Technical Research - BINAARTHA SEKURITAS...PT. Astra Otoparts Tbk. (AUTO) 840 Recommendation: BUY...

Technical Research Tuesday, 7 th April 2020 JAKARTA COMPOSITE INDEX (JCI): 4811.83 (+4.07%) Value: RG 6.4 T (NG 1.1 T); Foreign Net Sell 489.910 B Minimum Daily Range (est): 4697.67 4883.15 Commentary: JCI chart surged 4.07% at level 4811.83 during the end of trading session on 6 April 2020. Based on the fibonacci retracement, the first and second support are ranging around level 4697.67 and 4529.48. Meanwhile, the first and second resistance are ranging around level 4883.15 and 4997.90. Based on the indicator, MACD has established a golden cross at the negative area. Meanwhile, Stochastic and RSI are ascending towards the overbought zone. In addition, a three advancing soldiers candlestick pattern is detected signifying bullish continuation. On the upside, JCI shall ascend to the resistance. Komentar: IHSG berhasil ditutup menguat signifikan 4.07% di level 4811.83 pada 6 April 2020. Berdasarkan rasio fibonacci, support pertama maupun kedua memiliki range pada level 4697.67 and 4529.48. Sementara itu, resistance pertama maupun kedua memiliki range pada 4883.15 hingga 4997.90. Berdasarkan indikator, MACD telah membentuk pola golden cross di area negatif. Sementara itu, Stochastic dan RSI bergerak ke atas menuju area overbought. Di sisi lain, terlihat pola three advancing soldiers candlestick pattern yang mengindikasikan adanya bullish continuation pada pergerakan IHSG sehingga berpeluang menuju ke area resistance. Analyst: Muhammad Nafan Aji Gusta Utama E-Mail: [email protected] JCI, Daily Daily Signal Forecast: *Analisa di atas dapat berubah dan akan dianalisa kembali (update) jika terjadi perubahan mendasar dari faktor teknis analisis. *The analysis above may change and will be updated whenever there is a fundamental change from the technical analysis factor.

Transcript of Technical Research - BINAARTHA SEKURITAS...PT. Astra Otoparts Tbk. (AUTO) 840 Recommendation: BUY...

Page 1: Technical Research - BINAARTHA SEKURITAS...PT. Astra Otoparts Tbk. (AUTO) 840 Recommendation: BUY AUTO, Daily Commentary: AUTO stock chart rose at level 840 during the end of trading

Technical ResearchTuesday, 7th April 2020


Value: RG 6.4 T (NG 1.1 T); Foreign Net Sell 489.910 B

Minimum Daily Range (est): 4697.67 – 4883.15

Commentary: JCI chart surged 4.07% at level 4811.83 during the end of trading session on 6 April 2020. Based onthe fibonacci retracement, the first and second support are ranging around level 4697.67 and 4529.48. Meanwhile,the first and second resistance are ranging around level 4883.15 and 4997.90. Based on the indicator, MACD hasestablished a golden cross at the negative area. Meanwhile, Stochastic and RSI are ascending towards theoverbought zone. In addition, a three advancing soldiers candlestick pattern is detected signifying bullishcontinuation. On the upside, JCI shall ascend to the resistance.

Komentar: IHSG berhasil ditutup menguat signifikan 4.07% di level 4811.83 pada 6 April 2020. Berdasarkan rasiofibonacci, support pertama maupun kedua memiliki range pada level 4697.67 and 4529.48. Sementara itu,resistance pertama maupun kedua memiliki range pada 4883.15 hingga 4997.90. Berdasarkan indikator, MACDtelah membentuk pola golden cross di area negatif. Sementara itu, Stochastic dan RSI bergerak ke atas menujuarea overbought. Di sisi lain, terlihat pola three advancing soldiers candlestick pattern yang mengindikasikanadanya bullish continuation pada pergerakan IHSG sehingga berpeluang menuju ke area resistance.

Analyst: Muhammad Nafan Aji Gusta UtamaE-Mail: [email protected]

JCI, Daily

Daily Signal


*Analisa di atas dapat berubah dan akan dianalisa kembali (update) jika terjadi perubahan mendasar dari faktor teknis analisis.

*The analysis above may change and will be updated whenever there is a fundamental change from the technical analysis factor.

