If you require any elaboration, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Guey IngGroup Director, Corporate Application Engineering

“I have had the pleasure of knowing Ogan ever since college where we were classmates. He is one of the most impressive and inspiring individuals that I know – both personally and professionally. His acumen and leadership in the healthcare field is without rival moreover he possesses the unique ability to translate this expertise into both the business and public sectors. Ogan’s dedication and passion to ensuring the future welfare of our healthcare system is unsurpassed. Working with Ogan is a true pleasure.”

Anshuman has an exceptional capacity to absorb, retain and classify detail across many subjects. I found him to have extraordinarily high intellect coupled with unusual humility and integrity - a very rare combination in today's world.