team wendy · photographed by oakley Standard Issue Who IS WENdY? Team Wendy was founded in 1997 by...


Transcript of team wendy · photographed by oakley Standard Issue Who IS WENdY? Team Wendy was founded in 1997 by...

Page 1: team wendy · photographed by oakley Standard Issue Who IS WENdY? Team Wendy was founded in 1997 by Dan T. Moore as a memorial to his daughter Wendy, who passed away from a traumatic
Page 2: team wendy · photographed by oakley Standard Issue Who IS WENdY? Team Wendy was founded in 1997 by Dan T. Moore as a memorial to his daughter Wendy, who passed away from a traumatic

p r o d u c t c ata l o g V O L U M E 2

team wendy®

20th aNNIVErSarY

Page 3: team wendy · photographed by oakley Standard Issue Who IS WENdY? Team Wendy was founded in 1997 by Dan T. Moore as a memorial to his daughter Wendy, who passed away from a traumatic

photographed by oakley Standard Issue

Who IS WENdY?Team Wendy was founded in 1997 by Dan T. Moore as a memorial to his daughter Wendy, who passed away from a traumatic brain injury (TBI) following a snow skiing accident. The company initially focused on manufacturing and selling ski helmets before transi-tioning to designing and developing products for the military, law enforcement and search and rescue communities.

Team Wendy's mission is to research, develop, design and deliver the most innovative, protective and impact-mitigating products and technologies on the market today as well as research the causes and prevention of TBI. Wendy's name lives on today in the protective products and gear used by thousands worldwide, including the men and women of the United States Military.

Dan Moore and his daughter Wendy

Page 4: team wendy · photographed by oakley Standard Issue Who IS WENdY? Team Wendy was founded in 1997 by Dan T. Moore as a memorial to his daughter Wendy, who passed away from a traumatic

Team Wendy is committed to improving personal protection through research collaboration as well as product design. We believe that advancements in understanding of injury mechanisms are critical to the development of protective equipment. Since our in-ception we have been active in the helmet committee of ASTM international. We have led studies that build understanding of head protection from rotational impacts and blast pressure waves. We have received funding from the U.S. Army to explore the limits of impact mitigating material technology in helmets, as well as from USSOCOM for the development of novel padding systems to protect against behind helmet trauma caused by ballistic impacts. We are also partnering with Brown University in a multiyear research effort to apply advanced cellular models for brain injury prediction and improve the optimization of helmets against a spectrum of injuries.


rather than being solely reliant on off-the-shelf technology, our Product Development and in-house polymer chemistry team actively develop new material solutions. This unique approach, and the resulting advancements, set Team Wendy apart from other protective equipment companies. Our patented polyurethane Zorbium® foam is built into the only authorized helmet pads for the United States Army and U.S. Marine Corps since 2005. The Zorbium® padding system performed so well in blunt impact tests against the legacy system that the U.S. Army was able to revise combat helmet requirements to capture the increase in protection. Our material innovation continues today through the development of modular helmet padding systems, crushable thermoplastic structures, novel padding systems for the reduction of ballistic trauma, and more.

DEVELOPIn addition to developing new material technologies, we strongly focus on product design to provide the best experience to the end user, including helmet comfort, fit, and functionality. Our design teams rely on advanced computer drafting and 3D printing tech-nologies. We use on-site manufacturing and testing facilities to prove out concepts. Our deep experience in the head protection industry drives the success of our products. The rEVOLVE™ helmet liner leverages our material technology to provide market leading protection against high-energy blunt impacts. The M-216™ Ski Search and rescue helmet and EXFIL® SAr are the only helmets in their respective markets that provide interfaces for tactical accessories. We also partner with leading brands to leverage their expertise and provide the ultimate product functional-ity, such as Wilcox® Industries NVG interfaces and integrated Princeton Tec® task lights for the M-216™ Ski Search and rescue helmet. All helmets also feature a conformal headband fit system patented by Team Wendy, using industry leading components from Boa® Technology.

DESIGNTeam Wendy has a long track record of supplying quality products and exceeding the delivery schedules of our customers. We can deliver on the most de-manding requirements, but remain highly responsive to evolving customer needs. Quality Assurance test facilities are on-site. We provide extensive technical expertise and product support. Nearly all of our prod-ucts are made at our facility in Cleveland, Oh. We are certified to ISO-9001 with design.


In house testing of an EXFIL®

Ballistic helmet in the Team Wendy Engineering Lab.

hISTOrY at a glaNcE

1997 1998

Team Wendy is founded by Dan T. Moore as a memoria l to h is daughter Wendy who tragica l ly passed away fo l lowing a snow ski ing accident.

The f i rst he lmet, a sk i he lmet, is launched to protect others in honor of Wendy Moore.

The re lease of the EXFIL® Carbon marks Team Wendy's return to the product ion of complete helmet systems.

The EXFIL® LTP (L ight Tact ica l Polymer) bump helmet is re leased.

Team Wendy's f i rst ba l l is t ic he lmet, the EXFIL® Bal l is t ic, features the bol t less CAM FIT™ retent ion system and a hybr id composi te shel l .

The M-216™ Ski Search and rescue helmet is re leased.

2005 20112009The Zorbium™ Act ion Pad (ZAP™) system is re leased. To date more than 6 mi l l ion ZAP™ systems have been suppl ied to our men and women in un i form.

The EPIC™ helmet L iner system represents a revolut ion in he lmet pad protect ion, comfor t and customizat ion.

Team Wendy cont inues to dr ive innovat ion wi th the f i rst i terat ion of the revolve™ hel -met L iner System, which ut i -l izes an array of engineered Polymer structures in p lace of t radi t ional foam l iners.

2012 2013

2014 2015


est. 1997

The EXFIL® SAr is re leased. I t is the f i rst purpose bui l t Search and rescue helmet to prov ide tact ica l mount ing capabi l i t ies.

