Technical support manual draft

Heritage Foundation’s DRR - Compliant Sustainable Construction BUILD BACK SAFER WITH VERNACULAR METHODOLOGIES Technical Support Programme

Transcript of Technical support manual draft

  • 1.Heritage FoundationsDRR - Compliant Sustainable ConstructionBUILD BACK SAFERWITH VERNACULAR METHODOLOGIES Technical Support Programme

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TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 1.1 IMPORTANCE OF TRADITIONAL CONSTRUCTION TECHNIQUES1.1 1.2 FINDINGS 1.2 1.3 USE OF VERNACULAR METHODOLOGIES1.4 1.4 HUMAN SAFETY DURING FLOODS 1.6 1.5 DISASTER RISK REDUCTION (DRR) COMPLIANCE 1.8 1.6 ETHICAL APPROACHES 1.10 1.7 COMMUNITY RESILIENCE 1.11 1.8 GENDER EQUALITY AND STRATEGIES FOR WOMEN EMPOWERMENT 1.12 2.0 DESIGN CRITERIA1.13 2.1 SITE SELECTION 1.13 2.2 SHELTER DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS1.14 2.3 SIZE OF ONE-ROOM SHELTER 1.15 2.4 OPENINGS 1.15 2.5 HEIGHT OF ROOMS1.15 3.0 MATERIALS AND PROCEDURES 1.16 3.1 IMPROVED VERNACULAR METHODS1.16 3.2 MATERIALS1.17 3.3 PROCEDURE FOR USE1.20 3.4 SAFETY AT SITE 1.23 4.0 SHELTER DESIGN 1.27 4.1 SHELTER TYPOLOGIES 1.27 4.2 CRITERIA FOR SELECTION OF SHELTER TYPES1.27 5.0 CHECKLISTS 1.44 5.1 FOR IMPLEMENTING PARTNERS (IPS)1.44 5.2 FOR SITE STAFF 1.46 5.3 FOR HOUSEHOLDS 1.47Copyright, 20125.4 FOR WORKSHOP 1.48HERITAGE FOUNDATION5.5 FOR MOBILE BAREFOOT KARAVAN TEAM 1.48This document and its content is copyright of KaravanPakistan - Heritage Foundation 2012.All rights reserved. 6.0 ANNEXURE 1 - AUTOCAD DRAWINGS1.49Any redistribution or reproduction of part or all of the contents in any form is prohibited. Youmay not, except with our express written permission, distribute or commercially exploit the con-tent. 3. DRR Compliant Sustainable Construction1.1IMPORTANCEOFTRADITIONALCONSTRUCTION TECHNIQUESIn the aftermath of the 2011 flood in Lower Sindh, widespread re-search was carried out by Heritage Foundation (HF) in 35 unioncouncils (talukas) of 8 priority districts: Badin, Tando Allahyar,MirpurKhas, Benazirabad, Umerkot, Tando M. Khan, Tharparkarand Sanghar. This research formed the basis for determining thestrengths and weaknesses in the face of flood waters of vernacu-lar construction such as the adobe/mud and Loh Khat as well asrecently introduced modern/expensive materials such as burntbricks and rolled steel joist girders.After carrying out analysis of the vast data gathered by Herit-age Foundation teams of architects and students of architecture 1.0 Introductionfrom remote areas of each district, different kinds of traditionalconstruction techniques prevalent in Lower Sindh have been de-termined. Clearly vernacular forms and construction techniques,based on availability of local materials, expressed the lifestyleand age-old skills of the communities themselves. From the out-set it was evident that such forms and techniques needed to beretained since they have endowed each area with a sense of iden-tity making it distinct from others; and are thus important as asource of pride at both individual and community level.In developing implementation methodologies, among the mostimportant considerations has been the necessity to maintainvarious vernacular attributes, while developing technical recom-mendations for strengthening them in order to withstand futuredisasters.Based on detailed studies, interventions were introduced by re-puted architects and engineers associated with Heritage Foun-dation which have resulted in DRR-compliant, improved andstrengthened vernacular structures. The sustainable designs thusdeveloped also incorporate tried and tested methods resultingfrom HFs own extensive work in post-disaster areas since Oc-tober 2005.The program Build Back Safer with Vernacular Methodologies,was launched in October 2011 from village Mohak Sharif, UCBukaira Sharif, District Tando Allahyar. It was undertaken todemonstrate methods for rehabilitation of surviving adobe/mudwalls as well as principles for new vernacular construction com-bined with strong bamboo KaravanRoof. By building one-roomshelter units in all 35 tehsils of 8 priority districts the efficacyand acceptability of HF philosophy among the affected population1.1 4. DRR Manual - Technical Support ProgrammeDRR Compliant Sustainable Constructionbrought back extremely positive feedback. The designs and meth-1.2.2 Roof Constructionodology thus devised are the focus of this document for speedy,Almost all roofs, except conical roofs, are found to be poor-economical and sustainable construction to respond to the needsly constructed. Whether flat, mono-pitched or double pitchedof affected populations in Lower Sindh.forms, they have been found to be equally unable to withstand rain water seepage.1.2 FINDINGSThe following findings have determined the direction leading toDue to inherent weaknesses in the roof, even those structuressustainable and safer construction in flood-prone areas: that were constructed with burnt brick or cement concrete walls, became uninhabitable because of roof collapses or large1.2.1 Wall Constructionscale leakages.Structure displaced due to a highly dam- i.Adobe/mud walls withstood the flood waters even whenCollapsed roof due to poor constructionaged base. immersed in it for several weeks. However, the adobe/mudThe following materials have been used in roofs. (mud brick or layered mud) are vulnerable at the base and ati. Steel joist girders, wooden rafters and thatch the top if exposed to rain water. Heavy roof loads consistingThe steel joist girders have been found to be particularly dan- of wooden logs or rolled steel girder joists are among the maingerous. Due to lack of technical knowledge, they have been causes of failure. These have resulted in collapse of the roofplaced mostly without any bed plates or ring beams. In spite itself, in addition to being a major cause of damage to the wallof their higher cost, they have failed to provide a strong roof structure.and have been the major cause of structural collapse, and asmentioned earlier, even when the supporting walls consisted of ii. Loh Khat walls, if well built, withstood standing water forburnt brick masonry. Because of their excessive weight, the use several weeks. The Khat i.e. reed walls are mostly well con-of steel girders can result in loss of human lives. In future their Collapsed steel girders.Incorrect construction techniques lead tostructed and eminently suitable for areas where due to salinitycracks in walls.use in roofs should be discouraged. in the soil adobe/mud walls cannot be constructed. However, the weak points are the base of Khat reed and supporting local ii. Heavy logs, bamboo or wooden purlins and thatch wood posts. Due to the absence of adequate protection at the Because of lack of technical guidance most of the roofs are base, the structure is prone to termite attack.constructed using heavy wooden logs. These roofs are poorlyconstructed and almost all were found to be unliveable dur- iii. Burnt brick masonry appears as a more recent introduc- ing rains. Single bamboo purlins are often used but are mostly tion in rural areas. It is found mostly in foundations and built upfound to be of insufficient diameter. In most cases the joint- to three foot height according to recommendation of variousing is faulty and poorly laid thatch covering makes the entire agencies. It has withstood the flood waters, however, lack ofstructure vulnerable. None of these roofs has been found to be bond and poor quality of bricks laid in mud mortar have re-strong enough to provide refuge during a flood disaster.Heavy logs and bamboo used for roof sulted in a weak product. Because of these reasons, burnt brickconstruction damage wallsBadly constructed Loh-Khat walls sufferdamage masonry, which is otherwise considered strong, is highly prone iii. Conical Chaura Roof to damage. Instances of collapse or major cracks have been Among the most successful roofs found has been the conical largely due to point loads of heavy wooden logs or rolled steelChaura roof. The traditional form is not only picturesque; it girder joists. Thus, burnt brick masonry, at three times the costis well suited to shedding rain water. It is mostly built with of adobe/mud brick, even with strong burnt brick foundations,wooden logs and purlins laid in a conical form with a steep has not fared much better. slope, the entire roof structure tied with concentric rope ringsand covered with thatch. Although disintegration was found atthe base of Chaura walls, the roofs are mostly found to be in areasonable condition. Chauras that have been constructed onhigh ground provided sufficient safety to the families as theywere able to withstand both flood and rain. Conical Chaura construction with disinte-Fired brick walls built without propergrated plasterbonding or mortar1.2 1.3 5. DRR Manual - Technical Support ProgrammeDRR Compliant Sustainable Construction1.2.3 Other FactorsKhat (reed) has been used successfully in certain areas. This isAmong other drawbacks that have been found are: due to the light weight of the structure and added support pro-vided by reeds infill. The reeds also provide a rough surface to i.Lack of plinths.which the outer plaster can readily adhere to for increased du- Most of the floors are lower than the surrounding ground level,rability. Accordingly, the Khat walls with lime-mud render are thus making the shelter prone to insects and water even during strongly recommended. In order to discourage the use of wood normal rains.