Team HBV Collegiate Chapter Semester Report 2011 Fall

Team HBV Semester Report Fall 2011


Awareness and outreach efforts of Team HBV Collegiate Chapters during Fall 2011

Transcript of Team HBV Collegiate Chapter Semester Report 2011 Fall

Page 1: Team HBV Collegiate Chapter Semester Report 2011 Fall

Learn more about us at

1 in 10 Asian Pacific Islanders have chronic hepatitis B. 1 in 4 with chronic hepatitis B will die from liver cancer.

Early detection is key. Get tested. Get vaccinated.

Stanford offers FREE hepatitis B screening at Vaden Health Center for students.

Team HBV Semester Report

Fall 2011

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Table of Contents

I. Collegiate Chapter Highlights 3-5

II. Collegiate Chapter Semester Reports 6-25 Brown University 6-7 Cornell University 8-9 Harvard University 10-11 Rice University 12-13 Stanford University 14-15 UC Berkeley 16-17 UC Davis 18-19 UCLA 20-21 University of Chicago 22-23 University of Washington 24-25 III. Executive and Advisory Board Contact Lists 26-29

IV. Special Thanks 30

Team HBV Collegiate Chapters, Asian Liver Center at Stanford University | [email protected]


Page 3: Team HBV Collegiate Chapter Semester Report 2011 Fall

3FALL 2011 |


Collegiate Chapter

highlights3rd AnnuAl CollegiAte ChApters ConferenCe

In November, Team HBV Collegiate Chapters conducted its 3rd Annual Conference in Boston, MA hosted by Team HBV at Harvard.

Over 40 chapters delegates and Advisory Board members attended the conference.


Social Media

Guest Speakers

The Jubilee ProjectAlicia Arnold

Intercollegiate Outreach Project (IOP)

Campaign Hep BVideo Project


1. Putting Your Best Awareness Foot Forward: from Elevator Pitches to TV Interviews

2. Building a Team HBV Family

3. HBV and Liver Cancer: An Advanced Primer

4. Forging Campus and Community Partnerships

>>hosted by Team HBV at Harvard University<< | tweet @teamhbv and #teamhbvconf

3rd Annual Conference

Nov. 11-13 2011

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ChApter updAtes

UCSD has been around for about 3 years now but has never really taken off. After interning at the Asian Liver Center this summer and attending the IOP conference, I was inspired to re-establish our chapter and take us into a new direction.

Short term goals (Jan-March): > Focus on establishing our name on campus and making partnerships with pre-medical organizations as well as cultural organizations, as well as outreach & education – giving small 10 min presentations on hepatitis B and liver cancer and how to get involved with the Jade Ribbon Campaign and Team HBV. We just partnered with UCSD Student Health Ser-vices to help us plan and host Hepatitis B Awareness Week in the Spring (they also offered to give us free screenings for students); also just asked Dr. Robert Gish ( to be our advisor – he is also the head of Hep Free San Diego and will be a major resource for community involvement.

Long term goals (April-Jun): > Host Hepatitis B Awareness Week and get started working with the community

-- Natasha Chan | President, Team HBV at UC San Diego

Team HBV at MIT is very excited to finally join the Team HBV network in its own right for the coming semester. After learning from and collaborating with the Harvard chapter over the past year, we are now beginning to host our own events and hope to continue sharing experience and resources in working together to combat HBV.

Short term goals: > Raise awareness of Hepatitis B among students > Increase group presence on campus and expand membership > Form connections with other health and/or cultural clubs > Obtain official recognition and funding from MIT

Long term goals: > Raise group presence in the Boston community at large > Establish ongoing and accessible Hepatitis B education and screening programs for target populations

Our chapter met most goals this semester of starting to establish a presence on campus and plan events going forward. One thing we have been especially successful in is building connections to existing Hepatitis B related efforts, primar-ily the existing Team HBV chapter at Harvard, the Hepatitis B Initiative division of MAP for Health, the Asian Pacific Liver Wellness Center at Tufts Medical Center, and Quest Diagnostics. We also made attempts to offer opportunities to become involved with Team HBV for students at schools that do not yet have their own chapters through a campus representative program with representatives from Tufts, Brandeis, BU and Wellesley, who are also informed of events being hosted by the MIT chapter that they could participate in. One area for improvement would be finishing the official student group recognition process with the MIT Association of Student Activities, and obtaining funding directly through MIT. We have been working towards this goal since November, but are still waiting on feedback from the approval board before we are able to make full use of the resources provided to official groups.

