Technical Process Instruction Work Sample

- ICD Orlando SHOP INSTRUCTION/TRAINING – OR2 OR97A-11 Document Number: SITWF9628550 Issue No. 1 EDUX Number: 9057aed91 Page 1 of 36 Author’s Name: Sharon O’Toole Date of Issue: June 16, XXXX Clean Room: OR-2 Process Area: Maintenance/Dock Associated EDUX Documents: SIWF9628550 GIEE900033 TERWF86M001 GIEE960020 Course: Air Velocity and Airborne Particle Monitoring Target: This instruction is intended for new FAB operators in Process Control - OR2, Orlando THE CONTENTS OF THIS DOCUMENT HAVE BEEN REVIEWED TO IDENTIFY DISCEPENCIES WITH EXISTING ENGINEERING REQUIREMENTS: NO DISCREPENCIES EXIST. Approver Names: USER CLASS EMPLOYEE NAME Author-MEIU Sharon O’Toole Engineering Mark Mitchell Operating Supervisor Leon Leonard Documents Outside of EDUX are Uncontrolled Unless They are Stamped in Red “CONTROLLED” XXXXXXXXXXXXX Proprietary- Use Pursuant to Company Instructions

Transcript of Technical Process Instruction Work Sample

Page 1: Technical Process Instruction Work Sample

- ICD OrlandoSHOP INSTRUCTION/TRAINING – OR2 OR97A-11Document Number: SITWF9628550 Issue No. 1EDUX Number: 9057aed91 Page 1 of 36Author’s Name: Sharon O’TooleDate of Issue: June 16, XXXXClean Room: OR-2Process Area: Maintenance/DockAssociated EDUX Documents: SIWF9628550


Course: Air Velocity and Airborne Particle MonitoringTarget: This instruction is intended for new FAB operators in Process Control - OR2, Orlando


Approver Names: USER CLASS EMPLOYEE NAMEAuthor-MEIU Sharon O’TooleEngineering Mark MitchellOperating Supervisor Leon LeonardManager OR2 FAB Operations Cheryl Bollinger

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SHOP INSTRUCTION/TRAINING – OR2 OR97A-11Document Number: SITWF9628550 Issue Number: 1Date: XXXXXX Page 2 of 36

Course: Air Velocity and Airborne Particle Monitoring

Process Control Training and Certification

References:SIWF9628550 Air Velocity and Airborne Particle MonitoringGIEE900033 Lockout/Tagout Procedures for OR-1 and OR-2TERWF86M001 Calibration of Meters, Gauges and Standards by VendorsGIEE960020 Environmental Management Requirements for Manufacturing

and Maintenance OperationsOwner’s Manual Ultimate 100-III Laser Airborne Particle counter (Rev.1.1)

Part A: Training Guide

Section 1 Level One Qualification: Preliminary Knowledge

Level One Qualification: Requires passing level one quiz with 85% or better

Training Credit 10 HoursRecommended Duration of Training Period 1 week

You will learn: The purpose of the Ultimate 100-lll Laser Airborne Particle Counter The purpose of the Alnor CompuFlow Model 8525 Multipurpose Meter Process area terminology Safety considerations for both measurement devices Environmental considerations

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Introduction: Ultimate 100-lll Laser Airborne Particle Counter

General Description and Purpose of the ToolThis device is used to monitor the air velocity and concentration of particles in

the cleanroom. The monitoring procedure is performed weekly at various sites in the cleanroom in order to provide statistics on the changes in air quality and to alert the area to any possible damaging levels of contaminants. At each testing site, the Ultimate 100 is programmed to take in one-tenth of a cubic foot of air per sampling, and to repeat the sampling at specific intervals until the required number of samples is collected. Sampling parameters include not only the volume of air required per sample, but also the class of the cleanroom to be monitored, the temperature, the relative humidity and the date and time of the sample. Results of the sampling are both displayed as the data is gathered and recorded on disk. The results are later posted to a weekly monitoring report in Process Control. If the air quality becomes out of control in any way or at any particular location, the irregularities are reported immediately so that steps can be taken to bring the readings back into an acceptable range.

