

Transcript of TeamCapabilitiesBro

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Industries Served






Power Generation

Pulp and Paper


Water and Wastewater


Corporate Overview 1Leak Repair Services 2Hot Tap Services 3Field Machining Services 4Technical Bolting Services 5Valve Repair Services 6Field Heat Treating 7NDE/NDT Inspection Services 8Emissions Control Services 9Pipe Repair Products 10Turnaround Services 11Worldwide Locations 12

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Team’s ISO 9001 engineering, manufacturing, training and corporate headquarters complex (above) is located on 11 acres near Houston, facilitating rapid air, rail, land and sea shipments of the company’s products.

Corporate Overview

T eam is the largest specialized industrial services company in the world. With more than 100 U.S. and international locations, Team is rapidly

growing its global footprint across a complete range of industries. The exper ts at Team deliver quality, safety and service second to none.

Team History•Foundedin1973asanonstreamleakrepair and hot tap company•Initialpublicof feringin1980•TradedonNYSE(Symbol:TISI)

company Overview•Over115locationsworldwide•Globalreachwithlocalresponsiveness•Worldwidecustomercontracts,par tnerships•Servicesallmajorindustr ysectors•ISO19001cer tif iedengineering/manufacturing

Key Personnel•Comprehensivein-housetrainingandcer tif ication programs•Morethan3,500trained,experienced,permanent technicians - Governmentsafetyregulations -Fullyscreenedfornuclearclearances -Writ tenworkprocedures•Dedicated,full-timestaf fsfor: -Specializedtechnicaltrainingandtechnicalsuppor t -Engineeringanddesign -Hardware,sealantsmanufacturing -Qualityassurance,qualitycontrol•Regionalsafetymanagers•Morethan100full-timemanufacturingemployees

Why Use Team?•24/7/365availabilit y•Reduces,simplif iesyournumberofcontractors•Servicebundlingprovidemostef f icientsolutions•Mandatorysafety,training,testingprograms documented and available for customers online•Expandsyourspecializedserviceoptions•Worldwidestockofin-houseserviceequipment•Reducedserviceresponsetime•On-callexper tise•Improvesoperations•Maximizesequipmentef f iciency•Allowsoutsourcingof“non-core”functions•Avoids“learningcurves”

Team technicians receive state-of-the-art training at the company’s corporate headquarters.

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TeAM SeRvIceSNDe/NDT Inspection

Advanced Inspection

Field Heat Treating

Leak Repair

emissions control

Hot Taps, Line Stops, Freeze Stops

Isolation Test Plugs

Field Machining

Technical Bolting

valve Repair

valve Insertion


Water and Wastewater

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Leak Repair Services (LRS)

Team technician repairs a high-temperature leak.

Asaworldleaderinleaksealing,Team can help you prevent expensive shutdowns by providing safe,

controlled,onsiteandonstreamleakrepairsforanyleakingprocess. Team’sISO9001hardware,sealantsand nondestructive repair procedures for successfullyrepairingleaksonstreamarea result of more than three decades of continuing research, f ield experience, engineering and manufacturing exper tise.

Onsite, Onstream Repairs for Any Leaking component or Process•Temperatureorpressure•Anyleakinpipe,pipeline,process equipment and related par ts•Anyair,steam,water,acid,caustic, oxidizer, hydro carbon or other chemical processleak•Pressuresfromvacuumto6,000psig/ 408bar,temperaturesfromcryogenicto 1,700°F/927°C

Large Hardware, Sealant Inventories for Quick Application•24to72hourcustom-manufactured clamp enclosure capabilities•In-stockclamps,enclosures,sealants•In-houseengineeringandmanufacturing capabilities for customized solutions•Exper tiseingovernmentalregulationsfor design/manufacturing•Cer tif iedrawmaterialsformanufacturing instock

Trained, experienced Technicians Provide Onsite expertise•Teamcer tif iedleakrepairtechnicians•Fullydocumentedrepairprocedures•Detailedrepairdocumentationand repor ting•Averagef ieldexperienceandhoursoftraining•Specialproceduresforcriticaljob applications

Combat the costs and downtime associated with air, steam, water and process leaks inside your plant with Team’s fast, ef f icient, nondestructive, onstream leak repair techniques, technology and products.