(even the local soft wood Lou), a bamboo supporting structurehas been designed which will introduce added strength to the ii. Lack of projection over roofDamage to walls due to lack of plinth Khat infill. Most roofs terminate on the top of the wall with no overhang or eaves even in those designs that were promoted by various For improved weathering and better insulation, the Khat walls, agencies after 2010 flood a roof parapet is advocated which, as in the case of adobe/mud walls, should be treated with a lime- due to lack of proper drainage allows ponding on the roof, mud render. making the top of the walls prone to water seepage and disin- tegration. The introduction of a bamboo skeleton structure, (used by theHeritage Foundation in Swat and Sindh but considerably simpli- iii. Missing Ring Beamfied) provides added strength and resilience to the Khat wall, and Most roofs that had collapsed was due to missing ring beamsis able to carry a strong bamboo roof for accessibility.Damage to unit due to lack of ring beam that anchored the roof structure to the walls.1.3.2 Materials Used for Roof Structure iv. Poorly laid lintols Rolled steel joist girders are not recommended for construction The doorways have been found to use rudimentary wooden lin-in post-disaster rural areas due to their extensive failure and tols for spanning door and window openings. These are pronethe danger of casualties in case of collapse, as discussed earlier. to collapse due to excessive weight they have to carry.Similarly, the use of heavy, unseasoned wooden logs is also notrecommended as it results in poor roof construction. Clearly,1.3 USE OF VERNACULAR METHODOLOGIES there has been no advantage in the use of these materials, as dur-The following factors are important when designing shelters and ing a flood, the roofs remained inaccessible and unable to provideDamage to walls due to lack of lintol refuge. Additionally, steel girders and wood are nonrenewableother construction in disaster-prone areas in rural Sindh:i. Human safety during floods; resources that increase the carbon footprint of a structure enor-ii. Ability of the structure to withstand flood waters;mously and should be avoided as much as possible. Loss of treeiii. Durability of materials used in the supporting structure, cover in most areas of Pakistan is cited as among a major causeplatform, roof and external rendering;for floods and other disasters e.g. earthquake slides.iv. Lowering internal temperature (cooling the building);It is due to above reasons that the use of scientifically assembledv. Sustainability of materials used.bamboo joists is recommended for construction of roofs. SuchConical roof structure - skilfully built.1.3.1 Materials Used for the Wall Structureroofs have been utilized extensively from Swat to Upper andWell constructed mud walls. Adobe/mud has proven its strength in Pakistan through the manyLower Sindh by Heritage Foundation with great success. Sinceancient and historical structures that, even after centuries of ne- bamboo is a fast growing grass it is a renewable resource. Aglect, are extant even today. Improved and strengthened adobe/bamboo plant is ready to be used in construction in a little overmud walls can provide necessary resistance to flood waters -two years. The material is lightweight and sturdy and in case ofparticularly if outer and vulnerable surfaces are rendered with a collapse, will cause only minimal damage.lime-mud mix, which has been tested over the last several yearsThe continued construction of the conical Chaura roof is strong-by Heritage Foundation. Accordingly, strengthened adobe/mudly recommended, however, it is worthwhile to replace the usualwalls with an extended toe base and with lime-mud render arewooden joists with bamboo joists and purlins, as shown in ac-being strongly recommended.Building a toe for extra support to walls companying drawings.Well-constructed Chaura1.4 1.5 6. DRR Manual - Technical Support ProgrammeDRR Compliant Sustainable Construction 1.4 HUMAN SAFETY DURING FLOODS i. The KaravanRoof has been tested with several feet of snow Based on HFs research the following roof configurations havein Swat and with a load of 750 kg (15 persons) in Lower Sindh. been noted in Lower Sindh: ii. The use of lime concrete bamboo reinforced ring beamprovides adequate anchoring for multiple bamboo joists.i. Flat roofiii. Built with a slope and extended overhang, the Karavanii. Mono-pitched roof Roof ensures proper drainage of rainwater.iii. Double pitched roofiv. In case of the use of KaravanRoof, only a plinth 16 highiv. Conical Chaura roof (450 mm high) is required. From the studies carried out, it is clear that the roofs construct- Because of the above features, at the time of flood, the family ed in the affected areas, even those built during the recent past,can find refuge on the roof instead of having to relocate in tent are not strong enough to provide refuge during floods. The result villages. has been large-scale displacement of communities who had to move into tent villages as flood waters entered the houses, the 1.4.2 Pitched Roofs roofs leaked and the structures began to collapse. The lack ofPitched roofs do not appear to be a traditional form, and areCommunity members testing Karavan Roof refuge within the village left no option to the households, exceptlikely to have been introduced into the rural construction vo- to be relocated during the intervening period.cabulary by villagers wishing for more effective rainwater drain- In order to minimize dislocation, so that communities can start age. Although pitched roofs are better at rain water disposal, it rebuilding their lives as soon as waters begin to recede, Heritagehas been observed that they are poorly constructed where heavy Foundation has prepared recommendations so that people couldpoint loads have resulted in failure of the entire structure. be safe within their settlements. Clearly, mono-pitched or double-pitched roofs are not acces- The choice of one or the other of the two options detailed belowsible and cannot be used as additional house space or for taking is considered essential. The two options will ensure that refuge is refuge. However, if pitched roofs are chosen, instead of the use available during a flood disaster that will provide safety withoutof heavy wooden logs, bamboo trusses and joists, designed by HF displacement of families: are recommended.i. Strong and accessible flat roof as an elevated platform forIn order to fulfil DRR requirements, if pitched roofs are chosen,refuge with 16 (450 mm) plinth.a minimum 1m (33) high platform (or 6 above highest recordedii. For all other types of roof i.e. mono-pitched, double- flood level) must be constructed so that the family can be safepitched or conical roofs that cannot provide refuge due to inside the house.their form, construction of 33 (1m) platform (or 6 abovethe highest recorded flood level) is essential. These should be1.4.3 Conical Roofsconstructed with strengthened adobe/mud base and mud-limeThese are highly recommended due to the ease and speed ofrender, so that the shelter floor itself provides the mandatoryconstruction and as a highly prized traditional form. When con-refuge and safety from flood water.structing conical roofs, instead of wooden joists and purlins, sci- entifically designed bamboo joists by HF and bamboo purlins are 1.4.1 Flat Roofs recommended while the remaining assembly may be carried out Flat roofs, if well constructed as strong accessible roofs, on theaccording to traditional methods. one hand can be used as an extension of the house, on the other as an elevated refuge platform during floods. The scientificallySince the roof is inaccessible, it is important that, as in the case designed KaravanRoof, fabricated with multiple-bamboo joists, of pitched roofs, it is constructed on an earthen platform 1m provides an economical, safe and sustainable roof, which can be (33 high), as described above, to provide safety during flood. used as a safe haven during flood.1.61.7 7. DRR Manual - Technical Support ProgrammeDRR Compliant Sustainable Construction1.5 DISASTER RISK REDUCTION (DRR) Safety of Food RationsCOMPLIANCEThe loss and washing away of food rations can be prevented bybuilding earthen platforms at least 33 (1 m) high, on which foodIn view of the danger of recurring disasters, it has become in-silos can be placed. Since they are constructed with adobe/mud,creasingly important that DRR capabilities are built-in within thethese can be built by each household close to the structures to enable the communities, to survive as much aspossible, within their original habitat during the course of floods. Safety of Drinking WaterDuring flooding, among the major causes of disease and loss ofThe strategies and approaches that are devised to deal with thelife of children are water borne diseases. All possible effortspresent crisis need to be worked out with a view to enable af-Grain silo on elevated platformDestruction caused by the flood.should therefore be made to store drinking water on elevatedfected households to restart their lives immediately after theplatforms, well above the highest recorded flood level, so that itwaters begin to recede, with minimum dislocation, least loss ofis available for use even when flood waters rise. Additionally, alllife and minimum loss of livestock.hand pumps should be elevated for ease of use during flooding.1.5.1 Lari Principles for DRR-Compliance1.5.1.4 Safety of Livestock - Elevated Sports GroundsIn order to prepare communities to withstand disasters it is im-To a villager, livestock is dearer than his/her own life. Largeperative to make communities strong and resilient through theearthen elevated platforms with a minimum 33 (1m) height andfollowing:the size of basketball courts should be built in villages to providei. Utilize Heritage and Tradition for effective involvement ofrefuge to livestock during flooding. In addition, under normalcommunities and for fostering pride and self confidence;circumstances, the earthen platform provides the much neededii. Use sustainable materials to prevent environmental deg-sports facility in the village.radation;iii. Use local skills and techniques for speedy delivery and lo- HF-SPS Clay water filter on earth platform1.5.1.5 Safety of Livestock Feed - Elevated Cultural Nodescal economic regeneration;Fodder, which is essential for the survival of livestock, must alsoiv. Incorporate DRR-driven methodologies to withstandbe kept safe. 33 (1m) high earthen platforms of size 99x13Heritage Foundations Karavan RoofRetrofitting Programmenext flooding;(3m x 4m), if strategically placed around the villages, will providev. Utilize the provision of shelters as an entre into commu-safety for livestock feed during flooding. Under normal circum-nities for larger benefits and for initiating womens economicstances, these raised earthen platforms will provide the muchempowerment strategies; needed cultural nodes that will help in encouraging performancesvi. Develop holistic models aiming at MDGs; hygiene, WASH, and other cultural activities in the security, nutrition and hygiene.vii. Develop training modules for IPs, NGOs, volunteers, arti-sans and communities in order to spread the message as widelyas possible.Community gathering to understand theThus the following are essential components in any strategy thatimportance of vernacular construction is being formulated for early recovery and/or rehabilitation: Safety of LifeDesign of elevated sports ground to double as refuge for livestock.Traditionally roofs have been used as an extension of the house;if strongly built they provide additional space at no cost e.g. forsleeping cots during summer. Thus, the tried and tested bambooKaravanRoof provides a low cost safe haven refuge during floodsto at least 15 