Teledetectie van aërosolen in de troposfeer door middel ... · TELEDETECTIE VAN AEROSOLEN IN DE...

14 oktober 2005 jaarverslag 1 : wetenschappelijk verslag TELEDETECTIE VAN AEROSOLEN IN DE TROPOSFEER DOOR MIDDEL VAN DE SEVIRI RADIOMETER (MSG-1) Bart De Paepe Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium, Department of Observations, Brussels,  Belgium PhD Candidate : Vrije Universiteit Brussel, faculteit toegepaste wetenschappen, onderzoeksgroep ETRO Keywords: aerosol optical depth, SEVIRI, MSG. onder leiding van prof. dr. ir. Steven Dewitte dr. Piet Boekaerts

Transcript of Teledetectie van aërosolen in de troposfeer door middel ... · TELEDETECTIE VAN AEROSOLEN IN DE...

Page 1: Teledetectie van aërosolen in de troposfeer door middel ... · TELEDETECTIE VAN AEROSOLEN IN DE TROPOSFEER DOOR MIDDEL VAN DE SEVIRI RADIOMETER (MSG-1) Bart De Paepe Royal Meteorological

14 oktober 2005 jaarverslag 1 : wetenschappelijk verslag




Bart De Paepe

Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium, Department of Observations,

Brussels, Belgium

PhD Candidate : Vrije Universiteit Brussel, faculteit toegepaste

wetenschappen, onderzoeksgroep ETRO

Keywords: aerosol optical depth, SEVIRI, MSG.

onder leiding van

prof. dr. ir. Steven Dewitte

dr. Piet Boekaerts

Page 2: Teledetectie van aërosolen in de troposfeer door middel ... · TELEDETECTIE VAN AEROSOLEN IN DE TROPOSFEER DOOR MIDDEL VAN DE SEVIRI RADIOMETER (MSG-1) Bart De Paepe Royal Meteorological

Doctoraat toegepaste wetenschappen – Jaarlijks verslag over de vooruitgang van het doctoraatsonderzoek

Voornaam, Naam Bart De Paepe Rolnr.79267

Vakgroep TW­ETRO Fax 02 374 67 88

Diploma licentiaat geografie Stamnr.r Telefoon 02 373 67 58 Email [email protected]

Datum eersteaanstelling AAP

Datum eerstehernieuwing

Datum tweedehernieuwing

Datum eersteaanstelling BAP


Onderwerp of titel van het doctoraatsonderzoek Voornaam, naam promotor

Remote Sensing Tropospheric Aerosols from SEVIRI Data Steven DewittePiet Boekaerts

Data waarop de voorafgaande aanvragenen rapporten werden ingediend

Voorwaardelijke toelating Definitieve toelating

Tussentijdse  jaarverslagen 1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

ABSTRACT VAN HET DOCTORAATSONDERZOEKDe wisselwerking van aërosolen met de zonnestraling en hun invloed op de wolkenvorming, veroorzaakt een grote onzekerheid bij het voorspellen van klimaatsveranderingen.Aërosolen hebben zowel een directe als een indirecte impact op de energiebalans van de atmosfeer en moeten steeds in acht genomen worden in verband met de atmosferischecorrecties. De spectrale banden van de Spinning Enhanced Visible and Infrared Imager (SEVIRI) aan boord van Meteosat­8, kunnen gebruikt worden om aërosolen te bestuderen.Door de hoge temporele resolutie van 15 minuten, zijn we in staat om de verspreiding van aërosolen te analyseren in tijd en ruimte. Aërosolen hebben zowel een invloed op degereflecteerde zonnestraling als op de uitgaande thermische straling. Metingen van de radiatieve en fysische eigenschappen van aërosolen kunnen afgeleid worden viaverschillende technieken, afhankelijk van de lokale omstandigheden. Voor de berekening van de aërosol optische dikte boven de woestijn zullen we gebruik maken van deinteractie tussen de aërosolen en de thermische straling, voornamelijk afkomstig van het aardoppervlak alsook van de emissie van de aërosolen zelf. De uitgaande thermischestraling wordt over meerdere dagen geobserveerd. Binnen een dergelijke tijdspanne verandert de samenstelling en de concentratie van de aërosolen. We nemen aan dat deoppervlakte emisiviteit constant is in de tijd en dat één van de dagen aërosolvrij is. Het verschil tussen de oppervlakte emissiviteit en de ogenblikkelijke emissiviteit is een maatvoor de concentratie aan aërosolen.

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Page 3: Teledetectie van aërosolen in de troposfeer door middel ... · TELEDETECTIE VAN AEROSOLEN IN DE TROPOSFEER DOOR MIDDEL VAN DE SEVIRI RADIOMETER (MSG-1) Bart De Paepe Royal Meteorological