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T heTeamHotTapallowssafecuttinginto pressurized lines and vessels to makeanewconnectionandhelping

prevent shutdowns. Line stops provide temporary stoppage of product f low within thelinewhileunderpressure.Hottapsandline stops can be per formed on any size line while under pressure or vacuum.

Hot Tap Applications•Newconstructiontie-ins•Installationofbypasssystems•Valveinstallations•Pressureandvacuumgaugeinstallations•Pipelinetie-insonlandorunderwater (specialunderwaterequipmentavailable)•Tie-insforexistingserviceequipment•Sightglass/spargerinstallations•Qualitycontrolsamplepoints•Onlinethermowellinstallations•Orif icetapsforf lowmeters

Types of Hot Taps, Line Stops Available•Conventionalhottaps,linestopsat pressuresfromvacuumto4,300psig/ 297barandtemperaturesfromcryogenic to1,350°F/732°C•Foldingheadlinestopsforlargediameter pipe•Hotstops®to700°F/371°C,700psig/48bar on large diameter pipe•SuperHiStops®above600#f langerating to4 ,300psig/297bar,1,350°F/732°C •Doublestopsand45°anglestops•Teestopsandelbowstops•Across-the-linestops•Through-the-valvestops•Multipleandsimultaneousstops•Freezestops•Linecrimpsupto4inches•BagStops®forlow-pressurelines•Spargerinstallations

Hot Tap and Line Stop Services

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Team of fers complete isolation procedures to make safe, cost-ef fective and controlled-condition entries into pipes or vessels under pressure or vacuum conditions – without losing product or interrupting your systems operations.

Team technicians conduct a double line stop on large diameter pipe.

Line freezeunderway on a

20-inch pipeline.

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T eam’scomprehensive,provenFieldMachiningServices(FMS)allowyouto modif y and repair your piping,

f it tings, equipment, hardware or machinery onsiteandin-place.

Advantages of Team’s Onsite FMS•Precisionrepairscanbemadeonsite andin-place•Minimumdismantlingrequired -Downtimeminimized -Lostproductionminimized -Helpsaccelerateturnarounds•Compacttoolsareapplicableintight, cramped locations•Multipletools,sizescanbeutilizedon separatejobssimultaneously•Idealforremotelocations•Fieldmachinesarepoweredforfast, ef f icient cutting, beveling and lathing•Precisionmeasurementsusingoptical laser systems

common of Applications•Lineboring•Flangere-facing•3-axismilling•Valveseatgrinding•Keymilling•Shaf tturning•Pipebeveling•Spotfacing•Pipecutting•Pipeisolation,weldtesting

Field Machining Services (FMS)

Field machining underway.

(Left) Large onsite f lange facing projects underway.

Team’s Field Machining Services (FMS) enable cost ef fective modif ication and repair of a variety of parts and equipment for most any industry on-site and in-place on a 24-hour basis. Team carries one of the largest in-stock supplies of f ield machining equipment in the world.

(Above) A Team technician mills the guide area on a large vessel for a customer onsite.

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Technical Bolting Services (TBS)

Team provides fast, economical technical bolting services for both routine maintenance and large turnarounds. The combination of Team’s experience, equipment and locations provides solutions for all your bolting needs.

T eam’sTechnicalBoltingServices(TBS)focusonthecriticalelementsoftotaljointintegrity,including:

•Flangesur facequality•Jointalignment•Gasketselection•Boltpreparation•Uniformboltloading•Preloadverif icationusingultrasonic measuring equipment

Team’s Joint Integrity Program•Fieldandengineeringsuppor t strengthensJointIntegrityProgram•Flangedjointsareinspectedandrestored toANSI/APIspecif ications•Boltsandnutsareproperlycleanedand lubricated•Jointsarereassembledandproperly alignedusingtheappropriategaskets•Boltsaretightenedusingthemost appropriatemethod(torquingor tensioning)foruniformboltloading•Tighteningmethodsemployedtoensure uniform bolt loading •Documentedproceduresareusedto boltjoint

Team’s QA/Qc Program•Alljobsresultinstructuralintegrityand leak-freejoints•Structuralintegrity/leak-freeboltedjoints areQA/QCgoals•Bolttightnessisverif ied -Hydraulicapplicationeliminateserror -Boltsaretensionedsimultaneouslyfor greater accuracy - Technicaldatasheetsareutilized•Ultrasonicmeasurementsavailable•Boltelongationusedtodetermine residual preload

Team’s Joint Integrity Program ensures a leak-free joint.