family members (or 750 kg) of a family. These roofsare designed to also accommodate a tarpaulin cover to withstand rain.MKBT members discuss DRR methodsElevated sports ground used as livestock refuge during floods1.81.9 8. DRR Manual - Technical Support Programme DRR Compliant Sustainable Construction Community Buildings During the work undertaken it is of utmost importance that Im- Community buildings e.g. village centres or womens centres can plementing Partners promote a culture of peace with subject be built at low cost for assembly and discussion among com- communities. The following principles should be emphasized: munity members, also acting as training for livelihoods and DRR i. Respect for life, so that there is no violence and a spirit of centres. These provide a community space to conduct programstolerance is promoted. for skill training for improved livelihood, particularly womensii. Respect for human rights particularly womens and chil- crafts and agro-based products. In addition these centres provide drens rights; promotion of a nonviolent environment, and en- venues for training for DRR preparedness/first aid. While com-couragement for more children in school particularly girls. munity buildings can be raised on earthen platforms, HFs designs iii. Right to improved environment: environmental conserva- of structures on stilts have been popular among communities,tion by encouraging reforestation and restraining tree felling.Gathering community members by playingdrums in the village streets contributing to pride and motivation for an improved village en- vironment.1.7 COMMUNITY RESILIENCEGreen Womens Centre, Khairpur The aim of rehabilitation goes beyond construction of houses Such structures have been found to bring about a change in mind and community buildings. It must go further than tangible as- set. By creating pride and identification, the communities can be sets for education and hazard awareness, in order that commu- put on the path of recovery where the effort would be largely bynities become self reliant. A focus on resilience means putting the community itself. greater emphasis on what communities can do for themselves by strengthening their own capacities, rather than concentrating on 1.6 ETHICAL APPROACHES their vulnerability to disaster. The areas in which work is to be carried out have large-scale i. Reducing vulnerability of communities by undertake risk deficits: high poverty levels, extremely low literacy rates, lack ofassessment activities, for example, developing a knowledge Village women gather to attend the demo even primary health care and primary education, environmental base of the hazards in the locality, i.e. land sliding due to floodsessionKaravan Health Centre, Khairpur degradation, feeling of incapacitation and trauma under debilitat-water ingress, higher river banks, etc.; ing circumstances. Accordingly, it is extremely important to dem- ii. Using prevention and mitigation as key ingredients of Dis- onstrate empathy and compassion towards affected households,aster Risk Reduction e.g. through early warning systems and the without being condescending. HF concept is based on uplifting introduction of elevated structures and storage spaces as well as community spirit and enabling affected populations to becomestorage for items for emergency response and recovery; self reliant. The low carbon footprint, sustainable structures be-iii. Poverty alleviation schemes and women empowerment ing promoted by HF are extremely low in cost but each detail is strategies through crafts and agro-based activities for creating required to be executed carefully for successful opportunities and encouraging awareness of education and It is critical that execution is carried out as faithfully and honestly the importance of self reliance; as possible. Accordingly, for the success of the programme ethi-iv. Encouraging communities to understand the significanceKaravan Primary School on stilts, KhairpurKaravanVolunteers demonstrate the cal approaches towards work are essential.of environmental and natural resource management and its ef- advantages of a DRR compliant shelter fect on land mass and livelihood sustenance; Each one of the team members needs to strive for the following: v. Introduction of HFs volunteerism and participatory com-i.Demonstrate integrity showing good judgment and adher- munal building activities to encourage communities to not onlyence to ethical principles. construct shelters and communal spaces, but also fostering aii. Implement the work with honesty i.e. truthfulness, fair- sense of pride in order to counteract the affect of trauma whileness, and sincerity. restructuring their lives for disaster preparedness.iii. Exhibit fidelity by showing allegiance to public trust andloyalty to the profession.iv. Employ a charitable spirit with kindness, caring, goodwill,tolerance, and compassion.v. Show responsibility e.g. reliability, accountability, and Posters displayed in the village to helptrustworthiness.understand the Disaster Risk reductionstrategies1.10 1.11 9. DRR Manual - Technical Support ProgrammeDRR Compliant Sustainable Construction 1.8 GENDER EQUALITY AND STRATEGIES 2.1 SITE SELECTION FOR FEMALE EMPOWERMENT 2.1.1 Criteria As part of community development, women empowermentWhileselecting a site, the following factors must be kept in mind strategies through livelihood programmes based on handicrafts i.Avoid low lying terrains/river beds; and agro-based activities should be encouraged. These not onlyii. Build on higher ground; strengthen the households financial base, but also give womeniii.Raise platform if higher ground is not available; the confidence to participate in productive activities and elevate their standing within the community and their own family.2.1.2 Other Considerationsi.Sufficient space and protection from cold, damp, heat, Gender equality in developing countries is always a source ofrain, wind or other threats to health, including structural haz- constant struggle, thus activities that generate equal opportunity ards and disease vectors; encourages communities to rethink their social hierarchy, raises ii. Availability of services, facilities, materials and infrastructure,2.0 Design Criteria awareness for education, health and hygiene. habitability, accessibility, location and cultural appropriateness;iii. Sustainable access to natural and common resources; safe In the various regions where Heritage Foundation has developed drinking water; energy for cooking, heating and lighting; sanita- schemes for womens empowerment, changes in social and eco-tion and washing facilities; nomic cycles has been noted. Increase in hygiene awareness, lit- iv. Means of food storage; refuse disposal; site drainage; and eracy, and social equality has been achieved by giving women availability of emergency services; gathering and assembly spaces along with equipment to developv. Availability of primary healthcare, schools and other so- handicrafts and agro-based products which they are able to mar-cial infrastructure in close proximity of the village. ket in the vicinity.2.1.3 Risk FactorsChecking site conditions for the following factors: i. Assessment of risk of ponding or flooding; ii. Requirement of drainage or erosion control measures de- pending upon site gradient; iii. Check site for natural rainwater drainage (minimum one per cent gradient is required);Site Selection1.121.13 10. DRR Manual - Technical Support Programme DRR Compliant Sustainable Construction Shelters should be designed to maximise ventilation and minimise entry of direct sunlight. The roof should have a minimum slope of 1:20 for rainwater drainage with minimum 15 (375mm) overhang on all sides. The use of lime-mud layer on roof recommended by HF provides insulation and weather resistance. The recommend- ed bamboo roof provides a lightweight structure which minimizes casualties in case of a severe catastrophe. Other considerations are adequate slopes to ensure rain water drainage from the roof and in case of an accessible roof, a minimum 16 (450 mm) plinth Marking layout for rectangular shelters to prevent rain water seepage. 2.3 SIZE OF ONE-ROOM SHELTER Recommended area of one-room shelter is 21 sq m or 224 sq ft. Orientation of Housing unit based on sun and wind patterns Recommended size of room is 12x19 (3.65m x 5.75m).iv. Check possibility of making drainage channels to minimize It is important to note that in Lower Sindh, rooms are generallyflooding; found to be quite small e.g. size 120 sq ft. Most of the sheltersv. For toilet pits, maximum level for underground water lev- built by HF since 2010 flood consist of room size 10x18, con-el is required to be at min. 10 (3m) depth. sidered by communities to be adequate. The smaller shelter size Marking layout for circular shelters2.1.4 Spatial Planning results in considerable savings, and therefore information hasWhere it is possible to reorganize spatial structure of the village, been developed for those households who would like to opt forthe following should be kept in mind:smaller sized shelters.i. Maintain existing family and group relationships for en-hanced security and self management mechanisms; 2.4OPENINGSii. Privacy of neighbouring households when carrying outMost door openings in surviving houses are found to be of lowshelter layout;height. A height of 69 is recommended for all doors, with aiii. Possibility of clustering houses around common openwidth of 3 to for community interaction especially suitable for womenand children;Windows are recommended to be kept comparatively small toiv. Determining public spaces for erection of elevated earth- prevent strong sunlight and heat entering the shelter. Theseen platforms for storage of fodder and refuge for livestock in should be designed keeping individual familys privacy in mind.order to create cultural and sports nodes. In HF designs for one-room shelters one door and three win-2.2 SHELTER DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS dows are designed to ensure sufficient ventilation by placing them on opposite sides. 