Korte omschrijving van de evolutie van het onderzoek tijdens de betrokken periode, met aanduiding van de reeds bekomen resultaten en een planning voor de verdereuitwerking (totaal minimum twee pagina’s ­ maximum vijf pagina’s):Gedurende de eerste zes maanden van het doctoraatsonderzoek werd de nodige aandacht besteed aan een gedetailleerde literatuurstudie over teledetectie van aërosolen. Weimplementeerden een algoritme dat de optische dikte van aërosolen boven oceaan berekent voor de drie kortgolvige spectrale banden afzonderlijk, zoals beschreven in Ignatov,2002. Hierdoor verworven we een duidelijk beeld van het algemene verloop dat we moeten volgen voor de berekening van de radiatieve eigenschappen van aërosolen.De volgende stap was een verfijning van het algoritme door zelf een betere aërosoldetectie te ontwikkelen. Een belangrijke stap voor de berekening van de optischeeigenschappen van aërosolen is om een goede wolkendetectie uit te voeren. Hiervoor implementeerden we een multi­spectrale, spatiale test voor aërosoldetectie zoalsbeschreven in Wang, 2002 over de berekening van aërosol optische dikte aan de hand van de waarnemingen van de Amerikaanse geostationaire satelliet. We implementeerdeneveneens een algoritme dat aan de hand van een multi­lineaire regressie van de verschillende thermische kanalen aërosoldetectie uitvoert (Brindley, 2005). Dit laat toe omaërosolen die foutief als wolken gedetecteerd werden, opnieuw op te nemen in de dataset. Daarnaast ontwikkelden we een volledig nieuwe test die louter gebruik maakt van despectrale informatie in de gereflecteerde zonnestraling. Op basis van de verschillen in gereflecteerde zonnestraling tussen het visuele kanaal gecentreerd rond 0.6 µm en de nabij­infrarode kanalen gecentreerd rond 0.8 µm en 1.6 µm voor gebieden met lage wolken en aërosolen, trachtten we een algoritme op te stellen om beide van elkaar te onderscheiden.Door de drie tests onderling te vergelijken, besloten we dat de spectrale test geen betere resultaten opleverde. (proceedings artikel in appendix 1) Om dit deel van het onderzoekaf te ronden, evalueerden we nog enkele andere algoritmes voor wolkendetectie. De 'spatial coherence'­methode (Coackley et al, 1982) leverde geen toegevoegde waarde tenopzichte van de methode van Wang, 2002, maar de 'dust detection'­methode van de SAF­nowcasting daarentegen wel. Deze methode werd net zoals het wolkendetectie­agoritmevan EUMETSAT (MPEF­cloud mask) speciaal ontwikkeld voor SEVIRI en maakt daarbij gebruik van het brede gamma beschikbare spectrale kanalen van dit instrument. Totbesluit van de wolkendetectie implementeerden we de methode van Wang in combinatie met de regressietechniek om aërosols te detecteren.Om de verschillende algoritmes toe te passen, stelden we een dataset samen die representatief is voor de verschillende aërosoltypes. Aan de hand van een visuele analyse enbeeldverwerking van de Meteosat­8 beelden voor de maanden maart en april 2004, waren we in staat een periode te selecteren gekenmerkt door een woestijnstorm die uitbreiddeboven de Atlantische oceaan, evenals een tweede periode die gekenmerkt werd door artificiële branden boven Guinea die tot aan de kustzone van de Golf van Guineageobserveerd konden worden. Om de algoritmes ook op aërosolen van vulkanische oorsprong uit te proberen, zochten we naar vulkaanuitbarstingen in de beeldgallerij van deModerate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) en van Meteosat Second Generation (MSG). De uitbarsting van de Grimsvötn vulkaan in IJsland begin november 2004,was de enige vulkaanuitbarsting die zich uitstrekte tot over zee en die met MSG geobserveerd kon worden. De aërosolen door 'biomass burning' voor de kust van Guinea kondenniet duidelijk waargenomen worden op het eindresultaat, en de optische eigenschappen van de aërosolen van vulkanische oorsprong ter hoogte van IJsland waren nietbetrouwbaar door de invloed van de breedteligging op het algoritme. We stelden een nieuwe dataset samen met het oog op de validatie van onze methode. We verzamelden data voor vier periodes tussen maart 2004 en mei 2005 die telkensgekenmerkt werden door een wolk van Saharazand 'dust aerosol' voor de westkust van Afrika. Zo een lange tijdspanne laat toe om de resultaten van het algoritme te evaluerenonder verschillende condities. We beperkten ons tot een gebied tussen 60°N – 8°Z en tussen 20°O – 34°W om zoveel mogelijk fouten te wijten aan de geometrie te vermijden.Eerst en vooral ondergingen de resultaten een kwaliteitscontrole die sterk afwijkende waarden verwijdert. Dergelijke abnormale waarden kunnen fysisch te wijten zijn aan niet­statistische schommelingen van de straling, of aan afwijkingen van de veronderstellingen die we bij het algoritme maakten. Dit kan veroorzaakt worden door afwijkingen van deachtergrondwaarde, of door de aanwezigheid van resterende wolken die slecht gedetecteerd werden.In een eerste stap van de validatie vergeleken we de histogrammen van de aërosol optische dikte met de theoretische verdeling. We konden zien dat de aërosol optische diktenauw het verloop van de theoretische verdeling volgt, wat een eerste vertrouwen in de resultaten opleverde. In de tweede stap analyseerden we de spreidingsgrafieken van deaërosol optische dikte tussen twee verschillende spectrale banden. Zoals verwacht vertrekt de puntenwolk vanuit de oorsprong en divergeert naarmate de waarde van de aërosoloptische dikte groter wordt. We observeerden een vrij sterke divergentie bij alle datasets, wat onze resultaten minder consistent maakte en wees op fouten in het algoritme,waaronder eveneens afwijkingen van de veronderstellingen die aangenomen werden (e.g. de aanwezigheid van verschillende aërosoltypes). Tenslotte vergeleken we onzeresultaten met het aërosol product van MODIS. Het histogram van het verschil tussen SEVIRI en MODIS toonde dat we voor de meeste pixels een klein verschil bekwamen, watduidde op een gelijkaardige trend tussen beide resultaten. De spreidingsgrafieken daarentegen waren minder consistent aangezien ze twee clusters opleverden. Eén cluster lag,zoals verwacht, langs de eerste bissectrice met toenemende divergentie voor hogere waarden. De tweede cluster werd gekenmerkt door vrij lage en  bijna constante waarden vanMODIS voor stijgende waarden van SEVIRI. (proceedings artikel in appendix 2)De tweede stap van de validatie leverde een zeer grote divergentie op, deze analyse deed ons besluiten dat er fouten schuilen in het algoritme die te wijten kunnen zijn aanfysische factoren, zoals residuele wolken, maar die ook veroorzaakt kunnen worden door geometrische problemen. Om hieraan te verhelpen zullen we voortaan verder werken meteen meer gelijkmatig verdeelde dataset, zullen we de statistische methodes enkel toepassen voor een gehele periode en zullen we uitsluitend beroep doen op de RMIB­GERB­cloud mask.

