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Teacher Support A Level Psychology Specification A AS Exam Preparation Unit 1 PSYA1 Marking Exercise Spring 2012 Version 1

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Teacher Support

A Level Psychology Specification A

AS Exam Preparation

Unit 1 PSYA1 Marking Exercise

Spring 2012 Version 1

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Contents Page Summer 2011 Questions and sample answers


Summer 2011 Marks and commentary 17

Summer 2011 Question Paper


Summer 2011 Mark Scheme 36

Summer 2011 Report on the exam


January 2012 Question Paper 56

January 2012 Mark Scheme 71

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Summer 2011 questions and sample answers Cognitive Psychology and Research Methods The answers given in this booklet are candidates‘ answers from Summer 2011. Grammar, spellings and punctuation are as they appeared in the exam answers. Question 1 1(a) A, B and C relate to memory. Write the appropriate letter in the box below. The first one has been done for you. A 7 + or – 2 B Up to 30 seconds without rehearsal Write letter B in the appropriate box below C Mainly acoustic Write letter B in the appropriate box below Ans: B Duration (short term memory) C Encoding (short term memory) 1(b) Outline the working memory model (4 marks) Ans. 1 Described as attention- divides attention between the two slave systems. Retrieves information from long term memory

Analyses and manipulates images. All information enters directly using the ‘inner eye’.

Uses rehersal. All spoken words enter directly but written words get converted into spoken words subvocally using the inner voice.

Short-term memory

Long-term memory

Encoding Capacity A Duration

Centeral Executive

Visuo spatial sketch pad

Phonological loop Phonological store Articulatory loop

Task: One of the following answers was awarded 2 marks, one 3 marks and one 4 marks. Award a mark to each answer and justify your mark.

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Ans. 2 The working memory model was first proposed by Baddelley and Hitch. It states that a ‘central

executive ‘ processes information into either the ‘phonological loop’, ‘articulatory loop’ or ‘visuo

spacial sketch pad’ category depending on the inputs format Evidence for this meodel has been

provided by an experiment called the ‘dual task technique’. A criticism for this model is that there is

no evidence for a ‘central executive’

Ans. 3 The working memory model consists of four features-which are: The episodic buffer, the phonology

loop, spatial visuo-scratchpad and the central executive. The central executive controls the other

three features and holds no information just distributes it. The phonological loop consists of two

separate stores- phonological store which processes words you hear and the articulatory store which

processes written words. It is called a loop because it continuously loops words into a different store.

Question 1(c) Explain one limitation of the working memory model (2 marks) Ans.1 The working memory model is too simplistic and lacks key details.

Ans. 2 The central executive is too simplistic and doesn’t explain the processes that take place within

it- they just say it is a control centre.

Ans. 3 One limitation of the working memory model is its validity as only recently the central

executive has been added-this asks the question does it exist? Which is a limitation.

Task: Two of the following answers scored 0 marks, one answer scored 2 marks.

Can you attach the marks appropriately?

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Question 2 A psychologist carried out an experiment using an independent groups design. The psychologist wished to investigate the effectiveness of a strategy for memory improvement. In one condition, participants were taught a memory improvement strategy. In the other condition, participants were not taught this memory improvement strategy. All participants were asked to memorise 10 pictures of familiar objects. For example, the first was doll, the second was an apple. All participants were then given 50 pictures each, and asked to select the original 10.

The psychologist did a pilot study before carrying out the experiment. The results of the experiment

are shown in Table 1.

2(a) Write a directional hypothesis for this experiment (2 marks) Ans. 1 Using memory strategories will improve memory

Ans. 2 Does a strategy for memory improvement really increase how well we can remember


Ans. 3 The participants that have been taught the memory strategy will remember more of the

original images, than those who haven’t.

Ans. 4 To find whether memory improvement strategies have a visable impact when remembering


Ans. 5 Is there a relationship between memory strategies and the recollection of items.

2(b) Explain what is meant by an independent groups design (1 mark) Ans.1 That the participants only do one side of experiment and are matched to anyone...

Ans.2 The groups are independent from each other and do not nessasarly have anything in common.

Ans.3 Indepent groups is where the participants are randomly put into separate groups.

Ans.4 Two separate groups doing a different condition.

Ans. 5 There are two separate groups who carry out the experiment in different ways.

Task: Two of the above answers are creditworthy. What feedback would you give to

candidates who wrote answers 2, 4 and 5? Why would answer 3 get 2 marks and answer

1 receive only 1 mark?

Task: Identify which 3 answers scored the available mark? Of the answers given,

which is the best answer?

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2(c) Explain one strength and one limitation of using an independent groups design. (2 marks +2 marks) Ans. 1 Strength: No order effects; each participant only has to do one situation, therefore not getting bored

or getting used to how to act or what to do in the situation.

Limitation: Different participant characteristics; the participants in each group will be slightly different

in age/ gender/ personality type etc which may affect the results.

Ans. 2 Strength: You are likely to get order effects. This is when repetitive tasks makes participants aware of what might happen, or they become bored or less motivated to continue. Limitation: It makes results harder to compare, as you have different people in each group.

2(d) Explain why the psychologist did a pilot study (3 marks)

Ans.1 The psychologist did a pilot study as a trial run. This was so he could see if any aspect of the

study needed to be changed or altered before the real study. These changes would help get the most

valid reliable result.

Ans.2 To get an idea of what to expect in the real study also to straighten out any problems that may

occur as well as ethical issues.

Task: The limitation in Ans.2 scored 0 as the phrase ‘harder to compare’ was too general to

interpret in a meaningful way. The other answers all scored full marks. Justify this mark


Task: A number of candidates were able to achieve 2 marks in response to this question,

including those who gave the answers below. What would these candidates have to do to

achieve the third available mark?

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Table 1: The mean number of pictures correctly identified and standard deviations for participants with the memory improvement strategy and without the memory improvement strategy.

With memory improvement strategy

Without memory improvement strategy

Mean 8 7 Standard Deviation 2.80 0.29

2(e) What do the standard deviations in Table 1 tell us about the performance of the two groups? (2 marks) Ans.1 Without memory strategy shows the results are all close to the mean whereas with memory

strategy shows the other results are more spread out from the mean.

Ans.2 They tell us clearly that those participants who were taught the memory improvement strategy

did much better in the study than those who did not.

2(f) Outline one strategy for memory improvement which the psychologist could have taught the participants in this experiment. (4 marks) Ans. 1 One strategy that could be used is method of loci. Method of loci was discovered and used by

Greeks and Romans for when they had to prepare long speeches. This was done by associating the

objects on the list with a specific location. In this case the participants could associate the objects on

the image with a memorable/ specific location.

Task: This answer obtained 2 marks. A basic answer that demonstrates some relevant knowledge of

a strategy, but lacks detail and may be muddled. The answer contains irrelevant material and is

repetitive: a) Re-write the answer removing the irrelevant and repetitive material, b) Add more

material to improve the answer so it gains full marks.

Task: What marks would you give to these two answers?

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Question 3 Outline and evaluate research into the effects of age of witnesses on accuracy of eyewitness testimony. (12 marks) Ans.1 A study was undertaken where random p’s on the street were asked to describe a young

woman who had just walked past. Each P recalled well this showed little difference, the p’s varied in

age and gender therefore showing that age didnt affect immediate recall. Although this study was in a

natural environment P’s may have been aware when being asked to describe a woman as this isn’t a

mundane task therefore it lacks mundane realism. However it has high internal validity because the

results they collected were relevant to the study they had undertaken. It also has quite low validity

because it was in a natural setting so EV’s couldnt be controlled and so it would be difficult or

impossible to replicate.

Throughout many studies a factor called own age bias was discovered. This would affect recall on

the eye witness testimony because if the witness was 17 then the perpetrator the 17 year old had

seen would most likely be recalled as slightly younger due to own age bias. Again if a 75 year old

saw a perpetrator they would recall him as being slightly older, due to their own age. This would

affect accuracy because they would report a perpetrator at the wrong age. Another study was where

p’s watched a video of a car accident some of the older p’s were told to come back and recall a week

later. Those who came back a week later had more trouble recalling than whose who recalled almost

immediatley. This study lacked mundane realism because the P’s watched a video and therefore

weren’t emotionally involved. Also it didn’t take into account individual differences. This shows the

affect age has on accuracy if the p’s recall almost straight away then age plays only a small part

where as if the P’s have to wait to recall then the accuracy is significantly reduced by age.

Task: Mark the two answers. Identify AO1 and AO2 marks. Explain why one answer is better

than the other.

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Ans. 2 Eye witness testimony relies on an individual’s account of events in order to try and piece

together what has actually happened, for example, witnesses of a murder or a bank robbery. Kebble

et al claimed that police and many others relied heavily on eye witness testimony, despite the fact

there are many factors affecting the account of events being given; Rattner looked at 25 cases of

wrongful conviction and found that 52% of then had been down to unreliable eye witness testimony.

One factor that can affect the reliability of a person’s eyewitness account could be age.

Psychologist Flin looked at the difference between a child’s eyewitness testimony and an adults when

they’d witnessed an event. Flin found that the day after the people had witnessed the event, the

accuracies of both children and adults were similar. However, when Flin went back and asked the

same participants what had happened Five month later, results showed that the children’s version of

events were considerably inaccurate and that they had forgotten most of what had happened,

compared to the adults, who’s memory for the events still had some reliability. This proved that

although a child’s and adult’s memory of an event can be similar, the child’s memory will suffer over

time, which can be negative in a real life setting as court proceedings can take months upon months

to organise. Another way that a child’s eyewitness testimony, can be unreliable is that they are

susceptible to suggestion, although they can provide accurate witness statements according to


Another psychologist that looked at the effects of age on eye witness testimony was Yarmey who

asked people of different ages about a staged event of a bank robbery. When participants were

asked to recount what had happened 80% of the elderly participants left out the presence of a

weapon that one of the robbers had been brandishing. This result was in comparison to young adults

where only 20% of them left out the presence of the weapon.

Factors that damage the memory and reliability of an older person’s memory can be illness, for

example, Alzheimers, which can affect how much the elderly person remembers.

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Developmental Psychology and Research Methods Question 4 Anya has a ten month old son called Ben. Anya sometimes ignores Ben and does not respond when he cries. However, when Anya feels like playing with Ben, she wakes him up, even if he is soundly asleep. 4(a) What type of attachment is Ben likely to show? Explain your answer. (3 marks) Ans.1 He is less likely to be secure-attached as she has little contact with him. Ben is more likely to

be insecure-attached as she pays little attention to him and neglects his needs.