2 to 4 small apertures are also left justi. As much as possible structures should be aligned north-below the roof level for escape of hot air. Smaller openings onsouth in order to avoid strong sunlight and heat;the windward side with larger ones on the opposite or leewardii. Prevailing wind direction needs be kept in mind for align-side ensure better movement of air with greater cooling effect.ment of windows and doors and the placement of areas for Determining the prevailing wind direction will help in designingcooking; better circulation to provide cooling inside the house.iii. The flow of heat and smoke from the stove into the hous-ing unit should be avoided;2.5 HEIGHT OF ROOMSiv. Advantage of trees should be taken to provide shade to The minimum height of rooms below joists is recommended tothe structures in order to minimize the intake of heat. be 8 (2.44m).1.141.15 11. DRR Manual - Technical Support ProgrammeDRR Compliant Sustainable Construction 3.1 IMPROVED VERNACULAR METHODS3.2MATERIALS3.0 Materials & Procedures The following are the advantages of using vernacular methodolo-3.2.1 Mud Brick/Layered Mud gies recommended by Heritage Foundation: Mud is an extremely versatile material and can be used effectively i.The shelter will be safe in the next flood disaster if adobe/ for the purpose of building speedy shelters. It is a sustainable ma- mud walls are strengthened according to details; terial that is locally available and most rural residents are familiar ii. The application of lime-mud plaster makes adobe/mud with its use. It can be utilized very well for walls, whether in wall weather resistant and prevents disintegration, particularly layers or by making sun dried bricks, the production of which is at the base where it is the most vulnerable; also very fast. The sun dried bricks are laid in mud mortar, while iii. The introduction of a ring beam/bed plate provides anlayered mud is laid in lumps of 12 height. even and strong base to which the roof structure can be fixed; iv. A strong flat roof is recommended, for example, DRR-Mud plaster provides protection from normal rains; however, driven KaravanRoof, which provides accessibility to an entireonce the plaster is eroded the wall itself becomes vulnerable. family to take refuge with goods for their immediate needs. TheThus, the core of the wall becomes prone to disintegration if it scientifically assembled multiple bamboo joists can be securelyloses its external rendering. For this reason use of lime in exter- fixed to a bamboo reinforced lime concrete ring beam. Specialnal renders is being recommended. For added safety it is advis- filling in bamboo voids protects the joists from termites; able to use lime in internal rendering as well. v. A lime-sand-brick dust layer on a flat, accessible roof pro-Soil should be checked with a simple testing method known as vides a strong weather resistant roof finish. In case of any dam-the Bottle Test to ensure that the material being used has ad- age, repairs can be easily made since the required skills areequate clay content of 20%- 40%. Instructions of the bottle test easily available;are as follows: vi. The use of local materials and skills encourages commu- nity participation leading to speedy construction. What can- A clean bottle is filled with a cup of prepared soil and two cups of not be achieved through building contractors, can be achievedclean water. The bottle is shaken well and left for a few minutes. almost immediately by motivating and involving the community It is to be shaken again, and left to sit for about eight hours. The in the construction of their own shelters, with techniques and clay, silt, sand and gravel can be measured with a ruler as it set- skills that they are proficient with;tles in different layers in the bottle. vii. The use of sustainable bamboo and lime means that the usual price hike in materials such as cement or steel can be 3.2.2Lime Bottle test to check clay content in soil avoided, and thus there will be little hindrance even when the In view of the effectiveness of lime renders in post-disaster con- project is scaled up;struction as demonstrated by Heritage Foundation over the last viii. Since all materials used are locally available sustainable6 years, it is clear that lime renders on the roof and walls provide materials, most of the funds allocated for shelters will thus be adequate protection from rains and snow with sufficient weather spent locally, thus regenerating local economy;resistance. Accordingly, the lime which is easily available in Sindh ix. Construction with local materials provides opportunitiesis being promoted for use in plasters and roof layers. It is recom- for women to participate in the activity, especially as the find-mended that the use of cement should be entirely discouraged. ings show their proficiency in plastering and wall construction. Not only is the cost of lime comparatively low, it also provides This is an added source of pride for the household as womengood insulation hence keeping the structures cool during sum- tend to beautify their homes;mers and warm during even severe winters. x. Local artisans can be trained to fabricate bamboo roof units. The production of DRR-driven roofs themselves will provide op- Lime must be selected based on its calcium content. Limes with portunities for income generation to local workforce;high content of calcium will take longer to slake. The best vari- xi. The resulting products foster pride, as evident by the dec- ety of lime is found in lumps, locally known as Patharwala Choona oration and care lavished on their shelters. (stone lime).1.16 1.17 12. DRR Manual - Technical Support ProgrammeDRR Compliant Sustainable Construction bamboo that is green in colour should be rejected. Bamboo lengths should be checked for acceptability for 4 diam- eter bamboos: i. 4 (100mm) diameter, 13-17 (3900mm - 5100mm) long, should have a wall thickness of 1.5 (38 mm), and a minimum diameter of 2.5 (62mm) on the other end with a wall thickness of minimum 1 (25mm) ii. The other end to be minimum 2.5 with wall thickness of 1Circular lime pit excavation 5 in diameter, Lime pit excavation 5 x 5, surrounded by bushes iii. If well seasoned the tapping of walls will give a hollow sound.surrounded by bushes to ensure safetyto ensure safety All bamboo should be stored in a dry place; in case of danger of flooding, the bamboo lengths should be placed in an elevated Process for slaking limeplace to avoid dampness or seepage of water. i. Make a 4 (1200mm) deep lime pit near the construction sites about 4x 4 in size. Bamboo ends that are anchored into brick /lime concrete bases ii. Pour water and wait for it to absorb into the ground.are required to be immersed in lime to prevent termite infesta- iii. Refill the pit with water after 3 to 4 hours. tion. All bamboo ends used in KaravanRoof or other roofs should Selecting the correct bamboo iv. Pour 2 bags of lime into the lime pit. be plugged with special HFs biodegradable compound to inhibit v. Stir and mix the mixture with a wooden stake. termite growth. vi. Allow for reaction to take place. It takes 3 hours for the lime to lose its heat and about one week for the lime to be Bamboo can be easily transported from various areas in Sindh, completely slaked.the best quality being available in Hyderabad, known as Bengal vii. Leave the lime for a minimum of one week before using it. bamboo or Java bamboo. IMPORTANT: Slaking is an exothermic reaction (releasing heat);3.2.5 OthersMixing lime for slaking therefore, no one should touch or stand too close to the mixture3.2.5.1 Polythene sheets during the time of and directly after the reaction. Take due pre- Polythene sheets used for roof covering should be of minimum cautions to keep children away. 3mm thickness. They should be stocked in rolls to minimize dam- age. Any sheets that have been damaged or have developed holes 3.2.3 Khat (reed arrangement)must not be used in construction. All efforts must be made to Khat is readily available in Lower Sindh. Khat is mostly driedcover the entire roof area including overhangs with polythene in stalks of fast growing grasses or branches and twigs of bushesorder to provide effective water proofing. or short thorny trees. Stalks of the cotton plant are also used. Bushes older than a year old should not be used as stalks loose Matting their malleability. The practice of reed weaving has been passedMatting sheets used as roof covering is locally produced matting locally produced matting on from generation to generation, with women carrying out mostof 1/2 (12mm) thickness. It is procured in rolls of size 21x16 of the work. The value of use of reed for walls and roof, where (6300mmx4800mm) and 21x13 (6300mmx3900mm). the practice has been part of vernacular construction is empha- sized. Khat is weaved in lengths of 6 to 7 in height; its thickness varying from diameter at the bottom to 1/2 at the top. 3.2.4 Bamboo Selection of bamboo should be carried out with great care. All bamboo lengths are required to be at least 2 years of age and must be kiln dried and cured, before being accepted for use in construction. The acceptable nodal spacing for 4 bamboos is 1 (300 mm) and 16 (450 mm). Bamboo sections with cracks or1.181.19 13. DRR Manual - Technical Support ProgrammeDRR Compliant Sustainable Construction 3.3 PROCEDURE FOR USE resistant. A mixture of lime and mud as well as bhoosa (straw)well mixed and fermented for 24 hours will provide a layer that 3.3.1 Adobe/Mud Bricks and Layered Mudwill make the internal mud fabric of the wall safe from rains Method for making mud bricksand flooding. Addition of dung in the mixture improves weather i.Select clean soil, free of stone, leaves, grass and debris.resistance of the plaster. ii. Add sand in case soil has too high a percentage of clay vi. All floors should be at least 6 above the ground level for (refer to How to check clay content in soil in section 2.1).rehabilitated units. In the case of new units with strong acces- iii. Add required quantity of water and knead it thoroughly.sible roofs, the floor level should be raised to a minimum 16 Making Mud Bricks iv. Pour kneaded mud into brick mould and compact it.above the adjacent ground level. v. Take out the brick from the mould and allow it to dry on a sand platform. 