-- Sasha Targ | President, Team HBV at MIT

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5FALL 2011 |

Team HBV at UNLV is a new group vying to be part of the growing network of Team HBV. The executive board is composed of dedicated students who have had prior advocacy trainings on hepatitis B education and marketing strat-egy. This initiative started last spring and the group has evolved and became more visible on campus. With the guid-ance of our school’s Student Health Center, the group has continually met with various student groups, coordinated with numerous departments, conducted advocacy campaigns, tabled and distributed flyers (every Tuesday) at the Student Union, and organized the successful Hepatitis B Forum and Hepatitis B Freeze Mob last November which are all in the promotion and awareness campaign of hepatitis B.

Short and Long Term Goals: > Continue to table at the Student Union and distribute more flyers and posters on campus> Come up with innovative fund-raising campaigns in order to become more visible in the community> Coordinate with different entities off-campus including local schools (and high schools), churches, cultural groups, businesses, health district, small-scale businesses and local media for potential partnership> Meet with the different group leaders, diversity groups/departments on campus in devising more programs to fur-ther involve the school community in this advocacy> Recruitment of new members who shall also attend an advocacy training> To organize Hepatitis B Rally to be held in April 19 in celebration of the Asian Pacific Heritage Month. Team HBV at UNLV will also be active during the HBAW> Help with the local campaign called Hepatitis B Free Las Vegas in community outreach engagements> To have a biannual dialogue with all the student leaders and identify their concerns to better implement future ac-tivities geared toward screening more students at the UNLV Student Health Center

-- Gideon Agaton | President, Team HBV at UNLV

WelCome other neW teAm hBV ChApters!

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9/30/2011Brown University

Brown Taiwanese Night Market Brown Team HBV continued our collaboration with Brown Taiwanese Society (BTS) and held a fundraiser at the annual BTS Night Market. Although typically groups sell food items, Brown Team HBV sold Asian pens and pencils. The event was very popular and the fundraiser was our most successful to date. At our booth, we also had our poster, fliers, and candy, which we distributed to visitors. Target: studentsPartner: Brown Taiwanese SocietyReached: Brown University students and faculty

10/07/11Brown University

“Buy Pens Save Lives”Since our fundraiser at BTS was so successful, we hosted another pen sale, this time at the student center. Again, we set up our poster at our booth and talked to passersby about Hepatitis B. The second pen and pencil sale was just as successful as the first. Target: students, some faculty members

10/08/11Brown University

Hmong New YearTeam HBV attended the Hmong New Year celebration with the APAMSA group of the Alpert Medical School. The medical school students took blood pressure and glaucoma screenings at the event. Team HBV took this opportunity to engage individuals who came to the booth in conversation about HBV awareness. Target: the Hmong Community of Rhode IslandPartners: APAMSA of the Alpert Medical School and the Hmong United Association of Rhode Island.

11/05/11Brown University

Legends of the SeaEvery year, the Asian American Heritage Series (AAHS) organizes the Legends of the Sea variety show during Asian American History Month. This year, Team HBV collaborated with AAHS to include a section of the show that raises awareness about HBV in the Asian Pacific Islander Community. Team HBV set up a booth during the cocktail hour before the show and chatted with community members and students about HBV. We also screened a short PowerPoint of HBV facts that played on the big screen, which audience members read while they entered the venue and waited for the event to begin. During show, we screened the video by the Jubilee Project. Target: students and community members. Primary student group partner: Asian American Heritage Series Committee

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7FALL 2011 |

ReflectionsThis semester, Team HBV at Brown improved our fundraising strategies from last year. Instead of selling food items, we decided to sell items that people could actually use. Our stationery sales were very successful, and we are looking forward to hosting similar fundraisers next year. We continued to work with other student groups in order to reach out to greater target audiences. This year, our largest collaboration was with the Asian American Heritage Series Committee. We helped organize the Legends of the Sea variety show, which was an opportunity for us to introduce our mission to students and community members. Brown Team HBV continued our work in the community through our partnership with APAMSA. This year we were able to raise awareness of Hepatitis B at the Hmong New Year. In 2012, we will continue to forge community relationships by hosting educational sessions with the Providence Youth Student Movement (PRYSM), a youth program that fosters leadership among the Southeast Asian youths of Providence.

