Tearing Off Labels - WhyTry: Correctionswhytrycorrections.org/images/stories/PDF/Faciltator... ·...

1 © WhyTry LLC. No reproduction or distribution. Vocabulary 1. STOP living up to my negative labels and prove them wrong! 2. REMEMBER the payoffs. • Why is it EASY to prove my negative labels true? • What have I done in the past to prove my negative labels true? • Why is it HARD to express and stay focused on “The Real Me”? • What would be different if I woke up tomorrow and my negative labels were suddenly gone? 4. FLEX “The Real Me” and make it stand out so much that the negative label must be torn off. • What new observable behaviors will I do to show I am better than my negative labels? • How can I prove “The Real Me” is true? Every night ask: What did I do today to tear off my negative labels? How can I do more of this tomorrow? What is a label? • What do I like about myself? • What do others like about me? • My accomplishments • My strengths, goals, and dreams • If I were to give myself a label, what would it be? (Must be positive.) Why is it easy to give up when I have these labels? Do I ever use these as an excuse? S to n e r D u m b R e b e llio u s D r o p o u t G a n g B a n g e r A n g e r P r o b l e m B a d E x a m p l e D e lin q u e n t T h i e f L i a r A t tit u d e P r o b l e m M a k e r R u n a w a y C o n v ic t O t h e r s : Permission to brag: Loser Lazy Trouble 3. DECIDE that my negative labels are from the past! Today I choose to keep them on or start tearing them off! Tearing Off Labels T h e R e al M e Four steps to tearing off my labels: • What have my negative labels paid me in the past? • What will “The Real Me” pay me in the future? Felon In m a t e Showing Others Who I Can Be Key Concept: Negative labels typically hide who we really are, but positive labels can help us achieve our goals as we show other people “the real me.” Ultimately, the label we wear depends on us: we can tear off our negative labels by changing our ac- tions and showing others our strengths, accomplishments, and our positive traits. Positive affirmation: “I WILL prove ‘The Real Me’ and over- come my negative labels from the past!” Personalize the Lesson: • How have labels impacted me in my life? • What are some of the most difficult labels I have had to deal with? • What would happen if I never lost my negative labels? • Have I ever used negative labels as an excuse? Secondary Concepts: • It is human nature for people to assign labels to each other. Sometimes these labels are incorrect or unfair. • If we keep doing the same thing we’ve always done, we’ll always get the same result. • It is important to focus on what we’re doing right, not what we’re doing wrong. Tearing Off Labels Introduction • Label • Stereotype • Individuality • “Real me” • Strengths • Accomplishments • Judgmental • Stop, Remember, Decide, Flex • Entropy

Transcript of Tearing Off Labels - WhyTry: Correctionswhytrycorrections.org/images/stories/PDF/Faciltator... ·...

Page 1: Tearing Off Labels - WhyTry: Correctionswhytrycorrections.org/images/stories/PDF/Faciltator... · other labels that have been placed on them by themselves or others. Once the participants

1© WhyTry LLC. No reproduction or distribution.


1. STOP living up to my negative labels and prove them wrong!

2. REMEMBER the payoffs.

• Why is it EASY to prove my negative labels true?• What have I done in the past to prove my negative labels true?• Why is it HARD to express and stay focused on “The Real Me”?

• What would be different if I woke up tomorrow and my negative labels were suddenly gone?

4. FLEX “The Real Me” and make it stand out so much that the negative label must be torn off.

• What new observable behaviors will I do to show I am better than my negative labels?• How can I prove “The Real Me” is true?

Every night ask: What did I do today to tear off my negative labels? How can I do more of this tomorrow?

What is a label?

• What do I like about myself?• What do others like about me?• My accomplishments• My strengths, goals, and dreams

• If I were to give myself a label, what would it be?

(Must be positive.)

Why is it easy to give up when I have these labels?

Do I ever use these as an excuse?

StonerDumb Rebellious

DropoutGang Banger

Anger Problem

Bad Example

DelinquentThief Liar

Attitude Problem

Maker Runaway



Permission to brag:




www.whytry.org© WhyTry LLC 2013

3. DECIDE that my negative labels are from the past! Today I choose to keep them on or start tearing them off!

Tearing Off Labels

“The Real Me”Four steps to tearing off my labels:

• What have my negative labels paid me in the past?• What will “The Real Me” pay me in the future?



Showing Others Who I Can Be

Key Concept:Negative labels typically hide who we really are, but positive labels can help us achieve our goals as we show other people “the real me.” Ultimately, the label we wear depends on us: we can tear off our negative labels by changing our ac-tions and showing others our strengths, accomplishments, and our positive traits.

Positive affirmation: “I WILL prove ‘The Real Me’ and over-come my negative labels from the past!”

Personalize the Lesson: • How have labels impacted me in my life? • What are some of the most difficult labels I have had to deal

with?• What would happen if I never lost my negative labels?• Have I ever used negative labels as an excuse?

Secondary Concepts:• It is human nature for people to assign labels to each other.

