Tech Mahindra Aptitude Paper.doc

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  • 7/24/2019 Tech Mahindra Aptitude Paper.doc




    Tech Mahindra Aptitude Question Paper

    Arithmetic Section

    1.If a boat is moving in upstream with velocity of 14 km/hr and goes downstream with a velocity of40 km/hr, then what is the speed of the stream ?(a) 13 km/hr(b !" km/hr(c #4 km/hr(d none of these

    2.$ind the value of ( 0%&' 0%&' 0%&' ) 0%001 / ( 0%&' 0%&' ) 0%0&' * 0%01

    (a) 0.84(b 1%+0(c !%#1!(d 0%001

    3.- can have a piece of work done in days, . can work three times faster than the -, can workfive times faster than -%ow many days will they take to do the work together ?(a # days(!) 8/" da#s(c 4 days(d cant say

    4.- car travels a certain distance taking & hrs in forward 2ourney, during the return 2ourney increased

    speed 1!km/hr takes the times ' hrs%3hat is the distance travelled ?(a !10 kms(!) 30 kms(c !0 kms(c none of these

    .Instead of multiplying a number by &, the number is divided by &% 3hat is the percentage of errorobtained ?

    $. $ind (& * 4y / ()!y if /!y 5 #/! ?(a "(b (c) %(d data insufficient

    %.- man buys 1! lts of li6uid which contains !07 of the li6uid and the rest is water% e then mies itwith 10 lts of another miture with #07 of li6uid%3hat is the 7 of water in the new miture?

    8. If a man buys 1 lt of milk for 8s%1! and mies it with !07 water and sells it for 8s%1', then what isthe percentage of gain?

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    ".9ipe - can fill a tank in #0 mins and 9ipe . can fill it in ! mins%If #/4th of the tank is filled by 9ipe. alone and both are opened, how much time is re6uired by both the pipes to fill the tankcompletely ?

    10.If on an item a company gives !'7 discount, they earn !'7 profit%If they now give 107 discountthen what is the profit percentage%?(a 407(b ''7(c #'7(d) 30&

    11.- certain number of men can finish a piece of work in 10 days% If however there were 10 menless it will take 10 days more for the work to be finished% ow many men were there originally?(a) 110 men(b 1#0 men(c 100 men

    (d none of these

    12.In simple interest what sum amounts of 8s%11!0/) in 4 years and 8s%1!00/) in ' years ?(a 8s% '00(b 8s% "00(c 8s% 00(d) 's. "00

    13% If a sum of money compound annually amounts of thrice itself in # years% In how many years willit become + times itself%(a) $(b (c 10(d 1!

    14.:wo trains move in the same direction at '0 kmph and #! kmph respectively% - man in the slowertrain observes the 1' seconds elapse before the faster train completely passes by him% 3hat is thelength of faster train ?(a 100m(!) %m(c 1!0m(d '0m

    1.ow many mashes are there in 1 s6urare meter of wire gauge if each mesh is mm long and'mm wide ?

    (a !'00(!) 2000(c !'0(d !'0000

    1$.7 of y is y7 of ?(a /y(b !y(c)

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    (d cant be determined

    1%.:he price of sugar increases by !07, by what 7 should a housewife reduce the consumption ofsugar so that ependiture on sugar can be same as before ?(a 1'7(!) 1$.$$&

    (c 1!7(d +7

    18.- man spends half of his salary on household epenses, 1/4th for rent, 1/'th for travel epenses,the man deposits the rest in a bank% If his monthly deposits in the bank amount '0, what is hismonthly salary ?(a 8s%'00(b 8s%1'00(c) 's.1000(d 8s% +00

    1".:he population of a city increases ; 47 p%a% :here is an additional annual increase of 47 of thepopulation due to the influ of 2ob seekers, find the 7 increase in population after ! years ?

    20. :he ratio of the number of boys and girls in a school is #

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    (d "

    2$.- father is #0 years older than his son however he will be only thrice as old as the son after 'years what is fathers present age ?(a) 40 #rs(b #0 yrs

    (c '0 yrs(d none of these

    2%.-n article sold at a profit of !07 if both the cost price and selling price would be 8s%!0/) the profitwould be 107 more%3hat is the cost price of that article?