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Page 4: Teledetectie van aërosolen in de troposfeer door middel ... · TELEDETECTIE VAN AEROSOLEN IN DE TROPOSFEER DOOR MIDDEL VAN DE SEVIRI RADIOMETER (MSG-1) Bart De Paepe Royal Meteorological

Korte omschrijving van de evolutie van het onderzoek tijdens de betrokken periode, met aanduiding van de reeds bekomen resultaten en een planning voor de verdereuitwerking (totaal minimum twee pagina’s ­ maximum vijf pagina’s) (vervolg):Met het oog op het uiteindelijke doel van het doctoraatsonderzoek, de berekening van de stralingseigenschappen van aërosolen boven land, evalueerden we verschillendemethodes voor de berekening van de optische dikte van aërosolen. Boven oceaan wordt algemeen gewerkt met de gereflecteerde zonnestraling, en we zijn er in staat om eenduidelijk verschil in het spectraal signaal van de oceaan en van de aërosollaag waar te nemen. Boven land daarentegen is de gereflecteerde straling zeer variabel in functie vanhet landoppervlak. Voor donkere landoppervlakten, begroeid door dichte vegetatie, kunnen de kortgolvige kanalen gebruikt worden mits herkenning van de donkere pixels in hetnabij­infrarood (vb. in het 3.9 µm SEVIRI kanaal). Boven heldere oppervlakken, zoals boven de woestijn, is het zeer moeilijk om aërosolen te onderscheiden gezien de hogewaarde van de gereflecteerde straling. SEVIRI laat toe om gebruik te maken van twee andere technieken. De eerste techniek steunt op de hoge temporele resolutie van SEVIRI.Gedurende de loop van de dag verandert de angulaire distributie van de inkomende en uitgaande straling wat ons in staat stelt om het albedo van het aardoppervlak te berekenenen daaraan gekoppeld de radiatieve eigenschappen van de aërosollaag. Deze methode kan gebruikt worden voor de bepaling van een constante aerosol achtergrondwaarde. Detweede benadering boven land maakt gebruik van het verschil in spectraal signaal van de oppervlakte en van de aërosollaag. Met de thermische kanalen zijn we in staat omaërosolen te detecteren boven de woestijn en om de radiatieve eigenschappen ervan te berekenen zoals dit gedaan wordt voor de visuele kanalen boven oceaan. Dezelfdetechniek kan ook toegepast worden met de visuele kanalen zoals beschreven door Knapp, 2002.

In onze planning gaan we de validatie van onze methode die de aërosol optische dikte boven oceaan berekent, opnieuw uitvoeren. We zullen hiervoor de dataset lichtjesaanpassen zodat deze meer gelijkmatig verdeeld is. Een betere “cloud mask” moet een deel van de fouten verwijderen. De MPEF­cloud mask heeft als nadeel dat het algoritmeregelmatig gewijzigd wordt, waardoor we de wolkendetectie tussen de verschillende periodes niet kunnen vergelijken. We opteren voor de RMIB­GERB­cloud mask die berekentwordt in het kader van de GERB­processing. Daarnaast zullen we de statistische testen enkel nog toepassen voor een gehele periode. We zullen nu stapsgewijs te werk gaan enelk tussenresultaat bespreken met de co­auteurs, zodat er steeds kan bijgestuurd worden. Deze resultaten zullen aanleiding geven tot een artikel in een internationaalwetenschappelijk tijdschrift over aërosolen of over 'atmospheric sciences' meer algemeen.

Vervolgens zullen we ons toeleggen op het hoofddoel van ons onderzoek, namelijk de berekening van de radiatieve eigenschappen van aërosolen boven land. Hiervoor zullen wegebruik maken van de thermische kanalen van SEVIRI waar, in het bijzonder boven de woestijn, de aërosolen een duidelijke impact hebben op de uitgaande terrestrische straling.Hier zal één van onze eerste taken bestaan uit het afleiden van de referentiebeelden die overeenkomen met wolkenloze beelden en die gekenmerkt worden door een lageaërosolconcentratie. Na atmosferische correctie kunnen uit de referentiebeelden de spectrale reflectie en emisiefactoren van het aardoppervlak en eventueel de achtergrondaerosol optische dikte per pixel afgeleid worden. De referentiebeelden geven ons de achtergrondwaarde van het aardoppervlak die we later zullen gebruiken om de optische diktevan de aërosolen te berekenen van beelden in ware tijd. Daarvoor zullen we een model ontwikkelen dat het verband legt tussen de waargenomen straling en de aërosol optischedikte bij een gekend oppervlaktetype. Deze resultaten zullen aanleiding geven tot een presentatie tijdens een internationale conferentie over aërosolen of over 'satellitemeteorology' meer algemeen.

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Vermelding van alle publicaties, externe in tijdschriften en proceedings, mededelingen op wetenschappelijke bijeenkomsten en interne of externe rapporten (bvb. IWT)in de betrokken periode.  De studenten die  tevens een doctoraatsopleiding  voorbereiden vullen  deze gegevens niet  hieronder   in  maar op het daartoe bestemde formulier‘Doctoraatsopleiding toegepaste wetenschappen ­  Individueel programma’

Publicaties in tijdschrift zonder peer review (titel, auteurs, aantal blzn., tijdschrift, datum van verschijning)




4.Publicaties in tijdschrift met peer review – aanvaard of gepubliceerd (titel, auteurs, aantal blzn., tijdschrift, datum van verschijning)




4.Tekst in de proceedings of conference records van de conferentie (titel, auteurs, aantal blzn., aard en datum van de conferentie)

1.Aerosol detection and aerosol optical depth retrieval over ocean, De Paepe, B., Ignatov, A., Brindley, H., 1, European Aerosol Conference, 28/08­02/09/2005



4.Mondelinge mededeling op een internationale conferentie (onderwerp van de mondelinge presentatie, aard en datum van de conferentie)

1.Aerosol detection and aerosol optical depth retrieval over ocean, European Aerosol Conference, 28/08­02/09/2005




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Poster op een internationale conferentie (onderwerp van de poster, auteur(s), aard en datum van de conferentie)




4.Mondelinge voordracht in België (onderwerp van de voordracht, plaats en datum van de voordracht)

1.Remote Sensing Tropospheric Aerosols with SEVIRI., VUB TW­ETRO, 06/04/2005



4.Externe rapporten (FWO, IWONL, IWT, …..)