Sometimes these labels are incorrect or unfair.• If we keep doing the same thing we’ve always done, we’ll

always get the same result.• It is important to focus on what we’re doing right, not what

we’re doing wrong.

Tearing Off LabelsIntroduction

• Label• Stereotype• Individuality• “Real me”• Strengths• Accomplishments• Judgmental• Stop, Remember,

Decide, Flex• Entropy

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2 Tearing Off Labels

The Motivation Formula

Getting Started

Welcome We believe at WhyTry it’s critical to have positive, upbeat music playing in the classroom as stu-dents enter. We have built in a mix of WhyTry’s original music embedded on the slide.

Class CommitmentsOur recommended approach is that all students, along with the instructor, recite in unison the four class commitments.

Review from last classDraw a name from the hat containing names of students from the previous class. Click on the icon metaphor representing the previous class and have the student review the core concepts of the metaphor as it relates to their own experience.

If we’re teaching Labels in an open-group setting, click on the picture icon at the bottom of the slide to take you to the previous metaphor for a student to review.

Share and ReportEvery student will now take 1-3 minutes, depending on the class size, to stand in front of the class and share and report one key component of the previous class that resonated with them.

Where We’re HeadedPositive affirmation: “I WILL prove ‘The Real Me’ and overcome my negative labels from the past.” Touch briefly on the positive affirmation, stating that this is where we are heading in this unit and that by the end of the unit, all of us will have the proper perspectives and tools to proclaim this statement in our life.

WhyTry StaircaseIf we’re working in a closed group setting, this is the second step on the WhyTry staircase.

In an open group setting, this slide simply points out the entire curriculum with the Motivation Formula handrail and all of the steps that we ultimate-ly will be taking in the program.

Seeing Over the WallLiving with a New View and More Strength

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3© WhyTry LLC. No reproduction or distribution.

Discussion Point 1: What is a label?

Question: What is a label?

Discussion: Labels are a fact of life. Whether we realize it or not, we de-pend on labels every single day. When we go to the grocery store, we buy products based on the labels that we see. As a society, we have come to naturally trust outward labels as they relate to the things that we purchase.

When we first meet someone, we usually form an initial impression about them. We may be asking ourselves, “Who is this person? What are they like?” Maybe we associate them with someone we know or a certain group or stereotype, so we categorize them. This is labeling. Have we ever got-ten to know someone after forming a first impression and realized that they were different than the label we first gave them?

In society, we assign labels as a way to define certain groups of people. Sometimes these are di-rectly tied to behaviors, but sometimes they are tied to stereotypes, prejudices, and biases that we have.

ChallengeIf these two cans with blank labels represented our life, what words would be on our label? What words would others write on this label? What words would I personally write on this label?

1. STOP living up to my negative labels and prove them wrong!

2. REMEMBER the payoffs.

• Why is it EASY to prove my negative labels true?• What have I done in the past to prove my negative labels true?• Why is it HARD to express and stay focused on “The Real Me”?

• What would be different if I woke up tomorrow and my negative labels were suddenly gone?

4. FLEX “The Real Me” and make it stand out so much that the negative label must be torn off.

• What new observable behaviors will I do to show I am better than my negative labels?• How can I prove “The Real Me” is true?

Every night ask: What did I do today to tear off my negative labels? How can I do more of this tomorrow?

What is a label?

• What do I like about myself?• What do others like about me?• My accomplishments• My strengths, goals, and dreams

• If I were to give myself a label, what would it be?

(Must be positive.)

Why is it easy to give up when I have these labels?

Do I ever use these as an excuse?

StonerDumb Rebellious

DropoutGang Banger

Anger Problem

Bad Example

DelinquentThief Liar

Attitude Problem

Maker Runaway



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www.whytry.org© WhyTry LLC 2013

3. DECIDE that my negative labels are from the past! Today I choose to keep them on or start tearing them off!

Tearing Off Labels

“The Real Me”Four steps to tearing off my labels:

• What have my negative labels paid me in the past?• What will “The Real Me” pay me in the future?



Showing Others Who I Can Be

Tearing Off Labels

Lesson Plan: Visual Analogy Walkthrough


Bring out a labeled can. Ask the students what is inside and how they know. Ask the students what a label shows us. Explain that from a label, we quickly learn ingredients, cooking instruc-tions, manufacturers, where it was made, its nutritional value, and so forth.


If I am using the “Tearing Off Labels” activity with an 8-ounce tomato sauce can, I will need to print out the “Labels” handout found both at the end of this chapter and at corrections.whytry.org and distribute a copy to each student.

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4 Tearing Off Labels


Let the students determine for themselves whether their personal labels are negative or posi-tive. What we see as negative may be positive for them, and vice versa. The purpose of this lesson is simply to give them the necessary steps for when they decide to change.

Discussion:When individuals find themselves involved in the corrections system, some of the labels that society may give them might look like this.

QuestionHow many of these can you identify with? Circle all that apply.

