TELESEMINAR TUTORIALS BY BILL O’HANLON  · 2009-09-14 · the call, you press Stop Recording,...


Transcript of TELESEMINAR TUTORIALS BY BILL O’HANLON  · 2009-09-14 · the call, you press Stop Recording,...

Page 1: TELESEMINAR TUTORIALS BY BILL O’HANLON  · 2009-09-14 · the call, you press Stop Recording, since once you start recording, the button now says that. You also press the End Conference



Page 2: TELESEMINAR TUTORIALS BY BILL O’HANLON  · 2009-09-14 · the call, you press Stop Recording, since once you start recording, the button now says that. You also press the End Conference


I began doing teleseminars a while ago and initially used a free service ( I would do a free teleseminar to create a mailing list of interested people and then try to get them to buy some related product (like my online bookwriting course). That worked okay, but wasn't that lucrative. I was training people to expect free stuff. So I began doing paid calls in which I charged for the call, but would promise people they would get the recording afterwards if they were too busy to get in the call or they couldn't make the scheduled time work. That was good, because I made money on each call and still a few people bought other products after the call. Then I realized that since I had recorded the calls I could turn them into audio products or get them transcribed and turn them into ebooks or reports. That worked a bit better and I made more money. Until the day I scheduled one of these calls, charged for it and the recording function on the call didn't work. Worse than that, it was a series of four calls and two of them didn't record, even though I had tested it again in between the calls to ensure that it was working after the first one didn't record. I had to spend lots of time recreating the calls. What a pain! So, I decided to stop being so cheap and invest in a paid service that would work better and have a few more features. I found it in Instant Teleseminar. They built a cool web front end for the call, automatically recorded it as a backup in case I forgot to push the record button and also let me give slides and other links as part of the web site. People could listen over the web or on the phone. They could hear a replay after the call or get a download. I could have up to 250 people on the call rather than the previous free service's limit of 100 people. Everything was automated and worked really well. Then they upgraded the thing (and renamed it to NConnect). It's even better now. You can see who is on the call. People can "raise their hand" to ask a question or make a comment and you can manage that (if you've ever been on a call without that ability, you know sometimes several people try to talk at once and that wastes precious time). As the host, I can raise the volume of other people on the call if their voice is softer or not coming through well. It has a noise suppressor in the line so it is much clearer. As you might be getting the impression, I love this thing. I have signed up to be a referral person for it (and I make a referral fee for anyone who signs up and sticks with it after the free trial), because I am going to tell everyone interested in making location-free and passive income about this thing. You can sign up for a free 30-day trial (make sure you schedule some call and use it right away-even if it's only to have a friend interview you to get a recording and create a product right away so you can see how easy to use and great it is). If you plan to do teleseminars with any frequency, this thing is really worth it. It's really easy to set up, learn and use. I got a call set up my first time on it in a few minutes. Use this link (it costs the same with or without my referral):

Page 3: TELESEMINAR TUTORIALS BY BILL O’HANLON  · 2009-09-14 · the call, you press Stop Recording, since once you start recording, the button now says that. You also press the End Conference

Here is a guided tour with pictures of how it works. After you sign up for the service, to set up a teleseminar, you start at the log-in page.

You put in the Member ID and Password they gave you when you signed up and then press that Sign In button. This takes you to the next page, which is your control panel for the call.

I almost always put my calls into the Interactive Mode before they start and as soon as they start, I switch to Lecture Mode (this mutes all the other callers, except any co-hosts you have [they use the same host number and codes you use so they aren’t muted when you mute everyone else]. You will see a list of everyone on the call, including where they are from and their phone numbers if they have caller ID, on this page. You can mute them, see if they have their hand raised, raise their voice volumes and even drop them from the call if they are trouble (either interpersonally or electronically). On this service, this is all you have to do to get the call going. You start when it’s time to start. If you want to record the call, just press the Start Recording button. [At the end of

Page 4: TELESEMINAR TUTORIALS BY BILL O’HANLON  · 2009-09-14 · the call, you press Stop Recording, since once you start recording, the button now says that. You also press the End Conference

the call, you press Stop Recording, since once you start recording, the button now says that. You also press the End Conference button.] You can pre-set how you want things to be on the Setting page, which you can see below.

There is also a page with instructions, which includes all the numbers you, your co-hosts and your guests call (and a backup number in case of problems). You can have up to 250 people on the call with the premium version (even more if you arrange it with the service). Here’s how it looks [I have obscured the numbers on this example picture since these are my personalized lines and codes].

And there is a complete list of all the phone commands you and guests can use during the call. You can see that in the picture below.

Page 5: TELESEMINAR TUTORIALS BY BILL O’HANLON  · 2009-09-14 · the call, you press Stop Recording, since once you start recording, the button now says that. You also press the End Conference

After the call, if you have recorded the call, you can get the recording on the Recording Archive page, seen below.

