TEFIS D2.1.2 Global architecture v1 - CORDIS...TEFIS – !D2.1.2 –Initial Global architecture and...

TEFIS D2.1.2 – Initial Global architecture and overall design Page 1 of 88 Deliverable Title D2.1.2 – Global architecture and overall design Deliverable Lead: TCF Related Work package: WP2 Editor(s): Jeremie Leguay (TCF), Farid Benbadis(TCF) Dissemination level: Public Due submission date: 01/09/2011 Actual submission: 12/10/2011 Project Number 258142 Instrument: IP Start date of Project: 01/06/2010 Duration: 30 months Project coordinator: THALES Abstract The TEFIS project develops an open platform to access heterogeneous and complementary experiment facilities for communities of software/business developers to test, experiment and collaboratively elaborate knowledge. It provides tools and methodologies to address the full development life-cycle of innovative services. The main objective of this deliverable is three- fold: describe facilities available for the TEFIS project; introduce an updated global architecture design; identify and define viable TEFIS use-cases.

Transcript of TEFIS D2.1.2 Global architecture v1 - CORDIS...TEFIS – !D2.1.2 –Initial Global architecture and...

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Deliverable Title D2.1.2 – Global architecture and overall design

Deliverable Lead: TCF

Related Work package: WP2

Editor(s): Jeremie Leguay (TCF), Farid Benbadis(TCF)  

Dissemination level: Public

Due submission date: 01/09/2011

Actual submission: 12/10/2011

Project Number 258142

Instrument: IP

Start date of Project: 01/06/2010

Duration: 30 months

Project coordinator: THALES

Abstract The TEFIS project develops an open platform to access heterogeneous and complementary experiment facilities for communities of software/business developers to test, experiment and collaboratively elaborate knowledge. It provides tools and methodologies to address the full development life-cycle of innovative services. The main objective of this deliverable is three-fold: describe facilities available for the TEFIS project; introduce an updated global architecture design; identify and define viable TEFIS use-cases.

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Project funded by the European Commission under the 7th European Framework Programme for RTD - ICT theme of the Cooperation Programme.


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License.

To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

Project co-funded by the European Commission within the Seventh Framework Programme (2008-2013)

Copyright by the TEFIS Consortium

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Versioning and Contribution History

Version Date Modification reason Modified by 0.1   27/07/2011   ToC  proposal   Farid  Benbadis(TCF)  0.2   29/07/2011   Update  of  ToC   Farid  Benbadis(TCF)  

0.3   16/08/2011   Id  management   Farid  Benbadis(TCF)  

0.4   05/09/2011   Monitoring,  connectors,  execution  template,  kyatera,  eHealth  use  case,  ETICS  account  management,  Botnia,    

Farid  Benbadis,  Brian  Pickering,  Gabriele  Giammatteo,  José  Junion,  Annika  Sällström  

0.5   07/09/2011  Tefis  core  services,  software  decision  justification,  ProActive,  Paca  Grid,  

Elvio  Borrelli    

0.6   14/09/2011   Teagle,  Account  management   Konrad  Campowsky    

0.7   19/09/2011   SQS  contributions   Jonathan  Gonzalez    

0.8   03/10/2011  iRods,  Zabbix,  Id  management,  Kyatera,  Parallel  task  execution  

Brian  Pickering,  Jose  Junior,  Lucia  Bonelli,  Farid  Benbadis  

0.9   07/10/2011  Open  call  experiment  description  and  supervision  module  

Farid  Benbadis,  Brian  Pickering  

1.0   10/10/2011   Open  call  experiment  description   Farid  Benbadis  






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TABLE  OF  CONTENTS  ....................................................................................................................................  4  

Executive Summary  ......................................................................................................................................  5  

1.   Software  architecture  review  ................................................................................................................  6  

1.1.   Description  of  components  ............................................................................................................  6  

1.2.   Software  decision  justification  .....................................................................................................  10  

2.   Challenges  ...........................................................................................................................................  14  

2.1.   Identity  and  account  management  ..............................................................................................  14  

2.2.   Monitoring  ....................................................................................................................................  31  

2.3.   Connector  Improvements  ............................................................................................................  46  

2.4.   Living  lab  integration  ....................................................................................................................  51  

2.5.   Parallel  task  execution  ..................................................................................................................  54  

3.   Use  case  integration  ............................................................................................................................  58  

3.1.   eTravel  :  current  status  .................................................................................................................  58  

3.2.   eHealth  .........................................................................................................................................  60  

3.3.   IMS-­‐Botnia  ....................................................................................................................................  67  

4.   New  Experiments  ................................................................................................................................  76  

4.1.   Typology  of  Experiments  ..............................................................................................................  76  

4.2.   QUEENS  (Dynamic  Quality  User  Experience  ENabling  Mobile  Multimedia  Services)  ...................  77  

4.3.   Experiment  2  (Tefpol)  ...................................................................................................................  79  

4.4.   Experimenting  with  Quagga  Open  API  and  Cross‐layer  Coordinated  Networks  .......................  81  

4.5.   Experiment  4  (Smart  Ski)  ..............................................................................................................  83  

5.   Conclusion  ...........................................................................................................................................  85  

6.   Glossary  ...............................................................................................................................................  86  

References  ..................................................................................................................................................  87  

Table  of  figures:  ..........................................................................................................................................  88  

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Executive Summary  

The  TEFIS  project  develops  an  open  platform  to  access  heterogeneous  and  complementary  experiment  facilities   for   communities   of   software/business   developers   to   test,   experiment   and   collaboratively  elaborate  knowledge.  It  provides  appropriate  tools  and  methodologies  to  address  the  full  development  life-­‐cycle  of  innovative  services.    

The  deliverable  D2.1.2  “Global  architecture  and  overall  design”  extends  D2.1.1  by  describing   the  TEFIS  software   architecture   and   the   additional   architectural   design   of   core   components   such   as  monitoring  and   identity   management.   It   also   describes   the   architecture   revisions   of   the   connector   for   the  integration  of  Living  Labs  and  of  the  Experiment  manager  for  parralel  tasks  execution.  Finally,  it  discusses  the  integration  of  our  three  initial  use  cases  and  introduces  the  new  ones  coming  form  the  TEFIS  Open  Call.  

The   high-­‐level   objectives   of   these   two   deliverables   are   three-­‐fold:  describe   facilities   available   for   the  TEFIS  project;  introduce  an  initial  global  architecture  design;  identify  and  define  viable  TEFIS  use-­‐cases.    




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1.  Software  architecture  review  TEFIS   framework   is   organized   around   four   building   blocks:   Portal,   Middleware   (including   back-­‐end  components  and  core  services),  users  tools,  and  testbed  connectors.  

The  TEFIS  architecture,  depicted  in  Figure  1,  is  detailed  in  the  following.  


Figure 1: The TEFIS Software Architecture

1.1. Description  of  components  

1.1.1. TEFIS  portal  The   TEFIS   portal   is   a   single   access   point   for   the   definition   of   experiments   for   managed   execution  remotely   on   heterogeneous   testbeds.   It   provides   the   service   intelligence   for   tools   and   testing  methodologies  to  be  customised  to  the  task  in  hand,  giving  access  to  test  resources  for  carrying  out  the  experiment.  

The  following  components  form  the  TEFIS  portal:  

§ The  TEFIS  Resource  Directory:  The  Directory  is  the  repository  of  tools,  facilities,  and  a  link  to  any  resources  provided  by  the  heterogeneous  testbeds.  Any  resource  in  the  directory  can  be  used  for  experiment   specification   and   be   retrieved   from   the   Resource   Directory   Interface.   This  component  provides  the  list  of  resources  for  each  experiment,  based  on  their  respective  needs  

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and   requirements,   and   allows   check-­‐in/check-­‐out   management   of   software,   hardware,  laboratories,  documentation  or  any  other  resource  the  Directory  accounts  for.  

§ The  TEFIS   Identity  Management:  This  architectural  block   is   in  charge  of   creating  and  managing  accounts   for   TEFIS   users.   Accounts   created   here   are   valid   across   all   components   of   the   TEFIS  infrastructure.   It   manages   User   Profile   definition,   and   the   access   policies   in   each   case.   It   is  responsible   for   the   protection   of   the   whole   platform   with   simple   and   effective   user   account  management   techniques,   whilst   ensuring   ease-­‐of-­‐use   for   TEFIS   experimenters   and   testbed  providers.  User  information  is  always  available  for  the  TEFIS  Portal  administrators.    

§ The   TEFIS   Experiment  Manager:   The   Experiment  Manager   Interface   allows   experiments   to   be  executed  on  a  combination  of  TEFIS  testbeds  to  be  defined  by  the  user.  It  makes  use  of  the  TEFIS  Resource  Directory  to  list  available  resources,  allow  configuration  of  those  resources  and  to  plan  for  experiment  execution.  The  Experiment  Manager  provides  interfaces  that  adapt  to  the  needs  of  the  specific  user.  Specifically,  the  user  is  presented  with  the  following:  

o The  Experiment  designer:  Here,  the  experimenter  outlines  his/her  needs,  the  experiment  specification  and  design,  and  in  return  is  presented  with  test  strategy  types  for  tests  that  may  be  performed  (e.g.    functional  or  integration  testing).  

o The   Experiment   planner:   here   the   user   enters   the   appropriate   test   strategy   and   any  specific  criteria  they  may  have  and  gets  as  output  the  test  plan.  

o The  Experimental  workflow  manager:  The  test  plan  is  input  by  the  user  and  in  response  partial  results  of  experiment  execution  and  the  activities  workflow  are  returned.  

o The  Configuration  assistant:  this  subcomponent  guides  the  user  through  the  definition  of  their  experiment,  along  with  its  organisation  and  associated  monitoring  tasks,  providing  an  easy-­‐to-­‐use  interface  with  a  set  of  basic  experiment  features  that  help  the  user  select  and  complete  with  relevant  detail.  Guided  by  the  experiment  configuration  assistant,  the  user  provides  detail  for  the  experiment  at  different  phases.  

§ The   Experimental   Data   Interface:   This   interface   allows   the   experimenter   to   access   their   own  experimental   data   as  well   as   to   search   for   publically   available   data   from  other   experimenters.  Experimental  data  may  be  in  various  different  forms,  such  as  input  data  to  be  used  to  initiate  an  experiment   or   the   output,  which   could   include   result   files   from   the   experiment   or  monitoring  data.  Any  data  held  within   the  RPRS  or   TEFIS   environment   is,   by  default,   available  only   to   the  owning   experimenter.   (S)He   has   the   option   to  make   any   of   these   data   available   to   others   to  allow  them  to  search  for  related  work.    

1.1.2. TEFIS  core  services    The   TEFIS   core   services,   as   Figure   1   shows,   consist   of   the   following   components:   Experiment   and  Workflow   Scheduler,   Resource  Manager   and   Supervision  Module.   The   functionalities   offered   by   these  three  components  are  the  following:  

• Resource  management,  deployment,  and  dynamic  provisioning;  

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• Scheduling,  Matching  and  Identification  of  resources  that  can  be  activated;  

• Code  provisioning  with  configuration  and  deployment  of  necessary  packages,  data  set  access  and  transfer;  

• Generic  mechanism  for  the  reproduction  of  user  load,  incidents  and  attacks  in  the  experiments.  

In  particular,  the  TEFIS  Experiment  and  Workflow  Scheduler  is  the  component  in  charge  of  scheduling  the  low   level   workflow,   created   from   the   user   experiment,   during   the   run   phase   of   the   experiment.   It  manages   the   overall   orchestration   of   the   running   experiments   over   the   available   testbeds   and   also  organizes   the   schedule   of   the   different   parts   of   an   experiment   from   the   build   of   the   service,   through  regression   and   performance   tests   to   the   final   tests   performed   by   an   end   user.   The   Experimenter   and  Workflow  Scheduler,  is  a  tool  that  automates  the  execution  of  the  steps  of  the  user  experiment  onto  the  heterogeneous  set  of  testbeds  without  user  intervention  and  hiding  all  the  details  related  to  the  way  a  testbed  is  accessed  from  the  TEFIS  experimenter  as  well  as  how  data  are  transferred  to  a  testbed  (e.g.,  which  protocols  are  used).  The  Experiment  and  Workflow  Scheduler  also  provides  the  automatic  transfer  of  the  output  data  of  an  experiment  step  to  the  step  that  follows.  

The  Resource  Manager  service   is   in  charge  of  monitoring  resources  status,  retaining   information  about  the   resources   available   and   providing   the   Experiment   and   Workflow   Scheduler   the   access   to   the  resources  needed  as   specified   in   the  workflow   to  be  executed.   It  provides  a  mechanism  to  match  and  identify   the   correct   resource   to   activate   or   to   contact.   This   feature   is   required   at   the   level   of   the  scheduling   service   but   it's   the   Resource  Manager   service   that   enables   the   Experiment   and  Workflow  Scheduler   to   access   the   appropriate   resource.   The   Resource   Manager   supports   the   TEFIS   user   (i.e.,  experimenter   and/or   testbed   provider)   during   resource   definition,   configuration   and   booking.   It   hides  the  low  level  details  in  performing  those  activities,  it  manages  the  heterogeneity  of  the  resources  and  it  automatically   performs   the   booking   of   the   resources   defined   and   configured   by   the   experimenter  without  requesting  their  intervention.  

Finally,  the  Supervision  Module  handles  all  monitoring  activities,  checking  performance  within  the  TEFIS  environment  itself  as  well  as  communicating  with  the  testbeds  to  retrieve  monitoring  output  from  them.  The  Supervision  Module  also  provides  services  that  allow  the  configuration  of  the  tools  to  establish  the  conditions  for  the  service  under  test  (stress  conditions,  failure  injections,  network  load  variability,  etc...)  and  the  features  that  need  to  be  monitored.  It  provides  the  possibility  of  using  monitoring  configuration  in  a  reproducible  manner  in  order  to  conduct  subsequent  experiments  using  different  configurations.  

1.1.3. TEFIS  Connectors    The   TEFIS   project   aims   to   create   a   federation   of   testbeds   providing   experimenters   with   a   general  framework  to  define  and  execute  complex  experiments  that  span  over  different  testbeds.  TEFIS  testbed  federation   is   expected   to   be   dynamic   (the   platform   must   support   testbeds   joining   and   leaving)   and  heterogeneous  (potentially  any  type  of  testbed  can  join  the  federation).  

From  an  architectural  point  of  view,  the  TEFIS  system  relies  on  the  concept  of  a  connector  to  manage  the  interaction  with  testbeds.    

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The  main   challenge   for   the   connectors   is   represented  by   the  heterogeneity  of   testbeds   that  TEFIS  will  support.   The   heterogeneity   of   the   testbeds   resides   in   their   capabilities,   technologies,   interfaces,  interaction  and  communication  protocols.  After  analysing  the  testbeds  that  will  initially  take  part  in  the  TEFIS  federation  and  the  project  use  cases,  a  minimum  set  of  macro-­‐functionalities  that  TEFIS  should  be  enabled  to  control  in  testbeds  has  been  identified:  

• resource   management:   resource   reservation,   resource   creation,   resource   configuration   and  resource   release.   These   operations   will   be   used   by   the   TEFIS   Experiment   and   Workflow  Scheduler  and  Resource  Manager  to  create,  configure  and  release  resources  that  will  be  used  to  run  experiments.  To  make  this  process  as  automatic  as  possible,  connectors  should  expose  a  set  of  operations  to  control  testbed  resources  from  the  TEFIS  system;  

• data  I/O  management:  to  run  an  experiment  (or  any  individual  step  within  the  experiment)  on  a  given  testbed,  experimental  input  data  should  be  provided  and  the  execution  of  the  experiment  will   produce   output   data   (experiment   results)   which   will   need   to   be   made   available   to   the  experimenter.  If  an  experiment  is  made  up  of  different  steps  that  run  on  different  testbeds  and  the  output  of  step  n   is  the  input  of  step  n+1,  TEFIS  should  be  able  to  transfer  (or  at  least  notify  the  availability  of)  data  from  one  testbed  to  another.  The  support  for  data  transfer  operations  by  connectors  is  essential  to  satisfy  this  use  case;  

• monitoring  capabilities:  collect  and  store  monitoring  data  during  the  execution  of  an  experiment  is   key   feature   that   testbeds   should   typically   provide.   This   data   is   analysed   at   the   end   of   (or  during)  the  experiment  to  evaluate  the  experiment  itself.  Since  TEFIS  will  deal  with  experiments  that   run   on   multiple   testbeds,   to   evaluate   the   whole   experiment   TEFIS   should   be   capable   of  collecting  monitoring  data   from   single   testbeds,  make   it   available   to   the   experimenter   and,   in  some  complex  use  cases,  filter,  process  and  integrate  it.  Since  connectors  are  the  contact  point  between   TEFIS   and   the   testbeds,   they   have   to   provide   operations   to   transfer  monitoring   data  collected  by  the  testbed  during  the  experiment  run  to  TEFIS;  

• script  execution:  with  respect  to  experiment  descriptions,  individual  steps  of  an  experiment  are  executed,  where  possible,  automatically    by  the  TEFIS  platform  on  behalf  of  the  experimenter.  Of  course,   this   is   possible   only   if   the   testbeds  where   the   experiment  will   run   have   an   execution  engine   that   automatically   runs   scripts   and/or   execution   workflows.   One   possible   way   of  launching  execution  on   testbeds  directly   from  TEFIS   is   to  provide  connectors  with  an   interface  that  retrieves  the  script/workflow  to  execute  and  launches  it  on  the  testbed.  

• identity  management:  any  operation  executed  by  the  TEFIS  system  (or  using  TEFIS  connectors)  in  a   testbed   is   executed   on   behalf   of   the   experimenters   and,   therefore,   the   identity   of   the  experimenter   should   be   used   in   the   authentication   and   authorization   processes.   The   main  challenge   in   doing   this   is   the   heterogeneity   of   testbeds  which  might   use   different   formats   for  credentials,   and   different   authentication   and   authorization  mechanisms.   TEFIS   should   provide  experimenters  with  a  uniform  access  method   to   testbeds.   It  would  also  be  worth   investigating  identity  federation  mechanisms;  

• secure   communication:   communication   between   the   TEFIS   system   (that   resides   in   the   TEFIS  infrastructure)  and  testbeds  (that  reside  within  their  own  infrastructures)  will  take  place  over  the  

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network   and,   thus,   needs   to   be   secure   in   order   to   avoid   network   attacks   and   information  disclosure.    

1.1.4. TEFIS  Experiments  Data  Manager  The   TEFIS   platform   needs   to   provide   appropriate   management   capabilities   specifically   for   the   data  associated  with   all   aspects   of   the   experiment   throughout   its   lifecycle.   The   Experiments  Data  Manager  provides   both   local   (the   Research   Platform   Repository   Service   –   RPRS)   and   remote   (Testbed  Infrastructure  Data  Service  –  TIDS)  data  facilities  to  manage  all  data  for  testbed  providers,  experimenters  and  other  TEFIS  components  via  a  RESTful  interface.  Data  are  stored  across  the  experiment  lifecycle  from  design   to  execution  and   then  evaluation   in  a   logical   structure   to  make   it  easy   for   the  experimenter   to  identify  what  has  been  done.  During  execution,  the  testbeds  can  access  specific  data  locations  to  retrieve  appropriate   input   and   write   to   designated   locations   when   output   is   available.   In   addition,   and   using  appropriate   security   features,   the   data   are   protected   until   such   times   as   the   experimenter   decides   to  make  them  available  to  all  or  some.  

1.2. Software  decision  justification  

1.2.1. Experiment  Manager  For  the  Experiment  Manager,  an  MVC  pattern  was  followed,  in  order  to  obtain  the  maximum  flexibility  and  optimal  development  results,  while  the  four  main  blocks  which  are  part  of  the  Experiment  Manager  were   conceived   in   line   with   its   logical   and   conceptual   structure.   The   technology   chosen   for   this  component   is,   in   this  case,   the  PHP   language  and  one  of   the  most  widely  used   frameworks,  Cake-­‐Php.  The  selection  of  this  was  based  mainly  on  two  criteria:  the  ease  of  integration  and  communication  with  all  the  other  TEFIS  blocks,  and  secondly  the  power  and  efficiency  of  the  language  were  adequate  in  order  to   be   able   to   implement   and   execute   complex   algorithms   with   minor   latencies.   To   meet   the   first  requirement,   there  exists   a   comprehensive  REST   library   for  PHP,   that  would   simplify   the  development  not  only  for  the  Experiment  Manager   itself,  but  also  should  possible  modifications  be  needed  by  other  blocks;  which   is   something   that  has   turned  out   to  be  a  crucial   feature.  And  with   respect   to   the   logical  algorithms,   it   is   clear   that  PHP,  as  an   interpreted   language,   can   satisfy   these   requirements.  Therefore,  the   platform   and   technologies   chosen   for   the   development   of   the   Experiment  Manager   have  made   it  possible   to   obtain   a   fully   operative   and   integrated   tool   with   a   development   period   that   has   been  reduced,  saving  time  and  resources,  and  that  offers  optimum  response  times  and  the  best  architecture.    