Page 2: Technical Research - BINAARTHA SEKURITAS...PT. Astra Otoparts Tbk. (AUTO) 840 Recommendation: BUY AUTO, Daily Commentary: AUTO stock chart rose at level 840 during the end of trading

PT. Astra Otoparts Tbk. (AUTO) 840

Recommendation: BUY

AUTO, Daily

Commentary: AUTO stock chart rose at level 840 during the end of trading session on 6 April 2020. A series of upwardbars is detected signifying buying stimulus. “Accumulative Buy” around level 780 – 840 area, with target prices at level 885, 980, 1055, 1105 and 1325.

Komentar: AUTO ditutup menguat di level 840 pada 6 April 2020. Terlihat beberapa pola upward bar yang mengindikasikan adanya potensi stimulus beli pada pergerakan harga saham. “Akumulasi Beli” pada area level 780 –840 area, dengan target harga secara bertahap di level 885, 980, 1055, 1105 dan 1325.

Indicator: Status:

MACD (12;26;9) Buy

RSI (14) Buy

RoE: 6.35%; PER: 5.42x; EPS: 154.10; PBV: 0.35x; Beta: 1.25

*Analisa di atas dapat berubah dan akan dianalisa kembali (update) jika terjadi perubahan mendasar dari faktor teknis analisis.

*The analysis above may change and will be updated whenever there is a fundamental change from the technical analysis factor.

Support: 780 & 715.

Short term target price(s) (1 day - 3 weeks): 885 & 980.

Mid term target price(s) (3 weeks - 3 months): 1055 & 1105.

Long term target price(s) (3 months - 1 year): 1325.

Page 3: Technical Research - BINAARTHA SEKURITAS...PT. Astra Otoparts Tbk. (AUTO) 840 Recommendation: BUY AUTO, Daily Commentary: AUTO stock chart rose at level 840 during the end of trading

PT. Indomobil Sukses Internasional Tbk. (IMAS) 545

Recommendation: BUY

IMAS, Daily

Commentary: IMAS stock chart rose at level 545 during the end of trading session on 6 April 2020. All target prices at level 1075, 1135, 1175 and 1340 were reached successfully. The price is above the middle band of the bollinger and a three advancing solidiers candlestick pattern is detected signifying buying stimulus. “Accumulative Buy” around level 450 - 550 area, with target prices at level 640, 710, 760 and 970.

Komentar: IMAS ditutup menguat di level 545 pada 6 April 2020. Adapun seluruh target harga pada level 1075, 1135, 1175 dan 1340 telah berhasil tercapai dengan baik. Pergerakan harga masih bertahan di atas garis tengah dari bollinger dan terlihat pola three advancing solidiers candlestick pattern yang mengindikasikan adanya potensi stimulus beli pada pergerakan harga saham. “Akumulasi Beli” pada area level level 450 - 550, dengan target harga secara bertahap di level 640, 710, 760 dan 970.

Indicator: Status:

MACD (12;26;9) Buy

RSI (14) Buy

RoE: 4.50%; PER: 3.29x; EPS: 156.33; PBV: 0.15x; Beta: 0.82

Support: 450 & 390.

Short term target price(s) (1 day - 3 weeks): 640.

Mid term target price(s) (3 weeks - 3 months): 710 & 760.

Long term target price(s) (3 months - 1 year): 970.

*Analisa di atas dapat berubah dan akan dianalisa kembali (update) jika terjadi perubahan mendasar dari faktor teknis analisis.

*The analysis above may change and will be updated whenever there is a fundamental change from the technical analysis factor.

Page 4: Technical Research - BINAARTHA SEKURITAS...PT. Astra Otoparts Tbk. (AUTO) 840 Recommendation: BUY AUTO, Daily Commentary: AUTO stock chart rose at level 840 during the end of trading

PT. Timah Tbk. (TINS) 515

Recommendation: BUY

TINS, Daily

Commentary: TINS stock chart rose at level 515 during the end of trading session on 6 April 2020. The target prices at level 755 and 850 were reached successfully. The price is above the middle band of the bollinger and a bullish engulfing line candlestick pattern is detected signifying buying stimulus. “Accumulative Buy” around level 452 – 515area, with target prices at level 595, 660, 710 and 900.