A device called the Alnor CompuFlow Model 8525 Multipurpose Meter performs a similar function. It records the air speed being generated by the venting systems in the cleanroom (laminar air flow). Laminar air flow helps to move contaminating particles directly out of the air and into the filters where particles are trapped. Air speed monitoring is done weekly as the same locations and times as the particle monitoring. Samples are taken manually at each test site by holding the by holding the Alnor’s probe in the air current to be measured. Readings are taken, and repeated if necessary, according to the monitoring instructions for each test site. Results are posted on the weekly monitoring report, but air velocities that fall outside acc3ptable limits ate reported immediately to the appropriate departments so that the condition can be corrected.

Specific Processes: Ultimate 100

Take air samples of a pre-selected quantity and duration Display the ongoing test results Log the results on disk Enter data into the Process Control System

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Specific Processes: Alnor Compuflow

Monitor the velocity of air currents Display current readings Hold reading results for reporting Enter data into the Process Control System

Safety Considerations:

Ultimate 100 When plugging in or unplugging the unit, the battery must be connected to avoid

damaging the machine. The operator must know how to remove and replace the battery compartment door safely.

Only a maintenance PA can change the battery on fuses. Only a qualified technician should open any door or compartment on the unit. Exposure

to the laser can result in injury as well as damage the machine.

Alnor Compuflow Only a maintenance PA can change the battery The probe should be extended only as far as necessary to get a valid reading and should

be compressed when the unit is being transported.

General Safety Observe any special safety precautions prescribed for a given test site. Be aware of alarms and emergency situations that affect as test site. Know where to find and how to use safety equipment such as respirators, eye baths,

emergency showers etc. Know how to get assistance in an emergency situation.

Environmental Considerations:

Operators must follow the procedures for gowning and cleanroom protocol as describe in SIWF858520 “OR-1 Procedures: Gowning, Protocol and Cleanroom Regulations”.

Equipment taken into the cleanroom must be properly decontaminated. No paper documents are allowed into OR-2.

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When performing air monitoring tests, only the exact materials and equipment named n the document may be used.

Before setting up to do any monitoring, inform the operating supervisor of the time and locations of the tests.

When the particle counters are in place for a test, the light sources and exhaust fans must be directed away from any product or process equipment.

If the unit is outside the cleanroom, any testing that may cause the pump to turn on could cause contamination to build up inside the unit. A small HEPA filter which fits in the sampling outlet is available to prevent this problem.

Information about the cleanroom environment and the general procedures for working in a cleanroom can be found in GIEE96020 “Environmental Management Requirements for Manufacturing and Manufacturing Maintenance Operations.”


Bay: Also known as a clean aisle. A Bay is a confined cleanroom work area that contains equipment used for one or more steps in a manufacturing process. This is the area in which cleanroom operators are located. Airflow in a bay is from ceiling to floor.

Chase: The chase is the cleanroom area between two bays in which chemicals, power, air and other facility items are placed in order to support work being done in the bays. Airflow in the chase is from floor to ceiling.

Class 1 Cleanroom: A cleanroom in which, according to Federal Standard 209E, the maximum number of particles per cubic foot of air cannot

exceed the limits on the following chart.

Class 1 Cleanroom StandardsParticle Size in Microns (µ) 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.5

Max # Allowed per cubic Foot 35 7.5 3 1

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Class 10 Cleanroom: A cleanroom in which, according to Federal Standard 20E, the maximum number of particles per cubic foot of air cannot exceed the limits on the following chart.

Class 1 Cleanroom StandardsParticle Size in Microns (µ) 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.5

Max # Allowed per cubic Foot 350 75 30 10

FPM: Feet per minute; a measurement used to define laminar air velocity in terms of the amount of straight air flow past a given point in one minute.

