Technology Acquisition: ePortfolio System · Technology Acquisition: ePortfolio System Project...

Technology Acquisition: ePortfolio System Project Sponsor: Professor Cindy P. Stevens Project Manager: David Gidley Project Team: Abdulelah Allafi, Anqi Cai, Stephen Schreier

Transcript of Technology Acquisition: ePortfolio System · Technology Acquisition: ePortfolio System Project...

Page 1: Technology Acquisition: ePortfolio System · Technology Acquisition: ePortfolio System Project Sponsor: Professor Cindy P. Stevens Project Manager: David Gidley Project Team: Abdulelah

Technology Acquisition:

ePortfolio System

Project Sponsor: Professor Cindy P. Stevens

Project Manager: David Gidley

Project Team: Abdulelah Allafi, Anqi Cai, Stephen Schreier

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Table of Contents

1.) General Information ...................................................................................................................... 2 Purpose of the RFP ........................................................................................................................................... 2 RFP Communications ...................................................................................................................................... 2 Timeline ............................................................................................................................................................... 2 RFP Preparation ................................................................................................................................................ 2 Vendor Responses ............................................................................................................................................ 3 Effective Dates of Pricing ............................................................................................................................... 3 Evaluation Criteria ........................................................................................................................................... 3 Right to Reject .................................................................................................................................................... 3 Marketing References ..................................................................................................................................... 3

2.) Vendor Guidelines .......................................................................................................................... 4 RFP Response Format ..................................................................................................................................... 4 Letter of Transmittal ....................................................................................................................................... 4 Table of Contents .............................................................................................................................................. 5 Product Overview ............................................................................................................................................. 5 Functional Requirements .............................................................................................................................. 5 Technical Product Information ................................................................................................................... 5 Strategic Partnership Potential ................................................................................................................... 5 Cost Summary .................................................................................................................................................... 5 Appendix .............................................................................................................................................................. 6 Exceptions to the RFP ...................................................................................................................................... 6 Confidentially ..................................................................................................................................................... 6

3.) Product Information ...................................................................................................................... 6

4.) Functionality Requirements: ...................................................................................................... 7 Instructions ......................................................................................................................................................... 7 Technology Functionality: ............................................................................................................................. 7 System Functionality: ...................................................................................................................................... 8 Vendor Functionality: ..................................................................................................................................... 8

5.) Technology ........................................................................................................................................ 9 Client Requirements: ....................................................................................................................................... 9 Network Architecture, Scalability, Extensibility ................................................................................ 10 System Performance, Reliability, and Redundancy .......................................................................... 11

6.) Strategic Partnership Potential ............................................................................................... 12 Vendor Profile ................................................................................................................................................. 12 Training ............................................................................................................................................................. 12 Support .............................................................................................................................................................. 13 Implementation Plan .................................................................................................................................... 13 References: ....................................................................................................................................................... 14

7.) Costs ................................................................................................................................................... 14 Initial Costs ...................................................................................................................................................... 14 Software: ........................................................................................................................................................... 14 Additional Services ....................................................................................................................................... 15 Pricing Options ............................................................................................................................................... 15 Long-Term Costs ............................................................................................................................................ 15

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Payment Options ............................................................................................................................................ 16

1.) General Information

Purpose of the RFP

The purpose of the Request for Proposal (RFP) is to establish the functional, operational,

and technical requirements for the purchase of an ePortfolio that meet Wentworth Institute

of Technology's Requirements.

RFP Communications

Please direct all communications for this RFP to:

Name: David Gidley

Email: [email protected]

Phone number: 774-766-0972


Vendor demo, review, and site visit February 2015

RFP submission date December 20, 2014

Proposal due date January 10, 2015

Vendor selection and contracts February 2015

RFP Preparation

The vendors will absorb all the costs in relation to preparing and presentation of this RFP.

In the event that modifications or additions to the RFP become necessary, prospective

vendors will be notified in writing. All supporting materials submitted with the proposal

will become the property of Wentworth Institute of Technology unless otherwise

requested by the prospective vendors at the time of submission.

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Vendor Responses

The vendors are required to submit three (3) copies of their proposals. Send all copies to

David Gidley no later than January 20, 2015. All supporting materials and documentation

must be included with the proposal.

Effective Dates of Pricing

Prospective vendors should state in writing that all furnished information, including

pricing, will remain valid and applicable for a minimum of one hundred twenty (120)

days from the date their proposal is received by Wentworth.

Evaluation Criteria

Prospective vendor proposals will be evaluated using the following general criteria:

● Ability to satisfy Wentworth Institute of Technology requirements

● Ability to satisfy technical and integration requirements

● Strategic Partnership potential

● Cost

Right to Reject

Wentworth Institute of Technology reserves the right to accept or reject any submitted

proposals and request additional information from all prospective vendors. Wentworth

Institute of Technology specifically has the right to negotiate a contract with the selected

vendor(s). The vendor’s response to this RFP will be included in whole or by reference in

the final contract. At the discretion of Wentworth Institute of Technology, a third-party

financial institution or consulting team could be included in contract negotiations.

