Technology of the Blushing Subjunctive Mood

Technology of the blushing subjunctive mood jwr47 This morning the newspaper published a strange front-page story which referred to the archaic barbaric relic of World Savings Day which as we know has been instituted by banks to gather the customers' superfluous money. The tale reported the telephone inquiry from which investment experts suggested the German savers had too much cash laying around in cash accounts at their banks. Of course investment experts today are not allowed to advise people to remove all saving deposits from their banks and particularly they are forbidden to use words like “immediately” (today) or “soon” (tomorrow). Strange as it may seem – for the wise men the message had been crystal clear and for the unwise it turned out to be veiling the warning – German language enables us to use language in a bipolar way. For some readers it warns us and other readers are being lulled to sleep... For those who study German I quote the original utterance: “Deshalb in Gold zu flüchten, davor raten die Fachleute ab: 'Gold ist kein sicherer Hafen.' Gold sei keine klassische Geldanlage, da es keine Zinsen bringe . Zudem schwankt der Goldpreis stark. Die Experten empfehlen Sachwerte wie Immobilien oder Aktien.” translatable as : The experts discourage to use gold as a safe haven: 'gold is no safe harbor.' Gold were not to be considered as a classic investment as it would not produce any interests. Also the price for gold heavily fluctuates. The experts advised to invest in tangible assets such as real estate or stocks. The subjunctive mood II (in German: Konjunktiv II Irrealis ) The subjunctive mood indicates the speaker does not refer to his own opinion, observance, question or desire, but refers to another person's feeling. In German the subjunctive mood II is used to express impossible or unreal cases and suggests to consider the wording as unrealistic. In order to understand the ridiculous character of such unrealistic stories we must be aware that the German bonds return negative interest rates and gold at least returns 0% interest rate. And we alos must realize that fiat money permanently will be defrauded by inflation and/or bankruptcy. Besides these virtues gold has been proven as a tangible, secure and universally valuable barter object, which opposes to real estate and stock. For comparisons you might have a look at the housing markets in the US and the overvalued bubbling stock-markets all over the place. The most interesting detail in the quotation however is the highlighted yellow line, in which the journalist is trying to say something in an unveiled and hidden way. Of course the utterance has been formulated by “another person”, such as a censor. The usage of the subjunctive mood suggests contradictions between the author's opinion and the prescribed censored formula. Of course the author may have altered his original statement to a censored statement, which I will now reconstruct by a sequence of three utterances in German and English:


Of course investment experts today are not allowed to advise people to remove all saving deposits from their banks and particularly they are forbidden to use words like “immediately” (today) or “soon” (tomorrow).Strange as it may seem German language enables us to use language in a bipolar way. For some readers it warns us and other readers are being lulled to sleep..."Gold were not to be considered as a classic investment as it would not produce any interests. "The usage of the subjunctive mood suggests contradictions between the author's opinion and the prescribed censored formula.And just because experts in mainstream media have to be regulated and censored by publishers and controlling agents the truth often is to be bent down towards subjunctive moods, which in German often results in a shameful formula, which I define as the “blushing subjunctive” (in Latin/German the “Erubescens”-Konjunktiv or “Erubescens”-Irrealis). This shameful “blushing subjunctive” compensates for the dishonored job of idealistic journalism, in which editors and writes are forced the publish lies and manipulated reports or wisdom, unscientific definitions and bad statistics. And any time you read and identify a shameful “blushing subjunctive” you know there are censors waiting to put such journalist in jail or to send them away into oblivion and a jobless existence...

Transcript of Technology of the Blushing Subjunctive Mood

Page 1: Technology of the Blushing Subjunctive Mood

Technology of the blushing subjunctive moodjwr47

This morning the newspaper published a strange front-page story which referred to the archaicbarbaric relic of World Savings Day which as we know has been instituted by banks to gather thecustomers' superfluous money.

The tale reported the telephone inquiry from which investment experts suggested the German savershad too much cash laying around in cash accounts at their banks.

Of course investment experts today are not allowed to advise people to remove all saving depositsfrom their banks and particularly they are forbidden to use words like “immediately” (today) or“soon” (tomorrow).

Strange as it may seem – for the wise men the message had been crystal clear and for the unwise itturned out to be veiling the warning – German language enables us to use language in a bipolarway. For some readers it warns us and other readers are being lulled to sleep...

For those who study German I quote the original utterance:

“Deshalb in Gold zu flüchten, davor raten die Fachleute ab: 'Gold ist kein sichererHafen.' Gold sei keine klassische Geldanlage, da es keine Zinsen bringe. Zudemschwankt der Goldpreis stark. Die Experten empfehlen Sachwerte wie Immobilien oderAktien.”

translatable as :

The experts discourage to use gold as a safe haven: 'gold is no safe harbor.' Gold werenot to be considered as a classic investment as it would not produce any interests. Alsothe price for gold heavily fluctuates. The experts advised to invest in tangible assetssuch as real estate or stocks.

The subjunctive mood II (in German: Konjunktiv II Irrealis)

The subjunctive mood indicates the speaker does not refer to his own opinion, observance,question or desire, but refers to another person's feeling.

In German the subjunctive mood II is used to express impossible or unreal cases andsuggests to consider the wording as unrealistic.