4.Vermelding van alle behaalde doctoraatsbeurzen bij IWT, FWO, enz....





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Stages in het buitenland in een erkend labo (onderwerp van de stage, instelling/labo waarin de stage werd volbracht, duur van de stage)

1.Satellite Imagery Interpretation, MetOffice College Exeter UK, 2 weken

2.EUMETSAT seminar on aerosol retrievals over ocean from AVHRR and MODIS : Lessons for SEVIRI, EUMETSAT headquarters Darmstadt Germany, 1 dag


4.Voor de studenten aan wie een predoctoraal programma was opgelegd, een stand van zaken van de reeds afgelegde predoctorale examens (individuele puntenlijst,gedateerd en ondertekend door de titularis);

Kopij van de (gedeeltelijk) ingevulde puntenlijst toevoegen. Indien alle predoctorale examen zijn volbracht, de orginele puntenlijst indienen.

Visum en eventuele commentaar van de promotor

Datum:                                                                                                      Handtekening promotor:

Handtekening doctorandus

Vorderingsverslag doctoraat­ 6/6 ­

Page 8: Teledetectie van aërosolen in de troposfeer door middel ... · TELEDETECTIE VAN AEROSOLEN IN DE TROPOSFEER DOOR MIDDEL VAN DE SEVIRI RADIOMETER (MSG-1) Bart De Paepe Royal Meteorological

2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008P




gedetailleerde literaturstudie, vertrouwd geraken met de SEVIRI-

Remote Sensing aan het KMI

beëindigddataset, vertrouwd geraken met de C-bibliotheek van de sectie 1

berekening van de optische eigenschappen van aërosolen boven

oceaan + validatie door MODIS


systematische waarnemingen, verwerking van de satellietbeelden,

aanmaken van de referentiebeelden

begonnen 2

opstellen van het theoretisch model3

berekening van de optische eigenschappen van aërosolen4

studie van de impact van aërosolen op de dynamiek van de atmosfeer5

validatie van de werkwijze door een vergelijking van de berekende optische eigenschappen met metingen vanaf de grond door


rapportering en schrijven van de doctoraatsverhandeling7

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Dust Detection, Dust Optical Depth Retrieval : Case Study Bart De Paepe




Dust aerosol is one of the main aerosol types we have to deal with. Dust

aerosols can be easily seen from satellite imagery. Especially in the short wave

channels we can observe the dust aerosols very well.

“Early March 2004, a cold air outbreak from Europe to Western Africa

caused a major dust storm over large parts of West Africa. On its travel

southward, the cold air fanned out across the Sahara, highly diverging over

subtropic regions giving the dust front the form of a spanish fan. In the

following days, the dust was blown out across the Atlantic Ocean and

reached the coast of South America. The heavier particles quickly drop back

to the earth. The smaller particles are transported across the ocean.”


On 3 March 2004, the massive storm formed a huge arc of thick dust that

swept over the Canary Islands where it dropped a significant amount of dust.

On 5 March 2004 (figure 1), the dust, still thick and well visible in the satellite

images, reached the Cape Verde Islands and the shores of Western Europe. In

the following days, the dust crossed the Atlantic Ocean and reached South

America and the Caribbean Sea. During this process, the dust got thinner and

thinner (smaller dust particle and smaller aerosol optical thickness) making it

less visible in the satellite images. However, on 10 March 2004 large amounts

of fine dust were still well visible in the area of the Gulf of Guinea.

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Dust Detection, Dust Optical Depth Retrieval : Case Study Bart De Paepe

We will discuss the several techniques for visualization of the dust aerosol. We

can improve the effectiveness of visualising dust by creating RGB colour

composites and by using image differencing. We will give an overview of the

aerosol retrieval methodology including dust detection and present some of the

initial findings based on the case study mentioned above.

2 appendix 1

Figure 1 : Day Natural Colors

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Dust Detection, Dust Optical Depth Retrieval : Case Study Bart De Paepe


We use a spectral test for the aerosol detection. Our method is based on an

empirical analysis of the short wave spectral bands of the SEVIRI radiometer on

board MSG. We use the individual characteristics of each wavelength as well as

combinations, such as image differencing, between these spectral bands to

separate aerosols from clouds. Our study is limited to regions over ocean,

because the reflectance over land is highly influenced by the background value

of the surface. Three values of Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) are retrieved over

cloud- and glint-free ocean in three SEVIRI short wave spectral bands,

independently using the third generation NOAA/NESDIS aerosol algorithm for

AVHRR/3 (Ignatov et al., 2002).


single channels :

MSG VIS imagery shows major dust storms over ocean. MSG IR3.9, IR8.7 and

IR10.8 show dust storms over the land. IR1.6 is not useful during daytime over

desert because of transparency of the desert dust at 1.6 – 2.0µm. IR10.8 seems

to be the best single IR channel to use. IR8.7 is very useful for dust detection

because of its different emission coefficients for dust and for desert surface.

RGB Colour Composites and Image Differencing :

The difference image IR3.9 – IR10.8 is useful for dust detection during

daytime, but the difference image IR8.7 – IR10.8 (figure 2) gives the best

results and detects dust very well over deserts, day and night. This is due to the

low emissivity of the desert surface in the IR8.7 channel. As a result 'dust

clouds' are clearly distinct from the desert surface. The recommended RGB

colour composite for the visualization of dust storms is IR12.0-IR10.8, IR10.8-

IR8.7, IR10.8 (figure 3). Another RGB uses the HRV channel and can be used

during daytime : HRV, HRV, IR10.8i (where i means this channel has to be


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Dust Detection, Dust Optical Depth Retrieval : Case Study Bart De Paepe

4 appendix 1

Figure 2 : difference image IR8.7 - IR10.8

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Dust Detection, Dust Optical Depth Retrieval : Case Study Bart De Paepe

Spectral Test :

The SEVIRI radiometer has three short wave spectral bands centered at 0.6

µm, 0.8 µm and 1.6 µm. The first and second belong to the visible region of the

spectrum and we will call them VIS0.6 and VIS0.8 respectively. The 1.6 µm lies

in the near infrared and will be indicated as IR1.6. All images have been

masked for land, sun glint and high cloud. The latter by assuming that for the

12.0 µm wavelength (thermal infrared), pixel values smaller than 278 K

5 appendix 1

Figure 3 : RGB dust

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Dust Detection, Dust Optical Depth Retrieval : Case Study Bart De Paepe

correspond to high clouds.