Selected vendor will be based on the evaluation of all responses, applying all criteria, and

oral interviews (if required), the vendor determined to be the best qualified to provide the

requested solution and support will receive the contract.

Marketing References

Prospective vendors may not make any reference to the project in any literature,

promotional material, brochures or sales presentations, or make any other commercial use

of Wentworth Institute of Technology’s name and/or this RFP, without the express

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written consent from Wentworth Institute of Technology. However, Wentworth Institute

of Technology will offer itself as a reference account to the selected vendor(s).

Copyrights used herein are acknowledged to be the property of their prospective


2.) Vendor Guidelines

RFP Response Format

Prospective vendors should make every attempt to use terminology in their proposal that

is consistent with that of Wentworth Institute of Technology and this RFP. Comparable

terminology may be substituted, where appropriate, if the prospective vendor provides

clear and concise definitions. Prospective vendor proposals should address the

requirements outlined in this RFP as directly and concisely as possible Extraneous

information with no apparent connection to Wentworth Institute of Technology and this

RFP could detract from the proposal scoring.

The information furnished should be in specific response to this RFP. Specific

answer are required to specific questions where asked. All information should be

submitted in a standard PDF document as well as 8.5 x 11 inch paper.

Vendor responses to this RFP will become a part of the final contract between Wentworth

Institute of Technology and the vendor.

Prospective vendors are requested to provide their proposal in the following format:

Letter of Transmittal

The letter of transmittal should include the following detail in two (2) pages:

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A brief statement of the product that will be provided.

Wentworth Institute of Technology ePortfolio project team would prefer to deal with a

single representative. The names of personnel delegated to represent the vendor, should

be include titles, address, phone (direct) and email.

Table of Contents

The table of contents should include a complete and concise identification of the

materials submitted by section and page number.

Product Overview

Prospective vendors should follow the instructions in the Product Overview section of

this RFP.

Functional Requirements

Prospective vendors should fill out the table in the Functional Product Information

sections of this RFP.

Technical Product Information

Prospective vendors should complete the table in the Technical Product Information

sections of this RFP.

Strategic Partnership Potential

Prospective vendor should respond to all strategic information in the Strategic

Partnership Potential section of this RFP.

Cost Summary

Prospective vendors should provide all the information requested in the Cost Summary

sections of this RFP.

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Prospective vendors may provide any other information that the vendor considers suitable

for this RFP in an Appendix section.

Exceptions to the RFP

Prospective vendors may find instances where their operations do not function in a

manner consistent with the specifications in the RFP. In such cases, it is permissible to

take exception to portions of the RFP. The exceptions should be clearly identified. If

necessary, attach an additional page describing the scope of the exceptions, any

additional costs, and a summary of any advantages these exceptions represent to

Wentworth Institute of Technology.


This RFP and all materials requested shall not be copied, shall not be used for any other

purpose, and shall not be forwarded to any other third party without Wentworth institute

of Technology’s express written consent or permission. Each prospective vendor

personnel should understand that they are under a mutual confidentiality agreement with


3.) Product Information

In this section we would like the vendors to describe their product in detail. We would

like all marketing materials to be placed in this section to ensure that we get a complete

picture of your ePortfolio solution. Screenshots of the solution are required for us to

compare the User Interface for Faculty, Professionals, and Students. Please specify which

solution would be for Faculty, Students and etc.

In addition to an in depth description of your product we would like a description of the

upgrades/ customizability of your product. Please specify how much you would be able

to customize the product upon request.

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4.) Functionality Requirements:


Wentworth Institute of Technology, on the topic of selecting an ePortfolio, will strive to

achieve the best product and service provider to ensure that the future system will remain

useful and modern in the years following its implementation. The vendor must provide

measurable, accurate, and reliable answers based upon the vendor’s proposed product

solution specific to the given product. If the vendor’s product does not meet a requirement,

clear indication using the proper term (DMR) standing for Does not Meet Requirement,

should be sufficient. The requirements will be listed in tables in the requirements section

and the rating should be included based on the solution capability shown below. A

response should also be included adding any additional information that could be useful in

making the final decision.

For each requirement, the solutions capability should be identified as follows:

DMR- Does not meet requirement

MM-Major Modification- Heavy modifying, such as modifying the coder of the product.

MN- Minor Modification- Light modifying such as customization of a tool or report.

CR- Current Release- The requirement is currently met in the current version.

FR- Future Release- The requirement will be addressed in a future version of the product.

TP- Third-Party Solution- The functionality is not provided by the vendor but provided by

a Third-Party and can be implemented seamlessly into the vendor’s package.