1.2.2. TEFIS  core  services    

Experiment  and  Workflow  Scheduler  To  implement  the  Experiment  and  Workflow  Scheduler  of  TEFIS  the  ProActive  Scheduling  tool  was  used.  It  is  a  component  of  the  ProActive  Parallel  Suite1.  We  chose  this  software  product  first  of  all  because  it  is  open   source   ,   but   in   addition   because   among   all   the   other   open   source   scheduler   software   offerings  ProActive  matches  the  majority  of  the  TEFIS  requirements  for  the  Experiment  and  Workflow  Scheduler,  needing  only  minor  extensions  to  fulfill  all  those  requirements.  The  features  needed  by  the  Experiment  and  Workflow  Scheduler  of  the  TEFIS  platform  are  the  following:  

                                                                                                                         1  http://proactive.inria.fr/  

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• Be  able  to  create  a  low  level  workflow  whose  structure  exactly  reflects  the  one  of  the  high  level  workflow  defined  by  the  experimenter;  

• The  translation  from  the  high   level  workflow  into  an  executable  must  be  easy.  That  means  the  work  required  by  the  TEFIS  developers  to  do  this  must  not  be  too  hard;  

• Add  all  the  necessary  and  missing  information  (e.g.,  information  about  how  to  access  the  testbed  connectors)  to  the  high  level  workflow    to  turn  it  into  an  executable;  

• Enact  the  executable  low  level  workflow;  

• Low  level  workflow  tasks  must  include  the  logic  to  interact  with  the  testbed  connectors;  

• Define   as   many   low   level   tasks   as   testbed   connectors.   In   fact,   in   TEFIS   there   are   different  connectors,   one   for   each   testbed   plugged   into   the   TEFIS   platform.   Testbed   connectors  implement  the  same  interface,  the  Testbed  Connector  Interface  (TCI),  but  their  implementations  differ  because  each  of  them  has  to  reflect  the   interaction  specifics  of  a  particular  testbed.  This  means   each   testbed   has   its   own   connector   and   there   is   a   different   low   level   task   for   each  connector;  

• Define  different  “task  templates”,  one  for  each  testbed.    The  task  template  can  be  seen  as  the  combination   of   the   low   level   task   and   its   own   set   of   configuration   parameters   (testbed  connector   to   contact,   resources   involved   in   the   execution   of   the   activity   that   task   represents  etc…).   In   other   words   there   is   one   task   for   each   testbed   connector   and   each   task   can   be  configured  differently  depending  on  the  activity  it  has  to  perform  on  the  testbed  it’s  associated  with.  That  means  the  task  of  the  low  level  workflow  should  be  parametrizable;  

• Workflow  tasks  should  be  linked  among  themselves,  so  that  beyond  the  flow  of  execution  there  should  be  a  flow  of  data  too.  That  means  the  transfer  of  data  from  one  task  towards  the  one  that  follows  should  be  done  automatically  without  the  user’s  intervention;  

• Should   the   workflow   not     be   enacted   on   a   single   machine,   then   the   tasks   will   have   to   be  distributed   to   different   machines   to   balance   their   execution   load.   This   is   an   important   point  because  it  allows  TEFIS  to  be  scalable:  if  the  number  of  workflows  (and  so  experiments)  increases  then  more  machines  can  be  added  to  avoid  overloading  the  existing  ones;  

• Different  platforms  (UNIX/LINUX,  Mac,  Windows)  must  be  supported.  This  means  that  when  the  Experiment  and  Workflow  Scheduler  has  to  be  scaled  the  administrator  of  the  TEFIS  platform  is  not  constrained  to  add  only  a  particular  platform;  

• Allow   the  monitoring   of   the   execution   of   the   workflow   (e.g.,   what   is   the   overall   state   of   the  running  workflow,  which  step  is  currently  executed  etc…).  

As  we  have  said  above  the  ProActive  Scheduling  tool  matches  most  of  the  identified  requirements.  The  only   feature   it   does   not   provide   is   the   concept   of   “Task   Template”.   But   as   stated   in   the   deliverable  “D4.2.1  Experiment  and  Workflow  Scehduler  prototype”  that  feature  has  been  easily  implemented.  

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Resource  Manager  In   the   TEFIS   platform   we   need   to   manage   two   separate   sets   of   resources:   the   one   made   up   of  heterogeneous   resources   provided   by   the   testbeds   and   the   other   that   includes   TEFIS   internal  computational   resources   needed   by   the   Experiment   and   Workflow   Scheduler   to   enact   the   low   level  workflow   created   from   the   experiment   the   TEFIS   user   runs.  We   chose   two  different   existing   software  products   to  manage   the   two  sets  of   resources:  TEAGLE2   to  perform  the  management  of   the   resources  provided   by   the   testbeds   and   the   ProActive   Resourcing   tool   to   manage   the   internal   computational  resources.  

The   reasoning   behind   this   choice   is   that   TEAGLE   perfectly  matches   the   TEFIS   requirements   related   to  testbed  resource  management:  the  storage  of  resource  specifications,  the  creation  of  resource  instances,  the  browsing  of  resource  specifications  and  instances  and  the  booking  of  resources.  On  the  other  hand,  the  ProActive  Resourcing   tool   is  highly  compatible  with   the  TEFIS  Experiment  and  Workflow  Scheduler  since  it  is  implemented  using  the  ProActive  Scheduling  tool  that  belongs  to  the  same  suite,  the  ProActive  Parallel   Suite,   that   the   ProActive   Resourcing   tool   belongs   to.   Moreover   the   goal   of   the   ProActive  Resourcing  tool  is  precisely  to  provide  computational  resources  to  the  ProActive  Scheduling  tool.  

Supervision  Module  The  Supervision  Module  provides  monitoring  capabilities  with  the  TEFIS  environment.  With  this  in  mind,  we  have  identified  three  main  stakeholders:  

i. The  experimenter,  who  is  looking  for  feedback  on  resource  requirements  for  their  experiment  as  well  any  application-­‐specific  output;  

ii. The  TEFIS  platform  operator,  who  needs  to  be  kept  aware  of  the  status  of  the  platform  itself;  and  

iii. The  TEFIS  testbeds,  who  wish  to  keep  track  of  resource  usage  at  their  facility.  

In   the   TEFIS   platform   we   need   to   manage   two   separate   sets   of   resources:   the   one   made   up   of  heterogeneous   resources   provided   by   the   testbeds   and   the   other   that   includes   TEFIS   internal  computational   resources   needed   by   the   Experiment   and   Workflow   Scheduler   to   enact   the   low   level  workflow   created   from   the   experiment   the   TEFIS   user   runs.  We   chose   two  different   existing   software  products   to  manage   the   two  sets  of   resources:  TEAGLE3   to  perform  the  management  of   the   resources  provided   by   the   testbeds   and   the   ProActive   Resourcing   tool   to   manage   the   internal   computational  resources.  

The   reasoning   behind   this   choice   is   that   TEAGLE   perfectly  matches   the   TEFIS   requirements   related   to  testbed  resource  management:  the  storage  of  resource  specifications,  the  creation  of  resource  instances,  the  browsing  of  resource  specifications  and  instances  and  the  booking  of  resources.  On  the  other  hand,  the  ProActive  Resourcing   tool   is  highly  compatible  with   the  TEFIS  Experiment  and  Workflow  Scheduler  since  it  is  implemented  using  the  ProActive  Scheduling  tool  that  belongs  to  the  same  suite,  the  ProActive  Parallel   Suite,   that   the   ProActive   Resourcing   tool   belongs   to.   Moreover   the   goal   of   the   ProActive  Resourcing  tool  is  precisely  to  provide  computational  resources  to  the  ProActive  Scheduling  tool.  

                                                                                                                         2  http://www.fire-­‐teagle.org/  3  http://www.fire-­‐teagle.org/  

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These  and  similar  requirements  are  common  to  a  number  of  different  projects,  federating  or  connecting  to  multiple  technologies  and  services.  In  common  with  BonFIRE4,  we  have  selected  ZABBIX5  as  the  basis  for   the   Supervision  Module   and   the   associated  monitoring   capabilities.   ZABBIX   offers   an   open   source  monitoring  platform  which  can  be  readily  integrated  into  the  TEFIS  environment.  The  ZABBIX  Server  will  run  locally  as  part  of  the  TEFIS  Core  Services,  co-­‐ordinating  data  gathering  and  aggregation  in  response  to  monitoring  configurations  defined  by  the  experimenter.  Such  configurations,  using  the  ZABBIX  template  concept,  can  be  readily  opened  up  to  the  testbed  providers  to  identify  their  metrics  and  capabilities  as  part   of   testbed   registration.   The   ZABBIX   Server   will   also   respond   to   requests   from   other   TEFIS  components   for   monitoring   information   and   set   up;   a   RESTful   interface   will   be   developed   as   an  abstraction  layer  for  TEFIS  above  and  in  connection  with  the  ZABBIX  API.  In  conjunction  with  the  server,  a  ZABBIX  Agent  takes  monitoring  input  from  remote  resources  to  hand  on  to  the  server.  Agents  may  run  locally   at   the   testbed   site,   within   a   deployed   VM   running   a   test,   or   from   the   TEFIS   domain  communicating  with  the  remote  test  facilities  via  the  TEFIS  Connector  and  the  TCI.    

The  ZABBIX  Agent  is  responsible  for  returning  monitoring  data  back  to  the  server  to  query  and  collate  for  the  experimenter.  A  MySQL  database  is  used  by  the  server  to  this  end.  In  the  context  of  TEFIS,  although  initial  experimenter  interaction  may  be  run  from  the  Experimental  Data  Interface  to  the  ZABBIX-­‐provided  MySQL   database,   all   data   will   be   transferred   to   and   maintained   within   the   TEFIS   Experiments   Data  Manager  (see  Section  1.1.4)  for  curation  and  provenance  tracking.  

In   summary,   to   support   the   Supervision  Module   and   associated   experiment   and   platform  monitoring  requirements,  the  ZABBIX  open  source  monitoring  platform  has  been  selected  in  common  with  BonFIRE.  In   the   TEFIS   context,   the   base   server   will   be   made   available   to   other   TEFIS   components   via   a   TEFIS-­‐specific  RESTful  interface;  a  ZABBIX  Agent  will  be  deployed  to  interact  with  the  testbed  native  monitoring  capabilities  locally  (running  on  the  testbed)  or  remotely  (running  within  TEFIS  and  communicating  via  the  TCI  and  TEFIS  Connector);  and  the  data  collected  and  managed  initially  by  ZABBIX  will  be  transferred  to  and  maintained  long-­‐term  with  all  other  experimental  data  by  the  TEFIS  Data  Services,  exploiting  existing  data  interaction  capabilities  within  TEFIS.  

1.2.3. TEFIS  connector  The   main   challenge   for   the   TEFIS   connector   is   to   handle   the   heterogeneity   of   testbeds.   The  heterogeneity   of   the   testbeds   resides   in   their   capabilities,   technologies,   interfaces,   interaction,   and  communication   protocols.   TEFIS   connector   offers   functionnalities   for   resource  management,   data   I/O  management,  monitoring  capabilities,  script  execution,  and  identity  management.  

An   interresting   solution   for   the   TEFIS   connector   implementation   is   the   SFA   (Slice   Federation  Architecture)  coming  from  GENI  and  FIRE  projects  (such  as  OneLab2,  OpenLab).  SFA  offers  a  solution  to  establish  a  trust  chain  between  the  different  providers  and  users,  implementing  the  federation  concepts  that  have  emerged  in  the  last  years.  It  also  allows  them  to  expose  their  resources  in  the  format  they  like  using  RSPEC.  In  this  architecture,  testbed  wrappers  offer  an  XML-­‐RPC  based  interface  to  manage  identity  management  and  expose  resources.  With  regards  to  TEFIS  needs,  SFA  could  potentially  cover  the  identity  management  need.  However,   it  does  not  currently  cover   the  other   requirements.  SFA   implementation  

                                                                                                                         4  http://www.bonfire-­‐project.eu/  5  http://www.zabbix.com/  

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for   resource   management   are   mainly   considering   PlanetLab   Slices   and   computationnal   resources,  support  of  the  heterogenous  resources  proposed  by  TEFIS  would  have  to  be  provided.    

As   the   coverage   in   terms   of   functionnalities   is   low   today,   we   have   decided   for   now   to   specify   and  implement   our   own   connector   but  will   follow   the     developments   on   SFA.   Convergence   points  will   be  probably  identified  in  the  future  to  perform  joint  developments.  

Slice   Federation   Architecture   (SFA)   has   however   be   selected   in   the   design   of   the   TEFIS   connector   for  PlanetLab.   The   first   reason   is   that,   by   contrast   to   the   PLC   (PlanetLab   Central)   API,   it   gives   a   unified  interface   to  allocate  and  access   resources   from  testbeds  other   than  PLC.  For  example,  a  PLC  user  may  access  resources  from  a  PLE  (PlanetLab  Europe)  or  PLJ  (PlanetLab  Japan)  seamlessly  as  all  testbeds  can  be  fully  federated  together.  Federation  with  SFA  is  reciprocal:  each  testbed  advertises   its  resources  to  the  other  testbeds  and  similarly,  users   from  one  of  the  testbeds  may  benefit   from  resources  from  another  testbed.  The  second  reason   is   that   initial  work  has  already  been  done  to   federate  PlanetLab  resources  using  Teagle.  

2. Challenges  

2.1. Identity  and  account  management  Identity  and  account  management  is  related  to  how  users  are  identified  and  authorized  across  the  TEFIS  platform,  its  internal  systems,  and  the  connected  testbeds.  It  covers  issues  such  as:  

• how   users   are   provided   with   an   identity   on   the   TEFIS   platform,   its   internal   systems,   and   the  available  testbeds,  

• how  this  identity  can  be  used,  

• how  the  TEFIS  identity  can  be  associated  with  the  other  required  identities,  and  

• how  the  identity  can  be  protected.  

The   identity   management   module   is   thus   responsible   for   managing   information   required   for  authentication.   It   represents  one  challenging  aspect   for   the  TEFIS  portal.   Indeed,   the   following  aspects  have  to  be  taken  into  account  when  considering  this  challenge:  

The   different   TEFIS   internal   systems   (Teagle,   iRods,   Zabbix,   and   ProActive6)   currently   use   separate  credentials,  but  it  is  foreseen  to  unify  account  management  for  these  components.  

Each  testbed  (currently  Botnia,  ETICS,  IMS,  KyaTera,  PACA  Grid,  and  PlanetLab)  uses  its  own  credentials.  

Some  TEFIS  users  may  already  have  existing  accounts  on  different  testbeds  or  frameworks  while  others  need   to   create   those  accounts.   The  TEFIS  portal   should   then  be  able   to  deal  with  both   cases.   For   this  purpose,   below   we   suggest   a   way   to   delegate   account   creation   for   both   TEFIS   internal   systems   and  testbeds  to  the  TEFIS  portal.  

                                                                                                                         6  See  Figure  XX  for  where  these  technologies  are  used  in  the  TEFIS  platform.  

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2.1.1. TEFIS  portal  account  creation  To  use   the  TEFIS   system,  each  user  must   first   create  an  account.  Following   the  «  register  »   link  on   the  TEFIS  portal,  the  user  is  taken  to  the  interface  shown  in  Figure  2.  This  interface  asks  the  user  for  personal  information   (first   and   last   names,   organization,   and   email   address)   and   allows   him/her   to   choose   a  username/password  pairing,  which  constitutes  the  credentials  to  access  the  TEFIS  platform.  

This  username/password  pairing  is  required  by  the  portal  each  time  the  user  needs  to  access  the  TEFIS  platform,  where  he/she  can  list  his/her  activity  and  get  access  to  the  TEFIS    system.  

The  user’s  connection   to   the  TEFIS  portal  may  grant  him/her  direct  access   to   internal   systems  and  the  different  testbeds.  Such  a  mechanism,  however,  may  present  some  security  issues,  which  we  address  in  the  rest  of  this  section.  

After  the  registration  process   is  completed  the  user  account   is  not  automatically  activated.   Instead,  an  administrator   has   to   review   and   approve   each   individual   application.   When   this   has   happened,   the  account  details  are  transferred  from  a  temporary  database  to  the  Teagle  user  repository  where  they  are  available  for  the  different  TEFIS  components.  

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Figure 2 The TEFIS account creation interface

2.1.2. Account  management  of  TEFIS  internal  systems    In   this  section,  we  discuss  account  credential  management  of  TEFIS   internal  systems.  We  address  here  the  different  internal  systems  according  to  how  each  one  operates.  

Teagle:  Accounts   created  on   the  TEFIS  portal   in   through   the  process  described  above  are   stored   in   the  Teagle  user  repository.  Passwords  are  not  stored   in  cleartext.  Rather,  an  MD5  hash  of   the  user’s    password   is  calculated  which  is  then  stored.    

The   Teagle   user   repository   exposes   a   RESTful   interface   that   can   be   queried   by   the   other   TEFIS  components  to  perform  authentication  against.  

Currently,  this  user  database  is  not  used  by  all  components  within  the  TEFIS  architecture.  Only  the  Teagle  components  and  the  TEFIS  Experiment  Manager  use  it.  In  the  future,  a  harmonization  of  the  credentials  

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management  across  the  core  components  is  planned.  In  this  regard,  there  is  also  an  investigation  under  way  to  identify  any  other  interfaces  for  user  accounts  that  should  be  provided,  e.g.  LDAP.  

iRods:  iRODS   provides   a   traditional   authentication   method:   a   user   account   is   protected   via   username   and  password.  There  are  two  types  of  user:  administrators  as  well  as  straight-­‐forward  users.  An  administrator  may  use  any  of  the  iRODS  client-­‐side  tools  to  access  the  data  management  system  to  carry  out  standard  administrative  tasks,  such  as  creating    new  users.  Passwords  are  encrypted  prior  to  saving  to  disk.  

Users  with   an   iRODS   account  may  make   use   of   iRODS   own   built-­‐in   access   control,   thereby   protecting  their   own   data   or   allowing   other   users   to   access   their   data   or   the   data   structures   (folder   system)  generated  for  that  user.    

These  iRODS  capabilities,  specifically  user  authentication  and  access  permission  control,  provide  the  base  functions  required  by  the  TEFIS  stakeholders:    

• the  TEFIS  administrator  can  create  and  control  user  accounts;  

• the   TEFIS   end-­‐users   (experimenters)   can   access   the   data   services   folders   using   their  authentication   details   (username   and   password);   they   can   also   provide   and  manage   access   to  their  data  and  data  areas;  

• the   TEFIS   testbed   providers   can   be   gain   appropriate   access   to   user   data   areas   with   the  agreement  of  the  TEFIS  end-­‐user.  

From   release   1.1,   iRODS   also   provides   support   for   GSI   (Grid   Security   Infrastructure7)   as   an  authentication  method  in  addition  to  the  default  secure  password  authentication  method.  In  addition,  it  supports  the  use  of  Kerberos8.  

Zabbix  Zabbix  supports  a  number  of  different  authentication  mechanisms,  including:    

• a  standard  username/password  pairing,  with  user  credentials  stored   internally   internally  within  the  Zabbix  database;  

• LDAP  authentication,  which  is  useful  if  other  components  already  use  LDAP  and  therefore  users  are  already  defined  as  part  of  an  LDAP  structure;  and  

• Web  server  authentication  (via  HTTP):  Zabbix  can  support  any  aunthentication  method  provided  by  the  web  service.  

This   all  means   that   there   is   significant   flexibility   in   Zabbix   for   integration   into   the   TEFIS   platform.   The  choice   will   probably   come   down   to   the   role   of   the   various   stakeholders   (TEFIS   experimenter,   TEFIS  administrator   and   TEFIS   testbed   providers)  when   accessing  monitoring   facilities.   There   are   in   addition    three  types  of  user  supported,  with  increasing  powers  over  the  Zabbix  system:  

                                                                                                                         7  http://www.globus.org/security/overview.html  8  https://www.irods.org/index.php/Kerberos  

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1. the   standard  Zabbix  user,  with   limited  access   to  monitoring   facilities,   and  without  authority   to  add  or  change  monitoring  templates;  

2. the   Zabbix   administrator,   with   the   added   capability   to   access   to   configuration,   allowing   the  administrator   (though   not   the   Zabbix   user,   that   is   the   TEFIS   experimenter)   to   add   or   remove  resources  to  be  monitored;  and  

3. the   Zabbix   super   user,   with   access   to   all   Zabbix   utilities   and   functions,   including   account  management.  

In   the   context   of   the   roles   supported   in   Zabbix,   and   the   authentication  methods   offered,   it  would   be  possible  to  integrate  Zabbix  into  the  TEFIS  ID  management  schema  mapping  roles  to  the  Zabbix  roles  and  exploiting   custom  extensions   to   the   Zabbix  API.   In   collaboration  with   the   ID  management   service,   the  Experiment  Manager   could,   for   instance,   request   a   Zabbix   user   account   to   be   created   as   a   standard  Zabbix   user.   This   user   could   then   be   given   read-­‐only   access   to   predefined  monotoring   configurations,  based  on  those  defined  by  the  testbed  providers  during  registration.  

ProActive  ProActive,   and   in   particular   the   ProActive   Scheduling   tool   and   the   ProActive   Resourcing   tool,   are  client/server  applications.   In  both  of   them  regardless  of  which  method   is  actually  used   to  perform  the  authentication,   credentials   need   to   be   passed   from   the   client   to   the   server   side   of   the   Scheduling   or  Resourcing  tool,  through  the  network.  The  data  will  be  encrypted  with  an  AES  symmetric  secret  key  to  allow  unlimited  credentials  size,  and  the  AES  key  itself  will  be  encrypted  with  an  RSA  keypair.  

The  server  side  of  the  Scheduling  and  Resourcing  tool  own  a  public  key  that  a  client  can  request  so  that  it  can  encrypt  its  credentials  to  perform  authentication.  This  method  does  not  require  the  administrator  of  the  Scheduling  or  Resourcing  tool  to  manually  propagate  public  keys  to  all  the  users.  Users  can  encrypt  theirs   credentials   with   the   create-­‐cred[.bat]   script   distributed   with   the   ProActive   Scheduling   and  Resourcing  server  and  client  tools.  

Conecerning   the  authentication  and  authorization  method,  ProActive   (both  Scheduling  and  Resourcing  tools)   can   stores   user   accounts   in   two   ways:   as   files,   or   via   LDAP.   The   property  “pa.scheduler.core.authentication.loginMethod”  in  the  file  ”config[scheduler/settings.ini“  specifies  which  kind   of   authentication   will   be   used   in   the   ProActive   Scheduling   tool.   There   is   a   equivalent   property,  “pa.rm.authentication.loginMethod”,   in   the   file   “config/rm/settings.ini“   to   specify   the   kind   of  authentication  used  by  the  ProActive  Resourcing  tool.  

By  default,  the  authentication  method  used  by  the  ProActive  Scheduling  and  Resourcing  tools   is  by  file  (e.g.,   in   the   case   of   the   ProActive   Scheduling   tool   the   value   of   the   property  “pa.scheduler.core.authentication.loginMethod”  is  “SchedulerFileLoginMethod”.  If  the  user  wants  to  use  the   LDAP-­‐based   authentication,   (s)he   has   to   replace   the   "SchedulerFileLoginMethod"   value   by  "SchedulerLDAPLoginMethod").  

When  ProActive  uses  the  file-­‐based  authentication,  user  accounts,  passwords,  and  group  memberships,  are   stored   in   two   files:   “config/authentication/login.cfg”   and   “config/authentication/group.cfg”.   In   the  first,  each  line  follows  the  format  “user:password”  while  in  the  second  file  a  line  looks  like  “user:group”  where   the   “group”   can   be   one   of   two   values:   “user”   or   “admin”.   The   path   of   these   two   files   can   be  

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changed   specifying   their   respective   absolute   path   as   the   value   of   the   properties  “pa.scheduler.core.defaultloginfilename”   and   “pa.scheduler.core.defaultgroupfilename”   in   the   file  “config/scheduler/settings.ini”   for   the   ProActive   Scheduling   tool   and   as   the   value   of   the   properties  “pa.rm.defaultloginfilename”  and  “pa.rm.defaultgroupfilename”  in  the  file  “config/rm/settings.ini”  in  the  case  of  the  ProActive  Resourcing  tool.  