DiscussionAsk the participants to circle as many of the labels that they can identify with, meaning other people have called them these things, or they can simply relate to them from their ex-

perience. Also draw the students’ attention to the word “other” and encourage them to write any other labels that have been placed on them by themselves or others. Once the participants have circled or written additional labels on their handout, ask, “Of the 19 labels reflected on your hand-out, how many did you circle?” Go around the room and get a number from each person.

1. STOP living up to my negative labels and prove them wrong!

2. REMEMBER the payoffs.

• Why is it EASY to prove my negative labels true?• What have I done in the past to prove my negative labels true?• Why is it HARD to express and stay focused on “The Real Me”?

• What would be different if I woke up tomorrow and my negative labels were suddenly gone?

4. FLEX “The Real Me” and make it stand out so much that the negative label must be torn off.

• What new observable behaviors will I do to show I am better than my negative labels?• How can I prove “The Real Me” is true?

Every night ask: What did I do today to tear off my negative labels? How can I do more of this tomorrow?

What is a label?

• What do I like about myself?• What do others like about me?• My accomplishments• My strengths, goals, and dreams

• If I were to give myself a label, what would it be?

(Must be positive.)

Why is it easy to give up when I have these labels?

Do I ever use these as an excuse?

StonerDumb Rebellious

DropoutGang Banger

Anger Problem

Bad Example

DelinquentThief Liar

Attitude Problem

Maker Runaway



Permission to brag:




www.whytry.org© WhyTry LLC 2013

3. DECIDE that my negative labels are from the past! Today I choose to keep them on or start tearing them off!

Tearing Off Labels

“The Real Me”Four steps to tearing off my labels:

• What have my negative labels paid me in the past?• What will “The Real Me” pay me in the future?



Showing Others Who I Can Be

Point 2:

Question: Why is it easy to give up when I have these labels? Do I ever use these labels as an excuse?

Discussion: When we believe in a negative label, it can be easy to quit trying and simply live up to that label. But with strength, effort, and a belief that we can change, we can tear the label off. This gives us greater personal strength.

1. STOP living up to my negative labels and prove them wrong!

2. REMEMBER the payoffs.

• Why is it EASY to prove my negative labels true?• What have I done in the past to prove my negative labels true?• Why is it HARD to express and stay focused on “The Real Me”?

• What would be different if I woke up tomorrow and my negative labels were suddenly gone?

4. FLEX “The Real Me” and make it stand out so much that the negative label must be torn off.

• What new observable behaviors will I do to show I am better than my negative labels?• How can I prove “The Real Me” is true?

Every night ask: What did I do today to tear off my negative labels? How can I do more of this tomorrow?

What is a label?

• What do I like about myself?• What do others like about me?• My accomplishments• My strengths, goals, and dreams

• If I were to give myself a label, what would it be?

(Must be positive.)

Why is it easy to give up when I have these labels?

Do I ever use these as an excuse?

StonerDumb Rebellious

DropoutGang Banger

Anger Problem

Bad Example

DelinquentThief Liar

Attitude Problem

Maker Runaway



Permission to brag:




www.whytry.org© WhyTry LLC 2013

3. DECIDE that my negative labels are from the past! Today I choose to keep them on or start tearing them off!

Tearing Off Labels

“The Real Me”Four steps to tearing off my labels:

• What have my negative labels paid me in the past?• What will “The Real Me” pay me in the future?



Showing Others Who I Can BeTOOLKIT SLIDE

Refer to the toolkit slide to select a video, song, or activity that reinforces the reality of labels. Our recommended activity is “Stereotypes.”

After the activity, a video that can be shown that emphasizes how wrong initial impressions and labels can be is the “Paul Potts” video.

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5© WhyTry LLC. No reproduction or distribution.

Point 3:

Challenge: Refer students back to the handout where they circled negative labels. Have students fill up the top can on the visual analogy with the following:

• What do I like about myself?• What do others like about me? • My accomplishments (We may need to offer help here, such as, “You got a GED,” “You graduated high school,” or “You got out of bed this morning and made it to this class.” Ask if they have received any awards or point out something you have observed.)• My strengths, goals and dreams• If I were to give myself a label, what would it be? (Must be positive.)

1. STOP living up to my negative labels and prove them wrong!

2. REMEMBER the payoffs.

• Why is it EASY to prove my negative labels true?• What have I done in the past to prove my negative labels true?• Why is it HARD to express and stay focused on “The Real Me”?

• What would be different if I woke up tomorrow and my negative labels were suddenly gone?

4. FLEX “The Real Me” and make it stand out so much that the negative label must be torn off.

• What new observable behaviors will I do to show I am better than my negative labels?• How can I prove “The Real Me” is true?

Every night ask: What did I do today to tear off my negative labels? How can I do more of this tomorrow?

What is a label?

• What do I like about myself?• What do others like about me?• My accomplishments• My strengths, goals, and dreams

• If I were to give myself a label, what would it be?

(Must be positive.)

Why is it easy to give up when I have these labels?

Do I ever use these as an excuse?