Histogram: A diagram, chart or other pictorial method of illustrating the changes in a given variable over a span of time.

HVAC: An acronym for High Vacuum. It refers to the equipment, processes and checks used in the air recirculation systems in the cleanroom.

Laminar Air flow: The straight and direct air flow (up or down) generated by the air recirculating systems in a cleanroom. In OR-2 the acceptable range for laminar air flow is 60-120 fpm (feet per minute), and the average rate is 75 fpm.

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Section 2 Level Two Qualification: Operating Procedures/Process Checks

Level Two Qualification: Requires demonstration of the ability to perform all

level 2 tasks listed in this section.

Training Credit 40 HoursRecommended Duration of Training Period 4 weeks

For the Ultimate 100 (Facilities 8882 and 8883)Task 2.1 Power on the deviceTask 2.2 Recognize low battery warning and perform a shutdownTask 2.3 Recognize low laser power and take appropriate stepsTask 2.4 Check and charge the batteryTask 2.5 Select and modify variables on the main display screensTask 2.6 Set the sample parametersTask 2.7 Locate and set up testing on required sites Task 2.8 Select a sample IDTask 2.9 Select a display formatTask 2.10 Retrieve a sample programTask 2.11 Take air samplesTask 2.12 Log and report collected dataTask 2.13 Shut down and store the unitTask 2.14 Respond to abnormal readingsTask 2.15 Perform/Request required maintenance on the unitTask 2.16 Load Printer Paper

For the Alnar Compuflow (Facilities 8883 and 8884)Task 2.17 Check the battery voltageTask 2.18 Locate and set up testing for air velocity on required sitesTask 2.19 Switch to Velocity ModeTask 2.20 Take velocity readingsTask 2.21 Hold data for reportingTask 2.22 Log and report dataTask 2.23 Procedure for low/discharged batteryTask 2.24 Shut down and store the unitTask 2.25 Respond to abnormal readingsTask 2.26 Obtain required maintenance on the unit

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The Ultimate 100-lll Laser Airborne Particle CounterThis unit is used to collect air samples to monitor the particle content of air in the clean room spaces.

Note: The ultimate 100 is generally stored in Chase 14. There is an AC outlet in the chase used for recharging the unit. The unit can be plugged in between monitoring sessions to keep the battery at full charge. No lockout or tagout procedure is necessary for this device.

Task Number Task2.1 Power on the Device

Procedure:Check the AC cord to ensure that it is unplugged before turning the unit on or attempting to move it. Do not let the cord drag when moving the cart. Store it in the bin under the cart.

Figure 1: Front View of the Ultimate 100

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Power Button

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Procedure: Press the power button located at the lower right corner of the display screen. If the machine is functioning properly, the:

LCD Display will light up Main Screen will come up

>1.0 0 > .50 0 > .30 0 > .20 0 > .15 0 > .10 0RH=% TEMP-FMM/DD/YY COUNT/CF HR: MIN: SecFLOW-CFM CHARGE=HRID = Your choiceProgram = Your choiceSAMPLE VOL = 1.0 CF DELAY = 00.00.05# SAMPLES = INF CLASS = OFFSTART PRNTR DSPLY ID MORE

Figure 2: Main Screen Detail

Regulate the screen contrast using the VIEW ADJUST buttons to the right of the screen display

Check the CHARGE = field on the main screen which shows the approximate operating time left before the battery fails

Check the LP (Laser Power) = field for the % of maximum power still remaining in the laser component.

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Task Number Task2.2 Recognize low battery warning and perform a shutdown

Procedure:Low Battery Warning can take one of two forms:

When the “CHARGE =” field is 0.5HR, the remaining operating time may be from 15 to 45 minutes. When that time has elapsed:

The pump will not turn on The settings and stored data will be preserved

When the “LO BATTERY HALT” indicator is on the screen: The battery is fully depleted The main screen is blank Only the POWER button will operate Setting will be preserved and the data already on the disk can be retrieved. If the

power halted during a sample, that data will be lost.In either warning situation, the unit should be turned off and recharged. See Task 2.4 for recharging procedures.