The   ProActive   Scheduling   and   Resourcing   tools   are   able   to   connect   to   an   existing   LDAP   to   check   user  login/password,  and  verify  user  group  membership.  To  use  LDAP  there  are  several  points  to  configure:  path  in  LDAP  where  the  ProActive  Scheduling/Resourcing  tool  user  and  admin  entries  are  stored,  LDAP  groups  that  define  user  and  admin  group  membership,  the  URL  of  the  LDAP,  the  LDAP  binding  method  used   by   connection   and   the   configuration   of   SSL/TLS   if   a   secured   connection   between   the   ProActive  Scheduling/Resourcing   tool   and   LDAP   is   needed.   All   LDAP   connection   parameters   are   set   in   the   file  “config/authentication/ldap.cfg”.   The   files   “config/scheduler/settings.ini”   and   “config/rm/settings.ini”  contain   the  properties   that  define   the  path   to   the   configuration   file   in  which  all   LDAP   connection  and  authentication  properties  are  stored,  for  the  ProActive  Scheduling  and  Resourcing  tool  respectively.  The  default  path  identifies  the  default  LDAP  configuration  file:  “config/authentication/ldap.cfg”.  More  details  about   the   configuration   of   LDAP   authentication/authorization   for   the   ProActive   Scheduling   and  Resourcing  tools  can  be  find  in  the  ProActive  documentation  accessible  or  downloadable  as  an  HTML  or  PDF  document  from  the  URL  “http://proactive.inria.fr/index.php?page=manual_proactive”.  

File-­‐based  and  LDAP  authentication/authorization  can  be  used  simultaneously.  This  means   if   the  LDAP-­‐based  authentication  fails,  ProActive  can  check  the  user’s  password  and  group  membership  in  login  and  group  files,  as  performed  in  the  file-­‐based  method.  To  allow  this  there  are  two  rules:  

• If   LDAP   group  membership   checking   fails,   then   fall   back   to   group  membership   checking   with  group  file.  To  activate  this  behaviour  the  “pa.ldap.group.membership.fallback”  has  to  be  set  to  true  in  the  LDAP  configuration  file;  

• If  a  user  is  not  found  in  LDAP,  then  fall  back  to  authentication  and  group  membership  checking  with   login   and   group   files.   To   activate   this   behaviour,   the   “pa.ldap.authentication.fallback”  property  has  to  be  set  to  true,  in  LDAP  configuration  file.  


2.1.3. Testbed  account  management  By  contrast  to  internal  systems  which  are  only  used  by  the  TEFIS  platform,  credentials  are  also  required  to  access  the  different  tesbeds  connected  to  TEFIS.  Access  to  these  testbeds  is  possible  directly,  without  going  through  the  Tefis  portal.    

PlanetLab  Creating  an  account  on  the  PlanetLab  testbed  requires  the  user  to  fill  inthe  form  shown  in  Figure  3.  Once  this  form  has  been  filled  in,  an  email   is  sent  to  the  user   in  order  to  confirm  account  creation.  Finally,  a  PlanetLab  administrator  validates  the  subscription,  which  allows  the  user  access  the  PlanetLab  facilities.  

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In  order  to  access  resources  on  the  PlanetLab  testbed,  the  user  also  needs  to  generate  an  ssh  key  pair,  which   will   grant   him/her   access   to   any   PlanetLab   node,   including   those   on   his/her   own   site.   All   the  experiments  run  by  the  user  will  require  this  ssh  pair  of  keys.  


Figure 3 The PlanetLab account creation form

PACA  Grid  The  access   to   the  PACA  external  Grid   is   secured  using   the  SSH  protocol.   In  order   to  gain  access   to   the  external  Grid,  PACA  labs  and  SMEs  must  ask  for  SSH  credentials  from  the  grid  administrator.  The  creation  of  the  account  for  a  user  is  an  offline  process  (i.e.,  there  is  no  registration  form  on  PACAGrid).  The  user  can   request   the   PACAGrid   administrator   to   create   their   account   by   sending   an   email   in   which   the  following  information  is  specified;  

• The  user  first  name  and  last  name;  

• The  email  address  to  which  the  user  wishes  to  receive  the  private  and  public  key  pair  to  use  to  access  PACAGrid.  

After   the   request   has   been   approved   and   the   account   has   been   created   by   the   administrator   of  PACAGrid,  the  user  receives  the  private  and  public  key  pair  that  he  can  use  to  authenticate  himself  on  PACAGrid.  


ETICS  The  ETICS  authentication  mechanism  is  based  on  X509  digital  certificates.  The  pre-­‐requisite  to  register  on  the   system   is   to   have   a   trusted   digital   certificate   installed   on   the   browser.   The   account   creation  procedure  is  as  follow:  

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1. the   user   goes   to   the   ETICS   Portal   registration   form   having   the   certificate   installed   on   the  browser;  

2. the  user  fills  in  the  required  fields  and  submits  the  request;  

3. an  email  will  be  sent  to  the  ETICS  administrator  to  activate  the  user;  

4. an  email  will  be  sent  to  the  user,  as  confirmation  of  the  registration;  

Once  registered,   the  user  can  access   the  ETICS  Portal  by  simply  using   the  same  certificate  used  during  the  registration  process  installed  on  the  browser.  

The  ETICS  authorization  mechanism  is  based  on  a  set  of  seven  pre-­‐defined  roles  detailed  in  table  Table  1.  Administrators  (or  any  other  users  with  appropriate  rights)  can  assign  users  one  or  more  roles  in  one  or  more  ETICS  modules.  User  permissions  can  be  added  and  removed  directly  in  the  ETICS  Portal  through  an  ad-­‐hoc  interface  shown  in  Figure  4.  

Table 1  Pre-defined roles on which the authorization mechanism of ETICS is based

Role   Description  

Administrator  Administrator   of   the   system.   They   grant   the   access   to   all   system  functionalities  

Developer  This   role   allows   read/write   access   to   configurations   of   the   modules  granted.  It  also  allows  remote  builds  and  remote  tests  to  be  submitted,  and  artefacts  (packages  and  reports)  to  be  registered.  

Guest   This  role  allows  only  read-­‐only  access.  

Integrator  This  role  allows  remote  builds  to  be  submitted,  artefacts  (packages  and  reports)  in  the  repository  to  be  registered  and  volatile  areas  to  be  used.  


This   role  allows   read/write  access   to  child  modules  and  configurations  for   the   modules   granted.   It   also   allows   permissions   for   the   modules  granted  to  be  viewed/granted/deleted.  

ReleaseManager  This   user   can   tag   artefacts   and   releases   and   upload   them   to   the  repository.    

Tester  This   role  allows  remote  tests   to  be  submitted,   test  artefacts   (packages  and  reports)  to  be  registered  in  the  repository  and  volatile  areas  to  be  used.  


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Figure 4: The ETICS interface

It  is  worth  mentioning  that  user  permissions  are  taken  into  consideration  only  for  write  operations,  while  all   read   operations   does   not   require   any   authentication/authorization.   Therefore,   all   data   relating   to  ETICS  projects   is   freely  browsable  by  any  user,  but  only  authorized  users   can   change  project  data  and  submit  jobs.  

User  and  role  management  can  also  be  handled  programmatically  via  the  ETICS  Web  Service   Interface.  This   interface  provides  methods  to:  create,  modify,  delete  users,  check  user  existence,   list  users   in   the  system,  list  user  roles,  activate  users,  and  revoke  user  permissions.  By  contrast,  user  authentication  and  authorization   is   performed   internally   by   the   ETICS   web   service   implementation   that   checks,   for   each  request,   the   identity  of   the   caller  using   the  DN   in   the  digital   certificate   contained   in   the   call   (made   in  https)   and   finds   out   (by   interrogating   the   ETICS   database)   whether   the   user   is   or   is   not   allowed   to  execute   the   requested   operation.   This   means   that   authentication   and   authorization   processes   can  neither  be  intercepted  nor  overridden  without  changing    system  implementation.  

IMS  testbed  Access   to   the   SQS   IMS   testbed   and   the   different   tools   it   provides   is   acquired   using   a   secure   VPN  connection.  The  access  protocol  for  the  IMS  core  is  SIP.  For  this,  the  experimenter  will  use  the  username  and  password  stored  in  the  IMS  core  and  provided  by  the  testbed  administrator  during  the  experiment  execution.    

KyaTera  In  order  to  acquire  a  KyaTera  account,  the  user  needs  to  access  the  KyaTera  website9.  

From  the  site  the  user  accesses  the  "registration"  tab.  Here,  the  user  has  a  series  of  boxes  to  fill  in:  

• Full  name:  The  full  name  of  the  user/researcher                                                                                                                            9  A  new  address  will  be  provided  separately  from  the  present  document.  

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• Access  name:  The  user  name  to  log  on  to  the  site  or  to  use  the  network  

• Password:  The  desired  password  to  log  on  to  the  site  or  to  use  the  network  

• Confirm  password:  the  password  is  repeated  to  check  the  spelling  

• E-­‐mail:  The  e-­‐mail  to  confirm  the  registration  

• Confirm  e-­‐mail:  the  same  e-­‐mail  to  spell  check  

• Company   name:   The   name   of   the   company,   institution   or   university   of   the  user/researcher  

After  the  user  fills  in  all  the  boxes  (all  fields  are  mandatory)  the  user  hits  the  registration  button.  

Once  a  confirmation  e-­‐mail  has  been  received,  the  user  will  need  to  follow  the  steps  it  contains,  clicking  on  the  confirmation  link  to  start.  

If   the   registration   is   not   accepted   by   KyaTera,   the   user   will   receive   the   reasons   and   can   contact   the  KyaTera  team  by  e-­‐mail.  

After   the   user   is   properly   registered   in   the   system,   access   to   the   network   is   via   the   KyaTera  website,  where  the  user  needs  to  enter  the  registered  username  and  password.  The  KyaTera  website  uses  a  REST  interface  to  access  the  entire  set  of  network  features,  and  so  it  is  accessible  to  other  applications  not  just  the  website.  

In  this  way,  after  the  user   is  registered,  access  can  be  provided  directly  by  the  TEFIS  portal,   linking  the  TEFIS  account  with  the  KyaTera  site.  

Botnia  The   access   to   the   Botnia   Living   Lab   resources   and   the   Living   Lab   facility   itself   is   managed   manually.  Resources  available  are  mainly:    

User-­‐involvement  expertise  

These  resources  consist  of  research  expertise  in  the  field  of  user  centred  design  and  evaluation  and  they  support  experimenters  in  setting  up  and  running  user  involvement  activities.  

Access   mechanism:   The   experimenter   gets   access   to   these   resources   by   signing   a     paper-­‐based    agreement  which  controls  access.  

Methodology  for  user-­‐involvement  

For  user  involvement,    one  resource  provided  by  the  Botnia  Living  lab  is  the  Form-­‐IT  methodology.  

This   is   an   iterative   and   interactive   process   in   several   steps   for   user-­‐engagement   in   all   phases   of   the  development   of   an   IT-­‐based   service/product   –   from  need   finding   to   beta-­‐trial   and   pre-­‐market   launch.  Different   methods   and   tools   are   used   for   the   professional   support   of   user   involvement.   Often   we  combine   qualitative   and   quantitative   methods   for   the   best   results   like   web-­‐based   questionnaires   to  

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investigate  specific  areas  across  a  bigger  user-­‐group  and  observations  and  interviews  to  go  into  greater  depth   around   specific   issues   and   to   get   answers   on   why   and   how.   For   user-­‐involvement,   it   is   very  important  to  recruit  the  right  users  for  the  purposes  of  your  experiment.  

Access   mechanism:     The   experimenter   gets   access   to   these   resources   by   signing   a   a   paper-­‐based  agreement  which  regulates  access.      

The  Botnia  Living  Lab  Users  Data  Base  

This  is  a  database  of  6000  creative  end-­‐users  (individuals)  from  18  years  of  age  and  older  in  Sweden  and  access  to  end-­‐users  around  the  world  via  3rd  parties.  The  Botnia  user  database  is  currently  implemented  as  a  MySQL-­‐database  where  basic  end-­‐user  data  for  end-­‐user  involvement  are  stored.  

Access  mechanism:    The  experimenter  can  only  get  access  to  this  resource  via  a  local  Living  Lab  host.  No  registration  is  possible.  

2.1.4. Requirements  The  general  requirement  is  to  enable  TEFIS  users  accessing  both  testbeds  and  TEFIS  internal  resources  as  much  transparently  as  possible,  while  not   impacting  the   identity  management  mechanisms   in  place  on  every   testbed.   The   latter   represents   the   major   constraint   when   considering   to   identify   a   unified   ID  management   solution   for   the   whole   TEFIS   system,   especially   when   the   testbed   does   not   allow   any  modification/extension   to   the   existing   mechanisms   (either   in   the   account   management   or   in   the  authentication  process).    

More  in  detail,  the  following  basic  requirements  for  the  TEFIS  ID  management  have  been  identified:    

1. It  should  enable  the  creation  of  an  account  on  different  testbeds/TEFIS  services  and  linking  them  to  the  TEFIS  account  in  the  TEFIS  portal  

2. It  should  enable  TEFIS  user  accessing  all  services/TESTBED  with  his/her  own  privileges  by  performing  login  only  once  at  the  TEFIS  portal  

3. Any  Identity  information  must  be  protected  within  the  TEFIS  system    

Furthermore,   the   following   constraints   must   be   considered:   It   is   not   possible   to   modify   and/or   add  external  interfaces  (for  authentication)  to  the  testbeds:  

• Every  testbed  should  get  as  input  a  request  with  the  specific  credential  (e.g.  x509  cert  for  ETICS)  of  the  user  who  generated  the  resource  access  request.  Generally,  these  credential  and  those  of  TEFIS  are  not  the  same  

The   requests   to   different   testbed   in   a   workflow   are   not   always   interactive.   Every   test   is   a   task   of  workflow:  the  general  use  case   is  given  by  a  user  who  logs   in  the  TEFIS  Portal,  defines  a  test  sequence  and  starts  it.  During  the  tests  execution  there  is  no  interaction  with  the  user  who,  probably,  has  logged  out  from  the  portal  and  will  return  only  to  read  the  results.  This  makes   impossible  to   interact  with  the  user  during  the  test  execution,  so,  for  example,  it  is  impossible  to  ask  for  user's  testbed  credentials.  

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2.1.5. Linking  internal  and  external  system  accounts  to  TEFIS  account  The   requirements   set   out   above   in   Section   2.1.4   refer   to   the   provision   of   access   to   both   internal   and  external  resources,  preferrably  via  single  sign-­‐on  authentication.    Specific  single  sign-­‐on  technologies  are  discussed   in   the   next   section.   Internal   agreement   between   the   TEFIS   components   should   provide   no  specific   obstacle,   beyond   any   technical   hurdles   outlined   in   Section   2.1.2   for   the   individual   TEFIS  components  and  the  technologies  used  to  support  them.  The  process  would  be  roughly  as  follows:  

Initial  Registration  

TEFIS  portal   User   requests   an   account   to   be  created.  Once   validated,   the   user  will  be   able   to   select   username   and  password.  

Once   registered,   and   the   user   account  approved  by   the   TEFIS   administrator,   then  corresponding  user  accounts  are  created  in  the   relevant   TEFIS   components:   the  Experiment   Manager,   the   Supervision  Manager  and  the  Data  Services.  

Subsequent  sign-­‐on  

TEFIS  portal   User   logs   into   the   TEFIS   portal   using  the  credentials  previously  created  and  approved  by  the  TEFIS  administrator.  

The   ID   manager   is   now   responsible   for  presenting  to  any  of  the  TEFIS  components  accessed   by   the   user,   such   as   the  Experiment   Manager   to   create   or   modify  an   existing   experiment,   or   the   Data  Services   to   review   experimental   data,   the  users   credentials   to   identify   the   user’s  account   details   in   the   appropriate  component.  


Within   the   TEFIS   platform,   therefore,   the   process   of   ID  Management   is   relatively   simple   and   straight  forward:  the  experimenter  is  provided  a  single  set  of  credentials,  and  thereby  gains  access  to  any  TEFIS-­‐internal   sub-­‐system.  Credentials   for  each  of   those  sub-­‐systems  are  specific   to   the   individual   compoent  and  will  have  been  created  during  user  registration  on  the  back  of  the  TEFIS  account  creation.  

The  issue  is  slightly  more  complication  for  the  TEFIS  testbeds,  external  resources  which  may  not  reside  with   the   TEFIS   domain   and   which   may   impose   their   own   authentication   and   access   requirements.   A  number  of  different  options  may  be  possible:    

1. The  TEFIS  portal  maintains  a  single  account  on  the  testbed,  and  allows  users  to  use  this  account  as   required.   This   may   not,   however,   be   allowed   by   all   testbed   providers,   and   may   make  accounting  problematic  in  that  it  may  not  be  easy  to  match  usage  on  a  testbed  using  the  “TEFIS  portal”  account  to   individual  TEFIS  experimenters.  Further,   the  TEFIS  experimenter  would  have  to  delegate  to  TEFIS  all  and  any  activity,   including  access  permissions  to  those  sections  of  their  work  performed  on  the  testbeds.  

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2. The   TEFIS   experimenter  may   entrust   to   the   TEFIS   platform   their   testbed   user   credentials.   This  would  mean  that  TEFIS  would  interact  with  the  testbed(s)  effectively  as  the  user.  However,  this  may  be  deemed  impersonation  and  is  open  to  potential  misuse.  Users  may  not  be  willing  to  give  this  level  of  trust  over  to  TEFIS.  

3. External   resource   access   and   exploitation  may   be   enabled   using   an   object   capabilities   model.  This   is  based  on   the   issue  of  an  unforgeable  and  unguessable   resource  handle   (or  URL)  by   the  resource  administrator  to  allow  the  requester  (in  this  case  the  TEFIS  experimenter)  access  to  the  resource  for  a  specified  period  and  purpose.  This  would  leave  control  of  the  user  credentials  with  the   TEFIS   experimenter,   allowing   them   to   delegate   if   desired   authority   to   other   TEFIS  components  for  a  limited  time  and  purpose.  

At   the   present   time,   the   latter   solution   based   on   the  object   capabilities  model   seems   to   be   the  most  attractive.  The  final  choice  and  implementation,  however,  is  the  responsibility  of  the  Connectors  and  the  TEFIS  Connector  Interface  (TCI).  

In  this  section,  the  issue  of  TEFIS  internal  and  TEFIS  external  (to  the  testbeds)  access  is  discussed  and  a  number  of  different  scenarios  and  options  presented.  In  the  following  section,  individual  technologies  to  sastify  these  requirements  are  outlined.  

2.1.6. Draft  Analysis  and  Proposed  approach    In  this  section  some  considerations  resulting  from  a  first  analysis  of  requirements  and  issues  previously  introduced  are   reported  and,  basing  on   them,  an  approach  as   the  basis   for   the   identification  of   an   ID  management  solution  for  the  whole  TEFIS  system  is  proposed.  

A   more   detailed   analysis   of   the   Identity   Management   requirements   and   of   the   ID   management  testbed/TEFIS  internal  components  as-­‐is  will  be  performed  in  the  next  phase  of  the  project  and,  basing  on   the   results   of   this   study,   a   global   Identity   Management   solution   for   whole   TEFIS   system   will   be  provided.    

The   goal   of   that   analysis  will   be   to   understand  whether   the   Identity   Federation   can  be   applied   in   the  TEFIS  system.  Identity  federation,  or  Federated  identity,  is  intended  as  a  set  of  capabilities  enabling  the  portability   of   a   user   identity   information   across   different   security   domains   (TEFIS   testbed/internal  components)   and   enabling   users   of   one   domain   to   securely   access   resources   (data   or   services)   of  another   domain   in   a   seamless   and   transparent   way,   and   without   the   need   for   the   user   to   perform  redundant  authentications  procedures  (this  is  also  referred  as  Single-­‐Sign-­‐On).      

From   a   first   analysis   on   the   current   ID   management   mechanisms   in   force   on   testbed/TEFIS   internal  components,  it  can  be  deduced  that,  some  of  the  testbed  are  a  sort  of  blackbox  that  cannot  be  neither  modified   nor   extended   in   any   part   and,   among   other   things,   they   cannot   trust   the   authentication  performed  by  TEFIS.  This  automatically  excludes  the  possibility  to  have  a  unified  federated  approach  for  the  whole  TEFIS   system.   Solutions   like   Shibboleth  and  OpenID   (introduced  afterward)   require   that   the  service  in  the  federation  (that  is  both  the  TEFIS  internal  components  and  tesbed)  trusts  authentication  of  user  performed  in  the  TEFIS.  In  order  to  achieve  this,  it  could  be  necessary  to  install  some  elements  (e.g.  a   Shibboleth   Service   Provider   in   case   Shibboleth   Identity   federation   implementation   is   chosen,   see  Section   2.1.8),   that   grants   the   access   right   on   behalf   of   the   testbed's   or   TEFIS   internal   service's   ID  

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module.  This  is  not  feasible  at  connector  level  and  is  not  possible  if  we  see  the  testbed  or  the  service  as  a  black  box.      

Given  these  assumptions,  a  possible  solution  based  on  the  following  hybrid  approach  is  foreseen:  

• Implement  federation  for  those  components/testbed  which  either  “natively”  allow  bypassing  its  authentication  process  by   trusting  another   Identity  Provider  or  can  be  extended  to  accomplish  this-­‐      

• for   those   components/testbed   which   don’t   allow   applying   federation,   implement   an   identity  binding  solution    

For  the    ID  management  the  following  macro-­‐  functionalities  have  been  identified:  

• Creation  of  the  account  and  synchronization  • Identity  and/or  credential  propagation  

 Where   both   these   items   should   be   managed   in   a   flexible   way,   in   order   to   handle,   as   efficiently   as  possible,  the  heterogeneity  of  the  user  management  systems  of  the  services  and  testbeds.  