Page 5: team wendy · photographed by oakley Standard Issue Who IS WENdY? Team Wendy was founded in 1997 by Dan T. Moore as a memorial to his daughter Wendy, who passed away from a traumatic

tEam WENdY ®

17000 St. cla Ir aVE. Bldg 1

clEVElaNd, oh 44110


[email protected]



hElmEtS 4 EXfIl® Ball ISt Ic 6

EXfIl® carBoN 8

EXfIl® ltp 10

EXfIl® Sar tact Ical 12

EXfIl® Sar BacKcouNtrY 14

m216 ™ SK I SEarch & rEScuE 16

accESSor IES 18

l INEr SYStEmS 34

rEtENt IoN SYStEmS 42

m-216™ Ski Search & rescuephotographed by richard King

Page 6: team wendy · photographed by oakley Standard Issue Who IS WENdY? Team Wendy was founded in 1997 by Dan T. Moore as a memorial to his daughter Wendy, who passed away from a traumatic

WHo We seRVe

mIlItarY laW ENforcEmENt SEarch aNd rEScuE adVENturE

Page 7: team wendy · photographed by oakley Standard Issue Who IS WENdY? Team Wendy was founded in 1997 by Dan T. Moore as a memorial to his daughter Wendy, who passed away from a traumatic

H e l m ets

› E X f I l ® B a l l I S t I c

› E X f I l ® c a r B o N

› E X f I l ® l t p

› E X f I l ® S a r

› m - 2 1 6 ™ S K I S E a r c h & r E S c u E

EXfIl® carBoN photographed by richard King photography


h E L M E T S ⁄ ⁄ 4

Page 8: team wendy · photographed by oakley Standard Issue Who IS WENdY? Team Wendy was founded in 1997 by Dan T. Moore as a memorial to his daughter Wendy, who passed away from a traumatic

The EXFIL® Ballistic features a hybrid composite shell with unique geometry for increased strength and optimal fit. An innovative, boltless CAM FIT™ retention quickly adjusts to individual head shapes, providing a comfortable and stable fit. A Zorbium® foam liner protects against impact and allows for an overhead communications headband. Customizable comfort is achieved through a set of moveable comfort pads. The EXFIL® rail 2.0 accessory mounting system is compatible with all EXFIL® accessories and features T-slots for custom mounting. A lanyard compatible Wilcox® shroud secures any standard NVG mount.

pErformaNcE• Ballistic performance:

NIJ Level IIIA (according to NIJ STD 0106.01 / 0108.01)

• fragment performance:

17gr V50 ≥ 2450 ft/sec (731 m/s)

• Backface deformation: 9mm (1400fps) BFD: <25mm all locations (front/back/crown/sides) exposed to high temp/humidity, solar, low temperature, altitude, sea water, and salt fog

• Blunt Impact performance:

Exceeds current ACh Blunt Impact Protection requirements (per Ar/PD 10-02)- average below 70G across all impacts and temperatures

WEIght Size 1 Size 2

Shell Weight 1.75 lbs (0.79kg) 1.85 lbs (0.84kg)

complete System Weight 2.6 lbs (1.18kg) 2.75 lbs (1.25 kg)

Complete system weight includes helmet shell, accessory rails, impact liner and retention system

KEY fEaturES• Zorbium® foam liner with customizable comfort pad sets in 2 thicknesses

• removable center pad to easily accommodate overhead comms

• rear webbing slot for counterweight and goggle strap retainer

• External loop for mounting counterweights, beacon lights and ID patches

• Available with a left eye dominant CAM FIT™ retention system

• helmet comfort pad replacement kits are available, sold separately

» h E l m E t S

eX F I l® B a ll I st I c

colorS aVaIlaBlE:

raIl 2.0 accESSorY mouNtINg SYStEm•Compatible with all EXFIL® accessories

(see Accessories section for details)• Includes two MAGPUL MOE® picatinny style rails

and mounting hardware• Includes shock cord kit for stabilizing NVG• T-slots provide limitless custom mounting potential

WIlcoX® W Shroud for NVg mouNtS

• Lanyard compatible

Coyote Brown

Black ranger Green


head Circumference (cm) 52–60 58–63head Circumference (in) 20 1/2– 23 1/2 23–24 3/4hat Size (USA) 6 5/8 – 7 1/2 7 3/8–7 7/8


Size 1 (thIcK padding)

EXfIl BallIStIc ach/ mIch

Size 1 (thIN padding)

S ize 1 Size 2

Size 2 (thIcK padding)

Size 2 (thIN padding)

51 1/2 53 54 1/2 56 57 1/2 59 60 1/2 62 63 1/2






BoltlESS cam fIt™ rEtENtIoN SYStEm• Cam-lock sliders for one-handed adjustment

and secure fit. Utilizes Boa® Closure System for optimized stability and fit


lIghtWEIght hYBrId compoSItE ShEll•Unique EXFIL® geometry adds strength while

maintaining optimal fit and balance

The EXFIL® Ballistic incorporates ArmorSource ballistic shell technology

h E L M E T S ⁄ ⁄ 6

Page 9: team wendy · photographed by oakley Standard Issue Who IS WENdY? Team Wendy was founded in 1997 by Dan T. Moore as a memorial to his daughter Wendy, who passed away from a traumatic

The EXFIL® Carbon is made of lightweight carbon fiber and offers the user a choice of pre-installed liner systems - revolve™ TPU Liner or a Zorbium® foam liner. The helmet features a Wilcox® W shroud for night vision mounts, a Boa® Closure System with cam-lock sliders for a secure fit and is compatible with tactical communication headsets. The EXFIL® rail 2.0 accessory mounting system is compatible with all EXFIL® accessories and features T-slots for custom mounting.

pErformaNcE• EXfIl® carBoN WIth rEVolVE™ tpu lINEr: Exceeds current ACh Blunt

Impact Protection requirements (per Ar/PD 10-02) - average below 72G across all impacts and temperatures

• EXfIl® carBoN WIth zorBIum® foam lINEr: Meets the requirements of EN1385:2012 standard for whitewater helmets

WEIght Size 1 Size 2

carbon helmet with 1.71 lbs (0.77kg) 1.74 lbs (0.79kg)revolve™ liner

carbon helmet with 1.59 lbs (0.71kg) 1.59 lbs (0.72kg)zorbium® liner Complete system weight includes helmet shell, shroud, accessory rails, impact liner and retention system

lINEr optIoNSrEVolVE™ tpu lINEr

• The revolve™ TPU Liner was largely developed under the U.S. Army Natick Soldier rD&E Center hEaDS UP program. It utilizes a series of patented thermo-plastic urethane (TPU) structures optimized for impact protection. This allows for superior air flow and ventilation by creating standoff between the wearer’s head and the helmet shell. The revolve™ TPU Liner is resistant to wear and environ-mental extremes.

zorBIum® foam lINEr• This liner utilizes the same Zorbium® foam that has been proven in the standard

ACh ZAP™ 7-pad system, packaged into a 3-piece impact liner with removable center channel to better accommodate overhead communication headbands, and a series of adjustable comfort pads using an antimicrobial wicking fabric.