We calculate AOD for the three channels independently using the third

generation NOAA/NESDIS aerosol algorithm for AVHRR/3. We will call the

retrieved AOD's: AOD S1, AOD S2 and AOD S3 respectively. We pick out the

minimal and maximal pixel value of the 'dust cloud' for each image. We use

these values to filter pixels with and without dust and to normalize each image

with its respective minimal and maximal values. A schema of the different tests

is represented in figure 4.

6 appendix 1

Figure 4 : spectral test flow chart

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Dust Detection, Dust Optical Depth Retrieval : Case Study Bart De Paepe

We will now discuss the different steps of the spectral test.

For the first tests we use the AOD images. We set the minimal and maximal

values (table 1) for the dust cloud as a filter that only allows pixels lying in this

range, using the minimal and maximal values as threshold values. By doing this

for each of the three AOD's we can combine these three filters to create an

image with pixels that lie in the ranges of all three the AOD's. On the density

plot (figure 5) we observe a lot of divergence, and it is impossible to distinguish

separate clusters. There is no clear signal to discriminate cloud from aerosol.

The minimal and maximal values serve as well to perform image normalization

on the respective AOD image. As we can see on the RGB image (that requires

normalization) with red : AOD S1, green : AOD S2 and blue : AOD S3 (figure 6),

the dust cloud has pixel values for AOD S3 that are smaller than both AOD S1

and AOD S2. We find that AOD S1 is bigger than AOD S2. These criteria define

another image with dust pixels (figure 7).

For the second series of tests we first calculate the AOD difference images. We

process these difference images in the seem way as we did for the AOD images:

first by defining threshold values, and secondly using these thresholds for

normalization. The minimal and maximal values for the dust cloud are different

from the previous ones (table 1). Figure 8 shows the resulting pixels that pass

the range in each of the respective difference images. After normalization of

the different difference images we find that DIFF AOD S3 is smaller than both

DIFF AOD S2 and DIFF AOD S1 for the dust cloud. For these pixels we observe

that DIFF AOD S1 is bigger than DIFF AOD S2 (figure 9).

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Dust Detection, Dust Optical Depth Retrieval : Case Study Bart De Paepe

Table 1 : min and max values for AOD and DIFF AOD

min max

AOD S1 0.15 7

AOD S2 0.13 7.5

AOD S3 0.01 4.8

AOD S1 – AOD S2 -0.4 0.25

AOD S1 – AOD S3 0.1 2.5

AOD S2 – AOD S3 0.05 2.8

8 appendix 1

Figure 5: density plot of AOD1 against AOD3

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Dust Detection, Dust Optical Depth Retrieval : Case Study Bart De Paepe

9 appendix 1

Figure 6 : AOD mask based on threshold valuesFigure 6 : RGB AOD S1 AOD S2 AOD S3

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Dust Detection, Dust Optical Depth Retrieval : Case Study Bart De Paepe

10 appendix 1

Figure 7 : AOD mask based on a hierarchical combination of the normalized images

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Dust Detection, Dust Optical Depth Retrieval : Case Study Bart De Paepe

11 appendix 1

Figure 8 : DIFF AOD mask based on threshold values

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Dust Detection, Dust Optical Depth Retrieval : Case Study Bart De Paepe

12 appendix 1

Figure 9: DIFF AOD mask based on a hierarchical combination of the normalizedimages

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Dust Detection, Dust Optical Depth Retrieval : Case Study Bart De Paepe

The combination of all previous masks results in a mask that only shows

pixels that passed several independent tests to eliminate none dust pixels. We

consider these pixels as being dust aerosol (figure 10).

13 appendix 1

Figure 10 : dust mask

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Dust Detection, Dust Optical Depth Retrieval : Case Study Bart De Paepe


The result we obtain picks out an important part of the dust cloud, but mask a

large part of the dust cloud as being no dust as well. We lose a lot of detail in

the region of the dust cloud, and there remains a lot of noise in the rest of the

image. Compared to other tests, these results are not as good as a spatial and

temporal test. Further we have to keep in mind that we considered a big

aerosol event that can be easily seen. Therefor we will run the test over the

whole period during the Saharan dust outbreak (from 3 to 10 March 2004). As

the dust layer expands and becomes thinner over this period, we expect that

the fixed ranges won't stay optimal for dust detection. The comparison between

the normalized images with NORM AOD S3 give the best results. The initial

minimal and maximal values we found for AOD S3, differ more than AOD S1

compared to AOD S2.

This is a very simple test that provides good results for a particular case, and

most probably for cases of the same type as well. But dust isn't the only aerosol

type we know. Apart from dust we have smoke from fires and volcanic ash.

After processing the complete dust event, we will try this test on a case with

smoke and with volcanic ashes. No expectations there, except that most

probably the fixed minimal and maximal values will not correspond to these

different events.


Ignatov, A., and L.Stowe, 2002: Aerosol Retrievals from individual AVHRR

channels: I. Retrieval Algorithm and transition from Dave to 6S radiative

transfer model. J.Atm.Sci, 59, 313-334.