3.3.2Lime vi.On the second day turn the bricks over.Mixing lime with soil to prepare mortar For use of lime, clay content of soil should be more than 20%. vii. On the fourth day stack the brick in order that uniform Topsoil should not be included and grains larger than 10mm drying can be achieved. should be removed by sieving. viii. Bricks will be ready for use within seven days during hot weather. Preparing Lime for Renders Method for Layered Mud Construction i. Use a ratio of 1 lime: 2 sand: 3 soil mixture for renders. i. Select clean soil, free of stone, leaves, grass and debris These should be measured in tagharis; ii. Add sufficient sand and straw in clayey soil to reduce ii. Addition of straw @ 2 tagharis per 1 taghari of lime should shrinkage and cracking in mud. be encouraged; iii. Start mud masonry above the toe base and construct a iii. Addition of cow dung @ 1 taghari per taghari of lime 1.5 ft high layer in one day. should be added in slurried form, as an additional binder which iv. Wet the surface before placing the next layer.Mixture of lime, mud and bhoosa (straw) will improve plasticity. It provides added stabilization and no- v. Apply water proof lime plaster on both sides of the wall ticeable improvement in weather resistance. up to flood level for flood water resistance.Tamp earth to ensure firm footingiv. Brush down surface to remove loose matter; vi. Build all corners together to have strong corner joints. v. Prepare a good key before application use chicken wire, Building Improved & Strengthened Mud Wallsspikes, nails, rake out joints to 3/4 (15 mm) the rougher the The following precautions are suggested for mud wall construc-surface, the better the adhesion; tion for shelter construction in order to withstand flooding. Asvi. Dust and dampen the surface before render application; has been mentioned earlier, this methodology is designed to en- vii. Renders should be smoothed and pressed on firmly by able and encourage community participation: hand to adhere well to rough surface (women normally do an i.Mud walls should be at least 18 thick.excellent job in villages). ii. The walls should rest on firm soil; if the soil is loose, the mud in mixing lime Lime render to be applied by hand layers should be tamped to ensure a firm base for wall construction. i. The use of lime is essential in making the walls weather iii. The base of existing walls requires special care. The de- resistant. sign extended base, in the form of a toe, will help keep the ii. A mixture of lime and mud as well as bhoosa (straw) well flood water away from the base of the wall, and also help avoid mixed and fermented for 24 hours will provide a layer that disintegration of the inner core of the wall. The layered mud will make the internal core of the mud wall safe from rain and filling in the toe should consist of lime:mud (1:4) mixed with flooding. straw. As long as these precautions are taken, there is no re- iii. Damaged brick is recycled by mixing brick dust in the mudMud walls should be at least 18 thick quirement of foundations. and lime mortar and provides additional weather resistance. iv. Use of a lime concrete (1 lime :4 sandy gravel) ring beam reinforced with split bamboos is recommended in order to provide a firm bed for placement of joists.Lime render must be smoothed after ap- v. The use of lime is essential in making the walls weather plication1.201.21 14. DRR Manual - Technical Support Programme DRR Compliant Sustainable Construction3.3.3Bamboo For additional strength binding wire at intervals is used to tie3.3.3.1 Precautionsbamboo members together.The following precautions must be taken when constructing in i. A binding wire of 3/32 thickness is used;bamboo ii. The wire is tied at minimum 2 feet (600 mm) intervals;i. Mature, well cured bamboo (2 years and over) must be used; iii. For additional strength tie the wire securely.ii. Do not use bamboo poles with vertical cracks;iii. Use bamboo with the right diameter and wall thickness; 3.4 SAFETY AT SITEiv. Do not use conventional wood nails in bamboo joinery, Special care must be taken to avoid injury by falling into the ex-they will cause the bamboo to split; cavated lime pit. Such pits should be protected by bushes andv. Bamboo posts or beams need to have a node at both ends children must be told to maintain a safe distance.(or as close as possible towards the ends), if not the pressureCutting bamboo with electric sawof a structure on the joint may crush the bamboo;Lime is a very caustic material when wet, and precautions mustvi. Only basic carpentry, masonry tools and skills are necessary. be taken when handling the material. These include: i. Protection for face and hands during lime handling; Bamboo Cutting procedure ii. Clean water must be immediately accessible for first aidi. Two bamboo stakes are nailed side by side into the groundpurposes;at regular intervals, to provide a stable base and hold the bam- iii. Excessive skin and eye exposure should be poles in place;ii. An electric or handheld saw is placed at one end; Although medical attention is required in case of severe expo-iii. A stencil can be used to draw the different angles thatsure to lime it is important to be aware of first aid procedures:will be required for jointing; i.Skin exposure to lime can be neutralized with a mild acidiv. Ensure holding the saw straight in order to cut through such as vinegar or lemon juice;the bamboo using equal pressure throughout;ii. Eye exposure can be treated by flushing the eye with fresh water.v. Discard any poles that have been damaged during the cut-ting or have developed splits or cracks. 3.5 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION3.3.3.3 Bamboo Jointing procedureFor KaravanRoof joists, a special biodegradable mix for protec-3.5.1 Advantages of HF MethodologyUsing an electric drill to bore holes for tion against termites is used to fill all exposed voids; however,By following the HF methodology, the shelter will be safe in thejointing bamboonext flood disaster:for normal use, if the exposed ends of bamboo are leached willlime it will provide adequate protection. Wallsi. Bamboo lengths are joined by drilling holes through their i. Build strengthened adobe/mud wall with widened basesturdy walls. Markers are made at the exact point where the and formation of toe.hole is required; ii.Use widened adobe/mud base and toe for Lou Khat walls as well.ii. Similar stakes as for the cutting procedure are arranged; iii. All wall surfaces in superstructure should also be treatediii. After placing the bamboo between the stakes, a drill is with mud and lime render to provide insulation and protection.used to make a hole in the walls. The drill must pass across This provides weather resistance and helps prevent disintegra-through the entire bamboo width. Ensure that the weight of tion of wall particularly at the base where adobe/mud is mostthe drill machine is constant throughout the process; vulnerable. The use of a bamboo lattice along the base of theiv. Once holes have been drilled in the required position, structure provides added resilience.the bamboo poles of similar size are laid together for jointing; iv. Use a ring beam/bed plate to provide an even and strongv. For attaching one bamboo member to another, use a base to which the roof structure can be securely fixed/an-stainless steel nut and bolt. chored. An inexpensive solution using lime concrete reinforced Bamboo lattice provides extra strength andvi. Secure and tighten all joints. with split bamboo is recommended.resilienceTighten and secure nut and bolt1.221.23 15. DRR Manual - Technical Support Programme DRR Compliant Sustainable Construction3.5.1.2 Strengthened Adobe/Mud Walls Strong Bamboo Roofsi.Remove topsoil (about 150 mm) around excavation.i. In case of flat roofs, KaravanRoofs with scientifically de-ii. Excavate to at least 16 (450 mm) below ground level.signed multiple bamboo joists, securely fixed to ring beams areiii. Tamp the earth in the base before laying lime concrete recommended as accessible roofs during flood.1:4:8, i.e. 1 lime: 2 sand and 4 course aggregate. ii. In case of mono-pitched roofs, multiple four-bambooiv. Make toe at the base of the wall. joists fixed to ring beams are recommended. Although theyv.In case of strong accessible roofs (KaravanRoof) or when con- will be stable, they will not be accessible during flood.structing on high ground, recommended plinth is 16 (450 mm) high.iii. In case of double-pitched roofs, bamboo trusses securelyvi. In case of pitched or conical roof or inaccessible weak flatfixed to ring beams are recommended. Although they will beroof, recommended raised platform height is 33 (1 m) or at stable, these will not be accessible during flood.Excavation to 450mm below ground levelleast 6 (150 mm) above the highest recorded flood level.iv. In case of conical roofs, strong specially designed bamboovii. For best results in the base, use mud brick in the front ofjoists enabling secure fixing to ring beams have been designed.the toe, while the remaining filling of mud layers should prefer-The Chaura form is highly recommended as a valuable tradi-ably also contain lime, mud and straw of ratio 1:4, i.e. 1 lime: 4 tional form and, although they are not accessible during flood,mud and 1 taghari of straw.their construction should be encouraged.viii. Use water level to ensure correct level of walls.ix. Ensure alignment of wall by the use of dori (string) at all Strong, Accessible KaravanRoofslayers/mud brick courses.Since accessibility to higher ground or roofs during flood is ofx. Make wall as straight (in plumb) as possible.extreme importance, a great deal of effort has been expendedxi. Protect the top of the wall by providing a roof projectionon fabrication of strong roofs. The multiple joist KaravanRoofsEnsure alignment of wall with a rope at allhave been tested to withstand rain and snow as well as load oflayers of mud coursesof minimum 15 (375 mm).xii. Ensure the use of a ring beam before placing roofs. A750 kg to provide refuge during flood disaster.bamboo reinforced 4 (100mm) thick lime concrete beam isrecommended.i. The KaravanRoof joists, fabricated by certified artisans,xiii. Ensure that the roof is fully anchored to the wall.are prefabricated for ease of transportation and use.xiv. Ensure use of lime in all renders. Encourage the use of ii. They are made of strong, good quality bamboo for endur-bamboo lattice at base and up to 33 (1 m) height for improved ance and long life.adherence of mud-lime mortar to the base. iii. The voids at the end of bamboos are plugged with specialtreatment compound to prevent termite attack. Strengthened Lou Khat Walls iv. They are designed for ease of secure fixing to bamboo i.Replace soft local wood with bamboo skeleton consisting reinforced lime concrete ring beams when used with adobe/Demo sample, mud brick base with toe forinaccessible roofs of 4 (100 mm) dia. posts and plinth (dassa) beam and 3 (75 mud walls or two-bamboo ring beams when used with bamboo mm) dia bracing. frame and Khat walls. ii. Securely anchor bamboo posts into lime concrete pads. v. Bamboo purlins can be easily fixed to the joists with bind- 3. Ensure that Khat ends are protected from coming in con-ing wire. Roof finishing with recommended matting, polythene tact with soil.and lime-mud-brick dust layers provide weather resistance andstrength for use during flood.3.5.2 Roofs vi. KaravanRoof joists are lightweight and easy to carry. InIn the next chapter different profiles of roofs that are prevalentcase of a more severe disaster than