Accounts  creation  and  synchronization  This  macro-­‐functionality  deals  with  the  registration  of  a  new  TEFIS  user  and  the  creation  of  an  account  on  the  other  services  and  testbed.  Two  main  classes  of  external  components  are  considered:  

• components  that  exposes  user  creation  interfaces  

• component  that  doesn't  expose  any  automatic  user  creation  method  

 In  the  first  case,  synchronous  CRUD  (Create,  Read,  Update,  Delete)  operations  on  user  databases  should  be  provided.    This  means  that  if  a  TEFIS  user  is  created  (i.e.  a  new  user  is  added  in  TEFIS  user  database),  an  account  bound  to  the  TEFIS  original  user  account    is  automatically  created  also  in  TEFIS  services  and  testbeds,  that  means  that  new  user  accounts  are  added  in  the  databases  of  the  services  or  testbeds.    

This   approach   applies   only   to   those   the   external   components   which   already   (or   will)   expose   user  management   interface   accessible   from   TEFIS   This   goal   could   be   reached   using   existing   or   innovative  technologies  of  federation  and  user  synchronization  (that  will  be  discussed  later  in  this  paragraph).  

Whenever  the  first  approach   is  not  applicable,  an  user  association  (identity  binding)  module  should  be  provided.  With  this  module,  it  should  be  possible  to  associate,  from  TEFIS  portal,  a  TEFIS  user  account  to  those   user   accounts   already   existing   on   external   services   or   testbed.   This   implies   that   the   user’s  credentials  must  be  stored  in  a  repository  inside  the  TEFIS  system,  where  the  repository  must  be  secured  with  strong  security  mechanisms  (high  encryption).  

Identity  and/or  credential  propagation  This  macro-­‐functionality  deals  with  mechanisms  for  securing  access  to  the  TEFIS  services  and  testbed.  

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 As   for   the   account   management,   also   in   this   case   two   different   classes   of   services   or   testbeds   are  considered.  For  those  components  which  support  identity  federation,  i.e.  they  are  able  to  trust  users  of  another  (federated)  domain,  the  user  identity  could  be  propagated  from  the  TEFIS  system.  For  the  other  cases,   the   user   credentials   associated   to   the   specific   service   or   testbed   could   be   fetched   from   the  internal  credential  repository  and  then  used  to  perform  the  required  operations.  

Finally,  when   the   federation   approach   is   applicable,   it   should   be   included   also   a  mechanism   for     role  mapping  between  the  TEFIS  heterogeneous  systems  and  a  distributed  authorization  service  that  provides  consistent   authorization   decision   based   on   roles   throughout   the   TEFIS   system     (which   allow   defining  policies  and  managing  access  request).  

2.1.7. Outline  of    ID  management  functionalities  For  the    ID  management  the  following  macro-­‐  functionalities  have  been  identified:  

• Creation  of  the  account  and  synchronization  

• Identity  and/or  credential  propagation  

Where   both   these   items   should   be   managed   in   a   flexible   way,   in   order   to   handle,   as   efficiently   as  possible,  the  heterogeneity  of  the  user  management  systems  of  the  services  and  testbeds.  

Accounts  creation  and  synchronization  

This  macro-­‐functionality  deals  with  the  registration  of  a  new  TEFIS  user  and  the  creation  of  an  account  on  the  other  services  and  testbed.  Two  main  classes  of  external  components  are  considered:  

• components  that  exposes  user  creation  interfaces  

• component  that  does  not  expose  any  automatic  user  creation  method  

In  the  first  case,  synchronous  CRUD  (Create,  Read,  Update,  Delete)  operations  on  user  databases  should  be  provided.    This  means  that  if  a  TEFIS  user  is  created  (i.e.  a  new  user  is  added  in  TEFIS  user  database),  an  account  bound  to  the  TEFIS  original  user  account    is  automatically  created  also  in  TEFIS  services  and  testbeds,  that  means  that  new  user  accounts  are  added  in  the  databases  of  the  services  or  testbeds.    

This   approach   applies   only   to   those   the   external   components   (testbed)  which   already   (or  will)   expose  user  management  interface  accessible  from  TEFIS  This  goal  could  be  reached  using  existing  or  innovative  technologies  of  federation  and  user  synchronization  (that  will  be  discussed  later  in  this  paragraph).  

Whenever  the  first  approach   is  not  applicable,  an  user  association  (identity  binding)  module  should  be  provided.  With  this  module,  it  should  be  possible  to  associate,  from  TEFIS  portal,  a  TEFIS  user  account  to  those   user   accounts   already   existing   on   external   services   or   testbed.   This   implies   that   the   user’s  credentials   (that   is   all   information   necessary   for   authentication,   either   by   login/password   pairs,   ssh  private  keys,  or  certificates,)  must  be  stored  in  a  repository  inside  the  TEFIS  system.  This  repository  must  be  secured  with  strong  security  mechanisms   (high  encryption)  and   the  access   to  credentials   should  be  protected   in  order   to  prevent   that  malicious  person  unlawfully  gain   root  privileges   to   the  TEFIS   server  and  impersonate  some  registered  user.    

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 Identity  and/or  credential  propagation  

This  macro-­‐functionality  deals  with  mechanisms  for  securing  access  to  the  TEFIS  services  and  testbed.  

 As   for   the   account   management,   also   in   this   case   two   different   classes   of   services   or   testbeds   are  considered.  For  those  components  which  support  identity  federation,  i.e.  they  are  able  to  trust  users  of  another  (federated)  domain,  the  user  identity  could  be  propagated  from  the  TEFIS  system.  For  the  other  cases,   the   user   credentials   associated   to   the   specific   service   or   testbed   could   be   fetched   from   the  internal  credential  repository  and  then  used  to  perform  the  required  operations.  

Finally,  when   the   federation   approach   is   applicable,   it   should   be   included   also   a  mechanism   for     role  mapping  between  the  TEFIS  heterogeneous  systems  and  a  distributed  authorization  service  that  provides  consistent   authorization   decision   based   on   roles   throughout   the   TEFIS   system     (which   allow   defining  policies  and  managing  access  request).  

2.1.8. Proposed  Identity  management  and  federation  solutions  Here   is   a   brief   summary   of   some   solutions     for   the   implemention   of   identity   management   and  federation.  

Single  Sign  On  solutions  A  number  of  different  single  sign-­‐on  authentication  options  are  available,  as  presented  here:  

Technology   Description   Applied  to  TEFIS   Requirements  


This   is   an   open   standard  allowing   for   the   distributed  authentication  of  users  against  traditional   or   other  credentials.   Now   available  from  many  different  providers  such   as   Google,   the   BBC,   IBM  and  PayPal  amongst  others.  

Would   provide   a   simple  mechanism   for   TEFIS-­‐internal   single   sign-­‐on  access.   It   may   also   be  extensible   to   TEFIS-­‐external  resources  if  they  support  the  standard.   It   may   be   used  readily   in   association   with  other   mechanisms   such   as  object  capabilities.  

1. Single  sign-­‐on    

2. TEFIS  internal  access  

3. Credential  storage  

(Less  clear  for  TEFIS  external  resources)  


A   standards-­‐based,   open  source   software   package  allowing   web-­‐based   signal  sign-­‐on   inside   and   beyond  individual   organisations.  Extended   security   features  allow  users  to  maintain  control  over   what   is   shared   with  individual  applications.  

As   above.   There   may   be  some   added   advantages   for  the   user   with   respect   to  allowing   added   control   of  what   information   is   passed  and   to   whom.   May   also  provide   a   simple   means   for  handling  TEFIS-­‐internal  and  –external  access.  

1. Single  sign-­‐on  

2. TEFIS  internal  access  

3. TEFIS  external  access  (if  supported)  

4. Credential  storage  

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Provides   identity   validation  and  access  control  to  data  and  applications   within   an  organisation.  

Would   provide   straight-­‐forward   support   for   access  control   within   the   TEFIS  domain.   This   is   not   so   clear  for   TEFIS-­‐external   resources.  In  addition,  access  control  to  data   and   structures   is  already   managed   by   iRODS  for  the  data  services  in  TEFIS.  

1. Single  sign-­‐on  

2. TEFIS  internal  access  

3. Credential  stoarge  

(Not  clear  for  TEFIS  external  resources)  


Authentication   of   a   user   is  performed   at   the   home  domain  and  the  autorisation  is  performed   at   the   guest  institution.  A  user   is   identified  by   a   username   and   a   realm  name,   which   is     used   to  identify   the   home   institution  of  the  user.  The  authentication  infrastructure   is   achieved  by  a  pool  of  RADIUS  servers.  

Would   allow   single   sign-­‐on  access   for   TEFIS-­‐internal  systems.   If   TEFIS-­‐external  systems  support  it,  it  may  be  extensible.    

1. Single  sign-­‐on  

2. TEFIS  internal  access  

3. Tefis  external  access  (if  supported)  

There  are  many  different  technologies  available  which  may  suit  the  TEFIS  platform  requirements.  From  the  summary  information  above,  the  outstanding  issue  in  most  cases  will  be  access  to  the  TEFIS  external  testbed  resources.  At  the  very   least,   there   is  a  requirement  for  the  testbed  to  support  the  standard  or  technology  selected.    

Within  the  TEFIS  domain,  therefore,  there  are  a  number  of  different  solutions  available  which  support  a  single  access  mechanism  for  the  TEFIS  experimenter  to  be  able  to  use  the  TEFIS-­‐internal  components.  It  is   less   clear   how   access   to   external   resources,   such   as   the   testbeds   can   be   managed   within   a   single  solution.  The  following  sections  outline  some  of  the  related  issues.  

Credential  storage  on  TEFIS  servers  The  simplest  solution  we  can  think  of  is  to  store  all  the  credentials  from  the  various  systems  on  the  TEFIS  servers.  Thus,  information  necessary  for  authentication,  either  by  login/password  pairs,  ssh  private  keys,  or  certificates,  are  stored  on  the  server  separately  for  each  user.  When  a  user  logs  onto  the  TEFIS  portal,  his/her  credentials  are  used  to  establish  connections  with  the  different  systems  and  thus  give  access  to  all  available  resources.  

The  main  drawback  of  this  solution  is  that  it  allows  a  malicious  person,  who  has  unlawfully  gained  root  privileges  to  the  TEFIS  server  to  impersonate  any  registered  user.  In  that  case,    the  malicious  person  can  delete  and  alter  data  of  all  users  on  the  different  systems,  and,  more  importantly,  use  the  resources  for  malevolent  acts  (e.g.  worm  and  denial-­‐of-­‐service  attacks).  

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Credential  Vault  Service  

This   solution  enables   the  secure  storage  of  authentication   information  on  TEFIS  servers.  However,   this  information   is   stored   separately  and  encrypted.  Decryption  of   information  can  be  achieved  only  when  the   user   enters   his/her   login/password   pair   on   the   TEFIS   portal.   Decryption   is   performed   using   that  information.  The  authentication  information,  either  ssh  key,  certificate,  or  login  and  password,  is  stored  in  files  or  in  a  database  but  is  unusable  if  the  user  has  not  used  his/her  TEFIS  credentials.  

Although   this   solution  cannot  be  effective   if  experimenter’s   login  and  password  are  stolen,   it  prevents  impersonation  by  someone  who  managed  to  gain  root  privileges  on  the  TEFIS  server.  

2.2. Monitoring  

2.2.1. Reasons  for  Monitoring  Experiments   on   the   TEFIS   platform   must   be   instrumented   somehow   to   provide   the   measurements  necessary  to  prove  or  disprove  the  test  hypothesis.  Figure  5  presents  key  elements  and  their  relations  to  a  monitoring  process  in  the  context  of  TEFIS.    

In   TEFIS,   Experimental   tests   are   executed   upon   a   Virtual   Customer   Testbed   (VCT),   consisting   of  resources  across  administrative  domains  or  testbeds.  These  experiment-­‐specific  resources  vary  ranging  from   physical   hardware   resources,   virtual   machines,   operational   software   components   and  applications.  Each  resource  has  certain  features  and  characteristics  that  an  experimenter  believes  to  be  of   interest   and   to   need   to   be   observed.   Such   features   of   interest   and   any   related   behaviour   are  regarded   as   the   basis   for   the   evaluation   of   a   test   run.   The  monitoring   data   by   some  measurement  procedure  are  applied  to  the  features  of  interest  at  some  time  or  during  some  time  period.  Metrics  are  labels   associated   with   monitoring   data,   denoting   what   feature   of   interest   they   refer   to   and,   if  appropriate,  by  which  measurement  procedure   they  are  obtained.  Constraints  define  bounds  on   the  values   that  monitoring   data   should   take,   and   also   refer   to  metrics   so   it   is   clear   to   which   data   they  pertain.  Therefore  the  test  is  defined  as  a  set  of  constraints  and  metrics  which  have  have  a  significant,  observable  effect  on  the  resource,  resource  features  and  any  related  behaviour.  It  is  the  responsibility  of   the   testbed   facility   to   apply   the   metrics   and   constraints   to   the   resource   features   and   measure  quantifiable  aspects  of  behaviour.  Finally  such  measurable  effects  need  to  be  made  accessible   to   the  experimenter   in   either   a   simple   set  of   log   files   containing   the  monitoring  data  or   some   collated  and  processed  form.    

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Figure 5: Key elements relations of monitoring process.

2.2.2. Requirements  The  design  of  the  whole  monitoring  process  is  based  on  the  following  assumptions  or  prerequisites:  

• It   is   assumed   that   a   testbed   provider   will   publish   resource   offerings     along   with   related  monitoring  capabilities.    

• It  is  assumed  that  an  experimenter  will  define  desired  monitoring  configurations  by  aggregation  of  or  derivation  from  monitoring  capabilities  supplied  by  testbed  providers.    

• It   is   assumed   that   testbed   facilities   will   measure   monitoring   data   during   the   runtime   of   an  experiment  and  make  them  available  to  the  TEFIS  platform.  

Based  on  these  assumptions,   the  functional  requirements  relating  for  offering  monitoring  capabilities  throughout  the  experiment  lifecycle  are  identified  as  follows.  

• Monitoring   configuration  management:   TEFIS  monitoring   solutions  must   provide  management  facilities   that   allow   testbed   providers   and   experimenters   to   create,   view,   update,   and   revoke  monitoring  configurations  related  to  shared  resource  types  or  experiments.  

• Monitoring  data  collection:  TEFIS  monitoring  solutions  should  be  able  to  gather  monitoring  data  and  apply  predefined  monitoring  configurations  during  an  experiment  execution.        

• Monitoring  data  storage:  Once  monitoring  data  have  been  gathered   from  testbeds,   these  data  need  to  be  stored  in  a  secure  manner  for  later  analysis.  

• Monitoring   data   reporting:   Monitoring   data   should   be   reportable   to   an   experimenter   for  analysis.   An   experimenter   can   define   the   desired   reporting   strategies,   for   example,   reporting  

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only  events  of  interest  by  comparing  with  thresholds.  Reported  data,  either  raw  monitoring  data  or   filtered   events,   can   also   be   reported   using   visualisation   tools   for   example   supplied   by   the  TEFIS  portal.    

Table  2  summarises  these  requirements  in  relation  to  the  stages  of  thec  experiment  lifecycle  affected  and   the  core   services   responsible  as  defined  within   the  TEFIS  platform.  The  experiment   lifecycle   is  determined  over  three  stages:   the  design  stage,   the  execution  stage,  and  the  analysis  stage,   in   the  context  of  a  monitoring  process.  Further  details  of   individual  experimental  stages  and  data  models  will  be  given  in  Section  2.2.3.  

Table 2: List of requirements with the stages of the experiment lifecycle affected and the entities responsible

Requirement   Stage(s)   Responsibility  

Monitoring  configuration  management   Experiment  design   • Supervison  module  

Monitoring  data  gathering   Experiment  execution   • Supervision  module  

• Connector  

Monitoring  data  storage   Experiment  execution   • Supervision  module  

• RPRS  

Monitoring  data  reporting   Experiment   execution  and  Experiment  analysis  

• TEFIS   Portal   (   especially   the  Experimental  Data  Interface)  

• RPRS  

2.2.3. Data  Models  This   section   discusses   conceptual   models   of   the   proposed   monitoring   process   throughout   the  experiment   lifecycle.   The   data  model   in   Figure   6   is   a   colour-­‐coded:   all   filled   shapes   relate   to   entities  which  are  relevant  at  design  time,  whereas  framed,  unfilled  entities  relate  to  execution  time.  Further,  all  orange  entities,  filled  as  well  as  framed,  refer  to  resource  management  whereas  all  blue  entities  relate  to  execution  management.  

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Testbed ProviderExperimenter






TriggerEvent Constraint

Has monitoring capabilities












Monitoring requirements

Input Data Output Data

Input data spaceOutput data space

Refers to

Applies toApplies to

Monitoring Data

Instance of

Has instances

Derived from



Executes on

Executes on

Instance of


Experiment  Design Experiment  DesignExperiment  Execution


Refers to

Measurement Procedure


Monitoring data repository


Experiment  Analysis

Monitoring Report

Generated from


Figure 6: Data model of experiment design and execution stages with monitoring capabilities

Experiment  Design  At  the  experiment  design  phase,  an  experimenter  defines  an  execution  requirement  and  a  resourcing  requirement.   The   execution   requirement   is   represented   as   a   testplan,   a   workflow   consisting   of   a  sequence  of  tasks  that  contribute  to  the  overall  test  goal.  Currently  a  task  is  defined  as  “an  atomic  step  of   an  experiment   test  plan”   [2]  which  means  a   task   can  only  be   scheduled   for   execution  on  a   single  testbed.   The   current   implementation   of   user   tools   [1]   also   prohibits   a   user   from   defining   a   task  resourced   across   multiple   testbeds.   It   is   worth   noting   that   discussions   are   ongoing   within   the  consortium   to   refine   the   term   “task”   as   user-­‐focused   tasks   as   opposed   to   testbed-­‐focused   tasks  because  the  workflow  will  be  executed  by  the  experimenter  and  the  experimenter   is  concerned  with  logical   steps,   but   not   how   they   are   executed.   The  monitoring   solutions   proposed   in   this   section   are  based  on   the  current  definition  and   implementation:   that   is,  a   single   task  can  only  be  executed  on  a  single   testbed.   It   is   possible   to   update   the   proposed  monitoring   solutions   accordingly   at   some   later  stage.   During   the   design   phase,   an   experimenter   also   needs   to   specify   resourcing   requirements   by  choosing   appropriate   resource   types.   Again,   one   task   can   only   be   run   on   resources   from   the   same  testbed.        

Here   we   propose   two   types   of   monitoring   configuration   within   the   experiment   design   stage:   the  resource   monitoring   template   and   the   task   monitoring   template,   which   are   defined   by   testbed  providers  and  experimenters  respectively  at  experiment  design  phase.    

As  shown   in  Figure  6,   the  resource  monitoring  templates  are  provided  by  a  testbed  provider  and  are  attached   to   a   particular   resource   type   or   resource   specification.   A   resource   monitoring   template  

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specifies   monitoring   capabilities,   including   the   set   of   features   of   interest,   presented   as   metric  definitions,  and  events  of  interest,  presented  as  triggering  events.  As  the  examples  given  in  Table  3  and  Table  4  show,  a  VM  resource  monitoring  configuration  defines  two  metrics,  the  average  CPU  load  and  the  average  memory   load,   the  data  value  of  which  are   to  be  gathered  every  100  milliseconds;   three  trigger  events  to  send  alerts  to  the  experimenter  if  the  average  CPU  load  is  either  too  high  (above  80%)  or  too  low  (below  30%)  continuously  for  the  previous  three  minutes  and  if  memory  usage  is  abnormally  high  when  the  value  is  continuously  over  90%  for  the  previous  five  minutes.  

Table 3: Example metric and constraint definitions

Resource  Type   Metric   Unit   Data  Type   Constraint  


VM   cpu.load.avg   %   float   100  milliseconds  

mem.load.avg   %   float   100  milliseconds  


Table 4: Example trigger event and constraint definitions

Resource  Type   Trigger  Event   Constraint  

Low   High   Alert  period  

VM   The  VM  is  overloaded   -­‐   80%   3  minutes  

VM  is  under  utilisation   30%   -­‐   3  minutes  

The  memory  usage  is  abnormally  high     90%   5  minutes  


Based  on  the  resource  monitoring  templates,  experimenters  can  define  monitoring  configurations  for  their   tasks.   As   illustrated   in   Figure   6,   each   task   will   have   a   single   task   monitoring   template   that  aggregates  the  full  set  or  subset  of  metrics,  trigger  events  and  constraints  as  defined  with  the  resource  monitoring  template  for  the  resources  on  which  a  task   is  to  be  executed.  A  task  monitoring  template  can  also  define  custom  metrics  that  are  derivable  from  those  defined  within  the  resource  monitoring  templates,  custom  triggering  events  and  constraints.  It  is  worth  noting  that  a  task  monitoring  template  can  only  aggregate  metrics,  triggering  events  and  constraints  from  the  resource  monitoring  templates  of  the  same  testbed,  as  a  task  is  an  atomic  schedulable  entity  in  TEFIS.  A  task  may  have  more  than  one  monitoring  template  for  different  monitoring  purposes,  but  only  one  monitoring  template  will  be  active  at  a  time.  These  active  task  monitoring  templates  become  the  monitoring  configuration  of  a  test  plan.  

Experiment  Execution  After  defining  execution  and  resourcing  requirements,  a  testplan  can  be  submitted  to  start  a  testrun,  or  particular  run  of  a  testplan.  In  order  to  acquire  testbed  resources  for  a  testrun,  a  resource  procurement  process   is   triggered   to  book  resource   instances  according   to   resourcing   requirements  specified  by  an  experimenter  at  experiment  design  phase.  The  output  of  the  resource  procurement  process  is  the  VCT,  

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an  agreed  resource  booking  consisting  of  resource  instances  and  their  connections.  After  that,  a  testrun  can  be  orchestrated   and   scheduled   to   execute  upon   the  VCT.  A   testrun   is   also   allocated   a   space   for  input   and   output   data.   For   each   of   the   tasks   defined   within   a   testplan,   there   is   a   corresponding  execution   instance,   which   takes   input   data   specified   at   the   design   stage   from   the   input   space   and  generates  output  data,  if  any,  to  be  written  to  the  allocated  output  space.    

During   the   runtime  of   the  an  execution   instance,  measurement  procedures   take  effect  and  generate  monitoring  data,  metric  values  and  triggering  events,  according  to  the  constraints  specified  within  the  task   monitoring   configurations.   These   monitoring   data   are   gathered   and   cached   into   a   centralised  monitoring  data  repository.    

