Techniques for Developing High Resolution LNAPL Conceptual Site Models

Techniques for Developing High Resolution Light Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid (LNAPL) Conceptual Site Models Roger Lamb, R.G – Roger Lamb Consulting Presented by:

Transcript of Techniques for Developing High Resolution LNAPL Conceptual Site Models

Page 1: Techniques for Developing High Resolution LNAPL Conceptual Site Models

Techniques for Developing High Resolution Light Non-Aqueous Phase

Liquid (LNAPL) Conceptual Site Models

Roger Lamb, R.G – Roger Lamb Consulting

Presented by:

Page 2: Techniques for Developing High Resolution LNAPL Conceptual Site Models

High Resolution LCSM Investigation Tools• MIHPT – Detects VOCs in Fresh Gasoline, Jet Fuel, Weathered

Gasoline, EDB, MtBE and provides Qualitative Permeability and Hydraulic Conductivity Estimates.

• uVOST/LIF – Detects LNAPL containing PAHs in ppm concentrations – 10 to 500 ppm.

• Optical Imaging Profiler (OIP)– Detects LNAPL containing PAHs and photos of the subsurface soils.

• Collaborative soil, groundwater, soil vapor analytical results and lithologic data sets – Field Analysis Preferred.

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MIHPT Diagram

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Depth Detector

MiHpt Transfer


Drill Rods

Electrical Generator

(self sufficient)

Ultra Pure Compressed Gases


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Collaborative Data Set General RecommendationsSoil Samples – Cohesive Deposits• Collect from target depths/locations based on direct sensing tool results- low,

medium, high detector response - minimum 30 samples.• Collect soil cores using closed-tubed sampling tools, maximum core length of

1 foot.• Use Encore samplers or similar to collect soil samples from the soil cores.• Document soil lithology and depth interval from which Encore samples are

collected.• Include in soil analysis TPH-GRO or DRO or similar depending on State

requirements - Field Analysis Preferred.

Ground Water/ Soil Vapor Samples• Install piezometers/wells/etc. based on based on direct sensing tool results-

low, medium, high detector response. • Use short screens, maximum length 5 feet for groundwater, 1 foot for soil


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Economic Benefits

Reduction in investigation costsIncrease in investigation data set

Increase in speed of decisions

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Collected over 15 years Collected over 4 days

Total 2,255 Total 13,545

Conventional Tools High Resolution Tools

Average Site

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Conventional Tools

Collected over 16 years

Total 3,568

High Resolution Tools

Collected over 10 daysTotal 27,818

Large Site

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Technical Benefits

Hydrogeologic CharacterizationLNAPL Body Distribution

Remediation Feasibility/Design

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Hydrogeologic CharacterizationRisk Assessment

Remediation Feasibility/MonetizationRemediation Pilot Testing, Design, Implementation

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Soil Electrical Conductivity-Alluvial Deposits




Sand Layers

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Soil Electrical Conductivity-Alluvial Deposits

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Alluvial Clays

Alluvial Sands

Hydraulic Profiling Tool- Alluvial Deposits

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Permeability decreasing with depth

Hydraulic Profiling Tool- Limestone Residuum

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highly variable permeability

Hydraulic Profiling Tool- Saprolite

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High Resolution Hydraulic Conductivity Estimates

High K Zones

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LNAPL Body DistributionSource Determination

Risk AssessmentRemediation Feasibility/Monetization

Remediation Pilot Testing, Design, Implementation

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Benzene in Ground Water

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Former UST PIT

Ground Water Surface

LNAPL Migration in Sand Layers

X-section MIP PID Data Set

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Mobile Phase LNAPL in Monitoring Wells

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X-section uVOST Data Set

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Isopach Map - uVOST Data Set

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Total BTEX in Ground Water

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Core of



Plan-view MIP FID Data

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X-section MIP FID Data

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X-section MIP FID Data

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Some Lessons LearnedMonitoring wells do not need to be screened across the groundwater surface to detect mobile phase LNAPL.

LNAPL migrates to depths tens of feet below the groundwater surface.

LNAPL releases of different physical properties do not mix in the subsurface environment.

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MIP PID/FID sensors indicate gasoline LNAPL at 30 feet

Monitoring well screened 27 to 32 feet contains mobile LNAPL

Monitoring well screened 15 to 25 feet does not contain LNAPL

Groundwater surface at 14 feet


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X-section MIP FID Data

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Develop Initial LNAPL CSM

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• Establish Desired Results with Stakeholders.

• Fuel Types and Age of Releases – Weathered Gasoline, Fresh Gasoline, Diesel, Waste Oil.

• Hydrogeologic Data – Glacial/Alluvium/Cherty Clays.

• Map Mobile LNAPL – LNAPL that accumulates in wells.

• Map Soil and Groundwater Analytical Results – Above 1ppm Benzene which is indicative of LNAPL.

• Establish what results actually be achieved based on the initial LCSM.