Task Number Task2.3 Recognize low laser power and take appropriate steps

Procedure: When the ultimate 100 is working properly, the laser power should be close to 100%. Laser power readings below 80% must be corrected by a qualified technician. DO NOT try to assess the laser problem by opening the access door. (See Figure #3). Injury and machine damage can be the result.

Changes in the laser power can reflect on e of three possible problems: The laser is dirty and needs to be accessed for cleaning. The unit needs recalibration to correct the readings. The laser is actually failing.

No matter what the cause may be, call maintenance for assistance before using the machine again.

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Task Number Task2.4 Check and charge the battery

NOTE: The Ultimate 100 has a rechargeable sealed lead battery which may, occasionally, need replacement. This task is performed by a maintenance PA. Inspect the battery ONLY if the unit’s power and indicator lights are not functioning.

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Battery Door

Access Door

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Figure 3 – Back View of the Ultimate 100

Procedure:To inspect the battery:

Check to be sure that the unit has been unplugged. Remove the power cord and store it in the cart bin. Using a flat head screwdriver, turn each of the three battery door screws ¼ turn

counterclockwise. Remove the battery door, taking care to keep the screws from falling out and

getting lost. Check to be sure that the battery wires are properly connected. They should be:

Secure on the terminals Connected RED to RED and BLACK to BLACK

Do not turn on the unit if the wires are not properly connected. Reversing polarity will short out the 12 Volt fuse and may damage the unit. Call maintenance if there is a problem with the wiring.

After checking the wire connections, re-attach the battery compartment door by replacing the slotted screws and turning them ¼ turn clockwise to tighten them again.

If a low battery warning has occurred: Use the adapter to plug the unit into an AC outlet. Turn on the unit using the Power button. Verify that the CHARGER ON indicator is lit.

READY light on means that the battery is fully charged. CHARGING light means that the battery is not fully charged.

The indicator light will change to READY when the charging is complete. Fully charged, the unit will operate for approximately 6 hours.

Task Number Task2.5 Select and modify variables on the main display screen

Procedure:On the main screen there are:

Six particle modes defined by particle size ranging from .10 to 1.0 microns. These are: 10, .15, .20, .30, .50, 1.0

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Five menu choices :START turns the unit on and offPRINTR turns the printer on and off so that the data visible on the main screen can be printedDSPLY changes the manner in which data is displayed on the screen. Use the SELECT command to select a variable and MODIFY to change it. Under DSPLY choices include:

Large or small numbersData expressed in numbers or in histogram

The unit will select the data you request. You may use the following means of selection.

Total Count: Particles are counted in each category they fit, For example, a .25 µ particle will count once in the >.10 category, once in the >.15 category and once in the >.20 category. This arrangement allows for an accumulated total of particles that fit into each of the lower level categories. The total number of all particles in the sample will be represented in the .10 category.

DIFF COUNT: Particles are counted only in the highest category for which they qualify. For example, the 25 µ would be counted only once in the .20 category since it is bigger than the .15 particles but smaller than the .30 particles.

Count/CF(M): Output of the sample can be expressed wither as a ratio of particles to cubic feet or cubic meters of air sampled.

ID shows the sampling locations already stored in the unit. Functions at the ID level include: Selecting an existing sampling location. To select, scroll up and down using the

arrow keys to find the appropriate site designation. Adding a new location. Adding should only be done with the approval of a

supervisor or manager. To all a location:Select NEWKey in the new IDSelect ENTER

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Deleting all locations. Deleting must be done with extreme caution and only upon management approval.

Select ERASEVerify the intent to delete by selecting YES or NOEXIT

MORE allows the operator to select further choices to be detailed in the following tasks

Task Number Task2.6 Set the Sample Parameters

Procedure:Four basic sampling programs can be accessed by selecting MORE and then GET PRGM.These include three preset programs and one custom program to be loaded from a disk. Usually the disk program is used for routine sampling.