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Keepingyourvalvesinoptimumworkingconditionpreventsleaksandotherconditions that could result in equip -

ment failure and shutdown. Team’s onsite valverepairservicesinclude:

•Completerepair,testinganddocumentation•Mobilerepairshops,trainedtechnicians andspecialtyequipmentonsite24/7•Flangere-facing,in-lineboring,valve seat restoration, pressure seal restoration, installation and specialty machining services•Por tablevalvegrindingtorecondition gatevalveseatsin-place

complete valve Repair Programs•Onsitepre-testingandrepairsforHFand sulfuricalkalizationPRVs•PRVprogramforsteam,air/gasandliquid valve repair for shop and f ield•OLSPVprogram(onlinesetpointverif ication)ofPRVs•Lowpressure/vacuumventrepairand inspection program•Highpressureisolationvalveprogram for1,500and2,500lbclasspowervalves•Actuationrepairandtestingprogramfor hydraulic, pneumatic, elec trical and manual operators•Packingemissionsandsteampacking•Controlvalverepairanddiagnostictesting•Pipelinevalveconversions,preventative maintenance,repairsandtesting(APIRP6D)•Commercialbargesandcommercial marine valve services•Valvemanagementdatabaseprogram

Valve Repair Services (VRS)

Team’s comprehensive valve repair program provides on-site repair, replacement, testing and documentation for all valve types.


Team technician tests Alky-HF Acid valve onsite prior to decontamination.

Team technicians resurface a valve bonnet’s gasket surface.

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Field Heat Treating

Heat can be precisely applied to components ranging from small, complex f ittings to massive pressure vessels. Team’s experienced technicians manage the heat f low and temperature requirements onto your hardware and equipment with pinpoint precision.

T eam provides heat source options from high and low voltage resistance systems to high velocity combustion

systems.TheCompany:•Hasheattreatedmorevessels,pipewelds and high velocity combustion heating projectsthananyotherheattreating company•Isequippedwithstate-of-the-ar tburners forheating–100°F(38°C)overambient to2,600°F(1,426°C)•IsequippedwithNIST-traceablerecorders and thermocouples•Providesmorethan350technicians experienced in critical heating applications for fast process star tups

Range of Services•WirelessHeatTreating•WeldingPreheats•RefractoryDryOuts•PostWeldHeatTreatments•HydrogenBake-Outs•TemporaryFurnaces•Line Thawing•CoatingCures•Expansions•SpaceHeating•ProcessStar t-Ups/Heat-Ups•Turbine Warming Systems•InductionHeating•DecontaminationofLargeStorageVessels•Low-VoltageElectricalResistance•PLCandWirelessLow-VoltageElectrical Resistance•MobileSelf-ContainedRigs•High-VoltageElectricalResistance•High-VelocityCombustion•EquipmentSales/Rentals•EquipmentCalibrationandService


A phenolic coating cure underway on a

large vessel utilizing high velocity

combustion equipment.

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Team preheats a huge vessel for a customer.

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T eamprovidesday-to-daytestingandinspectiononapermanentorcall-outbasis. Team is recognized for its

exper tise and capability to meet inspection requirements for large turnarounds, shut-downs or outages – planned or unplanned. Team’s state-of-the-ar tinspectionfacilities, labs and more than 1,000 trained technicianslocatedthroughoutNor thAmericaprovideunparalleledresponsetimes, turn times and production quantities for process industries as well as aerospace, automotive, defense and nuclear industries.

Range of Inspection Services•Ultrasonicinspectionofwethydrogen damage•PhasedArrayinspection•AdvancedEddyCurrenttestingfor exchanger tubing•High-speedprobes•Digitalandf ilmradiographyutilizing X-rayandgammasources•Automatedultrasonicinspection•A-,B-andC-Scanultrasonicinspection•Immersionultrasonics•AlternatingCurrentFieldMeasurement (ACFM)•Datamanagementsof tware•Long-rangeguided-waveultrasonics (GULWavemaker®andTeletest)•Eddy-current/electromagnetic(RFT,IRIS) examination for tube and sur face applications•Boilermappingprogramfortubeerosion/ corrosion analysis•PositiveMaterialIdentif ication(PMI)•Mechanicalintegrity,processsafety management and corrosion monitoring•VisualinspectionincludingAPI510, API570andCWIservices•Tankinspection(API653)•VendorQualityAssurance(VQA)

NDE/NDT Inspection Services

Team provides customers consistent, dependable, high-quality NDE/NDT inspection services anywhere in the world, 24 hours a day. These services include internal x-ray crawler inspections for pipelines, automated scanning systems and inspections for tanks, pressure vessels and spheres as well as related hardware and piping.