» h E l m E t S

eX F I l® c a R B o n

EXFIL® Carbon with TPU hYBrID Liner

hIgh-StrENgth aNd lIghtWEIght carBoN fIBEr ShEll

• high-cut shell design with clearance for hearing protection and communication headsets

cam fIt™ rEtENtIoN SYStEm• Cam-lock sliders for one-handed

adjustment and secure fit. Utilizes Boa® Closure System for optimized stability and fit

EXFIL® Carbon with Zorbium® Foam Liner

head Circumference (cm) 55–58 up to 63head Circumference (in) 21 1/2 – 23 up to 24 3/4hat Size (USA) 6 7/8 – 7 1/4 up to 7 3/4

SIzE 1 SIzE 2


colorS aVaIlaBlE:

Coyote Brown

Black MultiCam®

WIlcoX® W Shroud for NVg mouNtS

raIl 2.0 accESSorY mouNtINg SYStEm• Compatible with all EXFIL® accessories

(see Accessories section for details)• Includes two MAGPUL MOE® picatinny style rails

and mounting hardware• Includes shock cord kit for stabilizing NVG• T-slots provide limitless custom mounting potential

addItIoNal fEaturES• rear bungee for securing goggle straps

and counterweights• External loop for mounting counter-

weights, beacon lights and ID patches


h E L M E T S ⁄ ⁄ 8

Page 10: team wendy · photographed by oakley Standard Issue Who IS WENdY? Team Wendy was founded in 1997 by Dan T. Moore as a memorial to his daughter Wendy, who passed away from a traumatic

head Circumference (cm) 55–60 up to 63head Circumference (in) 21 1/2– 23 1/2 up to 24 3/4hat Size (USA) 6 7/8 – 7 1/2 up to 7 3/4

Size 1 Size 2

hIgh-StrENgth lEXaN polYcarBoNatE copolYmEr ShEll

• high-cut shell design with clearance for hearing protection and communication headsets

INtEgratEd WIlcoX® W Shroud for NVg mouNtS•Extremely precise and highly durable


cam fIt™ rEtENtIoN SYStEm • Cam-lock sliders for one-handed

adjustment and secure fit. Utilizes Boa® Closure System for optimized stability and fit.

colorS aVaIlaBlE:

Coyote Brown


raIl 2.0 accESSorY mouNtINg SYStEm•Compatible with all EXFIL® accessories

(see Accessories section for details)•Includes two MAGPUL MOE® picatinny style rails

and mounting hardware•Includes shock cord kit for stabilizing NVG• T-slots provide limitless custom mounting



The EXFIL® LTP (Lightweight, Tactical, Polymer) bump helmet offers a stable, comfortable platform for mounting night vision and other accessories while providing the highest level of impact protection. The built-in NVG shroud utilizes an integrated Wilcox® machined aluminum shroud insert. The helmet features a Zorbium® foam liner along with a CAM FIT™ retention system that uses easily adjustable cam-lock sliders and a micro-adjustable Boa® dial.

pErformaNcEIndependently tested to meet all performance requirements of EN 1385:2012 Standard for whitewater helmets

WEIght Size 1 Size 2

complete System Weight 1.60 lbs (0.725kg) 1.59 lbs (0.72kg)

Complete system weight includes helmet shell, shroud, accessory rails, impact liner and retention system

KEY fEaturES• Zorbium® foam liner with customizable comfort pads

• rear bungee for securing goggle straps

• External loop for mounting counterweights, beacon lights and ID patches

• helmet comfort pad replacement kits are available, sold separately

» h E l m E t S

eX F I l® lt ph E L M E T S ⁄ ⁄ 1 0

Page 11: team wendy · photographed by oakley Standard Issue Who IS WENdY? Team Wendy was founded in 1997 by Dan T. Moore as a memorial to his daughter Wendy, who passed away from a traumatic

mIlItarY-StYlE rEtENtIoN SYStEm• 4-point CAM FIT™ retention system with

chincup and military-style cam-lock sliders for one-handed adjustment and secure fit

The EXFIL® SAr is the first purpose built Search and rescue helmet to provide tactical accessory mounting capabilities, including a standard NVG shroud, while meeting key industrial and mountaineering performance standards. The EXFIL® SAr Tactical is optimized for use with night vision devices; it features a machined aluminum Wilcox® NVG shroud insert. The helmet also includes a 4-point CAM FIT™ retention system with chin cup for optimal stability and a Boa® Closure System to dial in precise fit adjustment while providing single-handed quick release.

pErformaNcE• Meets the requirements of EN12492:2012 Standard for Mountaineering helmets

• Meets the requirements of EN1385:2012 Standard for Whitewater helmets

• Meets Advanced Combat helmet blunt impact requirements (per Ar/PD 10-02 rev A)

• Meets additional off-crown impact requirements of EN 14052:2012 European standard for high performance industrial helmets

NOTE: EN 14052 requires a low-strength chinstrap; the EXFIL® SAr Tactical is not fully certified to EN14052 in

order to meet more rigorous chinstrap requirements of EN12492 and reduce the risk of losing the helmet

during a fall.

WEIght Single Size

Sar tactical (with rails) 1.59 lbs (0.72kg)

KEY fEaturES• Boa® Closure System integrated directly into helmet liner for optimized

stability and fit

• Zorbium® foam comfort liners in two thicknesses with Microban® anti-microbial treated wicking fabric

• rail pass-through for securing headlamp or goggle straps

• Two removable crown vent covers included

• Available with sport-style retention system with Fidlock® magnetic buckle

• helmet pad replacement kits are available, sold separately

» h E l m E t S

eX F I l® s a R tact I c a l

colorS aVaIlaBlE:

Black US Coast Guard


red White Blue

head Circumference (cm) 53–63head Circumference (in) 20 7/8 – 24 3/4hat Size (USA) 6 5/8 – 7 7/8

Single S ize

hIgh StrENgth lEXaN polYcarBoNatE copolYmEr ShEll

• high-cut shell design with clearance for hearing protection and communications headsets

• Specifically engineered for extremely low temperature impact strength

INtEgratEd WIlcoX® machINEd alumINum Shroud INSErt for NVg mouNtS


Sar raIl accESSorY mouNtINg SYStEm•Compatible with various EXFIL® accessories

(see Accessories section for details)• Includes two MAGPUL MOE® picatinny style rails and

mounting hardware

Less than 10% foreign contentMADE IN USA


h E L M E T S ⁄ ⁄ 1 2

hi Viz Green

Page 12: team wendy · photographed by oakley Standard Issue Who IS WENdY? Team Wendy was founded in 1997 by Dan T. Moore as a memorial to his daughter Wendy, who passed away from a traumatic

The EXFIL® SAr Backcountry is the first purpose built Search and rescue helmet to provide accessory mounting capabilities, while meeting key industrial and mountaineering performance standards. The EXFIL® SAr Backcountry was designed for users that do not intend on mounting night vision devices to their helmet.

pErformaNcE• Meets the requirements of EN12492:2012 Standard for Mountaineering helmets

• Meets the requirements of EN1385:2012 Standard for Whitewater helmets

• Meets Advanced Combat helmet blunt impact requirements (per Ar/PD 10-02 rev A)

• Meets additional off-crown impact requirements of EN 14052:2012 European standard for high performance industrial helmets

NOTE: EN 14052 requires a low-strength chinstrap; the EXFIL® SAr Backcountry is not fully certified to

EN14052 in order to meet more rigorous chinstrap requirements of EN12492 and reduce the risk of losing

the helmet during a fall.

