Teen literacy

Teen Literacy Wesley Matlock © BKC-IH Moscow Teacher Training Centre 2012


The advent of modern technology and a fundamental shift in young people's cognition has created an environment where multi-tasking and instant gratification have become the norm. This session looks at how literacy and writing skills fit into the 21st Century English classroom and how to make these essential skills engaging, meaningful, and fun. Free seminar for English teachers in BKC-IH Moscow Teacher Training Centre

Transcript of Teen literacy

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Teen LiteracyWesley Matlock

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What is literacy?

Literacy has traditionally been described as the ability to read for knowledge, write coherently and think critically about printed material


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B is for ‘ball’, C is for ‘cat’, and then…?

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Ray Charles: ABC Song

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Ray Charles: ABC Song

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Generational Learning Styles

Baby Boomers (1946-1964)

• Teacher-led, formal classroom instruction

Generation X (1965-1982)

• Still teacher-driven, but less formal instruction


Generation Y (1978-1994)

• More focus on peer and ‘active’ learning

The Millenials (1995-now)

• Born into the ‘modern’ world• Screen oriented learning

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A is for…

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Reflect on…

What kinds of things have you read today?

What topics have you read about today?


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Reflect on…

The last time I did a lesson focusing on literacy skills was…

it went (well/badly) because…


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Consider the differences

Kid literacy

• Cognitive development• Physical dexterity• Little experience with


Teen literacy

• Plenty of literacy experience in their L1

• More or less mature developmentally

What do YLs read on a daily basis?

What do teens read on a daily basis?When do

they write?

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Consider this…

• Why do teens read and write?• Are these reasons motivating? Why/Why not?

• What kinds of literacy based activities do teens do in class?• Gist/detail reading, reading aloud, reading

together (chants, singing, etc.), following along with the teacher or recording, writing essays, emails, dialogues, lists, etc.

Let’s try some activities!

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L / M I / V

Y / X

P / O

H / RE / S

C / KG / U

T / W

B / FJ / Z

Q / A

N / D

Alphabet Flip

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Carroll’s Doublets

Can you turn a ‘Cat’ into a ‘Dog’?• Cat→Cot→Dot→Dog

Try some more!• Be sure to ‘Lock’ the ‘Door’• Put the ‘Milk’ into the ‘Pail’• Do you ‘Dream’ when you ‘Sleep’?• People use ‘Wheat’ to make ‘Bread’?

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Literacy Activities

• For each, consider:• Are they effective?• Appropriate ages?

Levels?• Ways to adapt?• How can you extend


1. Find someone who…

2. AZ Flip

3. Doublets

4. Folded Stories

5. Mad Libs

6. Shared Stories

7. Online ideas1. Literal Videos

2. Blogging

3. Dubbing

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21st Century Learning Skills


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Language-based literacy print, texting, hyper-linking, multimodal

Information-based literacy searching, tagging, filtering, critical


Connection-based literacy

personal, network, cultural

Remix literacy

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Take on me: Literal Video

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So, what’s changing?


• The role of the teacher• Information exchange• Homework• Learner Autonomy• The concept of learning

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Main language teaching modes


Drip, drip, drip Immersion

Meet a couple times a week and get knowledge from a teacher Send students overseas, enroll in

intensive schools/programs

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Today’s classroom teachers need to be prepared to provide technology-supported learning opportunities for their students.

Being prepared to use technology and knowing how that technology can support student learning have become integral skills in every teacher’s professional repertoire.

http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0015/001562/156207e.pdfFor example…

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So, what are the challenges?


• Lack of training• School enforcing with no clear policy• The haves and the have nots• The role of testing and assessment• E-safety• Digital literacy• The copy and paste approach• Worrying about the tool

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The New Media Literacies

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E-mail: [email protected]: (495) 2340314