Experiment  Analysis  On   completion   of   an   execution   instance,   output   data   for   the   execution   instance   along   with   raw  monitoring  data  values  and/or   registered  events  of   interest     are   saved   to   the   relevant  output   space.  These  monitoring  data  can  be  viewed  and  used  for  analysis  by  an  experimenter  to  evaluate  the  testrun.  An  experimenter  may  also  download  and  import  monitoring  data  into  third-­‐party  analysis  tools  through  the  portal.  

2.2.4. Monitoring  Process  The   supervision  module   is   the   key   enabling   component   for  monitoring   processes   in   TEFIS.   The  main  design  objectives  of  the  supervision  module  are  to:  

• Provide  resource  and  task  monitoring  configuration  management  facilities  for  experimenters  and  testbed  providers  at  design  phase;  

• Enable   the   monitoring   process   at   runtime,   including   applying   task   monitoring   configurations  when  an  execution  starts,  gather  registered  features  and  events  of   interests,  and  save  them  at  runtime,  and  report  monitoring  data  values  to  an  experimenter  on  completion  of  an  execution  instance.  

Monitoring  Configuration  Management  In   order   to   enable  monitoring   processes  while   running   a   test,   an   experimenter   needs   to   define   task  monitoring  configurations   for  a   testplan  at  experiment  design  phase.  Figure  7   illustrates   the   flow   for  the   definition   of   task   monitoring   configurations   at   the   design   phase.   It   highlights   the   fact   that   the  definition   of   task   monitoring   configurations   depends   on   the   availability   of   resource   monitoring  configurations  for  the  resource  types  available  on  the  TEFIS  platform.    


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Testbed ProviderExperimenter Portal Experiment Manager

Supervision Module

request  to  upload  a  resource  monitoring  template


Present  a  form  for  monitoring  configuration



Upload  a  resource  monitoring  template



HTTP  response  200

Confirmation  message

Redirect  user  to  a  confirmation  page

Create  test  monitoring  configurations

View  monitoring  configurations  of  a  resource  spec  per  defined  task





Presents  a  list  of  metrics,  trigger  events,  and  associate  constraints}

Create  a  monitoring  config.  spaceHTTP  RESTFul  POST


HTTP  response  200

Configuration  message

Redirect  to  configuration  page

Get  Resource  monitoring  configurations


Customise  ResMonSpec  by  select/deselect  metrics,  trigger  events  and  define  constraints

Save  to  new  TaskMonTemplate

Create  a  new  taskMonTemplate

{TaskMonTemplate} HTTP  RESTful  POST


HTTP  response  200

Configuration  messageRedirect

Loop  for  each  resource  spec  per  defined  task

Figure 7: Monitoring configuration management at experiment design phase

Both  testbed  providers  and  experimenters  can  create  resource/task  monitoring  configurations  through  the  TEFIS  portal.  A  testbed  provider  should  be  able  to  register  a  resource  type  along  with  its  monitoring  configurations   as   offerings   to   monitoring   capabilities.   An   experimenter   can   then   view   resource  monitoring   capabilities   of   resource   types   to   which   a   task   is   to   be   contracted,   and   define   a   task  monitoring   template   by   aggregating  monitoring   configurations   for   the   target   resource   types.   A   task  may  have  multiple  task  monitoring  templates  associated  with  it  for  different  evaluation  purposes,  but  only  one  template  is  active  at  any  one  time.    

Therefore   the   supervision   module   should   provide   manageability   interfaces   for   monitoring  configuration   management,   in   particular   to   create,   update,   view,   list   and   delete   resource/task  monitoring   templates.     The   monitoring   configuration   management   features   can   be   implemented   in  

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many  ways.  As  the  example  workflow  illustrated  in  Figure  2.3,  the  supervision  module  exhibits  RESTful  manageability   interfaces,   which   operate   on   a   conceptual   repository   of   resource/task   monitoring  templates.   Security   is   an   important   non-­‐functional   feature   yet   to   be   implemented   to   protect   task  monitoring  configurations  from  access  by  other  experimenters  than  the  owner.    

Monitoring  processing  at  experiment  runtime  The   diagram   depicted   in   Figure   8   gives   an   idea   of   the  main   interactions   between   the   core   services  components  and  other  TEFIS  components  involved  in  the  monitoring  process  at  experiment  execution  runtime.    

When  a  testrun  starts,  the  workflow  scheduler  orchestrates  and  spawns  execution  instances  on  a  per  task  basis  to  procured  resource  instances  across  testbeds.  During  execution,  the  TEFIS  Experiment  and  Workflow   Scheduler   needs   to   determine   when   to   start   the   monitoring   process.   For   example   a  monitoring  process  can  be  started  immediately  when  scheduling  an  execution  instance  if  the  execution  is  short-­‐lived  and  without  a  preceding  execution  instance,  while  a  monitoring  process  can  be  delayed  while   waiting   for   the   completion   of   a   preceding   execution   instance.   Once   a   monitoring   process   is  triggered,  it  is  the  responsibility  of  testbed  monitoring  facilities  to  measure  monitoring  data.  The  main  responsibility   of   the   Supervision  Module   is   then   to   apply   task-­‐specific  monitoring   configurations   and  gather  monitoring  data  across  testbeds  through  generic  connector  APIs.  Runtime  monitoring  data  and  triggering  events  will  be  cached  by  the  Supervision  Module.  

On   completion   of   a   testrun,   the   monitoring   process   needs   to   be   revoked.   The   workflow   scheduler  keeps   monitoring   the   state   of   an   execution   instance.   When   the   “completed”   state   is   observed,   it  contacts   the   supervision   module   to   stop   the   monitoring   process.   The   supervision   module   will   then  make   monitoring   data   available   to   the   experimenter   and   report   either   the   whole   bunch   of   raw  monitoring   data   or   only   registered   events   of   interest   depending   on   the   agreed   reporting   strategies  defined  in  the  active  task  monitoring  template  to  the  execution-­‐specific  output  spaces.    

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Experiment Manager

Supervision Module RPRS Connector-TBx TBx

Submit  Execution

Workflow Scheduler


Request  execution



Execution-­‐idCreate  a  workspace  for  execution-­‐id

Create  a  workspace  for  testrun-­‐id


Workspace  id

Execution-­‐id,  startMon:boolean

Workspace  id

Start  Monitoring



Get  Monitoring  data

Get  monitoring  data

Monitoring  data

Loop  while  execution

Get  state



Stop  Monitoring

{Execution-­‐id} Send  monitoring  data  to  output  space

Loop  for  each  task

apply  task  monitoring  template

Figure 8: Monitoring process and interactions at the experiment runtime phase

2.2.5. Monitoring  for  the  eTravel  Use  Case  The   following   table   summarises   the   eTravel   use   case,   step   by   step,   and   the   associated   Monitoring  activity.  

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Table 5: Proposed monitoring solutions for e-Travel use case

Step   Description   Comments   Monitoring  

1   Software   developer  creates   a   TEFIS  account  

Various   TEFIS   components   are   involved  with  the  initial  creation  of  a  user  account.  

The   Supervision   Module  collaborates  with   the  other  TEFIS   components   to  associate   the   user   account  credentials   with  appropriate   user  credentials   in   the  monitoring  sub-­‐system.  

2   Specification  of  the  experiment  by  the  user  (portal);  there  are  two  steps:  

1.  non-­‐regression  tests  using  ETICS,  

2. stress  test  using  PacaGrid  and/or  PlanetLab.  

Description  of  the  desired  SLA,  stress  factors  (number  of  resources  and  input  load  –  bigger  log  files  or  several  in  a  same  time  frame)  

A  new  experiment  is  created  within  the  TEFIS  portal,  using  the  Experiment  Manager.  The  Experiment  Manager  creates  the  necessary  structures  on  behalf  of  the  experimenter  as  part  of  this  process.  


In   conjunction   with   any  SLA-­‐management   facility  within   TEFIS,   the  Supervision   Module  maintains   a   reference   to  the   appropriate   SLA   as  directed  by   the  Experiment  Manager.  10  

3   Store   experiment  description   in   TEFIS  portal  

                                                                                                                         10   This   is   the  platform  monitoring   scenario   for   SLA   terms  agreed  between  experimenters  and   the  TEFIS  platform  provider.  Further  details  are  given  in  section  2.2.6.  

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Step   Description   Comments   Monitoring  

4   Initial   configuration  of   ETICS   is   done   via  TEFIS,   the   rest   using  the   WS-­‐API,   reports  are  fed  back  to  the  portal    

These  steps  are  related  to  TEFIS  workflow  definition,  testbeds  configuration  and  experiment  submission  to  TEFIS  platform.  We  first  need  to  define  the  set  of  resources  we  would  like  to  use  among  the  available  testbeds,  the  order/conditions  in  which  one  we  want  to  use  them  and  configure  the  testbeds  directly  from  our  TEFIS  workspace:  

1.  We  first  want  to  use  ETICS  to  build  the  application  directly  from  the  SVN  repository  and  run  one  or  several  test  suites.  We  fill  in  the  configuration  of  ETICS.  The  configuration  contains  every  dependencies  we  need  to  build  the  application,  either  we  specify  where  to  get  them  or  we  upload  them.  We  also  fill  in  the  ant  command  to  launch  the  build/test  processes  and  the  SVN  command  to  check  out  the  project.  During  this  step,  only  Java  JARs/Applications  dependencies  are  needed,  no  need  for  native  applications.  

2.  Depending  on  the  result  of  the  build  and  test  suite  processes,  we  deploy  the  application  on  PACA  Grid  testbed.  The  configuration  of  the  application  is  very  dynamic.  As  depicted  in  D2.1.1,  the  e-­‐Travel  application  is  a  multi-­‐tier  application  which  involves  several  separated  application  containers  and  database  that  directly  exchange  messages,  i.e.,  on  well-­‐known  URLs,  ports...  Hence  we  need  to  identify  the  configuration  files  which  need  

As   resources   are   selected  to  support   the   testrun,  any  monitoring   capabilities  registered  for  the  resources  are   presented   to   the  experimenter.   The  experimenter   thus   defines  the   task   monitoring  configurations  on  a  per  test  step  basis  to  be  provided  in  association   with   the  resources   defined   by   the  experimenter.   The  configuration   would  typically   include   the  metrics  to  be  collected  and  any   local   treatment   to   be  applied  to  the  metrics.  

5   Provide  Application  +  software   and   non-­‐regression   tests   to  ETICS   (configuration  files  –  SVN  repository,  dependencies...)    


6   Prepare   a   workflow  to   conduct   the   test  (tasks  and  number  of  nodes)    


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Step   Description   Comments   Monitoring  

7   Send  a  job,  which  will  be   executed   when  resources   become  available  

to  be  modified  to  make  the  deployment  succeed,  and  we  need  to  be  able  to  replace  the  relevant  pieces  of  information  once  they  will  be  available  (like  the  machine  hosting  the  given  services...).  

Two  points  of  view  for  this  feature:  

• TEFIS  implements  its  own  pattern  matching  engine  with  its  own  properties  and  characteristics,  i.e.  it  implies  that  a  separate  branch  on  the  SVN  repository  needs  to  be  created  and  synchronized  to  be  directly  checked  out  and  ran  by  TEFIS.  

• TEFIS  uses  a  plug-­‐in  mechanism  to  provide  users  with  the  capability  to  implement  their  own  pattern  matching  mechanism  to  generate  the  appropriate  configuration  files  once  the  deployment  of  the  resources  has  been  done.  

The  components  which  need  a  dynamic  configuration  are:  

• an  Intalio  server,  hosted  in  a  Tomcat  container  

• the  Parallel  Services  engine,  also  hosted  in  a  Tomcat  container  

• a  MySQL  database  (we  could  also  use  a  native  Java/XML  database  if  a  MySQL  database  cannot  be  deployed  on  nodes)  

• and  several  worker  nodes  (ProActive  nodes)  directly  connected  to  the  MySQL  database.  



The   supervision   module  then   creates   a   monitoring  workspace   for   caching  incoming   monitoring   data  from   the   execution  instance.   Once   an  execution   instance,   the  build   job,   starts,   the  workflow   scheduler  instructs   the   supervision  module   to   start   a  monitoring   process,   which  will   continue   to   gather  monitoring  data  and  events  of  interest  from  ETICS.  

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Step   Description   Comments   Monitoring  

8   Get  the  source  code  package  from  ETICS  if  not  currently  available  locally    

Steps  8-­‐12  are  only  TEFIS  internal,  we  don't  want  to  configures  things  manually  whilst  the  application  is  deploying  or  already  deployed.  Every  needed  software,  configurations  files...  need  to  be  dynamically  modified  and  provisioned  on  the  target  nodes.  In  detail  it  means:  

1. ETICS  build  

If   the   build   succeeds,   book   required   nodes  on   PACA   Grid;   identify   which   nodes   will  host   which   services   to   be   able   to   run   the  pattern   matching   mechanism   and   update  the   content   of   the   configuration   files.  Afterward,   upload   relevant   content  (software+conf)   to   each   nodes   and   start  the   services   (certainly   Intaglio  and  Parallel  Services  on  separated  nodes).  At  this  point,  the   e-­‐Travel   deployment   ends,   and   the  entire   application   is   finally   started.   At   the  end  of  the  test,  clean  up  everything  

The   workflow   scheduler  stops   the   monitoring  process,   and   the  Supervision   module   will  report   monitoring   data   to  the  output  space  within  the  RPRS.  

9   Select  PlanetLab  and  PACAGrid  nodes    

As   above,   the   Supervision  Module   creates  monitoring  workspaces   for   the   task   to  be   scheduled   on   PlanetLab  and   PACAGrid.   Active   task  monitoring   templates   will  be  applied.    

10   Prepare  Virtual  machines  (  install  required  software:  database,  libraries,  and  so  forth.  )    

11   Deploy  the  code  to  the  PlanetLab  and  PacaGRID  nodes  

12   Execute  the  tests    

The   Workflow   Scheduler  instructs   the   Supervision  Module   to   start   the  monitoring   process   once   it  determines   executions  have   started.   The  Supervision   Module   will  keep  gathering  and  caching  monitoring   data   and  triggering   events   from  PACAGrid  and  PlanetLab  by  applying   constraints  defined   within   task  monitoring  templates.  

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Step   Description   Comments   Monitoring  

13   Collect  the  data  manually11  or  from  CoMon  (network  monitoring  service  –  load,  client  ids,  ...)    

From  steps  13  to  16  we  are  notified  about  the  fact  that  some  metrics  are  available.  Depending  on  the  results,  we  can  decide  interactively  to  run  the  step  2  of  the  experiment  again  (only  PACA  Grid  deployment)  or  exit  the  experiment.  In  the  case  we  want  to  run  the  application  again,  the  experiment  flow  gets  back  to  step  4  to  7  where  we  would  like  to  change  input  of  the  experiment  and  refine  the  collected  values.  



14   The  user  is  notified  of  the  end  of  the  experiment    

When  execution  completes,  the   workflow   scheduler  stops   the   monitoring  process   through   the  supervision   module’s   APIs.  Monitoring   data   are  transferred   by   the  supervision   module   to   the  output  space  within  RPRS.    

15   Experimenter  can  decide  to  re-­‐run  the  experiment  depending  on  the  data  collected.  He  can  launch  the  test  again  and  decide  to  include  new  worker  nodes  to  the  experiment,  change  experiment  input,  and  refine  the  data  set  to  be  collected.  At  this  point,  he  can  also  exit  the  experiment.    

As   above.   New   monitoring  configuration   settings  would   have   to   be  generated   via   the  Experiment   Manager  during   resource   definition,  if  required.  

                                                                                                                         11  It  may  be  possible  for  the  TEFIS  monitoring  agent  to  contact  CoMon  directly  to  retrieve  the  monitoring  output,  such  that  no  manual  process  will  be  required.  

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Step   Description   Comments   Monitoring  

16   The  experiment  restarts  from  step  7.    

As   above.   Note   that   the  data   for   individual   testruns  would  be  retained  locally  or  remotely   until   the  experimenter   releases  them   or   transfers   them  elsewhere.   The   TEFIS  platform   would  automatically  clean  up  such  data  in  accordance  with  the  terms   of   any   contract  between   the   platform   and  the  experimenter.  

2.2.6. Types  of  Monitoring  In  TEFIS,  we  have  identified  three  types  of  monitoring  scenario:  

Resource  monitoring  The  proposed  monitoring  solutions  discussed  up  so  far  focus  on  the  resource  monitoring  scenario,  where  an   experimenter   utilises   native  monitoring   capabilities   supplied   by   participating   testbeds   in   TEFIS.   An  experimenter   can   only   define   custom   constraints,   events   of   interest,   and   custom  metrics   by   deriving  them  from  existing  monitoring  capabilities  supported  by  testbed  resources.    

Application  instrumentation  and  monitoring  In   addition   to   the   underlying   testbed   resources   and   their   native   monitoring   capabilities,   we   must  consider   the   application   or   test   itself.   The   same   conceptual   operational   architecture   is   assumed:   the  application  will  have  been  developed  with   suitable  monitoring  capabilities  and  use   some   form  of   local  storage  to  keep  a  record  or  log  file  of  the  output  from  the  application  either  in  operational  terms  or  as  the   result   of   user   interaction.   It   is   likely   that   TEFIS  will   need   to   offer   some   guidance   or   templates   for  experimenters  to  provide  suitable  instrumentation  which  may  then  be  integrated  with  TIDS  in  a  similar  way   to   the   testbed   monitoring   instruments.   For   now,   it   is   important   solely   to   be   aware   of   the  assumptions   that  both   testbeds  and  applications  will  be   instrumented   to  provide  monitoring  data  and  that   there   will   be   some   integration   to   persistent   storage   using   a   Testbed   Infrastructure   Data   Service  (TIDS).    

TEFIS  platform  monitoring  As  a  service  provider,  the  TEFIS  platform  aims  at  providing  a  virtual  experiment  environment  in  a  Quality-­‐of-­‐Service   (QoS)   guaranteed   manner.   In   the   TEFIS   platform   monitoring   scenario,   a   set   of   Key  Performance   Indicators   (KPIs)  will   be   defined   to   reflect   overall   TEFIS   system   performance.   These   KPIs  form  the  basis  of  service-­‐level  agreements  (SLA)  that  are  contracted  to  the  experimenter.  A  number  of  

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recommended  KPI  metrics  are  discussed  in  [3].  A  monitoring  process  is  therefore  required  to  take  place  continuously   to  monitor  how   the  overall   TEFIS   system  performed  and   to  provide   information   to  TEFIS  platform   administrators   for   performance   improvement.   As   the   contractor,   the   experimenter  may   also  need  to  agree  on  service  obligations  in  addition  to  service  commitments  offered  by  the  TEFIS  platform.  Such  obligations  as  maximum  usage  and  number  of   testruns  per  day  are  useful   for  usage  policing  and  accounting  purposes.  Therefore  the  TEFIS  platform  monitoring  process  also  needs  to  measure  the  usage  metrics  of  experimenters’  activities.    

For  now,  we  should  focus  on  the  resource  monitoring  scenario  although  efforts  continue  to  be  applied  for  the  enablement  of  TEFIS  platform  monitoring.      

Living  Lab  resource  monitoring  There   is   no  monitoring   needed   for  monitoring   the   usage   of   Living   Lab   assets.   This  may   change   in   the  future  depending  on  the  implementation  of  a  service-­‐based  business  model;  but  this   is  not  in  place  for  now.  

2.3. Connector  Improvements  This   section   details   the   challenges   facing   the   connector   specification   and   implementation   that  will   be  undertaken  during  the  second  year  of  project.  In  particular  we  plan  to  focus  on  two  areas:  

• the  realization  of  a  backend  web  interface  for  connectors  to  allow  connector  administrators  to  control  their  functions;  

• improvements   in   the   submission   of   executions   to   testbeds   through   the   connectors   by  realizing  a  better  exchange  of  information  between  connectors  and  TEFIS  Portal;  

These   improvements   aim   to   make   it   easier   for   testbed   owners   to   implement,   run   and   manage   the  connector  for  their  testbed.  

2.3.1. Connector’s  Backend  Interface Motivations  The  development  of  the  connectors  for  the  TEFIS  testbeds  during  the  first  year  of  the  project  highlighted  the   fact   that   for   some   connectors   it   is   difficult   to   implement   some   functionalities   expected   by   the  connector   interface   because   they   are   not   able   to   interact   programmatically   with   the   testbed,  mainly  because  the  latter  does  not  support  the  automatic  handling  of  some  functionalities.  This  happens  mainly  in  the  areas  of  data  management,  identity  management  and  execution  management.  For  instance,  it  can  happen   that   there   is   no   way   to   automatically   trigger   the   execution   of   an   experiment   on   a   testbed  because  the  testbed  has  been  designed  to  be  manually  accessed  and  run  manually  by  human  agents.  An  exemplar   case   is   the  BOTNIA   Living   Lab   testbed  where  most  of   the  activities   are   carried  out  manually  through  the  interaction  between  humans  and  the  exchange  of  documents.  

In  such  cases,  since  the  connector  cannot  communicate  directly  with  the  testbed,  the  implementation  of  the   testbed   connector   should   be   based   not   on   the   interaction   with   the   testbed   but   on   a   back-­‐end  interface  that  simulates   testbed   interaction.  The  BOTNIA  connector  design  and   implementation  adopts  this  approach  precisely.    

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Such  an  implementation  would  not  make  any  assumptions  about  the  underlying  testbed  and  potentially  would  work  as   it  does  for  any  testbed.  Providing  such  an   implementation  publicly   in  the  project  would  provide  significant  support  to  many  other  testbed  administrators  to  start  the  connection  with  the  TEFIS  system.  Moreover,  a  backend  web  interface  could  also  be  useful  for  those  connectors  that  have  a  more  standard  implementation  of  the  TCI,  mainly  for  debugging  and  testing  purposes.  

2.3.2. Backend  Interface  Functionality  For  the  design  and  implementation  of  the  backend  interface,  the  Botnia  Connector  will  be  taken  as  the  starting   point   both   for   collecting   requirements   for   features   and   for   the   implementation.   Through   the  backend  interface  (web  based)  people  at  Botnia  (who  are  actually  the  testbed)  can  manually  update  the  testbed  status  in  order  to  let  TEFIS  know  the  status  of  resources  and  executions  in  the  testbed.  Going  in  the  opposite  direction,  TEFIS  will  call  the  connector  requesting  actions  and  the  Botnia  Team  is  notified  by  the  backend  interface  (e.g.  a  new  experiment  has  been  requested,  the  execution  of  a  given  task  has  been  submitted  and  should  be  started).  