Technology Functionality:

# Requirement Rating Response

1 Compatible on Windows

and Macintosh Operating


2 Web-Based Platform

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3 Compatible with Multiple

Document Formats

(Microsoft Office, PDF)

7 Updated Regularly

System Functionality:

# Requirement Rating Response

1 Contains Evaluation Tools

2 Contains Comment


3 Contains Upload Features

4 Easy to Use Interface

5 Contains Templates for


6 Contains Grading Feature

that can be exported to a


7 Contains Change Log

8 Contains tools to

Customize Portfolio

10 Able to create a Printable

Version of Portfolio

11 Able to print out


12 Able to be viewed by

public on internet

Vendor Functionality:

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# Requirement Rating Response

1 Vendor Provides Technical


2 Vendor Provides Training:

Manual, Video, etc

End-User and Faculty

6 Vendor Provides Technical

Support During Business

Hours and beyond

8 Vendor has ability to work

on system remotely

9 Vendor is experienced

with dealing with

organizations the size of


10 Vendor has 5-year

Business Plan

5.) Technology

Client Requirements:

# Requirement Response

1 Describe the minimum system

requirements for the use of your product.

2 What operating systems and browsers does

your product support?

3 Does your product have an API?

4 Does your application have a mobile

application? Which mobile operating

systems does it support?

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5 Can people access your product remotely?

(Not on campus network)

6 How many people can use your product


Network Architecture, Scalability, Extensibility

# Requirement Response

1 Describe the smallest and largest possible

configuration of your product.

2 How easily can the system be expanded?

3 What is the maximum amount of users

your product can support?

4 Is the data in your system exportable?

5 Will we need to host your product or do

you provide hosting services?

6 Describe the technology and architectural

base of your product

7 Is there any proprietary hardware needed

for your product?

8 What are the upload/download capabilities

of your product?

9 Define your anticipated upgrades and

enhancements for your product for the next

three years. Will the current data be

migratable to the new system?

10 When do you perform maintenance on your

system? Is it not available during


11 How long does maintenance typically last?

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System Performance, Reliability, and Redundancy

# Requirement Response

1 What practices do you have in place to

prevent major outages/downtime?

2 Does your product allow for any automated

features? Can it print reports at certain


3 Are there file size limits for your system?

4 Describe how your system handles data


5 Does your system perform backups? Will

we have to handle backing up the


6 Do you provide any disaster recovery


7 Describe the bandwidth minimums and

maximums for your product.

8 Describe information security features of

your product.

A) User sign in controls.

B) Access to files, databases, folders


9 Does your system support multiple user

levels with their own access features


10 Does your system provide stress testing

capabilities? How would that work?

11 What external software or products can

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your product integrate with?

(Dropbox, MS Office, Outlook, Google

Docs, etc)

6.) Strategic Partnership Potential

Wentworth institute of Technology will only need your organization product for the

Business Management department initially. Wentworth institute of Technology will then

purchase additional licenses or just continue to interact with them on a support capacity

for the remaining life of the product. But if Wentworth institute of Technology

implementation is successful will consider expand this product to the remaining majors.

Vendor Profile

Prospective vendors should include the following detail:

A description of your company’s background.

Any pertinent association memberships.

A description of your organization’s background.

A description of any constraints or legal issues that could convincingly influence a

relationship with Wentworth institute of Technology.


Prospective vendors should include the following detail:

Detailed description of your standard training program process for faculty and student.

Detailed maintenance plans available with your system.

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What system documentation is available and included in the price of the system?

What additional training program that your organization offers?


Prospective vendors should include the following detail:

Description of your product warranties.

List the assistance time that is available from your help desk.

Description of your organization’s policy for product upgrades and maintenance.

Identify the support options in detail.

Description of your available support options.

Description of your company will provide implementation.

Description of how your company will support services.


Briefly describe your largest installation and implementation of your software and the experience

that it provided you with. Please indicate the size of the installation, the amount of integration,

and your specific role in the installation.

Implementation Plan

Prospective vendors should include the following detail:

Description of your system installation and implementation procedures.

Description of the risk during the implementation as well as the solution for each risk.

Description of the risks associated in the time frame for your implementation process.

A list of what is needed to be provided for supporting during the implementation process.

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Please provide a minimum of three customer reference. Educational institutions would be


7.) Costs

Initial Costs

The initial proposal should outline a price quote and all pricing options available to

support the following quotas:

• 100 simultaneous students

• 25 simultaneous professors and administrators

Complete pricing schedules should be provided that represent the complete cost of ownership.

This schedule must detail specific products and support to be provided as well as the amounts

and timing of payments. It should try to include the following:


Cost per individual user license

Cost per individual professor/administrator license

Cost for additional tools:

o Report writers

o Administrator tools

o Design tools

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o Customizable user interface

Additional Services:

Vendors should provide pricing data for any services not included as part of the software or

support purchase. These may include training, implementation support, and ongoing


Pricing Options

Vendors are encouraged to be creative in their pricing structures. Examples may include, but are

not limited to: site licensing, complete package licensing. More than one proposed pricing

structure per solution acceptable.

Long-Term Costs

Support and Other Long-Term Costs:

Please state all costs in dollars not percentages. Assume 24 x 7 support and explain the

nature of this support. Document basis for support cost increases and maximum increases

for the next five years.

● Lease state all costs in dollars.

● 24 x 7 support

● Fixed annual rate

● Usage charges

● Onsite support rates

● System upgrades

● Bug fixes

Please provide all other long-term costs associated with maintaining this technology.

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Payment Options

Prospective vendors are encouraged to include payment option information.