Ans.2 Ben is likely to have an avoidant attachment to his mother. Because she doesn’t attend to him

when he cries he will not be securely attached however she doesn’t fully ignore him she does play

with him at inappropriate times.

Ans.3 Ben is likely to show avoidant attachment behaviour this is because according to behavioural

psychologists like Ainsworth children learn behaviour through behaviour portrayed by parents

therefore Ben is likely to imitate his mother

4(b) Explain how a psychologist could investigate Ben’s attachment type using Ainsworth’s Strange Situation. (3 marks) Ans.1 They could use the strange situation by making him meet strangers and see what his reaction

is to being introduced with his mother.

Ans. 2 A psychologist could place ben is a room with his mother, the could leave the room and a

stranger could enter then his mum could return – the psychologist would observe and record bens

behaviour and reactions, as the mum leaves, as the stranger enters and as the mother returns.

Task: The marks for these answers are 3, 2 and 1 but which answer attracts which mark.

Justify your response. NB. This is an AO2 application of knowledge question.

Task: What marks would you give these answers above?

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Question 5 Outline what research has shown about cultural variations in attachment. (4 marks) Ans.1 That in countries like England and America children are much more independent from their

parents while in countries like China they are much more dependent on their parents. This is because

of their culture around them as well as their life styles.

Ans.2 Research shows there is a lot of cultural variation in attachment. Mary Ainsworth showed that

the UK have a higher percentage of Type B, Kroonenberg et al showed a higher percentage of Type

A and many othe researchers have shown variation in attachment between cultures.

Ans.3 Research has shown a significant variation in attachment from culture to culture. For example

in Germany children and babies were found to have more avoidant attachment styles, this is due to

the fact that Germans find independence a sought after quality, where as in Japan babies and

children were found to have a very secure attachment this is because the Japanese find dependence

a highly important quality.


Question 6 Psychologists sometimes use case studies to study children. One example was of a boy

who was discovered at the age of six. He had been kept in a darkened room and had almost no

social contact with people.

6(a) How could a psychologist maintain confidentiality when reporting a case study? (2 marks) Ans.1 Change the name of the child so they can keep annonimity.

Ans.2 To maintain total confidentiality the psychologist could use two randomly allocated letters, to

which the child will be referred to eg DL or CH.

Ans.3 Many case victims are given new names or are branded with their initials such as KF in the

motorbike accident by using initials his confidentiality is maintained.

Task: marks for these three answers are 0, 1 and 2 respectively. Many candidates found it difficult to produce an answer that gave accurate and reasonably detailed knowledge of what research has shown. Identify the research and material that would have enabled candidates to produce a better answer

Task: 1 mark for identification of a relevant way of maintaining confidentiality. 2nd mark for some elaboration. What marks would the following three answers attract?

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6(b) Psychologists use a range of techniques to gather information in case studies. Outline one technique which the psychologist could use in this case study. (2 marks) Ans.1 A longitudinal study, this is where the psychologist follows the study developing and gathers

information as time goes on.

Ans.2 an assessment, choose certain aspects to look at and focus on. These can then be compared

to other children, and it gets a profile of information on the individual.

Ans.3 He could have used meta-analysis where he compares other cases to see if theres a pattern

in behaviour.

6(c) Apart from ethical issues, explain one or more limitations of using case studies. (4 marks) Ans.1 It does not have generalisability to the general population because it is only based around one

person or one case, and therefore could be a one off (singularity).

Task: 1 mark for naming appropriate techniques such as testing, observation or interview. 2nd mark for some elaboration. What marks would the following three answers attract?

Task: This answer attracted 2 marks- basic answer that demonstrates some relevant knowledge of one or more limitations, but lacks detail and may be muddled. How could this answer be improved in order to achieve two more marks?

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Question 7 Some research has suggested that there is a relationship between the time children spend in day care and their aggressive behaviour. Researchers selected a group of school children who had been in day care. They asked the children’s mothers to estimate how many hours a week their children had spent in day care. The measured the same children’s aggression. See question paper for scattergraph showing: Relationship between average hours spent in day care and aggression. 7(a) How many children are represented on the scattergram (1 mark) Ans. 10- candidates were required to count the crosses on the scattergraph to obtain the answer. Not all candidates answered correctly. 7(b) Suggest one way in which children’s aggression could be measured. (2 marks) Ans.1They could do a questionaire on asking how aggresive is your child on a scale of 1-30.

Ans.2 One way in which they could measure the child’s aggression is through monitoring how many

aggressive acts they perform a day, from shouting to fighting.

Ans.3 A stress related activity could be carried out and then place the child in a room with a doll and

see how they interact, the more hostile, the more aggression.

Ans.4 Children’s aggression can be measured by seeing how hard the punch or bite something

compared to how hard they normally punch or bite.

7(c) In the media it was claimed that the results showed spending time in day care caused the children to become aggressive. Explain why this claim may be untrue. (3 marks) Ans. 1 Because although there may be a proven correllational relationship between day care and

level of aggression. It is still not evidence to show that day care is causing it. (There is no evidence of

a causal relationship).

Ans.2 This claim may be untrue as there are children who spent few hours in day care, but still

managed to obtain high aggression levels on the graph.

Task: This question requires knowledge on an appropriate research method. 1 mark for a brief answer e.g. ask children’s mothers how aggressive they are. 2nd mark for accurate elaboration e.g. ask children’s mothers how aggressive they are on a scale of 1-10. What marks would the following answers attract?

Task: Ans. 1 adopts a plausible approach to the question. Ans.2 does not. What mark would you give to Ans.1 and why is Ans.2 not a plausible answer?

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Question 8 Describe one or more studies of the effects of day care on peer relations (4 marks) Ans.1 While Shea observed aggression over a 10 week period, Shea also observed peer interaction,

proximity of children and teachers. This study showed that over the 10 weeks the child began to

interact with peers more and allowed them within a closer proximity which shows an increase and

positive effect on peer relations. The children were building up friendships and they also moved away

from teachers to interact more with their peers.

Ans.2 Robertson and Robertson studied the effects on a child left in a residential day care and his

reactions to his fellow peers. John (the child left here) was described as a happy baby but when

confronted with competition on the day care he fought for attention and love-this showed his


Task: Which answer is irrelevant and why? Justify 4 marks given to the other answer.

Question 9 Outline and evaluate learning theory as an explanation of attachment (8 marks) Ans.1There are two conditionings, operant and classical. In the unconditioned stimulus for example, food causes an unconditioned response, for example, saliva. The owner of the dog would ring a bell when bringing out the food and would do this repeatedly after a period of time when the bell rings, the conditioned stimulus, it would cause the dog to salivate the new conditioned response. In attachment it could be used to explain how parents and babies respond for example when a baby cries an automatic response from the mother is to go care for it and nurture it.

Ans.2 The learning theory is a type of conditioning that lead to an attachment. Classical conditioning is an association with something for example, if the child is fed by a certain care giver they will associate the caregiver with food, this will then create a bond as the child associates pleasure to the caregiver. Operant conditioning is where a reward is given for example, when a baby is hungry it will feel discomfort, if a caregiver gives the baby food it will take away this discomfort, the baby will then feel rewarded and will want more of the reward from the caregiver, which is why an attachment is formed. However this goes against Harlow’s theory, he found that loving, comfort and care is more important to babys than food, this shows that the babys/child do not need the association with food to create a bond with a caregiver.

Task: In Ans.1 does the candidate show any knowledge or understanding of learning theory as an explanation of attachment? What mark do you think this candidate obtained? Identify the AO1 and AO2 sections of Ans. 2. Say which bands the AO1 and AO2 sections fit.

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Summer 2011 PSYA1 Marks and commentary Cognitive Psychology and research Methods

Question 1(b) Outline the working memory model (4 marks) Ans. 1 - 4 marks- accurate and reasonably detailed, demonstrates sound knowledge. Ans. 2 - 2 marks- basic- it names the components and briefly outlines a function of the central executive. Half the answer given is irrelevant. Ans. 3 – 3 marks- less detailed, generally accurate. Names the parts, outlines structure and function of phonological loop and a little of the function of the central executive. Question 1(c) Explain one limitation of the working memory model (2 marks) Ans.2 scores 2 marks as it identifies a limitation and accurately elaborates. The other two answers are inaccurate. Question 2(a) Write a directional hypothesis for this experiment (2 marks) Answers 2,4,and 5 are not written as statements containing a prediction and so are not hypotheses. Ans.3 is directional and operationalises the variables (2 marks). Ans.1 does not operationalise the dependent variable (1 mark). 2(b) Explain what is meant by an independent groups design (1 mark) Answers 3,4 and 5 score as they all make some reference to different groups being used in the experiment. Arguably, Ans.4 is the best with its reference to different groups doing different conditions (although this is not well expressed). 2(c) Explain one strength and one limitation of using an independent groups design. (2 marks +2 marks) Each answer which scores full marks identifies a strength or limitation (as appropriate) and elaborates accurately on the strength/ limitation identified. 2(d) Explain why the psychologist did a pilot study (3 marks) A pilot study is used to check aspects of the research such as whether participants understand standardised instructions, whether timings are adequate etc. It allows the researcher to try out the study with a few participants so that adjustments can be made before the main study, so saving time and money. I mark for a brief explanation. Further marks for appropriate elaboration or identification of other reasons. Ans. 1 Perhaps needs an example appropriate to the study. There is insufficient detail or elaboration for the third mark. Ans. 2 Just scores 2 marks for ‘get an idea of what to expect’,’ straighten out any problems’ and the hint that unknown ethical issues may arise. None of these points are clearly explained or elaborated. Clear elaboration of one of these points would achieve the third mark. 2(e) What do the standard deviations in Table 1 tell us about the performance of the two groups? (2 marks) Ans.1 2 marks. The performance of the two groups is clearly identified in relation to the spread of the scores from the mean. Ans. 2 0 marks. The answer is inappropriate. It refers to participants who ‘did much better’ rather than the spread of the scores.

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2(f) Outline one strategy for memory improvement which the psychologist could have taught the participants in this experiment. (4 marks) Ans. 1

a) One strategy that could be used is method of loci. The participants could associate the objects in the image with a memorable/ specific location.

b) The association between the image and well known location should be visual. To link the images to be recalled, the location should be part of a well known route e.g. around the rooms of your house. When recall is required the virtual journey is imagined and the images linked to parts of the ‘journey’ are cued for recall.