For  instance,  the  two  operations  execute  and  get_execution_status  in  connectors  allows  TEFIS  to  submit  a  task  for  execution  on  the  testbed  and  check  its  status.  In  the  case  of  Botnia,  the  task  consists  of  manual  tests   carried   out   by   humans.   In   consequence,   it   can   be   neither   programmatically   started   by   the  connector  nor  its  status  checked  programmatically.  These  operations  will  be  implemented  in  this  way  by  the  connector:  the  execute   stores   in  a  backend  database  all  details  of   the  submission.  Then  the  Botnia  team  can,  through  the  backend  web  interface,  see  from  the  database  which  executions  are  required  and  “run”   them.   The   web   interface   will   also   allow   users   to   update   the   execution   status   (stored   on   the  database).   The   get_execution_status   operation   will   read   the   status   from   the   database.   The   same  mechanism  can  be  (and  will  be)  used  also  to  implement  other  operations  in  the  connector.  

In   the   example   above,   we   have   seen   a   backend   web   interface   is   used   by   the   Botnia   Connector   to  implement   the   connector's   execution   API.   In   the   generic   backend   interface   we   plan   to   deliver   for  connectors,  the  same  will  be  done  for  following  connector's  functions:  

• add_resource(),   get_resource(),   set_configuration(),   list_resource(),   delete_resource():   these  methods  implement  the  resource  management  part  of  the  connector.  The  backend  interface  implementation  will  store  all  information  about  resources  created  through  the  connector  in  a   database   that   will   be   readable   and   updatable   by   the   backend   web   interface   giving   the  users  the  possibility  of  updating  all  information  about  resources  in  order  to  reflect  the  status  of  the  testbed;  

• execute()  and  get_execution_status():   the   implementation  will  be   the  one  presented   in   the  example  above  for  Botnia:  executions  are  stored  in  a  database  and  their  status  will  be  read  from  the  database.  The  database  can  be  manually  updated  using  the  backend  web  interface;  

• get_input_file():   for   a   given  execution,   the  web   interface  will   present   the   list   of   input   files  and   the  user  will  be  able   to  download   them.   Internally,   it  will   interact  with   the  TEFIS  data  management  system;  

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• put_output_file():  for  a  given  execution,  the  web  interface  will  present  a  form  where  the  user  can   upload   a   file   that  will   be   stored   in   the   TEFIS   data  management   system   in   the   output  folder.  

Depending  on   the  outcomes  of   the   Identity  Management   study,   connectors  may  provide  a   set  of  user  and  authorization  management  operations.   In   that  case  a  backend  web   interface  will  also  be  provided  for   those   operations.   If   this   backend   interface   for   a   connector   proves   to   be   useful,   mature   and  functional,   it   will   also   be   included   in   the   Connector   Framework   as   a   generic   implementation   that  developers  can  customize  and  use  as  starting  point  for  their  own  connector.  

2.3.3. Task  templates  

Execution  parameters  Looking   at   the   definition   of   execution   in   each   of   the   testbeds,  we   can   recognize   that   the  meaning   of  execution  varies  in  different  testbeds.  For  example,  on  PACAGrid  execution  means  run  a  script  –  or  java  class  –  in  a  virtual  machine,  for  ETICS  it  means  run  the  compilation  of  a  software  project.  In  general,  each  type  of  execution   is  characterized  by  a  different  set  of  parameters  that  the  user   (in  our  case  the  TEFIS  experimenter)  must  provide  to  the  testbed  in  order  to  execute  the  experiment  appropriately.  In  the  case  of  PACAGrid,  for  instance,  the  testbed  needs  the  script  to  be  executed,  while  for  ETICS  the  testbed  needs  the  name  of  the  software  project  to  be  compiled.    

The  parameters  required  by  each  execution  will  be  set  by  the  experimenter  in  the  TEFIS  Portal  (namely  in  the   Experiment  Manager  module)   and   then   passed   by   the   latter   to   the   different   testbeds   to   run   the  experiment.  Technically,   the  passage  of  parameters   from  the  TEFIS  Portal   to   the   testbed   is   realized  by  the  TEFIS  Portal  when  it  calls  the  execute  operations  of  the  connector.  In  fact,  the  execute  operation  has  the  following  signature:  

execute(resources: array, execution_context: dictionary):execution_id

The   connector   expects   that   the   execution_context   parameter   is   filled   with   the   list   of   all   required  parameters   for   the   execution   in   the   form   of   a   dictionary   where   the   keys   are   the   names   of   the  parameters  and  the  values  are  the  values  of  the  parameters.  

The   issue   that  has  yet   to  be   resolved   for   the   current   implementation   is  how   to  make   the  TEFIS  Portal  aware   of   which   set   of   execution   parameters   are   needed   to   be   passed   to   a   given   connector   while  requesting   an   execution.   At   present,   in   the   current   implementation,   the   experimenter   must   know  (perhaps   by   asking   the   connector   administrator)   exactly  which  parameters   he/she  must   define  before  starting  the  experiment.      

Task  templates  model  

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 In  the  current  implementation  of  TEFIS,  the  experimenter  is  not  helped  in  any  way  by  the  system  during  the  setting  of  execution  parameters.  (S)he  has  to  know  in  advance  which  parameters  are  required  by  a  testbed   to   run  a   given  execution  and   set   them   in   the  TEFIS   Experiment  Manager  module  of   the  TEFIS  Portal  specifying  the  name  and  the  value  of  each  new  parameter  (as  depicted  by  the  two  screenshots  in  

Figure  9  below.  


The  solution  to  this  issue  designed  and  expected  in  the  next  TEFIS  Portal  release  is  to  allow  connectors  to  publish  this  information  (the  parameters  required  by  the  execution).  This  information  can  be  read  by  the  Experiment  Manager  and  used  to  present  an  appropriate  view  to  the  experimenter  (for  instance,  a  web  form  where  a  value  must  be  inserted  for  each  of  the  expected  parameters).  

We  call  a  task  template  a  data  structure  that  defines  the  name  and  the  type  of  parameters  needed  by  a  given  execution.  Furthermore,  a  task  template  also  defines  resources  that  the  experimenter  must  specify  to   support   the   execution   of   that   task.   In   general   a   connector   could   define   multiple   task   templates  meaning   that   the   connector   will   accept   different   sets   of   parameters   that   could   be   translated   into  different   types   of   executions   on   the   testbed.   It   is   up   to   the   connector   developers,   depending   on   the    capabilities  of  the  testbed,  at  design  time  to  define  the  task  templates  that  the  connector  will  support.    

In  order   to  make   the  connector  capable  of  publishing   the   task   template  some  changes  and  extensions  have  had  to  be  done  in  the  connector  interface  (TEFIS  Connector  Interface  –  TCI).  In  particular:  

• a   new   operation   will   be   added   to   publish   task   templates   supported   by   the   connector:  get_task_templates().   It   does   not   take   any   parameters   and   returns   all   the   task   templates  

Figure 9: Entering task parameters in the TEFIS Experiment Manager  

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supported  by  the  connector  in  the  format  specified  in  the  section  Task  Template  XML  description  below.  

• the   execute()   operation   will   accept   two   more   parameters:   task_template   and  execution_parameters.  The  first  will  be  a  reference  to  one  of  the  execution  templates  published  by   the   connector,  while   the   second  will   be   filled  with  all   parameters   specified  by   the   selected  execution  template.  


The  new  operation  get_execution_template()  will  be  available  as  part  of   the  connector  REST   interface,  issuing  a  GET  request  to  the  following  URL:  


Task  Template  XML  description  The   get_execution_templates()   operation   will   return   an   XML   document   describing   the   templates  supported  by  the  connector.  The  format  of  the  returned  document  is:  

<task-templates connector-id=http://connector-host.org:80/>

<task-template name=”ttempl1”>


<task-template name=”ttempl2”>



Each  element  <task-­‐template>  has  the  following  structure:  


<task-template name=”ttempl1”>

<resource type=”/resource-type”/>

<resource type=”/resource-type”/>

<parameter name=”pname1” type=”string” optional=”yes”/>

<parameter name=”pname2” type=”int” optional=”no”/>

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<parameter name=”pname3” type=”boolean” optional=”yes”/>


The full DTD schema for task template xml files is:

<!ELEMENT execution-template ( resource, parameter+ ) >

<!ATTLIST execution-template name #REQUIRED >

<!ELEMENT execution-templates ( execution-template+ ) >

<!ATTLIST execution-templates connector CDATA #REQUIRED >

<!ELEMENT parameter EMPTY >

<!ATTLIST parameter name #REQUIRED >

<!ATTLIST parameter optional #REQUIRED >

<!ATTLIST parameter type #REQUIRED >

<!ELEMENT resource EMPTY >

<!ATTLIST resource type CDATA #REQUIRED >

2.4. Living  lab  integration  

2.4.1. Typical  flow  A  typical  workflow  of  a  Living  lab  experiment  can  be  described  as  follows:  

Experimenter  creates  a  TEFIS  user-­‐account  TEFIS  components  involved:  

• TEFIS  portal    


Design:  Experimenter  task:  Experimenter  registers  with  the  TEFIS  platform  to  gain  access  to  facilities  and  support  for  experimental  lifecycle.  

• TEFIS  portal  

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• TEFIS  Core  services  

Planning  Experimenter  task:  Experimenter  makes  a  request  for  Botnia  Living  Lab  through  the  TEFIS  portal    

TEFIS  components  involved:  

• TEFIS  portal  

• TEFIS  Core  services  

• TEFIS  Testbed  Connector(Botnia)  

Configuration  Experimenter  task:  Experimenter    specifies  resources  to  be  used  and  design  the  user-­‐evaluation  tasks  

TEFIS  components  involved:  

• TEFIS  portal  

• TEFIS  Core  services  

• TEFIS  Testbed  Connector(Botnia)  

• TEFIS  Experiment  Data  manager  

Execution  Experimenter  task:  User  evaluation  tasks  are  performed  using  Botnia  Living  Lab  resources.    Experimenter  follows  up  status  of  Living  Lab  tasks    

TEFIS  components  involved:  

• TEFIS  portal  

• TEFIS  Testbed  Connector(Botnia)  

• TEFIS  Experiment  Data  manager  

Reporting  Experimenter  task:  User  evaluation  is  finalized  and  experimenter  gets  access  to  result.  

TEFIS  components  involved:  

• TEFIS  portal  

• TEFIS  Testbed  Connector(Botnia)  

• TEFIS  Experiment  Data  manager  

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Knowledge  sharing  Experimenter   task:   Experimenter   wants   to   share   experience   from   this   experiment   with   other  experimenters.    

TEFIS  components  involved:  

• TEFIS  portal  

• TEFIS  Experiment  Data  manager  


2.4.2. File  sharing  platform  Data  associated  with  experiments  run  at  Botnia  tend  to  be  store  as  files.  Providing  access  to  these  files  for  the  experimenter   is  an   issue  which  needs  to  be  considered.  We  could,   for   instance,   investigate  the  possibility  to  allow  file  sharing.  For  file  sharing,  we  could  consider  the  solution  where  files  are  stored  in  one   place   (in   the   Drupal™-­‐platform   at   Botnia)   and   then   they   are   accessible   to   experimenters   via   the  TEFIS   portal.   This  would   avoid   storing   files   in   several   instances   but   still   keeping   the   control   of   access-­‐rights  in  the  hands  of  the  Living  lab  staff.  This  particular  solution  is  not  implemented  yet  but  the  subject  of   how   to   improve   the  Drupal   testing   portal   of   Botnia   and   to   give   experimenter   one   access-­‐point   for  results  is  currently  under  discussion.  

2.4.3. Communication  channel  When  setting  up  a  communication  channel  between  experimenter  and  Living  Lab  staff  initially  we  have  been  implementing  a  simple  e-­‐mail  alerts  type  of  system.  In  the  long-­‐term  there  may  be  more  scalable  solutions   such   as   an   incident  management   solution  used  by   help-­‐desks  where   all   interaction  between  test  service  providers  and  experimenters  are  managed.    

2.4.4. Connector  features  The  Botnia  Connector,  has  initially  to  manage  three  different  features:  

Resource  Management  In  the  Botnia  specific  case,  three  kinds  of  resources  exist.  The  resource  types  to  be  booked  from  Botnia  are:  

• Users   Data   Base:   this   is   a   Database   with   End-­‐users   for   Future   Internet   service  development  and  evaluation  

• User  Evaluation  Expertise:  this  is  expertise  for  human-­‐centric  design  processes  

• User  Involvement  Methodology:  this  is  the  Living  Lab  methodology  for  service  innovation  processes  by  user  involvement  in  all  phases  from  need  finding  to  pre-­‐market  launch.  

Resource  management  is  based  on  the  database  created  in  the  Living  Lab.  This  database  will  keep  all  the  information  related  to  the  Living  Lab  resource  and  any  instance  booking  or  execution  query.  

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The  Resource  Management  Database  has  two  tables,  one  for  managing  the  resources  and  the  other  one  for  managing  the  number  of  instances.  


Resource  Execution  The   functionality   for   the   current   and   future   resources   execution   of   the   Botnia   Living   Lab   includes  warning   the   people   in   charge   of   the   testbed.   They   should   organize   the   execution   of   the   previously  created  and  booked  resource,  and  this  functionality  is  executed  through  sending  an  e-­‐mail.      

In  order  to  achieve  this  goal,  a  database  table  has  been  created.  In  this  table,  the  execution  state  is  saved  along  with  the  corresponding  folders  used  with  the  data  of  that  execution  for  a  given  experiment.  

Data  Management  For  Living  Lab  supported  experiments  most  of  the  data  generated  during  the  experiment  will  remain  in  the   data   store   of   the   Living   Lab   environment   and   there   will   be   no   direct   access   by   TEFIS   or   a  experimenter  except  for  metadata  describing  an  experiment.    This  metadata  should  be  generated  by  the  TEFIS  Experiment  Manager  when  experimenters  are  planning  their  experiments.  The  same  data  can  then  be  exported   to   the  Botnia  Drupal   portal  when  Botnia   Living   Lab   staff   are   setting  up  a  new   test   in   the  Drupal  portal.  


2.5. Parallel  task  execution  The   TEFIS   platform   is   about   enabling   complex   testing   which   require   resources   across   multiple,  heterogeneous   test   facilities.   The   implicit   assumption   is   that   TEFIS  must   be   able   to   support   different  sections  of  an  individual  test  at  different  facilities.    This   in  turn  suggests  that  individual  testruns  can  be  subdivided   into   steps,   or   tasks;   and   therefore,   there   needs   to   be   a   way   to   map   such   tasks   to   the  appropriate  test  resources12.    

                                                                                                                         12  How  to  model  these  different  aspects  of  tasks  –  on  the  one  hand,  an  individual  step  within  a  testrun  workflow,  and  on  the  other,  the  execution  of  that  step  on  a  test  resource  –  is  taken  up  in  Chapter  4  of  this  deliverable.  

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Figure 10: Mapping TEFIS Tests to Test Facilties

The  actual  instance  of  an  experiment  is  called  a  testrun  (Figure  10,  and  is  discussed  in  Chapter  4  of  this  deliverable),   and   comprises   a   number   of   individual   tasks   as   shown.   A   TEFIS   experimenter   is   guided  through   the   definition   of   individual   tasks   by   the   TEFIS   Experiment   Manager.   Currently,   this   involves  identifying  the  resources.  The  issue  for  TEFIS  is  how  to  manage  resource  requests  when:  

1. A  single  task  will  be  run  on  multiple  resources;  

2. Multiple  tasks  will  be  run  on  a  single  resource;  and  

3. One  task  is  dependent  on  the  output  from  one  or  more  other  tasks.  

In  the  following  subsections,  the  different  generic  cases  are  discussed  in  relation  to  the  initial  TEFIS  test  cases.    

2.5.1. Tasks  running  independently  on  separate  testbeds  Consider   the   eTravel   use   case   as   shown   in   Figure   11.   There   are   a   number   of   different   tasks   to   be  executed:   first,   the   application   logs   must   be   queried,   and   the   appropriate   modules   optimised   and  compiled.  This  is  done  on  ETICS.  In  addition,  the  eTravel  use  case  involves  testing  the  performance  of  the  application.  This  can  be  done  on  PACA  Grid  from  a  purely  performance  point  of  view;  at  the  same  time,  it  may   be   performed   on   PlanetLab,   if   the   focus   is   more   on   networking   and   network   performance   or  characterisation.    


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Figure 11: TEFIS Tasks running independently

Logically,  there   is  no  reason  why  all   three  task,  compilation  and  optimisation,  performance  testing  and  network   operation,   should   not   be   tested   independently   on   the   different   testing   facilities   available  through   TEFIS.   As   such,   experiment   definition   is   relatively   straight   forward:   the   experimenter   defines  three  generic  tasks,  and  associates  each  with  separate  test  facilities.  

There   is   a   complication,   however.   Although   the   operational   profiling   carried   out   on   PACA   Grid   and  PlanetLab  are   indeed  independent,   in  the  sense  that  the  one  does  not  depend  on  the  other.  The  same  executables  can  be  used  in  each  case,  and  different  results  are  produced  by  each,  since  the  goal  of  the  task   is   different   in   each   case.   However,   the   executables   used   for   the   operational   profiling   tasks  were  generated  during  the  ETICS  phase,  and  have  to  be.  

2.5.2. Tasks  with  dependencies  The   situation   is   more   akin   to   that   shown   in   Figure   12.   It   is   clear   that   the   output   from   the   ETICS  compilation  and  optimisation  task,  the  executables  generated  as  a  result  of  interrogating  the  application  logs   and   combining   appropriate   SOA   service   components,   are   required   as   input   to   run   both   of   the  operational  profiling  tasks,  which  are  themselves  independent  of  each  other.  

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Figure 12: Tasks with Dependencies

For   TEFIS,   the   front-­‐end   and   core   service   components   involved   in   the   definition   and   execution   of   the  workplan  for  a  given  testrun  need  to  be  able  to  capture  and  act  on  these  temporal  dependencies:  task  sequencing  is  important.  In  addition,  it  must  be  possible  for  TEFIS  to  be  able  to  provide  some  mechanism  for  the  transfer  of  output  from  one  task  to  another.  In  this  case,  the  executables  are  passed  from  ETICS  to  PACA  Grid  and/or  PlanetLab.  Currently,  the  job.xml  file  created  by  the  Experiment  Manager  allows  for  these  sorts  of  dependency  to  be  captured.   In  addition,  the  TEFIS  Data  Services  provide  explicit  support  for   in-­‐  and  output  data   for  each   individual   tasks  or  workplan  step.  TEFIS  can,   therefore,  cater  both   for  sequencing  dependencies  as  well  as  data  transfer  dependencies.  

The   issue   here,   though,   is   if   the   operational   profile   tasks   (performance   testing   on   PACA   Grid   and    network  operability  on  PlanetLab)  are  regarded  as  individual  and  separate  tasks  or  whether  they  should  be   seen   as   a   single   task,   with   two   separate   and   independent   instances.   This   needs   some   further  consideration12.  

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2.5.3. Tasks  running  in  parallel  with  dependencies  


Figure 13: Parallel and mutually dependent tasks

A  different  set  of  requirements  occurs  for  the  IMS,  multi-­‐media  services  testcase.  As  shown  in  Figure  13,  the  application  itself  will  be  run  on  the  SQS  testbed13.  Once  running  and  available,  then  users  from  the  BOTNIA   Living   Lab   environment   can   begin   to   interact  with   the   application,   providing   input   to   specific  application   steps,   content   for   the   multi-­‐media   side   of   the   service,   as   well   as   requesting   content   be  downloaded  to  them;  the  living  lab  users  are  exercising  the  features  and  functions  of  the  services  offered  in  the  IMS  application.    

In  consequence,  there  are  complex  dependencies  between  the  tasks  running  on  the  two  testbeds.  The  application  must  be  running  on  the  SQS  testbed  before  people  from  the  BOTNIA  Living  Labs  can  use  it;  and  they  need  to  interact  with  the  application  running  on  SQS,  otherwise  it  will  not  generate  any  results.  Such   operation   has   implications   across   the   TEFIS   platform,   and   needs   validation   for   the   TEFIS  components  responsible  for  test  planning  and  definition,  as  well  as  data  management.    

3. Use  case  integration  

3.1. eTravel  :  current  status  The   eTravel   use   case   is   based   on   a   commercial   application   which   operates   in   a   large-­‐scale   SOA  environment:  different  services  are  loosely  integrated  on  demand  and  as  the  customer’s  travel  enquiries  and  bookings  proceed.  As  such,  the  application  requires  database,   financial  and  other  tools  to  run,  the                                                                                                                            13  For  the  purposes  of  this  discussion,  only  the  service  evaluation  part  of  the  testcase  is  presented.  

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combination   of   those   services   being   determined   at   runtime   in   accordance   with   the   behaviour   of   the  customer.  During  operation,  the  application  generates  very  large  log  files.  Should  an  error  or  fault  occur,  then  these  log  files  are  interrogated  as  part  of  defect  resolution;  additionally,  during  normal  operation,  the   log   files   may   be   reviewed   in   an   attempt   to   predict   behaviours   and   introduce   appropriate   fault-­‐avoiding  procedures,  as  well  as  introduce  new  and  modified  services.  

The   on-­‐going   maintenance   and   improvement   of   such   a   service   therefore   requires   significant   test  resource   across   different   test   environments   and   targeted   at   different   aspects   of   the   service.   To  summarise  the  testing  requirements,  the  eTravel  application  needs  to  establish:  

• Review  and  evaluation  of  log  information  to  compile  different  “versions”  of  the  application  using  different  SOA  components  and  services.  For  testing  purposes,  this  requires  software  compilation  and  quality  evaluation  for  different  sets  of  modules.  

• The   correctness   of   application   behaviour,   especially   across   different   hardware   configurations,  ranging  from  small  to  medium  and  very  large  deployments.  For  testing  purposes,  this  needs  an  environment  which  can  be  changed  to  mimic  different  sizes  of  deployment.  

• Application   performance   measurements   under   different   conditions.   This   requires   system-­‐test  type  facilities.    

• Usability,  for  which  user  interaction  or  simulated  interaction  is  required.  

The  TEFIS  platform  and  the  associated  testbeds  are  ideally  suited  to  offer  support  for  this  kind  of  multi-­‐faceted  testing.  The  testbeds  offer  different  facilities  for  large-­‐scale  deployments,  software  compilation  and  quality  services,  and  end-­‐user  evaluation.  In  collaboration  with  ActiveEon,  who  own  the  use  case  and  developed  the  original  application,  this  test  has  been  run  across  different  testbeds  to  test  compilation,  quality  and  performance.  