WEIght Single Size

Sar Backcountry (no rails): 1.39 lbs (0.63kg)

Sar Backcountry with rails (optional) 1.59 lbs (0.72kg)

KEY fEaturES• Boa® Closure System integrated directly into helmet liner for optimized stability• Optional SAr Accessory rail system that includes Magpul MOE® Picatinny rails

and features a pass-through for securing headlamps or goggle straps

» Compatible with various EXFIL® accessories (see Accessories section for details)

• Two removable crown vent covers included

• helmet comfort pad replacement kits are available, sold separately

» h E l m E t S

eX F I l® s a R B a c k c o u n t Ry

head Circumference (cm) 53–63head Circumference (in) 20 7/8 – 24 3/4hat Size (USA) 6 5/8 – 7 7/8

Single S ize

glaSS-rEINforcEd polYcarBoNatE Shroud • For mounting lights or cameras (not intended for night vision devices)

Sport-StYlE rEtENtIoN SYStEm• Fidlock® magnetic buckle for easy

one-handed operation


hIgh StrENgth lEXaN polYcarBoNatE copolYmEr ShEll

• high-cut shell design with clearance for hearing protection and communications headsets

• Specifically engineered for extremely low temperature impact strength

zorBIum® foam comfort lINErS•Two thicknesses with Microban® anti-microbial

treated wicking fabric

colorS aVaIlaBlE:

Black US Coast Guard


red White Blue

Less than 10% foreign contentMADE IN USA


h E L M E T S ⁄ ⁄ 1 4

hi Viz Green

Page 13: team wendy · photographed by oakley Standard Issue Who IS WENdY? Team Wendy was founded in 1997 by Dan T. Moore as a memorial to his daughter Wendy, who passed away from a traumatic

The M-216™ is a purpose built scalable ski helmet that provides mounting capabili-ties not previously available to rescue operators in any ski or snow rated helmet. The helmet's form and function follows a design approach originally developed for military and tactical communities.

pErformaNcE• Meets the requirements of ASTM F2040-11 (recreational Snow Sports)

• Meets the requirements of BS EN 1077:2007 Class B (Alpine Skiing and Snowboarding)

WEIght Small/Medium Large Extra Large

complete System Weight: 1.28 lbs (0.58kg) 1.34 lbs (0.61kg) 1.41 lbs (0.64kg)

KEY fEaturES• Customized Boa® Closure System for precise fit adjustment with single handed quick release• removable ear covers accommodate in-ear communications systems

• 8 adjustable crown vents have three positions: full open, half open and full closed for completely on-the-fly user selectable comfort

• Side accessory rails feature a built in Princeton Tec® MPLS mount for task lighting, along with the ability to simultaneously mount a picatinny rail for use with other accessories such as lights and cameras

• Princeton Tec® task light included, choice of SWITCh-MPLS or SWITCh-rAIL• Quick release picatinny rail adapter included, allows tool free attachment and removal

of picatinny mounted accessories

» h E l m E t S

m-216™ skI seaRcH & Rescue

glaSS-rEINforcEd polYcarBoNatE Shroud • For mounting lights or cameras(Wilcox® aluminum shroud available for NVG mounts as an option)

Sport-StYlE rEtENtIoN SYStEm• Fidlock® magnetic buckle for easy

one-handed operation


aBS polYmEr hard froNt ShEll• hybrid shell design provides reinforced acces-

sory mounting areas while minimizing weight

colorS aVaIlaBlE:

h E L M E T S ⁄ ⁄ 1 6

Sizing: Small/Medium Large Extra Large

head Circumference (cm) 52-57cm 56-61cm 60-65cm head Circumference (in) 20 1/2” – 22 1/2” 20” – 24” 23 1/2” – 25 1/2” hat Size (USA) 6 1/2 – 7 1/8 7 – 7 5/8 7 1/2 – 8

Black/Gray (FED-STD-595C #37031 / Pantone Cool Gray 11C)

White/Gray (FED-STD-595C #17865 / Pantone Cool Gray 11C)

All accessories (rails, shroud, ear covers) are Gray (Pantone Cool Gray 11C)

adJuStaBlE VENtS• Adjustable Vents Allow for Ventilation

rEmoVaBlE Ear coVErS• Enables thermal regulation and has interior

pockets for in-ear communications systems

Page 14: team wendy · photographed by oakley Standard Issue Who IS WENdY? Team Wendy was founded in 1997 by Dan T. Moore as a memorial to his daughter Wendy, who passed away from a traumatic

acce sso R I es

EXfIl® carBoN photographed by richard King photography

A C C E S S O r I E S ⁄ ⁄ 1 8

Page 15: team wendy · photographed by oakley Standard Issue Who IS WENdY? Team Wendy was founded in 1997 by Dan T. Moore as a memorial to his daughter Wendy, who passed away from a traumatic

pEltor™ hEadSEt adaptEr

BallIStIc hElmEt coVErS

• Designed for use with Team Wendy’s EXFIL® Carbon and LTP helmets• Material: Nylon mesh (Multicam® is polyester)• Easy installation and removal via hook/loop attachment allows rapid

change of helmet pattern, no tools required• Close fitting cover creates a secure fit to the shell that also protects

the helmet finish• Loop patches on the cover attach gear or patches to the outside of

the helmet• Mesh allows air flow through the helmet vents• Single size

pEltor™ quIcK rElEaSE adaptEr

• Works with all Peltor™ COMTAC systems• Eliminates rigid metal headband, providing better fitment and comfort• 2 thumbscrew attachment allows system to be easily adjusted while

remaining secure with universal hardware• Open and closed positions allow quick donning and doffing of helmet• Wiring is easily routed in or outside the helmet shell• replacement hardware is available, sold separately


compatIBlE WIth: BALLISTIC compatIBlE WIth: LTP, CArBON

• Works with all Peltor™ COMTAC systems• Eliminates rigid metal headband, providing better fitment

and comfort• Tool free attachment directly to the quick release slot on

EXFIL® rail 2.0 Accessory Mounting System• Open and closed positions allow quick donning and doff-

ing of helmet• Wiring is easily routed in or outside the helmet shell

• Designed for use with Team Wendy’s EXFIL® Ballistic helmet• Material: Nylon mesh (Multicam® is polyester)• Easy installation and removal via hook/loop attachment allows rapid change

of helmet pattern, no tools required• Close fitting cover creates a secure fit to the shell that also protects the

helmet finish• Loop patches on the cover attach gear or patches to the outside of the

helmet• Available in two sizes

carBoN aNd ltp hElmEt coVErS

colorS aVaIlaBlE:

Coyote Brown

Black MultiCam®

colorS aVaIlaBlE:

Coyote Brown

Black MultiCam®

A C C E S S O r I E S ⁄ ⁄ 2 0

ranger Green

ranger Green

Page 16: team wendy · photographed by oakley Standard Issue Who IS WENdY? Team Wendy was founded in 1997 by Dan T. Moore as a memorial to his daughter Wendy, who passed away from a traumatic