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22 August 2005 proceedings EAC2005



1Bart De Paepe, ²Alexander Ignatov, ³Helen Brindley

1Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium, Department of Observations,

Brussels, Belgium

²NOAA, NESDIS, Office of Research and Applications, Washington, D.C., USA

³Imperial College London, Space and Atmospheric Research Group, London, UK

Corresponding author address: Bart De Paepe, Department of

Observations, Building B,

Ringlaan 3, 1180 Brussels, Belgium

Keywords: aerosol optical depth, SEVIRI, MSG.

The spectral bands of the Spinning Enhanced Visible and Infrared Imager(SEVIRI) onboard Meteosat-8 can be used for aerosol detection. Its hightemporal resolution of 15 minutes provides unique possibilities to studyaerosol distribution in time and space. Three values of Aerosol Optical Depth(AOD) are retrieved over cloud- and glint-free ocean in three SEVIRI short wavespectral bands, independently using the 3rd generation NOAA/NESDIS aerosolalgorithm for AVHRR/3 (Ignatov et al. 2002). The SEVIRI solar reflectance bandsclosely resemble those of the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer,AVHRR/3 (centered at approximately 0.63, 0.83, and 1.61 μm). The 3rd

generation NOAA/NESDIS algorithm is used with AVHRR/3 data onboard NOAA-16 and -17 operational satellites (Ignatov et al. 2004). The single-channellookup tables (LUTs) have been recalculated for SEVIRI spectral responsefunctions. The algorithm retrieves three AODs, assuming that all aerosol,atmospheric, and oceanic parameters except AOD are fixed non-variable,including particle size. It has been shown, however, that the spectral aerosolinformation is largely preserved by the AVHRR algorithm, due to proximity ofaerosol phase functions in the three AVHRR/SEVIRI bands. The data arecorrected for cloud contamination using spatial and temporal tests for acombination of long wave channels, as well as a short wave spectral testproviding dust detection. The results are compared to a dust detectionalgorithm based on a multiple brightness temperature regression. Bothmethods are validated with a manually classified set of pixels.

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22 August 2005 proceedings EAC2005


The new characteristics of SEVIRI

onboard Meteosat Second

Generation (MSG) make it an

invaluable tool to study aerosols

over the ocean. Tropospheric

aerosols are important components

of the earth-atmosphere-ocean

system, affecting climate through

direct as well as indirect radiative

forcing. Aerosols form a major

uncertainty in predicting climate

change and we must take them into

account for the atmospheric

corrections. Their lifetime of only a

few days causes high spatial

variability in aerosol optical and

radiative properties that requires

global observations from space. The

spectral bands of the Spinning

Enhanced Visible and Infrared

Imager (SEVIRI) on board Meteosat-

8 can be used for aerosol detection.

Its high temporal resolution of 15

minutes provides unique

possibilities to study aerosol

distribution in time and space and

allows us to observe the diurnal

changes in aerosol properties.

We calculated AOD for four datasets

of SEVIRI measurements, collected

between March 2004 and May 2005

over the Atlantic. Performing

analyses with data collected under

such a wide variety of geometrical

conditions allows one to acquire a

long-term perspective of the

algorithm's performance. This will

enable us to empirically evaluate the

retrievals of AOD and Angstrom

Exponent (α).

With little doubt cloud screening is

of comparable (if not greater)

importance for accurate aerosol

remote sensing than the retrieval

algorithm itself. This can be seen

from the results of the quality

control checks (QC) that were

applied on the retrievals. Before

retrieval a combination of spectral,

spatial and temporal tests mask out

clouds on the images. Unfortunately

these tests sometimes identify dust

plumes incorrectly as cloud. A

technique based upon multiple

linear regression to detect dust

outbreaks is applied to recover

pixels that previously were masked

as cloudy (Brindley 2005).

The algorithm for 3 reflectance

channels centered at 0.6, 0.8 and

1.6 µm derives aerosol information

ζ1 ζ2 ζ3 using different LUTs,

independently (Ignatov et al 2002).

The LUTs, relating reflectance to

AOD in the retrievals, have been

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22 August 2005 proceedings EAC2005

precalculated with the Dave

radiative transfer model for the

same aerosol model.

A series of QC applied to the

retrievals remove outliers, which

presumably originate from channel

misregistration, residual cloud after

screening, and substantial

deviations from the assumptions

used in the retrieval model (Ignatov

et al 2002). The QC result in more

robust and predictable statistics for

the retrieved parameters, especially

their extreme values.

Our analysis of the probability

distribution functions (PDFs) of all

aerosol parameters shows,

according to O'Neill et al.(2000),

that the lognormal PDF is a better

reference for reporting aerosol

statistics. For the α, a normal PDF

was found to provide a reasonable

fit to the data.

The scattergram analysis allows us

to uncover relative, additive and

multiplicative errors. Different

combinations of ζ1 versus ζ2 versus

ζ3 are analyzed to see if they form a

coherent pattern.


2.1 DATA

Four datasets have been selected

from SEVIRI, which all together span

a period of more than a year, from

March 2004 trough May 2005. Each

dataset contains SEVIRI observations

for a period of 1 to 9 consecutive

days: 3-7 March 2004, 25 August

2004, 29 December 2004-6 January

2005, and 16-19 May 2005. We

assured that the corresponding

MODIS imagery for each of these

periods was available to allow for

cross-consistency checks with the

MODIS aerosol product. Each

dataset corresponds to a dust event

over the Atlantic.

“Early March 2004, a cold air

outbreak from Europe to Western

Africa caused a major dust storm

over large parts of West Africa. On

its travel southward, the cold air

fanned out across the Sahara,

highly diverging over subtropic

regions giving the dust front the

form of a spanish fan. In the

following days, the dust was blown

out across the Atlantic Ocean and

reached the coast of South

America.” (

During this process, the dust got

thinner and thinner (smaller dust

particles and smaller AOD) making

it less visible in the satellite images

(figures 1-3).

On 25 August 2004 the dust plume

was drawn into a low pressure

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22 August 2005 proceedings EAC2005

system situated to the north-west of

the Canary Islands. The dust events

of 1 January 2005 and 16 May 2005

are both smaller events. The dust

we can observe off the coast of West

Africa originated from winds across

the Sahara into the Atlantic.