To see the available choices, Press the MORE button on the main display, then ALTER PRGM. Next select SET SAMPL. You will then see the screen in Figure 4 Below.


^^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ EXIT

Figure 4 – Set Sample Parameters

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Figure 4 shows the standard settings for OR-2. These are as follows: SAMPLE VOL .1CF (Cubic Feet) DELAY 1 SEC (Second) INITIAL DELAY 5 SEC Happens only once when START button is pressed. # Samples 3 This may be changed if sample number is different, FS-209E CLASS 0.1 DO NOT CHANGE. OR-2 is a class 1 cleanroom. CONCENTRATION IS /CF TEMPERATURE IS °F DISK IS INSTALLED The disk is used to set up the sampling

programs and to record data because no paper is allowed inside the cleanroom.

TIME IS Unless there is a power outage, this should be correct. All 6 fields must be set.

Use SELECT to highlight the field to be changed. Tab through fields that are already correct by pressing the SELECT key twice. Use MODIFY to scroll up and down within a field to select the correct value. When all fields are correct, press EXIT.

Task Number Task2.7 Locate and set up testing on required sites


General Information:Sampling must be done in each of the required areas weekly. The results of the testing must be entered through Process Control whenever a set of samples is completed.

The Ultimate 100 is mounted on a cart that is rolled from site to site. If the cart has been outside of the cleanroom, it must be wiped down prior to entering. Observe full gowning protocol when entering the cleanroom.

The number of sampling locations is based upon the square footage of the room being monitored. Currently the breakdown for the number of sampling sites is as follows:

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LOCATION # Of Sampling SitesBays 1-14 4 in eachChases 1-4 3 in eachMain Aisle 7Laser Scribe 3Gowning Vestibule 6Decontamination 2Staff Room 2Bay 15 8Photolithography Bay 16 8Photolithography Bay 17 9Photolithography Bay 18 9

The sampling sites are divided into 4 groups for implementation purposes. Each with 38 sites requiring readings. Details of the sites, locations and codes for these groups are listed on the Shift Particles Assignment Report. A sample of this monthly report for Group C shows how the different areas appear on the report.

Group CChase/Bay Location COP GR LKUP GR



BAY 13 N 1 12 13 EE1300000NMSM EE1300001S

CHASE 13N N 2 14 15 EE1300000M

Figure 5: Shift Particle Assignments(Sample of Report)


Chase/Bay:The assigned chase or bay in which sampling is to be conducted

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Location:Compass Directions such as North, South, East or West and other positioning information such as M for “middle”. These define where to set up sampling equipment.COP GR:IgnoreLKUP GR VELThe area for reporting velocity readingsLKUP GR 0.1MThe area for reporting average particle count readingsQUEST CHARTThe location for recording collected data in the Quest system

Instructions for Completing Sampling:

Advise affected parties that sampling will be conducted. Affected parties include area supervisors and managers and the shift lead.

Move the ultimate 100 on its chart to the designated testing site. Position the unit within a 10 foot radius of the exact site point. Each week the

position of the unit should vary within the imaginary circle formed by this radius. Verify that the vacuum collection tube connected to the outlet on top of the unit

is facing up. Verify that the collection tube is at a height approximately midway between the

floor and the ceiling. Take the 3 sample required from the same spot. Do NOT move the unit between

samples. Try to avoid moving or walking around the unit while sampling is in progress. If possible, ask others in the area to avoid stirring air while samples are being


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Task Number Task2.8 Select a sample ID

Procedure: On the Main Screen select ID A screen will appear which lists the testing sites. Select the appropriate site by using the

SELECT button.