A digital radiography image of a pipe bend shows the wall thickness.

Scanner and head of Team’s Olympus Pipe Wizard Phased Array

ultrasonic system.

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Emissions Control Services (ECS)

Whether you need complete turnkey fugitive emissions technical compliance assistance, monitoring, repair services and/or data management programs, Team’s Emissions Control Services (ECS) has the personnel, the programs, the experience and the equipment to assure your regulatory compliance.

U singstate-of-the-ar ttechnology,Team’sEmissionsControl(LDAR)programs focus on delivering 100%

compliance, 100% of the time.

Overview•Providingservicessince1980•FirstandlargestLDARcontractor -365customers–8MMLDARrecords -302full-timeLDARpersonnel-100% cer tif ied•Verif iablesafetyandtechnicaltraining programs with annual cer tif ication required•Verif iablequalityassessmentandaudit programs•Utilizethelatesttechnologyandsof tware•ManagesmallesttolargestLDARprograms•Corporateandregionalcompliance specialists worldwide - Implement,manageandensureregional quality and compliance •Excellentbenef itsandper formance incentivesforTeam’sLDARtechnicians

Team’s LDAR capabilities•Regulatoryapplicabilit yassistance•Streamapplicabilit yassistance•Locate,f lag,tagandidentif yequipment•Method21monitoring/leakidentif ication•ComponentMOCservices•First,second,advancedrepairservices•Dataadministration(onorof fsite)•QA/QCprogramsandmanuals•LDARcompliancef ieldassessments•LDARcomplianceaudits•3rdPar tycomplianceaudits•GasFindIRleakdetection

9w w w.teamindus t r ia lse r v ices .com

Team technician takes an emissions reading at a customer’s plant.

Team technician utilizes daytime

optical imaging todetect VOC leaks

invisible to the eye.

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Pipe Repair Products (PRP)

Stop and seal vir tually any air, steam, water, gas or liquid piping leak with Team’s Pipe Repair Products (PRP), regardless of temperature, pressure or process.

T eam’sISO9001-manufacturedSelf-Sealing®andinjectablepiperepair enclosures, clamps and related

hardware and sealants of fer pipeline and plantpersonnelquickonsitesolutionstopipingleaks.

Advantages of Team’s Leak-Sealing enclosures, clamps•Availableforstraightline,union/coupling, ellandf langeleaks•Simple,easytoinstall•Handlepressuresto1,500psig(103bar) and425oF(218°C)•Buna-N(standard),Viton,Af las, NeopreneandEPDMsealsavailable•Availableinanysize•Availableinanylength•Allowweldingforpermanentrepairs•Preventexternalbearingandstressloads that can damage or deform pipe•Refurbishable,reusable•Availablewithorwithoutsealant injec tionpor ts,ventvalves•ConstructedtoASME/ANSIcodesand ASTMspecif ications•Customdesignedandmanufacturedfor any size, shape, temperature, pressure or material

SealTite® Flange clamps•Simple,easytouse,nondestructive•Quicklystopgasketleaksonstream•Boltholesaresealedwithoutdamaging the f lange•Sealantinjected(throughfurnished injec tionvalves)intogasketareaand around f lange studs, nuts•Reusablewithnewsealingelements•Easilyremovedduringturnarounds

(Top) Team manufactures a wide variety of off-the-shelf self leak-sealing pipe repair products that plants can stock and store.

Installation of a hub clamp with a strong

back to seal a leaking plug on a ball valve.

(Left) A bolt-on, leak-sealing valve enclosure manufactured by Team. Enclosure leaves valve fully operable.

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Turnaround Services

Let Team manage your next turnaround, shutdown or outage. Team can provide you with the multi-skilled manpower and equipment you need to complete your project safely, on schedule and on budget.