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8/21/11Cornell UniversityBalch Courtyard

Asian and Asian American Welcome ReceptionEssentially a clubfair. Aimed towards incoming students who are interested in joining clubs with Asian affiliation

Target: Anyone looking to join an Asian-affiliated organization (freshmen mostly)Partner: CAPSU (Cornell Asian Pacific-Islander Student Union)

9/17/11Cornell UniversityArts Quad

Midautumn FestivalAn outdoor event celebrating the Midautumn Festival celebrated in many Asian cultures. There were mooncakes and other food served as well as performances.

Target: Anyone interested in Asian culturePartner: CAPSU (Cornell Asian Pacific-Islander Student Union), Midautumn Adhoc Committee

10/29/11Ithaca Town

Into the StreetsWe went around the local area and promoted sustainability. This included handing out bags with materials of current initiatives and also a free lightbulb.

Target: Ithaca nativesPartner: Cornell Service Center

10/22/11Cornell UniversityRPCC

Mahjong TournamentWe held a tournament for Mahjong tournaments, while educating the attendees about Hepatitis B. There were HepB facts on the boards that we used and also a brief presentation about the diseases. There were tables for teaching and prizes were given to winners.

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9FALL 2011 |

ReflectionsEverything this semester was relatively standard. Nothing new or out of the ordinary was done. However, since our recruitment this year was only slightly higher than previous years, it did not compensate for the drainage of members (graduation) we experienced last year. Therefore, this semester, we will focus more efforts on this side, as well as do what we normally do.

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6/25/11Boston Chinatown (Mainstreet)

10/22-23Harvard Campus (ESL)

Community Outreach InitiativeTabling at the Boston Chinatown Mainstreet Festival and after the Harvard Chinatown ESL Program class. Distributed pamphlets and talked to members of the local Asian communities about hepatitis B while making balloon animals for children. Collaborated with the Hepatitis B Initiative of Boston and Team HBV at MIT.Reached ~300 community members.

10/2-10/31Harvard Campus (Citizenship)

11/2, 11/3Boston Chinatown (AACA)Boston South End (LGR)

Health Education InitiativePresented education curriculum on hepatitis B prevalence, risks, symptoms, prevention, etc. using visuals on posters and flyers and distributed educational flyers and brochures at the Harvard Chinatown Citizenship program and the ESL classes at the Boston Chinatown Asian-American Civic Association (AACA).

Reached out to over 125 immigrants. Documented survey data showing improvements in hepatitis B understanding.Collaborated with Team HBV at MIT.

11/14-11/18Harvard Campus

Campus Outreach Initiative: Participation in the campus-wide Asian-American Awareness WeekAs part of the campus’ Asian-American Awareness Week (AAAW), a “Chopsticks” display was erected on a small lawn in a heavily-frequented area of campus during class hours. An online survey and raffle (for personal engraved chopsticks) dedicated to raising awareness of this display was utilized to assess impact and to educate students about this display on hepatitis B. The display consisted of an informative banner strung behind 100 chopsticks planted in the grass, with every 10th chopstick demarcated with a green ribbon to signify the prevalence of hepatitis B in Asian-Americans.

A chronic hepatitis B patient, Mike Kim, spoke at a speaker event dedicated toward Asian-American health issues. Mike addressed his experiences as a patient and some issues concerning those with chronic hepatitis B.

Reached: ~1000+ students saw the display; ~100 people entered the online raffle; ~50 people attended Mike’s talk.Partnered with other participants of the Asian American Awareness Week to publicize this event. Groups included the Chinese Student’s Association, the Asian-American Association, the Korean Association, and the Asian-American Brotherhood.