StonerDumb Rebellious

DropoutGang Banger

Anger Problem

Bad Example

DelinquentThief Liar

Attitude Problem

Maker Runaway



Permission to brag:




www.whytry.org© WhyTry LLC 2013

3. DECIDE that my negative labels are from the past! Today I choose to keep them on or start tearing them off!

Tearing Off Labels

“The Real Me”Four steps to tearing off my labels:

• What have my negative labels paid me in the past?• What will “The Real Me” pay me in the future?



Showing Others Who I Can Be


Refer to the toolkit slide to select a video, song, or activity that reinforces the reality of labels. Our recommended video is “Labels are for Jars.”

DiscussionThis video portrays the danger of labeling people. What if the young woman portrayed here had in fact suffered an unforeseen tragedy or was doing everything she could to try to care for herself and perhaps a child or two? Negative labels often can get in the way of doing the right thing and many times the more difficult thing.


Have each student share six things they documented in response to the five categories listed under “Permission to Brag.” Once again, there are no right or wrong answers, only the students’ observations concerning themselves.

Challenge: Have the students ask themselves, “Are my labels making me stronger or weaker? Are they creat-ing more or less opportunity and freedom for me?”


Refer to the toolkit slide to select a video, song, or activity that reinforces the reality of labels. Our recommended video is the “Labels 1” music video. After viewing the video, process using the questions on the slides.

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6 Tearing Off Labels

Point 4: Introduction to the four steps


There are four primary steps that we can take to tear off our negative labels. The four key vocabu-lary terms in this section are: Stop, Remember, Decide, and Flex.

Step 1: STOP living up to my nega-tive labels and prove them wrong!

• Why is it EASY to prove my neg-ative labels true?

Point out that motivation to tear off our negative label will remain low until we start to see how things can improve once the label is off. Before others see us without our labels, we must first see ourselves without the label. If we keep doing what we’ve always done, we’ll keep getting what we’ve always got. To break this cycle, we need to STOP doing what we’ve done in the past. It is EASY to stay in our comfort zone by continuing to do the same things that have gotten us into trouble in the past.

When given the choice between focusing on something negative vs. something positive, it is hu-man nature to focus on the negative things in life.

1. STOP living up to my negative labels and prove them wrong!

2. REMEMBER the payoffs.

• Why is it EASY to prove my negative labels true?• What have I done in the past to prove my negative labels true?• Why is it HARD to express and stay focused on “The Real Me”?

• What would be different if I woke up tomorrow and my negative labels were suddenly gone?

4. FLEX “The Real Me” and make it stand out so much that the negative label must be torn off.

• What new observable behaviors will I do to show I am better than my negative labels?• How can I prove “The Real Me” is true?

Every night ask: What did I do today to tear off my negative labels? How can I do more of this tomorrow?

What is a label?

• What do I like about myself?• What do others like about me?• My accomplishments• My strengths, goals, and dreams

• If I were to give myself a label, what would it be?

(Must be positive.)

Why is it easy to give up when I have these labels?

Do I ever use these as an excuse?

StonerDumb Rebellious

DropoutGang Banger

Anger Problem

Bad Example

DelinquentThief Liar

Attitude Problem

Maker Runaway



Permission to brag:




www.whytry.org© WhyTry LLC 2013

3. DECIDE that my negative labels are from the past! Today I choose to keep them on or start tearing them off!

Tearing Off Labels

“The Real Me”Four steps to tearing off my labels:

• What have my negative labels paid me in the past?• What will “The Real Me” pay me in the future?



Showing Others Who I Can Be

1. STOP living up to my negative labels and prove them wrong!

2. REMEMBER the payoffs.

• Why is it EASY to prove my negative labels true?• What have I done in the past to prove my negative labels true?• Why is it HARD to express and stay focused on “The Real Me”?

• What would be different if I woke up tomorrow and my negative labels were suddenly gone?

4. FLEX “The Real Me” and make it stand out so much that the negative label must be torn off.

• What new observable behaviors will I do to show I am better than my negative labels?• How can I prove “The Real Me” is true?

Every night ask: What did I do today to tear off my negative labels? How can I do more of this tomorrow?

What is a label?

• What do I like about myself?• What do others like about me?• My accomplishments• My strengths, goals, and dreams

• If I were to give myself a label, what would it be?

(Must be positive.)

Why is it easy to give up when I have these labels?

Do I ever use these as an excuse?

StonerDumb Rebellious

DropoutGang Banger

Anger Problem

Bad Example

DelinquentThief Liar

Attitude Problem

Maker Runaway



Permission to brag:




www.whytry.org© WhyTry LLC 2013

3. DECIDE that my negative labels are from the past! Today I choose to keep them on or start tearing them off!

Tearing Off Labels

“The Real Me”Four steps to tearing off my labels:

• What have my negative labels paid me in the past?• What will “The Real Me” pay me in the future?



Showing Others Who I Can Be


In nature, things that are left alone will always move toward a state of decay and chaos. A fallen tree, for example, will always break down and return to soil if left alone. This natural phenomenon is what is known as ENTROPY. A person with a negative label will continue to carry and wear that negative label if they do not act.