    28.If an item costs 8s%# in ++ and 8s%!0# in 00%3hat is the 7 increase in price?(a) 200/3 &(b !00/" 7(c 1007(d none of these

    Logical Section

    irections< $or 6uestions !+)# fill the missing number or letter in the given series

    2". a, c, e, g, @(a h(!) i(c d(d 2

    30.a, e, i, m, 6, u, @, @(a) #c(b b,f(c g,i(d none

    31.ay , b> , cw , d ,@@(a gu(b ev(c fv(d) eu

    32.1,!, #, ', &, 11, @@(a 1'(b +(c) 13(d 1! , lo , mn , @@(a) nm(b np(c op

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    (d p6

    34.8,A,@@,$,,@@(a) * +(b -, B(c C, D

    (d ., B

    3.@@@, ayw, gec, mki, s6o(a aw(!) us,(c prs(d lmn

    3$. 1, #, 4, , 1', !&, @@(a "0(b '+(c 4#(d) 0

    3%. 0, !, #, ', , 10, 1', 1&, !4, !",@@(a 4'(b ''(c) 3(d 4

    38. !, ', +, 1+, #&,@@(a "4(b ''(c) %(d 40

    irections for 6uestions #+ to 44< Eelect the alternative that logically follows form the two givenstatements%

    3".-ll scientists are fools% -ll fools are literates%(a-ll literates are scientists(!) A-- scientists are -iterates(c Do scientists are literates(d .oth (a and (b are correct

    40. Do apple is an orange% -ll bananas are oranges%(a) A-- app-es are oranes(b Eome apples are oranges

    (c Do apple is a banana(d Done of the above

    41.-ll pens are elephants% Eome elephants are cats%(a Eome pens are cats(b Do pens are cats(c -ll pens are cats(d) one o the a!oe

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    42.-ll shares are debentures%Do debentures are deposits%(a -ll shares are deposits(b Eome shares are deposits(c) o shares are deposits(d Done of the above

    43. Aany fathers are brothers% -ll brothers are priests%(a Do father is a priest(!) Man# athers are not priests(c Aany fathers are priests(d .oth (b and (c44. Eome green are blue% Do blue are white%(a Do green are white(!) ome reen are hite(c Do green are white(d Done of the above

    4. If the word =IDF is represented as 9GH= , then the word 8$G3 can be represented?(a) ds

    (b dvshf(c dgshf(d dtsgfy

    4$.If in a certain code 8-DFG is coded as 1!#4' and 8-D=A is coded as 1!#"&, then the codefor the word A-DF=would be(a !#'&(b 4'"#(c !#4"(d) 8243

    irections for 6uestions 4&)4+

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    0.Cook at this series< '#, '#, 40, 40, !&, !&, %%% 3hat number should come net?-% 1!. 14% !&% '#

    Technical Questions - C & C++

    1. 3hat is wrong in the following problemKincludemain(Lint i,2J

    2 5 10J

    i 5 2** ) 2**Jprintf(7d 7d, i,2JMans< 0, 1!

    2.3hat is the output of the following problemKincludemain(Lint 2Jfor(250J2N#J2**foo(J

    Mfoo( Lstatic int i 5 10Ji*510Jprintf(7dOn,iJM/ =ut put is (since static int is used i value is retained between function calls !0 #0 40/

    3.3hat is wrong in the following codeKincludemain(Lchar cJ

    c 5 elloJprintf(7sOn, cJM/ans

  • 7/24/2019 Tech Mahindra Aptitude Paper.doc


    int i,2,k,l,lc50J/ the input is given as 1!#4 '"& /printf(Gnter the number string

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    ".3hat is the output of the following codingKincludemain(Lint len54Jchar st51!#4'"&J

    for(i50J iN"J i**st 5 st )lenJprintf(7cOn,stJM/ -ns < It will print some 2unk value /10.Kinclude main(Lfunc(1JMfunc(int iLstatic char str 5L =ne,:wo,:hree,$ourMJprintf(7sOn,strQi**RJreturnJ

    M/ -nsed with more values if it isnot considered then the answer is :wo /

    11.Kinclude main(Lint iJfor (i51JiN100J i**printf(7d 70On,i,iJM/ -ns

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    n (n)1 (n)! %%%%%%% ! 1Kincludemain( Lint factorial(int nJint i,ansJprintf(On Gnter a Dumber

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    a% Ehe told her that she knew where the dog is%b% Ehe told her that she knows where the dog was%c. he to-d her that she kne here the do as.d% Ehe told that she knew where the dog is%

    hoose the s#non#m(Bns ! P #a @@ a chicken dish for lunch%a% 3hether, orb% -s, whereasc. 5ither or

    1.@@@ my father @@ my mother are from Aumbai%a. oth andb% Gither, or

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    c% .oth, with

    8ead the following passage and answer (Bns 1") 1+

    -t a stage like this in human civilisation, it is of utmost interest that nations coarse ignorancetowards one another decreases, people should start understanding a bit of histories of other

    cultures, other countries and the resulting mentality developed% It is really fault of Gnglishmenbecause they epected people to run the world as they wanted to, to international as well as politicalsituations% 3e many a times epect people to be the way we are and because of that nothing ismade out of our actual kindness and good intents% :his could be corrected, not to be a very wideetent but to a certain limit if we knew global history, even outlines of it, about the conditions, socialand political, which have lead the country to shape up as it has currently%

    1$.-uthor wants the people of his country to