KIT INCLUDES:(2) gogglE poStS• Provides more secure, more consistent goggle

placement than use of Velcro® type hook and loop strapping

• Frees up loop placement on back of helmet for counterweights, as alternative to hook and loop straps

• Goggle post installs securely in seconds - func-tions as a thumbscrew, also features a slotted stainless steel fastener

• Fully compatible with Smith Optics ELITE® quick straps (Boogie regulator, OTW, and LOPrO)

(2) mINI-tINNY• 2-slot Picatinny rail provides an alternate

mounting point for lights and other small accessories

• Ideal when your setup utilizes full-time Peltor™ Adapters that take up real estate on the rail

• Mounts securely to sideburn area of rail 2.0 with included stainless steel 4-40 fasteners and wrench

raIl 2.0 accESSorY KIt

• Provides a tool-free attachment method for headborne accessories

• Quickly attach/detach mounted accessories from the rail system

• Includes 5-Slot NAr/MIL-STD-1913 mounting rails, or use as a base for other accessories

KIT INCLUDES: » (2) Quick release Adapters » (2) removable 5-Slot NAr/MIL-STD-1913 Picatinny rails pre-installed

oXYgEN maSK Strap KIt

ShocK cord KItpIcatINNY quIcK rElEaSE adaptEr



• Snaps into Team Wendy EXFIL® helmet rail 2.0 Accessory Mounting System

• Compatible with Airborne Systems PhAOS and SOLr™ and Cobham PhANTOM™ O2 masks

• Snapdragon quick release buckle on right strap• Team Wendy cam-lock sliders for strap adjustment and posi-

tion lock• Mount options: direct to mask or utilize OEM front straps

• Easily slides into the upper T-slot of the EXFIL® Ballistic, Carbon and LTP helmets – allowing quick and easy attachment and removal

• Shock Cord Kit provides additional stability to night vision devices• Length is adjusted by simply knotting at the desired sizeKIT INCLUDES: » (2) loosely-tied shock cords » (4) non-marring plastic hooks » (4) harsh-environment zip ties

colorS aVaIlaBlE:

Coyote Brown


A C C E S S O r I E S ⁄ ⁄ 2 2

Page 17: team wendy · photographed by oakley Standard Issue Who IS WENdY? Team Wendy was founded in 1997 by Dan T. Moore as a memorial to his daughter Wendy, who passed away from a traumatic

Small .75 lbs (includes three 0.25 lb weights) Large 1.5 lbs (includes three 0.5 lb weights)

WeightS ize

• Adds weight to the rear of the helmet to compensate for night vision and other front mounted devices, improving stability and reducing neck fatigue

• Includes fully coated lead weights• Attaches with hook/loop and is additionally secured to side railsKIT INCLUDES: » (3) counterweights in either small size (1/4 lb weights) or large size (1/2 lb weights) » (1) shock cord strap (EXFIL® SAr helmet) » (1) webbing strap (EXFIL® Ballistic helmet)

• Provides protection from fragmentation, impact, liquid splash and other debris

• Locks into 3 vertical positions (down, up, stowed back) along with for-ward (vented) and back (closed) configuration when in down position

• rail mounting system allows the use of the shroud for mounting Night Vision Devices without the need to remove visor from helmet

• Maintains use of other side mounting options such as communications headset adapters and quick release picatinny rails

• Low profile design provides excellent coverage at a low weight, compat-ible with common spectacles

• Easy tool free installation and removal, one handed operation• replaceable lens• Seamless integration with future ballistic mandible• Compatible with Ballistic Ear Covers

• Extends ballistic coverage to greater than full cut ACh • Size 1 EXFIL Ballistic with Ears: total coverage area of 180in2

compared to 168in2 for ACh Medium and 179in2 for ACh Large• Quick and easy tool free installation and removal• Installs into lower portion of the accessory rail, maintaining ability

to mount picatinny rails and use t-slots• One size fits all EXFIL® Ballistic helmets



BallIStIc VISor SYStEm

BallIStIc EarcoVErS

colorS aVaIlaBlE:

Coyote Brown


A C C E S S O r I E S ⁄ ⁄ 2 4

couNtErWEIght KIt


Page 18: team wendy · photographed by oakley Standard Issue Who IS WENdY? Team Wendy was founded in 1997 by Dan T. Moore as a memorial to his daughter Wendy, who passed away from a traumatic

• ESS Pivot™ rail Mount allows the mounting of any Eye Safety Systems Pivot goggle (including the Profile Pivot™ and Influx Pivot™) directly to the EXFIL® Ballistic, Carbon, or LTP

• Mounts quickly and tool-free to helmet rail t-slots using an integrated thumbscrew

• Kit includes set of two mounts

• Durable design with padding on all sides to protect helmet• Offers three ways to carry your bag: - Shoulder straps - Bag handle on top and side for hand-carry (can also be used to

secure to vehicle) - MOLLE on back of bag that can be attached to MOLLE panels

on packs or elsewhere• Clamshell opening gives access to the entire contents and creates

two useable surfaces for kit layout - Interior flap has Velcro for spare patches and loop mounted

accessories• Three modular internal pockets that can be placed anywhere in the bag - Two flat pockets for accessory items such as strobes, goggles,

glasses, etc. - One draw cord bag for NVGs or headset, stored under the helmet


ESS pIVot™ raIl mouNt

tEam WENdYtraNSIt pacKBY mYStErY raNch

colorS aVaIlaBlE:

Coyote Brown


A C C E S S O r I E S ⁄ ⁄ 2 6

The SAr visor quickly and easily installs to the SAr Accessory Mounting System to protect you from impact, debris, water, and wind. The visor positively locks into up and down positions, features anti-scratch coat-ing inside and out, and is rated to both EN 166-2B and ANSI Z87.1 to ensure optical clarity and impact resistance.

The EXFIL® SAr Backcountry rail Kit is available to customers who initially purchased the SAr Backcountry helmet without rails and would like to add the rails.