anticipated, there will bein Lower Sindh have been designed to provide strengthened and minimum loss in case of a collapse.strong shelter typologies. An improved roof structure, throughthe use multiple bamboo joists or trusses along with ring beams,Bamboo joists and ring beam must be tiedsecurelyis recommended in order to provide secure construction ofroofs. House owners test their own Karavan Roof in different regions of Sindh1.24 1.25 16. DRR Manual - Technical Support Programme DRR Compliant Sustainable Construction3.5.2.3 Roof Construction Considerations4.1 SHELTER TYPOLOGIESWhichever roof profile is chosen for shelter the following shouldA series of shelter typologies has been devised aimed at provid-be kept in mind:ing a choice to the households. The typologies have been listedi.As much as possible, use recommended construction tech-in Table 1.1 and have been designed to be DRR-compliant. Ac-niques for the roof to avoid collapse or leakage of rain water.cordingly, since a flat KaravanRoof provides refuge during floods,ii. Always place a ring beam, either a bamboo reinforcedthe base plinth is only 16 (450 mm) high; however, if a choicelime concrete or a two-bamboo ring beam depending uponis made of pitched or conical roofs, the base is required to be atwhether the supporting structure consists of adobe/mud orleast 33 (1m) to provide refuge in case of flooding.bamboo-Lou Khat walls.iii. Always provide a roof projection extending at least 15 The adobe/mud supporting structures consist of adobe/mud low(375 mm) all around the walls.plinth bases to high platforms, with adobe/mud walls combinediv. Wherever possible use bamboo instead of wood in con- with either flat KaravanRoof, mono-pitched, double pitchedstruction of roofs or walls. For example, as recommended by or conical roof. The Bamboo-Lou Khat supporting structures 4.0 Shelter DesignHeritage Foundation, for mono-pitch use four bamboo joists; consist of a combination of adobe/mud and lime concrete basesfor double pitch use a bamboo truss, and for conical roof, usewith Khat (reed) assembly fixed to a bamboo skeleton framespecial bamboo joists to form a secure base along the wall. combined with either flat KaravanRoof, mono-pitched or dou-v. Use purlins of bamboo wherever necessary, rather than ble pitched roof. In all cases the use of lime in external renderwood strongly recommended. Various types of shelters have beenvi. Use layers of matting and polythene sheet above purlins. especially designed incorporating bamboo instead of wood in allvii. In case of flat roofs, always use a layer of lime-mud-brick structural members, thus discouraging utilization and cutting ofdust to provide a strong water proof finish.trees.viii. In case of mono-pitched or double-pitched roof, the useof lime-mud finishing layer will prevent water seepage. Table 1.2 shows Shelter typologies sub-divided into 3 sectionsix. In case of a conical roof, double layer of well laid thatcheach that are numbered according to the kind of constructionwill provide sufficient protection from rain water. required for bases, walls and roofs.4.2 CRITERIA FOR SELECTION OF SHEL-TER TYPESAs has been mentioned earlier in order to be DRR-compliant andensure safety of life and prevent any displacement of populationsduring floods the following two principles must be adhered to: i. If the flat roof is strong enough to provide refuge during floods to the family i.e. at least 750 kg of loading, the plinth level with the toe base is recommended to be 16 (150 mm) above adjacent ground level. ii. Where the roof is not strong enough to provide refuge or is inaccessible because of its slanting or conical form, the shelter should be constructed on a raised platform at least 33 (1m) high or minimum 6 (150mm) above the last recorded maximum flood level.The following pages show the salient features of shelter typolo-gies and their segments designed by Heritage Foundation.Completed KaravanChaura, Mohak Sharif1.261.27 17. DRR Manual - Technical Support ProgrammeDRR Compliant Sustainable Construction TYPOLOGY BASE WALLROOF IMAGE Element NoDescription Image1 BASE 1.1 16 (450mm) adobe/mud plinth.TYPE A11.1 33 (1m) adobe/mud platform.33 (1m) circular adobe/mud1.3 platform.TYPE A21.2 2.13.216 (450mm) adobe/mud and1.4 pad plinth.33 (1m) adobe/mud and pad1.5 platform.TYPE A31.2 2.13.32 16 (450mm) adobe/ mud wallWALLS 2.1 with bamboo lintol.Loh Khat wall with bamboo skel-2.2 eton.TYPE A41.3 2.13.43 KaravanRoof with prefabricatedROOF3.1 multiple bamboo joists and limeconcrete ring beam.Bamboo Mono-pitch with dou-3.2 ble bamboo joists and lime con-crete ring beam.TYPE B11.4 2.23.5Bamboo Double-pitchwith3.3 bamboo trusses and lime con-crete ring beam.Karavan Chaura Roof with spe-3.4 cial bamboo joists and lime con-crete ring beam.TYPE B21.5 2.23.6KaravanRoof with multiple bam-3.5 boo joistsand bamboo ringbeam.Mono-pitch with two-bamboo3.6 joists and bamboo ring beam.TYPE B31.5 2.23.7Double-pitch with bamboo3.7 trusses and bamboo ring beam.1.28 1.29 18. DRR Manual - Technical Support Programme DRR Compliant Sustainable Construction TYPE A1TYPE A1BASE No. 1.1Base: 450 mm mudbrick plinth.16 (450 mm) Adobe/mud plinthWall: 450 mm mud brick orlayered mud. i. Excavate trench 46Roof: KaravanRoof(1350mm) wide, 16 (450 mm) below ground level. ii. Tamp the base of trench. iii. Lay 4 (100mm) thick 1:4:8 lime concrete. iv. Make adobe/mud brick toe up to 16 (450mm) height. v. Apply lime-mud render after completion and cure it for a week. TYPE A1 WALL No. 2.1 16 (450 mm) Adobe/mud i. Construct 16 (450mm) mud brick or layered mud wall. ii. Make door and window openings as shown on drawings. This is considered among the as it is built with mud brick laid polythene sheet finished with iii. Provide 4-bamboo 4 (100mm) most appropriate types, whichwith mud mortar and is carried lime-mud-brick dust layer pro-dia. lintel tied together with binding has also gainedpopularitydown 1-6 (450mm) into thevides protection from rain wa-wire. v. Apply lime-mud render after among various villages where ground with a plinth of 1-6ter. The top layer must be cured completion and cure it for a week. Heritage Foundation has car- (450mm). in specified manner. ried out shelter constructionWall: The wall above the base after 2011 floods. While it will is constructed with adobe/mudRender: The entire wall sur- provide refuge in case of a disas- (either mud brick or layered faces are plastered with lime- ter, under normal circumstanc- mud) of 16 (450mm) thick-mud render to provide weather es it is being used as extension ness and incorporates bamboo resistance. For further protec- TYPE A1 of the house, for example, for lintols for all door and windowtion, the external base of theROOF No. 3.1 sleeping at night or for dryingopenings.wall and up to about 33 (1 m) KaravanRoof i. Procure 6-bamboo prefabri- vegetables etc. can be treated with a bamboo cated joists from HF Karavan Centres.Roof: The KaravanRoof is com-lattice before the application of ii. Ensure the levels of the top Characteristics: Adobe/mud posed of prefabricated multiplethe render/plaster. Provide cur-of the walls; one long wall to be 8 brick base with toe, 16 (450 bamboo joists that are securelying of plaster for a week after (200mm) lower than the other. mm)adobe/mudwall (mudtied to the walls and bamboo application.iii. Place 4 (100mm) thick lime concrete bamboo reinforced ring beam. brick or layered mud), bambooreinforced lime concrete ring iv.Use the required plates and lintols, strong safe haven Kara- beam. The purlins are laid at bolts to anchor and fix the joists to the vanRoof, lime-mud rendering. specified centres and the entire ring beam. Fix bamboo purlins to joistsroof projects 1-3 (380mm) to with binding wire. Base: The base with toe, being provide protection to the topvi. Place layers of kana matting, polythene sheet with a final layer of 4-6 (1350mm) wide is strongof walls. The laying of matting, lime-mud-brick dust. Provide curing for a week.1.301.31 19. DRR Manual - Technical Support ProgrammeDRR Compliant Sustainable ConstructionTYPE A2 BASEBase: 1m mudbrick platformNo. 1.2450 mm mud platformWall: 450 mm mudbrick orlayered mud.i. Excavate trench 46Roof: Bamboo Mono-Pitch (1350mm) wide, 16 (450 mm) be-low ground level.ii. Tamp the base of trench.iii. Lay 4 (100mm) thick 1:4:8 limeconcrete.iv. Make adobe/mud brick toeup to 33 (1m) height.v. Apply lime-mud render aftercompletion and cure it for a week.WALLSNo. 2.1450 mm mud with limei. Construct 16 (450mm)mud brick or layered mud wall.Walls: The wall above thelime-mud render to provide ii. Make door and window This is a single-pitched roofopenings as shown on drawings. option i.e. sloping on one sidebase is constructed with weather resistance. For fur-iii. Provide 4-bamboo 4 (100mm) only. The roof is not accessible adobe/mud (either mud brickther protection, the base of dia. lintel tied together with binding and requires a minimum 33or layered mud) of 16 (450 the wall and up to about 1 m wire. (1m) high platform to avoidmm) thickness and incorpo- can be treated with a bamboo v. Apply lime-mud render afterrates bamboo lintols for all lattice before the application completion and cure it for a week. the ingress of flood water into the house. door and window openings.of the render/plaster. Provide curing of plaster for a week Characteristics: Adobe/mud Roof: The mono-pitch roofafter application. brick high platform with toe,composed of 4-bamboo joists mud brick or layered mud is tied to the walls and bam- ROOF wall, bamboo lintols, bamboo boo reinforced lime concreteNo. 