Initial LCSM Considerations

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Fold into the LCSM current understandings of:

• Residual/Mobile/Migrating LNAPL

• LNAPL Transmissivity

• LNAPL Biodegradation

• Vapor Intrusion

• Environmental/Remediation Hydrogeology

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LCSM Field Investigation Design

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Critical Field Design Considerations

1. Geologic Condition Issues- Cherty Soils or Shallow Bedrock.

2. Concrete Pavement – Have Coring Tools Onsite.

3. Weathered Gasoline – MIHPT system only

4. Leaded Gasoline – An MIHPT with and ECD Detector.

5. Inside Building or Tight Locations – Determine if accessible by contractors equipment.

6. Offsite Access - Plan for it based on initial LCSM.

7. Potential Impact of Offsite Chemical Releases.

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Start with Anchor Points - Advance Direct Sensing Tools next to 3 to 6 sample locations that having the one of the following characteristics:

1. Has Contained LNAPL.2. Groundwater Results over 1 mg/L Benzene or Naphthalene.3. Soil Results over 1 mg/kg Benzene or Naphthalene.4. Is of Interest Based on Potential Receptors or Other Factors.5. Naphthalene concentrations at ppm concentrations in soil

or groundwater samples is a positive indication that the uVOST/LIF or new OIP tool will detect the LNAPL.

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Proposed LIF or MiHPT soundings locations


uVOST/MIP determination soundingsLNAPL delineation soundings

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Implement LCSM Field Investigation

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1. As high resolution data is collected, update the LCSM in real-time with focus on the project goals and determining what result(s) can be guaranteed.

2. Quickly determine if the uVOST/LIF is detecting the LNAPL.

3. Ensure all project stakeholders are updated to changes in the LCSM in real-time if possible and at a minimum daily. The whole technical project team must be updated in real-time.

4. Look for indicators of chlorinated solvents in the MIP sensor data either the ECD or XSD.

5. Fold into the real-time analysis modern LNAPL science and hydrogeology.

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Mobile Phase LNAPL measured in monitoring well or bailer

Residual Phase LNAPL -Benzene Conc.

Completed MiHPT sounding with ID number as of 12/7

Figure 1 – Completed MiHPT as of 12/7










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Daily MIHPT Log Analysis Using DI Viewer Software

A A’

LNAPL Impact assumed if PID sensor values are over 1,000,000 uV.

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Screen Shot of Smart-Data Solutions Website

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Crunch Data Set Focused on Project Goals

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• Project Business Goals – Redevelop a property impacted by an historical gasoline release.

• Technical Goals - Define extent of gasoline release above 2 mg/kg benzene action levels to aid in excavation design.

• Site Conditions – Historical gasoline release into residuum derived from cherty limestone.

• Investigation Design/Cost – uVOST and MIHPT - investigation depth 25 feet, 5 days of work, total direct sensing cost – $25,000.

• Investigation Results – uVOST failed to detect weathered gasoline LNAPL, MIHPT delineated onsite extent of weathered gasoline LNAPL and hydrogeologic conditions.

Case 1 – Excavation Feasibility/Monetization

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MIHPT sounding locations in area of proposed soil excavation

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Spatial analysis of MIP PID sensor readings

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Residual soils decreasing in permeability with depth

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MIP PID sensor readings in excess of 1,000,000 uV indicative of LNAPL impact

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Collaborative Soil Sample Locations

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Estimated volume of soil containing benzene in excess of the 2mg/kg action level – 460 cubic yards.

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Project Business Goals – Determine why remediation system had not met project goals after 6 years and $700,000.

Technical Goals - Define extent of LNAPL and determine if remediation wells properly screened.

Site Conditions – Historical diesel, gasoline and kerosene releases into alluvial deposits.

Investigation Design/Cost – uVOST and MIHPT - investigation depth 20 feet, 4 days of work, total direct sensing cost – $20,000.

Investigation Results – uVOST detected diesel/kerosene LNAPL, MIP detected weathered gasoline LNAPL, HPT defined hydrogeology.

Case 2 – Remediation System Optimization/Monetization

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Extent of Mobile Phase LNAPL measured in monitoring wells

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Extent of Diesel and Kerosene LNAPL based on uVOST

Extent of Mobile Phase LNAPL measured by monitoring wells

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Extent of Weathered Gasoline LNAPL Based on MIP PID

Extent of Mobile Phase LNAPL measured by monitoring wells

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Extent of Weathered Gasoline LNAPL Based on MIP PID

Extent of Diesel and Kerosene LNAPL based uVOST

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Project Business Goals – Guarantee plume of gasoline impacted ground water stops migrating offsite.

Technical Goals - Define extent of residual phase gasoline LNAPL, define Hydrogeologic conditions and develop mass flux estimates.

Site Conditions – Historical gasoline releases into saprolite.

Investigation Design/Cost –MIHPT primarily with some uVOST - investigation depth 40 feet, 10 days of work, total direct sensing cost – $50,000.

Investigation Results – MIHPT define residual phase gasoline LNAPL and hydrogeologic conditions allowing for mass flux estimates, uVOST failed to detect weathered gasoline LNAPL. MIP ECD also detected EDB in LNAPL.

Case 3 – Remediation System Design/Monetization

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Ethylene Dibromide in LNAPL

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Sample locations used in Mass Flux Calculation

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HPT Injection pressure through mass flux assessment area

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High Resolution Hydraulic Conductivity Estimates

High K Zones

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Calculated Mass Flux – 18 lbs/day gasoline VOCs