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22 August 2005 proceedings EAC2005

Figure 1: aerosol optical depth 0.6 µm 5 March 2004 12:00 UTC

Figure 2: aerosol optical depth 0.8 µm 5 March 2004 12:00 UTC

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22 August 2005 proceedings EAC2005

Figure 3: aerosol optical depth 1.6 µm 5 March 2004 12:00 UTC


The first step is to convert the

numerical counts in TOA

reflectances using the EUMETSAT

calibration coefficients

( The next step is

to mask the land surface and to

remove cloud-contaminated pixels

over the ocean using a combination

of spectral, spatial, and temporal

tests as described by Wang (2000).

To make sure we didn't mask the

dust pixels, we apply a technique

based on a multiple regression to

recover those pixels that were

incorrectly identified as cloudy

(Brindley 2005). It is also necessary

to remove pixels affected by

sunglint. We exclude pixels where

the theoretical surface reflectance,

calculated using the Cox and Munk

ocean surface model, is greater than

0.125 given the solar/instrument

viewing geometry and a surface

windspeed of 5 ms-1.

The current NOAA/NESDIS 3rd

generation algorithm derives 3

AODs in AVHRR/3 solar reflectance

bands (0.63, 0.83, and 1.61 µm). A

single channel algorithm is used in

either band, with aerosol

microphysics prescribed globally

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22 August 2005 proceedings EAC2005

non-variable (Ignatov et al 2002).

We adjusted the AVHRR-like

algorithm to accommodate the

SEVIRI spectral channel information.

The SEVIRI solar reflectance bands

being centered at 0.6, 0.8, and 1.6

µm our algorithm derives 3 pieces

of aerosol information, ζ1 ζ2, and

ζ3 using 3 different single-channel

LUTs, independently.

We apply a series of QC to the AOD

retrievals to remove outliers.

Physically, they may result from

significant 'non-statistical'

fluctuations of the actual radiances

and of the retrieval conditions

assumed (due e.g. to a significant

departure from the retrieval model's

ocean surface-atmosphere

properties, or residual cloud in the

cloud-screened sensor's field of

view) (Ignatov et al 2002). The QC

are shown to result in more robust

and predictable statistics for the

retrieved parameters, especially

their extreme values.


The images show AOD in a global

climatological context for the whole

field of view. Together with the

aerosol information we have the

presence of clouds, that both,

thanks to their spatial and temporal

distribution, help us to analyse the

global atmospheric circulation and

the main directions of horizontal

distribution. One single slot shows

the spatial distribution of aerosol,

especially on a horizontal plane but

even to a less extent along a vertical

profile. The latter by analysing the

interaction of aerosols and clouds or

other features such as topography.

A whole series of consecutive slots

(each 15') reveals all information on

temporal distribution and allows

predictions on aerosol dispersion.

We observe that most of the dust

aerosols have optical depth between

1 and 5 (see histograms figures 4-

11), which are rather high values

corresponding to a thick dust layer.

For comparison, the overall

background value of AOD is

between 0 and 1. We assume that

applying our algorithm to dust

events isn't a major error, compared

to other errors in the data and the

modeling itself, residual cloud still

being the major issue. For our

algorithm we assumed that all

aerosol, atmospheric and oceanic

parameters except AOD are fixed

non-variable, including particle

size. However in reality the dust

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22 August 2005 proceedings EAC2005

particles span a whole range from

small particles to coarse particles.



From examining histograms of AOD

retrieval for one channel it is found

that ζ and α are accurately fit by

lognormal and normal PDFs

respectively. According to O'Neill

(2000) who concludes that

measurements of natural variables

are often better characterized by

probability distributions which more

closely resemble a lognormal

distribution. The fits are used in the

sense of determining how well the

respective PDFs, given the same

mean, standard deviation, and

number of measurements as the

data, fit the histogram.

Figures 4 to 7 represent the PDFs

for ζ1 ζ2 ζ3 and α respectively, for

one single slot where dust aerosols

were present. The histogram peak

corresponding to the highest AOD

can be found for ζ1 this channel

(0.6 µm) being the most sensitive to

picking up thin cloud and aerosols

such as dust or pollution. Visibly the

best fit is for ζ3, where values of

AOD are lowest and where the

difference between AOD of dust and

the background value is less. The

fits for ζ1 and ζ2 are very similar,

anyhow it seems the peaks of both

the histogram and the Gaussian are

closer for ζ2, again because

sensitivity to aerosols of the 0.8 µm

channel is less, what results in a

difference between dust and

background that is less important.

The first three datasets are largely

inter-consistent with each other,

whereas the May 2005 dataset

shows a perfect fit. This fit is

misleading due to a large proportion

of its observations being in the

region of sunglint and thus

excluded from statistics. The March

2004 dataset is the only one having

two separate peaks. The first peak

corresponds to the background

value, whereas the second peak, at

higher AOD, is a result of the large

dust cloud. Figure 7 shows

histograms of α, together with their

fit with a normal PDF. In all cases,

the fit matches the mode of the

histogram, but overestimates the

width of the distribution, which may

be due to errors in α. This error

increases in inverse proportion to ζ,

thus larger absolute errors occur at

low ζ. Even more, errors are

amplified when combining ζ1 and

ζ2. The right column shows a

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22 August 2005 proceedings EAC2005

subsample for which ζ1 and ζ2

>=1. We can see that the

histograms and their fits become

much closer to normal. We observe

a perfect fit for the August 2004

dataset, which has very less dust

compared to the other datasets.

In order to integrate the May 2005

dataset for statistical comparisons,

we calculated a mean AOD for each

pixel for the whole dataset. These

histograms and corresponding fits

are shown in figures 8 to 11. The

peaks shifted to higher AOD values

which demonstrate the temporal

and spatial distribution of dust.

Overall the histograms and PDFs fit

better as the errors are minimized.