3.2Bamboo Mono-Pitch mono-pitch roof using 4-bam- ring beam. The purlins are toi. Prefabricated 4 bamboo joists using boo laid at specified centresbinding wire or string.and the entire roof shouldii. Ensure the levels of the top of the Base: The base being 46project 13 (375mm) from walls; one long wall to be 3 (900mm) (1350mm) wide with toe isthe walls to provide protec-lower than the other.iii. Place 4 (100mm) thick lime concrete strong as it is built with mud tion to the top of walls. Thebamboo reinforced ring beam on all walls. brick laid with mud mortar laying of matting, polytheneiii. Use the required plates and bolts and is carried down 16 sheet, mud/lime layer finishedto anchor and fix the joists to the ring (450mm) into the ground. with thatch or grass will pro-beam. The platform rises minimum vide resistance to rain.iv. Fix bamboo purlins to joists.v. Place layers of kana matting and poly- 33 (1m) above ground or 6thene sheet with a final layer of lime- (150mm) above the highestRender: The entire wallmud-brick dust. recorded flood level.surfaces are plastered with vi. Provide curing for a week.1.32 1.33 20. DRR Manual - Technical Support Programme DRR Compliant Sustainable ConstructionTYPE A3BASE No. 1.2Base: 1m mudbrick platform 450 mm mud platformWall: 450 mm mud withlime i. Excavate trench 46Roof: Bamboo Double-pitch(1350mm) wide, 16 (450 mm) below ground level. ii. Tamp the base of trench. iii. Lay 4 (100mm) thick 1:4:8 lime concrete. iv. Make adobe/mud brick toe up to 33 (1m) height. v. Apply lime-mud render after completion and cure it for a week. WALLS No. 2.1 450 mm mud with lime i. Construct 16 (450mm) mud brick or layered mud wall. ii. Make door and window The double-pitched, adobe/is being constructed on a plat-and mud/lime layer finishedopenings as shown on drawings. mud brick structure, as in theform 1m above ground.with thatch or grass williii. Provide 4-bamboo 4 (100mm) case of single pitched struc-provide protection from rain dia. lintol tied together with binding ture, remains inaccessible, but Walls: The wall above thewater. wire. v. Apply lime-mud render after needs to be constructed to be base is constructed with completion and cure it for a week. sturdy enough to withstandadobe/mud (either mud brickRender: The entire wall wind pressure. This roof form or layered mud) of 16 (450 surfaces need to be plastered will require an elevated plat-mm) thickness and incorpo- with lime-mud render to pro- form to preventing rain water rates bamboo lintols for all vide weather resistance. For ingress.door and window openings.further protection, the base ofthe wall and up to about 33ROOF No. 3.3 Characteristics: Adobe/mudRoof: Heritage Foundations(1m) can be treated with a Bamboo Double Pitch brick platform with toe, 16 configured two bamboo trussbamboo lattice before the ap- i. Prefabricated 2 bamboo trusses with (450 mm) adobe/mud wall system provides a double-plication of the render/plaster. proper jointing. (mud brick or layered mud), pitched roof, which is secured Provide curing of plaster for aii. Ensure the levels of the top of bamboo lintols, double-pitchto the walls and bambooweek after application.the walls; all top levels to be uniform. roof. reinforced lime concrete ring iii. Place 4 (100mm) thick lime concrete bamboo reinforced ring beam beam. Bamboo purlins should on all walls. Base: The base being 46 be laid at specified centres andiii. Use the required plates and bolts to (1375mm) wide with toe, isthe entire roof eaves shouldanchor and fix the joists to the ring beam. strong as it is built with mudproject 13 (375mm) from iv. Fix bamboo purlins to joists. brick laid with mud mortarthe walls to provide protec-v. Place layers of kana matting and polythene sheet with a final layer of lime- and is carried down 1-6 tion to the top of walls. Layers mud-brick dust. (450mm) into the ground and of matting, polythene sheet,vi. Provide curing for a week.1.341.35 21. DRR Manual - Technical Support Programme DRR Compliant Sustainable Construction BASETYPE A4No. 1.3Base: 1m circular mud plat-1m circular mud platformformWall: 450 mm mud with lime i. Excavate trench 46 (1350mm) wide, 16 (450 mm) belowRoof: Karavan Chaura Roof ground level in a circular form. ii. Tamp the base of trench. iii. Lay 4 (100mm) thick 1:4:8 lime concrete. iv. Make adobe/mud brick toe up to 33 (1m) height. v. Apply lime-mud render after completion and cure it for a week. WALLS No. 2.1 450 mm mud with lime i. Construct 16 (450mm) mud brick or layered mud wall. ii. Make door and window openings as shown on drawings. TheKaravanChaura, built is carried down 1-6 (450mm) regular intervals ensures fab- iii. Provide 4-bamboo 4 (100mm) with a mud brick platform,into the ground and is beingrication of a technically sound dia. lintol tied together with binding strong circular mud walls and constructed on a platform 1mroof. wire. a technically crafted conical above ground. v. Apply lime-mud render after roof is considered one of the Render:The entire wall surfac-completion and cure it for a week. safest shelter units. The Kara- Walls:The wall above the base es are plastered with lime-mud vanChaura has been inspired is constructed with adobe/mud render to provide weather re- by the vernacular construc- (either mud brick or layeredsistance. For further protection, tion methods from the Lower mud) of 16 (450 mm) thick-the base of the wall and up to Sindh region. ness and incorporates bambooabout 1 m can be treated with ROOF lintols for all door and window a bamboo lattice before the ap- No. 3.4 Characteristics:Circularopenings. plication of the render/plaster.Karavan Chaura i. Align 4 nos. prefabricated bamboo adobe/mud brick platformProvide curing of plaster for a joists and ring beam together to form with toe, 16 (450 mm) circu-Roof: The conical roof of the week after application. a conical roof. lar adobe/mud wall (mud brick KaravanChaura not only in-ii. Ensure the levels of the top of the walls; all top levels to be uniform all or layered mud), bamboo lin-creases the height of the in- around. tols, special bamboo joists laidternal space, but with the useiii. Place 4 (100mm) thick lime con- in conical form with traditionalof 13 (375mm) projections crete bamboo reinforced ring beam on all walls. reed and thatch finishing.along the circumference allows iv. Tie horizontal reed woven rope at for proper rainwater drain- regular intervals Base: The basebeing 46age. Configured with four nos.iii. Raise wall to embed six bamboo joists (1350mm) wide with toe, isjoists composed of 6 bamboo iv. Place layers of polythene sheets strong as it is built with mudbase and tied together with and a double layer of thatch brick laid with mud mortar andhorizontal reed woven rope at1.361.37 22. DRR Manual - Technical Support ProgrammeDRR Compliant Sustainable Construction TYPE B1BASE Base: 450 mm adobe/mud No. 1.4 and lime conc. pad plinth. 450 mm mud and pad plinth Wall: Loh Khat wall with i. Excavate trench 46 (1350mm)wide, 16 (450mm) below ground bamboo skeleton. level. Roof: KaravanRoof with ii. Tamp the base of trench. bamboo ring beam.iii. Lay 4 thick 1:4:8 lime concrete.iv. Make lime concrete pads size16x16 (450x450mm) that shouldrise up to the top of the plinth.v. Make adobe/mud brick toe in mudmortar up to 16 (450mm) Apply lime-mud render after com-pletion and cure it for a week.WALLSNo. 2.2Loh Khat wall with bambooskeletoni.Anchor 4 (100mm) bamboo postsinto lime concrete pads.ii.Secure bamboo dassa along plinth.iii. Fix bamboo diagonal bracing be- The Type B1 shelter unitpads at regular inter vals ,f ied centres and t he entiretween vertical posts for strength. is designed as an improvedbot h being carried downroof projec t s 13 (375mm) iv. Tie entire structure with 2 bam- vernacular Loh Khat con - 1- 6 (450 mm) and provid -to provide protec tion to t he boo ring beams. struc tion.Theintroduc- ing a 16 (450 mm) plint of w alls. L ayers consist-v. Secure matting along both edgeswith woven rope. tion of a bamboo skeleton ing ofmat ting ,poly t henevi. Provide 4-bamboo 4 (100mm) makes the structure strong ,Wa lls: Thew all abovesheetf inished wit hlime - dia. lintol tied together with binding while ret aining t he special t he plint h consist s of a 4mud - brick dust provide pro - wire. Khat or reed f illing.(10 0 mm) bamboo fr ame tec tion from r ain w ater. Thevii. Apply mud-lime render aftercompletion and allow curing. skeletonwit hdiagonal lime layer should be cured in C h a r a c t e r i s t i c s :1- 6 fr aming with bamboo post s t he specif ied manner.ROOF (375mm) adobe /mudbrick grouted and anchored inNo. 3.5 plinthwithtoe andpadlime concrete pads. B amboo Render : Provide lime - mudKaravan Roof with bamboo base , 4 (10 0 mm) bamboodassa act s as plint h be am. render for we at her resist- ring beami. Procure 6-bamboo prefabri- skeleton with 50 mm reedKhat or reed assembly tiedance to Khat w all. For fur-cated joists from HF Karavan Centres. inf ill on both sides f inished wit h woven rope is used as t herprotec tion , t he base ii. Ensure the levels of the top with mud/lime plaster, bam -inf ill on bot h sides of t heof t he w all and up to aboutof the walls; one long wall to be 8 boolintols ,and Kar avan -bamboo skeleton.1m should be tre ated wit h a(200mm) lower than the other.iii. Use the required plates and bolts to Roofbamboo lat tice before t heanchor and fix the joists to the ring beam. Roof: The Kar avanRoof is applicationoft he render/iv. Fix bamboo purlins to joists with Ba se: The adobe /mud basecomposed of multiple bam -plaster. Providecuring ofbinding wire. with toe , laid in mud mor t ar boo joist s t hat are securelyplaster for a week af ter ap - v. Place layers of kana matting,polythene sheet with a final layer of is 46 (1350 mm) wide andf ixed to 2- bamboo ring be amplication.lime-mud-brick dust. incorpor ates lime concrete The purlins are laid at speci -vi. Provide curing for a week.1.38 1.39 23. DRR Manual - Technical Support ProgrammeDRR Compliant Sustainable ConstructionTYPE B2BASEBase: 1m adobe/mud brick No. 1.5 1m mud and pad platformand lime conc. pad platformWall: Loh Khat wall incorpo- i. Excavate trench 46 (1350mm)rating bamboo skeleton wide, 16 (450mm) below groundRoof: Mono-pitch with bam- level. ii. Tamp the base of ring beam iii. Lay 4 thick 1:4:8 lime concrete. iv. Make lime concrete pads size 16x16 (450x450mm) that should rise up to the top of the plinth. v. Make adobe/mud brick toe in mud mortar up to 16 (450mm) height. vi. Apply lime-mud render after com- pletion and cure it for a week. WALLS No. 2.2 Loh Khat wall with bamboo skeleton i. Anchor 4 (100mm) bamboo posts into lime concrete pads. ii.Secure bamboo dassa along plinth. The Type B2 shelter is designedis laid in mud mortar and is the eaves should project 13 iii. Fix bamboo diagonal bracing be- as an improved vernacular Loh46 (1350mm) wide that in-(375mm) to provide protec-tween vertical posts for strength. iv. Tie entire structure with 2 bamboo Khat construction with bam-corporates lime concrete padstion to the top of walls. Layers ring beams. boo joists in the mono-pitched at regular intervals, both being of matting, polythenesheet, v. Secure matting along both edges sloping roof. The introduction carried down 1-6 (450mm).and mud/lime should be fin- with woven rope. of a bamboo skeleton makesished with thatch to providevi. Provide 4-bamboo 4 (100mm) dia. the walls strong, while retain-Wall: The wall above the plat- protection from rain. lintol tied together with binding wire. vii. Apply mud-lime render after ing the special Khat or reed form consists of a 4 (100mm) completion and allow curing. infill. Since the roof is inacces- bamboo frame skeleton with Render:Providelime-mud sible, it needs to be built on a diagonal framing with bamboo render for weather resistance ROOF high platform. posts grouted and anchored into Khat wall. For further pro-No. 3.6lime concrete pads. Bamboo tection, the base of the wall Mono-pitch with bamboo ring Characteristics: 33 (1m) dassa acts as plinth beam. Khatand up to about 1m should bebeam adobe/mudbrick platformor reed assembly tied with treated with a bamboo lattice i. Fabricate 4-bamboo joists by with toe, and pad bases, 4woven rope is used as infill onbefore the application of the tying with binding wire or strings. ii. Ensure the levels of the top of the (100mm) bamboo skeletonboth sides of the bamboo skel- render/plaster. Provide curing walls; one long wall to be 3 (0.900m) with 50mm reed infill on botheton.of plaster for a week after ap- lower than the other. sides finished with 1 (25mm) plication.iii. Use the required plates and bolts thick mud/lime plaster, bam- Roof: The mono-pitched roofto anchor and fix the joists to the ring boo lintols, and single-pitchedemploys multiple 4 bamboobeam. iv. Fix bamboo purlins to joists with roof.joists that are required to be binding wire.anchored securely to 2-bam-v. Place layers of kana matting, Base: The adobe/mudplat- boo joists. The purlins should polythene sheet with a final layer of form 33 (1m) high with toe be laid at specified centres and lime-mud-brick dust and provide curing.1.40 1.41 24. DRR Manual - Technical Support Programme DRR Compliant Sustainable ConstructionTYPE B3 BASEBase: 1m adobe/mud brickNo. 