Komentar: TINS ditutup menguat di level 515 pada 6 April 2020. Adapun target harga pada level 755 dan 850 telahberhasil tercapai dengan baik. Pergerakan harga masih bertahan di atas garis tengah dari bollinger dan terlihat polabullish engulfing line candlestick pattern yang mengindikasikan adanya potensi stimulus beli pada pergerakan harga saham. “Akumulasi Beli” pada area level 452 – 515, dengan target harga secara bertahap di level 595, 660, 710 dan900.

Indicator: Status:

MACD (12;26;9) Buy

RSI (14) Buy

RoE: -3.89%; PER: -16.26x; EPS: -31.68; PBV: 0.64x; Beta: 1.77

Support: 424 & 368.

Short term target price(s) (1 day - 3 weeks): 595.

Mid term target price(s) (3 weeks - 3 months): 660 & 710.

Long term target price(s) (3 months - 1 year): 900.

*Analisa di atas dapat berubah dan akan dianalisa kembali (update) jika terjadi perubahan mendasar dari faktor teknis analisis.

*The analysis above may change and will be updated whenever there is a fundamental change from the technical analysis factor.

Page 5: Technical Research - BINAARTHA SEKURITAS...PT. Astra Otoparts Tbk. (AUTO) 840 Recommendation: BUY AUTO, Daily Commentary: AUTO stock chart rose at level 840 during the end of trading

PT. Waskita Beton Precast Tbk. (WSBP) 173RoE: 9.91%; PER: 5.66x; EPS: 30.54; PBV: 0.56x; Beta: 1.79

Recommendation: BUY

WSBP, Daily

Commentary: WSBP stock chart rose at level 173 during the end of trading session on 6 April 2020. The price is above the middle band of the bollinger and a three advancing solidiers candlestick pattern is detected signifying buying stimulus. “Accumulative Buy” around level 143 – 173 area, with target prices at level 200, 230, 250 and 336.

Komentar: WSBP ditutup menguat di level 173 pada 6 April 2020. Pergerakan harga masih bertahan di atas garis tengah dari bollinger dan terlihat pola three advancing solidiers candlestick pattern yang mengindikasikan adanya potensi stimulus beli pada pergerakan harga saham. “Akumulasi Beli” pada area level 143 – 173, dengan target hargasecara bertahap di level 200, 230, 250 dan 336.

Indicator: Status:

MACD (12;26;9) Buy

RSI (14) Buy

Support: 121.

Short term target price(s) (1 day - 3 weeks): 200.

Mid term target price(s) (3 weeks - 3 months): 230 & 250.

Long term target price(s) (3 months - 1 year): 336.

*Analisa di atas dapat berubah dan akan dianalisa kembali (update) jika terjadi perubahan mendasar dari faktor teknis analisis.

*The analysis above may change and will be updated whenever there is a fundamental change from the technical analysis factor.

Page 6: Technical Research - BINAARTHA SEKURITAS...PT. Astra Otoparts Tbk. (AUTO) 840 Recommendation: BUY AUTO, Daily Commentary: AUTO stock chart rose at level 840 during the end of trading

PT. Waskita Karya Tbk. (WSKT) 635

Recommendation: BUY

WSKT, Daily

Commentary: WSKT stock chart rose at level 635 during the end of trading session on 6 April 2020. The price is above the middle band of the bollinger and a three advancing solidiers candlestick pattern is detected signifying buying stimulus. “Accumulative Buy” around level 515 - 635 area, with target prices at level 775, 910, 1010 and 1415.

Komentar: WSKT ditutup menguat di level 635 pada 6 April 2020. Pergerakan harga masih bertahan di atas garis tengah dari bollinger dan terlihat pola three advancing solidiers candlestick pattern yang mengindikasikan adanya potensi stimulus beli pada pergerakan harga saham. “Akumulasi Beli” pada area level 515 - 635, dengan target harga secara bertahap di level 775, 910, 1010 dan 1415.

Indicator: Status:

MACD (12;26;9) Buy

RSI (14) Buy

RoE: 3.22%; PER: 9.21x; EPS: 68.98; PBV: 0.30x; Beta: 2.33

Support: 410.

Short term target price(s) (1 day - 3 weeks): 775.

Mid term target price(s) (3 weeks - 3 months): 910

Long term target price(s) (3 months - 1 year): 1010 & 1415

*Analisa di atas dapat berubah dan akan dianalisa kembali (update) jika terjadi perubahan mendasar dari faktor teknis analisis.