Students will be introduced to PAINTING OVER MOLD and REMODEL THE WHOLE THING. It is recommended that a volunteer from the class read the Painting Over Mold Weak Think concept and another volunteer read the Remodel the Whole Thing Strong Think concept.

Discussion:Open brief discussion with the students about examples of when and where they have done ei-ther of these in their life.

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7© WhyTry LLC. No reproduction or distribution.

• What have I done in the past to prove my negative labels true?

Fact: A problem, unidentified, can never be solved. Negative behavior, unidentified, can never be corrected. It is imperative that we recognize how we have reinforced our negative label in the past by what we have done. It is easy to blame others and be angry when they put negative labels on us. It is essential that we identify our own behaviors that have fed into that label.

• Why is it HARD to express and stay focused on “The Real Me”?

It takes deliberate effort and work to fight against entropy, just like gravity or the current in a stream. It’s easy to go with the flow. It’s easy to fall down. It’s HARD to demonstrate and draw attention to new and positive behavior. People’s tendency will be to continue to look for the same things that they’ve always seen in the past. Most people do not expect, and some do not want to see, new behaviors.

Warn the students that family or friends may provoke them or put them down if they try to tear off their negative label. Stress to them that a real friend would not do this, as a real friend would al-ways want what is best for them and others. Explain that putting effort into tearing off their nega-tive labels is one of the fastest ways to begin this process.

FACT: It’s always hard to chart a new course in one’s life.


Refer to the toolkit slide to select a video, song, or activity that reinforces the reality of labels. Our recommended activity is “Follow the Leader,” which provides a quick object lesson that actions speak louder than words.


Students will be introduced to FAKE HERO and BALANCE. It is recommended that a volunteer from the class read the Fake Hero Weak Think concept and another volunteer read the Balance Strong Think concept.

Discussion:Open brief discussion with the students about examples of when and where they have done ei-ther of these in their life.

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8 Tearing Off Labels

Step 2: REMEMBER the payoffs.

• What have my negative labels paid me in the past?

Even though there may be some perceived short-term payoffs when we wear our negative labels -- such as safety, security, or predictability, in the long run we have to step back and look at what these negative labels have produced for our-selves and others. We have to ask ourselves, “Has wearing my negative labels really been worth it? How are these labels working for me?” If we want different results or want to find ourselves in someplace new, we cannot repeat the same behavior. (Point out to students that that’s the defini-tion of insanity.) In order to get rid of our negative labels, we must do something different.

• What will “The Real Me” pay me in the future?

Some of us may have been wearing our negative labels for so long that we can’t see anything new or different than what we’ve gotten in the past. Much like the first dam -- positive self-talk -- in the Motivation Formula, we’ll need to use our imagination and think about what could result if we could truly live out “The Real Me.” There is truth in the old saying, “If you can conceive it and believe it, you can achieve it.” The reverse is also true: “If you can’t conceive it and don’t believe it, you will never achieve it.”

Step 3: DECIDE that my negative la-bels are from the past! Today I choose to keep them on or start tearing them off!

Discussion As we learned in Lift the Weight, our strongest muscle must be the brain,

where all our choices come from. The strongest force in the universe is a human’s ability to choose. A nuclear weapon has no power or influence until a person chooses to use it. Similarly, our nega-tive labels have no control over us unless we live up to them. They are connected to our past be-havior and must not influence our future behavior.

Every single day that we are alive, we have the ability to choose whether to keep living with our negative labels or to start tearing them off.

• What would be different if I woke up tomorrow and my negative labels were suddenly gone?

Imagine what would be different if our past negative labels simply disappeared. In counseling, this bullet point has been referred to as the “magic question” or “our ideal world.” When we try to move every day toward this ideal world, the change we’re hoping for can become a reality.

1. STOP living up to my negative labels and prove them wrong!

2. REMEMBER the payoffs.

• Why is it EASY to prove my negative labels true?• What have I done in the past to prove my negative labels true?• Why is it HARD to express and stay focused on “The Real Me”?

• What would be different if I woke up tomorrow and my negative labels were suddenly gone?

4. FLEX “The Real Me” and make it stand out so much that the negative label must be torn off.

• What new observable behaviors will I do to show I am better than my negative labels?• How can I prove “The Real Me” is true?

Every night ask: What did I do today to tear off my negative labels? How can I do more of this tomorrow?

What is a label?

• What do I like about myself?• What do others like about me?• My accomplishments• My strengths, goals, and dreams

• If I were to give myself a label, what would it be?

(Must be positive.)

Why is it easy to give up when I have these labels?

Do I ever use these as an excuse?

StonerDumb Rebellious

DropoutGang Banger

Anger Problem

Bad Example

DelinquentThief Liar

Attitude Problem

Maker Runaway



Permission to brag:




www.whytry.org© WhyTry LLC 2013

3. DECIDE that my negative labels are from the past! Today I choose to keep them on or start tearing them off!

Tearing Off Labels

“The Real Me”Four steps to tearing off my labels:

• What have my negative labels paid me in the past?• What will “The Real Me” pay me in the future?



