Technology for our mind and body

How Technology Saves our Minds and Bodies

Transcript of Technology for our mind and body

  1. 1. How Technology Saves our Minds and Bodies
  2. 2. What does technology do for society? Increase overall productivity of society Increase quality of patient care in hospital Decrease length of hospital stay = decrease in hospital cost Increased recovery time Longer, healthier, and happier lives previously shortened by unknown diseases Research=Knowledge
  3. 3. Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) 1935 DNA discovered by Andrei Nikolaevitch Belozersky, a Russian scientist, isolates pure DNA 1980 First GMO patent issued for a bacterium capable of cleaning up oil spills 1994 GMO in grocery stores, a delayed ripening tomato was available for sale
  4. 4. The Positives of GMOs Provides a nutrient dense food Faster harvesting time than conventional Consistent growth rates Cheaper than organic therefore saving you money for healthy activities
  5. 5. Medical Imaging- Xray 1895 Xray discovered by Wilhelm Conrad Rntgen accidentally Electrons emitted halt suddenly against metal plate producing image Tissues absorb at different rates producing images of human body for observation
  6. 6. Medical Imaging- CT Scan Robert Ledley discovered the CT scan in1975 Multiple Xray taken to determine measurements of area of question Useful for tumors and identifying abnormalities Images put together show a 3D image for health care staff
  7. 7. Medical Imaging- MRI Raymond Damadian discovered the basis for magnetic resonance imaging in 1970 Magnetic and radio field cause atoms to emit signals read by machine Does not use Xray reducing chronic use harm to patients
  8. 8. Medical Imaging- Benefits Time efficient during crisis Clearer images for hospital staff to understand patients condition Promote proper and timely treatment Reduce risk of over exposure through use of MRI and X-ray where appropriate
  9. 9. Heart transplant box Heart only last 6 hours with conventional methods Heart donor rates are extremely low High risk transplant Heart transplant box keeps the donor heart warm, nutrient fed, alive longer Technology actively evolving for our benefit in the medical field
  10. 10. Heart transplant box
  11. 11. iPod Allows disconnect from stressful situation Improves concentration after lengthy day for user Allows user to control their entertainment genre Multiple apps to track mental health Improve mental wellbeing of user if resources used appropriately
  12. 12. Discussion Question! Should we continue to develop medical advancements lengthening the life expectancy, but not necessarily the quality of life?
  13. 13. Discussion Question! As the life expectancy continues to improve, currently 81years old in 2012 for Canadians, should we be focusing on our environmental impact as we grow exponentially and last longer?
  14. 14. In conclusion I find the advancement of technology to be beneficial in a daily environment such as the iPod for my mind but also beneficial as the medical community evolves to become more successful. It may be controversial to continue although I see strong benefits from the progress and wish for it to continue.
  15. 15. Work Cited. Statistics Canada. (2012). Life expectancy at birth, by sex, by province. Retrieved from tableaux/sum-som/l01/cst01/health26-eng.htm The Science Behind an MRI. (2011). Magnetic Resonance Imaging MRI. Retrieved from Trillium Gift of Life Network. (n.d.) Focus on Transplantation. Retrieved from Why Choose Vine Ripened Produce. (2013). Health Benefits. Retrieved from info/health-benefits/ Why GMO Inside. (2012). Because we have the right to know what's in our food. Retrieved from