Question 3 Outline and evaluate research into the effects of age of witnesses on accuracy of eyewitness testimony. (12 marks) Ans 1 AO1- 3 marks- basic description lacks detail, may be muddled., AO2 – 1 mark- rudimentary evaluation, expression poor, few specialist terms, punctuation and spelling often obscure meaning. First paragraph basic description of a study and muddled evaluation Paragraph two- description of own age bias not clear, video study description basic. Issues of emotional involvement (implication for age not drawn), individual differences (not linked to the age issue) and time delay (related to age) mentioned at the end. Superficial consideration of issues. QoWC has a slight downward effect on the mark poor expression of ideas holding the mark at 1. Better expression of the same ideas could have allowed a mark of 2. Ans 2 AO1 -6 marks – accurate and reasonably detailed description of relevant research that demonstrates sound knowledge and understanding. Appropriate selection of material. Flin, Yarmey, reasonable detail, extra material Gordon. AO2- 2 marks- Basic- superficial consideration of a restricted range of issues i.e. implication of Flin’s research for court proceedings. First paragraph not relevant, not related to age apart from last sentence. Second paragraph reasonably detailed description of Flin’s study with (AO2) implication drawn about timing of court proceedings and EWT memory in children. Outline of Gordon’s finding. Third paragraph- reasonable detail- Yarmey’s research. Fourth paragraph general supporting point but not based on EWT research. Feedback as to why one answer is better the other. Ans. 2 is better due to the accuracy and detail in the description of two studies. The commentary in Ans. 1 is muddled and limited. The QoWC mark has a lowering effect on the mark in Ans.1 whilst in Ans.2 it does not although the amount f AO2 is limited to one pertinent implication from research.

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Developmental Psychology and Research Methods

4(a) What type of attachment is Ben likely to show? Explain your answer. (3 marks) Ans. 2- 3 marks -identifies an appropriate type of attachment and gives accurate elaboration linking Ben’s attachment to Anya’s behaviour when she ignores Ben and plays with Ben. Ans.1- 2 marks- identifies insecure attachment but only partially links this to Anya paying him little attention. Ans.3- 1 mark for identifying avoidant attachment behaviour. The rest of the answer is not relevant to the question asked. 4(b) Explain how a psychologist could investigate Ben’s attachment type using Ainsworth’s Strange Situation. (3 marks) Ans.1- 1 mark- brief outline and rather vague Ans.2- 3 marks- identification of observation and elaboration of the conditions involved and the need to observe the reaction of the child in each condition. Sufficient for 3 marks. Question 5 Outline what research has shown about cultural variations in attachment. (4 marks) For example, candidates could have based their answer on Van Ijzendoorn and Kroonenberg’s meta analysis from findings of 32 studies of attachment behaviour across 8 countries. They found:

• secure attachment was the most common classification in all countries • insecure avoidant was the next most common, except for in Israel and Japan where insecure

resistant was more common • based on the findings of one study China had equal numbers of insecure avoidant and

insecure resistant • insecure avoidant was most common in West Germany (where cultural encouragement to

infant independence may have looked like avoidant behaviour) • there was 1.5 times greater variation in attachment within cultures then between cultures

6(a) How could a psychologist maintain confidentiality when reporting a case study? (2 marks) Each answer receives 2 marks as each identifies a relevant way of maintaining confidentiality and each answer has some elaboration 6(b) Psychologists use a range of techniques to gather information in case studies. Outline one technique which the psychologist could use in this case study. (2 marks) Each answers receives 0 marks. A longitudinal study is not in itself an investigation technique but a period of time over which the investigation may take place (Ans1). Ans.2 does not indicate the technique of how the assessment and comparison with other children would take place. A meta-analysis (Ans.3) would not be suitable for a case study.

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6(c) Apart from ethical issues, explain one or more limitations of using case studies. (4 marks) The 2 marks are given to Ans.1 for identifying the limitation of lack of generalisability and the explanation of how that relates to a case study. Further marks may be obtained by elaborating on the limitation given by appropriate reference to examples or by identification and elaboration of a second limitation e.g. evidence from an individual’s past history may be difficult to verify and so retrospective detail may be unreliable and therefore lacking in validity. A number of candidates achieved only 2 marks on this question. 7(b) Suggest one way in which children’s aggression could be measured. (2 marks) Answers 1 and 2 would attract 2 marks each. Ans.3 would be unethical and would therefore receive a mark of zero. Ans. 4 is not relevant to the case study context and would receive no marks. 7(c) In the media it was claimed that the results showed spending time in day care caused the children to become aggressive. Explain why this claim may be untrue. (3 marks) Task: Ans. 1 adopts a plausible approach to the question. Ans.2 does not. What mark would you give to Ans.1 and why is Ans.2 not a plausible answer? Ans.1 recognises that a correlational relationship is not causal and so the media claim is unfounded. This answer scored 2 marks and a third mark could have been obtained by elaborating on possible causal variables in aggression e.g. family factors, or by citing relevant research suggesting causal factors in aggression. Ans. 2 assumes the correlational relationship in the scattergraph gives an indication of causal factors so it is not creditworthy. Question 8 Describe one or more studies of the effects of day care on peer relations (4 marks) Ans. 2 is irrelevant as the Roberstons’ study was based on a residential nursery not day care. 0 marks. Ans. 1 is accurate and reasonably detailed, given the space (8 lines) in which a candidate, with average sized writing has for the answer. In this answer the selection of material is appropriate throughout. 4 marks.

Question 9 Outline and evaluate learning theory as an explanation of attachment (8 marks) In Ans.1 the candidate does not show knowledge or understanding of learning theory as an explanation of attachment. There is some attempt at explaining learning theory but this must be applied to attachment to be appropriate for this question. The last sentence contradicts learning theory by suggesting attachment is automatic on the mother’s part. This candidate scored 0 marks. Identify the AO1 and AO2 sections of Ans. 2. Say which bands the AO1 and AO2 sections fit. AO1- first 7 lines- less detailed but generally accurate -3 marks AO2- lines 8 to 10- basic evaluation- basic use of research evidence, restricted range of issues. 2 marks. Total mark for Ans.2- 5 marks.

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General Certificate of EducationAdvanced Subsidiary ExaminationJune 2011

Psychology (Specification A) PSYA1Unit 1 Cognitive Psychology, Developmental Psychology

and Research Methods

Wednesday 25 May 2011 9.00 am to 10.30 am

You will need no other materials.

Time allowed 1 hour 30 minutes

Instructions Use black ink or black ball-point pen. Fill in the boxes at the top of this page. Answer all questions. You must answer the questions in the spaces provided. Do not write

outside the box around each page or on blank pages. Do all rough work in this book. Cross through any work you do not want

to be marked.

Information The marks for questions are shown in brackets. The maximum mark for this paper is 72. Question 3 should be answered in continuous prose. You may use the

space provided to plan your answer. In Question 3, you will be assessed on your ability to:

– use good English – organise information clearly – use specialist vocabulary where appropriate.

PSYA1(JUn11psyA101)G/T66809 6/6/6/6/

Centre Number Candidate Number


Other Names

Candidate Signature

For Examiner’s Use

Examiner’s Initials

Question Mark












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Section A Cognitive Psychology and Research Methods

Answer all questions in the spaces provided.

Total for this question: 8 marks

1 (a) A, B and C relate to memory. Write the appropriate letter in the box below. The first one has been done for you.

A 7 2

B Up to 30 seconds without rehearsal Write letter B in the appropriate box below.

C Mainly acoustic Write letter C in the appropriate box below.

Short-term memory

Long-term memory


Capacity A


(2 marks)

1 (b) Outline the working memory model.








............................................................................................................................................(4 marks)

Extra space ........................................................................................................................





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1 (c) Explain one limitation of the working memory model.




............................................................................................................................................(2 marks)


Total for this question: 16 marks

2 A psychologist carried out an experiment using an independent groups design. The psychologist wished to investigate the effectiveness of a strategy for memory improvement. In one condition, participants were taught a memory improvement strategy. In the other condition, participants were not taught this memory improvement strategy. All participants were asked to memorise 10 pictures of familiar objects. For example, the first was a doll, the second was an apple. All participants were then given 50 pictures each, and asked to select the original 10.

The psychologist did a pilot study before carrying out the experiment. The results of the experiment are shown in Table 1 on page 5.

2 (a) Write a directional hypothesis for this experiment.




............................................................................................................................................(2 marks)

2 (b) Explain what is meant by an independent groups design.


............................................................................................................................................(1 mark)

Question 2 continues on the next page


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2 (c) Explain one strength and one limitation of using an independent groups design.

Strength ............................................................................................................................





Limitation ..........................................................................................................................




............................................................................................................................................(2 marks + 2 marks)

2 (d) Explain why the psychologist did a pilot study.






............................................................................................................................................(3 marks)


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Turn over

Table 1 The mean number of pictures correctly identified and standard deviations for participants with the memory improvement strategy and without the memory improvement strategy

With memory improvement strategy

Without memory improvement strategy

Mean 8 7

Standard Deviation 2.80 0.29

2 (e) What do the standard deviations in Table 1 tell us about the performance of the two groups?





(2 marks)

2 (f) Outline one strategy for memory improvement which the psychologist could have taught the participants in this experiment.









(4 marks)

Extra space ........................................................................................................................




Turn over for the next question


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Total for this question: 12 marks

3 Outline and evaluate research into the effects of age of witnesses on accuracy of eyewitness testimony.

You may use this space to plan your answer



















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(12 marks)


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Section B Developmental Psychology and Research Methods

Answer all questions in the spaces provided.

Total for this question: 6 marks

4 Anya has a 10-month-old son called Ben. Anya sometimes ignores Ben and does not respond when he cries. However, when Anya feels like playing with Ben, she wakes him up, even if he is soundly asleep.

4 (a) What type of attachment is Ben likely to show? Explain your answer.






............................................................................................................................................(3 marks)

4 (b) Explain how a psychologist could investigate Ben’s attachment type using Ainsworth’s Strange Situation.







(3 marks)


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Total for this question: 4 marks

5 Outline what research has shown about cultural variations in attachment.








............................................................................................................................................(4 marks)

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Total for this question: 8 marks

6 Psychologists sometimes use case studies to study children. One example was of a boy who was discovered at the age of six. He had been kept in a darkened room and had had almost no social contact with people.

6 (a) How could a psychologist maintain confidentiality when reporting a case study?




............................................................................................................................................(2 marks)

6 (b) Psychologists use a range of techniques to gather information in case studies.

Outline one technique which the psychologist could use in this case study.




............................................................................................................................................(2 marks)

Question 6 continues on the next page


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6 (c) Apart from ethical issues, explain one or more limitations of using case studies.








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Total for this question: 6 marks

7 Some research has suggested that there is a relationship between the time children spend in day care and their aggressive behaviour. Researchers selected a group of school children who had been in day care. They asked the children’s mothers to estimate how many hours a week their children had spent in day care. They measured the same children’s aggression.