ETICS  Provides  advanced  compilation  and  software  quality  assessment.  

The   eTravel   application,   log   files   and   individual  components   were   loaded   and   different  compilations   completed   and   evaluated.   Optimal  compilations  were  used  for  performance  testing.  

PACA  Grid   Provide  large  scale  configurations,  supporting  different  operational  environments  and  able  to  support  of  simulate  incoming  network  traffic.  

Compiled   versions   of   the   applications   were  presented   within   a   typical   operational  environment  (with  respect  to  database,  operating  system,   and   so   forth),   and   successfully   run.  Performance   measures   were   gathered   and  presented  to  the  experimenters  for  evaluation.  


Now   the   initial   run   has   been   demonstrated   for  performance   testing  on  PACA  Grid,   the  use   case  will   also   be   run   on   PlanetLab   to   explore   other  load  and  environmental  parameters.  


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The  successful  running  of  the  use  case  involved  all  components  within  TEFIS.  The  eTravel  experimenter  first   had   to   create   a   user   account   via   the   TEFIS   portal,   and   define   the   experiment   using   the   TEFIS  Experiment  Manager.  Connectors  were  developed  in   line  with  the  TCI  specification  for  ETICS  and  PACA  Grid.  The  experiment  as  defined   in   the  Experiment  Manager  was   then  processed  via   the  Core  Services  and  submitted   to   the  appropriate  connectors:  ETICS  and  PACA  grid   in   sequence.  The   input  and  output  data  for  each  stage  were  presented  to  and  retrieved  from  the  TEFIS  Data  Services,  using  the  RPRS  and  TIDS.  

The  use  case  will   continue   to  be  exercised  with  potential  modification  and  extension   to   the  PlanetLab  facilities   both   in   support   of   the   eTravel   case   as   a   baseline   engagement   for   TEFIS,   but   also   as   a   useful  regression  test  as  the  underlying  components  modified  to  validate  that  the  TEFIS  platform  continues  to  provide  appropriate  use  case  handling.  


3.2. eHealth  

3.2.1. Initial  Experiment  Template  The  eHealth  case,  in  its  updated  form,  may  be  summarised  as  follows:      

• create,  collect  and  update  a  patient  medical  record;  and    

• simulate  a  live  video  stream.  

3.2.2. Experiment  Overview  

The  experiment  will   focus  on  an  eHealth  case,  specifically  on  the  scenario  of  collecting  patient  medical  record  data  including  family  medical  history  information.  

Many   of   the   problems   in   the  medical   patient   record,   nowadays,   are   related   to   the   poor   collection   of  patient  data,  where,  in  a  large  number  of  cases,  they  cannot  be  identified  later.  This  leads  to  problems  with  their  historical  medical  data,  and  makes   it   impossible  to  cross-­‐reference  this  medical  data  for  any  statistical  survey.  

Besides   a   significant   increase   in   long   distance   assistance   and   even   surgeries,   network   demand   is  increasing  in  medical  applications,  and  the  need  to  ensure  QoS  in  those  applications.      

Additionally,   this   case   will   help   to   shape   the   TEFIS   architecture,   by   providing   requirements   for   a  particular   experiment   to   be   run   on   the   platform.   In   the   context   of   TEFIS   this   experiment  will   help   to  validate  both  the  platform,  as  well  as  the  test-­‐beds  that  are  used  by  the  eHealth  case.  

3.2.3. Hypothesis  Definition  In  this  new  version  of  the  experiment  the  patient  medical  record  (PMR),  multimedia  files  such  as  videos  and  images  have  been  added.  

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To   create   the   patient  medical   database,   the   necessary   information   is   collected   by   a   paramedic   at   the  patient’s  house  (in  which  case  the  application  is  run  on  a  mobile  device)  or  by  a  receptionist  at  a  hospital  (when  the  application  is  run  at  a  desktop  station).  

This   record   can   be  modified   and   updated   by   a   doctor   or   a   nurse   to   reflect   the   current   status   of   the  patient.    

This   application   covers   three  main   aspects   of   the   PMR:   patient   personal   data,   patient  medical   history  and   the   results   of   any   tests,   from   simple   text   documents   to   large  multimedia   files,   but   this   does   not  cover  live  activities  such  as  long  distance  surgeries.  

In  consequence,  a  separate  program  will  be  run  along  with  this  application  to  handle   issues  associated  with  live  activities.  

3.2.4. Experimental  Method  and  Procedure  

The  experiment  will  be  tested  using  the  test-­‐beds  available  in  the  TEFIS  platform,  following  the  data  flow  in   the   experiment.   In   this   new   version,   described   in   this   document,   the   scenario   will   focus   on   two  testbeds.  But  in  the  future,  more  testbeds  may  be  added  to  the  experiment  to  test  other  features  of  the  application.  

For  the  first  version  of  this  case,  the  ETICS  system  was  designated  to  test  the  quality  of  the  smart-­‐phone  software,  and  of  the  database  where  the  medical  data  are  to  be  stored.  However,  this  has  been  removed  from  this  version  to  simplify  the  case,  and  to  concentrate  more  specifically  on    TEFIS  validation.  

PACA-­‐Grid   is   now   responsible   for   stress   test   of   the   system.   The   application   is   now   being   prepared   to  receive   external   inputs   so   that   it   is   integrated  more   closely  with   the   operational   environment   on   this  testbed.  

KyaTera   is   a   special   kind  of   testbed,  providing  an  environment   to  evaluate  network  performance.   It   is  particularly  beneficial  when  evaluating  network  features  and  capabilities,  like  bandwidth  required,  jitter,  delay,  and  the  extent  of  packet  loss.  

Figure  14  below  shows  the  experiment  workflow,  in  which  the  experiment  phases  can  be  viewed  as  well  as  the  relationship  and  dataflow  between  the  testbeds.  

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Figure 14:The eHealth experiment workflow.

• Phase  1:  Specification  of  the  experiment;  

• Phase  2:  PACA-­‐Grid  and  KyaTera  configuration;  

• Phase  3:  Network  evaluation  loop;  

• Phase  4:  Display  the  final  results.  

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3.2.5. Variables  

Independent  variables:  

• Network  up  and  down  time;  

• Number  of  patient  records  in  the  data  base;  

• Time  to  transmit  a  form  to  the  data  base;  

• Amount  of  packet  loss;  

• Total  amount  of  data  generated.  

Dependent  variables:  

• System  response  time;  

• Transmission  bandwidth  needed  for  operation;  

• Percentage  of  network  uptime;  

• Percentage  of  the  server  used;  

• Latency.  

Control  variable:  

• Max  network  bandwidth;  

• Jitter;  

• Max  delay.  

3.2.6. Metrics  and  Measurements  

Independent variables: Network   up   and   down   time:   measured   as   the   time   the   network   connection   is   up   or   down.   This   is  important   to   establish   the   reliability   of   the   network;   the   unit   of   measurement   is   in   seconds   (up   and  down).  

Number  of  patient  records  in  the  database:  Shows  the  number  of  records  in  the  database.    

Time  to  transmit  a  form  to  the  database:    measures  the  time,  in  milliseconds,  for  a  form  to  arrive  at  the  database.  This  measure  will  help  to  gauge  system  response  time,  in  the  case  of  form  sending.  

Number   of   packets   lost:  measures   the   number   of   internet   packets   lost   during   transmission   across   the  network.Total   amount   of   data   generated:   is   the   amount   of   data   (medical   records)   generated   by   the  

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PACAGrid  testbed.  It  will  show  the  size  in  bytes  of  the  input  data  for  the  experiment,  and  changes  to  this  value  will  affect  the  value  of  the  dependent  variables.  

Dependent  variables:  

System   response   time:   measured   as   the   time   the   system   takes   to   respond   to   an   action.   It   is   also  important  to  estimate  how  this  time  is  perceived,  and  provide  feedback  to  the  user  of  the  system.  

Transmission   bandwidth   needed   for   operation:   measured   by   the   sum   of   all   bandwidths   needed   for  sending  the  forms  to  the  database.  This  will  be  an  estimate  based  on  the  average  bandwidth  required  for  a   standard   form   times   the   average   number   of   forms   sent   per   time   period.   This   value   is   important   to  estimate  the  max  network  bandwidth,  mainly  the  incoming  network  into  the  database  centre.  

Percentage  of  network  uptime:  measured  by  dividing  uptime  by  the  total  time  of  network  operation.  The  value  is  expressed  as  a  percentage  and  represents  an  estimate  of  the  daily  uptime.  

Percentage  of  the  server  used:  reflects  the  percentage  of  the  server  used  by  the  number  of  PMRs.  This  measure  could  be  used  to  estimate  the  average  size  of  a  PMR  if  taken  in  conjunction  with  the  numbers  of  patient  records  in  system.  

Latency:  measured   in  milliseconds,   and   is  meant   to   show   the   time   taken   for   a  packet   to   transfer   to   a  node  in  the  network  and  back  again.  

Controlled  variable:  

Max  network  bandwidth:  is  the  max  network  available  in  the  region,  this  number  cannot  be  less  than  the  transmission  bandwidth  needed  for  the  operation.  

Jitter:   is   the   delay   variation.   In   multimedia   applications,   the   jitter   needs   to   be   constant   so   that   a  smoother  transmission  can  be  achieved.  This  variable  is  measured  in  milliseconds.      

Max  delay:  is  the  maximum  time  allowed  for  the  delay  between  two  packets.  It  is  important  to  be  able  to  measure  the  quality  of  the  system  in  a  deterministic  manner.  It  is  measured  in  milliseconds.  

3.2.7. Initial  Data  and  Domain  Knowledge  

The  data  comes  mainly  from  the  medical  domain.  It  contains  types  of  disease  and  diagnoses.  In  addition,  it   contains   geographic   information,   some   personal   information   like   sex   and   date   of   birth,   and   family  medical  history.  

For  the  experiment,  simulated  data  will  be  generated,  because  the  use  of  real  data  for  real  patients  may  lead  to  a  breach  in  privacy.  So  a  hypothetical  patient  will  be  created  with  generic  data  to  populate  the  experiment.  

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3.2.8. Technical  Feasibility  and  Testbed  Resourcing/Configuration  

Hardware  requirements/  specification  

There  are  three  devices  with  some  computational  power.  These  are:  

·∙  A  mobile  device  or  a  desktop  PC  to  run  the  data  collection  software,  for  instance,  a  smart-­‐phone  with  the  capability  to  connect  to  the  web  (3G,  4G  or  any  other  wireless  internet  connection)  

·∙  A   server   to   receive   the  data   from   the  devices;   these   servers   can  be  placed,  physically,   at   one  of   the  KyaTera  entry  points  (Escola  Politécnica).  

·∙  A  second  server  in  another  location  to  store  all  the  data  collected  (simulating  the  hospital  server).  This  server  is  connected  to  the  KyaTera  network  and  will  receive  the  data  over  it.  

Software  requirements/  specification  Apache  Tomcat  6.0  as  application  server    

Java  virtual  machine  

MySQL  5.0  

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3.2.9. Steps  1. The software developer creates a TEFIS account;  

2. Specification of the experiment (portal): stress test and image processing using Paca-Grid, book KyaTera physical network and network tests;


3. Create the description of the desired SLA, stressing factors (number of resources and input load – bigger log files or several in a similar time frame);


4. Store experiment description in the TEFIS portal;

5. Select the available PACA resources;

6. Create and upload the Job file to PACA-Grid;

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7. Configure PACA-Grid to create the data input (PMR generator); 8. User selects the desired measurements in KyaTera from a list of available tests (like: total

bandwidth in use, latency, and jitter); 9. User receives the available machines; 10. User configures the KyaTera with the desired parameters;

11. KyaTera is set-up to receive the data packages; 12. Prepare a workflow to conduct the test (tasks and number of nodes);  

13. Execute the tests workflow; 14. Collect the data generated by KyaTera; and 15. Collect the data generated by Paca-Grid;  

3.3. IMS-­‐Botnia    

This   section  describes   the   experiment   that   to   be   evaluated.   Involved   in   this   experiment   are   the   three  main  issues  for  the  mobile  applications  of  today.  

• At  first  this  experiment  will  check  TEFIS  as  a  tool  to  evaluate  the  user’s  data,  for  example,  user  feedback  to  check  if  the  application  is  acceptable  to  users.  

• In  the  second  step  we  will  check  TEFIS  as  a  validation  tool,  for  example,  if  this  application  can  be  validated.  

• In  the  third  step  we  will  check  TEFIS  as  a  business  model  and  user  experience  validation  tool,  for  example,   we   would   like   to   know   what   the   correct   business   model   for   operator   applications  would  be.    

These  three  important  steps  will  create  an  overall  use  case  that  should  be  able  to  check  the  entire  TEFIS  platform.   In   addition,   for   the   SQS   test   beds   as   a   validation   tool   we   will   use   Q-­‐Mobile,   a   mobile  application  certification  tool  that  is  normally  is  used  by  SQS.  

On   the   one   hand,   Q-­‐Mobile   certification   includes   standard   industry   testing   criteria   (Java,   Symbian,  Windows  Mobile   Applications),   de-­‐facto   standards   and   regulation   standards.   On   the   other   hand,   it   is  conceived  and  designed  as  a   flexible  process;  SQS  can  design  customized  tests  based  on  specific  client  goals  using  either  internally  developed  standards  or  guidelines  formally  accepted  by  the  industry.    

Q-­‐Mobile  is  one  of  the  tools  of  the  SQS  test  bed,  a  test  set  of  test  cases,  divided  into  different  test  sets  (usability  Tests,  functionality  Tests,  Integration  Tests,….);  these  test  cases  will  be  executed  manually  over  IMS.        


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3.3.1. Experiment  overview    

The  experiment  will  be  focused  on  a  mobile  application  over  IMS,  and  divided  in  three  different  phases.    

This   experiment  will   be  performed   via   the  TEFIS  platform,  using   the  TEFIS  portal,   the   call   service,   SQS  test-­‐beds,   and   a   living-­‐lab.   It   will   also   use   all   the   resources   from   TEFIS.   In   the   TEFIS   context   this  experiment   will   help   validate   and   test   the   platform,   as   well   as   the   test-­‐beds   that   are   used   in   this  experiment.  


Hypothesis  definition  The   experiment   came   from   the   idea   of   developing   an   application   for   content   sharing   over   IMS.   For  example,  Company  A  (an  SME)  has  created  a  concept  for  a  new  application  for  content  sharing  over  IMS.  The  experiment  will  be  divided  in  three  different  stages;  in  the  first  one,  before  starting  the  development  and   showing   the   idea   to   an   Operator,   they   want   to   evaluate   the   concept   by   gathering   the   feedback  about  their  idea  from  potential  users.    

If   the   feedback   is   good,   they  will   continue   through   to   the   second  phase:   Company  A  will   develop   the  application  and  will  perform  system  acceptance  testing  (including  functional  and  non-­‐functional  aspects)  on   it   together   with   the   Operator.   Once   the   application   has   been   accepted,   and   before   roll-­‐out,   they  proceed  to  the  third  and  final  phase,  in  which  the  Operator  needs  to  select  the  best  business  model  for  the  application,  and  also  the  feedback  from  potential  users  about  the  business  models  selected.  








Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3

- Number of users

- Users profiles

- Utility

- Usefulness

- Q-Mobile testing

- Mobile devices

- Functional correct tests

-Usability testing


- Max network bandwidth

- Usability

- Max network bandwidth

- Max network bandwidth by user

- Users profiles

- Number of users

- User experience

PHASE1: TEFIS as concept evaluation tool

PHASE2: TEFIS as validation and evaluation tool

PHASE3: TEFIS as business validation tool

Figure 15: Overview experimental procedure  

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Experimental  Method  and  Procedure  

Phase  1  Evaluation  A  Service  Provider  Company  has  an  idea  for  a  new  application  for  content  sharing  over  IMS.  They  want  to  evaluate  the  feedback  from  users  about  this  application.  

For  this  evaluation,  Botnia  resources  will  be  used.  Initially,  a  video  with  five  different  application  demos  will  be  sent  for    evaluation  to  twenty  users,  and  they  will  fill  in  a  questionnaire  with  their  opinions,  as  a  basis  for  a  User  Involvement  Methodology    document.  

In   addition,   the   video   will   be   sent   to   a   Business   Model   Creation   and   Evaluation   Expert   for   his/her  professional  evaluation  and  conclusions.  

REQUEST  TO  TEFIS:  Concept  evaluation  

INPUT  TO  TEFIS:  Video  explaining  the  features  of  the  new  application  

REPORT   FROM   TEFIS:   Feedback   on   the   usability   and   usefulness   of   the   application   from   users   and   an  expert.      

Specification  of  the  experiment  to  perform:    

• Testing  type:  concept  evaluation  

• Technology:  IMS  

• Resources:   User   Involvement   Methodology,     User   Database   and   User   Evaluation  Expertise  

Configuration  of  the  environment:  

• Decide  purpose  of  user  involvement  

• Decide  who  to  involve  

• Prepare  involvement  methodology  

• Plan  user  involvement  in  detail  

• Prepare  user  involvement  activities  

• Recruit  users  

Execution  of  the  experiment:  

• TEFIS   distribute   the   video   and   evolution   frameworks   to   the   users   and  User   Evaluation  Expert.  

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• Run  user-­‐involvement  activities  


• Get  analysis  of  the  data  received  from  the  users  and  expert.  

Phase  2  Prototype  Validation  A   Service   Provider   Company,   with   a   positive   response   from   the   users   and   an   expert,   offers   the  application   to   the   Operator.   Once   the   Operator   accepts,   development   is   undertaken.   When   the  application  is  delivered  to  the  Operator,  they  decide  to  perform  functional  acceptance  testing  on  it.  For  that   the  user  will   select   from  the  Q-­‐Mobile   test   set,  what  he  wants   to  do,   (usability  Test,   functionality  Test,   Integration  Test,….);   in   this   case  we  are  going   to   choose   to  make   the  experiment  a   Functionality  Test.  

Specification  of  the  experiment  to  perform:  

• Testing  type:  functional  and  usability  testing  

• Technology:  IMS  

• SQS  Resources:  Emulated  IMS  core,  Network  monitoring  Testing  Tools,  Customized  Test  plan,  Q-­‐Mobile,    Human  Team  

• Botnia  Resources  :  User  Involvement  Methodology,    User  Database  and  User  Evaluation  Expert  

Configuration  of  the  environment:  

• Send   the   application   to   the   SQS   testbed,   configuration   of   the   IMS   core,   select   the   Q-­‐Mobile  test  set  for  validation  of  the  application.  

• Expert  evaluation  of  usability  

Execution  of  the  experiment:  

• Send  core  configuration  (  DNS,  users,  Application  services)  

• Receive  connection  information  

• Execute  Q-­‐mobile  test  cases  


• Monitoring  files  

• Validation  test  report  

• Usability  test  report.  

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Phase  3  Business  model  selection  The   application   successfully   passed   the   functional   testing   phase.   The  Operator   decides   to   roll   out   the  application;  they  have  some  concerns  about  the  business  model  to  use  and  to  get  final  feedback  of  user  experience  in  a  real  life  setting.  They  have  two  charging  models  in  mind:  

1. Flat  rate  

2. Rate  for  2Gb  and  then  get  throttled  bandwidth  

The  Operator,   jointly  with  the  Service  Provider,  needs  to  evaluate  the  two  business  models   in  order  to  select  the  more  appropriate.  To  this  end,  the  operator  will  monitor  selected  users  as  potential  users,  and  check  the  better  business  model  in  terms  of:  

1. Network  usage  (bit  rate  for  each  model)  

2. User  experience  feedback  :  Preferences  of  the  potential  users  

Specification  of  the  experiment  to  perform:  

• testing  type:  network  usage,  user  feedback  

• technology:  IMS  

• SQS  Resources:  Emulated  IMS  core,  Network  monitoring  Testing  Tools,  Customized  Test  plan,  Q-­‐Mobile,    Human  Team  

• Botnia  Resources  :  User  Involvement  Methodology,    User  Database  and  User  Evaluation  Expertise,    Business  Model  Expertise.  

Configuration  of  the  environment:  

• Request  connection  between  living  lab  and  SQS  test  bed,  configure  living  lab.  

• Decide  purpose  of  user  involvement  

• Decide  who  to  involve  

• Plan  user  involvement  in  detail  

• Prepare  user  involvement  activities  

• Recruit  users  

• Run  user-­‐involvement  activities  

Execution  of  the  experiment:  

• Send  application  under  test  to  TEFIS  

• Monitor  all  the  users’  feedback  

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• Receive  monitoring  files  on  each  business  model  and  user  experience  feedback  

• Get  user  data  analysis  on  each  business  model  and  user  experience  feedback  


These  are  the  variable  values  for  the  experiment:  

• Independent  variables:  

o Number  of  users  on  the  Living  Lab;  

o User  profile;  

o Q-­‐Mobile  Test  sets;  

o Mobile  devices  

• Dependent  variables:  

o Functional  Test  in  the  correct  manner.  

o Max  network  bandwidth  used  by  user;  

o Utility;  

o Usefulness;  

o Usability  

o User  experience  

• Control  variable:  

o Max  network  bandwidth  

• User  feedback  variables  

o System  acceptability:    

o Social  acceptability:    

o Practical  acceptability:    

o Usefulness:    

o Utility:    

o Usability:    

§ Learnability;    

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§ Efficiency,    

§ Memorability;    

§ Errors;    

§ Satisfaction;                    

o Attitude  (likability):    

o User  experience:  

§ Enjoyable,  Fun  

§ Engaging  

§ Pleasurable  

§ Motivating  

§ Helpful  

§ Exciting  

§ Boring  

§ Provocative  

§ Rewarding  

Metrics  and  Measurements  

Number  of  users  on  the  Living  Lab:  

• The   Number   of   Users   of   the   living   Lab,   measured   numerically;   the   measurement   takes   place  from  the  time  when  an  application  starts  the  process  of  the  three  phases.  


User  profile:    

• It  is  very  important  to  know  what  kind  of  users  are  providing  feedback  for  the  application.  

