TechHub Meetup: Game publishing in competitive markets



Here are the main insights from our meetup on Game Publishing in Competitive Markets, outlining the biggest challenges and factors to take into account when launching a game in China, as well as ways to get the right audience for your mobile game. Thanks to our friends from MavenHut ( for supporting this event and to our partners from RGDA ( for their involvement!

Transcript of TechHub Meetup: Game publishing in competitive markets

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TechHub Meetup Insights

William Heathershaw – the Chinese mobile games market

The market in China is as big as it is competitive. It’s defined by 500 million mobile users and 300 million mobile gamers, and you should take into account also the fact that 80% of Chinese people access the internet through a mobile device.

Of all the big countries in the world, China’s GDP is increasing at the highest rate, which means tha the middle class is expanding and there’s more money to spend.

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TechHub Meetup InsightsWilliam Heathershaw – launching a game in China

The Chinese will spend money on games because they are affordable. But to launch in this market, you’ll need: - A partner- Someone to help you with localization (not only language, but also

cultural aspects, and even monetization) - To understand the market dynamics- To figure out the billing issues (sms billing is the most widely used

method, Alibaba is the second most widely used payment method)- To approach iOS, because if you’re only on Android, it’ll be very difficult

(the Chinese government is not on good terms with Google)- To take into account the fact that, in terms of revenue, the billing

partner, the distribution channel, the publisher and you (the developer) have to split the pie.

The good part? There are around 170 channels that bring in most of the money for games, so you’ll probably need to focus on around 70 of them to get good revenue.

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TechHub Meetup InsightsTeddy Florea – reaching the right audience

Steps to act upon in order to reach the right audience for your game:

1. Getting editorial coverage: • secure email addresses of the game review websites, • reach out to a specific person, not an office@ email address, • understand what the magazine/website is looking for, be brief and

specific (send a trailer and catchy phrase), • send personalized emails• keep in mind that every review counts, even if it’s a bad one• check the marketing part of the websites to see if they offer any

consultancy packages (confidential reviews for a certain game, etc.).

2. Work on branding and user acquisition to get traction for your game and get that initial user base going.

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TechHub Meetup InsightsTeddy Florea – reaching the right audience

Steps to act upon in order to reach the right audience:

3. PR coverage- do your research and choose the right agency- see who the agency has worked with in the past (check their efficiency

with games they’ve worked with in the past by checking their results over time).

4. Networking & events- meet people who are also working on their games- be part of the innovation happening around the world- meet publishers and media representatives- feel the pulse of the industry- prepare before going to a conference so you can secure meetings and get

ROI for your participation in that event - contact event organizers and ask them if they can help arrange meetings- ask questions, introduce yourself, exchange cars, shake hands.