That is about it. Once you run a few of these, things become second nature to you. I love this service for all the features and the quality, plus the ease of use.

Page 6: TELESEMINAR TUTORIALS BY BILL O’HANLON  · 2009-09-14 · the call, you press Stop Recording, since once you start recording, the button now says that. You also press the End Conference

Instant Teleseminar Tutorial This was the first paid service I used and I still like it. Since I get both this one and NConnects and they are using the same number, I double cover myself by using both to record the calls I do. I set them up using Instant Teleseminar’s more complex and sophisticated setup features (it gives people a web-based way to access the call and get the handouts and it will even generate a web page ad for you to put on your blog or website). So, I’ll walk you through the service here. We’ll start with the control panel. This is what you will see after you have signed up and registered for the service, then logged in with your Member ID and Password, just like I showed you in NConnects. You’ll be taken to a page like this (mine already has a number of events in it, but yours will be blank in the events section until you set a new event up.

You do this very simply by clicking on the Add New Event button.

This begins a whole process whereby you name your call, set up a pre-call page people can visit before the call to get details for calling in or listening in via the web at the time of the call and to get the handouts or other pages you would like to direct people to visit. You set up the details of the call on a page like this, which appears when you press the Add New Event button. You need to fill in the name of the call, the date and time of the call, the duration of the call. You also need to select phone numbers for you to call in and the guests. The service provides a free 250-person bridge (or conference) line at no charge, but you can also use your own bridge line if you have one. You also need to select one of the service’s predesigned template/design scheme for the call page on this setup page.

Page 7: TELESEMINAR TUTORIALS BY BILL O’HANLON  · 2009-09-14 · the call, you press Stop Recording, since once you start recording, the button now says that. You also press the End Conference

Here is the page that shows you some the designs so you can scroll down them, check them out and choose one. You can change it at any time.

Page 8: TELESEMINAR TUTORIALS BY BILL O’HANLON  · 2009-09-14 · the call, you press Stop Recording, since once you start recording, the button now says that. You also press the End Conference

Once you have made all the choices and filled in the details, press Save and the page it takes you to will look like this.

You’re all set up unless you want to get fancy (which I do, since I have used this service for quite a while and like some of the advanced capabilities it has). But if you want to keep it simple, you could just announce the call at this point and everything would work just fine. Do the call at the appointed time and this service even automatically records the call even if you space out and forget to start the recording (it will begin a few minutes before the call starts so it will have either silence or it will have the noise of everyone getting on the call and you chatting informally with them, so it is better to get a cleaner recording by pressing the Start Recording button when the call actually begins). To do the fancy stuff and to get all your call details to give to people, visit the Event Management page after you have set up the call. Here you can do all sorts of things. Yu can edit details if you messed up or just want to change the name, the date, the time or the template. You can insert links or sales pitches (Calls to Action as they are called here) on the web page people will see when they visit the web address you give them before or during the call. You can preview and set up and personalize the pre-call page, the during the call page and the replay after the call page. [Or you can just leave these with their presets; they will work just fine.] I learned how everything worked by playing around with these settings and links and trying things. If you have the time and inclination, I recommend you do the same.

Page 9: TELESEMINAR TUTORIALS BY BILL O’HANLON  · 2009-09-14 · the call, you press Stop Recording, since once you start recording, the button now says that. You also press the End Conference

Here is the page you can use to personalize the pre-event page. You can record your own greeting (I like to do this to reassure people they have found the right page.) You can change any of the wording on the page, etc. You can also turn off the Question submission option.

Page 10: TELESEMINAR TUTORIALS BY BILL O’HANLON  · 2009-09-14 · the call, you press Stop Recording, since once you start recording, the button now says that. You also press the End Conference

Here’s the page to add links and calls to action on the web page.

Here’s an example in which I have filled in one of the link buttons. Press Save after you fill these in.

Page 11: TELESEMINAR TUTORIALS BY BILL O’HANLON  · 2009-09-14 · the call, you press Stop Recording, since once you start recording, the button now says that. You also press the End Conference

Once you’ve got everything set up, you can get some code to put on the web or on a blog page. I would only use this for free calls since if people visit this page, they will be able to come back during the call and listen in for free.

Here’s what the page looks like when everything is set up [I have again obscured the phone number and access codes to keep them private.]

Page 12: TELESEMINAR TUTORIALS BY BILL O’HANLON  · 2009-09-14 · the call, you press Stop Recording, since once you start recording, the button now says that. You also press the End Conference

After the call, you can get the recordings at this page. You can also direct people to the Replay page where, depending on how you set things up, people can either listen to the replay or download the file.

Page 13: TELESEMINAR TUTORIALS BY BILL O’HANLON  · 2009-09-14 · the call, you press Stop Recording, since once you start recording, the button now says that. You also press the End Conference