Teaching English in Asia

Teaching English in Asia Working in Asia

Transcript of Teaching English in Asia

Page 1: Teaching English in Asia

Teaching English in Asia

Working in Asia

Page 2: Teaching English in Asia

This area of the world is the most popular destination for new TEFL teachers. With globalization and the change in policy for

countries such as China, Thailand and Taiwan there are quite literally more jobs

than applicants.

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China – These days there are huge opportunities in China, including preschools,

universities, private schools and institutes, companies, and tutoring.

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Japan – The JET Program employs assistant language teachers and teaching assistants to

work in Japanese high schools and elementary schools. Other teachers work in

eikaiwa (private language schools).

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South Korea – There is currently a great demand for native English speakers happy to go to South Korea. Conditions vary massively

and it can be a little hit-and-miss.

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Taiwan – In the Republic of China (Taiwan), most teachers work in crammed schools, known locally as bushibans or buxibans.

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Thailand – It has a great demand for native English speakers and is a popular destination for travelers attracted by the local lifestyle,

despite relatively low salaries.

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