10 15 200















Relationship between average hours spent in day care and aggression

Averagehours spentin day careper week

25 30

7 (a) How many children are represented in this scattergram?

............................................................................................................................................ (1 mark)

7 (b) Suggest one way in which the children’s aggression could be measured.




............................................................................................................................................(2 marks)

Question 7 continues on the next page


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7 (c) In the media, it was claimed that the results showed spending time in day care caused the children to become aggressive.

Explain why this claim may be untrue.






............................................................................................................................................(3 marks)


Total for this question: 4 marks

8 Describe one or more studies of the effects of day care on peer relations.








............................................................................................................................................(4 marks)

Extra space ........................................................................................................................






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Total for this question: 8 marks

9 Outline and evaluate learning theory as an explanation of attachment.
















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General Certificate of Education Psychology 1181 Specification A Unit 1 (PSYA1) Cognitive Psychology,

Developmental Psychology and Research Methods

Mark Scheme 2011 series - June examination



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Mark schemes are prepared by the Principal Examiner and considered, together with the relevant questions, by a panel of subject teachers. This mark scheme includes any amendments made at the standardisation meeting attended by all examiners and is the scheme which was used by them in this examination. The standardisation meeting ensures that the mark scheme covers the candidates’ responses to questions and that every examiner understands and applies it in the same correct way. As preparation for the standardisation meeting each examiner analyses a number of candidates’ scripts: alternative answers not already covered by the mark scheme are discussed at the meeting and legislated for. If, after this meeting, examiners encounter unusual answers which have not been discussed at the meeting they are required to refer these to the Principal Examiner. It must be stressed that a mark scheme is a working document, in many cases further developed and expanded on the basis of candidates’ reactions to a particular paper. Assumptions about future mark schemes on the basis of one year’s document should be avoided; whilst the guiding principles of assessment remain constant, details will change, depending on the content of a particular examination paper.

Further copies of this Mark Scheme are available to download from the AQA Website: www.aqa.org.uk Copyright © 2011 AQA and its licensors. All rights reserved. COPYRIGHT AQA retains the copyright on all its publications. However, registered centres for AQA are permitted to copy material from this booklet for their own internal use, with the following important exception: AQA cannot give permission to centres to photocopy any material that is acknowledged to a third party even for internal use within the centre. Set and published by the Assessment and Qualifications Alliance. The Assessment and Qualifications Alliance (AQA) is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (company number 3644723) and a registered charity (registered charity number 1073334). Registered address: AQA, Devas Street, Manchester M15 6EX


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Psychology A (PSYA1) - AQA GCE Mark Scheme 2011 June series

SECTION A COGNITIVE PSYCHOLOGY AND RESEARCH METHODS Question 1 a AO1 = 2 marks Correct identification B Duration (short term memory) C Encoding (short term memory) 1 mark for each correct answer. Question 1 b AO1 = 4 marks Knowledge of model. Candidates may describe the original 1974 version of the model or include later additions such as the episodic buffer.

The working memory model replaced the idea of a unitary STM. It suggests a system involving active processing and short-term storage of information.

Key features include the central executive, the phonological loop (consisting of two components, the phonological store and the articulatory control process), and the visuo-spatial sketch pad.

For 4 marks candidates should refer to components and the relationship between them eg central executive as a control system of slaves.

Candidates may include a diagram. If this is accurately labelled and sufficiently detailed, this can potentially receive the full 4 marks.

AO1 Knowledge of the working memory model 4 marks Accurate and reasonably detailed Accurate and reasonably detailed answer that demonstrates sound knowledge of the model. 3 marks Less detailed but generally accurate Less detailed but generally accurate answer that demonstrates relevant knowledge of the model. 2 marks Basic Basic answer that demonstrates some relevant knowledge of the model, but lacks detail and may be muddled. 1 mark Very brief/flawed Very brief or flawed answer demonstrating very little knowledge of the model eg simply naming one or more components. 0 marks No creditworthy material


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Question 1 c AO2 = 2 marks Explanation of limitation Likely limitations include: little is known about how the central executive works; evidence from brain studies suggesting the central executive is not unitary; it fails to account for musical memory because we are able to listen to instrumental music without impairing performance on other acoustic tasks.

Simply stating the model does not explain LTM is not creditworthy. However stating the link between WM and LTM is not fully explained is legitimate.

Stating the model is too simple (with no accurate elaboration) is not creditworthy.

1 mark for identification eg the central executive is too simplistic. A further mark for accurate elaboration.

Question 2 a AO3 = 2 marks Appropriate directional hypothesis 0 marks for a non-directional or correlational hypothesis.

The DV in this experiment is number of pictures correctly identified. Hypotheses where the DV is incorrect (eg number of participants who identified 10 pictures) = 0 marks.

1 mark if not fully operationalised, eg Participants who used the memory improvement strategy did better.

2 marks Participants who use a memory improvement strategy will correctly identify more pictures/objects than participants who do not use a memory improvement strategy.

Question 2 b AO3 = 1 mark Explanation of independent groups design In an independent groups design a different group of participants is used in each condition.

1 mark = Different participants/people in each condition/group.

Different/separate groups

Random allocation to groups/conditions

0 marks = Different/separate conditions

Independent participants/people

Different experiments

Question 2 c AO3 = 2 + 2 marks Strength and limitation Strength

The participants are naïve because they take part in only one condition, so are less likely to show demand characteristics. There are no order effects such as practice or fatigue because participants take part in one condition.


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Individual variation, because there are different participants in each condition. More participants are needed than if a repeated measures design was used.

In each case 1 mark for very brief or slightly muddled strength or limitation, 2nd mark for appropriate elaboration of explanation.

0 marks for simply stating there are different participants in each condition.

Question 2 d AO3 = 3 marks Explanation for using pilot study A pilot study is used to check aspects of the research such as whether participants understand standardised instructions, whether timings are adequate etc. It allows the researcher to try out the study with a few participants so that adjustments can be made before the main study, so saving time and money.

1 mark for a very brief explanation. Further marks for appropriate elaboration or identification of other reasons. Eg

To check it works. 1 mark

To check the standardised instructions are clear. 2 marks

To check the standardised instructions are clear enough for the participants to understand what they are required to do in the experiment. 3 marks

This question requires an explanation of why a pilot study was used, so a description of what a pilot study is (small scale study carried out before the main research) is not creditworthy on its own. Candidates do not have to refer to a specific aspect of this experiment.

However, to gain full marks the answer must be relevant, so reference to checking sound levels for example would not be relevant.

Question 2 e AO3 = 2 marks Explanation of standard deviation The standard deviation (spread of scores) is larger in the condition with the memory improvement strategy.

Candidates who use the word ‘range’ to suggest spread should be credited.

1 mark The standard deviation is larger in the condition with the memory improvement strategy.

2 marks The data shows the dispersion or spread of scores is larger in the condition with the memory improvement strategy.


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Question 2 f AO2 = 4 marks Application of knowledge to novel situation The strategy must be relevant for this experiment. Chunking would be unacceptable unless related to a technique such as organisation.

Candidates may select strategies based on visual imagery such as peg word method. In this case the doll could be associated with bun, the apple with shoe. Acronyms or acrostics could be made relevant by using the letters D, A etc.

Any memory strategy could be creditworthy as long as the answer is relevant to the stem. Simply naming “mnemonic” should not be credited.

AO2 Application of memory improvement strategy 4 marks Accurate and reasonably detailed Accurate and reasonably detailed answer that demonstrates sound knowledge of a relevant strategy. 3 marks Less detailed but generally accurate Less detailed but generally accurate answer that demonstrates relevant knowledge of a relevant strategy. 2 marks Basic Basic answer that demonstrates some relevant knowledge of a strategy, but lacks detail and may be muddled. 1 mark Very brief/flawed Very brief or flawed answer demonstrates some relevant knowledge of a strategy. The answer may simply name a relevant identifiable strategy eg peg words, method of loci, organisation. 0 marks No creditworthy material.

Question 3 AO1 = 6 marks Outline of relevant research Candidates must select research which relates to both age of witness and eye-witness testimony. There is a wide range of research which could be selected. Candidates might describe a limited range of research in some detail, or describe a wider range in less detail. Some of the research is contradictory, so unsubstantiated statements such as “memory declines with age” should not be credited.

Candidates may refer to research with older and younger adults eg Anastasi & Rhodes (2006) used participants aged 18 – 78 years and found evidence for own age bias. Warren et al (2005) found older children were more likely to be influenced by leading questions than adults. Research relating to cognitive interviews are relevant only if there is some reference to age; eg Gruneberg & Morris (1992) found the accuracy of children’s recall is as good as adults if the context of the original event is reinstated.


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AO1 Knowledge and understanding

6 marks Accurate and reasonably detailed

Accurate and reasonably detailed description of relevant research that demonstrates sound knowledge and understanding.

There is appropriate selection of material to address the question.

5-4 marks Less detailed but generally accurate

Less detailed but generally accurate description of relevant research that demonstrates relevant knowledge and understanding.

There is some evidence of selection of material to address the question.

3-2 marks Basic

Basic description that demonstrates some relevant knowledge and understanding of relevant research but lacks detail and may be muddled.

1 mark Very brief/flawed

Very brief or flawed description that demonstrates very little knowledge or understanding of relevant research.

Selection of information is largely inappropriate.

0 marks No creditworthy material presented.


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AO2 = 6 marks Evaluation of relevant research Evaluation in relation to lack of ecological validity in laboratory studies or lack of control in real life situations would be relevant. Candidates might refer to the problem of own age bias which could be a factor in research using identification of college aged photographs. Ethical issues could be relevant as could practical applications of research.

Commentary on the contradictory nature of the research and the implications of this for court cases would also be creditworthy.

Candidates may refer to a number of issues in reasonable depth or elaborate on a more restricted range of issues.

AO2 Application of knowledge and understanding

6 marks Effective evaluation

Effective use of material to address the question and provide informed evaluation.

Effective use of research evidence.

Broad range of issues and/or evidence in reasonable depth, or a narrower range in greater depth.

Clear expression of ideas, good range of specialist terms, few errors of grammar, punctuation and spelling.

5-4 marks Reasonable evaluation

Material is not always used effectively but produces a reasonable evaluation.

Reasonable use of research evidence.

A range of issues and/or evidence in limited depth, or a narrower range in greater depth.

Reasonable expression of ideas, a range of specialist terms, some errors of grammar, punctuation and spelling.

3-2 marks Basic evaluation

The use of material provides only a basic evaluation.

Basic use of research evidence.

Superficial consideration of a restricted range of issues and/or evidence.

Expression of ideas lacks clarity; some specialist terms used; errors of grammar, punctuation and spelling detract from clarity.