*The analysis above may change and will be updated whenever there is a fundamental change from the technical analysis factor.

Page 7: Technical Research - BINAARTHA SEKURITAS...PT. Astra Otoparts Tbk. (AUTO) 840 Recommendation: BUY AUTO, Daily Commentary: AUTO stock chart rose at level 840 during the end of trading

PT. Wijaya Karya Beton Tbk. (WTON) 288

Recommendation: BUY

WTON, Daily

Commentary: WTON stock chart rose at level 288 during the end of trading session on 6 April 2020. The target prices at level 248, 260, 272 and 280 were reached successfully. The price is above the middle band of the bollinger and a three advancing solidiers candlestick pattern is detected signifying buying stimulus. “Accumulative Buy” around level 226 – 288 area, with target prices at level 326, 356, 376 and 460.

Komentar: WTON ditutup menguat di level 288 pada 6 April 2020. Adapun target harga pada level 248, 260, 272 dan 280 telah berhasil tercapai dengan baik. Pergerakan harga masih bertahan di atas garis tengah dari bollinger dan terlihat pola three advancing solidiers candlestick pattern yang mengindikasikan adanya potensi stimulus beli pada pergerakan harga saham. “Akumulasi Beli” pada area level 226 – 288, dengan target harga secara bertahap di level 326, 356, 376 dan 460.

Indicator: Status:

MACD (12;26;9) Buy

RSI (14) Buy

RoE: 14.60%; PER: 4.89x; EPS: 58.89; PBV: 0.72x; Beta: 1.73

Support: 226 & 206.

Short term target price(s) (1 day - 3 weeks): 326, 356 & 376

Mid term target price(s) (3 weeks - 3 months): -

Long term target price(s) (3 months - 1 year): 460.

*Analisa di atas dapat berubah dan akan dianalisa kembali (update) jika terjadi perubahan mendasar dari faktor teknis analisis.

*The analysis above may change and will be updated whenever there is a fundamental change from the technical analysis factor.

Page 8: Technical Research - BINAARTHA SEKURITAS...PT. Astra Otoparts Tbk. (AUTO) 840 Recommendation: BUY AUTO, Daily Commentary: AUTO stock chart rose at level 840 during the end of trading


Stock Date Buy Area Target Profit Protection Status

AALI 31/3/2020 4980 – 5150 6625, 6600, 7350, 7900 and 10150

4560 Hold

ACES 20/3/2020 1130 – 1150 1230, 1295, 1345 and 1535

Switch to 1345 Hold

ADHI 5/3/2020 760 – 790 815, 835, 850 and 910

Switch to 815 Hold

ADRO 23/3/2020 610 – 750 815, 900, 960 and 1210

Switch to 960 Hold

ANTM 30/3/2020 426 – 460 486, 555, 615, 660 and 830

Switch to 486 Hold

ASII 26/3/2020 3180 – 3280 3430, 4000, 4450, 4760 and 6100

Switch to 4000 Hold

BBCA 6/4/2020 26825 – 27475 28200, 28625, 28900 and 30175

Switch to 28200 Hold

BBRI 3/4/2020 2800 - 2870 3060, 3220, 3330 and 3810

2640 Hold

BEEF 3/4/2020 200 – 220 232, 252, 266 and 326

Switch to 232 Hold

BJTM 31/3/2020 408 – 438 478, 505, 525, 540 and 600

Switch to 525 Hold

BMRI 3/4/2020 4360 – 4750 4880, 5175, 5375, and 6275

Switch to 5175 Hold

BNGA 31/3/2020 575 – 605 620, 645, 665, 680 and 735

Switch to 680 Hold

BSDE 3/4/2020 630 – 650 760, 835, 890 and1120

Switch to 835 Hold

CPIN 27/3/2020 3880 – 4220 4340, 4580, 4770, 4910 and 5500

Switch to 4910 Hold

CTRA 3/4/2020 394 – 414 505, 585, 640 and 870

Switch to 505 Hold

ELSA 6/4/2020 186 – 204 218, 228, 236 and 270

Switch to 218 Hold

GGRM 4/3/2020 50000 - 50800 51500, 52950, 54100, 59050, 64000 and


Switch to 51500 Hold

GIAA 1/4/2020 179 – 181 194, 204, 212 and 240

Switch to 212 Hold

HMSP 23/3/2020 1085 – 1345 1620, 1990, 2250 and 3350

Switch to 1620 Hold

HOKI 1/4/2020 665 – 695 720, 750, 770 and 850

Switch to 720 Hold

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Stock Date Buy Area Target Profit Protection Status