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11FALL 2011 |

ReflectionsThis past fall, Team HBV at Harvard saw a major change and expansion in leadership as the executive board grew from 5 members to 11. Throughout this transition, we maintained and expanded our presence both on campus and in the community. We increased our participation in Asian-American Awareness Week by not only setting up the “Chopsticks” display but also bringing in a patient with chronic hepatitis B, Mike Kim, to speak with students about his experience as a patient and on issues concerning patients across the world. In the community, we sought to for a partner with whom we could consistently work together on holding free screens, but this effort was ultimately unsuccessful. Nevertheless, we continued to educate minority populations by presenting or tabling at ESL and citizenship classes and holding booths at local cultural fairs. Overall, we were satisfied with the work we had done the past fall. However, this spring, we seek to significantly expand our community education efforts and on-campus presence. For the former, we will be expanding our venues to include ESL classes at the Dorchester Collegebound Program and the Boston Chinatown Neighborhood Association, thereby increasing the number of students we teach. In the latter, we hope to expand Hepatitis B Awareness Week to include the Jade Forum (an annual speaker panel event traditionally held by the Hepatitis B Initiative of Boston but now by Team HBV at Harvard) and a fundraiser, in addition to the Intercollegiate Outreach Project.

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09/24/11Minute Maid ParkHouston, TX

Outreach Booth at Houston Astros International NightWe passed out a short 6 question hepatitis B knowledge survey to baseball game goers. We went over the answers with each person afterwards. We gave away LIVERight bracelets, Fight HepB Ninja tattoos, brochures, stickers, and pens.

Target audience: Houston Astros fans , general Houston public

Notable student group or community partner(s): Houston Astros, Rice Chinese Student Association

08/27/11-12/14/11Rice Memorial CenterHouston, TX

HepB Donation BoxDuring weekly CSA food and drink fundraisers, we set aside a Team HBV donation box to fundraise for money to go towards the future Hepatitis B Awareness Week at Rice.

Target audience: Rice students and faculty

Notable student group or community group partners: Rice Chinese Student Association

ReflectionsTeam HBV at Rice University is currently starting off as a long term project for the Rice Chinese Student Association. As such, the Team HBV organization is still in its developmental stages at Rice. This semester, we have been focused on developing the infrastructure of Team HBV within the Chinese Student Association and Rice University itself to make it visible and sustainable in the long run. After attending the Collegiate Chapters Conference, we are well on our way to meeting these goals. We were able to fundraise for Team HBV and also do a community outreach event in our first semester at Rice.

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13FALL 2011 |

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eVent desCriptions09/30/11White Plaza

Activities Fair Tabling in White PlazaOur chapter participated in Stanford’s school-wide activities fair in which we health educated and informed students about Team HBV. By wearing our chapter T-shirts and passing out our exclusive “Hep B” Hero shades, we were able to catch the eye of many of our fellow peers. This eventually led to 7 new freshmen and 4 new upperclassmen joining Stanford’s Team HBV family.

Target: Students, International studentsPartner: Stanford Student Activities and Leadership

10/10/11 - 10/28/11Stanford Residencies

“Be A Hero: Get Screened” Flyer CampaignFor 3 straight weeks, Stanford Team HBV actively spread “Be A Hero: Get Screened” flyers throughout campus in order to promote the free screenings offered at Vaden Health Center. These flyers contained key facts about Hep B and stressed the need to get tested as soon as possible. “Be A Hero: Get Screened” flyers were placed in every undergraduate dorm on campus and were sent through email lists during the 3-week period.

Target: StudentsPartner: Vaden Health Center

11/11/11Stanford UniversityCubberley Auditorium

Stanford’s Got TalentStanford Team HBV helped organize Stanford’s Got Talent, the first annual campus-wide talent show. We held booths to health educate and promote free screenings at Vaden Health Center, as well as made an educational speech to the audience during intermission. This event was attended by over 300 students and was a night full of talent, fun and Hep B awareness!

Target: Students, International studentsPartners: Office of Alcohol Policy and Education, Stanford Asian American Students’ Association

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15FALL 2011 |

ReflectionsFall quarter 2011 for Stanford Team HBV was a success for the most part. We definitely were able to recruit a motivated and creative group of new members, as well as form new connections with major groups on campus and in the community around us. As a result, we were able to implement projects and events that made an impact on the student population. However, with inspiration from Collegiates’ Conference and use of our newfound connections, Stanford Team HBV are looking forward to even better programming for the rest of the year. This will include a revamped Screening Initiative Program (SIP), educational outreach in Bay Area high schools and bringing in Arcadi Kolchak, District Representative for Senator Elaine Alquist, to speak about Hep B in politics at a West-Coast Asian American Issues Conference. We are also looking forward to our annual Hepatitis B Awareness Week in May, which will be the grand finale of Stanford Team HBV programming for the 2011-2012 year. Learn more about us at

1 in 10 Asian Pacific Islanders have chronic hepatitis B. 1 in 4 with chronic hepatitis B will die from liver cancer.