KIT INCLUDES:(2) siderails (1 left, 1 right)(2) MAGPUL MOE® picatinny style rails and mounting hardware

compatIBlE WIth: SAr TACTICAL, SAr BACK-COUNTrY (with rails)


EXfIl® Sar VISorEXfIl® Sar BacKcouNtrY raIl KIt

Page 19: team wendy · photographed by oakley Standard Issue Who IS WENdY? Team Wendy was founded in 1997 by Dan T. Moore as a memorial to his daughter Wendy, who passed away from a traumatic

• Securely attach a GoPro® using the front shroud interface on any Team Wendy helmet

• Attaches and releases with the push of a button• Compatible with all GoPro® cameras

• Enchances visibility using reflective tape and patches• Uses genuine 3M™ SOLAS (Safety Of Life At Sea) tape that is

U.S. Coast Guard approved• Included side and top Velcro® loop patches can also be used

for attaching ID badges and strobe devices (S&S Precision Manta Strobe and COrE Survival hEL-STAr 6®)

KIT INCLUDES:(1) Front Brim Tape Strip (1) Beacon Loop Patch(1) Back Brim Tape Strip (1) right Loop Patch (2) Top Tape Strips (1) Left Loop Patch(1) Back Tape Strip


EXfIl® SolaS rEflEctIVE KIt

gopro® NVg mouNt

A C C E S S O r I E S ⁄ ⁄ 2 8

The EOS II is designed and constructed to meet the most rigorous of demands both in application, environment and is intrinsically safe. The head unit is self-contained, waterproof, and constructed of high grade materials. The technology inside offers the best in long burn times and utilizes advanced circuitry that regulates the output providing superior and constant brightness on its two modes. The Maxbright LED puts out 105 Lumens and a spot beam that reaches as far as 65 meters. The EOS II is powered by 3 AAA batteries allowing for a compact foot-print, and includes NVG shroud mounting assembly , MOLLE webbing adapter, and a nylon strap for use as a standard headlamp.

prINcEtoN tEc®

EoS II mplS hEadlampEXf BalaclaVa


• Form fitting design with stretch fabric that covers the head, face and neck• Optimized for use while wearing a helmet with a thin moisture-wicking fabric that will not impact helmet sizing• Fleece insulating fabric provides warmth around the face and neck• Split design to allow face portion to be pulled down around the neck• Mesh panel at the mouth improves ventilation


colorS aVaIlaBlE:


colorS aVaIlaBlE:

BlackUS Coast Guard


Page 20: team wendy · photographed by oakley Standard Issue Who IS WENdY? Team Wendy was founded in 1997 by Dan T. Moore as a memorial to his daughter Wendy, who passed away from a traumatic

The SAr ESS® goggle posts provide a direct mount of any ESS® goggle equipped with the Eye Safety Systems Profile Pivot mount. This provides optimal geometry for a perfect fit without discomfort, and no loose straps to slip on the helmet. Goggles are easily stowed on the front or rear of the helmet, and full capabilities of the SAr Accessory Mounting System are maintained. The ESS® goggle posts are only available as a pre-installed option on SAr helmets.

Sar ESS® gogglE poSt


A C C E S S O r I E S ⁄ ⁄ 3 0

The EXFIL® SAr helmet Comfort Pad replacement Kit includes a set of 3 thin pads and a set of 3 thick pads. All pads feature patented Zorbium® comfort foam. Thin and thick pads sealed with anti-microbial wicking fabric

EXfIl® SarhElmEt pad rEplacEmENt KIt


colorS aVaIlaBlE:

BlackUS Coast Guard


compatIBlE WIth: CArBON, LTP

EXfIl® carBoN & ltp hElmEt comfort pad rEplacEmENt KIt

This kit can be used to replace the comfort pads in the LTP or the Carbon helmet with the Zorbium® liner. This helmet Comfort Pad Kit comes in one size and includes 6 pads in various shapes that are sealed with anti-microbial wicking fabric. All pads feature patented Zorbium® comfort foam.

colorS aVaIlaBlE:


• The Princeton Tec® Charge Adapter mounts the Princeton Tec® Charge MPLS helmet Light onto Team Wendy EXFIL® helmet rails

• This mount ensures the Charge MPLS remains a low profile helmet light

• The Charge MPLS combines a powerful spot beam and low profile color or Ir flood task lighting into one compact unit


prINcEtoN tEc®

chargE mplS lIght mouNt

colorS aVaIlaBlE:

Tan Black OD

Page 21: team wendy · photographed by oakley Standard Issue Who IS WENdY? Team Wendy was founded in 1997 by Dan T. Moore as a memorial to his daughter Wendy, who passed away from a traumatic

This kit can be used to replace the comfort pads in the Ballistic helmet. This helmet comfort pad kit includes a total of 20 ballistic helmet pads; 8 thin, 8 thick and 4 compression molded ellipse pads. All pads feature patented Zorbium® comfort foam. Thin and thick pads sealed with anti-microbial wicking fabric. Molded ellipse pads offer improved grip for added helmet stability

EXfIl® BallIStIc hElmEt comfort pad rEplacEmENt KIt


A C C E S S O r I E S ⁄ ⁄ 3 2

colorS aVaIlaBlE:



ESapI NoN BallIStIc traININg platES

Team Wendy’s Non-Ballistic Training Plates allow you to train like you fight without damage to life-saving ballistic body armor. The training plates are made from virtually indestructible, density-modifiable, cross-linked polyure-thane that will not crack or break when hit, dropped or impacted. Designed to replicate the weight, shape, curvature and thickness of actual ballistic plates, they are stiff enough to hold their shape, yet flexible enough to easily insert into any carrier.

The chest plates measure 8.75” x 11.75,” weigh 5 lbs, and have a multi-curve shape. Chest plates come in pairs of two.


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Page 22: team wendy · photographed by oakley Standard Issue Who IS WENdY? Team Wendy was founded in 1997 by Dan T. Moore as a memorial to his daughter Wendy, who passed away from a traumatic

H e l m et l I n e R s y s t e m s

› E p I c a I r ™

› E p I c ™

› z a p ™

› r E V o l V E ™

L I N E r S Y S T E M S ⁄ ⁄ 3 4

EXfIl® carBoN photographed by hurricane media

Page 23: team wendy · photographed by oakley Standard Issue Who IS WENdY? Team Wendy was founded in 1997 by Dan T. Moore as a memorial to his daughter Wendy, who passed away from a traumatic


EpIc aIr™ comBat hElmEt lINEr SYStEm

colorS aVaIlaBlE:

Foliage Green

The EPIC Air™ Combat helmet Liner System takes protection to a whole new level. EPIC Air™ features the unsurpassed level of impact protection you expect from a Team Wendy Zorbium® helmet liner, with new features that greatly improve comfort, fit and stability.

The updated (2015) design incorporates three main pads (front, rear and crown) for impact protection, an assortment of ergonomically designed comfort pads, and patent-pending Air Channeling technology to keep you cooler. EPIC Air™ is designed to fit most styles of ground combat helmets and is compatible with all styles of communications headsets.

pErformaNcEExceeds the ACh blunt impact requirements (Ar/PD 10-02)*(Performance is based on testing in ACh shells. results may vary by shell type and manufacturer.)

*Although Team Wendy's EPIC Air™ Combat helmet Liner System exceeds blunt impact protection require-ments of the Advanced Combat helmet (Ar/PD 10-02), the system is not currently authorized through first article testing for use in U.S. Military Advanced Combat helmets or U.S. Marine Lightweight helmets.