ICBP 31/3/2020 9325 – 9650 9850, 10050, 10175 and 10750

Switch to 10175 Hold

IPCC 24/3/2020 224 – 234 404, 530, 620 and 1000

61 Hold

INDF 26/3/2020 4900 – 5100 5400, 5675, 5875 and 6675

Switch to 6675 Take Profit at Market Price

INDY 2/4/2020 655 – 725 740, 905, 1030, 1120 and 1500

Switch to 740 Hold

INTP 6/4/2020 11500 – 12000 12925, 13850, 14525 and 17300

Switch to 12925 Hold

ISAT 1/4/2020 1465 - 1555 1645, 1710, 1760 and 1955

Switch to 1955 Take Profit at Market Price

ITMG 24/3/2020 5625 – 6375 7250, 7850, 8275 and 10050

Switch to 8275 Hold

JPFA 2/4/2020 900 – 920 970, 1065, 1140, 1190 and 1415

Switch to 970 Hold

KLBF 30/3/2020 970 – 1010 1045, 1070, 1090 and 1175

Switch to 1175 Take Profit at Market Price

LPPF 2/4/2020 1200 – 1245 1380, 1715, 1975, 2160 and 2940

1010 Hold

LSIP 6/4/2020 730 – 800 885, 940, 980 and 1150

680 Hold

MAIN 6/4/2020 458 – 478 496, 530, 555, 575 and 650

Switch to 496 Hold

MYOR 3/4/2020 1710 - 1810 1895, 1975, 2030 and 2270

1605 Hold

PNLF 15/1/2020 276 - 280 284, 306, 330 and352

Switch to 284 Hold

PTBA 2/3/2020 2190 – 2250 2440, 2770, 3100 and3430

Switch to 2440 Hold

SCMA 20/3/2020 620 – 640 740, 825, 885 and1130

Switch to 825 Hold

SMGR 1/4/2020 6950 – 7650 8275, 8775, 9125 and 10575

Switch to 8275 Hold

SMRA 20/3/2020 490 – 494 610, 680, 730 and 935

362 Hold

TBIG 30/3/2020 825 – 875 920, 955, 975 and 1070

Switch to 925 Hold

TLKM 19/3/2020 2740 – 2810 2910, 3010, 3070 and3340

Switch to 3070 Hold

TOWR 30/3/2020 670 – 680 710, 725, 735 and 775

Switch to 710 Hold

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Stock Date Buy Area Target Profit Protection Status

UNVR 31/3/2020 6200 – 6500 6800, 7200, 7725, 8950 and 10175

Switch to 7200 Hold

UNTR 27/3/2020 14400 – 15100 15400, 16300, 17025, 17525 and 19650

Switch to 17525 Hold

WEGE 6/4/2020 163 – 173 190, 204, 214 and 256

Switch to 190 Hold

WIKA 24/3/2020 750 - 775 955, 1100, 1205 and1635

Switch to 1100 Hold

Page 11: Technical Research - BINAARTHA SEKURITAS...PT. Astra Otoparts Tbk. (AUTO) 840 Recommendation: BUY AUTO, Daily Commentary: AUTO stock chart rose at level 840 during the end of trading


•MACD (Moving Average Convergence Divergence): momentum indicator.

•RSI (Relative Strength Index): compares the magnitude of recent gains to recent losses in attempt to

determine ‘overbought’ and ‘oversold’ conditions of the asset.

•Stochastic: technical momentum indicator that compares a currency pair’s closing price to its price range

over a given time period.

RESEARCH TEAM(62-21) 520-6678 ext. 610 / 612

Disclaimer: PT Binaartha Sekuritas has compiled this report in good faith, using information believedto be reliable. PT Binaartha Sekuritas and its analyst take no responsibility for the accuracy of theinformation contained in this report. This report has been produced for distribution to clients of PTBinaartha Sekuritas only. This report is not an invitation to buy or sell any security. PT BinaarthaSekuritas may have used the information in this report prior to publication. The company or its clientsmay have positions in or may from time to time buy or sell the securities mentioned in this report orother related securities.