1 mark Rudimentary evaluation

The use of material provides only a rudimentary evaluation.

Use of research evidence is just discernible or absent.

Expression of ideas poor; few specialist terms used; errors of grammar, punctuation and spelling often obscure the meaning.

0 marks No creditworthy material presented.


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Question 4 a AO2 = 3 marks Application of knowledge Ben is likely to be insecurely attached. Anya is showing characteristics of insensitive mothering because she is responding to her own needs rather than those of Ben.

0 marks Secure attachment

1 mark Insecure attachment (Credit avoidant, resistant, ambivalent or disorganised. Credit Type A, C or D)

Further marks for brief reference to Anya’s behaviour (1 mark) 2nd mark for accurate elaboration of Anya’s behaviour as above.

Question 4 b AO2 = 3 marks Application of knowledge The psychologist would observe Ben’s behaviour with his mother, when she leaves the room, when a stranger enters room, when the stranger plays with child, when child is alone and when mother returns.

1 mark for a very brief outline eg just naming observation of Ben’s behaviour.

Two further marks for elaboration.

Question 5 Total 4 marks AO1 = 4 marks Description of what research has shown Candidates may refer to what one research study has shown in reasonable detail, or more than one in less detail.

Much of the research has used the strange situation. Van Ijzendoorn and Kroonenberg’s meta-analysis found secure attachment was the most common in all cultures studied. The lowest percentage of secure attachment was shown in China, and the highest in Great Britain. Avoidant attachment was more common in West Germany but rare in Israel and Japan. Variation within cultures was 1.5 times greater than the variation between cultures. Candidates may also refer to Takahashi who found high levels of resistant attachment in Japanese infants. Research relating to infants raised on Israeli Kibbutzim is also creditworthy.


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AO1 Knowledge and understanding

4 marks Accurate and reasonably detailed knowledge of what research has shown Accurate and reasonably detailed answer that demonstrates sound knowledge and understanding of research into cultural variations in attachment.

There is appropriate selection of material to address the question.

3 marks Less detailed but generally accurate knowledge of what research has shown Less detailed but generally accurate answer that demonstrates relevant knowledge and understanding of research into cultural variations in attachment.

There is some evidence of selection of material to address the question.

2 marks Basic knowledge of what research has shown Basic answer that demonstrates some relevant knowledge and understanding of research into cultural variations in attachment but lacks detail and may be muddled.

There is little evidence of selection of material to address the question.

1 mark Very brief/flawed knowledge of what research has shown Very brief or flawed answer demonstrating very little knowledge of research into cultural variations in attachment.

Selection and presentation of information is largely inappropriate.

0 marks No creditworthy material.

Question 6 a AO3 = 2 marks Way of dealing with the ethical issue Confidentiality could be maintained by making sure individuals are not identifiable when reporting the case study. This could be done by using a different name or initials, avoid publishing details of address, schools etc.

1 mark for identification of a relevant way.

2nd mark for some elaboration (which could be an example) or for identification of a second way of maintaining confidentiality.

Question 6 b AO2 = 2 marks Application of knowledge Psychologists may use psychological tests eg IQ testing. They could observe his behaviour in different situations. They might interview people, such as family members, to find out the circumstances of his early life.

1 mark for simply naming any appropriate techniques such as IQ test, observation or interviews.

2nd mark for some elaboration.


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Question 6 c AO3 = 4 marks Knowledge of research methods The main limitation is that each individual, and their experience, is unique and the results cannot therefore be generalised to others. Evidence from an individual’s past may be difficult to verify. Researchers may get to know the individual well, which may lead to loss of objectivity.

Although description of specific case studies is not relevant, candidates may refer to examples as part of and explanation of limitations.

AO3 Knowledge of limitations of case studies

4 marks Accurate and reasonably detailed Accurate and reasonably detailed answer that demonstrates sound knowledge of at least one limitation.

3 marks Less detailed but generally accurate Less detailed but generally accurate answer that demonstrates relevant knowledge of at least one limitation.

2 marks Basic Basic answer that demonstrates some relevant knowledge of one or more limitations, but lacks detail and may be muddled.

1 mark Very brief/flawed Very brief or flawed answer demonstrating very little knowledge of limitations.

0 marks No creditworthy material.

Question 7 a AO3 = 1 mark Interpretation of graph 10 children.

Question 7 b AO3 = 2 marks Knowledge of research methods Number of aggressive acts shown during a 10 minute observation. Aggression score on a questionnaire completed by parents.

1 mark for brief or slightly muddled answer, eg ask children’s mothers how aggressive they are.

2nd mark for accurate elaboration, eg ask children’s mothers how aggressive they are on a scale from 1 to 10.


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Question 7 c AO3 = 3 marks Knowledge of research methods This is a correlational study, not an experiment, and correlation does not prove a causal relationship. Children who are already aggressive may be put into day care for longer, or another variable, such as parents’ divorce, may contribute to high scores for both time in day care and aggression.

1 mark eg correlation doesn’t prove cause or simply stating that aggression may be a result of other factors.

2 further marks for accurate elaboration as above.

Credit any explanation that focuses on causal inference.

An alternative approach is to argue that some research contradicts this claim. 1 mark for there is contradictory evidence and further marks for accurate reference to relevant research.

0 marks for reference to media exaggeration or individual children.

Question 8 AO1 = 4 marks Knowledge of research into effects of day care Generally the effects of day care on peer relationships are positive. Eg Field (1991) found the more time children spend in day care, the more friends they had. The EPPE project (2003) looked at large numbers of children in different types of pre-school provision and found high quality care was associated with greater sociability with other children. However, Dilallo (1988) found children who spend more time in day care were less cooperative and helpful in their relations with other children. Length of time in day care may be a factor as Campbell (2000) found children who were in care for a long time each day were less socially competent than children who spent shorter days in care.

Candidates may refer to older studies. This is acceptable as long as they relate to day care (not institutionalisation) and relate to peer relations. Candidates who refer to aggression would need to make a link with peer relations.

Candidates are likely to refer to findings of studies but description of procedure is also credit worthy.


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Psychology A (PSYA1) - AQA GCE Mark Scheme 2011 June series

AO1 Knowledge and understanding of research into the effects of day care on peer relations.

4 marks Accurate and reasonably detailed Accurate and reasonably detailed answer that demonstrates sound knowledge and understanding of relevant research.

There is appropriate selection of material to address the question.

3 marks Less detailed but generally accurate Less detailed but generally accurate answer that demonstrates relevant knowledge and understanding of relevant research.

There is some evidence of selection of material to address the question.

2 marks Basic Basic answer that demonstrates some relevant knowledge and understanding of research, but lacks detail and may be muddled.

There is little evidence of selection of material to address the question.

1 mark Very brief/flawed Very brief or flawed answer demonstrating very little knowledge of research.

Selection and presentation of information is largely inappropriate.

0 marks No creditworthy material.

Question 9 AO1 = 4 marks Outline of theory Learning theory suggests attachment develops through classical and operant conditioning.

According to classical conditioning food (UCS) produces pleasure (UCR). The mother is associated with the pleasure and becomes a conditioned stimulus. According to operant conditioning food satisfies the infant’s hunger and makes it feel comfortable again (drive reduction). Food is therefore a primary reinforcer. The mother is associated with food and becomes a secondary reinforcer. The infant becomes attached to the mother because she is a source of reward.

Candidates may refer to classical conditioning, operant conditioning or both. SLT may be creditworthy if focussed on attachment.

The explanation must be directly linked to attachment. Unrelated descriptions of classical or operant conditioning are not creditworthy.


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Psychology A (PSYA1) - AQA GCE Mark Scheme 2011 June series

AO2 = 4 marks Evaluation of the theory Evaluation of learning theory could include reference to research studies such as Schaffer and Emerson who found that less than half of infants had a primary attachment to the person who usually fed them. Responsiveness seemed to be the key to attachment. Harlow’s research suggesting the importance of contact comfort rather than food could also be made relevant. Alternative explanations, such as Bowlby’s evolutionary theory, could gain credit as long as they are used as evaluation and not simply described. Commentary on implications could be creditworthy.

AO1 Knowledge and understanding

AO2 Application of knowledge and understanding

4 marks Accurate and reasonably detailed Accurate and reasonably detailed description of the theory that demonstrates sound knowledge and understanding.

There is appropriate selection of material to address the question.

4 marks Effective evaluation Effective use of material to address the question and provide informed evaluation.

Effective use of research evidence.

Broad range of issues and/or evidence in reasonable depth, or a narrower range in greater depth.

3 marks Less detailed but generally accurate Less detailed but generally accurate description of the theory that demonstrates relevant knowledge and understanding.

There is some evidence of selection of material to address the question.

3 marks Reasonable evaluation Material is not always used effectively but produces a reasonable evaluation.

Reasonable use of research evidence.

A range of issues and/or evidence in limited depth, or a narrower range in greater depth.

2 marks Basic Basic description that demonstrates some relevant knowledge and understanding of the theory but lacks detail and may be muddled.

There is little evidence of selection of material to address the question.

2 marks Basic evaluation The use of material provides only a basic evaluation.

Basic use of research evidence.

Superficial consideration of a restricted range of issues and/or evidence.

1 mark Very brief/flawed Very brief or flawed description that demonstrates very little knowledge or understanding of the theory.

Selection of information is largely inappropriate.

1 mark Rudimentary evaluation The use of material provides only a rudimentary evaluation.

Use of research evidence is just discernible or absent.

0 marks No creditworthy material presented.

0 marks No creditworthy material presented.

UMS conversion calculator www.aqa.org.uk/umsconversion


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Version 1

General Certificate of Education (A-level) June 2011

Psychology A

(Specification 2180)


Unit 1: Cognitive Psychology, Developmental Psychology and Research Methods

Report on the Examination


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Further copies of this Report on the Examination are available from: aqa.org.uk Copyright © 2011 AQA and its licensors. All rights reserved. Copyright AQA retains the copyright on all its publications. However, registered centres for AQA are permitted to copy material from this booklet for their own internal use, with the following important exception: AQA cannot give permission to centres to photocopy any material that is acknowledged to a third party even for internal use within the centre. Set and published by the Assessment and Qualifications Alliance. The Assessment and Qualifications Alliance (AQA) is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (company number 3644723) and a registered charity (registered charity number 1073334). Registered address: AQA, Devas Street, Manchester M15 6EX.