Task Number Task2.9 Select a display format


Select DISPLY on the Main Screen Select SMALL numbers – This will allow all of the data to fit into one compact screen

display. Select TOTAL count Select Cubic Feet per minute

Task Number Task2.10 Retrieve a sample program

NOTE: The customized program for OR-2 is located on the disk which is also used to collect sample data. The disk drive is located in the front of the unit near the bottom. Usually, there will be a disk already installed. If there is no disk in the drive, call maintenance for assistance.

Procedure: To select a program, Press MORE Press GET PROGRAM You will see a choice of three preset programs and DISK. Use the arrow key to select the

DISK program. Press EXIT to return to the main screen.

Task Number Task2.11 Take air samples

NOTE: Pressing START will cause the word START above the left key to change t STOP. Let that happen. Pressing STOP will halt wither the delay countdown or the actual sampling. It will also cause the device to emit four warning beeps and turn off the pump.

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NOTE: IF the device is stopped accidentally before a sample is complete, the data for that sample will NOT be stored in memory.

Procedure: Press START to start the pump and begin the initial delay time. (The display should now

read STOP. When DELAY = 0 is reached on the main screen, the device will begin to count particles. When counting starts, ET= will appear on the screen. ET stands for “elapsed time”. This

indicates that a sample is in progress. When that sample is completed the display will add DELAY = and the next delay

countdown will begin. The cycle looks like this:


This Delay/ET cycle will continue until the number if samples taken equals the The number of samples in the program parameter. In the standard disk program that number is 3.

When the last sample is complete, the counter will beep four times and the pump will turn off automatically. When the machine shuts down in this way, the data from the samples will be stored for later retrieval.

When samples are complete, the unit may be moved to the next site.

Task Number Task2.12 Log and report collected data


Select MORE from the Main Screen Select GET DATA Select VIEW DATA Under VIEW DATA, select AVG DATA. Calculations of the averages will be done

automatically. Access PROCESS CONTRL SYSTEM. This program is available from any terminal in OR-2.

You will be transferring the data from the disk in the Ultimate 100 unit to the Process Control system.

In Process Control select REPORT Enter the AVG DATA information manually into the report that appease on the screen.

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NOTE: You will also be entering the velocity data from the ALNOR COMPUFLOW METER at the same time. This data will be collected using the process for using the meter which follows in task 2.22 of this document.

Task Number Task2.13 Shut down and store the unit

Procedure:After data has been stored and logged

Press the power button to turn off the unit Remove the collection tube and store it below the unit I the cart bin Store the ultimate 100 in Chase 14 Plug the unit in if recharging is necessary

Task Number Task2.14 Respond to abnormal readings

NOTE: If particle counts exceed the allowable limits as set forth in Federal Standard 209E (see chart below) follow this procedure:

Class 1 Cleanroom StandardsParticle Size in Microns (µ) 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.5

Max # Allowed per cubic Foot

350 75 30 10

Procedure: Allow the air to settle, and, if possible, ask people in the area to avoid entering the

testing area for 5 minutes. Re-run the samples. If count remains high, advise the area supervisor on duty either in person or by phone.

(DO NOT USE AUDIX-PERSONAL COMMUNICATION IS REQUIRED) The supervisor will determine necessary steps to correct a condition that may affect

production and notify the Microcontamination Engineering Engineer Plan and Factory are responsible for correcting any out of control condition.

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Task Number Task2.15 Identify and obtain required maintenance on the unit

Procedure:Call maintenance for assistance with the following problems:

Battery changes 12 Volt Fuse Replacement Quarterly recalibration of the unit by Climet Any malfunction

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Task Number Task2.16 Load paper into the printer

Figure 6- Loading Paper into the Printer

Procedure:Locate the printer (outside the cleanroom) Paper is NOT allowed inside OR2, but data may be printed outside the cleanroom, if hard copy is required.

Turn on the printer Open the printer door on the top of the unit Push the edge of the paper roll through the slot behind the printer While holding the paper in place, press the paper feed button on the

front left side of the screen. The printer rolls will:Grab the paperFeed the paper through the slot behind the paper cutter

Continue to hold the paper feed button until the paper come up through the paper feedout slot in the top of the unit.