Showing Others Who I Can Be

1. STOP living up to my negative labels and prove them wrong!

2. REMEMBER the payoffs.

• Why is it EASY to prove my negative labels true?• What have I done in the past to prove my negative labels true?• Why is it HARD to express and stay focused on “The Real Me”?

• What would be different if I woke up tomorrow and my negative labels were suddenly gone?

4. FLEX “The Real Me” and make it stand out so much that the negative label must be torn off.

• What new observable behaviors will I do to show I am better than my negative labels?• How can I prove “The Real Me” is true?

Every night ask: What did I do today to tear off my negative labels? How can I do more of this tomorrow?

What is a label?

• What do I like about myself?• What do others like about me?• My accomplishments• My strengths, goals, and dreams

• If I were to give myself a label, what would it be?

(Must be positive.)

Why is it easy to give up when I have these labels?

Do I ever use these as an excuse?

StonerDumb Rebellious

DropoutGang Banger

Anger Problem

Bad Example

DelinquentThief Liar

Attitude Problem

Maker Runaway



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3. DECIDE that my negative labels are from the past! Today I choose to keep them on or start tearing them off!

Tearing Off Labels

“The Real Me”Four steps to tearing off my labels:

• What have my negative labels paid me in the past?• What will “The Real Me” pay me in the future?



Showing Others Who I Can Be

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Step 4: FLEX “The Real Me” and make it stand out so much that the negative label must be torn off.

DiscussionRemember, it takes time for others to see the change. Some people may never see it. Don’t worry about them. Be patient. Keep showing

what is positive about yourself to everyone around you. When a person works out in the gym and begins building physical muscle, eventually others will begin to notice that person’s new muscles and physique, whether they acknowledge it or not. The same is true for tearing off labels. Eventu-ally, others will have no choice but to recognize the new you. At the end of each day, proudly list off all you did that day to tear off your label. Think about how you can do even more the next day to tear off the label and let the “Real Me” shine.

• What new observable behaviors will I do to show I am better than my negative labels?• How can I prove “The Real Me” is true? Showing others “The Real Me” cannot happen randomly, accidentally, or “by chance.” It must be very deliberate and specific. We must precisely identify behaviors that others can see -- especiallly when we’re under pressure -- that will demonstrate that we are different. Our observable behav-iors, not our words, will give us an answer to the challenge, “So you’re a different person? Prove it!”


Students will be introduced to BLAMING and LOOK INTO MY “I.” It is recommended that a volun-teer from the class read the Blaming Weak Think concept and another volunteer read the Look Into My “I” Strong Think concept.

Discussion:Open brief discussion with the students about examples of when and where they have done either of these in their life.

Every night ask: “What did I do today to tear off my negative labels? How can I do more of this tomorrow?”

DiscussionAs humans, we have a tendency to go over the day’s mistakes, problems, frustrations, and nega-tive situations as we drift off to sleep at night. In order to keep living up to “The Real Me,” We must deliberately fight against this tendency. Tonight, try to focus on what went right today and on the good things that happened, even if there is only one good thing out of a handful of negative circumstances.

1. STOP living up to my negative labels and prove them wrong!

2. REMEMBER the payoffs.

• Why is it EASY to prove my negative labels true?• What have I done in the past to prove my negative labels true?• Why is it HARD to express and stay focused on “The Real Me”?

• What would be different if I woke up tomorrow and my negative labels were suddenly gone?

4. FLEX “The Real Me” and make it stand out so much that the negative label must be torn off.

• What new observable behaviors will I do to show I am better than my negative labels?• How can I prove “The Real Me” is true?

Every night ask: What did I do today to tear off my negative labels? How can I do more of this tomorrow?

What is a label?

• What do I like about myself?• What do others like about me?• My accomplishments• My strengths, goals, and dreams

• If I were to give myself a label, what would it be?

(Must be positive.)

Why is it easy to give up when I have these labels?

Do I ever use these as an excuse?

StonerDumb Rebellious

DropoutGang Banger

Anger Problem

Bad Example

DelinquentThief Liar

Attitude Problem

Maker Runaway



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www.whytry.org© WhyTry LLC 2013

3. DECIDE that my negative labels are from the past! Today I choose to keep them on or start tearing them off!

Tearing Off Labels

“The Real Me”Four steps to tearing off my labels:

• What have my negative labels paid me in the past?• What will “The Real Me” pay me in the future?



Showing Others Who I Can Be


Refer to the toolkit slide to select a video, song, or activity that reinforces the reality of labels. Our recommended activity is “One of a Kind.”

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10 Tearing Off Labels

Review Tearing Off Labels

Draw a name from the hat of class participants to select a per-son to review the concepts of Tearing Off Labels.

DiscussionNote that the PowerPoint image is a basic representation of the Tearing Off Labels visual analogy. Encourage the student to recall to the best of their ability the basic concepts of this meta-phor.

Remind and emphasize that at the start of the next class, everyone should have reviewed for themselves the core concepts of Tearing Off Labels and be prepared to share, as their name may be drawn out of the hat at the beginning of the class.