Early detection is key. Get tested. Get vaccinated.

Stanford offers FREE hepatitis B screening at Vaden Health Center for students.

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eVent desCriptions9/30/2011UC Berkeley Campus

10/8/2011College and Ashby, Berkeley

Team HBV Food SalesTeam HBV held two food sales: one in collaboration with the Asian American Association who held a food festival in hopes of raising awareness of issues pertinent to the API community; the other bake sale was to raise funds for the Team HBV national conference. At both events, we sold baked goods while handing out Know HBV brochures and answering questions raised about hepatitis B.

Target audience: UCB students and local community Community partner: Asian American Association

10/14/201111/21/2011Upper Sproul

Sproul FlyeringMembers handed out HepB fact cards to students during the peak hours of classes. The fliers were designed to inform about hepatitis B, encourage screening and vaccination, and publicize Team HBV as a student-organization.

Target audience: ~200 students

10/20/201111/18/2011Pauley Ballroom, UC Berkeley

Blood Drive TablingMembers tabled in front of the ARC blood drives and asked incoming donors to take a short quiz on hepatitis B. We then went over the answers, answered questions, and handed out HepB paraphernalia. The purpose of these events is to gauge awareness of hepatitis B around the UC Berkeley campus, as well as to directly reach out to and educate individuals.

Target audience: UCB studentsCommunity partner: American Red Cross

10/22/11SF Chinatown

SF Chinatown Postering and Flyering Members went out to SF Chinatown and split into two groups—one to post fliers, containing info about hepatitis B and local screening clinics, around restaurants and shops; the other to directly hand out fliers to local residents. We covered the span of about 15 blocks over the course of 2 hours and concluded with a dim sum social.

Target audience: SF Chinatown communityCommunity partner: Used UCSF screening facilities

11/4/2011Intercontinental HotelSan Francisco

SF Hep B Free GalaMembers volunteered to help run the annual gala put on by local campaign initiative SF Hep B Free to celebrate a year’s work against hepatitis B. Speakers at the gala included U.S. Assistant Secretary for Health Dr. Howard Koh, Asian Liver Center founder Dr. Samuel So, and Assemblywoman Fiona Ma.

Target audience: all local groups involved in the Jade Ribbon CampaignCommunity partner: SF Hep B Free

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17FALL 2011 |

ReflectionsDuring Fall semester, the main goal was to expand both general membership and outreach projects. In an attempt to more fully engage members, we strived to come up with more events, such as flyering on campus and collaborating with other student organizations on campus allowing for direct interaction with the target audiences. We began forming a focus group of speakers within UC Berkeley’s Tang Health Center; however, due to the coordinator’s busy schedule, plans were not able to come to fruition. Overall, we managed to provide members with more active outreaching events in which they could participate. For the future, we will not only be placing our focus in continuing our outreach on campus, but will also be seeking additional target areas within our local community in which we may increase the expanse of our awareness efforts.

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11/01/11-11/02/11Memorial Union

Hep B Virus Blood Transmission AwarenessDuring the same time as the blood and bone marrow drive at UC Davis, our group aimed to inform the public that the hepatitis B virus can also be transmitted by blood. This is a fact they should be aware of when donating blood.

Target audience: The general public

11/16/11Wellman 201

International Education Week: Plushie WorkshopCollaborating with the International Educacation Week committee, our club prepared “plushie packets” that contained materials for attendees to make the hepatitis B plushie. Included in the packets were brochures about HBV. In addition, we gave a short presentation about the club and about the hepatitis B virus prior to the workshop.

Target audience: The general public Notable student group or community group partners: International Education Week Committee

11/20/11Farmer’s Market Davis, Central Park

Thanksgiving DriveIn collaboration with the Tsu Ching club at UC Davis, we helped out with collecting daily necessities and foods for the homeless and for families with low income. Coincidentally, these groups are considered “at risk” groups due to their lack of information and resource about hepatitis B and being unable to have access or afford health care. Therefore we provided brochures and information about hepatitis B.