T eam provides multiple onsite specialty services for customers during turnarounds, shutdowns and

outages. These services include onstream andonsiteindustrialleaksealing,hottapping, line stopping, f ield machining, bolt tensioning and torquing, valve repairs ofallt ypes,f ieldheattreating,NDE/NDTinspections, fugitive emissions control (LDAR)andconcreterepairs. The advantage of utilizing Team for your turnaround, outage and maintenance requirements is that you deal with only one contractor.Thebenef itsofthisare:•Youstar tandf inishjobswiththesame, experiencedmulti-servicepersonneland management team•Youcommunicatefasterwithone contractor•Multi-contractorschedules,conf lic tsare reduced/eliminated•Fewersafetypermitsarerequired•Fewertechnicalpersonnelinunits reduces exposure for safety incidents andrisks•Fewerin-plantcontractorvehiclesreduce the chance of an accident •Fewerinvoicessaveyoutimeandgive you more f inancial f lexibilit y with maintenanceprojects•Workisaccelerated•Youhave24-houraccesstoTeam’s trained,skilled,f lexibleandsafety- cer tif ied technicians who routinely handle unscheduled repairs and discoverables•Team’srepairandin-processcontrol procedures or processes are standardized, writ ten and followed to reduce the chance for error

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Team brings its state-of-the-art mobile

machine shop onsite for turnarounds,

shutdowns and outages.

A Team technician adjusts a valve packing gland after replacing the valve’s packing.

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ARUBASantaCruz 281-331-6154

AUSTR AL IAMelbourne 61-2-4577 -1808

BELGIUMAntwerp 32-3 -820 - 5250

MEX ICOMexicoCit y 52-333 -124-4000

NETHERL ANDSVlissingen 31-118 -485800

PUERTOR ICOCaguas 787-258 -3395

AL ABAMADecatur 256 -355-3322Mobile 251-443-6750

AL A SK AKenai 907-335-1446

C AL IFORNIASanFranc isco 925-676 -0390LosAngeles 562- 531- 0797

COLORADODenver 970 -461-4300

FLOR IDATampa 800 -326 - 5325

GEORGIAAugusta 706 -860 -0899

I LL INOISChicago 815-730 -1801

IOWADavenpor t 800 -443-8609

LOUIS IANABatonRouge 225-644-4839NewOr leans 504-733 -2991LakeChar les 337 -625-7533

MA INEBangor 732-969 -2782

MASSACHUSET TS Bos ton 732-969 -2782

MICHIGANDetroit 734-416 -1553

Mechanical Services (Leak Repair, Emissions Control , Hot Taps, Line Stops, Fie ld Machining, Technical Bolt ing, Valve Repair, Concrete Repair, Isolation Test Plug Installat ion, Composite Repair, Valve Inser t ion)

MINNESOTAMinn./St . Paul 651-768 -0006

MISSOURISt . Louis 314-487-2110

MONTANABil l ings 800 -782-7365

NEWHAMPSHIREBedford 603-647-8326Manches ter 732-969 -2782

NEW JERSE YNewark-NYC 732-969 -2782(Ser v icetoNor thernNewJersey,NewYorkC i t y, Connec t icut)

NEWYORKSyracuse 315-432-9144

NORTHC AROL INAChar lot te 704- 509 -2294Wilming ton 910 -763-8456

NORTHDAKOTA Mandan 701-667-2111

OHIOCinc innat i 859 -371-8326Toledo 419 -841- 0669

OKL AHOMATulsa 918 -234-9600

PENNSYLVANIAPhiladelphia 856 -374-0403Pit tsburgh 412-429 - 5500

RHODE ISL AND Boston 732-969 -2782

SOUTHC AROL INANor thAugusta 888 -201-3837

TENNESSEEChat tanooga 423-332- 0494

TE X A SAngle ton 979 - 549 -9970Beaumont 409 -842-3273Borger 806 -273-6565CorpusChr is t i 361-289 -6291Freepor t 800 -617 -7756Houston 713 -378 -8600Longview 800 - 521-2689Odessa 432-332-8886Pear land 281-992-0333TexasCit y 409 -965-8200

UTAHSalt LakeCit y 800 -782-7365

VERMONTManches terNH 732-969 -2782

V IRGINIARichmond 804-743- 5597

WEST V IRGINIAChar les ton 304-344-0477

ALBERTAEdmonton 780 -437 - 0860For tMcMurray 780 -715-1648

ONTAR IOSarnia 866 - 500 -8326

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SAUDI AR AB IA 966 -3 -362-0556