Looking Ahead

DiscussionPoint out to the participants that in their “Game Plan” journal there is space provided for them to document their thoughts, experiences, and perspectives related to the entire Tearing Off Labels metaphor. Emphasize that this will need to be completed before next week’s class.

Next, direct the participants to the narrative surrounding the Weak/Strong Think exercise pertain-ing to the “Painting Over Mold” balloon and the “Remodel the Whole Thing” weight. Emphasize that this also will need to be completed by next week.

Participants will also need to document responses to the weekly Motivation Question and Action Step outlined in their “Game Plan” journal.

1. STOP living up to my negative labels and prove them wrong!

2. REMEMBER the payoffs.

• Why is it EASY to prove my negative labels true?• What have I done in the past to prove my negative labels true?• Why is it HARD to express and stay focused on “The Real Me”?

• What would be different if I woke up tomorrow and my negative labels were suddenly gone?

4. FLEX “The Real Me” and make it stand out so much that the negative label must be torn off.

• What new observable behaviors will I do to show I am better than my negative labels?• How can I prove “The Real Me” is true?

Every night ask: What did I do today to tear off my negative labels? How can I do more of this tomorrow?

What is a label?

• What do I like about myself?• What do others like about me?• My accomplishments• My strengths, goals, and dreams

• If I were to give myself a label, what would it be?

(Must be positive.)

Why is it easy to give up when I have these labels?

Do I ever use these as an excuse?

StonerDumb Rebellious

DropoutGang Banger

Anger Problem

Bad Example

DelinquentThief Liar

Attitude Problem

Maker Runaway



Permission to brag:




www.whytry.org© WhyTry LLC 2013

3. DECIDE that my negative labels are from the past! Today I choose to keep them on or start tearing them off!

Tearing Off Labels

“The Real Me”Four steps to tearing off my labels:

• What have my negative labels paid me in the past?• What will “The Real Me” pay me in the future?



Showing Others Who I Can Be

One surefire way to NOT change negative behaviors is to focus on what we can’t do. For example, an ineffective weight loss approach is to focus on what not to eat. When we want to change nega-tive behavior patterns, it’s best to find positive replacement behaviors and spend our time focusing on those. We will look at this further next class in “Jumping Over Hurdles.”

Challenge the students to identify the positive things in their day and have them think about how they can do and experience more of the same thing tomorrow.


Refer to the toolkit slide to select a video, song, or activity that reinforces the reality of labels. Our recommended video is “Susan Boyle,” which provides another excellent example of how wrong and inaccurate first impressions can be.

Last slideShow the cover slide once again, playing music to send students off until next week.

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11© WhyTry LLC. No reproduction or distribution.

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Page 12: Tearing Off Labels - WhyTry: Correctionswhytrycorrections.org/images/stories/PDF/Faciltator... · other labels that have been placed on them by themselves or others. Once the participants

12 Tearing Off Labels

TOOLKIT - Tearing Off Labels

Learning Activity: Stereotypes

Spatial Requirements: Regular classroom setup: Little or no space requiredActivity Type: Movement/groupGroup Size: 2 or moreTime: 5-10 minutes

Introduction: This activity takes a closer look at stereotypes and why we use stereotypes. Even though stereotypes are often convenient and take little thought, they usually are hurtful and disre-spectful to other people.

Materials:• 1 pen or pencil per team• 1 piece of paper per team• Whiteboard or blackboard• Markers or chalk• 1 clock or timer• Prize or treat for the winning team (optional)

Activity: Divide the group into teams of four to eight people. Tell the teams that the object of the activity is to write down as many of society’s stereotypes (or labels) as the teams can think of in three min-utes. Have each team pick a scribe to write the team’s list. To start the group off, you may give them hints like, “What do we usually call groups of people who dress in black?” or “What do we usually call groups of people who play sports?”

After three minutes is up, find out which team has the longest list and write this list on the board. See if the other teams thought of stereotypes that the winning team didn’t, and add these to the list as well.

You may give a prize to the team that had the longest list.

Processing the Experience:• How many of the stereotypes/labels would you say are negative or disrespectful?• Do you feel any of these stereotypes/labels are unfair or inaccurate? Why or why not?• Why do you think we label people? • How can labeling be hurtful to others?

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13© WhyTry LLC. No reproduction or distribution.

TOOLKIT - Tearing Off Labels

Learning Activity: Gender Gap

Spatial Requirements: Regular classroom setup: Little or no space requiredActivity Type: Movement/groupGroup Size: 8 or moreTime: 10 minutes

Introduction: Labels can often be placed on people because of stereotyping. This activity is de-signed to help participants see that stereotyping, or preconceived ideas about someone simply because of gender, race, age, etc. can often lead to untrue or unfair labels. Gender bias is one of the most prevalent stereotypes in our society. This activity should help students see that they have gender bias they may not even be aware of. These biases could be leading them to unfairly label others.