Q-­‐Mobile  Test  sets:    

• Q-­‐Mobile  test  sets  are  going  to  be  selected  for  when  the  application  is  presented  to  the  SQS  Test  bed.  These  test  sets  are  provided  as  one  of  the  tools  available  on  the  SQS  test  bed.  Selecting  one  or  other  of  the  test  sets  will  be  a  very  important  variable  in  the  validation.    Currently,  we  are  only  planning  to  use  functional  test  sets  to  check  the  functional  testing.  This  variable  will  be  measured  as  the  time  spent  executing  those  tests  cases.  

Mobile  devices:  

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• As  we  are   going   to   check   a  mobile   application,  we  will   need   to   control   the  number  of  mobile  devices   for   each   application.   It  will   be  measured   as   the  number  of  mobiles   used   to   check   the  application.  

Functional  Test  in  the  correct  manner:  

• The   validation   of   the   application   is   dependent   on   whether   or   not   the   application   passed   the  functional  test.  

Max  network  bandwidth  used  by  user:  

• In  the  last  phase  it  will  be  important  to  decide  what  on  the  best  business  model,  and  therefore,  we  need  to  know  how  much  bandwidth  has  been  used  by  the  users  during  a  certain  period  of  time.  


• The  utility  is  regarded  as  an  important  facet  of  the  evaluation  by  the  user.  


• The  usefulness  as  with  utility  is  one  of  the  variables  of  users  data  for  analysis,  in  evaluating  the  application  


• To  check  usability  about  the  usability  test  set  from  Q-­‐Mobile  will  be  used;  it  will  be  measured  as  a  function  of  whether  or  not  the  application  passed  or  failed  validation.      

User  experience:  

• The  user  experience  variable  will  be  measured  as  a  function  the  user  experience  using  different  business  models.  

Max  network  bandwidth:  

• Max  network  bandwidth:  is  the  max  network  available  in  the  region;  this  number  may  not  be  less  than  the  Transmission  bandwidth  needed  for  operation.    

System  acceptability:    

• The   ability   of   the   system   to  meet   all   needs   and   requirements   of   all   stakeholders,   from   direct  users  to  customers,  etc.  

Social  acceptability:  

• The  correspondence  of  the  system  to  the  social  rules  and  norms  that  apply  in  a  given  context  

Practical  acceptability:  

• The  acceptability  of  the  system  as  regards  cost,  reliability  etc.  

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• The   ability   of   the   system   to   achieve   a   desired   goal.   This   can   be   broken   down   into   utility   and  usability  


• The  ability  of  the  system  to  do  what  is  needed  


• The  practical  usability  needed  by  the  user  of  system  functionality.  This  can  be  broken  down  into  five  categories  


• How  easy  it  is  for  users  to  accomplish  basic  tasks  the  first  time  they  use  the  design  


• Refers  to  how  quickly  a  user  can  perform  their  tasks  once  they  have  learned  the  system  


• Refers  to  how  easily  the  users  can  re-­‐establish  proficiency  after  not  using  the  design  for  a  while  


• Means   how   many   errors   users   make,   how   easily   they   can   recover   from   the   errors   and   how  severe  the  errors  are    


• How  pleasant  the  user  thinks  it  is  to  use  the  design    

Attitude  (likability):    

• Attitude   refers   to   the   user’s   perceptions,   feelings   and   opinions   of   the   product.   This   is   usually  captured  in  both  written  and  oral  interrogation.  


3.3.2. Initial  Data  and  Domain  Knowledge  The  initial  data  will  be  a  real  mobile  application  selected  for  this  specific  purpose.  Also,  we  will  have  the  video  that  would  be  used  in  phase  1  as  input  in  TEFIS.      


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3.3.3. Technical  Feasibility  and  Testbed  Resourcing/Configuration  The  feasibility  of  the  experiment  considering  the  system  under  test  and  the  available  testbed  resources  is  high.   It   is   likely  that  for  some  experiments  changes  will  be  required  to  both  the  system  under  test  and  the  testbed  infrastructure.  

4. New  Experiments  

4.1. Typology  of  Experiments  When  describing  an  experiment  to  TEFIS,  there  are  various  factors  which  should  be  specified  :  

Experiment  title      

Coordinator   Name  and  organisation  of  the  experiment’s  coordinator  



A  brief  description  of  what  is  going  to  be  done,  and  why.  


Experimental  period   In  what  timeframe  will  the  experiment  be  performed?  


Hypothesis  definition/Purpose   of   the  experiment    


What  is  the  real  point  of  the  experiment?  What  are  you  trying  to  find  out  with  your  experiment?  


Involved  testbeds   Which  Tefis  testbeds  are  concerned  by  the  experiment.  

Involved  internal  systems   Which  TEFIS  testbeds  are  to  be  used  by  the  experiment?  

Experimental   method   and  procedure  


What  steps  are  involved  in  running  the  experiment.    


Actors  involved   Who   is   going   to   take   part   in   the   experiment?  Will   there   be   end-­‐users  testing  out  some  application?  And  what  will  they  be  doing?  Or  is  it  more  about  system  set  up  and  performance?  

Variables   What   factors   are   of   interest   for   the   investigation?   How   will   they   be  changed  or  controlled?  

Metrics  and  Measurements    


What  will  you  be  measuring  and  how?  


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Technical  Requirements   What   (type   of)   system   or   systems   are   needed   to   support   your  experiment?  

Any  specific  details  




4.2. QUEENS   (Dynamic   Quality   User   Experience   ENabling   Mobile  Multimedia  Services)  


Experiment  title     Dynamic  Quality  User  Experience  ENabling  Mobile  Multimedia  Services  (Queens)  

Coordinator   Prof.  Symeon  Papavassiliou  

Institute  of  Communication  and  Computer  Systems  (ICCS)  

Summary   QUEENS  aims  at  creating  and  prototyping  a  novel  framework  to  extend  Quality  of   Service   (QoS)   to  Quality  of  Experience   (QoE)   in   the  case  of  mobile  on-­‐demand  multimedia  applications.  QoE  is  usually  considered  as  an  off-­‐line  subjective  user  opinion  on  the  service  quality,  unrelated  to  specific  networking  properties.  QUEENS  provides  an  opportunity  to  consider  QoE  provisioning  as  a  dynamic  process  which  allows  users  to  express  their  feelings  in  real  time.  

Experimental  period   12  months  


Hypothesis   definition/Purpose  of  the  experiment    


How  will  users  react  to  multimedia  service  performance  variations  and  what   is   the   best   way   (UI)   for   dynamically   collecting   the   above  preferences?   Fundamental  UI   options   for   reflecting   dynamic  QoE  will  be  investigated,  in  terms  of  a)  requested  action  feasibility  indicator,  b)  single-­‐step   /   scalable   /  multi-­‐optional   performance   indicators   of   user  preferences   and   c)   cost   of   request   indicator   in   terms   of   pricing   or  alternative  approaches  (e.g.,  coupon  collection,  etc).  

How  can  users’  dynamic  preferences  be  correlated  to  networking  QoS  metrics?   To   correlate  QoS   and  QoE   proficiently   in   a   quantitative   and  pragmatic  manner,  service-­‐aware  dynamically  adaptive  utilities  will  be  created   that   will   correlate   user’s   dynamic   reactions-­‐expectations   to  network   performance   metrics   (e.g.,   server-­‐bit   rate,   video   resolution,  frames,   etc.).   These   utilities   will   be   used   as   feedback   to   the   RRM  mechanism   of   the   wireless   access   network   to   optimize   system  performance  (a  novel  top-­‐down  cross-­‐layering).  

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Involved  testbeds   ETICS,  PlanetLab,  Botnia,  IMS,    

Involved  internal  systems   All  

Experimental   method   and  procedure  

• Laying   the   foundations   and   the   overall   concepts   of   the  proposed   Dynamic   QoE   Provisioning   Mechanism   thanks   to  Botnia.  

• Test   of   the   top-­‐down   cross   layering   QoE-­‐aware   resource  allocation/management   mechanism   through   ETICS   and  PlanetLab.  

• Prototype   and   validation,   through   IMS,   of   mobile   QoE-­‐aware  multimedia  application.  

• Enabling   the   IMS-­‐aware   application   prototype   over   Botnia,   in  order  to  evaluate  the  proposed  QoE-­‐aware  mechanism.  

Actors  involved   Up  to  100  real  users  with  multimedia  mobile  phone  devices  in  the  age  range  18–40  years.  

Variables   • Codec  types  

• Sender  bit  rate,  

• Sender  frame  rate,  

• Resolution  based  on  users  feedback  

Metrics  and  Measurements     • Users’  dynamic  QoE  interactions  

• Peak  Signal  to  Noise  Ratio  

• Moving  Pictures  Quality  Metric  

• Off  line  measurements  of  users’  experience  will  be  made  at  the  end  of  every  session.  

Technical  Requirements   • A  specific  client-­‐server  installation.  

• Matlab-­‐based   emulated   servers   (for   emulating   CDMA   cells  operation).  

• IMS  mobile   client   capable  of   consuming  video   services  and  of  being  extended  to  support  the  proposed  dynamic  QoE  scheme  (alternatively   a   set   of   test   cases   will   be   implemented   if   the  client   cannot   be   properly   altered,   emulating   end-­‐user  behaviour).  

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• Interconnection   of   the   augmented   video   server   with   IMS  emulated   environment   for   functional   testing   (Refer   to   1   of  Metrics  &  Measurements  of  IMS  Testbed  description).  

• Interconnection   of   the   augmented   video   server   with   IMS  testbed  for  performance  testing  scenarios  (Refer  to  2  and  3  of  Metrics  &  Measurements  of  IMS  Testbed  description).    

• Deployment   of  monitoring   infrastructure   for   the   collection   of  metrics  in  the  IMS  framework.    

Any  specific  details   None  


4.3. Experiment  2  (Tefpol)  Experiment  title     AugmenTed   rEality   collaborative   workspace   using   Future   Internet  

videoconferencing   Platform   fOr   remote   education   and   Learning  (TEFPOL)  

Coordinator   Krzysztof  Kurowski  

Instytut  Chemii  Bioorganicznej  PAN  

Summary   TEFPOL   aims   at   enhancing   videoconferencing   experience,   as   well   as  advanced  visualization  and  real-­‐time  technologies.  TEFPOL  will  extend  existing   videoconferencing   capabilities   to   offer   an   integrated   large-­‐scale   platform   for   online   education   and   training   purposes.   The  experiment   will   validate,   thanks   to   the   TEFIS   platform   and   facilities,  various   hypotheses   concerning   networking,   future   videoconferencing,  and   real-­‐time   CPU/GPU   processing.   It   will   also   provide   knowledge   of  how   to   stimulate   learning   and   discovery   processes   through   more  cognitive  and  new  virtual  collaborative  experience.  

Experimental  period   12  months  


Hypothesis   definition/Purpose  of  the  experiment    


The   goal   of   Tefpol   is   to   integrate,   deploy   and   test   innovative  videoconferencing,   advanced   visualization   and   real-­‐time   service-­‐oriented  computing  technologies.  

Based  on  the  distributed  TEFIS  facilities,  Tefpol  plans  to  extend  existing  capabilities   provided   by   videoconferencing   and   remote   visualization  solutions   to   offer   an   integrated   large-­‐scale   platform   for   online  education  and  training  purposes.  

Involved  testbeds   PacaGrid,  Botnia,  IMS,  ETICS  

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Involved  internal  systems   ProActive  

Experimental   method   and  procedure  

• Adaptation  of  the  Vitrall  visualization  system  for  PACAGrid  

• Adaptation   of   the   Vitrall   visualization   system   communication  modules   in   order   to   make   them   compatible   with   ProActive  communication  schemes  

• Execution  of  the  Vitrall  visualization  system  on  PACAGrid  

• Test   and   validate,   through   IMS,   a   communication   protocol  between   high-­‐resolution   videoconferencing   and   visualization  services   to  establish   real-­‐time  high-­‐resolution   sessions  among  all  clients  and  remotely  shared  virtual  3D  models.  

• ETICS  will  help  us   to  perform  testing  and  software   integration  activities  to  improve  visualization  services  quality.  

• BOTNIA   use   will   help   presenting   preliminary   experiment  outcomes   by   adding   new   web   user   interfaces   and   example  education   applications   using   high-­‐resolution   streaming   and  visualization  to  the  TEFIS  portal.  

Actors  involved   About  50  end-­‐users  split  into  groups  of  2  to  4  users.  

Variables   • Application   layout,  motion  tracking   interface   functionality  and  sensitivity    

• Audio/Video   stream   parameters   (coded,   bit   rate,   frame   rate,  resolution).  

• Number  of  users  simultaneously  participating  

• Level  of  detail  of  the  rendered  virtual  object  

• Network  connections  

Metrics  and  Measurements     • Latency  of  audio,  video,  and  virtual  object  streams  in  ms.    

• Responsiveness  of  the  motion  tracking  interface  in  ms.    

• Maximum   number   of   users   that   can   be   simultaneously   using  the  application  and  that  can  participate  in  a  given  collaboration  session.    

• List  of  IMS  services  the  application  is  compatible.  

• Number  of  PACA-­‐Grid  resources  (both  CPU  and  GPU)  required  

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for  parallel  rendering  process  to  achieve  the  real-­‐time  ratio.  

• Maximum  number  of  images.  

• Maximum  resolution  and  level  of  details  of  rendered  model.    

• Maximum  number   of   different   clients’   type   connected   to   the  engine.    

• Maximum   delay   that   end   users   accept   during   a  videoconferencing   session   enhanced   with   an   augmented  reality.    

Technical  Requirements   • GPU  based  computing  resources.  

• Several  machines  in  the  grid  environment.  

• OpenGL  library.  

• CUDA  software  installed  on  computing  resources.  

• Access  to  about  50  end-­‐users,  each  of  them  with  an  access  to  a  PC  with  an  HD  camera  and  HD  monitor.  

• End-­‐users  need  to  have  access  to  IMS  infrastructure.  

Any  specific  details   None  


4.4. Experimenting   with   Quagga   Open   API   and   Cross-­‐layer  Coordinated  Networks  

Experiment  title     Experimenting   with   Quagga   Open   API   and   Cross-­‐layer   Coordinated  Networks  

Coordinator   Marcelo  Yannuzzi  

Universitat  Politecnica  de  Catalunya  



Experimental   validation   of   an   open   API   for   Quagga   (an   open   source  software   routing)   in   order   to   evaluate   new   open   and   programmable  network   infrastructures,   which   will   allow   researchers   and   network  operators   to   experiment   network   and   traffic  management   paradigms  in  multiple  layers.  

Experimental  period   12  months  


Hypothesis   definition/Purpose  

This  experiment  will  study,  under  different  constraints  and  topologies,  the   application   of   different   offloading   strategies,   along   with   the  

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of  the  experiment    


application   of   the   Open-­‐API   over   a   large   set   of   PlanetLab   nodes   in  order  to  assess  the  scalability  and  the  usefulness  of  the  solution.  

Involved  testbeds   PlanetLab,  Kyatera  

Involved  internal  systems   Probably:    TEFIS  Data  Services,  Supervision  Module  for  monitoring  

Experimental   method   and  procedure  

We   will   guarantee   the   correctness   of   the   tests   by   performing  repetitions  under   the   same  conditions  or  by   fixing  all   the  parameters  but   the   one   under   analysis   in   the   different   evaluations   that   we   will  perform.   In  all   the   tests  evaluating   the  performance  of  offloading   the  reference   data   will   be   extracted   from   the   case   that   no   offloading   is  applied.  

With  reference  to  the  evaluation  of  the  Open-­‐  API,  we  will  centre  the  study  on  latencies  and  signalling  traffic  for  the  different  tests.  

Actors  involved   Universitat   Politecnica   de   Catalunya   and   Technische   Universitaet  Braunschweig  

No  humans  are  involved  directly  in  the  experiment.  

Variables   • Performances  of  Open  API  in  Quagga.  

• The  algorithmic  core  and  coordinated  control  process  that  runs  as  a  third-­‐party  application,  supplied  by  the  FP7  ONE  project.14  

Metrics  and  Measurements     • Latency  of  offloading  triggering  process  

• Required   time   for   network   convergence   after   applying   the  offloading,  a  

• Packet  losses  during  the  process  

• Throughput  increase  when  using  offloading    

Technical  Requirements   • 250  nodes  on  the  PlanetLab  testbed.  

• 25  nodes  on  KyaTera  

• Administrative   privileges   to   run   Quagga   upgraded   with   Open  API.  

Any  specific  details   None  


                                                                                                                         14  E.  Griliches.  “The  Junos  SDK:  A  Market  Update  on  Innovation”.  Juniper  Whitepaper  

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4.5. Experiment  4  (Smart  Ski)  Experiment  title     Smart  Ski  Resorts  

Coordinator   Jean-­‐Marc  Seigneur  

University  of  Geneva  



The   smart   ski   resort   experiment   is   intended   to   help   improve   some  aspects   of   a  mobile   application   dedicated   to   provide   new   services   to  Megève  ski  station  services,  because  this  application  has  frustrated  its  customers   due   to   connectivity   issues   (expensive   for   foreign  subscribers,  infrastructure  overload,  etc).  

Experimental  period   6  months  


Hypothesis   definition/Purpose  of  the  experiment    


The  mobile  application  will  be  connected  to:  

• PlanetLab:   to   measure,   monitor,   and   analyse   how   it   can   be  improved,  from  a  network  point  of  view.  

• IMS:   to   validate   and   test   the   ski   piste   video   streaming  application  over  IMS,  and  

• Botnia:   to   study   how   to   regain   user   satisfaction   by   better  defining  with  them  features  for  the  next  release.  

Involved  testbeds   PlanetLab,  IMS,  Botnia  

Involved  internal  systems   Probably:    TEFIS  Data  Services,  Supervision  Module  for  monitoring  

Experimental   method   and  procedure  


• Instrumentation   of   the   mobile   application   and   the   outdoor  wireless  network  to    be  connected  to  the  PlanetLab  testbed  to  be  able  to  measure  and  analyse  the  best  network    strategies  to  optimise  the  skiers  on  site  access  and  user  experience.    

• Improvement  of  the  current  network  performance  

• Experiment  with   some   volunteers   in   order   to   collect   network  data.  

• Analysis  of  the  gathered  data  

Actors  involved   • University  of  Geneva  

• Eyeski  Media  Ltd  

• Commune  de  Megève  

• Tefis  PlanetLab  support  members  

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• End-­‐users  that  have  agreed  to  test  the  application.  

Variables   • Application  settings  

• Mesh  network  deployment  

• Network  strategies  

Metrics  and  Measurements     • Network  QoS  

• Streaming  performances    

• Multimedia  and  video  QoE  

Technical  Requirements   • Instrumentation   of   the   mobile   application   and   the   outdoor  wireless  network  to  the  PlanetLab  testbed    

• Instrumentation   of   the   mobile   application   and   the   outdoor  wireless  network  to  the  IMS  testbed  

• Instrumentation  of   the  mobile  application  may  be  needed   for  some   users   feedback   aligned   with   the   Botnia   Living   Lab  methodologies.  

Any  specific  details   None  



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5. Conclusion  This   deliverable  D2.1.2   “Global   architecture   and   overall   design”   extends   the   deliverable  D2.1.1,  which  defines  the  overall  architecture  of  the  system  and  its  high-­‐level  design.    It  refines  the  first  architecture  by  providing  the  following  improvements:  

• It   addresses   architectural   design   of   core   components   (e.g.   identity  management)   by   revealing  their  requirements,  eventual  issues,  and  by  offering  a  set  of  possible  solutions,  

• It   extracts   monitoring   prerequisites,   based   on   assumptions,   in   order   to   design   the   whole  monitoring  process,  

• It  describes  revision  of  connector  design  which  will  allow  easier  integration  of  living  lab  testbeds,    

• It  revises  the  experiment  manager  in  order  to  allow  parallel  task  execution,  

• It  details  integration  of  the  planed  testbeds,  and  

• It  introduces  open  call  experiments  and  their  requirements.  


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6. Glossary    

API   Application  Programming  Interface  

CPU   Central  Processing  Unit  

GSI   Grid  Security  Infrastructure  

http   Hypertext  Transfer  Protocol  

iRODS   Integrated  Rule-­‐Oriented  Data  System  

KPI   Key  Performance  Indicator  

LDAP   Lightweight  Directory  Access  Protocol  

MD5   Message-­‐Digest  (algorithm)  

QoS   Quality  of  Service  

RPRS   Research  Platform  Repository  Service  

RSA   Rivest,  Shamir  and  Adelman15  

SIP   Session  Initiation  Protocol  

SLA   Service  Level  Agreement  

SME   Small  to  Medium  Enterprise  

SOA   Service  Oriented  Architecture  

SSH   Secure  Shell  

TCI   TEFIS  Connector  Interface  

TIDS   Testbed  Infrastructure  Data  Service  

VCT   Virtual  Customer  Testbed  

VM   Virtual  Machine  

VPN   Virtual  Private  Network  


                                                                                                                         15  First  authors  to  describe  the  associated  public-­‐key  cryptography  

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References  [1] TEFIS  Deliverable  D3.3  User  tools  implementation  

[2] TEFIS  Deliverable  D4.2.1  Experiment  and  Workflow  Scheduler  Prototype  

[3] TEFIS  Deliverable  D4.4.1  :  Test  Toolkit  Implementation.  


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Table  of  figures:    

Figure  1:  The  TEFIS  Software  Architecture  ...................................................................................................  6  

Figure  2  The  TEFIS  account  creation  interface  ............................................................................................  16  

Figure  3  The  PlanetLab  account  creation  form  ...........................................................................................  20  

Figure  4:  The  ETICS  interface  ......................................................................................................................  22  

Figure  5:  Key  elements  relations  of  monitoring  process.  ...........................................................................  32  

Figure  6:  Data  model  of  experiment  design  and  execution  stages  with  monitoring  capabilities  ...............  34  

Figure  7:  Monitoring  configuration  management  at  experiment  design  phase  .........................................  37  

Figure  8:  Monitoring  process  and  interactions  at  the  experiment  runtime  phase  .....................................  39  

Figure  9:  Entering  task  parameters  in  the  TEFIS  Experiment  Manager  ......................................................  49  

Figure  10:  Mapping  TEFIS  Tests  to  Test  Facilties  ........................................................................................  55  

Figure  11:  TEFIS  Tasks  running  independently  ...........................................................................................  56  

Figure  12:  Tasks  with  Dependencies  ...........................................................................................................  57  

Figure  13:  Parallel  and  mutually  dependent  tasks  ......................................................................................  58  

Figure  14:The  eHealth  experiment  workflow.  ............................................................................................  62  

Figure  15:  Overview  experimental  procedure  ............................................................................................  68