Technology creates social isolation and neurosis


Transcript of Technology creates social isolation and neurosis

Page 1: Technology creates social isolation and neurosis
Page 2: Technology creates social isolation and neurosis


- What is social neurosis and social isolation.

- How does technology affect our day to day life and our social interactions.

- The different types of technology that make up the big picture.

- Cell Phones and Social Development.

- Television and Social Development.

- Gaming and Social Development.

- Social Networking and Social Development.

- Social Skills and Social Development..

- Conclusion.

Page 3: Technology creates social isolation and neurosis


Social isolation refers to a complete or near-complete lack of contact with society.

It is usually involuntary, making it distinct from isolating tendencies or actions

consciously undertaken by a person, all of which go by various other names.

It is also not the same as loneliness rooted in temporary lack of contact with other

humans. Social isolation can be an issue for anyone despite their age, each age

group may show more symptoms than the other as children are different from adults.

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Social neurosis is a class of functional mental

disorders involving distress but neither delusions nor

hallucinations, whereby the person’s behavior

is not outside socially acceptable norms. It is also

known as psychoneurosis or neurotic disorder and thus

those suffering from it are said to be neurotic.

The term essentially describes an “invisible injury”

and the resulting conditions.

Page 5: Technology creates social isolation and neurosis


One would assume that technology of today would be mostly beneficial to us all.

It would provide us with the ability to understand other cultures, meet people

from all over the world. Technology would strengthen family relationships. It would

allow us to communicate effectively with others and help people to become more

socially adapt.. Unfortunately it did not all turn out in this way. With all of this

wonderful technology people have become distracted and overly stressed.

It has created an environment of people being increasingly isolated and having

very little human interactions. If they are having interactions they are in large

numbers of individuals but at the end of the day these relationships are cold and

very impersonal. Everyone wants to have as many friends on Facebook as possible.

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In today’s world we have a lot of technological options at our fingertips.

Mobile phones, smart phones, PDA’s, desktop computers, laptop computers,

netbooks, tablet devices, video game systems, land line telephones,

voice over IP, email, instant messaging, and last but not least

social media. With such a wide range of possibilities we

should be the best connected bunch of individuals

but it is not the case. People over all communicate less with others.

There is very little personal interaction and email has become

the exclusive tool in most business communication.

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Today cell phones can be used for almost everything from basic

communication, games, emails, alarm clock, and personal agendas.

This in turn has created many very dangerous habits amongst many.

Texting while driving and emailing while driving are two of the most

common problems. It has been widely reported that children are loosing

their connection with other family members due to the fact that they are

on their phones every waking moment. The youth of today freely admit

to texting, emailing, and playing games during family dinners.

It has also been reported on numerous occasions of students using their

cell phones and the built in cameras in order to cheat on tests.

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There are many different theories on the effects of television on our society.

It has been reported in many studies that watching some well chosen programs

can have a positive strengthening impact on the family life. On the other hand

many professionals believe that television contributes to the downfall of our

social values and characters. The amount of violence that our children are exposed to on

a regular basis is believed to have a lasting impact on them and is believed to

bring our aggression. These theories have never been entirely proven but

definitely provide food for thought. The very obvious is the fact that television

viewing requires very little skill and thought on our part and due to that fact there

is very little meaningful interaction with other viewers. All of this combined

greatly reduces social skills.

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Gaming has become a potentially serious social setback.

It has been indicated that people get so absorbed in the

gaming world that that is all they talk about. They loose

the understanding between the real world and the game

world. This is especially true for many of the games that

are based on creating characters and entire communities.

There have also been many studies which have made a

connection between the violence in a video game and

human aggression. If used in moderation video games

are not all bad. They help build relationships amongst

players and can also act as great family activities.

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DEVELOPMENTFacebook, MySpace, Twitter, and Linked are some

of the most commonly used social networks.

They all have many benefit not only in the personal

world of many people but also in the business world.

It is very rewarding to be able to find a long lost fiend

as well as being able to stay in contact with people

who might have moved to other parts of the world.

Unfortunately people have been fired from their jobs

or put under a closer eye because they choose to use

these sites in the workplace. Not too mention the fact

that people become far more narcissistic.

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Technology might have advanced our youth in many ways but it has also been

a great hindrance. We have become so addicted to our electronic devices that we

are almost unable to function without them. It has been shown in numerous

studies that school age youth are loosing their skills in basic witting. Everything

Is done on our computers and the art of handwriting is almost entirely gone.

The youth or today have problems with basic grammar and spelling.

A new language has been developed to speed up

texting and that language is impacting everyday life.

Short abbreviations find themselves on resumes and

cover letters. This leaves a poor first impression on the


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We have created the world of today, full of amazing technology and time


devices that help us in everyday life. In the process of all this wonder we

have began

to loose our own selves and our humanity. Too much of anything

regardless of

how great it may be is never good. Are we still human or just robots in


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REFERENCES>Culture & Society