Materials:• 1 copy of the story per pair (See opposite page)• 1 pen or pencil per pair• Whiteboard or blackboard

Activity: Divide the class into pairs. Pass out a story to each pair. Before making copies of the stories, fill in the age of John and Jenny with the approximate age of your students. Give half of the class the story about Jenny and the other half the story about John. Instruct students to read the story as partners and then answer the questions. Have the class share the results and list their responses on the board.

Processing the Experience:• Did you and your partner have a hard time agreeing on your answers?• How did your answers compare with those who had the same story as you did?• How do the answers differ for John and Jenny? Do the answers reflect the fact that John is a

boy and Jenny is a girl?• Do we make assumptions about people based on their gender? Could those assumptions lead

to labels? Is that fair?

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14 Tearing Off Labels

John’s Story

John is 19 years old. He likes playing and watching sports. He is very popular in school and gets good grades. John has an older sister and two younger brothers. He also has a pet dog named Bruno. John has a lot of hobbies. He especially likes to make things with his hands by using scraps he finds around his house. He is an innovative thinker and hopes to someday have a job where he can use his talents. John is what you would call a “people person.” He is very coopera-tive and gets along well with others. He is looking forward to someday having an interesting and fun career. John is willing to live anywhere in the country.

1. Name three sports you think John plays.2. List three hobbies you think John has.3. Name three birthday gifts you think John would like to receive.4. List three jobs you think John would be likely to have.

Jenny’s Story

Jenny is 19 years old. She likes playing and watching sports. She is very popular in school and gets good grades. Jenny has an older sister and two younger brothers. She also has a pet dog named Bruno. Jenny has a lot of hobbies. She especially likes to make things with her hands by using scraps she finds around her house. She is an innovative thinker and hopes to someday have a job where she can use her talents. Jenny is what you would call a “people person.” She is very cooperative and gets along well with others. She is looking forward to someday having an interesting and fun career. Jenny is willing to live anywhere in the country.

1. Name three sports you think Jenny plays.2. List three hobbies you think Jenny has.3. Name three birthday gifts you think Jenny would like to receive.4. List three jobs you think Jenny would be likely to have.

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TOOLKIT - Tearing Off Labels

Song: Labels 1

What will I be called today for the things I say and doIs there something I can changeThere are reasons I can see for what they say I amBut I know what I can be, what I could be….

If you could look past the writing on the outside I know you’d like what you’d find thereOr will I still be misjudged from the outsideAppearances can be misleadingIt doesn’t have to be this way

There is so much time to waste on the appealing thingsThat have a bitter aftertasteI will tear it all away and show them who I amAnd that I’ll be okay, I’ll be okay

If you could look past the writing on the outside I know you’d like what you’d find thereOr will I still be misjudged from the outsideAppearances can be misleadingIt doesn’t have to be this way

If you could would you tear it all away like I can do?

If you could look past the writing on the outside I know you’d like what you’d find thereOr will I still be misjudged from the outsideAppearances can be misleading

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16 Tearing Off Labels

TOOLKIT - Tearing Off Labels

Learning Activity: Follow the Leader

Spatial Requirements: Regular classroom setup: little or no space requiredActivity Type: Movement/groupGroup Size: 4 or moreTime: 5-10 minutes

Introduction: We generally earn labels through our actions. This activity will teach students that “Actions speak louder than words.”

Materials:• None

Activity:Ask the group members to follow what you say and do. Put your hands up and say, “Up.” Do the same thing with down, right, and left. Repeat this three or four times to make sure the entire group is with you. Now tell the group to follow what you do and not what you say. (Put your hands up and say “Down,” “Right,” “Left,” etc.) Do this five or six times, increasing in speed as you do the opposite of what you say. After the group is completely confused, stop the activity.

Processing the Experience: • Why was it harder to keep up with the activity the longer it went?• How often do we tell significant others, parents, teachers, and authority figures one thing and

do another?• What is likely to happen if we continue to do this over a long period of time?• Do you think we sometimes earn and deserve some of our labels because of our behavior?

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TOOLKIT - Tearing Off Labels

Learning Activity: One of a Kind

Spatial Requirements: Regular classroom setup: Little or no space requiredActivity Type: GroupGroup Size: 2 or moreTime: 5-10 minutes

Introduction: Through this activity participants will see that everyone has their own unique strengths, talents, abilities, and personalities – even in environments were expectations and rules are provided the same for everybody. We are all individuals.

Materials:• 1 piece of letter-size paper per student

Activity: Give each person a letter-size paper and give them the following instructions:

1. Fold your piece of paper in half.2. In the opposite direction of your first fold, fold the paper in half once again.3. Tear off two of the four corners on your paper.4. Tear off a piece from the left side of your paper.5. Tear off a similar piece from the right side of your paper.6. Fold your paper in half one last time.7. Tear off a piece from the top center of your paper.8. Unfold your piece of paper. On the count of three, hold it up for everyone else to see. Ready, 1, 2, 3!

Processing the Experience:• Why were all the papers different when everyone received the same instructions?• Even though we do have some similarities, why are we all different?• What positive character traits do you have that set you apart from others?• How do you let people see “The Real Me”?