Technology Partnership with MSC Software …Photo Caption Technology Partnership with MSC Software...

Photo Caption Technology Partnership with MSC Software CorporationLink MagNet with MSC.Nastran and Actran for electromagnetic and vibrational analysis Noise and vibraons are important consideraons when designing motors, transformers or any other number of electromagnec devices. MagNet supports the FSIMapper from Fraunhofer SCAI ™, which makes it possible to have a one-way connecon with MSC.Nastran. The partnership between Infolyca Corporaon and MSC Soſtware Corporaon means both companies parcipated in the development of this coupling, which ensures a higher degree of accuracy and reliability. Forces and torques are the mechanism by which electromagnec energy is translated into vibraon. MagNet computes accurate global force and local force distribuons for the stac, me-harmonic and me varying electromagnec fields. The force results of the target component from MagNet can be exported for use with FSIMapper, which can be then used in MSC.Nastran and Actran for the corresponding vibraon and noise analysis. 4 poles, 24 slots, IPM motor with rotor stacking holes—it is placed inside a case with a flange. Using FSIMapper, the EM force results from MagNet are mapped on to the structural model in MSC.Nastran. Frequency response analysis for displacements in the case and entire structure over a range of frequencies Generating pressure maps (far left) & performing an acoustic analysis of the motor. www.mscsoſ

Transcript of Technology Partnership with MSC Software …Photo Caption Technology Partnership with MSC Software...

Page 1: Technology Partnership with MSC Software …Photo Caption Technology Partnership with MSC Software Corporation Link MagNet with MSC.Nastran and Actran for electromagnetic and vibrational

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Technology Partnership with MSC Software Corporation™

Link MagNet with MSC.Nastran and Actran for electromagnetic and vibrational analysis

Noise and vibrations are important considerations when designing motors, transformers or any other number of electromagnetic devices.

MagNet supports the FSIMapper from Fraunhofer SCAI™, which makes it possible to have a one-way connection with MSC.Nastran.

The partnership between Infolytica Corporation and MSC Software Corporation means both companies participated in the development of this coupling, which ensures a higher degree of accuracy and reliability.

Forces and torques are the mechanism by which electromagnetic energy is translated into vibration. MagNet computes accurate global force and local force distributions for the static, time-harmonic and time varying electromagnetic fields.

The force results of the target component from MagNet can be exported for use with FSIMapper, which can be then used in MSC.Nastran and Actran for the corresponding vibration and noise analysis.

4 poles, 24 slots, IPM motor with rotor stacking holes—it is placed

inside a case with a flange.

Using FSIMapper, the EM force results from MagNet are mapped

on to the structural model in MSC.Nastran.

Frequency response analysis for displacements in the case and

entire structure over a range of frequencies

Generating pressure maps (far left) & performing an acoustic

analysis of the motor.