S INGAPORESingapore 65-6261-3566

SPA INMadr id 34-917 -99 -0890Tarragona 34-977-840266

TA IWAN 886 -7 -2153 -255

TR INIDADBalmainCouva 868 -679 -8326

UNITEDK INGDOMLondon 44-1469 - 550527

V IRGIN ISL ANDS Chr is t ians ted 340 -692-3000

Heat Treating, Inspection

AL ABAMAMobile 251-443-6890

AL A SK AAnchorage 907-263-7060Fairbanks 907-374-1632Kenai 907-335-1446

AR IzONAPhoenix 602-269 -7868

C AL IFORNIABenic ia 707-748 - 5800LosAngeles 310 - 514-2312

COLORADODenver 720 - 579 -0660Sil t (wes ternslope) 800 -945- 5233

CONNEC T ICUTHar t ford 860 -828 -6333

FLOR IDAJacksonvil le 904-751- 5801

ILL INOISWoodRiver 618 -251-4125

IND IANAHammond 219 -838 -0505

LOUIS IANABatonRouge 225-647-7744Lafayet te 337 -233 -7676Sulphur 337 -882-0582

MA INERumford 207-364-8996

MICHIGANDetroit 7 34-947-9710

MINNESOTAMinneapolis 651-633 -7616

MISSOURIRiverside 816 - 505- 5578(KansasC i t y)

MONTANA Missoula 406 -327-6797

NORTHDAKOTA Mandan 701-667-2111

OHIOCinc innat i 513 -771-3292Cleveland 4 40 -498 -9494Columbus 614- 501-7304

OKL AHOMATulsa 918 -234-9600

PENNSYLVANIABut ler 724-482-2468Philadelphia 610 -859 -7800Pit tsburgh 412-787-8690

ALBERTAEdmonton 780 -467-8070

ONTAR IOSarnia 519 -344-4041Mil ton 905-878 -7546

Field Heat Treating

ALBERTAEdmonton 780 -417 -7777RedDeer 403-347-8666Calgar y 403-279 -8854GrandePrair ie 780 - 532- 0509SlaveLake 780 -805-6384Brooks 403-362-8480

NEWFOUNDL ANDMountPear l 709 -745-1818

NOVASCOT IADar tmouth 902-463-3363

ONTAR IOKitchener 519 -893-6760Oakvi l le 905-845-9542Sarnia 519 -337 -2375ThunderBay 807-345-7447Whitby 905-666 -4511

SA SK ATCHEWANWeyburn 306 -842-2616

NDE/NDT and Inspections

SOUTHC AROL INAN.Augusta 803-279 -6600

TE X ASAngle ton 979 - 549 -9970Beaumont 409 -840 -9955Borger 806 -273-6565CorpusChr is t i 361-289 -6291Freepor t 979 - 549 -9970Houston 713 -673-3660Odessa 432-335-9301

UTAHWoodsCross 801-397-2202

V IRGINIARichmond 804-743- 5597

WASHINGTONSeat t le 360 -848 -0353

W ISCONSINMilwaukee 414-771-3060

ARGENTINABuenosAires 54-11-4313 -8818

ARUBASantaCruz 281-331-6154

CHILESant iago 56 -2- 530 -3431

COLOMBIABogota 57 -1-624-3618

PUERTOR ICOCaguas 787 -258 -3395

TR INIDADBalmainCouva 868 -652-4565

VENEzUEL ABarce lona 58 -281-274-6666

V IRGIN ISL ANDSChr is t ians ted 340 -692-3000

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The right people, technology and experience to keep your plants online and in production



Field Heat Treating

Leak Repair Services

Valve Repair Services Hot Tap Services Field Machining Services

Technical Bolting Services

NDE/NDT Inspection Emissions Control Services

Pipe Repair Services

Turnaround Services Pipeline Services Training

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Our Values

The Company’s Code of Ethical Conduct can be accessed

on our Internet web site at

This Code encompasses our Core Values, which are:

• Safety First in everything we do.

• Integrity means doing the right thing.

• Service Leadership throughout the Company.

• Innovation supports continuous growth and improvement.

• Pride and Respect for ourselves and our Company.

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Corporateheadquar ters:200HermannDriveAlvin,Texas77511Phone:800 -662-8326Phone:281-331-6154Fax:281-331-4107

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