Target audience: The general public Notable student group or community group partners: Tsu Ching at UC Davis

ReflectionsFor the fall quarter, our club started out a little slow because of an all new, first year officers taking over the officer positions. Coming up with new and different events was a bit challenging, but we were able to come up with some by collaborating with other organizations on campus. Like the previous year, our club’s biggest worries are with regards to recruitment. For the winter and spring quarters, that will be our primary goal, along with other events and the Hepatitis B Awareness Week.

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19FALL 2011 |

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Thursdays (weekly since beginning of Fall Qtr)

UCLA Pfleger Liver Institute

Shadowing a Hepatologist - Dr. Steven-Huy Han In order for members to gain a better understanding of the treatment aspect of hepatitis B, we implemented a shadowing program thanks to the Dr. Han at the UCLA Pfleger Liver Institute. Through this program, students have been exposed to patients and have gained a greater understanding of liver problems and how to interact with patients. We hope to partner with other physicians to expand this program in the future.Target: Team HBV at UCLA members Partner: UCLA Pfleger Liver Institute

10/1/2011Chinatown, CA

Chinatown Service Center Community Health and Resource FairWe collaborated with Chinatown Service Center to implement a free health and resource fair for Chinatown residents at Castelar Elementary School, combining our hepatitis B educational resources with other local health vendors. The target population were Chinese immigrants, primarily Cantonese-speaking. Members had the opportunity to educate these residents about the dangers of hepatitis B and advertise free hepatitis B screening event times offered by the Asian Pacific Liver Center. Notable partner: APA Health CARE

September-December 2011Los Angeles area

Asian Pacific Liver Center Hepatitis B ScreeningsWe have been continuing to volunteer at the free hepatitis B screenings hosted by APLC. Events included: Torrance Mission Health Center, KAGMA, Koryo, Battambang Restaurant, Monterey Park, Vietnamese Community Health. At these events, members assist the phlebotomists and help to educate clients.Target: Korean, Chinese, Vietnamese Partners: Asian Pacific Liver Center, Vietnamese Community Health

10/23/2011Kerckhoff Building, UCLA Campus

Guest Presentation by Dr. John KimGuest Presentation by Dr. John Kim, Loma Linda University Medical Center, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology Faculty. Dr. John Kim came to UCLA to hold a special hepatitis B training for our general members. He went over the basics of hepatitis B and gave a very thorough presentation. Our members took quizzes before and after hearing his presentation. Their scores improved a great deal after the presentation.

10/24/2011UCLA Campus

Guest Presentation by James Lee, MSIIIJames Lee, David Geffen School of Medicine third-year medical student, presented as a guest speaker for one of our general meetings to review hepatitis B knowledge through an exciting game of Jeopardy. He ensured that our members better understood the different types of diagnostics and taught members how to perform a history and physical interview focused on hepatitis B.

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21FALL 2011 |

11/23/2011Bruin PlazaUCLA Campus

Dim Sum Fundraiser This fundraiser was held in Bruin Plaza, in the center of UCLA. We purchased Dim Sum from a local restaurant in China town at a discounted price, and sold to students, faculty, and anyone else who happened to pass by. Our target audience was the UCLA students as we were trying to recruit more members for Team HBV.

ReflectionsTeam HBV at UCLA started its third year this school year and has significantly improved its membership (with 25-30 members at any given general meeting) and the quality of different community/campus events. To vamp up the formality of our mandatory HBV training for all members, we had the opportunity invite a hepatologist as a guest presenter, and plan to continue this tradition for the following years. We have also begun to train members more formally on how to present HBV facts to undergraduate students at various club seminars. In addition, in order to prepare more thoroughly for HBAW, we divided members into committees last semester to start brainstorming ideas through the quarter and winter break. We also initiated a Shadowing Program with Dr. Han, a renowned hepatologist from UCLA, in which students could witness firsthand clinically-related interactions with hepatitis carriers, and hope that we can continue this program into the next few years. What we want to improve on is the number of hepatologists that members can shadow, and we are currently working on contacting a second physician in the same clinic. We also had plans to assist Dr. Han with a research program involving educating hepatitis B outpatients, and will continue to work on establishing a firm program this quarter. Additionally, we have initiated plans for a follow-up call program with the Asian Pacific Liver Center to assist the program in contacting clients who were screened positive for hepatitis B; the project planning will continue into this quarter with follow-up script multilingual translation, transportation logistics, and recruitment of multilingual members.