Especially the August 2004 dataset

shows an excellent fit, as the mean

values are mainly background


Scattergram analysis is related to

checking the retrievals in the

different channels for their inter-

consistency. After screening the

scattergrams are expected to

converge at the origin, where both

ζ1 and ζ2 are 0, and progressively

diverge as ζ increases. If ζ1 ζ2 are

error free, the scattergrams would

form a compact spectrally coherent

cluster. Figures 12 to 15 show

scattergrams for different

combinations of ζ1 ζ2 ζ3 and α. On

the scattergrams ζ1 versus ζ2 we

observe the cluster falls into a

reasonably defined area along the

line ζ1 = ζ2, where ζ1 is slightly

bigger then ζ2. The plots diverge

quite significantly for all datasets.

This makes us believe there are

some errors in the retrieval

algorithm which can be due to

physical parameters as well as a

limitation in the cloud screening or

angle definition. The August 2004

cluster and the January 2005 cluster

show rather anomalous behavior: we

observe extreme diversion what

points out errors in our retrievals.

The scattergrams with ζ3 derive

further from the line ζx = ζ3, due

to ζ1 and ζ2 being significantly

bigger than ζ3.

The scattergram ζ versus α

confirms that for small ζ we find

large errors in α .


The MODIS Aerosol Product (10 km

resolution) was used to validate

AOD retrieval from SEVIRI

measurements. The MODIS

instrument has a daily coverage. Its

data products were easily obtained

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22 August 2005 proceedings EAC2005

from the EOS Data Gateway


b/imswelcome/index.html). The

MODIS Aerosol Product (MOD04

Level2) monitors the ambient AOD

over the ocean globally and over a

portion of the continents. The

MODIS algorithm over ocean is

based on a look-up table approach,

as does our algorithm. Figure 16

shows a composite image of the

MODIS aerosol optical depth at 0.55

µm for all data between 3-7 March

2004. Figure 17 shows the

equivalent mean SEVIRI aerosol

optical depth at 0.6 µm. The

histograms in figure 18 show MODIS

having a significant amount of small

AOD background value. The

histogram is truncated at 5 for

comparison with SEVIRI. The

histogram at the right shows the

difference between SEVIRI and

MODIS for instantaneous data. We

observe a peak at very low values

(lots of small differences).This

indicates that both SEVIRI and

MODIS measure similar aerosol

optical thicknesses. The

scattergrams in figure 19 show two

trends : one along the main axis for

SEVIRI and MODIS pixels that have

similar values, the other along the

X-axis indicating the MODIS

background value (small values).

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Figure 4: histograms and their fit with lognormal PDFs (left column) and its decimallogarithm (right column) for aerosol optical depth at 0.6 µm, data screened with QC


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Figure 5: same as figure 4 but for SEVIRI channel 0.8 µm

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Figure 6: same as figure 4 but for SEVIRI channel 1.6 µm

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Figure 7: histograms and their fit with lognormal PDFs of α, derived from ζ1 andζ2, right column for ζ1 and ζ2 > 1, data screened with QC tests

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22 August 2005 proceedings EAC2005

Figure 8: histograms and their fit with lognormal PDFs (left column) and its decimallogarithm (right column) for aerosol optical depth at 0.6 µm over the whole dataset,

data screened with QC

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Figure 9: same as figure 8 but for SEVIRI channel 0.8 µm

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Figure 10: same as figure 8 but for SEVIRI channel 1.6 µm

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22 August 2005 proceedings EAC2005

Figure 11: histograms and their fit with lognormal PDFs of α, derived from ζ1 andζ2, right column for ζ1 and ζ2 > 1 over the whole dataset, data screened with QC


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Figure 12: scattergrams of ζ1 and ζ2, right column screened with QC tests

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Figure 13: same as figure 12 but for ζ1 and ζ3

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Figure 14: same as figure 12 but for ζ2 and ζ3

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Figure 15: scattergrams of α versus ζ, right column screened with QC tests

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22 August 2005 proceedings EAC2005

Figure 16: MODIS aerosol optical depth at 0.55 µm 3­7 March 2004

Figure 17: SEVIRI aerosol optical depth at 0.6 µm 3-7 March 2004

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Figure 18: histograms of MODIS and SEVIRI, left column one day, right columndifference histogram

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Figure 19: scattergrams of MODIS versus SEVIRI, for one single slot

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22 August 2005 proceedings EAC2005


The short wave spectral bands of

the SEVIRI instrument can be used

for aerosol optical depth retrieval

over ocean. We take advantage of

the geostationary properties of MSG,

which allows to study the spatial

and temporal distribution of

aerosols. The full disk images

contain additional information such

as cloud cover and global circulation

which are very useful for

understanding the present and

future aerosol distribution.

Retrievals of AOD from SEVIRI

channels at 0.6, 0.8, and 1.6 µm

and the resulting α calculated from

ζ1 and ζ2 have been examined

empirically for self-consistency and

checked to make sure the values are

physically reasonable. Analysis of

the statistical distributions has

shown that AOD may be considered

as distributed lognormally (in

agreement with findings from sun

photometers by O’Neill 2000). The α

was found to be distributed

normally, which is shown to be

theoretically consistent with

lognormality of ζ (Ignatov et al


Statistics of the 4 datasets reveal

high recordings (typically between 1

and 5) for the March 2004 dataset,

when the dust aerosol were very

abundant. The background value is

less, between 0 and 1. We obtain

the best fit for datasets with only

few dust aerosol, as is the case in

the August 2004 dataset, and

generally ζ3 fits better than ζ1 or

ζ2, being less sensitive to dust. The

scattergram analysis shows a lot of

divergence, what indicates there are

errors in our retrieval algorithm.

These errors can be due to physical

factors, but can also being caused

by a bug int the cloud screening or

angle definition.

A comparison of the AOD retrieved

from SEVIRI observations at 0.6 µm

and values obtained from the MODIS

instrument show qualitative

agreement, SEVIRI tending to

measure higher values.

Acknowledgments. Thanks to

colleagues of the RMI for the SEVIRI

processing routines, and to NASA

for providing access to the MODIS


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22 August 2005 proceedings EAC2005


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