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Report on the Examination General Certificate of Education (A-level) Psychology A – PSYA1 – June 2011

Unit 1: (PSYA1) Cognitive Psychology, Developmental Psychology and Research Methods General Most candidates were well prepared for this exam and made a genuine attempt to answer all the questions. When candidates failed to score marks, despite writing fairly extensive answers, it was generally because they had misunderstood the question requirements, or had insufficient relevant knowledge. Candidates are instructed to answer the questions in the spaces provided. This means they should write on the lines, including extra space, for each question. There should be enough space for the length of answer required. However, candidates who wish to write more should continue on additional sheets rather than using the blank spaces in the booklet. There was a problem with the clarity and size of handwriting in a small number of scripts. In some cases the writing was also so faint that it was extremely difficult, and occasionally impossible, to read. Section A Cognitive Psychology and Research Methods Question 1 (a) Most candidates answered this question correctly. (b) Candidates who could summarise information and write concisely, produced

excellent answers in the space available. Others had difficulty producing a concise answer and spent more time than was needed, writing a long answer which continued onto an extra page. Some candidates were not able to correctly spell the basic components of the model obscuring the clarity of their answer. A few candidates produced an irrelevant answer about the multi-store model.

(c) Focus was mostly given to the central executive and the difficulty of investigating its

exact function. A few candidates are still saying this model does not explain long term memory, which is not creditworthy.

Question 2 (a) Many candidates produced an operationalised directional hypothesis. Sometimes

the dependent variable in the hypothesis was not operationalised, resulting in less than full marks.

(b) Most responses were appropriate with candidates showing a good understanding of

independent groups design. (c) Strength: many responses focused appropriately on the absence of different types

of order effects or the limitation of demand characteristics relative to a repeated measures design. Answers which elaborated a relevant strength gained full marks.

Limitation: Good answers often referred to examples of individual differences

between the groups affecting reliability. Appropriate elaboration was often evident. Lack of clarity of expression sometimes obscured the point being made.


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Report on the Examination General Certificate of Education (A-level) Psychology A – PSYA1 – June 2011

(d) A substantial number of candidates were able to explain the purpose of a pilot study,

usually focusing on usefulness for checking and amending aspects of the procedure before the main study. The opportunity to observe and address unexpected ethical issues was also a creditworthy point. Candidates were particularly successful when they used an example to illustrate their answer for example to check the clarity of the pictures. Answers which merely outlined what a pilot study is were not credited.

(e) Responses to this question divided clearly between those who understood and

could apply the concept of standard deviation and those who did not understand the concept and hence could not interpret the numbers in the table. A common wrong answer was to claim that the memory improvement group did ‘better’, presumably because 2.8 is higher than 0.29.

(f) There were some excellent answers using method of loci, narrative chaining and

acronyms. A few candidates competently outlined peg word system. Some responses focused on how the strategy worked but failed to address how the strategy would apply to the recall of the required information. Candidates who used rehearsal or elaborative rehearsal of information tended to have little to say and failed to write a reasonably detailed answer. There were a few answers which were not appropriate for this experiment and these attracted no marks for example using chunking as a strategy for remembering ten pictures.

Question 3 This was a straightforward question which produced some sound knowledge of relevant research and some thoughtful commentary on methodological issues and the practical applications of research. However, in general this question was not answered well. Given that age is one of only two factors affecting eyewitness testimony mentioned on the specification and the wealth of evidence candidates could use, this was disappointing. Some candidates may have produced a more effective answer if they had concentrated on fewer studies and reported them accurately and in reasonable detail. Too many answers were very muddled in respect of the procedures and findings of appropriate (and sometimes inappropriate) research. In weaker responses, commentary was often restricted to general comments about ethical issues and the validity of lab experiments in general. Material focused on anxiety and reconstructive memory (but not age and eyewitness testimony) was not creditworthy. Many answers were limited to general stereotypical, unsupported assertions to the effect that children have poor memories and that the memories of old people deteriorate so much that they cannot remember anything. It was hard to discern any identifiable ‘research’ in such answers. Other candidates mentioned older and younger adults or children but again were vague and were hard to link to research evidence in the area. Better answers included two or more pieces of identifiable research evidence that was described clearly. There were a few answers that evaluated the research well but most seemed to be following a formula which led to some very spurious or irrelevant points. For example a number of answers focused on ethics but mostly in a very uninformed way (eg the Poole and Lindsay study causing psychological harm to children because they had been deceived). Many candidates stated that studies would need informed consent from parents - gaining little credit as obviously the researchers would have done so. A number of candidates used the Bahrick study of very long term memory as evidence of decline of memory for faces in old age, but this is not evidence of memory decline. Bahrick was studying memory decline over time not age (eg 15 and 48 year periods). The fact that someone in their sixties cannot remember their high school classmates is not a factor of age but of time. They may well be just as good eyewitnesses as anyone in their twenties.


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Report on the Examination General Certificate of Education (A-level) Psychology A – PSYA1 – June 2011

Another common type of answer focused on various early studies by Loftus (eg Loftus and Palmer or Loftus and Zanni). Since neither was concerned with age they gained no credit. A few better informed candidates did contrast the findings that children are susceptible to leading questions with the Loftus findings on undergraduates. Such answers were typically very good reflecting on the ability to use their knowledge to address the specific requirements of the question. Section B Developmental Psychology and Research Methods Question 4 (a) Many responses were appropriate with candidates being able to choose insecure

attachment and then explain this in the context of the stem material. Some candidates failed to apply their answer to the stem material.

(b) Many responses were appropriate and applied the Strange Situation methodology to the stem material. Some less effective responses described the Strange Situation sequence without indicating in some way that observation was required. Some candidates wrote far more than is required for 3 marks.

Question 5 Candidates who scored well in this question could provide some reasonable detail about what identifiable research has shown. Some responses were very muddled where the candidate had failed to learn even a small amount of information and report it accurately. Vague answers about collectivist and individualistic cultures were difficult to credit. Others that gained little credit tended to be too general and focused on upbringing rather than attachment (Japanese mothers rarely leave their children etc). Question 6 (a) There were many appropriate suggestions for maintaining confidentiality, such as

using pseudonyms, avoiding using photographs and avoiding identifying the location of the case study participant and/or family. A few candidates did not seem to understand the term confidentiality as some answers were based on other ethical issues eg protection of participants from harm.

(b) Most techniques identified were appropriate and there was some thoughtful elaboration related to the case study. Answers referring to the use of meta-analysis were not appropriate.

(c) Many candidates scored at least two marks, usually by focusing on the uniqueness of a case study and the limited possibility for generalisation. A few candidates could elaborate on this whilst others considered a second factor such as the difficulty of verifying evidence from the past. Answers focusing on limitations due to the time involved in longitudinal research were not credited as many case studies are not longitudinal.

Question 7 (b) Candidates were required to identify and elaborate an appropriate methodology for

measuring aggression. Many were able to do this.

Unethical answers such as ‘provoke the children and observe their response’, did not gain credit.


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Report on the Examination General Certificate of Education (A-level) Psychology A – PSYA1 – June 2011

(c) By identifying the lack of causal inference in correlation and suggesting other

relevant factors which may affect children’s aggression, some candidates obtained full marks. Another appropriate route was to provide evidence from research to create a counterclaim. Trying to answer by using the scattergram was not a successful strategy as the question asks about causal inference and graph shows only the relationship between factors.

Question 8 The most successful candidates were able to describe one or more studies, often Field and the EPPE project, and focus on the effects on peer relations. An accurate description of one relevant study would have been awarded full marks. Less successful answers were very muddled about the studies and focused on aggression or attachment with no reference to peer relations. A few confused day care with institutional care. Question 9 In general, this question was not well answered. Many responses failed to outline learning theory as an explanation of attachment at anything beyond the most basic level. Descriptions of Pavlov’s and Skinner’s work with no reference to attachment did not in themselves gain credit as the question required candidates to outline learning theory as an explanation of attachment. A number of responses mistakenly referred to Bowlby’s learning theory or made incorrect statements such as ‘Learning theory proposes the ability to make attachments is innate’. Although candidates could potentially gain credit by using Harlow’s (1959) study as a criticism of the learning theory of attachment, many candidates who used this study did not attempt to explain its critical role.

Mark Ranges and Award of Grades Grade boundaries and cumulative percentage grades are available on the Results Statistics page of the AQA Website: http://www.aqa.org.uk/over/stat.html UMS conversion calculator www.aqa.org.uk/umsconversion


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General Certificate of EducationAdvanced Subsidiary ExaminationJanuary 2012

Psychology (Specification A) PSYA1Unit 1 Cognitive Psychology, Developmental Psychology

and Research Methods

Tuesday 10 January 2012 9.00 am to 10.30 am

You will need no other materials.

Time allowed 1 hour 30 minutes

Instructions Use black ink or black ball-point pen. Fill in the boxes at the top of this page. Answer all questions. You must answer the questions in the spaces provided. Do not write

outside the box around each page or on blank pages. Do all rough work in this book. Cross through any work you do not want

to be marked.

Information The marks for questions are shown in brackets. The maximum mark for this paper is 72. Question 3 should be answered in continuous prose. You may use the

space provided to plan your answer. In Question 3, you will be assessed on your ability to:

– use good English – organise information clearly – use specialist vocabulary where appropriate.

PSYA1(Jan12psyA101)G/K71581 6/6/6/6

Centre Number Candidate Number


Other Names

Candidate Signature

For Examiner’s Use

Examiner’s Initials

Question Mark










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Section A Cognitive Psychology and Research Methods

Answer all questions in the spaces provided.

Total for this question: 20 marks

1 A researcher carried out an experiment to investigate misleading information. Participants were shown a photograph in which a man and a woman were talking. The photograph was then taken away and the participants were asked questions about it. Participants were randomly allocated to condition one or condition two.

Participants in condition one were asked:Question A “How old was the youth in the photograph?”

Participants in condition two were asked:Question B “How old was the man in the photograph?”

1 (a) Why is Question A an example of misleading information?




............................................................................................................................................(2 marks)

1 (b) Name an appropriate experimental design which could be used in this experiment. Explain why a repeated measures design would be unsuitable to use in this experiment.

Experimental design ........................................................................................................


Explanation ......................................................................................................................





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1 (c) Explain why it would be appropriate to use a pilot study as part of this experiment.








............................................................................................................................................(4 marks)

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1 (d) In this experiment, participants were asked to look at a photograph rather than watch a live conversation. Explain one strength and one limitation of carrying out the experiment in this way.

Strength ............................................................................................................................




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Limitation ..........................................................................................................................




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............................................................................................................................................(2 marks + 2 marks)

Question 1 continues on the next page


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1 (e) Describe at least one other research study into misleading information. In your answer you should include details of what participants were asked to do and what results were found.