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eVent desCriptions9/30/2011UChicagoHutchinson Commons

RSO FairTabled at the RSO fair with brochures and candy, explaining to students what we do and why they should be involved and encouraged them to sign up for the listhost.

Target audience: UChicago students

10/10/2011UChicagoStuart 104

Team HBV Info/Recruitment Session Gave general info presentation about hepatitis B and served dinner. Also recruited for board members to fill vacancies.

Target audience : UChicago students

11/20/2011UChicagoMcCormick Lounge

Team HBV/CUSA Study BreakHosted a study break and served dinner. Opened with a brief talk about hepatitis B facts and encouraged students to sign up for the listhost.

Target audience : UChicago studentsNotable student group or community group partners: Chinese Undergraduate Students Association (CUSA)

ReflectionsThis quarter has been a bit rough. We made many plans at the beginning of the year to become more involved with volunteer work and to find schools or community centers that would allow us to go in and give presentations. It’s unfortunately been difficult to find community service work that we can do on a consistent basis. Our club advisor has also been extremely difficult to reach this quarter. Fortunately, we have two presentations at a high school and community center confirmed for next quarter, so next quarter should have more events. I’m unsure that we’ve achieved our goal of being a larger presence on campus, mainly because it’s difficult to get more people involved when we can’t offer them many tasks to do. I believe that once we can find a consistent community partner with whom we can volunteer, then the club will be much stronger.

1/19/2011 – 1/20/2011UChicagoReynolds Club

Pen and Stationery FundraiserSold Asian pens and stationery for fundraising.

Target audience : UChicago students and staff.

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23FALL 2011 |

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12/3/12CISC Seattle

CISC Walk TimeCISC holds weekly ESL classes for young students and senior students. Team HBV of UW hosted a HBV-themed Talk Time. We organized a 60 minute English lesson that included vocabulary, spelling, and oral exercises. We were enthusiastically received and had a great time sharing our knowledge with the students.

Target: Senior citizens of the International District in Seattle. Notable student group or community group partners- Lambda Phi Epsilon- UW Alpha Zeta Chapter

11/7/12Red Square,UW campus

Cupcake FundraiserWe held a fundraiser, selling cupcakes to passerby on campus. Each cupcake came with a hepatitis B fact sheet.

Target: Students, faculty, passerbyNotable student group or community partner(s)- Lambda Phi Epsilon- UW Alpha Zeta Chapter

ReflectionsTeam HBV of UW reached our goal of trying new community-based activities and awareness campaigns. We ventured into a different fundraisers and approached individuals in our community not in our peer groups. Since our school is run on a quarterly system, there is less to report this time. We plan on bundling our Winter and Spring quarters’ activities into the next semester report.

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25FALL 2011 |

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Contactsexecutive BoardsBrown

President Chelsea Xu [email protected] Vice President Cherilyn Tran [email protected] of Campus Outreach Jennie Yoo [email protected] of Community Outreach Sean Maroongroge [email protected] Chair Tram Bui [email protected] VP of Administration Connie Trieu [email protected] of Finance Jessica Fang and Julio Ma [email protected] [email protected]

CornellPresident Dennis Liu [email protected] of Campus Outreach Chris Zheng [email protected] of Community Outreach Andrew Huang [email protected] of Recruitment & Training Dominique Thomas [email protected] of Administration Linda Wu [email protected] of Finance Jessica Lin [email protected]

HarvardPresident Jenny X. Chen [email protected] of Campus Outreach Carol Tran [email protected] VP of Community Outreach Hurnan Vongsachang [email protected] Christine Choi [email protected] of Admin&Finance David Yang [email protected] Active Board Emeritus Francis Deng [email protected] Ada Lio Janie Yue Zhang

RicePresident Christine Sun [email protected] of Community Outreach Ariel Chen [email protected] of Recruitment & Training Nicholas Tiee [email protected] of Finance Jessica Ma [email protected]

MITPresident Sasha Targ [email protected] of Community Outreach Charles Hsu [email protected] of Recruitment & Training Rebecca Shi [email protected] of Administration Quynh Nguyen [email protected] of Finance Jiyeon (Judy) Baek [email protected]