**Comfort pad replacement systems are available, sold separately

SIzINg• Medium/Large, and XL

EpIc™ hElmEt lINEr SYStEm

colorS aVaIlaBlE:

Coyote Brown

Black Foliage Green

Team Wendy’s EPIC™ (Enhanced Protection, Individual Comfort) helmet Liner System represents a revolution in helmet pad protection and comfort. EPIC™ consists of a one-piece protective impact liner and 22 adjustable comfort pads provided in four shapes (oblong, trapezoid, tapered trapezoid and triangle) and two thicknesses (3/16-inch "thin" and 3/8-inch "thick"). The comfort pad set also includes four Ultra Grip™ pads for added stability and two sweat bands for moisture absorption. EPIC™'s design offers a significant increase in protection at high-G impacts without adversely affecting weight or heat dissipation. EPIC™ employs the same Zorbium® foam proven through years of service in Team Wendy's standard ZAP™ products and fits all standard ground combat helmets.

pErformaNcEMeets and exceeds the ACh blunt impact requirements (Ar/PD 10-02)*(Performance is based on testing in ACh shells. results may vary by shell type and manufacturer.)

*Although Team Wendy's EPIC™ Combat helmet Liner System exceeds blunt impact protection require-

ments of the Advanced Combat helmet (Ar/PD 10-02), the system is not currently authorized through first

article testing for use in U.S. Military Advanced Combat helmets or U.S. Marine Lightweight helmets.

**Comfort pad replacement systems are available, sold separately

SIzINg Small, Medium/ Large, and XL

L I N E r S Y S T E M S ⁄ ⁄ 3 6

Page 24: team wendy · photographed by oakley Standard Issue Who IS WENdY? Team Wendy was founded in 1997 by Dan T. Moore as a memorial to his daughter Wendy, who passed away from a traumatic


The ZAP™ NSN System is the standard system authorized for all U.S. ground combat helmets.

Team Wendy's Zorbium® Action Pad (ZAP™) System is the only pad system approved for use in ground combat helmets (ACh, LWh, MICh, ECh) worn by members of the United States Army, the United States Marine Corps, and the United States Navy.

KIT INCLUDES: • 7-ZAP™ pads – 3/4 inch thick• 1-circular crown pad (NSN 8470-01-546-9415) • 2-trapezoid pads (NSN 8470-01-546-9407) • 4-oblong pads (NSN 8470-01-546-9356)

*Also available in 1 inch pads

zap™ NSN lINEr SYStEm

The ZAP™ SOF System is designed to accommodate communication headset integration within ground combat helmets.

KIT INCLUDES: • 8 -ZAP™ pads, 3/4 inch thick• 2-trapezoid pads (NSN 8470-01-546-9407)

• 6-oblong pads (NSN 8470-01-546-9356)

*Also available in 1 inch pads

zap ™ aIrBorNE padThe ZAP™ Airborne Pad is designed to be worn in addition to other ZAP™ sets and is placed at the nape of the helmet during airborne operations.

zap™ Sof lINEr SYStEm

colorS aVaIlaBlE:

Foliage Green

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colorS aVaIlaBlE:

Foliage Green

Foliage Green

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Corresponds to standard issue ACH, MICH, LWH, and ECH sizing

Standard issue, proven protection


Authorized standard 7 pad set. 8 pad SOF configuration

Dual-layer Zorbium foam, milspec moisture wicking fabric (head-side)and laminated loop attachmentfabric (shell-side)

Up to 22.5“ ACH Medium22.5” - 23.5” ACH LargeOver 23.5” ACH X-Large

Hook and Loop

Impact liner paired with comfort pads maintains protection while allowing you to tailor the liner for optimal fit and comfort


Single piece impact liner with adjustable comfort pads

Zorbium impact layer and comfortfoams, milspec moisture wickingand loop fabric with antimicrobialcomfort pads

More sizing flexibility is providedthrough comfort pad selection,therefore those at the borderbetween sizes may be able to goup or down a size compared to standard ZAP™

Provides the benefits of the EPIC system with additional air channels and a removable crown pad

3-piece impact liner with air channels, adjustable comfort pads

Zorbium impact and comfort foams,milspec moisture wicking and loopfabric with antimicrobial comfortpads

More sizing flexibility is providedthrough comfort pad selection,therefore those at the borderbetween sizes may be able to goup or down a size compared to standard ZAP™

ACH, LW-ACH, MICH, ECH, LWH,OpsCore FAST , Crye AirFrame™


3-piece impact mitigating polymer-structure system with moisture wicking comfort pads

The highest level of impactprotection available on the market.Excellent stability. Durable new TPUimpact structure design.

Thermoplastic urethane (TPU) impact structures, Zorbiumfoam and milspec wicking fabric comfort pads

Key Features




Headsize &Corresponding ACH Shell Size

Sizing Notes The performance of this systemREQUIRES a minimum 1/2” shellstandoff from the head (a common recommendation for both blunt impact and ballistic protection)

Head Circumference (in)Up to 22.5“ ACH Medium22.5” - 23.5” ACH LargeOver 23.5” ACH X-Large

Head Circumference (in)Up to 22.5“ ACH Medium22.5” - 23.5” ACH LargeOver 23.5” ACH X-Large

Head Circumference (in)Up to 22“ ACH Medium22” - 23” ACH Large23”-24“ ACH X-LargeOver 24” ACH XXL

Head Circumference (in)

Hook and Loop Hook and Loop Hook and Loop









rEVolVE™ hElmEt lINEr SYStEm

L I N E r S Y S T E M S ⁄ ⁄ 4 0

lINEr SElEctIoN chart

Team Wendy’s rEVOLVE™ helmet Liner is a 3-piece impact mitigating system designed to be a replacement liner for most combat helmets. It utilizes an array of engineered polymer structures along with a set of moisture wicking comfort pads to provide maximum protection, comfort, and stability.

The polymer structures are constructed from a thermoplastic urethane (TPU) material that exhibits excellent toughness, abrasion and wear and microbial resistance. The structures are designed to act as the optimal crumple zone during impact. At the same time they provide an extremely stable, secure and comfortable interface with your ballistic helmet shell. This design also provides greatly improved airflow and ventilation beneath the helmet to minimize thermal burden. and includes a removable center channel that accommodates com-munication headbands. The system’s comfort pads use a field-proven construction with internal Zorbium ® foam sealed in a water-tight barrier and encased with milspec outer wicking fabric. The system installs into standard ballistic helmets with hook and loop attachment (Velcro® brand hook disks not included). rEVOLVE™ is protected by US Patent No. 9320311 and D683079.

pErformaNcEBlunt Impact performance•rEVOLVE™ meets and exceeds the latest ACh blunt impact requirements (Ar/PD 10-02 rev A, 08 May 2012)**•Multiple impacts across all temperatures (14°F to 130°F) result in average head acceleration under 100g @ 10ft/sec, and under 180g @ 14ft/sec(Performance is based on testing on ACH shells. Results may vary by shell type and manufacturer.)

*The performance capabilities of this system REQUIRE a minimum 1/2” shell standoff from the head.