Straighten the paper, if necessary Close the printer door

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The Alnor Compuflow Model 8525 Multipurpose MeterThis unit is used to collect air samples in order to get air velocity readings in cleanroom spaces.

Figure 6 – The Alnor Compuflow Model 8525

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Task Number Task2.17 Check the Battery Voltage

Procedure: Remove the sensor cap from the tip of the velocity probe Move the control switch to the upper position (temperature mode)

IF THENDisplay=blank Batteries are fully discharged and need to be replaced.Display=0 Batteries are too low for operation. Replace.Display=1 for first 3 seconds

Battery is operational, Unit may be used.

Note: The normal alkaline batteries in the Alnor will allow for approximately ten hours of running time before it becomes necessary to replace them.

Task Number Task2.18 Locate and set up testing for air velocity on required sites

Procedure: Collect samples at the same sites and at the same times as you collect particle samples

with the Ultimate 100. The locations and numbers of air velocity samples are the same and listed at in the same Shift Particles Assignment Report as identifies the particle sampling requirements.

Group CChase/Bay Location COP GR LKUP GR



BAY 13 N 1 12 13 EE1300000NMSM EE1300001S

CHASE 13N N 2 14 15 EE1300000M

Samples are taken:In feet per minute (FPM)Approximately five feet away from the Ultimate 100Duration is one minute per sample per site

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Task Number Task2.19 Switch to velocity mode

Procedure: Extend the probe approximately one foot Move the three point rocker control switch to the lower position Cover the tip of the probe FPM reading should drift to 00 FPM

Task Number Task2.20 Take velocity readings

Procedure:With the probe extended:

Push the CHANGE button until “0000” appears on the display. This will allow readings in increments of 1 FPM to be recorded.

For a regular reading hold the probe Parallel to the ceiling

3 feet from the ceilingWith the red dot on the tip of the probe positioned so that the air flow is coming

toward it. Position the red dot UP in the baysPosition the red dot DOWN in the chases

Task Number Task2.21 Hold data for reporting

Procedure: Push the HOLD button for one second to freeze the reading on the display Record the results

On the Zaurus’ pre-programmed spreadsheetEnter one reading per site

After recording the data, release the displayed information by pushing the HOLD button again for one second.

Repeat at each required location.

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Task Number Task2.22 Log and report data

Procedure: Using the spreadsheet information in the Zaurus, enter the velocity readings into

the Process Control system. You will be entering this data at the same time you enter particle count data.

(See task 2.12 for details of entering process( Save all readings in the Zaurus until all of the information is transferred and

verified to be proper in the proper Quest locations.

Task Number Task2.23 Procedure for low/discharged battery

Procedure: No data is stored long-term in the Alnor. If a battery runs out during sampling,

only the current sample will need to be redone. If the battery becomes too low, contact a maintenance PA for assistance.

Task Number Task2.24 Shut down and store the unit

Procedure: Turn off the meter by moving the rocker switch to the middle position Compress the probe Replace the protective sensor cap on the probe Store the unit on the Ultimate 100 cart in the lower bin

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Task Number Task2.25 Respond to abnormal readings

Note: Based on prior data, the air velocity in OR-2 is approximately 75 FPM. Federal Standard 209E defines an acceptable velocity range as 90FPM ± 30FPM or 60-120FPM.

Procedure: If laminar airflow falls outside of the acceptable range allow any turbulence in

the area to settle and re-run the sample. If airflow remains outside the acceptable range, advise the area supervisor on duty


The supervisor will determine necessary steps to correct a condition that may affect production and notify the Microcontamination Engineering Engineer Plan and Factory are responsible for correcting any out of control condition.

Task Number Task2.26 Obtain required maintenance on the unit

Procedure:All maintenance should be done by a maintenance PA. This includes:

Battery changes Quarterly recalibration to be completed by Alnor Instruments Inc. Any other malfunction of the unit

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