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27FALL 2011 |

StanfordPresident Christopher Paiji [email protected] of Campus Outreach Catherine Lu [email protected] VP of Community Outreach Grace Huh [email protected] VP of Recruitment & Training Christine Chang [email protected] VP of Administration Dylan Kim [email protected] of Finance Mai Nguyen [email protected]

UC BerkeleyCo-President Ellen Ong [email protected] Erica Chan [email protected] of Campus Outreach Alvin Chan [email protected] Co-VP of Campus Outraech Stephanie Cheng [email protected] of Community Outreach Gerry Zhang [email protected] of Community Outreach Katie Chou [email protected] VP of Recruitment & Training Janice Oh [email protected] VP of Administration Edward Tanudjaja [email protected] VP of Finance Sophie Cheng [email protected]

UC DavisPresident Weeney Chan [email protected] of Campus Outreach Annie Dinh [email protected] of Community Outreach Vann Luong [email protected] of Administration Kristine Taing [email protected] of Finance Michelle Huang [email protected]

UCLAPresident Alina Wong [email protected] of Campus Outreach Sam Kim [email protected] of Community Outreach Alana Taniguchi [email protected] of Recruitment & Training Jennifer Chao [email protected] VP of Administration Emily Weng [email protected] VP of Finance Vincent Tse [email protected] VP of Publicity Alvin Li [email protected]

UCSDPresident Natasha Chan [email protected] of Campus Outreach Vera Lee [email protected] of Community Outreach Blake Tsu [email protected] of Recruitment & Training Eric Wei [email protected] VP of Administration Avanthi Hulugalle [email protected] of Finance Crystal Chen [email protected] of Internal Affairs Jessica Luu [email protected]

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University of WashingtonPresident Connie Chon [email protected] of Campus Outreach Tammy Lee [email protected] of Community Outreach Gabrielle Paras [email protected] Charlene Long [email protected] of Recruitment & Training Yuri Mun [email protected] of Administration Julie Yang [email protected] of Finance Nikki Armstrong [email protected]

University of ChicagoPresident Meng Wu [email protected] of Campus Outreach Frank Qian [email protected] of Community Outreach Grace Park [email protected] of Recruitment & Training Dora Lin [email protected] VP of Administration Elliot Lu [email protected] of Finance Amisha Gandhi [email protected] VP of Publicity Ruiyang Yi [email protected] Claire Quang [email protected]

University of Nevada, Las VegasPresident Gideon Agaton [email protected] of Campus Outreach Pamela Maranan [email protected] of Community Outreach Sterling Fung [email protected] of Administration Jami Vallesteros [email protected] of Finance Natasha Kotten [email protected]

University of PennsylvaniaPresident Cindy Ju [email protected] of Campus Outreach Elizabeth Chen [email protected] of Community Outreach Patrice Lin [email protected] of Recruitment & Training Matt Ku [email protected] VP of Administration Tiffany Yau [email protected] of Finance James Hwang [email protected]

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Advisory BoardChair Amanda Wong [email protected] 408.966.9463 mandy4k

Co-Chair Francis Deng [email protected] 703.509.6157 chronicidal

ALC liaison Hamin Kim [email protected] 925.786.0687 hamin_k Outreach Adviser Jennifer Yang [email protected] 858.357.7285 shihandai1 Recruitment & Training Adviser Phillip So [email protected] 650.804.0560 sobropso

Web & Media Adviser Jonathan Chen [email protected] 858.633.8431 jjxumo

ALC’s Outreach Coordinator Diana Ngo [email protected] 650.566.8860 paxdia

Name email PhoNe SkyPe

Page 30: Team HBV Collegiate Chapter Semester Report 2011 Fall

Special ThanksThe Asian Liver Center at Stanford University... And all its wonderful staff and interns for continuing to support our collegiate chapters throughout the years with educational materials and outreach kits, with invaluable advices and examples, and for helping to plan the 2nd annual conference.

The Advisory Board... For doing such a fantastic job of mentoring and encouraging every chapter executive boards, for creating Team HBV website and internal site, and among countless other responsibilities, including helping to plan the second annual conference.

The Ping and Amy Chao Foundation... For helping to sponsor the 2009 Inaugural Team HBV Collegiate Chapter Conference, enabling us to share our experiences nationally and internationally, and for the $2000 Thanksgiving Points Challenge award, which has helped unify our chapters and made further educational outreach efforts this semester possible.