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Total for this question: 4 marks

2 Jenny was standing at a bus stop talking on her mobile phone. The weather was wet and cold. Two men in the bus queue started arguing. One of the men was stabbed and badly injured. Later that day the police questioned Jenny, using a cognitive interview. They asked her to report everything she could remember about the incident even if it seemed unimportant.

Apart from ‘report everything’, explain how the police could use a cognitive interview to investigate what Jenny could remember.

In your answer you must refer to details from the passage above.








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Total for this question: 12 marks

3 Describe and evaluate the multi-store model of memory.

Use this space to plan your answer


















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Section B Developmental Psychology and Research Methods

Answer all questions in the spaces provided.

Total for this question: 16 marks

4 A researcher investigated the effect of age of starting day care on levels of aggression. Four-year-old children attending a day nursery were used. Each child was assessed by the researcher and given an aggression score. A high score indicated a high level of aggression. A low score indicated a low level of aggression. The maximum score was 50.

Table 1 Mean aggression scores for four-year- old children who had started day care before the age of two or after the age of two

Started day care before the age of two

Started day care after the age of two

Mean score 25 23

4 (a) Identify the operationalised independent variable and the operationalised dependent variable in this study.

Operationalised independent variable ..........................................................................


Operationalised dependent variable ..............................................................................

............................................................................................................................................(2 marks + 2 marks)

4 (b) What do the mean scores in Table 1 suggest about the effect of age at which children started day care on children’s aggression?




............................................................................................................................................(2 marks)

4 (c) Name one measure of dispersion that the researcher could have used to describe the data.


............................................................................................................................................(1 mark)


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4 (d) Draw an appropriate bar chart to display the data presented in Table 1.Correctly label your bar chart.

(3 marks)

4 (e) State an appropriate directional hypothesis for this study.




............................................................................................................................................(2 marks)

Question 4 continues on the next page


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4 (f) Other research has shown that quality of care is important when considering the effects of day care on children. Outline two characteristics of high quality day care.

Characteristic 1 ................................................................................................................




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Characteristic 2 ................................................................................................................




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Total for this question: 8 marks

5 Sam and Dan are both twelve months old. They are observed separately in Ainsworth’s Strange Situation. Sam is slightly upset when his mother leaves, but Dan is very upset and cries loudly.

5 (a) In the table below, identify the type of attachment suggested by the behaviour of each child.

Type of attachment


Dan(2 marks)

5 (b) Sam’s and Dan’s behaviour was then observed when the mothers returned. Give one example of the behaviour that each child would be likely to show.

Sam’s behaviour ..............................................................................................................


Dan’s behaviour ...............................................................................................................

............................................................................................................................................(2 marks)

5 (c) Apart from ethical issues, explain one or more limitations of using the Strange Situation to assess the type of attachment in young children.








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Total for this question: 8 marks

6 Outline and evaluate Bowlby’s explanation of attachment.


















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Total for this question: 4 marks

7 Psychologists have studied the effects of early experience on children’s later behaviour. This has included the effects of institutional care and privation.

Explain what is meant by the terms institutional care and privation. You may use examples in your answer.

Institutional care ..............................................................................................................




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Privation ...........................................................................................................................




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............................................................................................................................................(2 marks + 2 marks)




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Version 4




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Mark schemes are prepared by the Principal Examiner and considered, together with the relevant questions, by a panel of subject teachers. This mark scheme includes any amendments made at the standardisation events which all examiners participate in and is the scheme which was used by them in this examination. The standardisation process ensures that the mark scheme covers the candidates’ responses to questions and that every examiner understands and applies it in the same correct way. As preparation for standardisation each examiner analyses a number of candidates’ scripts: alternative answers not already covered by the mark scheme are discussed and legislated for. If, after the standardisation process, examiners encounter unusual answers which have not been raised they are required to refer these to the Principal Examiner. It must be stressed that a mark scheme is a working document, in many cases further developed and expanded on the basis of candidates’ reactions to a particular paper. Assumptions about future mark schemes on the basis of one year’s document should be avoided; whilst the guiding principles of assessment remain constant, details will change, depending on the content of a particular examination paper.

Further copies of this Mark Scheme are available from: aqa.org.uk Copyright © 2012 AQA and its licensors. All rights reserved. Copyright AQA retains the copyright on all its publications. However, registered centres for AQA are permitted to copy material from this booklet for their own internal use, with the following important exception: AQA cannot give permission to centres to photocopy any material that is acknowledged to a third party even for internal use within the centre. Set and published by the Assessment and Qualifications Alliance. The Assessment and Qualifications Alliance (AQA) is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (company number 3644723) and a registered charity (registered charity number 1073334). Registered address: AQA, Devas Street, Manchester M15 6EX.


Page 73: Teacher Support - Psych2053)_psya... · Teacher Support . A Level Psychology Specification A . AS Exam Preparation . Unit 1 PSYA1 Marking Exercise . ... January 2012 Mark Scheme .

Mark Scheme – General Certificate of Education (A-level) Psychology A – PSYA1 – January 2012

Section A Cognitive Psychology and Research Methods

Question 1 a AO2 = 2 marks Application of knowledge to novel situation This is an example of misleading information because the word “youth” suggests the man was young. 1 mark for a brief or muddled answer eg identifying the use of the word “youth” or “it refers to age”. 2 marks for some accurate elaboration eg the answer clearly states that the man was young or a youth or suggests that his age may influence the answer. Credit answers which state that the information is misleading because the question suggests there was a youth in the picture, when in fact there was only a man and a woman. Question 1 b AO3 = 1 mark + 3 marks Application of knowledge of research methods 1 mark for independent (groups, measures, participants or subjects or between subjects or participants) design or unrelated design. 0 marks for individual. 1 mark for matched (groups, measures, participants, subjects). A repeated measures design could not be used because participants would take part in both conditions. This would be inappropriate because their answer to one question would affect their answer to the other question. Candidates may point out this would make it easy to work out the aim of the experiment and so could lead to demand characteristics. 1 mark for a very brief/muddled answer eg “they couldn’t answer both questions.” “It could lead to demand characteristics.” Further marks for accurate detail. “It could lead to demand characteristics because they would know what the experiment was about.” 2 marks “Participants couldn’t take part in both conditions because their answer to one question would affect their answer to the other question.” 3 marks


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Mark Scheme – General Certificate of Education (A-level) Psychology A – PSYA1 – January 2012

Question 1 c AO3 = 4 marks Application of knowledge of research methods In this experiment it could be used to check how long the participant should be given to look at the picture so that the timing could be changed if it was too long or too short. It could check the participants understand the questions asked and what they are required to do. It could also be used to ask a few participants about their experience of taking part. Credit any appropriate answer which could apply to this investigation. No marks are awarded for a definition of a pilot study. Explanations which do not relate to this investigation maximum 2 marks. AO3 Application of knowledge of research methods 4 marks Accurate and reasonably detailed Accurate and reasonably detailed explanation that demonstrates sound understanding of why a pilot study would be appropriate in this study. 3 marks Less detailed but generally accurate Less detailed but generally accurate answer that demonstrates sound understanding of why a pilot study would be appropriate in this study. 2 marks Basic Basic answer that demonstrates some understanding of why a pilot study would be appropriate in this study, but lacks detail and may be muddled. 1 mark Very brief/flawed Very brief or flawed answer demonstrating very little understanding of why a pilot study would be appropriate in this study. 0 marks No creditworthy material. Question 1 d AO3 = 4 marks Application of knowledge of research methods One strength of using photographs in the investigation would be control of variables eg the same pictures could be shown for the same amount of time. Candidates may refer to a limitation of the live conversation. One limitation is lack of validity. The findings cannot be generalised to real life situations where other factors such as changing facial expressions and gestures could be relevant. For each strength and limitation 1 mark for stating a strength/limitation. 2nd mark for accurate elaboration.


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Mark Scheme – General Certificate of Education (A-level) Psychology A – PSYA1 – January 2012

Question 1 e AO1 = 6 marks Knowledge of research into misleading information Candidates must select a research study (studies) which relates to misleading information/leading questions, so research into weapon focus should not be credited. Candidates are likely to refer to Loftus and Palmer’s (1974) experiment where the verb in the critical question was changed (smashed, collided, bumped, hit or contacted.) Other relevant research would be Loftus and Palmer asking participants “Did you see any broken glass?” and Loftus et al’s (1978) study using a red Datsun and Stop or Yield signs. Research into anxiety and EWT is not relevant unless the candidate refers to misleading information such as Yuille and Cutshall where the witnesses to a real-life shooting appeared resistant to misleading information. Research relating to age could also be relevant. Eg Warren et al (2005) found children were more likely to be influenced by misleading information than adults. Credit any relevant research. Examiners are reminded that there is a depth/breadth trade-off. AO1 Knowledge and understanding 6 marks Accurate and reasonably detailed Accurate and reasonably detailed answer that demonstrates sound knowledge and understanding of the procedures and findings of one or more relevant research studies. 5 - 4 marks Less detailed but generally accurate Less detailed but generally accurate answer that demonstrates relevant knowledge and understanding of the procedures and findings of one or more relevant research studies. 3 - 2 marks Basic Basic answer that demonstrates some relevant knowledge and understanding of the procedures and findings of one or more relevant research studies but lacks detail and may be muddled. 1 mark Very brief/flawed Very brief or flawed answer demonstrating very little knowledge of the procedures and findings of one or more relevant research studies. 0 marks No creditworthy material.


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Question 2 AO2 = 4 marks Application of knowledge to novel situation The answer should clearly relate to one or more of the main techniques used in a cognitive interview (other than report everything):- Context reinstatement Recall from a changed perspective Recall in reverse order And/or the main additional features of the enhanced cognitive interview:- Encourage to relax and speak slowly Offer comments to help clarify their statements Adapt questions to suit the understanding of individual witnesses 1 mark for simple identification of a relevant cognitive technique, or a very brief suggestion eg “tell me what you saw in reverse order.” 2 marks for naming two or more relevant techniques or for a very brief outline of how one technique could be used eg “tell me what you saw in reverse order, starting with when the man was stabbed. A maximum of 2 marks can be awarded if there is no reference to details in the passage. Further marks for accurate elaboration including reference to details in the passage. Candidates who refer to only one technique should include more detail than those who refer to more than one.


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Question 3 AO1 = 6 marks Description of the MSM Atkinson and Shiffrin’s (1968) multi-store model of memory (MSM) makes a distinction between the separate stores of sensory, short-term and long-term memory. Likely features include:

It is a structural model STM and LTM are unitary stores Information passes from store to store in a linear way Rehearsal is needed to pass information from STM to LTM Each store has its own characteristics in terms of encoding, capacity and duration Explanations of forgetting are different for each store

Candidates may include a diagram. If this is accurately labelled and sufficiently detailed, this can potentially receive the full 6 marks as long as candidates have referred to both components and processes. Candidates may include reference to Shiffrin’s later ideas which added the processes of elaborative and maintenance rehearsal to the original structures.

