Tech ed au 2012 dev212

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My presentation at TechEd 2012

Transcript of Tech ed au 2012 dev212

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2. I really don't want to be a grumpy and bitter developer but #microsoft doesn't make it easy to stay enthusiastic as a #wpf dev. 03.02.2011 @microsoft is king of FUD strategy. causes fear, uncertainty and doubt to devs around the world. pity they do it to *their* own devs #wpf 25.08.2011 3. not a single mention of #wpf in #bldwin keynote - it's as if it doesn't exist. the XAML thing they talk about is prop closer to #silverlight 12.09.2011 4. RT @JohnBristowe: Me, attempting to build a Windows 8 app in JavaScript for the past 30 minutes: 09.03.2012 @JohnBristowe that's me today as well :( although all in all JS in Win8 is surprisingly fun :) 09.03.2012 5. implemented my first 3D transformation animation in CSS yesterday. astonishingly simple. 13.05.2012 it constantly surprises me how easy it is to create fluent animations in HTML/JS in all sort of scenarios. simply not possible in WPF. 22.05.2012 6. Announcement: (Game Dev Tycoon) is the #win8 game I've been working on the past months. Store review is underway :) 04.07.2012 7. Announcement: A new NovaMind app is now available on the Windows Store. #mindmapping 27.07.2012 [] I was extremely surprised how pleasant porting code from C# was. JS is also surprisingly fast in IE10. 27.07.2012 8. Couple of months ago I switched from C# to JavaScript. Surprisingly, I don't miss C# one bit. JavaScript is bloody amazing. 10.08.2012 Using HTML5/JS on WinRT is the most rewarding and productive environment Ive ever worked with just now 9. then then Threadpool Advantages 10. using Windows.Media.Capture; async void GetPicture() { var new CameraCaptureUI new Size var await CameraCaptureUIMode if var new BitmapImage await FileAccessMode 11. JavaScript: Promises handle Async Object that is a promise for a later value Hook up to completion with then() or done () method then(completion, error, progress) then() returns another promise Implementation in base.js: WinJS.Promise Common.js promises/A spec 12. DllImport "avicap32.dll" "capCreateCaptureWindow" static extern int string int int int int int int int DllImport "avicap32.dll" static extern bool int MarshalAs UnmanagedType ref string int MarshalAs UnmanagedType ref string int // more and more of the same 13. using Windows.Media.Capture; var new CameraCaptureUI new Size var await CameraCaptureUIMode if var new BitmapImage await FileAccessMode 14. IReadOnlyDictionaryIMapView IEnumerableIIterable IListIVector IReadOnlyListIVectorView IDictionaryIMap 15. Windows 8 System manages app lifetimeWindows 7 User manages app lifetime 16. App gets 5 seconds to work after suspend message Apps are not notified before they are terminated Apps are notified when they have been resumed 17.

/* Step 2: Call WinJS.UI.processAll() */ /* Step 3: Use the control */ document.getElementById(list).winControl.addEve ntListener (selectionchanged, onSelChanged ); 18. Everyday widgets 19. Presenting data 20.

/* step2: use the Data Template */ ui.setOptions(listView, { oniteminvoked: this.itemInvoked }); 21. Commanding surfaces