This is the common minimum standoff recommended for both blunt impact and ballistic protection in

most ballistic helmets.

**Although Team Wendy’s REVOLVE™ Combat Helmet Liner System exceeds blunt impact protection re-

quirements of the Advanced Combat Helmet (AR/PD 10-02), the system is not currently authorized through

first article testing for use in U.S. Military Advanced Combat Helmets or U.S. Marine Lightweight Helmets.

SIzINg• Medium/Large, and XL


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Page 26: team wendy · photographed by oakley Standard Issue Who IS WENdY? Team Wendy was founded in 1997 by Dan T. Moore as a memorial to his daughter Wendy, who passed away from a traumatic

H e l m e tR e t e n t I o n s y s t e m s

EXfIl® BallIStIc photographed by WodhaWK photography

› c a m f I t ™

› c a m f I t ™ h - B a c K

› S t a N d a r d c h I N S t r a p

› c h I N S t r a p E X t E N d E r

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Page 27: team wendy · photographed by oakley Standard Issue Who IS WENdY? Team Wendy was founded in 1997 by Dan T. Moore as a memorial to his daughter Wendy, who passed away from a traumatic

cam fIt™ rEtENtIoN SYStEm

The CAM FIT™ retention system utilizes cam-lock sliders for one-handed adjust-ment and secure fit. The Boa® Closure System stabilizes the weight of the helmet by distributing a light, even pressure around the head, similar in feel to a baseball cap. The adjustment straps and chin-cup have been designed for a close, comfortable fit to the wearer’s face. The asymmetric design keeps the buckle tucked smoothly along the jaw line while maintaining a snug, even feel around the chin-cup. The chin-cup lining ensures maximum comfort and chafe-free wear at any temperature.

* Left-eye dominant option available

pErformaNcECompliant with ACh and ECh Static Pull Strength requirements* Independently tested in accordance to GL-PD-07-19 – 2007 Section, Static Pull Strength and

DrAFT-ECh-ICEPG16-0001 – 2009 Section 3.6.3 Static Pull Strength

SIzINgCAM FIT™ is compatible with ACh, MICh, TC2000 series, USMC LWh and many other ballistic helmets with 4-point retention mounting holes

M / L 26–29" (this size fits most ACh M/ L and some XL wearers)

XL 27 1/2–32 1/2"

face circumferenceSize

colorS aVaIlaBlE:

Coyote Brown

Black Foliage Green

Less than 10% foreign contentMADE IN USA

cam fIt™ h-BacK rEtENtIoN SYStEm

The CAM FIT™ h Back retention system utilizes cam-lock sliders for one-handed adjustment and secure fit. The adjustment straps and chin-cup have been de-signed for a close, comfortable fit to the wearer’s face. The asymmetric design keeps the buckle tucked smoothly along the jaw line while maintaining a snug, even feel around the chin-cup. The ultra-suede chin-cup lining ensures maximum comfort and chafe-free wear at any temperature.

pErformaNcECompliant with ACh and ECh Static Pull Strength requirements* Independently tested in accordance to GL-PD-07-19 – 2007 Section, Static Pull Strength and

DrAFT-ECh-ICEPG16-0001 – 2009 Section 3.6.3 Static Pull Strength

SIzINgTeam Wendy’s h-Back Chinstrap is compatible with ACh, MICh, TC2000 series ballistic helmet styles and many other ballistic helmets with 4-point retention mounting holes

M / L 26–29" (this size fits most ACh M/L and some XL wearers)

XL 27 1/2–32 1/2"

face circumferenceSize

colorS aVaIlaBlE:

Coyote Brown

Black Foliage Green

h E L M E T r E T E N T I O N S Y S T E M S ⁄ ⁄ 4 4

ranger Green

ranger Green

Page 28: team wendy · photographed by oakley Standard Issue Who IS WENdY? Team Wendy was founded in 1997 by Dan T. Moore as a memorial to his daughter Wendy, who passed away from a traumatic

Shell type compatibility


Features a minimalist H-style nape pad filled with soft Zorbium™ foam and lined with ultrasuede fabric.

Compliant with ACH and ECH Static Pull Strength requirements.


Utilizes locking cam buckles for one-handed adjustment and secure fit.

The Boa® Closure System stabilizes the helmet by distributing pressure evenly around the head. The dial is integrated into an X-style nape pad filled with soft Zorbium™ foam.

Compliant with ACH and ECH Static Pull Strength requirements.




Chin Strap Adjustment

Available in Left Eye Dominant?

Retention System Fit

CAM FIT™ H-Back Retention System

ACH, MICH, FAST, Airframe™, LWH, PASGT and other ballistic helmets with 4-point retention mounting holes.

CAM FIT™ Retention System

Utilizes locking cam buckles for one-handed adjustment and secure fit.


Standard ChinstrapTraditional H-style nape pad lined with loop fabric.

Compliant with ACH and ECH Static Pull Strength requirements.

Utilizes traditional webbing tension locks.

One size fits all


ACH, MICH and other ballistic helmets with 4-point retention mounting holes.

ACH, MICH and other ballistic helmets with 4-point retention mounting holes.

Retention System Comparison Chart

Chin CupConstructed of 5/8" inch nylon webbing. Chin-cup lining ensures a maximum comfort and chafe-free wear at any temperature.

Constructed of 5/8" inch nylon webbing. Chin-cup lining ensures a maximum comfort and chafe-free wear at any temperature.

Constructed of 5/8" inch nylon webbing with wicking fabric lining.

tEam WENdY StaNdard chINStrap

The Team Wendy Standard 4-point Chinstrap incorporates a soft anti-microbial fabric in the chin cup and the nape pad to prevent chafing and skin irritation.Attachment points are nylon reinforced and compatible with current standard issue ACh, LWh, and ECh hardware, as well as most other common tactical helmets. The chinstrap is constructed using 5/8 inch webbing with anti-chafe, anti-microbial sleeves.

pErformaNcEMeets all ACh, LWh, and ECh retention test performance requirements


The chinstrap extender is commonly used by operators who need to extend the length of their chinstrap to accommodate a gas mask. It extends the chinstrap by 4” and is compatible with Team Wendy’s CAM FIT™ retention System and the CAM FIT™ h-Back retention System but not compatible with the Standard Chinstrap.

One size fits all


colorS aVaIlaBlE:

Black Foliage Green

colorS aVaIlaBlE:

Coyote Brown

Black Foliage Green

chINStrap EXtENdEr

MADE IN USA ranger Green

rEtENtIoN SYStEm comparISoN chart

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Page 29: team wendy · photographed by oakley Standard Issue Who IS WENdY? Team Wendy was founded in 1997 by Dan T. Moore as a memorial to his daughter Wendy, who passed away from a traumatic

team Wendy17000 St. Clair Avenue, Building 1 Cleveland, Oh 44110 216-738-2518 [email protected]


EXfIl® Sarphotographed by richard King photography