AO1 Knowledge and understanding 6 marks Accurate and reasonably detailed Accurate and reasonably detailed description of the MSM that demonstrates sound knowledge and understanding. There is appropriate selection of material to address the question. 5-4 marks Less detailed but generally accurate Less detailed but generally accurate description of the MSM that demonstrates relevant knowledge and understanding. There is some evidence of selection of material to address the question. 3-2 marks Basic Basic description that demonstrates some relevant knowledge and understanding of the MSM but lacks detail and may be muddled. There is little evidence of selection of material to address the question. 1 mark Very brief/flawed Very brief or flawed description that demonstrates very little knowledge or understanding of the MSM. Selection and of information is largely or wholly inappropriate. 0 marks No creditworthy material presented.


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AO2 = 6 marks Evaluation of the MSM Candidates are likely to evaluate the MSM in terms of its strengths and weaknesses. Likely strengths include research in support of the distinction between STM and LTM in terms of capacity, duration and encoding. Eg, Milner (1965) case study of HM who was unable to retain any new information although his immediate digit span was within normal limits; Glanzer and Cunitz (1966) who investigated the effect of immediate and delayed recall on primacy and recency in a serial position curve; Likely weaknesses include an emphasis on rote rehearsal as a mechanism for transfer from STM to LTM although this is not a very effective means of transfer, and transfer often occurs with no rehearsal. Candidates may also refer to case studies such as that of Clive Wearing who lost episodic but not procedural memory suggesting there may be more than one type of LTM. Genuine comparison/contrast with alternative models of memory is creditworthy, but description eg of WMM is not.

AO2 Application of knowledge and understanding 6 marks Effective evaluation Effective use of material to address the question and provide informed evaluation. Effective use of research evidence. Broad range of issues and/or evidence in reasonable depth, or a narrower range in greater depth. Clear expression of ideas, good range of specialist terms, few errors of grammar, punctuation and spelling. 5-4 marks Reasonable evaluation Material is not always used effectively but produces a reasonable evaluation. Reasonable use of research evidence. A range of issues and/or evidence in limited depth, or a narrower range in greater depth. Reasonable expression of ideas, a range of specialist terms, some errors of grammar, punctuation and spelling. 3-2 marks Basic evaluation The use of material provides only a basic evaluation. Basic use of research evidence. Superficial consideration of a restricted range of issues and/or evidence. Expression of ideas lacks clarity; some specialist terms used; errors of grammar, punctuation and spelling detract from clarity. 1 mark Rudimentary evaluation The use of material provides only a rudimentary evaluation. Use of research evidence is just discernible or absent. Expression of ideas poor; few specialist terms used; errors of grammar, punctuation and spelling often obscure the meaning. 0 marks No creditworthy material presented.


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Section B Developmental Psychology and Research Methods

Question 4 a AO3 = 4 marks Application of knowledge of research methods The independent variable is age at which the children started day care, or whether the children started day care before or after age 2. 1 mark for age 2 marks where the IV is operationalised as above. The dependent variable is aggression score as assessed by the researcher. 1 mark for aggression 2 marks for aggression score, measure of aggression, level of aggression. If either IV or DV is identified but not entirely clear - 1 mark. Question 4 b AO3 = 2 marks Application of knowledge of research methods 1 mark for pointing out the difference is small or the age of starting day care didn’t make much difference to mean aggression score. 1 mark for stating the children who started day care before age 2 had a higher mean score than those who started after the age of 2 1 mark for saying both groups mean score was approximately half the maximum. Maximum 2 marks Eg “The mean aggression score was slightly higher for children who started day care before the age of 2.” 2 marks Candidates can gain 2 marks by two brief points or one point elaborated. Question 4 c AO3 = 1 mark Knowledge of research methods 1 mark for: range, semi-interquartile range, interquartile range, standard deviation or variance.

Do not credit: deviation or interquartile Question 4 d AO3 = 3 marks Knowledge of research methods 0 marks if the candidate has not drawn a bar chart. 1 mark if the candidate has drawn a bar chart but the scale is clearly inappropriate and not correctly labelled. 2 marks if the candidate has drawn a correctly labelled bar chart but the scale is clearly inappropriate; or the candidate has drawn an appropriate bar chart but the labelling is


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incomplete eg vertical axis refers to mean score or aggression score rather than mean aggression score. For full marks the bar chart should indicate a small difference. Both bars and the vertical axis should be correctly labelled. Question 4 e AO3 = 2 marks Application of knowledge of research methods 0 marks for a non-directional hypothesis or a correlational hypothesis. 1 mark if either variable is not operationalised eg day care makes children more aggressive or the answer is slightly muddled. 2 marks for eg Children who start day care before age 2 have higher aggression scores than those who start day care after age 2, or Children who start day care at a younger age will be assessed as more aggressive than children who start day care at an older age. Credit a directional hypothesis in the opposite direction. Question 4 f AO1 = 4 marks Knowledge of day care Characteristics of high quality day care include :- well qualified staff low staff turn over high caregiver to child ratio use of key workers In each case 1 mark for a brief answer eg use of key workers. 2nd mark for appropriate elaboration eg use of key workers to give children an opportunity to make an attachment. Question 5 a AO2 = 2 marks Application of knowledge Sam Secure attachment / Type B = 1 mark Insecure avoidant / Type A = 1 mark Insecure resistant / insecure ambivalent /Type C = 0 marks Dan Insecure resistant, resistant, insecure ambivalent /Type C = 1 mark Secure attachment / Type B = 1 mark Insecure avoidant / Type A = 0 marks


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Question 5 b AO2 = 2 marks Application of knowledge If in 5a Sam is secure - approaches mother, is easily comforted/calmed/soothed, shows joy, greets warmly, happiness on reunion, enthusiastic on reunion (behaviour associated with secure attachment) = 1 mark Or If in 5a Sam is insecure avoidant - ignores mother, does not seek comfort from mother when she returns (behaviour associated with insecure avoidant/ attachment) = 1 mark If in 5a Dan is insecure resistant - may go to mother, but will not be comforted, may resist/reject contact or comfort (behaviour associated with insecure resistant/ambivalent attachment) =1 mark Or If in 5a Dan is secure - approaches mother, is easily comforted/calmed/soothed, shows joy, greets warmly, happiness on reunion, enthusiastic on reunion (behaviour associated with secure attachment) = 1 mark 0 marks should be awarded in 5b if the answer to 5b is inconsistent with 5a. Question 5 c AO2 = 4 marks Explanation of limitations of using the strange situation Limitations include Cultural differences eg Children in Germany are encouraged to be independent and may therefore appear to show insecure avoidant attachment while infants in Japan are rarely separated from their mothers and may therefore appear insecure resistant.

Effects of being in day care eg children who are used to being separated from their mother may show characteristics of insecure attachment.

Lack of ecological validity. The children are in an unfamiliar environment so may act differently.

AO2 Explanations of limitations 4 marks Accurate and reasonably detailed Accurate and reasonably detailed answer that demonstrates sound knowledge of one or more relevant limitations. 3 marks Less detailed but generally accurate Less detailed but generally accurate answer that demonstrates relevant knowledge of one or more limitations. 2 marks Basic Basic answer that demonstrates some relevant knowledge of one or more limitations, but lacks detail and may be muddled. 1 mark Very brief/flawed Very brief or flawed answer demonstrates some relevant knowledge of one or more limitations. 0 marks No creditworthy material.


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Question 6 AO1 = 4 marks Outline of Bowlby’s explanation of attachment Bowlby’s theory of attachment suggests attachment is important for survival. Infants are innately programmed to form an attachment. This is a biological process and takes place during a critical period. The role of social releasers is emphasised. The child’s relationship with a PCG provides an internal working model which influences later relationships. AO1 Knowledge and understanding 4 marks Accurate and reasonably detailed Accurate and reasonably detailed outline that demonstrates sound knowledge and understanding. There is appropriate selection of material to address the question. 3 marks Less detailed but generally accurate Less detailed but generally accurate outline that demonstrates relevant knowledge and understanding. There is some evidence of selection of material to address the question. 2 marks Basic Basic outline that demonstrates some relevant knowledge and understanding, but lacks detail and may be muddled. There is little evidence of selection of material to address the question. 1 mark Very brief/flawed Very brief or flawed description that demonstrates very little knowledge. Selection of information is largely inappropriate. 0 marks No creditworthy material presented. AO2 = 4 marks Evaluation of Bowlby’s explanation of attachment Evaluation of Bowlby’s explanation could relate to criticism of the critical period and monotropy. Candidates might refer to imprinting and the problems of generalising from birds to humans. However, positive references to the importance of Bowlby’s work would be equally relevant. AO2 Application of knowledge and understanding 4 marks Effective evaluation Effective use of material to address the question and provide informed evaluation. Broad range of issues and/or evidence in reasonable depth, or a narrower range in greater depth. 3 marks Reasonable evaluation Material is not always used effectively but produces a reasonable evaluation. A range of issues and/or evidence in limited depth, or a narrower range in greater depth. 2 marks Basic evaluation The use of material provides only a basic evaluation. Superficial consideration of a restricted range of issues and/or evidence. 1 mark Rudimentary evaluation The use of material provides only a rudimentary evaluation. 0 marks No creditworthy material presented.


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Question 7 AO1 = 4 marks Explanation of the terms institutional care and privation Institutional care refers to situations where children spend part of their childhood in a hospital, an orphanage or a residential children’s home. Candidates may use examples such as Hodges and Tizard or Rutter as part of their explanation. Privation refers to situations where children do not form an attachment with anyone. Candidates may use examples such as Hodges & Tizard or Curtiss’s study of Genie as part of their explanation.

It is not sufficient just to name the example eg Genie.

For institutional care - 1 mark for naming orphanage, children’s home or hospitalisation (not foster care). Second mark for some accurate elaboration eg children spend part of their childhood in an orphanage.

For privation - 1 mark for a brief explanation eg Genie didn’t form an attachment. 2nd mark for accurate elaboration eg Genie didn’t form an attachment because she was locked in a room with little contact with anyone.


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Assessment Objectives

Question AO1 AO2 AO3 1a 2 1b 4 1c 4 1d 4 1e 6 2 4 3 6 6

4a 2 4b 1 4c 3 4d 4 4e 2 4f 4 5a 2 5b 2 5c 4 6 4 4 7 4

Totals 24 24 24 UMS conversion calculator www.aqa.org.uk/umsconversion