In order to understand the ridiculous character of such unrealistic stories we must be aware that theGerman bonds return negative interest rates and gold at least returns 0% interest rate. And we alosmust realize that fiat money permanently will be defrauded by inflation and/or bankruptcy.

Besides these virtues gold has been proven as a tangible, secure and universally valuable barterobject, which opposes to real estate and stock. For comparisons you might have a look at thehousing markets in the US and the overvalued bubbling stock-markets all over the place.

The most interesting detail in the quotation however is the highlighted yellow line, in which thejournalist is trying to say something in an unveiled and hidden way. Of course the utterance hasbeen formulated by “another person”, such as a censor. The usage of the subjunctive mood suggestscontradictions between the author's opinion and the prescribed censored formula. Of course theauthor may have altered his original statement to a censored statement, which I will now reconstructby a sequence of three utterances in German and English:

Page 2: Technology of the Blushing Subjunctive Mood

For those who study German I quote the reconstructed utterances in German:

1. original statement: Gold ist eine klassische Geldanlage, auch wenn es keine Zinsen bringt. 2. censored statement: Gold ist keine klassische Geldanlage, da es keine Zinsen bringt. 3. subjunctive mood: Gold sei keine klassische Geldanlage, da es keine Zinsen bringe.

This translates to:1. original statements: Gold is a classic investment even if it does not generate any interests. 2. censored statement: Gold is not a classic investment as it does not generate any interests. 3. subjunctive mood: Gold were not a classic investment as it would not generate any


Analysis: “Gold sei keine klassische Geldanlage, da es keine Zinsen bringe”.

The sentence represents an unrealistic case such as the following example:

If I were a little bird I would fly to thee....

The condition's formula “If I were a little bird” refers to an impossible or quite unrealisticcondition leading to the main claim “I would fly to thee..”. Both the main and theconditional statement are using the subjunctive mood.

The German Konjunktiv II also will be applied if the specific Condition-Main-Structure is to beimpossible or unrealistic. Additionally I would like to define another claim:

„The German Irrealis defines a condition which is unrealistic, but will have to bepublished as if it were realistic (for some time). This unreality will probably have to beveiled and kept a secret (for a while or maybe up to infinity).“

In this case we have to assume the experts know very well :

• That gold is a classic investment, which even may produce interest rates by leasing (although this leasing procedure risks a loss of capital, e.g. the lost gold bars which have been claimed to be returned from NY and London to the German Bundesbank).

• That gold in contrast to fiat money is a classic investment, although today none of these investments produce any interest rates.

• That a classic investment should at least produce a positive1 interest rates, which for someobscure and undocumented reasons has been disappeared and lost.

• Or any combinations of these three insights or any other details which have not been listedby the experts, or have to be censored, skipped or even depolarized.

The usage of the “Erubescens”-subjunctive mood

And just because experts in mainstream media have to be regulated and censored by publishers andcontrolling agents the truth often is to be bent down towards subjunctive moods, which in Germanoften results in a shameful formula, which I define as the “blushing subjunctive” (in Latin/Germanthe “Erubescens”-Konjunktiv or “Erubescens”-Irrealis).

This shameful “blushing subjunctive” compensates for the dishonored job of idealistic journalism,in which editors and writes are forced the publish lies and manipulated reports or wisdom,unscientific definitions and bad statistics. And any time you read and identify a shameful “blushingsubjunctive” you know there are censors waiting to put such journalist in jail or to send them awayinto oblivion and a jobless existence...

1 Positive interest rates are assumed, as negative interest rates would even be worse than 0% interest rates

Page 3: Technology of the Blushing Subjunctive Mood

The “Erubescens”-subjunctive mood as a psychological tool

Certainly a lot of editors and journalists may feel depressed, forcing them to veil the truth andpublish untruth and even plain lies. Most certainly many of these poor servants already havedeveloped peptic ulcer. Most of these people must have found a bottle for consolation...

And only the “Erubescens”-subjunctive, the “blushing subjunctive”, is a serious medicine tocompensate chronic depressions in journalism. Of course I do not envy this veiling tactics, whicheasily may be detected and punished by the censors.

On the other side the “blushing subjunctive” allows lots of students to investigate unreality,deception and the dirty little tricks of manipulation in the media for deceiving the population.Especially in an today's era of deception virtually all sentences in the newspapers' front page shouldbe formulated to contain at least one subjunctive of the “blushing” kind….

Understanding: “Gold were not a classic investment as it would not generate anyinterests.

This sentence is a subjunctive of the “unreality” category, which is to be used in case the specificCondition-Main-Structure is impossible or unrealistic.

It is important that the conditional expression is realistic2. This however is untrue as gold may begenerating leasing interest rates. Of course the main statement also is considered to be untrue in anycase of interest: gold is always a classic investment.

But let us now restrict to the special case, in which gold does not produce interest rates.

Zero interest rates is quite common today and the same formula may also be applied to fiat moneyby claiming: “Fiat money ist not a classic investment as it does not generate any interests”.

In fact “Fiat money is a classic, but not as an investment; Fiat money is a classic Ponzi-fraud.”

The editors of the German experts' report haven't understood a thing or they prefer to remain silent(because somebody who has learned writing, probably needs the job for a living, and probably alsohas been taught how to use the “blushing”-subjunctive mood....

2 Source: Konjunktiv II > Irrealis > Unwahrscheinliche oder unmögliche Bedingungsfolgen