1.5and lime conc. pad platform.1m mud and pad platformWall: Loh Khat wall incor-i. Excavate trench 46 (1350mm)porating bamboo skeleton.wide, 16 (450mm) below groundRoof: Double-pitch with level.bamboo ring beam. ii. Tamp the base of trench.iii. Lay 4 thick 1:4:8 lime concrete.iv. Make lime concrete pads size16x16 (450x450mm) that shouldrise up to the top of the plinth.v. Make adobe/mud brick toe in mudmortar up to 16 (450mm) Apply lime-mud render after com-pletion and cure it for a week.WALLSNo. 2.2Loh Khat wall with bambooskeletoni. Anchor 4 (100mm) bamboo postsinto lime concrete pads.ii.Secure bamboo dassa along plinth. The Type B3 shelter is designed Base:The adobe/mud platformcentres and the eaves shouldiii. Fix bamboo diagonal bracing be- as an improved vernacular Loh 33 (1m) high is laid in mudproject 13 (375mm) to pro-tween vertical posts for strength.iv. Tie entire structure with 2 bamboo Khat construction with bam- mortar and is 46 (1350mm)vide protection to the top ofring beams. boo joists in the mono-pitchedwide, incorporating lime con-walls. Layers of matting, poly-v. Secure matting along both edges sloping roof. The introductioncrete pads, both being carried thene sheet, and mud-lime can with woven rope. of a bamboo skeleton makesdown 1-6 (450mm).be finished with thatch to pro- vi. Provide 4-bamboo 4 (100mm) dia. the walls strong, while retain-vide protection from rain.lintol tied together with binding wire.vii. Apply mud-lime render after ing the special Khat or reedWall: The wall above the plat-completion and allow curing. filling. Since the roof is inacces- form consists of a 4 (100mm)Render:Provide lime-mud sible, a raised platform is nec-bamboo frame skeleton with render for weather resistanceROOF essary. Since the roof is inac- diagonal framing with bamboo to Khat wall. For further pro-No. 3.7 cessible, it needs to be built on posts grouted and anchored intection, the base of the wall Double-pitch with bamboo ring a high platform.lime concrete pads. Bamboo and up to about 1m should bebeam dassa acts as plinth beam. Khattreated with a bamboo lattice i. Prefabricate 2 bamboo trusses Characteristics: 33(1m) or reed assembly tied with before the application of the by using preferably plates. In case of dif-ficulty use binding wire or strings using adobe/mud brickplatform woven rope is used as infill onrender/plaster. Provide curingdesignated sizes of truss members. with toe, and pads base, 4 both sides of the bamboo skel- of plaster for a week after ap-ii.Ensure the levels of the top of the (100mm)bambooskeleton eton.plication.walls are equal. with 75mm reed infill on bothiii. Use the required plates and bolts sides finished with 1 (25mm) Roof: The double-pitched roofto anchor and fix the joists to the ringbeam. Fix bamboo purlins to joists with thick mud/lime plaster, bam-employs bamboo trusses andbinding wire. boo lintols, and double pitched is required to be anchored se-v. Place layers of kana matting, roof. curely to 2-bamboo joists. Pur-polythene sheet with a final layer of lins should be laid at specified lime-mud-brick dust and provide curing.1.421.43 25. DRR Manual - Technical Support ProgrammeDRR Compliant Sustainable Construction 5.1 For Implementing Partners (IPs)Check markings for equal distances7. Construct 6x6 Pad on top of walls Site Selection Check Pad for consistency and levels Is the site on higher ground?8. Prefabricated Ring Beam If higher ground is not available, has a 3m platform been Check if 4 Kabla is tied at every 3.5 constructed? Check grouting below Pad Level must be above Main Road/Street or previous recorded Check presence of steel plate below ring beam Flood level.9. Prefabricated Green Karavan 6-beam bamboo Joists LayoutCheck binding wire at every 2 Has the Layout been marked with the Layout Template Projection of Joists along both sides to be 15 Kit?Check presence of steel plate above joist Layout Template Kit: 10. Tying of Joists, Ring beam and steel plates a) Mould according to Standard House SizeCheck tying of all components together b)Guniya Template 3:4:5 11. Purlins c) Lime Powder Purlins must be attached at every 1 Ratio to mix PCC course for foundations Projection to be maintained at 15 5.1.1 MUD BRICK HOUSES Foundation Roof 1.Excavation1.Bamboo/Reed mattingRemoval of Top Soil 6Covers roof from all sides including projectionsFoundations have been dug up to 2 2.5 2.Plastic Sheet5.0 ChecklistsCompact earth Check compactingThickness must be 3mmCovers roof from all sides including projection 2. Foundation Pad 3.Mud-Lime layer PPC 4 with Ratio 1:4:8 check ratio of Lime: Sand: Aggregate Ratio 1:2:3 (Lime: Sand: Soil) or Ratio 1:2:4 (Lime: Sand: Check with water level Brick Dust)Check layer 2 thick and level consistency Wall 4.Use grass to compact corners 1. Mix Mortar (Soil and water) 1 week -2 days prior to application5.Protection during drying 2. Begin Laying 36 WallProtect from direct heat and sunlight Has the wall been begun from the Corners Cure for 8 days Has a bond been maintained Cover with plastic sheet or jute 3. Raise wall to plinth level maintaining toe slope of 30. Check Plinth level at 1-6Flooring Ratio to mix mortar for accessible Karavan Check toe level with floor 1. Pour soil and compactRoof and flooring Check Toe binding to wall. Check compacting 4. Raise wall to Lintel level at 7 Check level with water level Check level of Lintel at 72. Mud-Lime Layer Overlap of lintel beam at 1 on both sides Check Ratio 1:2:3 (Lime: Sand: Soil) Check size of Door (3x6-10) and Window (1-6x1-6)Check 4 thickness 5. Check wall heights with water levelCheck level with water level KaravanRoof Front Wall-8; Back Wall-8-6 3. Protection for drying 1 pitched Front Wall -8; Back wall-11Protect from direct heat and sunlight 2 pitched Front wall- 8; back wall- 8Cure for 8 days Karavan Chaura 8-6 6. Mark centre lines on wall for joists at every 3 feet1.44 1.45 26. DRR Manual - Technical Support ProgrammeDRR Compliant Sustainable Construction5.1.2 LOH- K ATH HOUSES Soil must be tested with Shine Test or Bottle TestFoundation Pad must be 18x18 and 3 highAddition of sand if clay content is highThe pad must be 18 above ground and 18 below ground Soil must be soaked 1 week prior to applicationHave the posts been erected with steel bar 15 long insideAddition of long stick straw (bhoosa).the bambooAvoid short stick straw.Has the steel bar and bamboo posts been grouted properlyPlaster must be protected from direct heat and sunlightIs the distance between each post 3-6 after applicationHas the Dassa been placed Must be cured for 8 days after applicationHas the Khat been attached to the wall and tied with a rope Plaster with ratio 1:2:4 (Lime: Sand: Brick Dust)Has a horizontal Khat also been attachedLime Selection not to be in powder formHas the horizontal Khat been attached at every 2 feet and Soil must be tested with Shine Test or Bottle Testtied with ropeAddition of sand if clay content is highAre the joists, Kabla, ring beam and steel plates been tied Soil must be soaked 1 week prior to applicationtogetherBrick Dust must be added in proper quantity and mixedProjections must be extended at 15 on all sidesthoroughly Ratio to mix Mortar for non-accessible roofThe roof must be covered with Khat and secured with rope5.3 For Households5.2 For Site Staff HOUSE OWNERS CHECKLISTMATERIAL CHECKLISTHas the lime been soaked 5 or more days prior to con-Limestruction1.Excavation of Lime pit 4x4 Has the soil been compacted properlyOut of childrens reach Check PCC ratio (1:2:4) and levelsSurrounded by bushesHas the mortar been prepared using lime2.Lime distribution must be carried out 2 weeks prior to Is the lintel equal to wall thicknessconstructionIs the lintel overlapped at 1 on both sides3.SlakingAre all bamboo ring beams joined togetherFill pit with water Are the joists projecting at 15 on all sidesWait for ground to soak water Are the joists attached to the KablasRefill pit with water Have steel plates been usedPour two bags of lime Are there Kablas tied at 2Lime will take 3- 4hrs to lose heat Is the binding wire attached at every 2Are all the corners of bamboo joists and purlins filledMud Brick with special masala Test soil with Shine Test or Bottle Test Is the plastic sheet 3mm in thickness Turn brick on different sides each day for equal dryingIs the plastic sheet on the roof covering the entire roof Stack bricks after 4 days of equal drying on each side Check ratio (1:2:4) of lime, sand, brick dust mortar on roof Stacking of bricks must be done in such a way that air Cover exterior plaster render with plastic sheet or blan- passes through themket or any other coveringMud Layer WallCure for 8 days by sprinkling with water. Increase height slowly, not more than 1 each day Cover walls with plastic or cloth during the curing period Begin constructing from the corners Thickness of wall must not exceed 18 Prepare materials (soil, sand) 1 week prior to applicationStacking of mud bricks Plaster with ratio 1:2:3 (Lime: Sand: Clay) Lime Selection not to be in powder form1.461.47 27. DRR Manual - Technical Support Programme5.4 For Workshop5.5 For Mobile Barefoot Karavan Team (MBKT)1.48 28. Annexure 1AUTOCAD DRAWINGS